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Line 1345: type t_td_id is table of pay_time_definitions.time_definition_id%type

1341: type t_ee_id is table of pay_element_entries_f.element_entry_id%type
1342: index by binary_integer;
1343: type t_rr_id is table of pay_run_results.run_result_id%type
1344: index by binary_integer;
1345: type t_td_id is table of pay_time_definitions.time_definition_id%type
1346: index by binary_integer;
1347: type t_action is table of pay_payroll_actions.action_type%type
1348: index by binary_integer;
1349: type date_tab is table of date index by binary_integer;

Line 1416: l_std_time_def_id pay_time_definitions.time_definition_id%type;

1412: order by decode(action_type,
1413: 'V', 2,
1414: 1);
1415: --
1416: l_std_time_def_id pay_time_definitions.time_definition_id%type;
1417: l_bus_grpid per_business_groups.business_group_id%type;
1418: l_leg_code per_business_groups.legislation_code%type;
1419: l_complete pay_upgrade_status.status%type;
1420: --

Line 1453: from pay_time_definitions ptd

1449: begin
1450: --
1451: select ptd.time_definition_id
1452: into l_std_time_def_id
1453: from pay_time_definitions ptd
1454: where ptd.short_name = l_leg_code||'_STANDARD';
1455: --
1456: exception
1457: when no_data_found then