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Line 43: -- 04/03/2001 abhola call to AMS_ACCESS_PVT changed to check for return value N

39: --
40: -- HISTORY
41: -- 11/11/1999 rvaka created
42: -- 08/01/2000 sugupta added access code to prevent hacking
43: -- 04/03/2001 abhola call to AMS_ACCESS_PVT changed to check for return value N
44: -- 01-MAY-2001 julou modified, added 3 columns to ams_act_products
45: -- security_group_id, line_lumpsum_amount, line_lumpsum_qty
46: -- 03-May-2001 rssharma Added validation for Offers(prod)
47: -- 07-May-2001 rssharma changed the validation for offer

Line 192: if AMS_ACCESS_PVT.check_update_access(l_act_Product_rec.act_product_used_by_id,l_act_Product_rec.arc_act_product_used_by, l_res_id, 'USER') = 'N' then

188: end if;
189: --
190: -- Changed access to check for value N
191: --
192: if AMS_ACCESS_PVT.check_update_access(l_act_Product_rec.act_product_used_by_id,l_act_Product_rec.arc_act_product_used_by, l_res_id, 'USER') = 'N' then
193: IF FND_MSG_PUB.check_msg_level(FND_MSG_PUB.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
194: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('AMS', 'AMS_EVO_NO_UPDATE_ACCESS'); --reusing message
195: FND_MSG_PUB.add;
196: END IF;

Line 470: if AMS_ACCESS_PVT.check_update_access(l_act_Product_rec.act_product_used_by_id,l_act_Product_rec.arc_act_product_used_by, l_res_id, 'USER') = 'N' then

466: --
467: -- Changed Access call to check N instead of F
468: --
469: if l_act_Product_rec.arc_act_product_used_by NOT IN ('OFFR') THEN
470: if AMS_ACCESS_PVT.check_update_access(l_act_Product_rec.act_product_used_by_id,l_act_Product_rec.arc_act_product_used_by, l_res_id, 'USER') = 'N' then
471: IF FND_MSG_PUB.check_msg_level(FND_MSG_PUB.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
472: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('AMS', 'AMS_EVO_NO_UPDATE_ACCESS'); --reusing message
473: FND_MSG_PUB.add;
474: END IF;

Line 681: if AMS_ACCESS_PVT.check_update_access(l_acc_obj_id, l_acc_obj, l_res_id, 'USER') <> 'F' then

678: -- Commented out the following call to check_update_access
679: -- as it does not work for Messages tab. GDEODHAR : Oct 06, 2000
680: /*
681: if AMS_ACCESS_PVT.check_update_access(l_acc_obj_id, l_acc_obj, l_res_id, 'USER') <> 'F' then
682: IF FND_MSG_PUB.check_msg_level(FND_MSG_PUB.g_msg_lvl_error) THEN
683: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('AMS', 'AMS_EVO_NO_UPDATE_ACCESS'); --reusing message
684: FND_MSG_PUB.add;
685: END IF;