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Line 458: cs_incidents_audit_b a

454: , decode(a.resource_type, 'RS_EMPLOYEE', nvl(a.incident_owner_id, -2)
455: , -2) incident_owner_id
456: , case when e.escalated_date <= a.creation_date then 'Y' else 'N' end escalated_flag
457: from
458: cs_incidents_audit_b a
459: , cs_incidents_all_b i
460: , biv_dbi_escalations_stg e
461: where
462: a.incident_id = i.incident_id

Line 728: from cs_incidents_audit_b ciab

724: max(ciab.resolution_code) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_resolution_code,
725: max(ciab.group_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_group_id,
726: max(ciab.incident_urgency_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_incident_urgency_id,
727: max(ciab.incident_owner_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_incident_owner_id
728: from cs_incidents_audit_b ciab
729: where 1=1
730: and ciab.status_flag = 'C' -- to pick up only those records that are closed.
731: -- After the SR is closed changes made to the SR will not get picked up in the fact until its reopened and re-closed.
732: and (ciab.old_status_flag ='O' or ciab.old_status_flag is null) /* using status_flag instead of old_closed_date as a workaround for bad data */

Line 1078: cs_incidents_audit_b a

1074: , a.incident_urgency_id
1075: , decode(a.resource_type, 'RS_EMPLOYEE', nvl(a.incident_owner_id, -2)
1076: , -2) incident_owner_id
1077: from
1078: cs_incidents_audit_b a
1079: where
1080: a.creation_date >= l_collect_from_date
1081: and nvl(a.updated_entity_code, 'SR_HEADER') IN ('SR_HEADER','SR_ESCALATION')
1082: and ( 'Y' in ( a.change_incident_status_flag

Line 1208: cs_incidents_audit_b a

1204: , 'Y'
1205: , decode(a.old_resource_type, 'RS_EMPLOYEE', nvl(a.old_incident_owner_id, -2) , -2)
1206: , decode(a.resource_type, 'RS_EMPLOYEE', nvl(a.incident_owner_id, -2) , -2) ) incident_owner_id
1207: from
1208: cs_incidents_audit_b a
1209: where
1210: a.creation_date >= l_collect_from_date
1211: and nvl(a.updated_entity_code, 'SR_HEADER') IN ('SR_HEADER','SR_ESCALATION')
1212: and a.incident_date < l_collect_from_date

Line 1554: (select /*+ parallel(CS_INCIDENTS_AUDIT_B) */

1550: i.expected_resolution_date resolve_by_date,
1551: i.incident_date,
1552: i.contract_number contract_number
1553: from
1554: (select /*+ parallel(CS_INCIDENTS_AUDIT_B) */
1555: ciab.incident_id a_incident_id,
1556: max(ciab.incident_resolved_date) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_incident_resolved_date,
1557: max(ciab.incident_type_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_incident_type_id,
1558: max(ciab.inventory_item_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_inventory_item_id,

Line 1567: from cs_incidents_audit_b ciab

1563: max(ciab.resolution_code) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_resolution_code,
1564: max(ciab.group_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_group_id,
1565: max(ciab.incident_urgency_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_incident_urgency_id,
1566: max(ciab.incident_owner_id) keep (dense_rank last order by ciab.creation_date, ciab.incident_audit_id) a_incident_owner_id
1567: from cs_incidents_audit_b ciab
1568: where 1=1
1569: and ciab.INCIDENT_RESOLVED_DATE is not null
1570: and (ciab.old_status_flag = 'O' or ciab.old_status_flag is null)