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Line 98: per_people_f ppf,

94: paf.organization_id ORGANIZATION_ID,
95: paf.business_group_id BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
96: punits.name ORGANIZATION_NAME
97: from per_assignments_f paf,
98: per_people_f ppf,
99: per_person_types ppt,
100: per_organization_units punits
101: -- VSM added nvl( .. to the start... clause
102: -- enhancement in SELECTion criteria as org_id can be be null [Masscrit.doc]

Line 136: per_people_f ppf,

132: paf.organization_id ORGANIZATION_ID,
133: paf.business_group_id BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
134: punits.name ORGANIZATION_NAME
135: from per_assignments_f paf,
136: per_people_f ppf,
137: per_person_types ppt,
138: per_organization_units punits
139: WHERE (paf.position_id = nvl(p_org_pos_id,paf.position_id)
140: and

Line 188: FROM per_people_f p, per_assignments_f a

184: pop.position_id = nvl(p_org_pos_id,pop.position_id) and org_pos_fl = 'P')
185: and not exists
186: (
187: SELECT 'X'
188: FROM per_people_f p, per_assignments_f a
189: WHERE trunc(effective_DATE) between a.effective_start_DATE and a.effective_END_DATE
190: AND a.primary_flag = 'Y'
191: AND a.assignment_type <> 'B'
192: AND p.current_employee_flag = 'Y'

Line 231: from per_people_f p, per_assignments_f a

227: between effective_start_DATE and effective_END_DATE
228: and business_group_id = g_business_group_id
229: MINUS
230: SELECT a.position_id
231: from per_people_f p, per_assignments_f a
232: WHERE (a.organization_id = nvl(p_org_pos_id,organization_id) and org_pos_fl = 'O'
233: or
234: a.position_id = nvl(p_org_pos_id,a.position_id) and org_pos_fl = 'P')
235: and trunc(effective_DATE) between a.effective_start_DATE

Line 1273: l_personnel_officer_name per_people_f.full_name%type;

1269: l_position_org_line5 VARCHAR2(40);
1270: l_position_org_line6 VARCHAR2(40);
1271: l_par_object_version_NUMBER NUMBER := l_sf52_rec.object_version_NUMBER;
1272: l_dummy NUMBER;
1273: l_personnel_officer_name per_people_f.full_name%type;
1274: l_approving_off_work_title ghr_pa_requests.APPROVING_OFFICIAL_WORK_TITLE%type;
1275: BEGIN
1276: ghr_pa_requests_pkg.get_rei_org_lines(
1277: p_pa_request_id => l_sf52_rec.pa_request_id,

Line 2549: l_name per_people_f.full_name%type;

2545: p_first_noa_code in VARCHAR2
2546: )
2547: return BOOLEAN is
2548: --
2549: l_name per_people_f.full_name%type;
2550: -- Bug#3718167 Added l_ssn
2551: l_ssn per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE;
2552: l_code_action VARCHAR2(65);
2553: l_pa_request_id ghr_pa_requests.pa_request_id%TYPE;

Line 2551: l_ssn per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE;

2547: return BOOLEAN is
2548: --
2549: l_name per_people_f.full_name%type;
2550: -- Bug#3718167 Added l_ssn
2551: l_ssn per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE;
2552: l_code_action VARCHAR2(65);
2553: l_pa_request_id ghr_pa_requests.pa_request_id%TYPE;
2555: cursor csr_action_taken is