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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 21

      SELECT 'x'
       WHERE qclv.ID = p_qcl_id;
Line: 118

    SELECT scs.cls_code,
           OKC_K_HEADERS_B chr
     WHERE scs.code = chr.scs_code
       AND chr.id   = p_chr_id;
Line: 129

    select 1, pdf.name, pdf.description,
           pdf.package_name, pdf.procedure_name, qlp.pdf_id,
           qlp.run_sequence, qlp.severity
      from OKC_PROCESS_DEFS_V pdf,
           OKC_QA_LIST_PROCESSES qlp
           -- OKC_QA_CHECK_LISTS_TL qcl
     where pdf.id        = qlp.pdf_id
       and sysdate between pdf.begin_date and nvl(pdf.end_date,sysdate)
       and qlp.active_yn = 'Y'
       and qlp.qcl_id    = 1
       -- and qlp.qcl_id    = qcl.id
       -- and qcl.name      = G_DEFAULT_QA_CHECK_LIST
       -- and qcl.language  = userenv('LANG')

/* ******** For Bug# 3009832 ******************************
    union all
    select 2, pdf.name, pdf.description,
           pdf.package_name, pdf.procedure_name,
           -1, rownum, 'S'
      from OKC_PROCESS_DEFS_V pdf
     where pdf.package_name = 'OKS_QA_DATA_INTEGRITY'
       and l_cls_code = 'SERVICE'
       and sysdate between pdf.begin_date and nvl(pdf.end_date,sysdate)
       and p_override_flag = 'N'
       and qa_phase2_release = 'N'
*********************************************************** */
    union all
    select 3, pdf.name, pdf.description,
           pdf.package_name, pdf.procedure_name, qlp.pdf_id,
           qlp.run_sequence, qlp.severity
      from OKC_PROCESS_DEFS_V pdf,
           OKC_QA_LIST_PROCESSES qlp,
           OKC_QA_CHECK_LISTS_B qcl
           -- OKC_QA_CHECK_LISTS_v qcl
     where pdf.id = qlp.pdf_id
       and sysdate between pdf.begin_date and nvl(pdf.end_date,sysdate)
       and qlp.active_yn = 'Y'
       and qlp.qcl_id = qcl.id
       and qcl.id not in (1, p_qcl_id)
       and qcl.default_yn = 'Y'
       and qcl.application_id = l_appl_id
       and p_override_flag = 'N'
       -- and qcl.name <> G_DEFAULT_QA_CHECK_LIST
    union all
    select 4, pdf.name, pdf.description,
           pdf.package_name, pdf.procedure_name, qlp.pdf_id,
           qlp.run_sequence, qlp.severity
      from OKC_PROCESS_DEFS_V pdf,
           OKC_QA_LIST_PROCESSES qlp
           -- OKC_QA_CHECK_LISTS_TL qcl
     where pdf.id = qlp.pdf_id
       and sysdate between pdf.begin_date and nvl(pdf.end_date,sysdate)
       and qlp.active_yn = 'Y'
       and qlp.qcl_id = p_qcl_id
       and qlp.qcl_id <> 1
       -- and qlp.qcl_id = qcl.id
       -- and qcl.id = p_qcl_id
       -- and qcl.name      <> G_DEFAULT_QA_CHECK_LIST
       -- and qcl.language  = userenv('LANG')
-- Bug 2170973 ,This following query added to execute qa_pdf_id of okc_class_operations if
--  contract category has any operation of purpose 'INTEGRATION' defined in it.
    union all
     select 5, pdf.name, pdf.description, pdf.package_name, pdf.procedure_name,
            cop.qa_pdf_id,  OKC_API.G_MISS_NUM, 'S'
       from OKC_PROCESS_DEFS_V pdf,
            OKC_K_HEADERS_B khr,
            OKC_SUBCLASSES_B scs,
            OKC_CLASS_OPERATIONS  cop,
            OKC_OPERATIONS_B op,
            okc_assents_v ass
      where pdf.id = cop.qa_pdf_id
      and   sysdate between pdf.begin_date and nvl(pdf.end_date,sysdate)
      and   scs.code = khr.scs_code
      and   khr.id = p_chr_id
      and   ass.scs_code = scs.code
      and   ass.sts_code = khr.sts_code
      and   cop.opn_code = op.code
      and   cop.opn_code = ass.opn_code
      and   cop.cls_code = scs.cls_code
      and   op.purpose = 'INTEGRATION'
      and   p_override_flag = 'N'
      and   ass.allowed_YN = 'Y' --added for bug 2386576 abkumar
    order by 1, 7;
Line: 218

    select pdp.name, pdp.data_type,
           REPLACE(qpp.parm_value, '''','''''') "PARM_VALUE"
           OKC_QA_PROCESS_PARMS_V qpp
     where pdp.id         = qpp.pdp_id
       and pdp.pdf_id     = qpp.qlp_pdf_id
       and qpp.qlp_pdf_id = l_qlp_rec.pdf_id
-- skekkar
       and qpp.qlp_run_sequence = l_qlp_rec.run_sequence
-- skekkar
       and qpp.qlp_qcl_id = p_qcl_id;
Line: 308

Line: 420
