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1 package body hruserdt as
2 /* $Header: pyuserdt.pkb 120.2.12000000.1 2007/01/18 02:24:42 appldev ship $ */
3 --
4 g_leg_code   varchar2(2);
5 cached       boolean  := FALSE;
6 g_effective_date    date := null;
7 --
8 plsql_value_error exception;
9 pragma exception_init(plsql_value_error, -6502);
10 --
11 --
12 -- This procedure sets the g_effective_date cache
13 --
14 procedure set_g_effective_date(p_effective_date in date)
15 is
16 begin
17     -- set g_effective_date cache
18     g_effective_date := p_effective_date;
19 end set_g_effective_date;
21 --
22 -- This procedure unsets the g_effective_date cache
23 --
24 procedure unset_g_effective_date
25 is
26 begin
27     -- unset g_effective_date cache
28     g_effective_date := null;
29 end unset_g_effective_date;
31 function get_table_value (p_bus_group_id      in number,
32                           p_table_name        in varchar2,
33                           p_col_name          in varchar2,
34                           p_row_value         in varchar2,
35                           p_effective_date    in date  default null)
36          return varchar2 is
37 l_effective_date    date;
38 l_range_or_match    pay_user_tables.range_or_match%type;
39 l_table_id          pay_user_tables.user_table_id%type;
40 l_value             pay_user_column_instances_f.value%type;
41 begin
42     --
43     -- Use either the supplied date, or the date from fnd_sessions
44     --
45     if (p_effective_date is null) then
46        if (g_effective_date is null) then
47           begin
48              select effective_date
49              into   l_effective_date
50              from   fnd_sessions
51              where  session_id = userenv('sessionid');
52           end;
53        else
54           l_effective_date := g_effective_date;
55        end if;
56     else
57         l_effective_date := p_effective_date;
58     end if;
59     --
60     -- get the legislation code:
61     --
62     begin
63         if cached = FALSE THEN
64           select legislation_code
65           into   g_leg_code
66           from   per_business_groups
67           where  business_group_id = p_bus_group_id;
68           cached := TRUE;
69         end if;
70     end;
71     --
72     -- get the type of query to be performed, either range or match
73     --
74     select range_or_match, user_table_id
75     into   l_range_or_match, l_table_id
76     from   pay_user_tables
77     where  upper(user_table_name) = upper(p_table_name)
78     and    nvl (business_group_id,
79                 p_bus_group_id)   = p_bus_group_id
80     and    nvl(legislation_code, g_leg_code) = g_leg_code;
81     --
82     if (l_range_or_match = 'M') then       -- matched
83       begin
84         select  /*+ INDEX(C PAY_USER_COLUMNS_FK1)
85                     INDEX(R PAY_USER_ROWS_F_FK1)
87                     ORDERED */
88                 CINST.value
89         into    l_value
90         from    pay_user_tables                    TAB
91         ,       pay_user_columns                   C
92         ,       pay_user_rows_f                    R
93         ,       pay_user_column_instances_f        CINST
94         where   TAB.user_table_id                = l_table_id
95         and     C.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
96         and     nvl (C.business_group_id,
97                      p_bus_group_id)            = p_bus_group_id
98         and     nvl (C.legislation_code,
99                      g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code
100         and     upper (C.user_column_name)       = upper (p_col_name)
101         and     CINST.user_column_id             = C.user_column_id
102         and     R.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
103         and     l_effective_date           between R.effective_start_date
104         and     R.effective_end_date
105         and     nvl (R.business_group_id,
106                      p_bus_group_id)             = p_bus_group_id
107         and     nvl (R.legislation_code,
108                      g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code
109         and     decode
110                 (TAB.user_key_units,
111                  'D', to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_row_value)),
112                  'N', to_char(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(p_row_value)),
113                  'T', upper (p_row_value),
114                  null) =
115                 decode
116                 (TAB.user_key_units,
117                  'D', to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(R.row_low_range_or_name)),
118                  'N', to_char(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(R.row_low_range_or_name)),
119                  'T', upper (R.row_low_range_or_name),
120                  null)
121         and     CINST.user_row_id                = R.user_row_id
122         and     l_effective_date           between CINST.effective_start_date
123         and     CINST.effective_end_date
124         and     nvl (CINST.business_group_id,
125                      p_bus_group_id)             = p_bus_group_id
126         and     nvl (CINST.legislation_code,
127                      g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code;
128         --
129       exception
130         when plsql_value_error then
131           select  /*+ INDEX(C PAY_USER_COLUMNS_FK1)
132                       INDEX(R PAY_USER_ROWS_F_FK1)
133                       INDEX(CINST PAY_USER_COLUMN_INSTANCES_N1)
134                       ORDERED */
135                   CINST.value
136           into    l_value
137           from    pay_user_tables                    TAB
138           ,       pay_user_columns                   C
139           ,       pay_user_rows_f                    R
140           ,       pay_user_column_instances_f        CINST
141           where   TAB.user_table_id                = l_table_id
142           and     C.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
143           and     nvl (C.business_group_id,
144                        p_bus_group_id)            = p_bus_group_id
145           and     nvl (C.legislation_code,
146                        g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code
147           and     upper (C.user_column_name)       = upper (p_col_name)
148           and     CINST.user_column_id             = C.user_column_id
149           and     R.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
150           and     l_effective_date           between R.effective_start_date
151           and     R.effective_end_date
152           and     nvl (R.business_group_id,
153                        p_bus_group_id)             = p_bus_group_id
154           and     nvl (R.legislation_code,
155                        g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code
156           and     decode
157                   (TAB.user_key_units,
158                    'D', to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_row_value)),
159                    'N', p_row_value,
160                    'T', upper (p_row_value),
161                    null) =
162                   decode
163                   (TAB.user_key_units,
164                    'D', to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(R.row_low_range_or_name)),
165                    'N', R.row_low_range_or_name,
166                    'T', upper (R.row_low_range_or_name),
167                    null)
168           and     CINST.user_row_id                = R.user_row_id
169           and     l_effective_date           between CINST.effective_start_date
170           and     CINST.effective_end_date
171           and     nvl (CINST.business_group_id,
172                        p_bus_group_id)             = p_bus_group_id
173           and     nvl (CINST.legislation_code,
174                        g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code;
175           --
176         when others then
177           raise;
178       end;
179       --
180       return l_value;
181       --
182     else                                   -- range
183       begin
184         select  /*+ INDEX(C PAY_USER_COLUMNS_FK1)
185                     INDEX(R PAY_USER_ROWS_F_FK1)
187                     ORDERED */
188                 CINST.value
189         into    l_value
190         from    pay_user_tables                    TAB
191         ,       pay_user_columns                   C
192         ,       pay_user_rows_f                    R
193         ,       pay_user_column_instances_f        CINST
194         where   TAB.user_table_id                = l_table_id
195         and     C.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
196         and     nvl (C.business_group_id,
197                      p_bus_group_id)             = p_bus_group_id
198         and     nvl (C.legislation_code,
199                      g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code
200         and     upper (C.user_column_name)       = upper (p_col_name)
201         and     CINST.user_column_id             = C.user_column_id
202         and     R.user_table_id                  = TAB.user_table_id
203         and     l_effective_date           between R.effective_start_date
204         and     R.effective_end_date
205         and     nvl (R.business_group_id,
206                      p_bus_group_id)             = p_bus_group_id
207         and     nvl (R.legislation_code,
208                      g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code
209         and     fnd_number.canonical_to_number (p_row_value)
210         between fnd_number.canonical_to_number (R.row_low_range_or_name)
211         and     fnd_number.canonical_to_number (R.row_high_range)
212         and     TAB.user_key_units               = 'N'
213         and     CINST.user_row_id                = R.user_row_id
214         and     l_effective_date           between CINST.effective_start_date
215         and     CINST.effective_end_date
216         and     nvl (CINST.business_group_id,
217                      p_bus_group_id)             = p_bus_group_id
218         and     nvl (CINST.legislation_code,
219                      g_leg_code)                 = g_leg_code;
220         --
221         return l_value;
222       end;
223     end if;
225 end get_table_value;
227 END hruserdt;