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Line 2077: fnd.user_name||newline||'['||

2073: CURSOR get_created_user ( p_request_id VARCHAR2 )
2074: IS SELECT /*+ ORDERED */
2075: det.detail_bb_id,
2076: det.detail_bb_ovn,
2077: fnd.user_name||newline||'['||
2078: ppf.full_name||']'
2079: FROM hxc_rpt_tc_resource_temp gt,
2080: hxc_rpt_tc_details_all det,
2081: fnd_user fnd,

Line 2081: fnd_user fnd,

2077: fnd.user_name||newline||'['||
2078: ppf.full_name||']'
2079: FROM hxc_rpt_tc_resource_temp gt,
2080: hxc_rpt_tc_details_all det,
2081: fnd_user fnd,
2082: per_all_people_f ppf
2083: WHERE gt.tc_bb_id = det.tc_bb_id
2084: AND gt.request_id = p_request_id
2085: AND det.created_by = fnd.user_id

Line 2085: AND det.created_by = fnd.user_id

2081: fnd_user fnd,
2082: per_all_people_f ppf
2083: WHERE gt.tc_bb_id = det.tc_bb_id
2084: AND gt.request_id = p_request_id
2085: AND det.created_by = fnd.user_id
2086: AND fnd.employee_id = ppf.person_id
2087: AND det.day_start_time BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
2088: AND ppf.effective_end_date
2089: AND det.created_by_user IS NULL ;

Line 2099: -- Find out user_name for the corresponding user_ids from FND_USER

2095: BEGIN
2098: -- Public Procedure translate_created_by
2099: -- Find out user_name for the corresponding user_ids from FND_USER
2100: -- and full_name from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F for the employee_ids from
2101: -- FND_USER.
2102: -- Update HXC_RPT_TC_DETAILS_ALL with the corresponding values.

Line 2101: -- FND_USER.

2098: -- Public Procedure translate_created_by
2099: -- Find out user_name for the corresponding user_ids from FND_USER
2100: -- and full_name from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F for the employee_ids from
2101: -- FND_USER.
2102: -- Update HXC_RPT_TC_DETAILS_ALL with the corresponding values.
2104: IF g_debug
2105: THEN

Line 2163: fnd.user_name||newline||'['||

2159: CURSOR get_updated_user ( p_request_id VARCHAR2)
2160: IS SELECT /*+ ORDERED */
2161: det.detail_bb_id,
2162: det.detail_bb_ovn,
2163: fnd.user_name||newline||'['||
2164: ppf.full_name||']'
2165: FROM hxc_rpt_tc_resource_temp gt,
2166: hxc_rpt_tc_details_all det,
2167: fnd_user fnd,

Line 2167: fnd_user fnd,

2163: fnd.user_name||newline||'['||
2164: ppf.full_name||']'
2165: FROM hxc_rpt_tc_resource_temp gt,
2166: hxc_rpt_tc_details_all det,
2167: fnd_user fnd,
2168: per_all_people_f ppf
2169: WHERE gt.tc_bb_id = det.tc_bb_id
2170: AND gt.request_id = p_request_id
2171: AND det.last_updated_by = fnd.user_id

Line 2171: AND det.last_updated_by = fnd.user_id

2167: fnd_user fnd,
2168: per_all_people_f ppf
2169: WHERE gt.tc_bb_id = det.tc_bb_id
2170: AND gt.request_id = p_request_id
2171: AND det.last_updated_by = fnd.user_id
2172: AND fnd.employee_id = ppf.person_id
2173: AND det.day_start_time BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
2174: AND ppf.effective_end_date
2175: AND det.last_updated_by_user IS NULL ;

Line 2184: -- Find out user_name for the corresponding user_ids from FND_USER

2181: BEGIN
2183: -- Public Procedure translate_last_updated_by
2184: -- Find out user_name for the corresponding user_ids from FND_USER
2185: -- and full_name from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F for the employee_ids from
2186: -- FND_USER.
2187: -- Update HXC_RPT_TC_DETAILS_ALL with the corresponding values.

Line 2186: -- FND_USER.

2183: -- Public Procedure translate_last_updated_by
2184: -- Find out user_name for the corresponding user_ids from FND_USER
2185: -- and full_name from PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F for the employee_ids from
2186: -- FND_USER.
2187: -- Update HXC_RPT_TC_DETAILS_ALL with the corresponding values.
2190: IF g_debug