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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 408

    SELECT decode(pet.element_name
                 ,'Medical Information', '1'
                 ,'PHF Information', '1'
                 ,'Pension Information', '1'
                 ,'Unemployment Insurance Information', '1'
                 ,'Injury Insurance Information', '2'
                 ,'Maternity Insurance Information', '2'
                 ,'Supplementary Medical Information', '2'
                 ,'Enterprise Annuity Information', '2'
      FROM pay_element_types_f pet
          ,pay_element_entries_f pee
          ,pay_element_classifications pec
     WHERE pet.element_type_id = pee.element_type_id
       AND pee.element_entry_id = p_element_entry_id
       AND pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
       AND pec.classification_name = 'PHF and SI Information'
       AND pec.legislation_code = 'CN'
       AND pet.legislation_code = 'CN'
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date AND pet.effective_end_date
       AND p_effective_date BETWEEN pee.effective_start_date AND pee.effective_end_date;