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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_ie_medical_adjust AS
2 /* $Header: pyiemadj.pkb 120.2 2008/01/07 07:02:05 rrajaman noship $ */
3 g_package varchar2(33) := '  pay_ie_medical_adjust.';
5 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
6 /*-------------------------- Medical_Balance_Adjust ---------------------------*/
7 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
8 PROCEDURE Medical_Balance_Adjust(p_bg_id IN NUMBER,
9 					p_eff_date IN DATE,
10 					p_asg_id IN VARCHAR2,
11 					p_benefit_type IN VARCHAR2,
12 					p_validate_commit IN VARCHAR2,
13 					p_entry_value1 IN NUMBER)
14 IS
15   l_proc_name Varchar2(100) := 'Medical_Balance_Adjust';
17   --
18   CURSOR element_csr IS
19   SELECT element_type_id
20   FROM   pay_element_types_f
21   WHERE  element_name = 'Setup BIK Medical Insurance'
22 --  AND    nvl(business_group_id, p_bg_id) = p_bg_id
23   AND    legislation_code = 'IE'
24   AND    p_eff_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
25   --
26   element_rec element_csr%ROWTYPE;
27   --
28   CURSOR input_val_csr(p_element_type_id IN NUMBER, p_name In VARCHAR2) IS
29   SELECT input_value_id
30   FROM   pay_input_values_f
31   WHERE  element_type_id = p_element_type_id
32   AND    name = p_name
33   --AND    nvl(business_group_id, p_bg_id) = p_bg_id
34   AND    legislation_code = 'IE'
35   AND    p_eff_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
36   --
37   input_val_rec1 input_val_csr%ROWTYPE;
38   --
39   CURSOR link_csr(p_element_type_id IN NUMBER) IS
40    SELECT links.element_link_id
41       FROM   pay_element_links_f links, per_all_assignments_f assign
42       WHERE  links.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
43       AND    links.business_group_id=p_bg_id
44       AND    assign.assignment_id=p_asg_id
45       AND   ((    links.payroll_id is not null
46               and links.payroll_id = assign.payroll_id)
47       OR     (    links.link_to_all_payrolls_flag='Y'
48               and assign.payroll_id is not null)
49       OR     (    links.payroll_id is null
50               and links.link_to_all_payrolls_flag='N')
51       OR     links.job_id=assign.job_id
52       OR     links.position_id=assign.position_id
53       OR     links.people_group_id=assign.people_group_id
54       OR     links.organization_id=assign.organization_id
55       OR     links.grade_id=assign.grade_id
56       OR     links.location_id=assign.location_id
57       OR     links.pay_basis_id=assign.pay_basis_id
58       OR     links.employment_category=assign.employment_category)
59       AND    p_eff_date BETWEEN links.effective_start_date
60                               AND     links.effective_end_date;
61   --
62   link_rec link_csr%ROWTYPE;
63   --
64   l_element_entry_id NUMBER;
65   l_effective_start_date DATE;
66   l_effective_end_date DATE;
67   l_object_version_number NUMBER;
68   l_create_warning BOOLEAN := FALSE;
69   --
73 hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||g_package||l_proc_name,2000);
74 fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Value of p_bg_id is '||p_bg_id);
75 fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Value of p_eff_date is '||p_eff_date);
76 fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Value of p_asg_id is '||p_asg_id);
77 fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Value of p_benefit_type is '||p_benefit_type);
78 fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Value of p_validate_commit is '||p_validate_commit);
80       --
81       -- Get Element information
82       --
83       OPEN  element_csr;
84       FETCH element_csr INTO element_rec;
85       CLOSE element_csr;
86 	hr_utility.set_location('element_rec.element_type_id '||element_rec.element_type_id,2010);
87 	--
88       -- Get Input Values
89       --
90       OPEN  input_val_csr(element_rec.element_type_id, 'Taxable Value for Run');
91       FETCH input_val_csr INTO input_val_rec1;
92       CLOSE input_val_csr;
93 	hr_utility.set_location('input_val_rec1.input_value_id '||input_val_rec1.input_value_id,2020);
94       --
95       -- Get element link information
96       --
97       OPEN  link_csr(element_rec.element_type_id);
98       FETCH link_csr INTO link_rec;
99       CLOSE link_csr;
100 	hr_utility.set_location('link_rec.element_link_id '||link_rec.element_link_id,2030);
101 	--
102       -- Call API To Create Element Entry
103       --
104 	hr_utility.set_location('Before Calling API py_element_entry_api.create_element_entry ',2040);
106 	py_element_entry_api.create_element_entry(p_effective_date             => p_eff_date,
107 				p_business_group_id          => p_bg_id,
108 				--p_original_entry_id          => p_original_entry_id,          -- default
109 				p_assignment_id              => p_asg_id,
110 				p_element_link_id            => link_rec.element_link_id,
111 				p_entry_type                 => 'B',
112 				p_creator_type               => 'B',
113 				p_target_entry_id		     => 999999,
114 				p_input_value_id1            => input_val_rec1.input_value_id,
115 				p_entry_value1               =>  nvl(p_entry_value1,0),
116 				p_effective_start_date       => l_effective_start_date,
117 				p_effective_end_date         => l_effective_end_date,
118 				p_element_entry_id           => l_element_entry_id,
119 				p_object_version_number      => l_object_version_number,
120 				p_create_warning             => l_create_warning);
121 	hr_utility.set_location('After Calling API py_element_entry_api.create_element_entry ',2040);
123 	update pay_element_entries_f pee
124 	set    pee.creator_type          = 'B',
125 	       pee.target_entry_id          = NULL
126 	where  pee.element_entry_id      = l_element_entry_id
127 	and    p_eff_date between pee.effective_start_date and pee.effective_end_date;
129 	hr_utility.set_location('After updating pay_element_entries_f ',2050);
130 	-- Deal with the creation of Payroll and Assignment
131 	-- Action for the adjustment.  We call the existing
132 	-- routine to ensure that we get support for altering
133 	-- latest balances and creation of Action Contexts.
134 	hr_utility.set_location('Before calling hrassact.bal_adjust ',2060);
136 	hrassact.bal_adjust (consetid    => NULL,
137 				eentryid    => l_element_entry_id,
138 				effdate     => p_eff_date,
139 				prepay_flag => NULL,
140 				run_type_id => NULL);
142 	hr_utility.set_location('After calling hrassact.bal_adjust ',2060);
144 hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||g_package||l_proc_name,2000);
145 END;
147 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
148 /*-------------------------- Medical_Validate_Commit ---------------------------*/
149 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
150 PROCEDURE Medical_Validate_Commit(errbuf OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
151 					retcode OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
152 					p_bg_id IN NUMBER,
153 					p_eff_date IN VARCHAR2,
154 					p_asg_id IN VARCHAR2,
155 					p_benefit_type IN VARCHAR2,
156 					p_validate_commit IN VARCHAR2)
157 IS
158 l_proc_name Varchar2(100) := 'Medical_Validate_Commit';
159 l_effective_date DATE;
160 l_ele_type_id number;
161 l_input_val_id_med number;
162 l_input_val_id_tax number;
163 l_assignment_id number := NULL;
164 l_assig_number per_all_assignments_f.assignment_number%TYPE;
165 l_report_item_type varchar(10) := NULL;
166 l_result_val varchar2(20);
167 l_result_val_l varchar2(20);
168 l_result_val_num number := 0;
169 l_full_name per_all_people_f.full_name%TYPE;
170 l_temp_assg_id number;
171 l_string varchar2(200);
172 counter number := 0;
173 l_assign_id varchar2(30);
174 l_instr_length number := 0;
175 l_under_line varchar2(130) := '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------';
176 l_asg_counter number :=0;
177 l_c_already_run number :=0;  -- (0 = NOT RUN  1 = RAN )
179 TYPE Med_Record is Record(l_m_asg_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE,
180 				  l_m_Value  NUMBER);
181 l_Med_Record Med_Record;
183 TYPE Med_pl_table is table of Med_Record index by binary_integer;
184 l_Med_pl_table Med_pl_table;
186 -- Cursor to get element_type_id
187 cursor csr_get_ele_id IS
188 select distinct element_type_id
189 from pay_element_types_f
190 where element_name = 'IE BIK Other Reportable Item Details'
191 and legislation_code = 'IE';
193 -- Cursor to get input_val_id
194 cursor csr_get_input_val_id (p_ele_type_id in number,
195                              p_input_val_name in varchar2) IS
196 select distinct input_value_id
197 from pay_input_values_f
198 where name = p_input_val_name
199 and legislation_code = 'IE'
200 and element_type_id = p_ele_type_id;
202 -- fetch all assigment_action_ids and corresponding
203 cursor csr_assig_act (p_assig_id in number,
204                       p_input_val_id_med in number,
205                       p_ele_type_id in number,
206                       p_report_item_type in varchar2,
207 			    p_input_val_id_tax in number)  IS
208 select paa.assignment_id, sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(prrv1.result_value)) result_value  --paa.assignment_action_id, paa.payroll_action_id
209 from pay_assignment_actions paa,
210      pay_payroll_actions ppa,
211      pay_run_results prr,
212      pay_run_result_values prrv,
213      pay_run_result_values prrv1
214 where paa.action_status = 'C'
215 and paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
216 and paa.assignment_id = nvl(p_assig_id, paa.assignment_id)
217 and paa.assignment_action_id = prr.assignment_action_id
218 and prr.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
219 and prr.run_result_id = prrv.run_result_id
220 and prrv.input_value_id = p_input_val_id_med
221 and prrv.result_value = p_report_item_type
222 and prr.run_result_id = prrv1.run_result_id
223 and prrv1.input_value_id = p_input_val_id_tax
224 and ppa.effective_date between  to_date('01/01/2007','DD/MM/RRRR') and l_effective_date
225 and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','B','V')
226 group by paa.assignment_id
227 having sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(prrv1.result_value)) <> 0
228 order by paa.assignment_id;
230 -- Cursor to get result values
231 cursor csr_get_value (p_ele_type_id in number,
232                       p_input_val_id in number,
233                       p_assg_act_id in number) IS
234 select result_value from pay_run_result_values where
235 input_value_id = p_input_val_id
236 and run_result_id in (select run_result_id from pay_run_results
237                         where assignment_action_id = p_assg_act_id
238                         and element_type_id = p_ele_type_id) ;
240 -- Get person details
241  Cursor csr_person_details (p_assg_id in number) IS
242    select distinct ppf.full_name  ,
243           paaf.assignment_number
244    from per_all_people_f ppf,
245    per_all_assignments_f paaf
246    where paaf.assignment_id = p_assg_id
247    and paaf.person_id = ppf.person_id
248    and l_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;
250 -- Cursor to prevent this process running twice.
251 CURSOR c_already_run IS
252 SELECT 1
253 FROM   pay_patch_status
254 WHERE  patch_number     = 6506755
255 AND    patch_name       = 'IE_MED_BAL_ADJ'
256 AND    phase            = 'C'
257 AND    legislation_code = 'IE';
260 	hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||g_package||l_proc_name,1000);
261 	hr_utility.set_location('p_bg_id '||p_bg_id,1005);
262 	hr_utility.set_location('p_eff_date '||p_eff_date,1005);
263 	hr_utility.set_location('p_asg_id '||p_asg_id,1005);
264 	hr_utility.set_location('p_benefit_type '||p_benefit_type,1005);
265 	hr_utility.set_location('p_validate_commit '||p_validate_commit,1005);
267 	--fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'p_bg_id: '||p_bg_id||' p_eff_date: '||p_eff_date||' p_asg_id: '||p_asg_id||' p_benefit_type: '||p_benefit_type||' p_validate_commit: '||p_validate_commit);
269 	retcode := 0;
270 	l_effective_date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_eff_date);
272 	hr_utility.set_location('l_effective_date'||to_char(l_effective_date),1010);
273 	hr_utility.set_location('Deleting PL table l_Med_pl_table',1010);
274 	l_Med_pl_table.delete;
276 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_under_line);
277 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'Date:'||to_char(l_effective_date)||'                         IE Medical Insurance Upgrade Process');
278 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_under_line);
279 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,' ');
281 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,l_under_line);
282 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Date:'||to_char(l_effective_date)||'                         IE Medical Insurance Upgrade Process');
283 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,l_under_line);
284 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,' ');
286 	l_assignment_id    := p_asg_id;
287 	l_report_item_type := p_benefit_type;
288 /*
289 	IF l_assignment_id = -1 THEN
290 	   l_assignment_id := NULL;
291 	END IF;
293 	IF l_report_item_type = '-1' THEN
294 	   l_report_item_type := NULL;
295 	   fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'Reportable Item Type cannot be null. You must enter valid Reportable Item Type');
296 	   raise_application_error(-20001,'Reportable Item Type cannot be null. You must enter valid Reportable Item Type');
297 	END IF;
298 */
299 	-- get element_type_Id;
300 	open csr_get_ele_id;
301 	fetch csr_get_ele_id into l_ele_type_id;
302 	close csr_get_ele_id;
303 	hr_utility.set_location('l_ele_type_id:'||l_ele_type_id,1020);
305 	-- get input_val_id of Taxable Value for Run
306 	open csr_get_input_val_id(l_ele_type_id, 'Taxable Value for Run');
307 	fetch csr_get_input_val_id into l_input_val_id_tax;
308 	close csr_get_input_val_id;
309 	hr_utility.set_location('l_input_val_id_tax:'||l_input_val_id_tax,1030);
311 	-- get input_val_id of Reportable Item Type
312 	open csr_get_input_val_id(l_ele_type_id, 'Reportable Item Type');
313 	fetch csr_get_input_val_id into l_input_val_id_med;
314 	close csr_get_input_val_id;
315 	hr_utility.set_location('l_input_val_id_med:'||l_input_val_id_med,1040);
317 	l_temp_assg_id := NULL;
319 	l_string := lpad('Person Full Name',35,' ')
320 	            || lpad('Assignment Number',25,' ')
321 		    ||lpad('Assignment ID',20,' ')
322 		    ||lpad('Report Item',20,' ')
323 		    ||lpad('Taxable Value',30,' ');
324 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_string);
325 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,l_string);
327 	l_string := NULL;
328 	l_string := lpad('=========================',35,' ')
329 	            || lpad('=================',25,' ')
330 		    ||lpad('=============',20,' ')
331 		    ||lpad('===========',20,' ')
332 		    ||lpad('=====================',30,' ');
333 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_string);
334 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,l_string);
336 	hr_utility.set_location('l_assignment_id:'||l_assignment_id,1050);
337 	hr_utility.set_location('l_input_val_id_med:'||l_input_val_id_med,1050);
338 	hr_utility.set_location('l_ele_type_id:'||l_ele_type_id,1050);
339 	hr_utility.set_location('l_report_item_type:'||l_report_item_type,1050);
340 	hr_utility.set_location('l_input_val_id_tax:'||l_input_val_id_tax,1050);
341 	hr_utility.set_location('l_c_already_run:'||l_c_already_run,1060);
344 -- Get all assignment_ids
345 	hr_utility.set_location('Before cursor loop csr_assig_act',1060);
346 	OPEN c_already_run;
347 	FETCH c_already_run INTO l_c_already_run;
348 	CLOSE c_already_run;
350 	hr_utility.set_location('l_c_already_run:'||l_c_already_run,1065);
352     IF l_c_already_run <> 1 THEN
353 	FOR l_csr_assig_act in csr_assig_act (l_assignment_id,
354 							  l_input_val_id_med,
355 							  l_ele_type_id,
356 							  l_report_item_type,
357 							  l_input_val_id_tax)
358 	LOOP
359 		l_asg_counter := l_asg_counter + 1;
360 		hr_utility.set_location('Starting Loop counter l_asg_counter:'||l_asg_counter,1070);
361 		/*
362 		IF counter <> 0 and l_temp_assg_id <> l_csr_assig_act.assignment_id THEN
363 		-- Here display Emp Name, assignment number, assignment_id and total result value.
364 		l_string := null;
365 		l_string := lpad(nvl(l_full_name,' '),35,' ')|| lpad(nvl(l_assig_number,' '),25,' ')||lpad(nvl(l_assign_id,' '),20,' ')||lpad(nvl(l_report_item_type,' '),20,' ')||lpad(to_char(l_result_val_num),30,' ');
366 		fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_string);
367 		dbms_output.put_line(l_string);
368 		  --utl_file.put_line (vOutHandle, l_string);
369 		END IF;
371 		counter := counter + 1;
372 		IF l_temp_assg_id <> l_csr_assig_act.assignment_id THEN
373 		 l_result_val_num := 0;
374 		END IF;
376 		l_temp_assg_id := l_csr_assig_act.assignment_id;
378 		open csr_get_value (l_ele_type_id,
379 					  l_input_val_id_tax,
380 					  l_csr_assig_act.assignment_action_id);
381 		fetch csr_get_value into l_result_val;
382 		close csr_get_value;
384 		l_result_val_num := l_result_val_num + to_number(l_result_val);
385 		l_result_val_num := l_result_val_num + fnd_number.canonical_to_number(l_result_val);
386 		*/
387 		-- get the Person_name, assignment_number
388 		open csr_person_details (l_csr_assig_act.assignment_id);
389 		fetch csr_person_details into l_full_name, l_assig_number;
390 		close csr_person_details;
391 		l_assign_id := to_char(l_csr_assig_act.assignment_id);
393 	-- Here display Emp Name, assignment number, assignment_id and total result value.
394 		l_string := null;
398 		fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,l_string);
395 		l_string := lpad(nvl(l_full_name,' '),35,' ')|| lpad(nvl(l_assig_number,' '),25,' ')||lpad(nvl(l_assign_id,' '),20,' ')||lpad(nvl(l_report_item_type,' '),20,' ')||lpad(to_char(l_csr_assig_act.result_value),30,' ');
396 		fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_string);
400 		-- populate PL table only in Commit mode and
401 		IF p_validate_commit = 'IE_VALIDATE_COMMIT'
402 		AND l_c_already_run <> 1
403 		THEN
404 			l_Med_pl_table(l_asg_counter).l_m_asg_id	:= l_csr_assig_act.assignment_id;
405 			l_Med_pl_table(l_asg_counter).l_m_value	:= l_csr_assig_act.result_value;
406 		END IF;
408 		hr_utility.set_location('Ending Loop counter l_asg_counter:'||l_asg_counter,1070);
409 	END LOOP;
411 	--
412 	hr_utility.set_location('After cursor loop csr_assig_act',1060);
413 	--
414 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_under_line);
415 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,l_under_line);
416 	hr_utility.set_location('p_validate_commit:'||p_validate_commit,1080);
417 	hr_utility.set_location('l_Med_pl_table.COUNT:'||l_Med_pl_table.COUNT,1080);
418 	--
419 	IF p_validate_commit = 'IE_VALIDATE_COMMIT' AND l_Med_pl_table.COUNT > 0
420 	THEN
421 		FOR l_index IN 1..l_Med_pl_table.COUNT
422 		LOOP
423 			BEGIN
424 			hr_utility.set_location('l_index:'||l_index,1090);
425 			hr_utility.set_location('l_Med_pl_table(l_index).l_m_asg_id:'||l_Med_pl_table(l_index).l_m_asg_id,1090);
426 			hr_utility.set_location('l_Med_pl_table(l_index).l_m_value:'||l_Med_pl_table(l_index).l_m_value,1090);
427 			hr_utility.set_location('Before calling Medical_Balance_Adjust:',1090);
429 			Medical_Balance_Adjust(p_bg_id,
430 						l_effective_date,
431 						l_Med_pl_table(l_index).l_m_asg_id,
432 						p_benefit_type,
433 						p_validate_commit,
434 						l_Med_pl_table(l_index).l_m_value);
436 			hr_utility.set_location('After calling procedure Medical_Balance_Adjust:',1090);
437 	/*
440 				fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,' ');
441 				fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Error encountered for assignment ID:'||l_Med_pl_table(l_index).l_m_asg_id);
442 				fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,sqlerrm);
443 				Hr_Utility.set_location('Error encountered for assignment ID:'||l_Med_pl_table(l_index).l_m_asg_id,1100);
444 				Hr_Utility.set_location('SQLERRM :'||sqlerrm,1100);
445 				ROLLBACK;
446 	*/
447 			END;
448 		END LOOP;
449 		--
450 		INSERT INTO pay_patch_status(id
451 		,patch_number
452 		,patch_name
453 		,phase
454 		,applied_date
455 		,legislation_code)
456 		SELECT pay_patch_status_s.nextval
457 		,6506755
458 		,'IE_MED_BAL_ADJ'
459 		,'C'
460 		,sysdate
461 		,'IE'
462 		FROM  dual;
463 		--
464 	END IF;
465     ELSE
466 	--
467 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,l_under_line);
468 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.log,'This process has already been run.');
469 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,l_under_line);
470 	--
471 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_under_line);
472 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'This process has already been run.');
473 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_under_line);
474 	--
475     END IF;
476 	--hr_utility.trace_off;
477     -- Display the last assignment picked, outside the loop
478 /*
479 	l_string  := null;
480 	l_string := lpad(nvl(l_full_name,' '),35,' ')|| lpad(nvl(l_assig_number,' '),25,' ')||lpad(nvl(l_assign_id,' '),20,' ')||lpad(nvl(l_report_item_type,' '),20,' ')||lpad(to_char(l_result_val_num),30,' ');
481 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_string);
482 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_under_line);
483 	dbms_output.put_line(l_string);
484 */
486 	hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||g_package||l_proc_name,1000);
489   WHEN Others THEN
490 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'..'||'SQL-ERRM :'||SQLERRM);
491 	fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,l_under_line);
492 	Hr_Utility.set_location('..'||'SQL-ERRM :'||SQLERRM,1000);
493 	hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||g_package||l_proc_name,1000);
494 	raise;
495 END;
497 END pay_ie_medical_adjust;