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Line 73: IF inv_cache.set_item_rec(p_organization_id, p_inventory_item_id) THEN

69: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ;
70: -- find rule from mtl_system_items
71: IF ((nvl(g_inventory_item_id,-9999) <> p_inventory_item_id) OR
72: (nvl(g_organization_id,-9999) <> p_organization_id)) THEN
73: IF inv_cache.set_item_rec(p_organization_id, p_inventory_item_id) THEN
74: g_rule_id := inv_cache.item_rec.picking_rule_id;
75: ELSE
76: g_rule_id := NULL;
77: END IF;

Line 74: g_rule_id := inv_cache.item_rec.picking_rule_id;

70: -- find rule from mtl_system_items
71: IF ((nvl(g_inventory_item_id,-9999) <> p_inventory_item_id) OR
72: (nvl(g_organization_id,-9999) <> p_organization_id)) THEN
73: IF inv_cache.set_item_rec(p_organization_id, p_inventory_item_id) THEN
74: g_rule_id := inv_cache.item_rec.picking_rule_id;
75: ELSE
76: g_rule_id := NULL;
77: END IF;
78: -- if failed, find rule from mtl_org_parameters

Line 80: IF inv_cache.set_org_rec(p_organization_id) THEN

76: g_rule_id := NULL;
77: END IF;
78: -- if failed, find rule from mtl_org_parameters
79: IF g_rule_id IS NULL THEN
80: IF inv_cache.set_org_rec(p_organization_id) THEN
81: g_rule_id := inv_cache.org_rec.default_picking_rule_id;
82: ELSE
83: g_rule_id := NULL;
84: END IF;

Line 81: g_rule_id := inv_cache.org_rec.default_picking_rule_id;

77: END IF;
78: -- if failed, find rule from mtl_org_parameters
79: IF g_rule_id IS NULL THEN
80: IF inv_cache.set_org_rec(p_organization_id) THEN
81: g_rule_id := inv_cache.org_rec.default_picking_rule_id;
82: ELSE
83: g_rule_id := NULL;
84: END IF;
85: END IF;

Line 313: l_sub_found := INV_CACHE.set_tosub_rec(l_organization_id, l_putaway_sub);

309: ELSE
310: l_putaway_sub := p_to_subinventory_code ;
311: END IF;
313: l_sub_found := INV_CACHE.set_tosub_rec(l_organization_id, l_putaway_sub);
314: IF inv_install.adv_inv_installed(NULL) THEN
316: IF l_sub_found THEN
317: l_sub_status := INV_CACHE.tosub_rec.status_id;

Line 317: l_sub_status := INV_CACHE.tosub_rec.status_id;

313: l_sub_found := INV_CACHE.set_tosub_rec(l_organization_id, l_putaway_sub);
314: IF inv_install.adv_inv_installed(NULL) THEN
316: IF l_sub_found THEN
317: l_sub_status := INV_CACHE.tosub_rec.status_id;
318: ELSE
319: l_sub_status := NULL;
320: END IF;

Line 354: l_sub_loc_control := INV_CACHE.tosub_rec.locator_type;

350: fnd_msg_pub.ADD;
351: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
352: END if;
354: l_sub_loc_control := INV_CACHE.tosub_rec.locator_type;
356: -- find out the real locator control
357: l_loc_control := loc_control
358: ( p_org_locator_control_code

Line 426: IF INV_CACHE.set_org_rec(l_organization_id) THEN

422: -- cost group for the subinventory if in a standard costing org.
423: -- If not defined there, or if avg. costing org
424: -- try to get the default cost group from the organization
425: IF p_to_cost_group_id IS NULL THEN
426: IF INV_CACHE.set_org_rec(l_organization_id) THEN
427: l_primary_cost_method := INV_CACHE.org_rec.primary_cost_method;
428: l_putaway_cg_org := INV_CACHE.org_rec.default_cost_group_id;
429: ELSE
430: l_primary_cost_method := 2;

Line 427: l_primary_cost_method := INV_CACHE.org_rec.primary_cost_method;

423: -- If not defined there, or if avg. costing org
424: -- try to get the default cost group from the organization
425: IF p_to_cost_group_id IS NULL THEN
426: IF INV_CACHE.set_org_rec(l_organization_id) THEN
427: l_primary_cost_method := INV_CACHE.org_rec.primary_cost_method;
428: l_putaway_cg_org := INV_CACHE.org_rec.default_cost_group_id;
429: ELSE
430: l_primary_cost_method := 2;
431: l_putaway_cg_org := NULL;

Line 428: l_putaway_cg_org := INV_CACHE.org_rec.default_cost_group_id;

424: -- try to get the default cost group from the organization
425: IF p_to_cost_group_id IS NULL THEN
426: IF INV_CACHE.set_org_rec(l_organization_id) THEN
427: l_primary_cost_method := INV_CACHE.org_rec.primary_cost_method;
428: l_putaway_cg_org := INV_CACHE.org_rec.default_cost_group_id;
429: ELSE
430: l_primary_cost_method := 2;
431: l_putaway_cg_org := NULL;
432: End If;

Line 436: l_putaway_cg := INV_CACHE.tosub_rec.default_cost_group_id;

432: End If;
434: If l_primary_cost_method = 1 Then
435: IF l_sub_found THEN
436: l_putaway_cg := INV_CACHE.tosub_rec.default_cost_group_id;
437: ELSE
438: l_putaway_cg := NULL;
439: end if;
440: End If;

Line 1304: IF inv_cache.set_mtrh_rec(p_request_line_rec.header_id) THEN

1300: l_to_locator_id := l_putaway_loc;
1301: l_to_cost_group_id:= l_putaway_cg;
1303: /* Use cached record instead of c_move_order_type cursor */
1304: IF inv_cache.set_mtrh_rec(p_request_line_rec.header_id) THEN
1305: l_move_order_type := NVL(inv_cache.mtrh_rec.move_order_type, 1);
1306: ELSE
1307: l_move_order_type := 1;
1308: END IF;

Line 1305: l_move_order_type := NVL(inv_cache.mtrh_rec.move_order_type, 1);

1301: l_to_cost_group_id:= l_putaway_cg;
1303: /* Use cached record instead of c_move_order_type cursor */
1304: IF inv_cache.set_mtrh_rec(p_request_line_rec.header_id) THEN
1305: l_move_order_type := NVL(inv_cache.mtrh_rec.move_order_type, 1);
1306: ELSE
1307: l_move_order_type := 1;
1308: END IF;

Line 1315: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, p_request_line_rec.inventory_item_id) ) THEN

1311: --Bug 3449739
1313: IF l_move_order_type = 3 THEN --Pick Wave move orders
1315: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, p_request_line_rec.inventory_item_id) ) THEN
1316: l_indivisible_flag := nvl(inv_cache.item_rec.indivisible_flag,'N');
1317: END IF;
1318: IF (l_indivisible_flag = 'Y') THEN
1319: l_qty_to_detail := floor(l_qty_to_detail);

Line 1316: l_indivisible_flag := nvl(inv_cache.item_rec.indivisible_flag,'N');

1313: IF l_move_order_type = 3 THEN --Pick Wave move orders
1315: IF ( inv_cache.set_item_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, p_request_line_rec.inventory_item_id) ) THEN
1316: l_indivisible_flag := nvl(inv_cache.item_rec.indivisible_flag,'N');
1317: END IF;
1318: IF (l_indivisible_flag = 'Y') THEN
1319: l_qty_to_detail := floor(l_qty_to_detail);
1320: --inv_pick_wave_pick_confirm_pub.tracelog('l_qty_to_detail = '||l_qty_to_detail, 'INVRSV4B');

Line 1367: IF NOT (inv_cache.set_fromsub_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, l_from_subinventory)) THEN

1363: --- asset or expense, and if expense to asset transfers are allowed.
1364: IF p_request_context.transfer_flag AND use_this_row THEN
1366: -- First, get the line for from sub and to sub
1367: IF NOT (inv_cache.set_fromsub_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, l_from_subinventory)) THEN
1368: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_VALIDATE_SUB_FAILED');
1369: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1370: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1371: END IF;

Line 1373: IF NOT (inv_cache.set_tosub_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, l_to_subinventory)) THEN

1369: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1370: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1371: END IF;
1373: IF NOT (inv_cache.set_tosub_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, l_to_subinventory)) THEN
1374: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_VALIDATE_SUB_FAILED');
1375: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1376: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1377: END IF;

Line 1379: IF NOT (inv_cache.set_org_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id)) THEN

1375: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1376: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1377: END IF;
1379: IF NOT (inv_cache.set_org_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id)) THEN
1380: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_VALIDATE_SUB_FAILED');
1381: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1382: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1383: END IF;

Line 1384: IF NOT (inv_cache.set_item_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, p_request_line_rec.inventory_item_id)) THEN

1380: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_VALIDATE_SUB_FAILED');
1381: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1382: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1383: END IF;
1384: IF NOT (inv_cache.set_item_rec(p_request_line_rec.organization_id, p_request_line_rec.inventory_item_id)) THEN
1385: fnd_message.set_name('INV', 'INV_VALIDATE_SUB_FAILED');
1386: fnd_msg_pub.add;
1387: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
1388: END IF;

Line 1392: p_sub => inv_cache.tosub_rec

1388: END IF;
1390: -- then, call api
1391: l_ret_value := INV_VALIDATE.To_Subinventory(
1392: p_sub => inv_cache.tosub_rec
1393: ,p_org => inv_cache.org_rec
1394: ,p_item => inv_cache.item_rec
1395: ,p_from_sub => inv_cache.fromsub_rec
1396: ,p_acct_txn => 0);

Line 1393: ,p_org => inv_cache.org_rec

1390: -- then, call api
1391: l_ret_value := INV_VALIDATE.To_Subinventory(
1392: p_sub => inv_cache.tosub_rec
1393: ,p_org => inv_cache.org_rec
1394: ,p_item => inv_cache.item_rec
1395: ,p_from_sub => inv_cache.fromsub_rec
1396: ,p_acct_txn => 0);
1397: -- If return 0, don't use the from sub

Line 1394: ,p_item => inv_cache.item_rec

1390: -- then, call api
1391: l_ret_value := INV_VALIDATE.To_Subinventory(
1392: p_sub => inv_cache.tosub_rec
1393: ,p_org => inv_cache.org_rec
1394: ,p_item => inv_cache.item_rec
1395: ,p_from_sub => inv_cache.fromsub_rec
1396: ,p_acct_txn => 0);
1397: -- If return 0, don't use the from sub
1398: IF l_ret_value = 0 THEN

Line 1395: ,p_from_sub => inv_cache.fromsub_rec

1391: l_ret_value := INV_VALIDATE.To_Subinventory(
1392: p_sub => inv_cache.tosub_rec
1393: ,p_org => inv_cache.org_rec
1394: ,p_item => inv_cache.item_rec
1395: ,p_from_sub => inv_cache.fromsub_rec
1396: ,p_acct_txn => 0);
1397: -- If return 0, don't use the from sub
1398: IF l_ret_value = 0 THEN
1399: use_this_row := FALSE;