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Line 1630: , p_Charge_Type_code IN QP_CHARGE_LOOKUP.lookup_code%type

1626: END Get_Pricing_Phase;
1628: FUNCTION Get_Charge_name
1629: ( p_list_header_id IN qp_list_headers_b.list_header_id%type
1630: , p_Charge_Type_code IN QP_CHARGE_LOOKUP.lookup_code%type
1631: , p_Charge_Subtype_code IN QP_LOOKUPS.lookup_code%type
1632: , p_list_line_type_code IN QP_LIST_LINES.list_line_type_code%type
1633: )
1634: RETURN QP_LOOKUPS.Meaning%Type IS

Line 1664: /* LKP1 rewritten from qp_charge_lookup to fnd_lookup_values (plus additional

1660: ELSIF ( l_pte_code <> 'PO' and l_source_system_code <> 'PO' ) OR ( l_profile_source_system_code <> 'PO' and
1661: l_profile_pte_code <> 'PO') THEN
1663: /* changes made in select statement by dhgupta for bug 2047030 */
1664: /* LKP1 rewritten from qp_charge_lookup to fnd_lookup_values (plus additional
1665: where conditions of the qp_charge_lookup view definition) to get rid of
1666: non-mergable view, bug 4865226 */
1667: SELECT nvl(DECODE(lkp1.lookup_type,'FREIGHT_COST_TYPE',lkp1.meaning,lkp2.meaning),lkp1.meaning)
1668: INTO l_Charge_Name

Line 1665: where conditions of the qp_charge_lookup view definition) to get rid of

1661: l_profile_pte_code <> 'PO') THEN
1663: /* changes made in select statement by dhgupta for bug 2047030 */
1664: /* LKP1 rewritten from qp_charge_lookup to fnd_lookup_values (plus additional
1665: where conditions of the qp_charge_lookup view definition) to get rid of
1666: non-mergable view, bug 4865226 */
1667: SELECT nvl(DECODE(lkp1.lookup_type,'FREIGHT_COST_TYPE',lkp1.meaning,lkp2.meaning),lkp1.meaning)
1668: INTO l_Charge_Name
1669: FROM fnd_lookup_values LKP1, QP_LOOKUPS LKP2