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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 79

   SELECT data_default
   FROM   all_tab_columns
   WHERE  table_name = p_table_name
   AND    column_name = p_column_name
   AND    owner = l_schema;
Line: 106

   SELECT default_value_varchar2, default_value_number, default_value_date
   FROM   ak_Attributes
   WHERE  attribute_application_id = p_application_id
   AND    attribute_code = p_attribute_code;
Line: 138

   SELECT default_value_varchar2, default_value_number, default_value_date
   FROM   ak_OBJECT_Attributes
   WHERE  attribute_application_id = p_application_id
   AND    database_object_name = p_database_object_name
   AND    attribute_code = p_attribute_code;
Line: 169

        l_sql_string :=  'SELECT '||p_expression_string||' FROM SYS.DUAL';
Line: 189

	l_sql_string :=  'SELECT '||p_expression_string||' FROM DUAL';
Line: 314

l_select_stmt		VARCHAR2(200);
Line: 317

        l_select_stmt :=  'SELECT '||p_sequence_name||'.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL';
Line: 318

	EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_select_stmt INTO l_next_val;
Line: 368

     select src_type, src_api_pkg||'.'||src_api_fn
            ,src_database_object_name, src_attribute_code
            ,src_constant_value, src_profile_option
            ,src_system_variable_expr, src_sequence_name
     into l_src_type, l_src_api_name
            ,l_src_database_object_name, l_src_attribute_code
            ,l_src_constant_value, l_src_profile_option
            ,l_src_system_variable_expr, l_src_sequence_name
     from oe_def_attr_def_rules
     where attr_def_rule_id = p_rule_id;
Line: 391

  select meaning
  into l_src_type_value
  from oe_lookups
  where lookup_type = 'DEFAULTING_SOURCE_TYPE'
  and lookup_code = decode(l_src_type,p_attribute_code,'CONSTANT'
Line: 405

    select name
    into l_src_object
    from ak_objects_vl
    where database_object_name = l_src_database_object_name;
Line: 436

    select user_profile_option_name
    into l_default_source
    from fnd_profile_options_vl
    where profile_option_name = l_src_profile_option;