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Line 146: gl_code_combinations cc

142: cursor c_get_on_account_cash(ci_customer_id in number) is
143: select nvl(sum(decode(app.status,'ACC',(-1*app.amount_applied_from),0)),0)
144: from ar_receivable_applications_all app,
145: ar_payment_schedules_all ps,
146: gl_code_combinations cc
147: where ps.customer_id = ci_customer_id and
148: ps.cash_receipt_id = app.cash_receipt_id and
149: nvl(app.confirmed_flag ,'Y') = 'Y' and
150: app.status in ('ACC') and

Line 160: gl_code_combinations cc

156: cursor c_get_unapplied_cash(ci_customer_id in number) is
157: select nvl(sum(decode(app.status,'UNAPP',(-1*app.amount_applied_from),0)),0)
158: from ar_receivable_applications_all app,
159: ar_payment_schedules_all ps,
160: gl_code_combinations cc
161: where ps.customer_id = ci_customer_id and
162: ps.cash_receipt_id = app.cash_receipt_id and
163: nvl(app.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y' and
164: app.status IN ('UNAPP') and