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2 /* $Header: POXGCHGS.pls 115.2 2004/02/27 23:41:05 jmojnida noship $ */
8 /*
9 This PL/SQL table will store the supplier request.  A new row will be added
10 for each call of the store_supplier_request.
11 */
12   g_po_change_table pos_chg_rec_tbl := null;
14 /*
15   g_int_cont_num value will store the internal control number of each request.
16   This will be set in the initialize call and reset on the windup call.
17   Each time the API is called, it will be matched for the integrity purposes.
18 */
19    g_int_cont_num   varchar2(256) := null;
21 /*
22   g_po_number, g_po_type, g_release_number, g_tp_id, g_tp_site_id is the
23   global variable for the active transaction information set at valid_header.
24   g_requestor is the change requestor's application login; can be 'XML USER'
25   if it is defined in fnd_user.
26   g_request_origin is the origin of the change request, like, XML.
27   This will help in duplicate validations in consequent procedures.
29 */
30   g_po_number  varchar2(20);
31   g_po_type    varchar2(25);
32   g_release_number number;
33   g_tp_id      number;
34   g_tp_site_id number;
35   g_requestor  varchar2(256);
36   g_request_origin  varchar2(30);
37   g_last_upd_date  date;
39 /*
40   This procedure needs to be called first to initialize an inbound transaction.
41   This will initialize some global variables.  This should be called from the
42   pre-process of the root node.  No errors should occur here lest there is
43   any weird error, processing should not continue, as it has not been
44   initialized properly.
45 */
46 procedure  initialize_chn_ack_inbound (
47    	p_requestor	IN  varchar2,  -- Change requester or the acknowledging username
48 	p_int_cont_num	IN  varchar2,  -- ECX's ICN. Used for integrity of request
49 	p_request_origin	IN  varchar2,  -- XML/OTA/9iAS/OPEN
50 	p_tp_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_id
51 	p_tp_site_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_site_id
52 	x_error_id	OUT NOCOPY number,   -- The error id will be 2, errors will go to the TP sysadmin
53 	x_error_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- Error message
56 );
58 /*
59   This API should be called from the in process of the header level.
60   This will validate the header,
61   if the PO #/Release  mentioned belongs to the vendor and vendor site id,
62 */
63 procedure validate_header (
64    	p_requestor	IN  varchar2,  -- Change requester or the acknowledging username
65 	p_int_cont_num	IN  varchar2,  -- ECX's ICN. Used for integrity of request
66 	p_request_origin	IN  varchar2,  -- '9iAS'
67 	p_request_type	IN  varchar2,  -- 'CHANGE' or 'ACKNOWLEDGE' or CANCELLATION
68 	p_tp_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_id
69 	p_tp_site_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_site_id
70 	p_po_number	IN  varchar2,  --PO # of the PO being modified or the Blanket's PO #
71 	p_release_number	IN  number,   -- Release number if the PO Type is release or null
72 	p_po_type 	IN  varchar2,  -- PO Type??  -- RELEASE for release, STANDARD for others.
73 	p_revision_num	IN  number,   -- Revision number of the PO or the release
74 	x_error_id_in	IN  number,   -- The error id will be 2, errors will go to the TP sysadmin
75 	x_error_status_in IN  VARCHAR2, -- Error message
76 	x_error_id_out	OUT NOCOPY number,   -- The error id will be 2, errors will go to the TP sysadmin
77 	x_error_status_out OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- Error message
80 );
83 /*
84   This API should be called from the in process of the lines.
85   This procedure needs to be called in the following scenarios:
86 1.	Modifications to a PO at the shipment level
87 2.	Modifications to a PO at the line level
88 3.	Acknowledgment at the shipment level
89 4.	Canceling at the shipment level
90 5.      Splitting a shipment  (from FPJ)
91 Calls to this API will be stored in a pl/sql table and will not be processed immediately.
92 Call process_supplier_request to process the request.
93 */
94 procedure store_supplier_request (
95 	p_requestor	IN  varchar2,  -- Change requester or the acknowledging username
96 	p_int_cont_num	IN  varchar2,  -- ECX's ICN. Used for integrity of request
97 	p_request_type	IN  varchar2,  -- ??'CHANGE' or 'ACKNOWLEDGE'
98 	p_tp_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_id
99 	p_tp_site_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_site_id
100 	p_level         IN varchar2,   --  Level at which the api is called. HEADER, LINE, SHIPMENT
101         p_po_number	IN  varchar2,  --PO # of the PO being modified or the Blanket's PO #
102         p_release_number	IN  number,   -- Release number if the PO Type is release or null
103 	p_po_type 	IN  varchar2,  -- PO Type??  -- RELEASE for release, STANDARD for others.
104         p_revision_num	IN  number,   -- Revision number of the PO or the release
105 	p_line_num	IN  number,    -- Line number being modified
106 	p_reason	IN  varchar2,   -- Reason for change or acknowledgment (can be null?!)
107 	p_shipment_num	IN  number,    -- Shipment number (can be null if the change is at the line)
108 	p_quantity	IN  number,    -- The new quantity (can be null)
109 	p_quantity_uom	IN  varchar2,  -- The UOM of the new quantity
110 	p_price	IN  number,    -- The new price value (can be null)
111 	p_price_currency	IN  varchar2,  -- The currency code of the new price (can be null)
112 	p_price_uom	IN  varchar2,   -- The UOM code of the new price (can be null)
113 	-- Note that the above two are used only for verifying if they are same as the original values.
114 	p_promised_date	IN  date,         -- The new promised date (can be null)
115 	p_supplier_part_num     IN  varchar2,   --  The new supplier part number (can be null)
116 	p_so_number	IN  varchar2,  --  The new sales order number (can be null)
117 	p_so_line_number	IN  varchar2,  --  The new sales order line number (can be null)
118 	p_ack_type      IN  varchar2,  --'ACCEPT' or 'REJECT' or 'MODIFICATION' or NULL
120        /* Note the error messages occurred during multiple calls are concatenated.
121          XML Gateway does not support IN OUT parameters.  So, this is a work around.
122 	*/
123        x_error_id_in	IN     number,  --  Error id from the initialize procedure
124   	x_error_status_in IN   varchar2,  --   Error message from the earlier API calls.
125        x_error_id_out	OUT NOCOPY number,   -- The error id will be 2; errors will go to the TP sysadmin
126        x_error_status_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2, -- Error message in this call concatenated with the old ones
127        p_parent_shipment_number  number default NULL,
128        p_SUPPLIER_DOC_REF       varchar2 default NULL,
129        p_SUPPLIER_LINE_REF      varchar2 default NULL,
130        p_SUPPLIER_SHIPMENT_REF  varchar2 default NULL
133 );
135 /*
136   Call this procedure from the post-process before calling the wind-up API only if the
137   error_id from the earlier calls is 0.  This API should not be called if the request is
138   for header level acknowledgment.  This API will place the supplier request in the
139   change request table and kicks-off the workflow for the approval of the change request.
140 */
141 procedure process_supplier_request (
142 	p_int_cont_num	IN varchar2,
143 	x_error_id_in   IN number,
144 	x_error_status_in IN varchar2,
145 	x_error_id_out	OUT NOCOPY number,   -- The error id will be 2, errors will go to the TP sysadmin
146 	x_error_status_out OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- Error message
149 );
151 /*
152   This procedure needs to be called from Acknowledge PO inbound at in_process of the header,
153   only when the PO is acknowledged at the header level.  In case of shipment level acknowledgement
154   this procedure should not be called.  The acknowledge po request will be processed immediately
155   and only once per transaction.  So, no need for error_id_in and error_id_out etc.
156 */
157 procedure acknowledge_po(
158 	p_requestor	IN  varchar2,  -- Change requester or the acknowledging username
159 	p_int_cont_num	IN  varchar2,  -- ECX's ICN. Used for integrity of request
160 	p_request_type	IN  varchar2,  -- ??'ACKNOWLEDGE'
161 	p_tp_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_id
162 	p_tp_site_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_site_id
163         p_po_number	IN  varchar2,  --PO # of the PO being modified or the Blanket's PO #
164         p_release_number	IN  number,   -- Release number if the PO Type is release or null
165 	p_po_type 	IN  varchar2,  -- PO Type??  -- RELEASE for release, STANDARD for others.
166        p_revision_num	IN  number,   -- Revision number of the PO or the release
167 	p_ack_code	IN  number,   -- 0 for accept 2 reject
168 	p_ack_reason	IN  varchar2,  --  comments
169 	x_error_id	OUT NOCOPY number,   -- The error id will be 2, errors will go to the TP sysadmin
170 	x_error_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 -- Error message
172 );
173 /*
174   	Call this procedure at the post process stage as the last action.
175   	At this point the pl/sql table will be 'delete'd.  Call this procedure
176   	even if there were errors in the earlier calls.
177 */
178 procedure  windup_chn_ack_inbound (
179    	p_requestor	IN  varchar2,  -- Change requester or the acknowledging username
180 	p_int_cont_num	IN  varchar2,  -- ECX's ICN. Used for integrity of request
181 	p_request_origin	IN  varchar2,  -- '9iAS'
182 	p_tp_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_id
183 	p_tp_site_id	IN  number,    --  vendor_site_id
184        x_error_id_in	IN     number,  --  Error id from the initialize procedure
185   	x_error_status_in	IN     varchar2,  --   Error message from the earlier API calls.
186 	x_error_id_out	OUT NOCOPY number,   -- The error id will be 2, errors will go to the TP sysadmin
187 	x_error_status_out OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 --Error message
191 );