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2 /* $Header: gcslmaps.pls 120.1 2005/10/30 05:16:04 appldev noship $ */
3 --
4 -- Package
5 --   gcs_lex_map_api_pkg
6 -- Purpose
7 --   Package procedures for Lexical Mapping API
8 -- History
9 --   03-APR-03	M Ward		Created
10 --
12   TYPE error_record_type IS record(
13     error_code	VARCHAR2(4),
14     rule_id	NUMBER,
15     deriv_num	NUMBER,
16     row_id	rowid
17   );
18   TYPE error_table_type IS TABLE OF error_record_type INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
20   -- Global PL/SQL table to store error information
21   error_table	error_table_type;
23   --
24   -- Procedure
25   --   Create_Map_Functions
26   -- Purpose
27   --   Creates a PL/SQL function for each rule of a lexical mapping.
28   --   Each function will contain the code to return the appropriate
29   --   target value given the input values necessary for that lexical
30   --   mapping rule.
31   -- Arguments
32   --   p_rule_set_id		ID of the Lexical Mapping for which the
33   --				packages should be created.
34   -- Example
35   --   GL_LEX_MAP_PKG.Create_Map_Functions(111)
36   -- Notes
37   --
38   PROCEDURE Create_Map_Functions(
39 	p_init_msg_list			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
40 	x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
41 	x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
42 	x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
43 	p_rule_set_id			NUMBER);
45   --
46   -- Procedure
47   --   Apply_Map
48   -- Purpose
49   --   Applies the mapping specified to the staging table specified, only
50   --   affecting those rows that pass the filter criteria given. It is
51   --   assumed that Create_Map_Package() has already been called for this
52   --   lexical mapping prior to Apply_Map() being called.
53   -- Arguments
54   --   p_rule_set_id		ID of the Lexical Mapping to apply.
55   --   p_staging_table_name	Name of the staging table to which this
56   --				mapping should be applied.
57   --   p_debug_mode		Whether or not debug information should be
58   --				written to the log file.
59   --   p_filter_column_name1	Name of one column to check for filtering.
60   --   p_filter_column_value1	Value that the first filter column should be
61   --				for the mapping to be applied to that row.
62   --   ...
63   --   ...
64   --
65   -- Example
66   --   GL_LEX_MAP_PKG.Apply_Map(111, 'gl_interface', 'Y', 'group_id', '123')
67   -- Notes
68   --
69   PROCEDURE Apply_Map(
70 	p_api_version		NUMBER,
71 	p_init_msg_list		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
72 	p_commit		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
73 	p_validation_level	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
74 	x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
75 	x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
76 	x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
77 	p_rule_set_id		NUMBER,
78 	p_staging_table_name	VARCHAR2,
79 	p_debug_mode		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
80 	p_filter_column_name1	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
81 	p_filter_column_value1	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
82 	p_filter_column_name2	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
83 	p_filter_column_value2	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
84 	p_filter_column_name3	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
85 	p_filter_column_value3	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
86 	p_filter_column_name4	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
87 	p_filter_column_value4	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
88 	p_filter_column_name5	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
89 	p_filter_column_value5	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
90 	p_filter_column_name6	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
91 	p_filter_column_value6	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
92 	p_filter_column_name7	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
93 	p_filter_column_value7	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
94 	p_filter_column_name8	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
95 	p_filter_column_value8	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
96 	p_filter_column_name9	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
97 	p_filter_column_value9	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
98 	p_filter_column_name10	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
99 	p_filter_column_value10	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
101   --
102   -- Procedure
103   --   Create_Validation_Functions
104   -- Purpose
105   --   Creates a PL/SQL function for each rule of a validation rule set. Each
106   --   function will contain the code to return a status code based on the
107   --   success of the validation.
108   -- Arguments
109   --   p_rule_set_id		ID of the Validation Rule Set
110   -- Example
111   --   GL_LEX_MAP_PKG.Create_Validation_Functions(111)
112   -- Notes
113   --
114   PROCEDURE Create_Validation_Functions(
115 	p_init_msg_list			VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
116 	x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
117 	x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
118 	x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
119 	p_rule_set_id			NUMBER);
121   --
122   -- Procedure
123   --   Apply_Validation
124   -- Purpose
125   --   Applies the validation specified to the staging table specified, only
126   --   affecting those rows that pass the filter criteria given. It is
127   --   assumed that Create_Validation_Functions() has already been called for
128   --   this validation rule set
129   -- Arguments
130   --   p_rule_set_id		ID of the Validation Rule Set to apply.
131   --   p_staging_table_name	Name of the staging table to which this
132   --				mapping should be applied.
133   --   p_debug_mode		Whether or not debug information should be
134   --				written to the log file.
135   --   p_filter_column_name1	Name of one column to check for filtering.
136   --   p_filter_column_value1	Value that the first filter column should be
137   --				for the mapping to be applied to that row.
138   --   ...
139   --   ...
140   --
141   -- Example
142   --   GL_LEX_MAP_PKG.Apply_Validation(1, 'gl_interface', 'Y', 'group_id', '3')
143   -- Notes
144   --
145   PROCEDURE Apply_Validation(
146 	p_api_version		NUMBER,
147 	p_init_msg_list		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
148 	p_commit		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
149 	p_validation_level	NUMBER   DEFAULT NULL,
150 	x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
151 	x_msg_count	OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
152 	x_msg_data	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
153 	p_rule_set_id		NUMBER,
154 	p_staging_table_name	VARCHAR2,
155 	p_debug_mode		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
156 	p_filter_column_name1	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
157 	p_filter_column_value1	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
158 	p_filter_column_name2	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
159 	p_filter_column_value2	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
160 	p_filter_column_name3	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
161 	p_filter_column_value3	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
162 	p_filter_column_name4	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
163 	p_filter_column_value4	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
164 	p_filter_column_name5	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
165 	p_filter_column_value5	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
166 	p_filter_column_name6	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
167 	p_filter_column_value6	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
168 	p_filter_column_name7	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
169 	p_filter_column_value7	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
170 	p_filter_column_name8	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
171 	p_filter_column_value8	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
172 	p_filter_column_name9	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
173 	p_filter_column_value9	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
174 	p_filter_column_name10	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
175 	p_filter_column_value10	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL);
177   --
178   -- Procedure
179   --   After_FEM_Refresh
180   -- Purpose
181   --   Populates new associated_object_id's for gcs_lex_map_rule_sets.
182   -- Example
183   --   GL_LEX_MAP_PKG.After_FEM_Refresh
184   -- Notes
185   --
186   PROCEDURE After_FEM_Refresh;