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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 13

 |     This is a part of Concurrent Requeset Set which updates the main table    |
 |     with the Degree Subjects data for GTTR uploaded into the temporary table  |
 |      from flat file by the  1st (SQL Ldr part of this concurrent request set. |
 |                                                                               |
 | HISTORY                                                                       |
 | Who             When            What                                          |
 | rgangara        05-Nov-2002    Create Version as part of Small systems support|
 |                                Enhancement (UCFD02). Bug 2643048              |
 | pmarada         13-Jun-2003   Removed the igs_uc_refcodetype table references |
 |                               and removed the hercules profiles references as |
 |                               per the UCFD203-Multiple cycles, bug 2669208    |
 | anwest          18-Jan-06      Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate           |

  PROCEDURE Imp_Degsubject_codes  (
                                    errbuf       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
                                    retcode      OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
                                     ) IS
    ||  Created By : rgangara
    ||  Created On : 05-Nov-2002
    ||  Purpose    : This is main Procedure which will transfer the Degree Subjects (GTTR) data
    ||               from the temporary table to the UCAS Reference codes table.
    ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
    ||  Change History :
    ||  Who             When            What
    ||  anwest          18-JAN-2006     Bug# 4950285 R12 Disable OSS Mandate
    ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

    -- Declare all the local variables, cursors

   -- Cursor to pick records from temp table to be processed.
   CURSOR Degsubj_proc_cur IS
   SELECT deg_subj_code,
   FROM   igs_uc_mv_degsb_int;
Line: 54

   SELECT lookup_code
   FROM   igs_lookup_values
   WHERE  lookup_type = 'IGS_UC_CODE_TYPES'
     AND  lookup_code = 'DS';
Line: 61

   SELECT rowid, code
   FROM   igs_uc_ref_codes
   WHERE  code_type = 'DS'
   AND    code = p_code;
Line: 104

           igs_uc_ref_codes_pkg.Insert_Row (
                                    X_ROWID      => l_rowid,
                                    X_CODE_TYPE  => 'DS',
                                    X_CODE       => degsubj_proc_rec.deg_subj_code,
                                    X_CODE_TEXT  => degsubj_proc_rec.code_text,
                                    X_IMPORTED   => 'Y',
                                    X_MODE       => 'R'
Line: 117

           igs_uc_ref_codes_pkg.Update_Row (
                                    X_ROWID      => l_rowid,
                                    X_CODE_TYPE  => 'DS',
                                    X_CODE       => degsubj_proc_rec.deg_subj_code,
                                    X_CODE_TEXT  => degsubj_proc_rec.code_text,
                                    X_IMPORTED   => 'Y',
                                    X_MODE       => 'R'