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Line 1515: OKS_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB.copy_subscription(

1511: IF P_cle_id is null then
1512: For new_topline_rec in get_subscr_toplines_c(p_new_chr_id) Loop
1513: -- The item instance will get copied
1514: -- a new subscription template will get instanciated.
1515: OKS_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB.copy_subscription(
1516: l_api_version,
1517: l_init_msg_list,
1518: l_return_status,
1519: l_msg_count,

Line 1564: OKS_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB.copy_subscription(

1560: ELSE
1561: For new_topline_rec in get_subscr_toplines(p_new_chr_id,p_cle_id) Loop
1562: -- The item instance will get copied
1563: -- a new subscription template will get instanciated.
1564: OKS_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB.copy_subscription(
1565: l_api_version,
1566: l_init_msg_list,
1567: l_return_status,
1568: l_msg_count,

Line 5150: OKS_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB.undo_subscription(

5146: END IF; --of IF l_lse_id IN (12, 13) THEN
5148: --delete subscription information
5149: IF (l_lse_id = 46) THEN
5150: OKS_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB.undo_subscription(
5151: p_api_version => 1.0,
5152: p_init_msg_list => FND_API.G_FALSE,
5153: x_return_status => x_return_status,
5154: x_msg_count => x_msg_count,

Line 5159: FND_LOG.string(FND_LOG.level_statement, l_mod_name || '.Undo_Subscription', 'after call to OKS_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB.Undo_Subscription, x_return_status='||x_return_status);

5155: x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
5156: p_cle_id => p_line_id);
5158: IF (FND_LOG.level_statement >= FND_LOG.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
5159: FND_LOG.string(FND_LOG.level_statement, l_mod_name || '.Undo_Subscription', 'after call to OKS_SUBSCRIPTION_PUB.Undo_Subscription, x_return_status='||x_return_status);
5160: END IF;
5162: IF x_return_status = FND_API.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN
5163: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_unexpected_error;