20: -- p_module IN Pass the module name
21: -- p_message IN the string to be logged
22: --
23: -- COMMENT: Common procedure to log messages in FND_LOG.
24: -- ======================================================================
25: PROCEDURE log_message
26: (
27: p_module IN VARCHAR2,
28: p_message IN VARCHAR2
29: ) IS
31: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
32: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
33: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
34: module => g_module_prefix || p_module,
35: message => p_message);
36: END IF;
29: ) IS
31: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
32: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
33: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
34: module => g_module_prefix || p_module,
35: message => p_message);
36: END IF;
37: END IF;
2175: l_module CONSTANT VARCHAR2(35) := 'Insert_into_payments';
2176: BEGIN
2177: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2178: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2179: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2180: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2181: message => 'entering insert_into_payments' );
2182: END IF;
2175: l_module CONSTANT VARCHAR2(35) := 'Insert_into_payments';
2176: BEGIN
2177: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2178: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2179: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2180: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2181: message => 'entering insert_into_payments' );
2182: END IF;
2183: END IF;
2182: END IF;
2183: END IF;
2184: IF (p_copy_only_from_auc = 'Y') THEN
2185: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2186: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2187: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2188: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2189: message => 'In if p_copy_only_from_auc is Y' );
2190: END IF;
2183: END IF;
2184: IF (p_copy_only_from_auc = 'Y') THEN
2185: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2186: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2187: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2188: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2189: message => 'In if p_copy_only_from_auc is Y' );
2190: END IF;
2191: END IF;
2240: -- new round or amend with supplier flag N in this and previous version
2243: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2244: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2245: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2246: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2247: message => 'In else of p_copy_only_from_auc is Y' );
2248: END IF;
2243: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2244: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2245: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2246: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2247: message => 'In else of p_copy_only_from_auc is Y' );
2248: END IF;
2249: END IF;
2248: END IF;
2249: END IF;
2251: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2252: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2253: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2254: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2255: message => 'Insert for lines not bid' );
2256: END IF;
2249: END IF;
2251: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2252: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2253: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2254: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2255: message => 'Insert for lines not bid' );
2256: END IF;
2257: END IF;
2303: AND bl.has_bid_flag = 'N'
2304: AND bl.line_number BETWEEN p_batch_start AND p_batch_end);
2306: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2307: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2308: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2309: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2310: message => 'Insert for lines that were bid' );
2311: END IF;
2304: AND bl.line_number BETWEEN p_batch_start AND p_batch_end);
2306: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2307: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2308: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2309: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2310: message => 'Insert for lines that were bid' );
2311: END IF;
2312: END IF;
2384: AND bl.has_bid_flag = 'Y'
2385: AND bl.line_number BETWEEN p_batch_start AND p_batch_end);
2387: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2388: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2389: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2390: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2391: message => 'copy attachements from bid' );
2392: END IF;
2385: AND bl.line_number BETWEEN p_batch_start AND p_batch_end);
2387: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2388: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2389: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2390: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2391: message => 'copy attachements from bid' );
2392: END IF;
2393: END IF;
2406: X_last_update_login => fnd_global.login_id);
2407: END LOOP;
2408: END IF; --p_copy_only_from_auc
2409: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2410: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2411: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2412: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2413: message => 'exiting insert_into_payments' );
2414: END IF;
2407: END LOOP;
2408: END IF; --p_copy_only_from_auc
2409: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2410: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2411: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2412: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2413: message => 'exiting insert_into_payments' );
2414: END IF;
2415: END IF;
2771: --get the one time values needed for complex work here to avoid reexcution of
2772: --query with every batch
2773: g_copy_only_from_auc := 'N';
2774: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2775: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2776: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2777: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2778: message => 'initializing negotiation values for complex work');
2779: END IF;
2772: --query with every batch
2773: g_copy_only_from_auc := 'N';
2774: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2775: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2776: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2777: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2778: message => 'initializing negotiation values for complex work');
2779: END IF;
2780: END IF;
2784: into l_supplier_flag, l_payment_type, l_contract_type,
2785: g_advance_negotiable,g_recoupment_negotiable,g_prog_pymt_negotiable,g_max_rtng_negotiable,g_rtng_negotiable
2786: FROM pon_auction_headers_all ah where ah.auction_header_id=p_auc_header_id;
2787: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2788: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2789: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2790: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2791: message => 'initializing currency stuff for complex work');
2792: END IF;
2785: g_advance_negotiable,g_recoupment_negotiable,g_prog_pymt_negotiable,g_max_rtng_negotiable,g_rtng_negotiable
2786: FROM pon_auction_headers_all ah where ah.auction_header_id=p_auc_header_id;
2787: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2788: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2789: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2790: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2791: message => 'initializing currency stuff for complex work');
2792: END IF;
2793: END IF;
2806: --do the following only if complex work neg
2807: IF (p_new_round_or_amended = 'Y' and l_supplier_flag = 'N'
2808: AND l_payment_type <> 'NONE' AND l_contract_type = 'STANDARD') THEN
2809: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2810: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2811: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2812: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2813: message => 'within if for complex work');
2814: END IF;
2807: IF (p_new_round_or_amended = 'Y' and l_supplier_flag = 'N'
2808: AND l_payment_type <> 'NONE' AND l_contract_type = 'STANDARD') THEN
2809: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2810: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2811: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2812: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2813: message => 'within if for complex work');
2814: END IF;
2815: END IF;
2824: FROM pon_auction_headers_all oldah
2825: WHERE oldah.auction_header_id = l_source_header_id;
2827: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2828: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2829: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2830: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2831: message => 'after selecting supplier flag copy only from auc value is' || g_copy_only_from_auc );
2832: END IF;
2825: WHERE oldah.auction_header_id = l_source_header_id;
2827: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2828: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2829: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2830: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2831: message => 'after selecting supplier flag copy only from auc value is' || g_copy_only_from_auc );
2832: END IF;
2833: END IF;
2833: END IF;
2835: END IF; --p_new_round... ontract_type STANDARD and payment_type <> NONE
2836: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2837: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2838: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2839: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2840: message => 'Finished initializing negotiation values for complex work' );
2841: END IF;
2835: END IF; --p_new_round... ontract_type STANDARD and payment_type <> NONE
2836: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2837: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2838: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2839: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2840: message => 'Finished initializing negotiation values for complex work' );
2841: END IF;
2842: END IF;
2950: --complex work
2951: IF (l_payment_type <> 'NONE' AND l_contract_type = 'STANDARD' ) THEN
2953: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2954: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2955: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2956: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2957: message => 'before calling insert_into_payments' );
2958: END IF;
2951: IF (l_payment_type <> 'NONE' AND l_contract_type = 'STANDARD' ) THEN
2953: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2954: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2955: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2956: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2957: message => 'before calling insert_into_payments' );
2958: END IF;
2959: END IF;
2969: p_new_round_or_amended,
2970: l_batch_start,
2971: l_batch_end);
2972: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2973: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2974: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2975: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2976: message => 'after calling insert_into_payments' );
2977: END IF;
2970: l_batch_start,
2971: l_batch_end);
2972: IF (g_debug_mode = 'Y') THEN
2973: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2974: FND_LOG.string(log_level => FND_LOG.level_statement,
2975: module => g_module_prefix || l_module,
2976: message => 'after calling insert_into_payments' );
2977: END IF;
2978: END IF;
4613: IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(FND_MSG_PUB.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error)THEN
4614: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name, SQLERRM);
4615: IF ( fnd_log.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
4616: fnd_log.string(log_level => fnd_log.level_unexpected
4617: ,module => g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name
4618: ,message => l_progress || ': ' || SQLERRM);
4619: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4613: IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level(FND_MSG_PUB.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error)THEN
4614: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(g_pkg_name, l_api_name, SQLERRM);
4615: IF ( fnd_log.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
4616: fnd_log.string(log_level => fnd_log.level_unexpected
4617: ,module => g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name
4618: ,message => l_progress || ': ' || SQLERRM);
4619: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4620: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4615: IF ( fnd_log.level_unexpected >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
4616: fnd_log.string(log_level => fnd_log.level_unexpected
4617: ,module => g_pkg_name||'.'||l_api_name
4618: ,message => l_progress || ': ' || SQLERRM);
4619: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4620: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4621: message => 'Input parameter list: ' );
4622: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4623: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4618: ,message => l_progress || ': ' || SQLERRM);
4619: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4620: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4621: message => 'Input parameter list: ' );
4622: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4623: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4624: message => 'Auction Header Id = ' || p_auction_header_id);
4625: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4626: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4621: message => 'Input parameter list: ' );
4622: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4623: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4624: message => 'Auction Header Id = ' || p_auction_header_id);
4625: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4626: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4627: message => 'Previous Round Active Bid Number = ' || p_prev_auc_active_bid_number);
4628: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4629: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4624: message => 'Auction Header Id = ' || p_auction_header_id);
4625: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4626: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4627: message => 'Previous Round Active Bid Number = ' || p_prev_auc_active_bid_number);
4628: fnd_log.string(log_level=>fnd_log.level_unexpected,
4629: module =>g_pkg_name ||'.'||l_api_name,
4630: message => 'Line Number = ' || p_line_number);
4632: END IF;