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Line 90: used base tables mtl_txn_request_headers and

87: /* Restructured the Following Cursor SQL as part of
88: Performance Fix: 2853526.
89: Removed NVLs around from and to Subinventory Codes and
90: used base tables mtl_txn_request_headers and
91: mtl_txn_request_lines instead of the View mtl_txn_request_lines_v*/
92: /* FP-J PAR Replenishment Counts: Introduced 3 more columns to be fetched
93: viz., header_id, project_id and task_id. Also, the cursor is now ordered by
94: mtrl.header_id so that update of GROUPING_RULE_ID of mtrh (for header_id) is

Line 107: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh

103: , mtrl.to_account_id
104: , mtrl.header_id
105: , mtrl.project_id
106: , mtrl.task_id
107: FROM mtl_txn_request_lines mtrl, mtl_txn_request_headers mtrh
108: WHERE mtrl.line_status IN(3, 7)
109: AND mtrl.header_id = mtrh.header_id
110: AND mtrl.organization_id = p_org_id
111: AND(

Line 199: UPDATE mtl_txn_request_headers

195: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
196: inv_log_util.TRACE('Updating MTRH Id ' || TO_CHAR(mtrh_header_change_track), 'INV_UTILITIES', 9);
197: END IF;
199: UPDATE mtl_txn_request_headers
200: SET grouping_rule_id = p_pick_slip_group_rule_id
201: WHERE header_id = move_ord_rec.header_id;
203: -- Flushing out the Cached Pick Slip Numbers.