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Line 440: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history wth, wsh_new_deliveries wnd

436: IS
437: --
438: CURSOR c_GetDelId(p_respNum VARCHAR2) IS
439: SELECT wth.shipment_header_id, wth.last_update_date, wnd.last_update_date
440: FROM wsh_inbound_txn_history wth, wsh_new_deliveries wnd
441: WHERE receipt_number like p_respNum
442: AND shipment_header_id = wnd.delivery_id
443: AND transaction_type = 'ROUTING_RESPONSE'
444: ORDER BY NVL(revision_number, -99) DESC;

Line 456: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

452: -- This cursor gets the dates for the initial pickup location
453: --
454: CURSOR c_GetPTripLastUpdateDate(p_delId NUMBER) IS
455: SELECT wts.last_update_date, wdl.last_update_date, wt.last_update_date
456: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
457: wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
458: wsh_trip_stops wts,
459: wsh_trips wt
460: WHERE wnd.delivery_id = p_delId

Line 471: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,

467: -- This cursor gets the dates for the ultimate dropoff location
468: --
469: CURSOR c_GetDTripLastUpdateDate(p_delId NUMBER) IS
470: SELECT wts.last_update_date, wdl.last_update_date, wt.last_update_date
471: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd,
472: wsh_delivery_legs wdl,
473: wsh_trip_stops wts,
474: wsh_trips wt
475: WHERE wnd.delivery_id = p_delId

Line 484: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd, wsh_carrier_sites wcs,

480: AND wnd.shipping_control='BUYER';
481: --
482: CURSOR c_GetCarrierLastUpdateDate(p_delId NUMBER) IS
483: SELECT MAX(wcs.last_update_date), MAX(wocs.last_update_date)
484: FROM wsh_new_deliveries wnd, wsh_carrier_sites wcs,
485: wsh_org_carrier_sites wocs
486: WHERE wnd.organization_id = wocs.organization_id
487: AND wcs.carrier_id = wnd.carrier_id
488: AND wnd.delivery_id = p_delId;