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Line 227: per_all_people_f pcon,

223: decode(pcr.contact_type,'S',decode(pcon.sex,'F',fnd_message.get_string('PAY','PAY_JP_WIFE_KANA'),fnd_message.get_string('PAY','PAY_JP_HUSBAND_KANA')),flv2.meaning) CONTACT_TYPE_KANA
224: from
225: hr_lookups flv2,
226: hr_lookups flv1,
227: per_all_people_f pcon,
228: per_contact_relationships pcr,
229: per_all_people_f pp
230: where pp.person_id=p_person_id
231: and p_effective_date

Line 229: per_all_people_f pp

225: hr_lookups flv2,
226: hr_lookups flv1,
227: per_all_people_f pcon,
228: per_contact_relationships pcr,
229: per_all_people_f pp
230: where pp.person_id=p_person_id
231: and p_effective_date
232: between pp.effective_start_date and pp.effective_end_date
233: and pcr.person_id=pp.person_id

Line 242: from per_all_people_f pcon2

238: and ( (p_effective_date
239: between pcon.effective_start_date and pcon.effective_end_date)
240: or (not exists(
241: select NULL
242: from per_all_people_f pcon2
243: where pcon2.person_id=pcon.person_id
244: and p_effective_date
245: between pcon2.effective_start_date and pcon2.effective_end_date)
246: and pcon.effective_start_date=pcon.start_date))

Line 1410: per_all_people_f papf

1406: '20', ', ' || fnd_message.get_string('PAY','PAY_JP_LIVING_SEPARATELY'),
1407: '30', ', ' || fnd_message.get_string('PAY','PAY_JP_LIVING_TOGETHER'), NULL) || ')',1,2000)) details
1408: FROM per_contact_relationships pcr,
1409: per_contact_extra_info_f pceif,
1410: per_all_people_f papf
1411: WHERE pcr.person_id = p_person_id
1412: AND pcr.cont_information_category = 'JP'
1413: AND pcr.cont_information1 = 'Y'
1414: AND p_effective_date

Line 1639: p_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,

1635: --
1636: end chk_use_contact_extra_info;
1637: --
1638: FUNCTION get_si_dependent_report_type(
1639: p_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
1640: p_qualified_date DATE) RETURN NUMBER IS
1641: --
1642: CURSOR cel_added IS
1643: SELECT 1 FROM per_jp_si_dependent_transfer_v

Line 1725: p_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,

1721: --
1722: END get_si_dependent_report_type;
1723: --
1724: FUNCTION get_si_dep_ee_effective_date(
1725: p_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%TYPE,
1726: p_date_from DATE,
1727: p_date_to DATE,
1728: p_report_type hr_lookups.lookup_code%TYPE) RETURN DATE IS
1729: --