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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

  select pet.business_group_id
  ,      pet.template_type
  from   pay_element_templates pet
  where  pet.template_id = p_template_id;
Line: 43

Procedure chk_non_updateable_args
(p_rec in pay_sbt_shd.g_rec_type
) is
  -- Cursor to disallow update if a balance has been generated from
  -- this shadow balance.
  cursor csr_disallow_update is
  select null
  from   pay_template_core_objects tco
  where  tco.core_object_type = pay_tco_shd.g_sbt_lookup_type
  and    tco.shadow_object_id = p_rec.balance_type_id;
Line: 60

  select null
  from   pay_shadow_balance_feeds sbf
  where  sbf.balance_type_id = p_rec.balance_type_id;
Line: 64

  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_non_updateable_args';
Line: 87

  open csr_disallow_update;
Line: 88

  fetch csr_disallow_update into l_disallow;
Line: 89

  if csr_disallow_update%found then
    hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 25);
Line: 91

    close csr_disallow_update;
Line: 95

  close csr_disallow_update;
Line: 145

End chk_non_updateable_args;
Line: 156

  select null
  from   pay_element_templates pet
  where  pet.template_id = p_template_id;
Line: 203

    select null
    from   pay_shadow_balance_types sbt
    where  sbt.template_id = p_template_id
    and    upper(nvl(sbt.balance_name, hr_api.g_varchar2)) =
           upper(nvl(p_balance_name, hr_api.g_varchar2));
Line: 213

    select null
    from   pay_shadow_balance_types sbt
    ,      pay_element_templates    pet
    where  upper(sbt.balance_name) = upper(p_balance_name)
    and    pet.template_id  = sbt.template_id
    and    pet.template_type = 'U'
    and    pet.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 372

    select null
      from pay_shadow_input_values siv
     where siv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and upper(siv.uom) = upper(p_balance_uom);
Line: 443

  select null
  from   fnd_currencies fc
  where  upper(fc.currency_code) = upper(p_currency_code)
  and    fc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
  and    fc.currency_flag = 'Y';
Line: 490

  select null
  from pay_template_exclusion_rules ter
  where ter.exclusion_rule_id = p_exclusion_rule_id
  and   ter.template_id = p_template_id;
Line: 539

    select null
      from pay_shadow_balance_types sbt
     where sbt.balance_type_id = p_base_balance_type_id
       and sbt.template_id = p_template_id;
Line: 545

    select base_balance_type_id
    from   pay_shadow_balance_types
    start with balance_type_id = p_base_balance_type_id
    connect by prior base_balance_type_id = balance_type_id
Line: 619

    select null
      from pay_shadow_input_values siv
          ,pay_shadow_element_types sel
     where siv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and siv.element_type_id = sel.element_type_id
       and sel.template_id = p_template_id;
Line: 629

    select null
      from pay_shadow_input_values siv
     where siv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
       and upper(siv.uom) = upper(p_balance_uom);
Line: 671

Procedure chk_delete
  (p_balance_type_id     in     number
  ) is
  -- Cursors to check for rows referencing the balance.
  cursor csr_defined_balances is
  select null
  from   pay_shadow_defined_balances sdb
  where  sdb.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id;
Line: 683

  select null
  from   pay_template_core_objects tco
  where  tco.core_object_type = pay_tco_shd.g_sbt_lookup_type
  and    tco.shadow_object_id = p_balance_type_id;
Line: 689

  select null
  from   pay_shadow_balance_types sbt
  where  sbt.base_balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id;
Line: 694

  select null
  from   pay_shadow_balance_feeds sdb
  where  sdb.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id;
Line: 699

  select null
  from   pay_shadow_balance_classi sbc
  where  sbc.balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id;
Line: 704

  select null
  from   pay_shadow_gu_bal_exclusions
  where  balance_type_id = p_balance_type_id;
Line: 708

  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_delete';
Line: 771

    fnd_message.set_name('PAY', 'PAY_50117_SBT_INVALID_DELETE');
Line: 776

End chk_delete;
Line: 780

Procedure insert_validate
(p_effective_date in date
,p_rec in pay_sbt_shd.g_rec_type
) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
Line: 854

End insert_validate;
Line: 859

Procedure update_validate
(p_effective_date in date
,p_rec in pay_sbt_shd.g_rec_type
) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
Line: 873

Line: 927

End update_validate;
Line: 932

Procedure delete_validate(p_rec in pay_sbt_shd.g_rec_type) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
Line: 941

Line: 944

End delete_validate;