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Line 411: igf_sl_lor_all lor,

407: lor.grade_level_code,
408: lor.override_grade_level_code
409: FROM
410: igf_sl_loans_all loans,
411: igf_sl_lor_all lor,
412: igf_aw_award_all awd,
413: igf_aw_fund_mast_all fmast,
414: igf_aw_fund_cat_all fcat,
415: igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all fabase

Line 901: akomurav 24-1-2006 FA162.The values of Acad begin date and end date are now directly populated fromIGF_SL_LOR_ALL table i.e p_loan_rec record.

897: Who When What
898: museshad 28-Nov-2005 Bug 4116399.
899: Added Stafford loan limit validation check.
900: (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
901: akomurav 24-1-2006 FA162.The values of Acad begin date and end date are now directly populated fromIGF_SL_LOR_ALL table i.e p_loan_rec record.
902: ***************************************************************/
904: CURSOR cur_disb_chg_dtls ( cp_award_id igf_aw_db_chg_dtls.award_id%TYPE) IS
905: SELECT db.award_id,