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Line 128: l_error_message ben_reporting.text%TYPE;

124: l_effective_date DATE;
127: l_error_code fnd_new_messages.message_number%TYPE;
128: l_error_message ben_reporting.text%TYPE;
130: PROCEDURE del_or_upd_ben_batch_parameter
131: (p_ben_batch_parameter_exists IN BOOLEAN
132: ,p_batch_parameter_id IN NUMBER

Line 236: 3. count the number of ben_reporting entries for this person

232: -- error handling improvements
233: /*
234: 1. retrieve ben_batch_parameter for BENMNGLE
235: 2. set max error count to 1, insert if a row did not exist in ben_batch_param
236: 3. count the number of ben_reporting entries for this person
237: -- to count try join with ben_benefit_actions
238: 4. set audit flag to Y
239: 5. do the usual call
240: 6. count the number of ben_erporting_entries for this person

Line 244: 9. check for the latest ben_reporting entry

240: 6. count the number of ben_erporting_entries for this person
241: 7. If it differs from the count before execution then raise exception
242: 8. or if an exception has occured and we are in the expcetion block
243: then
244: 9. check for the latest ben_reporting entry
245: 10. if there is one retrive the text set that token for pqp dummy message
246: 11. and fnd raise error.
247: */