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2 /* $Header: FARXMCRB.pls 120.3.12010000.1 2008/07/28 13:13:57 appldev ship $ */
5 -- Mass change record from fa_mass_changes table.
6 mc_rec     FA_MASS_CHG_UTILS_PKG.mass_change_rec_type;
8 -- Table of asset records.
9 -- (Stores book_type_code as well, and thus one asset will appear multiple
10 --  times if the asset belongs to multiple books.)
11 a_tbl       FA_MASS_CHG_UTILS_PKG.asset_tbl_type;
13 -- Index into the asset table, a_tbl.
14 a_index          NUMBER := 0;
16 -- Number of assets(disregaring book_type_code) stored in a_tbl.
17 -- Reset at every 200 assets.
18 g_asset_count      NUMBER := 0;
20 /* a_index <> g_asset_count if asset belongs to more than one book. */
22 g_print_debug boolean := fa_cache_pkg.fa_print_debug;
25 /*====================================================================================+
26 |   PROCEDURE Review_Change                                                         |
27 +=====================================================================================*/
29 PROCEDURE Review_Change(
30      X_Mass_Change_Id     IN     NUMBER,
31      X_RX_Flag            IN     VARCHAR2 := 'NO',
32      retcode              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
33      errbuf               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
35     -- cursor to fetch the current and review status
36     CURSOR get_status IS
37         SELECT  lu_rev.meaning,
38                 lu_curr.meaning
39         FROM    fa_lookups lu_rev,
40                 fa_lookups lu_curr
41         WHERE   lu_rev.lookup_type = 'MASS_TRX_STATUS'  AND
42                 lu_rev.lookup_code = 'COMPLETED'
43         AND     lu_curr.lookup_type = 'MASS_TRX_STATUS' AND
44                 lu_curr.lookup_code = mc_rec.status;
46     -- cursor to get category flexfield structure.
47     CURSOR get_cat_flex_struct IS
48      SELECT category_flex_structure
49        FROM fa_system_controls;
51     -- cursor to fetch mass change record from fa_mass_change
52     CURSOR mass_change IS
53      SELECT mc.mass_change_id,
54             mc.book_type_code,
55             mc.transaction_date_entered,
56             mc.concurrent_request_id,
57             mc.status,
58             mc.asset_type,
59             mc.category_id,
60             mc.from_asset_number,
61             mc.to_asset_number,
62             mc.from_date_placed_in_service,
63             mc.to_date_placed_in_service,
64             mc.from_convention,
65             mc.to_convention,
66             mc.from_method_code,
67             mc.to_method_code,
68             mc.from_life_in_months,
69             mc.to_life_in_months,
70             mc.from_bonus_rule,
71             mc.to_bonus_rule,
72             mc.date_effective,
73             mc.from_basic_rate,
74             mc.to_basic_rate,
75             mc.from_adjusted_rate,
76             mc.to_adjusted_rate,
77             mc.from_production_capacity,
78             mc.to_production_capacity,
79             mc.from_uom,
80             mc.to_uom,
81             mc.from_group_association,
82             mc.to_group_association,
83             mc.from_group_asset_id,
84             mc.to_group_asset_id,
85             gad1.asset_number,
86             gad2.asset_number,
87             mc.change_fully_rsvd_assets,
88             mc.amortize_flag,
89             mc.created_by,
90             mc.creation_date,
91             mc.last_updated_by,
92             mc.last_update_login,
93             mc.last_update_date,
94             mc.from_salvage_type, -- Bug 6964615 start
95             mc.to_salvage_type,
96             mc.from_percent_salvage_value,
97             mc.to_percent_salvage_value,
98             mc.from_salvage_value,
99             mc.to_salvage_value,
100             mc.from_deprn_limit_type,
101             mc.to_deprn_limit_type,
102             mc.from_deprn_limit,
103             mc.to_deprn_limit,
104             mc.from_deprn_limit_amount,
105             mc.to_deprn_limit_amount  -- Bug 6964615 end
106        FROM fa_mass_changes mc,
107             fa_additions_b gad1,
108             fa_additions_b gad2
109       WHERE mass_change_id = X_Mass_Change_Id
110         AND mc.from_group_asset_id = gad1.asset_id(+)
111         AND mc.to_group_asset_id   = gad2.asset_id(+);
113     -- asset-book records that were changed by mass change
115     CURSOR mass_change_assets IS
116      SELECT ad.asset_id,
117             ad.asset_number,
118             ad.description,
119             ad.asset_type,
120             bk1.book_type_code,
121             ad.asset_category_id,
122             NULL,
123             bk1.prorate_convention_code,
124             bk2.prorate_convention_code,
125             bk1.deprn_method_code,
126             bk2.deprn_method_code,
127             bk1.life_in_months,
128             bk2.life_in_months,
129             NULL,
130             NULL,
131             bk1.basic_rate,
132             bk2.basic_rate,
133             NULL,
134             NULL,
135             bk1.adjusted_rate,
136             bk2.adjusted_rate,
137             NULL,
138             NULL,
139             bk1.bonus_rule,
140             bk2.bonus_rule,
141             bk1.production_capacity,
142             bk2.production_capacity,
143             bk1.unit_of_measure,
144             bk2.unit_of_measure,
145             gad1.asset_number,
146             gad2.asset_number,
147             bk1.salvage_type,  -- Bug 6964615 start
148             bk2.salvage_type,
149             bk1.percent_salvage_value,
150             bk2.percent_salvage_value,
151             bk1.salvage_value,
152             bk2.salvage_value,
153             bk1.deprn_limit_type,
154             bk2.deprn_limit_type,
155             bk1.allowed_deprn_limit,
156             bk2.allowed_deprn_limit,
157             bk1.allowed_deprn_limit_amount,
158             bk2.allowed_deprn_limit_amount  -- Bug 6964615 end
159         FROM    fa_books                bk1,
160                 fa_books                bk2,
161                 fa_additions            ad,
162                 fa_additions_b          gad1,
163                 fa_additions_b          gad2,
164                 fa_transaction_headers  th
165         WHERE   th.mass_transaction_id = mc_rec.mass_change_id
166         AND     th.member_transaction_header_id is null  -- exclude the spawned adjustments on groups
167         AND     ad.asset_id = th.asset_id
168         AND     bk1.asset_id = th.asset_id
169         AND     bk2.asset_id = th.asset_id
170         AND     bk1.book_type_code = th.book_type_code
171         AND     bk2.book_type_code = th.book_type_code
172         AND     bk1.transaction_header_id_out = th.transaction_header_id
173         AND     bk2.transaction_header_id_in  = th.transaction_header_id
174         AND     bk1.group_asset_id = gad1.asset_id(+)
175         AND     bk2.group_asset_id = gad2.asset_id(+)
176         ORDER BY ad.asset_number;
178     -- to store th.transaction_header_id in the cursor above.
179     h_mch_thid           NUMBER(15);
181     h_request_id         NUMBER;
182     h_msg_count          NUMBER;
183     h_msg_data           VARCHAR2(2000) := NULL;
184     h_review_status_d    VARCHAR2(10);
185     h_current_status_d   VARCHAR2(10);
186     h_cat_flex_struct    NUMBER;
187     h_cat_segs           FA_RX_SHARED_PKG.Seg_Array;
188     h_category_id        NUMBER(15) := NULL;
189     h_concat_cat         VARCHAR2(220);
190     h_debug_flag         VARCHAR2(3) := 'NO';
192     -- to keep track of the last asset id that entered the mass_change_assets
193     -- cursor loop.
194     h_last_asset         NUMBER(15) := NULL;
196     -- indicates whether the book information was found.  used only when
197     -- redefault option was set to YES.
198     h_bk_info_found      BOOLEAN;
200     -- exception raised from this module and child modules.
201     mchg_failure         EXCEPTION;
203     -- Commit results per every 200 assets.
204     h_commit_level       NUMBER := 200;
208     -- Initialize message stacks.
209     FA_SRVR_MSG.Init_Server_Message;
210     FA_DEBUG_PKG.Initialize;
213     -- Initialize global variables.
214     -- (These are session specific variables, and thus values need to
215     --  be re-initialized.)
216     a_tbl.delete;
217     a_index := 0;
218     g_asset_count := 0;
220     -- Get concurrent request id for the mass change review request.
221     -- h_request_id is used when request_id is inserted into the interface
222     -- table, fa_mass_changes_itf.
223     -- Need to fetch request id from fnd_global package instead of fa_mass_changes
224     -- table, since fa_mass_changes table stores the latest request id for
225     -- the Preview or Run requests only.
226     h_request_id := fnd_global.conc_request_id;
228     -- Fetch mass changes record information.
229     OPEN mass_change;
230     -- Bug 6964615
231     FETCH mass_change INTO
232             mc_rec.mass_change_id,
233             mc_rec.book_type_code,
234             mc_rec.transaction_date_entered,
235             mc_rec.concurrent_request_id,
236             mc_rec.status,
237             mc_rec.asset_type,
238             mc_rec.category_id,
239             mc_rec.from_asset_number,
240             mc_rec.to_asset_number,
241             mc_rec.from_date_placed_in_service,
242             mc_rec.to_date_placed_in_service,
243             mc_rec.from_convention,
244             mc_rec.to_convention,
245             mc_rec.from_method_code,
246             mc_rec.to_method_code,
247             mc_rec.from_life_in_months,
248             mc_rec.to_life_in_months,
249             mc_rec.from_bonus_rule,
250             mc_rec.to_bonus_rule,
251             mc_rec.date_effective,
252             mc_rec.from_basic_rate,
253             mc_rec.to_basic_rate,
254             mc_rec.from_adjusted_rate,
255             mc_rec.to_adjusted_rate,
256             mc_rec.from_production_capacity,
257             mc_rec.to_production_capacity,
258             mc_rec.from_uom,
259             mc_rec.to_uom,
260             mc_rec.from_group_association,
261             mc_rec.to_group_association,
262             mc_rec.from_group_asset_id,
263             mc_rec.to_group_asset_id,
264             mc_rec.from_group_asset_number,
265             mc_rec.to_group_asset_number,
266             mc_rec.change_fully_rsvd_assets,
267             mc_rec.amortize_flag,
268             mc_rec.created_by,
269             mc_rec.creation_date,
270             mc_rec.last_updated_by,
271             mc_rec.last_update_login,
272             mc_rec.last_update_date,
273             mc_rec.from_salvage_type,
274             mc_rec.to_salvage_type,
275             mc_rec.from_percent_salvage_value,
276             mc_rec.to_percent_salvage_value,
277             mc_rec.from_salvage_value,
278             mc_rec.to_salvage_value,
279             mc_rec.from_deprn_limit_type,
280             mc_rec.to_deprn_limit_type,
281             mc_rec.from_deprn_limit,
282             mc_rec.to_deprn_limit,
283             mc_rec.from_deprn_limit_amount,
284             mc_rec.to_deprn_limit_amount;
285     CLOSE mass_change;
287     if not(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc(X_book => mc_rec.book_type_code)) then
288        raise mchg_failure;
289     end if;
291     g_print_debug := fa_cache_pkg.fa_print_debug;
293     -- Set debug flag.
294     IF (g_print_debug) THEN
295        h_debug_flag := 'YES';
296     END IF;
298     /*===========================================================================
299       Delete rows previously inserted into the interface table with the same
300       request id, if there is any.
301      ===========================================================================*/
302     DELETE FROM fa_mass_changes_itf
303     WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
304     COMMIT;
306     /*===========================================================================
307       Check to make sure current status is 'COMPLETED'
308      ===========================================================================*/
309     OPEN get_status;
310     FETCH get_status INTO h_review_status_d, h_current_status_d;
311     CLOSE get_status;
313     if g_print_debug then
314       fa_debug_pkg.add('FARX_CR.Review_Change',
315                        'After fetching status',
316                        '');
317     end if;
319     IF (h_review_status_d <> h_current_status_d) THEN
320         -- Re-using message for mass changes program.
321         FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_Message(
322                 CALLING_FN => 'FARX_RR.Review_Change',
323                 NAME => 'FA_MASSRCL_WRONG_STATUS',
324                 TOKEN1 => 'CURRENT',
325                 VALUE1 => h_current_status_d,
326                 TOKEN2 => 'RUNNING',
327                 VALUE2 => h_review_status_d);
328         -- Review will complete with error status.
329         RAISE mchg_failure;
330     END IF;
332     /*===========================================================================
333       Insert review records into the interface table.
334      ===========================================================================*/
336     if g_print_debug then
337       fa_debug_pkg.add('FARX_CR.Review_Change',
338                        'getting cat structure',
339                        '');
340     end if;
343     /* Get category flex structure. */
344     OPEN get_cat_flex_struct;
345     FETCH get_cat_flex_struct INTO h_cat_flex_struct;
346     CLOSE get_cat_flex_struct;
348     OPEN mass_change_assets;
350     LOOP
352        if g_print_debug then
353          fa_debug_pkg.add('FARX_CR.Review_Change',
354                           'in loop',
355                           '');
356        end if;
358        -- Fetch the asset-book pair into the pl/sql table.
359        a_index := a_index + 1;
361        -- Bug 6964615
362        FETCH mass_change_assets INTO
363           a_tbl(a_index).asset_id,
364           a_tbl(a_index).asset_number,
365           a_tbl(a_index).description,
366           a_tbl(a_index).asset_type,
367           a_tbl(a_index).book_type_code,
368           a_tbl(a_index).category_id,
369           a_tbl(a_index).category,
370           a_tbl(a_index).from_convention,
371           a_tbl(a_index).to_convention,
372           a_tbl(a_index).from_method,
373           a_tbl(a_index).to_method,
374           a_tbl(a_index).from_life_in_months,
375           a_tbl(a_index).to_life_in_months,
376           a_tbl(a_index).from_life,
377           a_tbl(a_index).to_life,
378           a_tbl(a_index).from_basic_rate,
379           a_tbl(a_index).to_basic_rate,
380           a_tbl(a_index).from_basic_rate_pct,
381           a_tbl(a_index).to_basic_rate_pct,
382           a_tbl(a_index).from_adjusted_rate,
383           a_tbl(a_index).to_adjusted_rate,
384           a_tbl(a_index).from_adjusted_rate_pct,
385           a_tbl(a_index).to_adjusted_rate_pct,
386           a_tbl(a_index).from_bonus_rule,
387           a_tbl(a_index).to_bonus_rule,
388           a_tbl(a_index).from_capacity,
389           a_tbl(a_index).to_capacity,
390           a_tbl(a_index).from_unit_of_measure,
391           a_tbl(a_index).to_unit_of_measure,
392           a_tbl(a_index).from_group_asset_number,
393           a_tbl(a_index).to_group_asset_number,
394           a_tbl(a_index).from_salvage_type,
395           a_tbl(a_index).to_salvage_type,
396           a_tbl(a_index).from_percent_salvage_value,
397           a_tbl(a_index).to_percent_salvage_value,
398           a_tbl(a_index).from_salvage_value,
399           a_tbl(a_index).to_salvage_value,
400           a_tbl(a_index).from_deprn_limit_type,
401           a_tbl(a_index).to_deprn_limit_type,
402           a_tbl(a_index).from_deprn_limit,
403           a_tbl(a_index).to_deprn_limit,
404           a_tbl(a_index).from_deprn_limit_amount,
405           a_tbl(a_index).to_deprn_limit_amount;
406        EXIT WHEN mass_change_assets%NOTFOUND;
408        -- Get category in concatenated string format.
409        FA_RX_SHARED_PKG.Concat_Category(
410                   struct_id       => h_cat_flex_struct,
411                   ccid            => a_tbl(a_index).category_id,
412                   concat_string   => a_tbl(a_index).category,
413                   segarray        => h_cat_segs);
414        h_concat_cat := a_tbl(a_index).category;
416        -- Convert formats for certain fields.
418        -- life...
419        -- Need to get the substring from the second position, since
420        -- to_char conversion with the format, always attaches extra space
421        -- at the beginning of the string.
423        IF a_tbl(a_index).From_Life_In_Months IS NOT NULL THEN
424           a_tbl(a_index).From_Life := lpad(to_char(trunc(a_tbl(a_index).From_Life_In_Months/12)), 3)||'.'||
425              substr(to_char(mod(a_tbl(a_index).From_Life_In_Months, 12), '00'), 2, 2);
426        ELSE
427           a_tbl(a_index).From_Life := NULL;
428        END IF;
430        IF a_tbl(a_index).To_Life_In_Months IS NOT NULL THEN
431           a_tbl(a_index).To_Life := lpad(to_char(trunc(a_tbl(a_index).To_Life_In_Months/12)), 3)||'.'||
432             substr(to_char(mod(a_tbl(a_index).To_Life_In_Months, 12), '00'), 2, 2);
433        ELSE
434           a_tbl(a_index).To_Life := NULL;
435        END IF;
437        -- rates...
438        -- May use the following format in report output:
439        -- substr(to_char(round(a_tbl(a_index).From_Basic_Rate*100, 2), '999.99'), 2, 6) or
440        -- lpad(to_char(round(a_tbl(a_index).From_Basic_Rate*100, 2)), 6)
442        IF a_tbl(a_index).From_Basic_Rate IS NOT NULL THEN
443           a_tbl(a_index).From_Basic_Rate_Pct := round(a_tbl(a_index).From_Basic_Rate*100, 2);
444        ELSE
445           a_tbl(a_index).From_Basic_Rate_Pct := NULL;
446        END IF;
448        IF a_tbl(a_index).To_Basic_Rate IS NOT NULL THEN
449           a_tbl(a_index).To_Basic_Rate_Pct := round(a_tbl(a_index).To_Basic_Rate*100, 2);
450        ELSE
451           a_tbl(a_index).To_Basic_Rate_Pct := NULL;
452        END IF;
454        IF a_tbl(a_index).From_Adjusted_Rate IS NOT NULL THEN
455           a_tbl(a_index).From_Adjusted_Rate_Pct := round(a_tbl(a_index).From_Adjusted_Rate*100, 2);
456        ELSE
457           a_tbl(a_index).From_Adjusted_Rate_Pct := NULL;
458        END IF;
460        IF a_tbl(a_index).To_Adjusted_Rate IS NOT NULL THEN
461           a_tbl(a_index).To_Adjusted_Rate_Pct := round(a_tbl(a_index).To_Adjusted_Rate*100, 2);
462        ELSE
463           a_tbl(a_index).To_Adjusted_Rate_Pct := NULL;
464        END IF;
469        -- Update last asset processed and the asset count.
470        IF (a_tbl(a_index).asset_id <> h_last_asset OR
471           h_last_asset IS NULL) THEN
472           h_last_asset := a_tbl(a_index).asset_id;
473           g_asset_count := g_asset_count + 1;
474        END IF;
476        /* Insert asset records into the interface table, FA_MASS_CHANGES_ITF,
477           at every 200 assets and re-initialize the counter and the asset table. */
478        -- If the 200th asset belongs to more than one book, only the information
479        -- for the first book of this asset will be inserted into the table.
480        -- The rest will be taken care of in the next insertion.
482        IF (g_asset_count = h_commit_level) THEN
483           FOR i IN 1 .. a_index LOOP
484              FA_MASS_CHG_UTILS_PKG.Insert_Itf(
485                      X_Report_Type           => 'REVIEW',
486                      X_Request_Id            => h_request_id,
487                      X_Mass_Change_Id        => X_Mass_Change_Id,
488                      X_Asset_Rec             => a_tbl(i),
489                      X_Last_Update_Date      => mc_rec.last_update_date,
490                      X_Last_Updated_By       => mc_rec.last_updated_by,
491                      X_Created_By            => mc_rec.created_by,
492                      X_Creation_Date         => mc_rec.creation_date,
493                      X_Last_Update_Login     => mc_rec.last_update_login
494                      );
495           END LOOP;
497           a_tbl.delete;
498           g_asset_count := 0;
499           a_index := 0;
500           -- Also re-initialize h_last_asset so that g_asset_count
501           -- is incremented to 1 at the next loop entry as in the former
502           -- insertion.
503           h_last_asset := NULL;
504           COMMIT WORK;
506        END IF;
508     END LOOP;
510     CLOSE mass_change_assets;
512     /* Insert the remaining asset records into the interface table. */
513     -- Up to a_index - 1, to account for the extra increment taken for a_index
514     -- when no more rows were found in the cursor loop.
515     FOR i IN 1 .. (a_index - 1) LOOP
516        FA_MASS_CHG_UTILS_PKG.Insert_Itf(
517              X_Report_Type           => 'REVIEW',
518              X_Request_Id            => h_request_id,
519              X_Mass_Change_Id        => X_Mass_Change_Id,
520              X_Asset_Rec             => a_tbl(i),
521              X_Last_Update_Date      => mc_rec.last_update_date,
522              X_Last_Updated_By       => mc_rec.last_updated_by,
523              X_Created_By            => mc_rec.created_by,
524              X_Creation_Date         => mc_rec.creation_date,
525              X_Last_Update_Login     => mc_rec.last_update_login
526              );
528     END LOOP;
530     a_tbl.delete;
531     g_asset_count := 0;
532     a_index := 0;
534     fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log('');
535     fnd_message.set_name('OFA', 'FA_MASSRCL_CHG_RVW');
536     h_msg_data := fnd_message.get;
537     fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log(h_msg_data);
538     fa_rx_conc_mesg_pkg.log('');
539     COMMIT WORK;
542            FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(
543                 p_count         => h_msg_count,
544                 p_data          => h_msg_data);
545             FA_SRVR_MSG.Write_Msg_Log(
546                 msg_count       => h_msg_count,
547                 msg_data        => h_msg_data);
548             IF (h_debug_flag = 'YES') THEN
549                 FA_DEBUG_PKG.Write_Debug_Log;
550             END IF;
552     errbuf := ''; -- No error.
553     retcode := 0; -- Completed normally.
556     WHEN mchg_failure THEN
557        retcode := 2;  -- Completed with error.
559        -- Reset global variable values.
560        a_tbl.delete;
561        a_index := 0;
562        g_asset_count := 0;
563        /* A fatal error has occurred.  Rollback transaction. */
564        ROLLBACK WORK;
565        /* Delete rows inserted into the interface table. */
566        DELETE FROM fa_mass_changes_itf
567         WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
568        /* Commit changes. */
569        COMMIT WORK;
570        /* Retrieve message log and write result to log and output. */
572        IF (X_RX_Flag = 'YES') THEN
573             FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(
574                 p_count         => h_msg_count,
575                 p_data          => h_msg_data);
576             FA_SRVR_MSG.Write_Msg_Log(
577                 msg_count       => h_msg_count,
578                 msg_data        => h_msg_data);
579             IF (h_debug_flag = 'YES') THEN
580                 FA_DEBUG_PKG.Write_Debug_Log;
581             END IF;
582        END IF;
584        retcode := 2;  -- Completed with error.
585        IF SQLCODE <> 0 THEN
586           FA_SRVR_MSG.Add_SQL_Error(CALLING_FN => 'FARX_RP.Review_Change');
587        END IF;
589        -- Reset global variable values.
590        a_tbl.delete;
591        a_index := 0;
592        g_asset_count := 0;
593        --g_total_assets := 0;
594        /* A fatal error has occurred.  Rollback transaction. */
595        ROLLBACK WORK;
596        /* Delete rows inserted into the interface table. */
597        DELETE FROM fa_mass_changes_itf
598         WHERE request_id = h_request_id;
599        /* Commit changes. */
600        COMMIT WORK;
601        /* Retrieve message log and write result to log and output. */
602        IF (X_RX_Flag = 'YES') THEN
603           FND_MSG_PUB.Count_And_Get(
604                 p_count         => h_msg_count,
605                 p_data          => h_msg_data);
606             FA_SRVR_MSG.Write_Msg_Log(
607                 msg_count       => h_msg_count,
608                 msg_data        => h_msg_data);
609             IF (h_debug_flag = 'YES') THEN
610                 FA_DEBUG_PKG.Write_Debug_Log;
611             END IF;
612        END IF;
614 END Review_Change;