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Line 31: from ame_temp_insertions

27: errorMessage ame_util.longStringType;
28: appr_rec_params varchar2(100);
29: cursor getAnchorInsertions (parameterIn varchar2) is
30: (select name
31: from ame_temp_insertions
32: where application_id = ame_engine.getAmeApplicationId
33: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
34: and parameter = parameterIn);
35: nameList ame_util.longStringList;

Line 37: cmpParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;

33: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
34: and parameter = parameterIn);
35: nameList ame_util.longStringList;
36: anchorsExistException exception;
37: cmpParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
38: anchorName varchar2(320);
39: anchorList varchar2(1000);
40: approvers ame_util.approversTable2;
41: nullApprRecordFieldException Exception;

Line 115: delete from ame_temp_insertions

111: approvers(i).item_id = approverIn.item_id then
112: ame_engine.updateInsertions(indexIn => i);
113: end if;
114: end loop;
115: delete from ame_temp_insertions
116: where
117: application_id = ameAppId and
118: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
119: name = approverIn.name and

Line 190: delete from ame_temp_insertions

186: transactionIdIn => transactionIdIn,
187: transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
188: ameAppId := ame_admin_pkg.getApplicationId(fndAppIdIn => applicationIdIn,
189: transactionTypeIdIn => transactionTypeIn);
190: delete from ame_temp_insertions
191: where
192: application_id = ameAppId and
193: transaction_id = transactionIdIn ;
194: if sql%found then

Line 2042: insert into ame_temp_insertions(

2038: end if;
2039: /* Perform the insertion. */
2040: insertionOrder := ame_engine.getNextInsertionOrder;
2041: ameApplicationId := ame_engine.getAmeApplicationId;
2042: insert into ame_temp_insertions(
2043: transaction_id,
2044: application_id,
2045: insertion_order,
2046: order_type,

Line 2196: tempOrderType ame_temp_insertions.order_type%type;

2192: parameterLocation integer;
2193: ruleIdList ame_util.idList;
2194: sourceDescription ame_util.stringType;
2195: sourceLength integer;
2196: tempOrderType ame_temp_insertions.order_type%type;
2197: tempParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
2198: upperLimit integer;
2199: cursor getAnchorInsertions (parameterIn varchar2) is
2200: (select name

Line 2197: tempParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;

2193: ruleIdList ame_util.idList;
2194: sourceDescription ame_util.stringType;
2195: sourceLength integer;
2196: tempOrderType ame_temp_insertions.order_type%type;
2197: tempParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
2198: upperLimit integer;
2199: cursor getAnchorInsertions (parameterIn varchar2) is
2200: (select name
2201: from ame_temp_insertions

Line 2201: from ame_temp_insertions

2197: tempParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
2198: upperLimit integer;
2199: cursor getAnchorInsertions (parameterIn varchar2) is
2200: (select name
2201: from ame_temp_insertions
2202: where application_id = ame_engine.getAmeApplicationId
2203: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
2204: and parameter = parameterIn);
2205: nameList ame_util.longStringList;

Line 2207: cmpParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;

2203: and transaction_id = transactionIdIn
2204: and parameter = parameterIn);
2205: nameList ame_util.longStringList;
2206: anchorsExistException exception;
2207: cmpParameter ame_temp_insertions.parameter%type;
2208: anchorName varchar2(320);
2209: anchorList varchar2(1000);
2210: appr_rec_params varchar2(100);
2211: nullApprRecordFieldException Exception;

Line 2302: -- If the approver was inserted, delete the approver from ame_temp_insertions.

2298: -- parse the source to see if the approver was inserted.
2299: ame_util.parseSourceValue(sourceValueIn => approvers(approverIndex).source,
2300: sourceDescriptionOut => sourceDescription,
2301: ruleIdListOut => ruleIdList);
2302: -- If the approver was inserted, delete the approver from ame_temp_insertions.
2303: -- If the approver was OAM generated, check whether deleting OAM-generated approvers
2304: -- is allowed. If so, record the deletion.
2305: --
2306: if(approvers(approverIndex).api_insertion = ame_util.oamGenerated or

Line 2346: delete from ame_temp_insertions

2342: approvers(i).item_id = approverIn.item_id then
2343: ame_engine.updateInsertions(indexIn => i);
2344: end if;
2345: end loop;
2346: delete from ame_temp_insertions
2347: where
2348: application_id = ameApplicationId and
2349: transaction_id = transactionIdIn and
2350: name = approvers(approverIndex).name and