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Line 5: g_source_link fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%TYPE;

1: PACKAGE BODY edw_collection_util AS
2: /* $Header: EDWSRCTB.pls 120.0 2005/06/01 15:01:47 appldev noship $ */
3: version CONSTANT CHAR (80)
4: := '$Header: EDWSRCTB.pls 120.0 2005/06/01 15:01:47 appldev noship $';
5: g_source_link fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%TYPE;
6: g_target_link fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%TYPE;
7: g_source_same_as_target BOOLEAN;
8: g_debug BOOLEAN;
9: g_parallel PLS_INTEGER;

Line 6: g_target_link fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%TYPE;

2: /* $Header: EDWSRCTB.pls 120.0 2005/06/01 15:01:47 appldev noship $ */
3: version CONSTANT CHAR (80)
4: := '$Header: EDWSRCTB.pls 120.0 2005/06/01 15:01:47 appldev noship $';
5: g_source_link fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%TYPE;
6: g_target_link fnd_profile_option_values.profile_option_value%TYPE;
7: g_source_same_as_target BOOLEAN;
8: g_debug BOOLEAN;
9: g_parallel PLS_INTEGER;
10: g_staging_table user_tables.table_name%TYPE;

Line 170: /*l_dir := fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_LOGFILE_DIR');

166: 'Object Settings: Rollback Segment : '
168: );
170: /*l_dir := fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_LOGFILE_DIR');
172: IF l_dir IS NULL
173: THEN
174: l_dir := '/sqlcom/log';

Line 177: l_dir := fnd_profile.value('UTL_FILE_LOG');

173: THEN
174: l_dir := '/sqlcom/log';
175: END IF;
176: */
177: l_dir := fnd_profile.value('UTL_FILE_LOG');
178: if l_dir is null then
179: l_dir := fnd_profile.value('EDW_LOGFILE_DIR');
180: if l_dir is null then
181: l_dir:='/sqlcom/log';

Line 179: l_dir := fnd_profile.value('EDW_LOGFILE_DIR');

175: END IF;
176: */
177: l_dir := fnd_profile.value('UTL_FILE_LOG');
178: if l_dir is null then
179: l_dir := fnd_profile.value('EDW_LOGFILE_DIR');
180: if l_dir is null then
181: l_dir:='/sqlcom/log';
182: end if;
183: end if;

Line 699: IF (fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_TRACE') = 'Y')

695: || edw_log.duration ( SYSDATE
696: - g_start_time),FND_LOG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE
697: );
699: IF (fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_TRACE') = 'Y')
700: THEN
701: null;
702: END IF;

Line 858: l_username := NVL (fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_WF_ROLE'), 'MFG');

854: c_process VARCHAR2 (30);
855: BEGIN
856: put_debug_msg ('************* Running sendnote procedure');
857: l_date := fnd_date.date_to_displaydt (SYSDATE);
858: l_username := NVL (fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_WF_ROLE'), 'MFG');
859: c_item_type := 'EDW_NOTE';
860: c_item_key := NVL (name_of_conc_program, '1')
861: || NVL (TYPE, '1')
862: || NVL (status, '1')

Line 1024: --g_offset := nvl(fnd_profile.value('EDW_COLLECTION_OFFSET') / 24, 0);

1021: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1022: -- Get the offset from profile
1023: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1024: --g_offset := nvl(fnd_profile.value('EDW_COLLECTION_OFFSET') / 24, 0);
1025: g_offset := 0;
1027: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1028: -- Assign user_id and login_id to the local variables

Line 1623: l_source_link := fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_APPS_TO_APPS');

1619: put_debug_msg ('Profile Options EDW_APPS_TO_APPS and EDW_APPS_TO_WH');
1620: OPEN c_global_names_opt;
1621: FETCH c_global_names_opt INTO l_gname_set;
1622: CLOSE c_global_names_opt;
1623: l_source_link := fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_APPS_TO_APPS');
1624: l_target_link := fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_APPS_TO_WH');
1626: IF l_gname_set = 'TRUE'
1627: THEN

Line 1624: l_target_link := fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_APPS_TO_WH');

1620: OPEN c_global_names_opt;
1621: FETCH c_global_names_opt INTO l_gname_set;
1622: CLOSE c_global_names_opt;
1623: l_source_link := fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_APPS_TO_APPS');
1624: l_target_link := fnd_profile.VALUE ('EDW_APPS_TO_WH');
1626: IF l_gname_set = 'TRUE'
1627: THEN
1628: OPEN c_global_names_val;