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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 77

  Select distinct organization_id
  From mtl_reservations
  Where supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and supply_source_type_id = 5
     and demand_source_type_id = inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe
     and reservation_quantity<>0
Line: 86

  Select material_detail_id
       , inventory_item_id
       , plan_qty
  From gme_material_details
  where batch_id = p_batch_id
    and line_type <> -1            -- not ingredient
Line: 96

  Select *
  From mtl_reservations
  Where supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and supply_source_type_id = 5
     and demand_source_type_id = inv_reservation_global.g_source_type_oe
     and organization_id = p_organization_id
     and reservation_quantity <> 0
  Order by requirement_date
Line: 108

  Select count(1)
  From mtl_reservations
  Where supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     --and organization_id = p_organization_id
     and supply_source_type_id = 5
     and reservation_quantity <> 0
Line: 118

  Select material_detail_id
      ,  plan_qty
  From gme_material_details
  Where batch_id = p_batch_id
     and inventory_item_id = p_item_id
     and line_type <> -1
Line: 126

  Select plan_cmplt_date
  From gme_batch_header
  where batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 362

  l_last_updated_by		NUMBER;
Line: 375

  SELECT Distinct orig_demand_source_line_id
    FROM mtl_reservations
   WHERE supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
     and supply_source_type_id = 5
     and demand_source_type_id = 2
     and reservation_quantity <> 0;
Line: 383

   SELECT batch_type
     FROM gme_batch_header
    WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id;
Line: 389

  SELECT Distinct orig_demand_source_line_id
    FROM mtl_reservations
   WHERE supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
     and supply_source_type_id = 5
     and demand_source_type_id = 2
     and reservation_quantity <> 0;
Line: 397

  SELECT gl.batch_id,gh.batch_type
    FROM gme_material_details gl,
         gme_batch_header  gh
   WHERE gl.material_detail_id = p_batch_line_id
     and gl.batch_id = gh.batch_id;
Line: 404

   SELECT last_updated_by, created_by,header_id
     FROM oe_order_lines_all
    WHERE line_id = p_so_line_id;
Line: 412

  Select distinct orig_demand_source_line_id
  From mtl_reservations
  Where created_by = p_user_id
    and orig_supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
    and demand_source_type_id = 2
    and orig_supply_source_type_id = 5;
Line: 422

  Select distinct orig_demand_source_line_id
  From mtl_reservations
  Where created_by = p_user_id
    and orig_supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
    and orig_supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
    and demand_source_type_id = 2
    and orig_supply_source_type_id = 5;
Line: 432

  SELECT DISTINCT orig_demand_source_line_id
  FROM mtl_reservations mr, gme_batch_header gbh
  WHERE mr.created_by = p_user_id
    AND mr.orig_supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
    AND mr.orig_supply_source_header_id = gbh.batch_id
    AND mr.organization_id = gbh.organization_id
    AND mr.demand_source_type_id = 2
    AND mr.orig_supply_source_type_id = 5;
Line: 444

  SELECT DISTINCT orig_demand_source_line_id
  FROM mtl_reservations mr, gme_material_details gmd
  WHERE mr.created_by = p_user_id
    AND mr.orig_supply_source_header_id = p_batch_id
    AND mr.orig_supply_source_line_id = p_batch_line_id
    AND mr.inventory_item_id = gmd.inventory_item_id
    AND mr.organization_id = gmd.organization_id
    AND gmd.batch_id = mr.orig_supply_source_header_id
    AND gmd.material_detail_id = mr.orig_supply_source_line_id
    AND mr.demand_source_type_id = 2
    AND mr.orig_supply_source_type_id = 5;
Line: 458

   SELECT lot_number
     FROM gme_pending_product_lots
    WHERE batch_id = p_batch_id and material_detail_id = p_batch_line_id;
Line: 562

  FETCH CSR_for_so_line INTO  l_last_updated_by,l_created_by, l_so_header_id;
Line: 572

     gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name || 'Notify CSR : l_last_updated_by is '||l_last_updated_by);
Line: 594

         , p_approver    => l_last_updated_by
         , p_so_header_id=> l_so_header_id
         , p_so_line_id  => l_so_line_id
         , p_batch_id    => l_batch_id
         , p_batch_line_id => NULL
         , p_fpo_id => p_fpo_id
         , p_organization_id   => l_organization_id
         , p_action_code   => l_action_code );
Line: 605

  wf_event.AddParameterToList('APPROVER',l_last_updated_by ,l_parameter_list);
Line: 622

  IF(l_last_updated_by <> l_created_by) THEN

     IF g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN
        gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name || 'Notify CSR : l_created_by is '||l_created_by);
Line: 648

     for mul_line in check_mul_line_id1 (l_last_updated_by, l_batch_id ) Loop
        l_old_header_id := l_so_header_id ;
Line: 653

        FETCH CSR_for_so_line INTO  l_last_updated_by,l_created_by, l_new_header_id ;
Line: 664

                  , p_approver    => l_last_updated_by
                  , p_so_header_id=> l_so_header_id
                  , p_so_line_id  => l_so_line_id
                  , p_batch_id    => l_batch_id
                  , p_batch_line_id => NULL
                  , p_fpo_id => NULL
                  , p_organization_id   => l_organization_id
                  , p_action_code   => l_action_code );
Line: 673

           wf_event.AddParameterToList('APPROVER',l_last_updated_by ,l_parameter_list);
Line: 680

           IF(l_last_updated_by <> l_created_by) THEN

              IF g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN
                 gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name || 'Notify CSR : l_created_by is '||l_created_by);
Line: 705

     for mul_line in check_mul_line_id2 (l_last_updated_by, l_batch_id, l_batch_line_id ) Loop
        l_old_header_id := l_so_header_id ;
Line: 709

        FETCH CSR_for_so_line INTO  l_last_updated_by,l_created_by, l_new_header_id ;
Line: 720

                  , p_approver    => l_last_updated_by
                  , p_so_header_id=> l_so_header_id
                  , p_so_line_id  => l_so_line_id
                  , p_batch_id    => l_batch_id
                  , p_batch_line_id => NULL
                  , p_fpo_id => NULL
                  , p_organization_id   => l_organization_id
                  , p_action_code   => l_action_code );
Line: 729

           wf_event.AddParameterToList('APPROVER',l_last_updated_by ,l_parameter_list);
Line: 736

           IF(l_last_updated_by <> l_created_by) THEN

              IF g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_procedure THEN
                 gme_debug.put_line(g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name || 'Notify CSR : l_created_by is '||l_created_by);
Line: 761

Line: 818

      update_reservation_err   EXCEPTION;
Line: 1194

              RAISE update_reservation_err;
Line: 1236

      WHEN update_reservation_err THEN
         IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_error) THEN
                        (   'terminating due to error in inv_reservation_pub.update_reservation ');
Line: 1423

      update_reservation_err       EXCEPTION;
Line: 1424

      delete_reservation_err       EXCEPTION;
Line: 1570

                                || ' about to invoke delete_reservation ');
Line: 1573

          ( p_api_version_number      => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst            => fnd_api.g_true
          , x_return_status           => x_return_status
          , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
          , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
          , p_rsv_rec                 => l_rsv_rec
          , p_serial_number           => l_dummy_sn
Line: 1586

                                || ' after calling delete_reservation status is '
                                || x_return_status );
Line: 1593

            RAISE delete_reservation_err;
Line: 1652

            RAISE update_reservation_err;
Line: 1670

      WHEN delete_reservation_err THEN
         IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_error) THEN
                        (   'inv_reservation_pub.delete_reservation failure ');
Line: 1676

      WHEN update_reservation_err THEN
         IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_error) THEN
                        (   'inv_reservation_pub.relieve_reservation failure ');
Line: 1685

                        (   'inv_reservation_pub.update_reservation failure ');
Line: 1705

   PROCEDURE delete_prod_supply_resv (
      p_matl_dtl_rec               IN              gme_material_details%ROWTYPE
     ,x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
     ,x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
      l_api_name   CONSTANT  VARCHAR2 (30)    := 'delete_prod_supply_resv';
Line: 1720

      update_reservation_err   EXCEPTION;
Line: 1721

      delete_reservation_err   EXCEPTION;
Line: 1831

                              || ' about to invoke delete_reservation for reservation id '
                              || l_rsv_rec.reservation_id);
Line: 1835

          ( p_api_version_number      => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst            => fnd_api.g_true
          , x_return_status           => x_return_status
          , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
          , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
          , p_rsv_rec                 => l_rsv_rec
          , p_serial_number           => l_dummy_sn
Line: 1848

                              || ' after calling delete_reservation status is '
                              || x_return_status );
Line: 1855

          RAISE delete_reservation_err;
Line: 1864

      WHEN delete_reservation_err THEN
         IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_error) THEN
                        (   'inv_reservation_pub.delete_reservation failure ');
Line: 1891

   END delete_prod_supply_resv;
Line: 1893

   PROCEDURE delete_batch_prod_supply_resv (
      p_batch_header_rec           IN              gme_batch_header%ROWTYPE
     ,x_msg_count                  OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
     ,x_msg_data                   OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_return_status              OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2)
      l_api_name   CONSTANT  VARCHAR2 (30)    := 'delete_prod_supply_resv';
Line: 1908

      update_reservation_err   EXCEPTION;
Line: 1909

      delete_reservation_err   EXCEPTION;
Line: 2010

                              || ' about to invoke delete_reservation for reservation id '
                              || l_rsv_rec.reservation_id);
Line: 2014

          ( p_api_version_number      => 1.0
          , p_init_msg_lst            => fnd_api.g_true
          , x_return_status           => x_return_status
          , x_msg_count               => x_msg_count
          , x_msg_data                => x_msg_data
          , p_rsv_rec                 => l_rsv_rec
          , p_serial_number           => l_dummy_sn
Line: 2027

                              || ' after calling delete_reservation status is '
                              || x_return_status );
Line: 2034

          RAISE delete_reservation_err;
Line: 2043

      WHEN delete_reservation_err THEN
         IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_error) THEN
                        (   'inv_reservation_pub.delete_reservation failure ');
Line: 2070

   END delete_batch_prod_supply_resv;