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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

    select ppe.process_event_id      process_event_id
          ,ppe.object_version_number object_version_number
          ,paf.assignment_id         assignment_id
          ,ppe.description           description

      from pay_process_events ppe
          ,per_people_f       ppf
          ,per_assignments_f  paf

     where ppf.person_id                  = p_person_id1
       and ppf.person_id                  = paf.person_id
       and ppe.assignment_id              = paf.assignment_id
       and ppe.change_type                = p_change_type1
       and ppf.effective_start_date <= to_date(('12/31/' ||
                      to_char(p_effective_date1,'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
       and ppf.effective_end_date   >= to_date(('01/01/' ||
                      to_char(p_effective_date1,'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
       and ppf.effective_start_date =
               (select max(effective_start_date)
                  from per_people_f
                 where person_id = ppf.person_id
                   and effective_start_date <=
                       to_date(('12/31/' ||TO_CHAR(p_effective_date1,'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')

       and paf.effective_start_date <=
               to_date(('12/31/' ||TO_CHAR(p_effective_date1,'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
       and paf.effective_end_date  >=
               to_date(('01/01/' || to_char(p_effective_date1,'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
       and paf.effective_start_date =
            (select max(effective_start_date)
               from per_assignments_f
              where assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                and effective_start_date <=
                    to_date(('12/31/' ||to_char(p_effective_date1,'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
       and ppe.status = 'N';
Line: 58

    select count(*)
      from hr_lookups hrl
     where hrl.lookup_type        = 'PER_US_COUNTRY_CODE'
       and hrl.enabled_flag       = 'Y'
       and nvl(start_date_active, p_effective_date) <= to_date(('12/31/' ||
              to_char(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
       and nvl(end_date_active, p_effective_date) >= to_date(('01/01/' ||
              to_char(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
       and upper(hrl.lookup_code) = upper(p_country_code)
       order  by hrl.lookup_code;
Line: 76

    select pei_information5   purpose
          ,pei_information7   start_date
          ,pei_information8   end_date
          ,pei_information9   spouse_accompanied
          ,pei_information10  child_accompanied
      from (select *
              from per_people_extra_info
             where information_type  = 'PER_US_VISIT_HISTORY'
           ) ppei
     where ppei.person_id           = p_person_id
       and ppei.information_type    = 'PER_US_VISIT_HISTORY'
       and (to_char(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ppei.pei_information7),'YYYY')=
            to_char(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')
            to_char(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')
               between fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ppei.pei_information7)
                   and nvl(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ppei.pei_information8),
       order by 4 asc;
Line: 104

     select parameter_value
       from pay_action_parameters
      where parameter_name = 'PQP_US_WINDSTAR_READ_BATCH';
Line: 111

     select pei_information5            residency_status
           ,pei_information7            resident_status_date
           ,pei_information12           process_type
           ,pei_information8            first_entry_date
           ,nvl(pei_information10, 0)   dep_children_total
           ,nvl(pei_information11, 0)   dep_children_in_cntry
           ,pei_information9            tax_res_country_code
      from (select *
              from per_people_extra_info
             where information_type  = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
               and person_id         = p_person_id );
Line: 126

     select object_version_number
       from pay_process_events
      where process_event_id = p_process_event_id;
Line: 158

   select 'Y' from
   dual where exists
              (select ppa.date_earned
                 from pay_payroll_actions         ppa
                     ,pay_assignment_actions      paa
                     ,pay_run_results             prr
                     ,pay_element_types_f         pet
                     ,pay_element_classifications pec
                     ,per_assignments_f           paf
                where ppa.payroll_action_id      = paa.payroll_action_id
                  and paa.assignment_id          = paf.assignment_id
                  and ppa.action_status          = 'C'
                  and paa.action_status          = 'C'
                  and ppa.action_type            in ('R','Q','I','B','V')
                  and paf.person_id              = p_person_id
                  and prr.assignment_action_id   = paa.assignment_action_id
                  and pet.element_type_id        = prr.element_type_id
                  and prr.status                 = 'P'
                  and pet.classification_id      = pec.classification_id
                  and pec.classification_name    = 'Alien/Expat Earnings'
                  and pet.element_information1   = p_income_code
                  and paf.effective_start_date  <= p_effective_date
                  and ppa.effective_date        <= p_effective_date);
Line: 287

    select pei_information7 amount
      from (select *
              from per_people_extra_info
             where person_id = p_person_id
               and information_type = 'PER_US_INCOME_FORECAST'
     where pei_information5 = p_income_code
       and pei_information8 = to_char(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
Line: 343

     select count(*)
       from fnd_territories_vl
      where territory_code = upper(p_country_code);
Line: 718

   (p_validate                => false
   ,p_status                  => p_status1
   ,p_description             => substr(p_description1, 1, 240)
   ,p_process_event_id        => p_process_event_id1
   ,p_object_version_number   => l_object_version_number
Line: 733

      || 'pqp_alien_expat_taxation_pkg.pqp_process_events_errorlog(Update). Error '
      || 'Code = ' || TO_CHAR(Sqlcode) || ' ' || sqlerrm);
Line: 753

procedure Insert_Pay_Process_Events
       (p_type           in varchar2
       ,p_effective_date in date) is

-- The following cursor gets executed when the p_type is ALL. It selects
-- all assignments that are active in the calendar year of the effective date.
 cursor all_people_f_cursor_n (c_start_date           in date
                              ,c_end_date             in date
                              ,c_national_indentifier in varchar2
                              ,c_effective_date       in date) is
 select paf.assignment_id
   from per_people_f           ppf
       ,per_person_types       ppt
       ,per_people_extra_info  pei
       ,per_all_assignments_f  paf
  where ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
    and ppf.business_group_id  = ppt.business_group_id
    and ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP', 'EX_EMP', 'EMP_APL')
    and pei.person_id          = ppf.person_id
    and pei.information_type  = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
    and pei.pei_information12 = 'WINDSTAR'
    and to_char(c_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
    and paf.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id
    and paf.effective_end_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                   and ppf.effective_end_date
    and ((c_end_date between paf.effective_start_date
                         and paf.effective_end_date
         (paf.effective_end_date =
              (select max(asx.effective_end_date)
                 from per_all_assignments_f asx
                where asx.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                  and asx.effective_end_date between c_start_date
                                                 and c_end_date)
    and not exists (select 1
                      from pay_process_events
                     where assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                       and change_type   = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
                       and status  in ('N', 'D')

    order  by paf.assignment_id  desc;
Line: 810

      select paf.assignment_id             ,
      from   per_people_f           ppf ,
             per_person_types       ppt ,
             per_people_extra_info  ppei,
             per_assignments_f      paf
      where  ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP' , 'EX_EMP')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <=
        TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >=
        TO_DATE(('01/01/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_people_f
                                         where  person_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    ppf.person_id                 = ppei.person_id
      and    ppei.information_type         = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
      and    ppei.pei_information12        = 'WINDSTAR'
      and    TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
      and    paf.person_id          = ppf.person_id
      and    paf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and     paf.effective_end_date  >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_assignments_f
                                         where  assignment_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    not exists (select 1
                         from   pay_process_events
                         where  assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                         and    status        in ('N', 'D')
                         and    change_type   = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
      order  by paf.assignment_id  desc ;
Line: 861

 select paf.assignment_id

   from per_people_f           ppf
       ,per_person_types       ppt
       ,per_people_extra_info  pei
       ,pay_process_events     ppe
       ,per_all_assignments_f  paf

  where ppt.person_type_id     = ppf.person_type_id
    and ppt.business_group_id  = ppf.business_group_id
    and ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP', 'EX_EMP', 'EMP_APL')
    and ppe.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
    and ppe.change_type   = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
    and ppe.status  in ('D')
    -- only if person EIT exists
    and pei.person_id          = ppf.person_id
    and pei.information_type   = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
    and pei.pei_information12  = 'WINDSTAR'
    and to_char(c_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
    and paf.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id
    and paf.effective_end_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                   and ppf.effective_end_date
    and ((c_end_date between paf.effective_start_date
                         and paf.effective_end_date
         (paf.effective_end_date =
              (select max(asx.effective_end_date)
                 from per_all_assignments_f asx
                where asx.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                  and asx.effective_end_date between c_start_date
                                                 and c_end_date)

    order  by paf.assignment_id  desc;
Line: 910

      select paf.assignment_id             ,
             paf.effective_start_date      ,
             ppe.process_event_id          ,
      from   per_people_f           ppf ,
             per_person_types       ppt ,
             per_people_extra_info  ppei,
             pay_process_events     ppe ,
             per_assignments_f      paf
      where  ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP' , 'EX_EMP')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <=
        TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >=
        TO_DATE(('01/01/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_people_f
                                         where  person_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    ppf.person_id                 = ppei.person_id
      and    ppei.information_type         = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
      and    ppei.pei_information12        = 'WINDSTAR'
      and   TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
      and    paf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and     paf.effective_end_date  >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_assignments_f
                                         where  assignment_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    paf.person_id          = ppf.person_id
      and    paf.assignment_id      = ppe.assignment_id
      and    exists (select 1
                         from   pay_process_events
                         where  assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                         and    status        in ('D')
                         and    change_type   = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
      order  by paf.assignment_id  desc; */
Line: 964

 select paf.assignment_id

   from per_all_assignments_f  paf
       ,per_people_f           ppf
       ,per_person_types       ppt

  where ppf.person_id           = paf.person_id
    and ppf.person_type_id      = ppt.person_type_id
    and ppf.national_identifier = c_national_indentifier
    and ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP', 'EX_EMP')
    and ((c_end_date between paf.effective_start_date
                         and paf.effective_end_date
         (paf.effective_end_date =
              (select max(asx.effective_end_date)
                 from per_all_assignments_f asx
                where asx.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                  and asx.effective_end_date between c_start_date
                                                 and c_end_date)
    and paf.effective_end_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                   and ppf.effective_end_date
    and not exists (select 1
                      from pay_process_events
                     where assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                       and status in ('N', 'D')
                       and change_type   = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
    and exists
          (select 1
             from per_people_extra_info pei
            where pei.information_type  = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
              and pei.pei_information12 = 'WINDSTAR'
              and pei.person_id = ppf.person_id
              and to_char(c_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
   order  by paf.assignment_id;
Line: 1010

      select paf.assignment_id             ,
      from   per_assignments_f      paf ,
             per_people_f           ppf ,
             per_person_types       ppt ,
             (select * from per_people_extra_info
              where information_type = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
              and   pei_information12        = 'WINDSTAR'
              and   TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
              )   ppei
      where  ppf.person_id          = paf.person_id
      and    ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppf.national_identifier= p_type
      and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP' , 'EX_EMP')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <=
        TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >=
        TO_DATE(('01/01/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_people_f
                                         where  person_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    paf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and     paf.effective_end_date  >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_assignments_f
                                         where  assignment_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    ppf.person_type_id            = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppf.person_id                 = ppei.person_id
      and    ppei.information_type = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
      and    ppei.pei_information12         = 'WINDSTAR'
      and    not exists (select 1
                         from   pay_process_events
                         where  assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                         and    status        in ('N', 'D')
                         and    change_type   = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
      order  by paf.assignment_id ;
Line: 1065

 select paf.assignment_id

   from per_all_assignments_f  paf
       ,per_people_f           ppf
       ,per_person_types       ppt
       ,pay_process_events     ppe

  where ppf.person_id           = paf.person_id
    and ppf.person_type_id      = ppt.person_type_id
    and ppf.business_group_id   = ppt.business_group_id
    and ppf.national_identifier = c_national_indentifier
    and ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP', 'EX_EMP')
    and ((c_end_date between paf.effective_start_date
                         and paf.effective_end_date
         (paf.effective_end_date =
              (select max(asx.effective_end_date)
                 from per_all_assignments_f asx
                where asx.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                  and asx.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
                  and asx.person_id         = paf.person_id
                  and asx.effective_end_date between c_start_date
                                                 and c_end_date)
    and paf.effective_end_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                   and ppf.effective_end_date
    and paf.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id
    and ppe.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
    and ppe.status in ('D')
    and ppe.change_type = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
    and exists (select 1
                  from per_people_extra_info pei
                 where pei.information_type  = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
                   and pei.pei_information12 = 'WINDSTAR'
                   and pei.person_id = ppf.person_id
                   and to_char(c_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
    order  by paf.assignment_id;
Line: 1114

      select paf.assignment_id,

        from per_assignments_f      paf ,
             per_people_f           ppf ,
             per_person_types       ppt ,
             (select * from per_people_extra_info
              where information_type = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
              and   pei_information12        = 'WINDSTAR'
              and   TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
              )   ppei  ,
             pay_process_events ppe
      where  ppf.person_id          = paf.person_id
      and    ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppf.national_identifier= p_type
      and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP' , 'EX_EMP')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <=
        TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >=
        TO_DATE(('01/01/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_people_f
                                         where  person_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    paf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and     paf.effective_end_date  >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_assignments_f
                                         where  assignment_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))

      and    ppf.person_id                 = ppei.person_id
      and    ppei.information_type = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
      and    ppei.pei_information12         = 'WINDSTAR'
      and    paf.assignment_id              = ppe.assignment_id
      and    exists (select 1
                         from   pay_process_events
                         where  assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                         and    status        in ('D')
                         and    change_type   = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
      order  by paf.assignment_id ;
Line: 1173

 l_proc   constant       varchar2(150) := g_package||'Insert_Pay_Process_Events';
Line: 1205

           ,p_description           => '| Inserted thru PL/SQL Code |'
           ,p_process_event_id      => l_process_event_id
           ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
Line: 1228

           (p_validate              => false
           ,p_status                => 'N'
           ,p_description           => null
           ,p_process_event_id      => apfc.process_event_id
           ,p_object_version_number => apfc.object_version_number
Line: 1260

           ,p_description           => '| Inserted thru PL/SQL Code |'
           ,p_process_event_id      => l_process_event_id
           ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
Line: 1282

            (p_validate              => false
            ,p_status                => 'N'
            ,p_description           => null
            ,p_process_event_id      => c1.process_event_id
            ,p_object_version_number => c1.object_version_number
Line: 1306

   'Error in pqp_alien_expat_taxation_pkg.insert_pay_process_'||
   'events. Error Code = ' || TO_CHAR(Sqlcode) || ' ' || sqlerrm);
Line: 1311

end insert_pay_process_events;
Line: 1314

  name      : address_select
  Purpose   : the following procedure is called from pqp_windstar_person_read.
              This selects the address of an assignment.
  Arguments :
                       p_per_assign_id     : Person or Assignment Id.
                                             Person Id if home address is
                                             needed. Assignment Id if work
                                             address is needed.

                       p_effective_date    : Effective date
                       p_work_home         : Flag to select Home or work
                                             address. if it is HOME, then
                                             home address is selected. if it
                                             is work then work address is
                       p_county            : County
                       p_state             : State
                       p_city              : City
                       p_address_line1     : Address Line 1
                       p_address_line2     : Address Line 2
                       p_address_line3     : Address Line 3
                       p_telephone_number_1: Tel Phone 1
                       p_telephone_number_2: Tel Phone 2
                       p_telephone_number_3: Tel Phone 3
                       p_postal_code       : Postal Code
  Notes                     : private
procedure address_select(p_per_assign_id      in     number   ,
                       p_effective_date     in     date     ,
                       p_work_home          in out NOCOPY varchar2 ,
                       p_county             out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_state              out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_city               out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_address_line1      out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_address_line2      out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_address_line3      out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_telephone_number_1 out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_telephone_number_2 out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_telephone_number_3 out NOCOPY    varchar2 ,
                       p_postal_code        out NOCOPY    varchar2 )
is --{
  This procedure selects HOME/work the address of an assignment
the following cursor selects the details of the home address

08-JAN-04 Bug #3347853 Fix latest addrress is send now instead of
the address as of the interface date.

MAX(date_from) is now being equated instead of less then equal to.
cursor home_address_cur is
  select NVL(addr.add_information19 , addr.region_1    ) county             ,
         NVL(addr.add_information17 , addr.region_2    ) state              ,
         NVL(addr.add_information18 , addr.town_or_city) city               ,
         NVL(addr.address_line1     , ' '              ) address_line1      ,
         NVL(addr.address_line2     , ' '              ) address_line2      ,
         NVL(addr.address_line3     , ' '              ) address_line3      ,
         NVL(addr.telephone_number_1, ' '              ) telephone_number_1 ,
         NVL(addr.telephone_number_2, ' '              ) telephone_number_2 ,
         NVL(addr.telephone_number_3, ' '              ) telephone_number_3 ,
         NVL(addr.postal_code       , ' '              ) postal_code
  from   per_addresses         addr
  where  addr.person_id       = p_per_assign_id
  and    addr.primary_flag          = 'Y'
  and    NVL(addr.address_type,' ') <> 'PHCA'
  and    addr.date_from = (select MAX(date_From)
                            from   per_addresses
                            where  person_id  =  p_per_assign_id
                            and    primary_flag          = 'Y'
                            and    NVL(address_type,' ') <> 'PHCA');
Line: 1391

the following cursor selects the details of the work address
cursor work_address_cur is
  select NVL(hrlock.loc_information19  , hrlock.region_1) county            ,
         NVL(hrlock.loc_information17  , hrlock.region_2) state             ,
         NVL(hrlock.loc_information18  , hrlock.town_or_city) city          ,
         NVL(hrlock.address_line_1     , ' '            ) address_line_1    ,
         NVL(hrlock.address_line_2     , ' '            ) address_line_2    ,
         NVL(hrlock.address_line_3     , ' '            ) address_line_3    ,
         NVL(hrlock.telephone_number_1 , ' '            ) telephone_number_1,
         NVL(hrlock.telephone_number_2 , ' '            ) telephone_number_2,
         NVL(hrlock.telephone_number_3 , ' '            ) telephone_number_3,
         NVL(hrlock.postal_code        , ' '            ) postal_code
  from   hr_locations             hrlock,
         hr_soft_coding_keyflex   hrsckf,
         per_all_assignments_f    assign
  where  p_effective_date between assign.effective_start_date
                          and     assign.effective_end_date
  and    assign.assignment_id                 = p_per_assign_id
  and    assign.soft_coding_keyflex_id        = hrsckf.soft_coding_keyflex_id
  and    NVL(hrsckf.segment18,assign.location_id) = hrlock.location_id;
Line: 1413

  l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'address_select'  ;
Line: 1494

end address_select;
Line: 1584

         (p_selection_criterion in   varchar2
         ,p_source_type         in   varchar2
         ,p_effective_date      in   date
         ,t_people_tab          out  nocopy  t_people_tab_type
         ,t_error_tab           in out nocopy t_error_tab_type
         ,p_person_read_count   out nocopy  number
         ,p_person_err_count    out nocopy  number
          ) is

-- The cursor selects all the assignment_id's from pay_process_events table
-- that have a status of NOT_READ and then joins it with the per_people_f,
-- and per_assignments_f table. This cursor can be coded without the parameter
-- p_source_type, since the only user will be Windstar. But just to make the
-- program flexible, p_source_type is used.
-- 1. A status of 'N' means 'NOT_READ'
-- 2. pei_information12 is process_type. It means that the person is an alien
--    and has to be processed by WINDSTAR
   cursor pay_process_events_cursor
         (c_year_start_date in date
         ,c_year_end_date   in date
         ,p_source_type     in varchar2) is
   select distinct

     from per_all_assignments_f   paf
         ,per_people_f            ppf
         ,pay_process_events      ppe
         ,per_person_types        ppt
         ,per_people_extra_info   pei

    where ppf.person_id          = paf.person_id
      and ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
      and ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP', 'EX_EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      and ppe.change_type        = p_source_type
      and ppe.assignment_id      = paf.assignment_id
      and ppe.status             = 'N'
      -- Person extra Info
      and ppf.person_id          = pei.person_id
      and pei.information_type   = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
      and pei.pei_information12  = 'WINDSTAR'
      and to_char(c_year_end_date, 'YYYY') <=
      and ((c_year_end_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                and paf.effective_end_date
           (paf.effective_end_date =
              (select max(asx.effective_end_date)
                 from per_all_assignments_f asx
                where asx.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                  and asx.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
                  and asx.person_id         = paf.person_id
                  and asx.effective_end_date between c_year_start_date
                                                 and c_year_end_date)
      and ((c_year_end_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                and ppf.effective_end_date
           (paf.effective_end_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                       and ppf.effective_end_date)
     order by ppf.person_id;
Line: 1664

      select distinct
             ppf.last_name            ,
             ppf.first_name           ,
             ppf.middle_names         ,
             ppf.national_identifier  ,
             ppf.employee_number      ,
             ppf.date_of_birth        ,
             ppf.title                ,
             ppf.suffix               ,
      from   per_assignments_f       paf ,
             per_people_f            ppf ,
             pay_process_events      ppe ,
             per_person_types        ppt ,
             per_people_extra_info   ppei
      where  ppf.person_id             = paf.person_id
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_people_f
                                         where  person_id = ppf.person_id
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
                                                         TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                            TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
     and   ppei.information_type    = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
     and   ppei.pei_information12   = 'WINDSTAR'
     and   TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=

      and    paf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_end_date   >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_assignments_f
                                         where  assignment_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
                                                         TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                            TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    ppf.person_type_id            = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppt.system_person_type        in ('EMP' , 'EX_EMP')
      and    ppe.change_type               = p_source_type
      and    ppe.assignment_id             = paf.assignment_id
      and    ppe.status                    = 'N'
      and    ppf.person_id                 = ppei.person_id
      order by ppf.person_id;
Line: 1724

      select ppf.last_name             ,
             ppf.first_name            ,
             ppf.middle_names          ,
             ppf.national_identifier   ,
             ppf.employee_number       ,
             ppf.date_of_birth         ,
             ppf.title                 ,
             ppf.suffix                ,
             UPPER(ppf.marital_status) ,
      from   per_people_f           ppf ,
             per_person_types       ppt ,
             per_people_extra_info  ppei
      where  ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP', 'EX_EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <=
        TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >=
        TO_DATE(('01/01/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_people_f
                                         where  person_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    ppf.person_type_id            = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppf.person_id                 = ppei.person_id
      and    ppei.information_type         = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
      and    ppei.pei_information12        = 'WINDSTAR'
      and    TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
      order  by ppf.person_id   ;
Line: 1759

the cursor(written below) national_identifier_cursor selects the details of
a person with the passed national Identifier

  cursor national_identifier_cursor(p_effective_date      in date    ,
                                    p_national_identifier in varchar2) is
      select ppf.last_name             ,
             ppf.first_name            ,
             ppf.middle_names          ,
             ppf.national_identifier   ,
             ppf.employee_number       ,
             ppf.date_of_birth         ,
             ppf.title                 ,
             ppf.suffix                ,
             UPPER(ppf.marital_status) ,
      from   per_people_f           ppf  ,
             per_person_types       ppt  ,
             (select * from per_people_extra_info
              where  information_type = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
              and    pei_information12        = 'WINDSTAR'
              and   TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY') <=
             )  ppei
      where  ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
      and    ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP', 'EX_EMP', 'EMP_APL')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <=
        TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >=
        TO_DATE(('01/01/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_people_f
                                         where  person_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
       TO_DATE(('12/31/' || TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    ppf.national_identifier       = p_national_identifier
      and    ppf.person_id                 = ppei.person_id
      and    ppei.information_type = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
      and    ppei.pei_information12        = 'WINDSTAR'
      order  by ppf.person_id   ;
Line: 1804

 person id . rownum is used as we are interested in selecting just a single

  cursor c_person_passport_info(p_person_id                in number   ) is
      select ppei.pei_information5   country         ,
             ppei.pei_information6   passport_number ,
             ppei.pei_information7   issue_date      ,
             ppei.pei_information8   expiry_date
      from   (select *
      from   per_people_extra_info
      where  information_type = 'PER_US_PASSPORT_DETAILS'
      and    person_id                 = p_person_id) ppei
      where    rownum < 2;
Line: 1837

      select COUNT(*) count
      from   hr_lookups
      where  lookup_type                             = p_lookup_type
      and    enabled_flag                            = 'Y'
      and    NVL(end_date_active, p_effective_date) >= p_effective_date
      and    lookup_code                             = p_country_code;
Line: 1845

the following cursor c_non_us_address_cur selects the Non US address for a
Added the code to fetch the complete non us address - tmehra 15-OCT-2001
Added region_2 --> non_us_region_postal_cd - 05-APR-2002

08-JAN-04 Bug #3347853 Fix - foreign Address was not being passed if the primary address
was updated and the update date was in the new year. A new clause to check for 'PHCA'
has been added to the subquery.

  cursor c_non_us_address_cur(p_person_id      in number ,
                              p_effective_date in date   ) is
      select NVL(addr.address_line1,' ') non_us_addr1,
             NVL(addr.address_line2,' ') non_us_addr2,
             NVL(addr.address_line3,' ') non_us_addr3,
             NVL(addr.postal_code,' '  ) non_us_city_postal_cd,
             NVL(addr.town_or_city,' ' ) non_us_city,
             NVL(addr.region_1,' '     ) non_us_region,
             NVL(addr.region_2,' '     ) non_us_region_postal_cd,
             NVL(addr.country, ' '     ) non_us_cc
      from   per_addresses         addr
      where  addr.person_id     = p_person_id
      and    addr.address_type    = 'PHCA'
      and    addr.date_from  = (select MAX(date_from)
                               from   per_addresses
                               where  person_id       =  p_person_id
                               and    address_type    = 'PHCA'
      and rownum < 2;
Line: 1878

      select NVL(addr.country, ' ') non_us_cc
      from   per_addresses         addr
      where  addr.person_id     = p_person_id
      and    addr.address_type    = 'PHCA'
      and    NVL(addr.date_from, p_effective_date) <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    NVL(addr.date_to, p_effective_date)   >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    NVL(addr.date_from, p_effective_date) = (select MAX(date_from)
                               from   per_addresses
                               where  person_id  =  p_person_id
                               and    NVL(date_from, p_effective_date) <=
                                  TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                           TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and rownum < 2;
Line: 1903

      select hrl.meaning
      from   hr_lookups hrl
      where  hrl.lookup_type        = 'PQP_US_COUNTRY_TRANSLATE'
      and    hrl.enabled_flag       = 'Y'
      and    NVL(start_date_active, p_effective_date) <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                            TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    NVL(end_date_active, p_effective_date) >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                            TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    UPPER(hrl.lookup_code) = UPPER(p_country_code)
      and    rownum < 2;
Line: 2003

      if (p_selection_criterion = 'PAY_PROCESS_EVENTS' ) then
          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
Line: 2010

      elsif (p_selection_criterion = 'ALL' ) then
          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 25);
Line: 2024

                                          p_selection_criterion );
Line: 2035

  if (p_selection_criterion = 'ALL') then

      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
Line: 2043

      (p_type           => 'ALL'
      ,p_effective_date => p_effective_date);
Line: 2092

          Address_Select(l_person_id          ,
                         p_effective_date     ,
                         l_work_home          ,
                         l_county             ,
                         l_state              ,
                         l_city               ,
                         l_address_line1      ,
                         l_address_line2      ,
                         l_address_line3      ,
                         l_telephone_number_1 ,
                         l_telephone_number_2 ,
                         l_telephone_number_3 ,
Line: 2339

              t_people_tab.delete(i) ;
Line: 2353

                t_people_tab.delete(i) ;
Line: 2403

  elsif (p_selection_criterion = 'PAY_PROCESS_EVENTS' ) then
          l_last_name             := null;
Line: 2448

          Address_Select(l_person_id          ,
                         p_effective_date     ,
                         l_work_home          ,
                         l_county             ,
                         l_state              ,
                         l_city               ,
                         l_address_line1      ,
                         l_address_line2      ,
                         l_address_line3      ,
                         l_telephone_number_1 ,
                         l_telephone_number_2 ,
                         l_telephone_number_3 ,
Line: 2658

              t_people_tab.delete(i) ;
Line: 2671

                t_people_tab.delete(i) ;
Line: 2722

insert_pay_process_events procedure inserts into pay_process_events
table. the records are inserted in this table for the reconciliation purpose.
      insert_pay_process_events(p_selection_criterion ,
                                p_effective_date      );
Line: 2770

          address_select(l_person_id          ,
                         p_effective_date     ,
                         l_work_home          ,
                         l_county             ,
                         l_state              ,
                         l_city               ,
                         l_address_line1      ,
                         l_address_line2      ,
                         l_address_line3      ,
                         l_telephone_number_1 ,
                         l_telephone_number_2 ,
                         l_telephone_number_3 ,
                         l_postal_code        );
Line: 2908

 delete the current row in the PL/sql table. update the status in the
 pay_process_events table to reflect the status as DATA_VALIDATION_FAILED.
 the row is deleted as we do not want to insert the row containing an
 error/validation failure in indv_rev1_temp table.
          l_process_event_id := null;
Line: 2936

 after a row in inserted in ten42s_state_temp table

                  if (l_warn_mesg is not null) then
                      hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 470);
Line: 2983

              t_people_tab.delete(i) ;
Line: 2994

                  t_people_tab.delete(i) ;
Line: 3161

      select income_code             ,
             exemption_code          ,
             withholding_rate        ,
             income_code_sub_type    ,
      from   pqp_analyzed_alien_data     paadat ,
             pqp_analyzed_alien_details  paadet ,
             per_people_f                ppf    ,
             per_assignments_f           paf
      where  paadat.analyzed_data_id = paadet.analyzed_data_id
      and    paadet.income_code      = p_income_code
      and    ppf.person_id           = paf.person_id
      and    ppf.person_id           = p_person_id
      and    paadat.tax_year         = p_tax_year
      and    paf.assignment_id       = paadat.assignment_id
      and    rownum < 2;
Line: 3184

    select distinct
           nvl(pet.element_information1, ' ') income_code
      from per_all_assignments_f       paf
          ,per_all_people_f            ppf
          ,pay_element_entries_f       pee
          ,pay_element_links_f         pel
          ,pay_element_types_f         pet
          ,pay_element_classifications pec
     where paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
       and ppf.person_id = p_person_id
       and ((c_year_end between paf.effective_start_date
                            and paf.effective_end_date
           (paf.effective_end_date =
                 (select max(asx.effective_end_date)
                    from per_all_assignments_f asx
                   where asx.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                     and asx.business_group_id = paf.business_group_id
                     and asx.person_id         = paf.person_id
                     and asx.effective_end_date between c_year_start
                                                    and c_year_end)
       and paf.effective_end_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                                      and ppf.effective_end_date
       and paf.assignment_id       = pee.assignment_id
       and pee.element_link_id     = pel.element_link_id
       and pel.element_type_id     = pet.element_type_id
       and pet.classification_id   = pec.classification_id
       and pec.classification_name = 'Alien/Expat Earnings'
       and ((c_year_end between pee.effective_start_date
                            and pee.effective_end_date
           (pee.effective_end_date =
                 (select max(pex.effective_end_date)
                    from pay_element_entries_f pex
                   where pex.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                     and pex.effective_end_date between c_year_start
                                                    and c_year_end)
       and pee.effective_end_date between pel.effective_start_date
                                      and pel.effective_end_date;
Line: 3231

the following cursor selects all the active assignments for the person
in the calender year of the effective date

  cursor c_assignment_id(p_person_id      in number ,
                         p_effective_date in date   ) is
      select person_id    ,
      from   per_assignments_f paf
      where  paf.person_id             = p_person_id
      and    paf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                        TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_end_date   >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                        TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                          from   per_assignments_f
                                          where  assignment_id =
                                          and    effective_start_date <=
                                                         TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                           TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      order by person_id    ,
Line: 3256

the following cursor selects all the details about the payroll information
about the person.

  cursor c_person_payroll_info(p_person_id   in number,
                               p_income_code in varchar2,
                               p_year        in varchar2) is
      select pei_information5      income_code            ,
             pei_information6      prev_er_treaty_ben_amt ,
             pei_information7      prev_er_treaty_ben_year
      from   (select *
      from   per_people_extra_info
      where  information_type  = 'PER_US_PAYROLL_DETAILS'
      and    person_id                 = p_person_id )
      where   pei_information7          = p_year
      and    pei_information5          = p_income_code;
Line: 3274

the following cursor selects the primary assignment Id for the person
in the calender year of the effective date. This cursor should always
return 0 or 1 row as rownum < 2 has been yse
  cursor c_person_assignment(p_person_id in number) is
      select distinct assignment_id
      from   per_assignments_f paf,
             per_people_f      ppf
      where  ppf.person_id = paf.person_id
      and    ppf.person_id = p_person_id
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    ppf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_people_f
                                         where  person_id = ppf.person_id
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
                                                         TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                            TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    paf.effective_start_date <= TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_end_date   >= TO_DATE(('01/01/' ||
                             TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY')
      and    paf.effective_start_date = (select MAX(effective_start_date)
                                         from   per_assignments_f
                                         where  assignment_id =
                                         and    effective_start_date <=
                                                         TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                           TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'))
      and    paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
      and    rownum < 2;
Line: 3312

     select nvl(hrlock.loc_information17
               ,hrlock.region_2) state

       from hr_locations             hrlock
           ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex   hrsckf
           ,per_all_assignments_f    paf

      where paf.effective_start_date <=
        and paf.effective_end_date   >=
        and paf.effective_start_date =
             (select max(effective_start_date)
                from per_assignments_f
               where assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                 and effective_start_date <=
        and paf.assignment_id          = p_assign_id
        and paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hrsckf.soft_coding_keyflex_id
        and nvl(hrsckf.segment18,paf.location_id) = hrlock.location_id
        and rownum < 2;
Line: 3341

     select max(ppa.effective_date) date_paid ,
            max(ppa.date_earned)    date_earned
       from pay_payroll_actions    ppa
           ,pay_assignment_actions paa
           ,per_assignments_f      paf
      where ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
        and paa.assignment_id     = paf.assignment_id
        and ppa.action_status     = 'C'
        and paa.action_status     = 'C'
        and ppa.action_type       in ('R','Q','I','B','V')
        and paf.person_id         = p_person_id
        and paf.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date
        and  ppa.effective_date      <= p_effective_date;
Line: 3360

    select min(trunc((52/ number_per_fiscal_year) * 7)) days_in_cycle
      from per_time_periods      ptp
          ,per_assignments_f     paf
          ,per_time_period_types ptt
     where ptp.payroll_id             = paf.payroll_id
       and ptp.period_type            = ptt.period_type
       and paf.person_id              = p_person_id
       and paf.effective_start_date  <= p_effective_date;
Line: 3376

     select pei_information5    income_code
       from per_people_extra_info
      where person_id        = p_person_id
        and information_type = 'PER_US_INCOME_FORECAST'
        and pei_information8 = to_char(p_effective_date, 'YYYY');
Line: 3387

     select paf.effective_end_date
       from per_people_f           ppf
           ,per_person_types       ppt
           ,per_assignments_f      paf
      where ppf.person_id          = p_person_id
        and ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
        and ppt.system_person_type ='EX_EMP'
        and paf.person_id          = ppf.person_id ;
Line: 3776

                      t_balance_tab.delete(j) ;
Line: 3810

                  /* Update pay_process_events table with a status of 'D' */

                            p_process_event_id1 =>l_process_event_id         ,
                            p_status1        => 'D'                          ,
                            p_description1   => SUBSTR(l_out_mesg, 1, 240)
Line: 3823

                          t_balance_tab.delete(j) ;
Line: 3870

                  /* Update pay_process_events table with a status of 'D' */

                  (p_process_event_id1 =>l_process_event_id         ,
                   p_status1        => 'D'                          ,
                   p_description1   => 'No Alien Income or Forecast found'
Line: 3985

the following cursor selects all the visa details of a person. We are sending
the status of the current visa record only to Windstar.
  cursor c_person_visa_info(p_person_id        in number,
                            p_visa_no          in varchar2) is
      select pei_information5                             visa_type        ,
             SUBSTR(pei_information6, 1, 20)              visa_number      ,
             fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pei_information7) visa_issue_date  ,
             fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pei_information8) visa_expiry_date ,
             pei_information9                             visa_category    ,
             pei_information10                            current_status
      from   (select * from per_people_extra_info
              where  information_type  = 'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS' )
      where  person_id                         = p_person_id
      and    information_type          = 'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS'
      and    pei_information6                  = NVL(p_visa_no, pei_information6)
      order by 6 desc,  -- So that Y comes first
               3 asc,
               4 asc;
Line: 4009

      select pei_information5                             purpose    ,
             fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pei_information7) start_date ,
             fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pei_information8) end_date   ,
             pei_information11                            visa_number
      from   (select * from per_people_extra_info
              where  information_type  = 'PER_US_VISIT_HISTORY'
              and    person_id                 = p_person_id )
      order by 2 asc,
               3 asc;
Line: 4025

       select count(*) ct
            (select *
               from per_people_extra_info
              where information_type  = 'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS') visa
        where visa.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 4038

       select visa.visa_number
             (select *
               from per_people_extra_info
              where information_type = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
                and pei_information12        = 'WINDSTAR') pei,
            (select person_id,
                    SUBSTR(pei_information6, 1, 20)  visa_number
               from per_people_extra_info
              where information_type  = 'PER_US_VISA_DETAILS') visa
       where visa.person_id  = pei.person_id
         and pei.person_id   = p_person_id
         and not exists
            (select 'X'
               from per_people_extra_info
              where information_type  = 'PER_US_VISIT_HISTORY'
                and person_id = visa.person_id
                and SUBSTR(pei_information11, 1, 20) = visa.visa_number
Line: 4173

/* Delete the current row in the PL/SQL table. Update the status in the
 pay_process_events table to reflect the status as DATA_VALIDATION_FAILED
              hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 70);
Line: 4191

                  /* Update pay_process_events table */
                      p_process_event_id1      => l_process_event_id       ,
                      p_object_version_number1 => l_object_version_number  ,
                      p_status1                => 'D' ,
                      p_description1           => SUBSTR(l_out_mesg, 1, 240)
Line: 4204

                  t_visa_tab.delete(j) ;
Line: 4245

                  /* Update pay_process_events table with a status of 'D' */

                      p_process_event_id1      => l_process_event_id       ,
                      p_object_version_number1 => l_object_version_number  ,
                      p_status1                => 'D' ,
                      p_description1           => SUBSTR(l_out_mesg, 1, 240)
Line: 4259

                  t_visa_tab.delete(j) ;
Line: 4309

                  /* Update pay_process_events table with a status of 'D' */

                  (p_process_event_id1 =>l_process_event_id         ,
                   p_status1        => 'D'                          ,
                   p_description1   => l_visa_err_mesg
Line: 4363

                  /* Update pay_process_events table with a status of 'D' */

                  (p_process_event_id1 =>l_process_event_id         ,
                   p_status1        => 'D'                          ,
                   p_description1   => SUBSTR(l_visa_err_mesg,1,240)
Line: 4424

      p_selection_criterion : if the user wants to select all records,
                              or the records in the PAY_PROCESS_EVENTS table,
                              or a specifice national_identifier.
      p_effective_date      : Effective date.
      p_batch_size          : out NOCOPY  number gives the batch size
      t_people_tab          : PL/sql table contains personal_details
      t_balance_tab         : PL/sql table contains the balance details
      p_visa_tab            : PL/sql table contains the visa details
  Notes                     : public

procedure pqp_read_public
  p_selection_criterion        in    varchar2                     ,
  p_effective_date             in    date                         ,
  p_batch_size                out NOCOPY    number                       ,
  t_people_tab                out NOCOPY    t_people_tab_type            ,
  t_balance_tab               out NOCOPY    t_balance_tab_type           ,
  t_visa_tab                  out NOCOPY    t_visa_tab_type              ,
  p_person_read_count         out NOCOPY    number                       ,
  p_person_err_count          out NOCOPY    number

   This is the definition of the table of the t_error_rec_type record type
   the record and the table definition is being added to consolidate
   the wf (workflow) notification logic at one place.
   Added by tmehra 20-Oct-2003.

  l_count             number := 0                                   ;
Line: 4469

raise error message as Selection Criterion cannot be null

  if (p_selection_criterion is null) then
      hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_7207_API_MANDATORY_ARG');
Line: 4474

      hr_utility.set_message_token('ARGUMENT', 'Selection Criterion');
Line: 4486

      pqp_windstar_person_read(p_selection_criterion=> p_selection_criterion ,
                               p_source_type        =>'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR',
                               p_effective_date     => p_effective_date      ,
                               t_people_tab         => t_people_tab          ,
                               t_error_tab          => t_error_tab           ,
                               p_person_read_count  => l_person_read_count   ,
                               p_person_err_count   => l_person_err_count   );
Line: 4499

 assignments selected in the first procedure*/

call pqp_windstar_visa_read procedure to read all the information about
the visa into PL/sql t_visa_tab table.

      pqp_windstar_visa_read(t_people_tab            ,
                             t_error_tab             ,
                             'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR' ,
                             p_effective_date        ,
                             t_visa_tab              );
Line: 4573

  name     : update_pay_process_events
  Purpose  : the following function is called from any wrapper script.
             This updates pay_process_events and changes the status.
  Arguments :
      p_person_id           : Person Id
      p_effective_date      : Effective date.
      p_source_type         : source of Request. Normally Windstar
      p_status              : the final status of record being updated. read,
                              DATE_VALIDATION_FAILED etc.
      p_desc                : Description to be appended
    out NOCOPY                     : none
  Notes                     : public
exception HANDLING???
procedure  update_pay_process_events
  p_person_id       in  number   ,
  p_effective_date  in  date     ,
  p_source_type     in  varchar2 ,
  p_status          in  varchar2 ,
  p_desc            in  varchar2
  l_process_event_id      number       ;
Line: 4601

  l_proc              varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_pay_process_events' ;
Line: 4619

      /* Update pay_process_events table */
      (    p_validate              => false                         ,
           p_status                => p_status                      ,
           p_description           =>
                   SUBSTR('Record Read | '|| p_desc || l_description, 1, 240),
           p_process_event_id      => l_process_event_id            ,
           p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
Line: 4631

end update_pay_process_events;
Line: 4646

      select process_event_id,
      from   pay_process_events
      where  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and    change_type   = p_source_type
      and    status        in ('R', 'C')
      order  by status asc;
Line: 4655

 This cursor will select all the rows for an assignment with a status of read
 or complete. order by asc has been used so that cursor selects all the rows
 with status 'C' first, and then selects all the rows with status = 'R'. in
 reconciliation, we will try to reconcile records with status with 'R' first,
 and then records with status = 'C'. Therefore if pa_process_events table has
 some rows with status = 'R' as well as 'C', then rows with the status = 'R'
 will be fetched in the end. We can this way return the process event Id
 with status 'R'. Otherwise we will return the process event id of a row with
 a status of 'C'.This cursor is to make sure that the assignment exists in
 pay_process_events table.

 Status in 'C' was added on Oct 13, 2000 after discussion with Subbu.
 This will ensure that reconciliation occurs properly.

 --- Nocopy changes. Added the exception block and Nullified the
     the process_event_id. Did not raise the exception since the
     the null process_event_id is being handled in the calling
     procedure and a proper notification is raised indicating
     that the Assignment is not reconciled.

  l_process_event_id      number;
Line: 4736

         ,p_date_treaty_updated           in date
         ,p_exempt_fica                   in number
         ,p_exempt_student_fica           in number
         ,p_add_wh_for_nra_whennotreaty   in number
         ,p_amount_of_addl_withholding    in number
         ,p_personal_exemption            in varchar2
         ,p_add_exemptions_allowed        in number
         ,p_days_in_usa                   in number
         ,p_eligible_for_whallowance      in number
         ,p_treatybenefits_allowed        in number
         ,p_treatybenefit_startdate       in date
         ,p_ra_effective_date             in date
         ,p_state_code                    in varchar2
         ,p_state_honours_treaty          in number
         ,p_ytd_payments                  in number
         ,p_ytd_w2payments                in number
         ,p_ytd_withholding               in number
         ,p_ytd_whallowance               in number
         ,p_ytd_treaty_payments           in number
         ,p_ytd_treaty_withheld_amts      in number
         ,p_record_source                 in varchar2
         ,p_visa_type                     in varchar2
         ,p_jsub_type                     in varchar2
         ,p_primary_activity              in varchar2
         ,p_nus_countrycode               in varchar2
         ,p_citizenship                   in varchar2
         ,p_constant_additional_tax       in number
         ,p_out_of_system_treaty          in number
         ,p_amount_of_addl_wh_type        in varchar2
         ,p_error_indicator               in varchar2
         ,p_error_text                    in varchar2
         ,p_date_w4_signed                in date
         ,p_date_8233_signed              in date
         ,p_reconcile                     in boolean
         ,p_effective_date                in date
         ,p_current_analysis              in number
         ,p_forecast_income_code          in varchar2
         ,p_error_message                 out nocopy varchar2
          ) is

    t_balance_tab                pqp_alien_expat_taxation_pkg.t_balance_tab_type;
Line: 4843

      select distinct
        from per_assignments_f  paf,
             pay_process_events ppe
       where paf.person_id = p_person_id
         and paf.effective_start_date <=
         and paf.effective_end_date   >=
         and paf.effective_start_date =
               (select max(effective_start_date)
                  from per_assignments_f
                 where assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
                   and effective_start_date <=
                       to_date(('12/31/'||to_char(p_effective_date, 'YYYY'))
         and paf.assignment_id = ppe.assignment_id
         and ppe.status        in ( 'R','C')
         and ppe.change_type   = p_source_type;
Line: 4886

     select person_id
       from per_all_people_f
      where national_identifier = p_social_security_number
        and rownum =1;
Line: 4896

     select analyzed_data_id
       from pqp_analyzed_alien_data
      where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
        and tax_year      = p_tax_year;
Line: 4909

     select analyzed_data_details_id
       from pqp_analyzed_alien_details
      where analyzed_data_id = p_analyzed_data_id
        and income_code      = p_income_code;
Line: 4920

     select lookup_code,
       from hr_lookups
      where lookup_type = 'PQP_US_WIND_ORA_PERIODS'
        and lookup_code = p_lookup_code ;
Line: 4930

     select object_version_number
       from pqp_alien_transaction_data
      where alien_transaction_id = p_alien_transaction_id;
Line: 4938

     select MAX(effective_end_date) effective_end_date
       from per_people_f           ppf
           ,per_person_types       ppt
      where ppf.person_id          = p_person_id
        and ppf.person_type_id     = ppt.person_type_id
        and ppt.system_person_type in ('EMP', 'EX_EMP')         -- RLN 7039307
        and ppf.effective_start_date <=
        and ppf.effective_end_date   >=
Line: 4953

      select distinct
      from   per_assignments_f  paf
      where  paf.person_id             = p_person_id
      and    paf.effective_start_date <=
      and    paf.effective_end_date   >=
      and    paf.effective_start_date = (select max(effective_start_date)
                                          from   per_assignments_f
                                          where  assignment_id =
                                           and    effective_start_date <=
                                                         TO_DATE(('12/31/' ||
                           TO_CHAR(p_effective_date, 'YYYY')), 'MM/DD/YYYY'));
Line: 4974

   select patd.date_w4_signed
    from pqp_alien_transaction_data patd
   where person_id = c_person_id
     and alien_transaction_id =
        (select MAX(patd1.alien_transaction_id)
           from PQP_ALIEN_TRANSACTION_DATA patd1
          where patd.person_id=patd1.person_id
         having tax_year =max(tax_year)
          group by tax_year);
Line: 5000

   select pee.element_entry_id               element_entry_id,
          pet.element_name                   element_name,
          pee.effective_start_date           entry_start_date,
          nvl(pet.element_information1, ' ') element_income_code

     from per_all_assignments_f       paf,
          per_all_people_f            ppf,
          pay_element_entries_f       pee,
          pay_element_links_f         pel,
          pay_element_types_f         pet,
          pay_element_classifications pec

    where paf.person_id            = ppf.person_id
      and paf.business_group_id    = ppf.business_group_id
      and ppf.person_id            = p_person_id
      and pec.classification_name  = 'Alien/Expat Earnings'
      and pet.element_information1 = p_income_code
      and paf.assignment_id        = pee.assignment_id
      and pee.element_link_id      = pel.element_link_id
      and pel.business_group_id    = ppf.business_group_id
      and pel.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
      and pet.classification_id    = pec.classification_id
      and p_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                               and ppf.effective_end_date
      and p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                               and paf.effective_end_date
      and p_effective_date between pee.effective_start_date
                               and pee.effective_end_date
      and p_effective_date between pel.effective_start_date
                               and pel.effective_end_date
      and p_effective_Date between pet.effective_start_date
                               and pet.effective_end_date;
Line: 5037

      select pee.element_entry_id element_entry_id,
             pet.element_name element_name,
             pee.effective_start_date entry_start_date,
             NVL(pet.element_information1, ' ') element_income_code
      from   per_assignments_f           paf,
             per_people_f                ppf,
             pay_element_entries_f       pee,
             pay_element_links_f         pel,
             pay_element_types_f         pet,
             pay_element_classifications pec
      where  paf.person_id          =   ppf.person_id
      and    ppf.person_id          =   p_person_id
      and    ppf.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date
      and    ppf.effective_end_date   >= p_effective_date
      and    paf.effective_start_date <= p_effective_date
      and    paf.effective_end_date   >= p_effective_date
      and    paf.assignment_id         = pee.assignment_id
      and   pee.element_link_id            = pel.element_link_id
      and   p_effective_date
                   between pee.effective_start_date
                       and pee.effective_end_date
      and   pel.element_type_id            = pet.element_type_id
      and   p_effective_date
                   between pel.effective_start_date
                       and pel.effective_end_date
      and   pet.classification_id          = pec.classification_id
      and   p_effective_Date
                   between pet.effective_start_date
                       and pet.effective_end_date
      and   pec.classification_name = 'Alien/Expat Earnings'
      and   pet.element_information1 = p_income_code;*/
Line: 5074

   select pei_information5       residency_status
     from per_people_extra_info
    where information_type = 'PER_US_ADDITIONAL_DETAILS'
      and person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 5086

   select process_event_id
     from pay_process_events
    where assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      and change_type   = p_source_type
      and status in ('N', 'D');
Line: 5096

     l_logic_state := ' while validating data selected from payment_export: ';
Line: 5292

      l_logic_state := ' while inserting in PQP_ALIEN_TRANSACTION_DATA : ';
Line: 5312

      ,p_treaty_info_update_date       => p_date_treaty_updated
      ,p_nra_exempt_from_fica          => l_nra_exempt_from_fica
      ,p_student_exempt_from_fica      => l_student_exempt_from_fica
      ,p_addl_withholding_flag         => l_addl_withholding_flag
      ,p_addl_withholding_amt          => p_amount_of_addl_withholding
      ,p_addl_wthldng_amt_period_type  => l_period_type
      ,p_personal_exemption            => l_personal_exemption
      ,p_addl_exemption_allowed        => p_add_exemptions_allowed
      ,p_number_of_days_in_usa         => p_days_in_usa
      ,p_current_analysis              => l_current_analysis
      ,p_wthldg_allow_eligible_flag    => l_wthldg_allow_eligible_flag
      ,p_treaty_ben_allowed_flag       => l_treaty_ben_allowed_flag
      ,p_treaty_benefits_start_date    => p_treatybenefit_startdate
      ,p_ra_effective_date             => p_ra_effective_date
      ,p_state_code                    => p_state_code
      ,p_state_honors_treaty_flag      => l_state_honors_treaty_flag
      ,p_ytd_payments                  => p_ytd_payments
      ,p_ytd_w2_payments               => p_ytd_w2payments
      ,p_ytd_w2_withholding            => p_ytd_withholding
      ,p_ytd_withholding_allowance     => p_ytd_whallowance
      ,p_ytd_treaty_payments           => p_ytd_treaty_payments
      ,p_ytd_treaty_withheld_amt       => p_ytd_treaty_withheld_amts
      ,p_record_source                 => p_record_source
      ,p_visa_type                     => p_visa_type
      ,p_j_sub_type                    => p_jsub_type
      ,p_primary_activity              => p_primary_activity
      ,p_non_us_country_code           => p_nus_countrycode
      ,p_citizenship_country_code      => p_citizenship
      ,p_constant_addl_tax             => p_constant_additional_tax
      ,p_date_8233_signed              => l_date_8233_signed
      ,p_date_w4_signed                => p_date_w4_signed
      ,p_error_indicator               => null
      ,p_prev_er_treaty_benefit_amt    => p_out_of_system_treaty
      ,p_error_text                    => l_error_message
      ,p_object_version_number         => l_transaction_ovn
      ,p_person_id                     => l_person_id
      ,p_effective_date                =>
                       TO_DATE('01/01' || TO_CHAR(p_taxyear), 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 5420

                -- pay_us_otf_util_web.update_tax_records
               (p_filing_status_code  =>  '01'
               ,p_allowances          => (nvl(p_add_exemptions_allowed, 0) +
               ,p_additional_amount   => l_additional_amt
			   ,p_exempt_status_code  =>  'N'
               --,p_process           => 'PAY_FED_W4_NOTIFICATION_PRC'
               ,p_process             => 'PAY_OTF_NOTIFY_PRC'
               ,p_itemtype            => 'HRSSA'
               ,p_person_id           => l_person_id
               ,p_effective_date      => p_date_w4_signed
               ,p_source_name         => 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
Line: 5466

            l_logic_state := ' while inserting in PQP_ANALYZED_ALIEN_DATA:';
Line: 5507

              ,p_treaty_info_update_date     => p_date_treaty_updated
              ,p_number_of_days_in_usa       => p_days_in_usa
              ,p_withldg_allow_eligible_flag => l_wthldg_allow_eligible_flag
              ,p_ra_effective_date           => p_ra_effective_date
              ,p_record_source               => p_record_source
              ,p_visa_type                   => p_visa_type
              ,p_j_sub_type                  => p_jsub_type
              ,p_primary_activity            => p_primary_activity
              ,p_non_us_country_code         => p_nus_countrycode
              ,p_citizenship_country_code    => p_citizenship
              ,p_object_version_number       => l_analyzed_data_ovn
              ,p_date_w4_signed              => p_date_w4_signed
              ,p_date_8233_signed            => l_date_8233_signed
              ,p_effective_date              => to_date('01/01/' ||
                                                        p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 5532

              (p_validate                    => false
              ,p_analyzed_data_id            => l_analyzed_data_id
              ,p_assignment_id               => l_cpa_assignment_id
              ,p_data_source                 => 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
              ,p_tax_year                    => p_taxyear
              ,p_current_residency_status    => p_residency_status
              ,p_nra_to_ra_date              => p_date_becomes_ra
              ,p_target_departure_date       => p_target_departure_date
              ,p_tax_residence_country_code  => p_tax_residence_country_code
              ,p_treaty_info_update_date     => p_date_treaty_updated
              ,p_number_of_days_in_usa       => p_days_in_usa
              ,p_withldg_allow_eligible_flag => l_wthldg_allow_eligible_flag
              ,p_ra_effective_date           => p_ra_effective_date
              ,p_record_source               => p_record_source
              ,p_visa_type                   => p_visa_type
              ,p_j_sub_type                  => p_jsub_type
              ,p_primary_activity            => p_primary_activity
              ,p_non_us_country_code         => p_nus_countrycode
              ,p_citizenship_country_code    => p_citizenship
              ,p_object_version_number       => l_analyzed_data_ovn
              ,p_date_w4_signed              => p_date_w4_signed
              ,p_date_8233_signed            => l_date_8233_signed
              ,p_effective_date              => to_date('01/01/' ||
                                                        p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 5565

            l_logic_state := ' while inserting in PQP_ANALYZED_ALIEN_DETAIL: ';
Line: 5591

                (p_validate              => false
                ,p_alien_transaction_id  => l_alien_transaction_id
                ,p_object_version_number => l_transaction_ovn
                ,p_error_indicator       => 'WARNING : CHANGED INCOME CODE'
                ,p_error_text            => 'Changed Income Code'
                ,p_effective_date        => TO_DATE('01/01/' ||
                                                    p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 5678

              (p_validate                  => false                       ,
               p_analyzed_data_details_id  => l_analyzed_data_details_id  ,
               p_analyzed_data_id          => l_analyzed_data_id          ,
               p_income_code               => p_income_code|| p_scholarship_type   ,
               p_current_analysis          => l_current_analysis       ,          -- Oct02 changes
               p_forecast_income_code      => l_forecast_income_code    ,
               p_withholding_rate          => l_withholding_rate        ,
               p_income_code_sub_type      => p_scholarship_type        ,
               p_exemption_code            => p_exemption_code          ,
               p_maximum_benefit_amount    => l_maximum_benefit         ,
               p_retro_lose_ben_amt_flag   => l_retro_lose_ben_amt_flag   ,
               p_date_benefit_ends         => p_date_benefit_ends       ,
               p_retro_lose_ben_date_flag  => l_retro_lose_ben_date_flag  ,
               p_nra_exempt_from_ss        => l_nra_exempt_from_fica      ,
               p_nra_exempt_from_medicare  => l_nra_exempt_from_fica      ,
               p_student_exempt_from_ss    => l_student_exempt_from_fica  ,
               p_student_exempt_from_medi  => l_student_exempt_from_fica  ,
               p_addl_withholding_flag     => null                        ,
               p_constant_addl_tax         => p_constant_additional_tax ,
               p_addl_withholding_amt      => l_amount_of_addl_withholding  ,
               p_addl_wthldng_amt_period_type  => null                     ,
               p_personal_exemption        => p_personal_exemption   ,
               p_addl_exemption_allowed    => p_add_exemptions_allowed,
               p_treaty_ben_allowed_flag   => l_treaty_ben_allowed_flag   ,
               p_treaty_benefits_start_date => p_treatybenefit_startdate ,
               p_object_version_number     => l_analyzed_det_ovn          ,
               p_effective_date            => TO_DATE('01/01/' || p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 5712

              (p_validate              => false                         ,
               p_alien_transaction_id  => l_alien_transaction_id        ,
               p_object_version_number => l_transaction_ovn             ,
               p_error_indicator       => 'WARNING : INVALID INCOME CODE',
               p_error_text            => 'Invalid Income Code',
               p_effective_date        => TO_DATE('01/01/' ||
                                          p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 5753

                 update per_people_extra_info
                    set pei_information5 = p_residency_status
                  where person_extra_info_id = c_rec.person_extra_info_id;
Line: 5761

              update pay_process_events
                 set status                = 'R',
                     description           = substr('Record Read | '|| description, 1, 240),
                     object_version_number = object_version_number + 1
               where assignment_id         = l_cpa_assignment_id
                 and status                = 'N'
                 and change_type           = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR';
Line: 5801

                 (p_validate              => false
                 ,p_alien_transaction_id  => l_alien_transaction_id
                 ,p_object_version_number => l_transaction_ovn
                 ,p_error_indicator       =>  'ERROR : NOT_RECONCILED 1'
                 ,p_error_text            => l_error_message ||
                                               'Assignment not Reconciled'
                 ,p_effective_date        => TO_DATE('01/01/' ||
                                                 p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 5833

                  (p_validate             => false
                  ,p_change_type          => 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
                  ,p_description          => 'Assignment has been Reconciled'
                  ,p_status               => 'C'
                  ,p_process_event_id     => l_process_event_id
                  ,p_object_version_number=> l_process_ovn
Line: 5851

                   update pay_process_events ppe

                      set ppe.status = 'C'
                         ,ppe.description = 'Assignment has been Reconciled'
                         ,ppe.object_version_number =
                              ppe.object_version_number + 1

                    where ppe.assignment_id = l_pri_assgn
                      and change_type = 'PQP_US_ALIEN_WINDSTAR'
                      and ppe.status  = 'R';
Line: 5866

                     select retro_loss_notification_sent
                       into l_notification_sent
                       from pqp_analyzed_alien_details
                      where analyzed_data_details_id = l_analyzed_data_details_id
                        and analyzed_data_id = l_analyzed_data_id;
Line: 5910

                   (p_validate              => false
                   ,p_alien_transaction_id  => l_alien_transaction_id
                   ,p_object_version_number => l_transaction_ovn
                   ,p_error_indicator       => 'WARNING : RETRO LOSS'
                   ,p_error_text            => NVL(l_retro_lose_ben_date_mesg
                   ,p_effective_date        => TO_DATE('01/01/' ||
                                                        p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 5931

                   (p_validate                     => false
                   ,p_analyzed_data_details_id     => l_analyzed_data_details_id
                   ,p_analyzed_data_id             => l_analyzed_data_id
                   ,p_effective_date               => TO_DATE('01/01/' ||
                                                      p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
                   ,p_retro_loss_notification_sent => 'Y'
                   ,p_object_version_number        => l_transaction_ovn
Line: 5961

             (p_validate              => false
             ,p_alien_transaction_id  => l_alien_transaction_id
             ,p_object_version_number => l_transaction_ovn
             ,p_error_indicator       =>  'ERROR : NOT_RECONCILED 2'
             ,p_error_text            => l_error_message||'Assignment not Reconciled'
             ,p_effective_date        => TO_DATE('01/01/'||p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 6018

          (p_validate              => false
          ,p_alien_transaction_id  => l_alien_transaction_id
          ,p_object_version_number => l_atd_ovn
          ,p_error_indicator       =>  'ERROR : ORACLE'
          ,p_error_text            => l_error_message
          ,p_effective_date        => to_date('01/01/' ||
                                              p_taxyear, 'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 6126

       (p_validate              => false
       ,p_status                => 'N'
       ,p_description           => null
       ,p_process_event_id      => p_process_event_id
       ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn
Line: 6167

       (p_validate              => false
       ,p_status                => 'C'
       ,p_description           => 'This record was forcibly ABORTED using workflow'
       ,p_process_event_id      => p_process_event_id
       ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn