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1 package body ben_org_object as
2 /* $Header: benorgch.pkb 120.0.12010000.2 2008/08/05 14:48:55 ubhat ship $ */
3 --
4 /*
5 +==============================================================================+
6 |                        Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation                 |
7 |                           Redwood Shores, California, USA                    |
8 |                               All rights reserved.                           |
9 +==============================================================================+
10 --
11 History
12   Version    Date       Who        What?
13   ---------  ---------  ---------- --------------------------------------------
14   115.0      09-Aug-99  GPERRY     Created.
15   115.1      16-Aug-99  GPERRY     Added nocopy compiler directive.
16   115.2      06 May 00  RChase     Performance Modifications, replace exists,
17                                    add additional NOCOPY compiler directives,
18                                    remove additional record assignments.
19   115.3      29 Dec 00  Tmathers   Fixed check_sql errors.
20   -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 */
22 --
23 g_package varchar2(30) := 'ben_org_object.';
24 g_hash_key number := ben_hash_utility.get_hash_key;
25 g_hash_jump number := ben_hash_utility.get_hash_jump;
26 --
27 -- Set object routines
28 --
29 procedure set_object(p_rec in out NOCOPY per_business_groups%rowtype) is
30   --
31   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_object';
32   l_index          pls_integer;
33   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
34   --
35 begin
36   --
37   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
38   --
39   -- 1) get hash index
40   -- 2) If hash index is not used use hash index
41   -- 3) If hash index is used and correct then do nothing
42   -- 4) If hash index is used and not correct then try next hash index
43   --
44   -- Get hashed index value
45   --
46   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_rec.business_group_id);
47     -- 115.2 check for cache entry at current index.  if none exists the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
48     if g_cache_bus_rec(l_index).business_group_id = p_rec.business_group_id then
49        -- do nothing, cache entry already exists
50        null;
51     else
52       --
53       -- Loop through the hash using the jump routine to check further
54       -- indexes
55       -- 115.2 if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
56       --
57       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
58       while g_cache_bus_rec(l_index).business_group_id <> p_rec.business_group_id loop
59         --
60         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
62       end loop;
63       --
64     end if;
65   --
66   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
67   --
68 exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
69   --115.2 set cache entry at current index location
70    g_cache_bus_rec(l_index):=p_rec;
71 --
72 end set_object;
73 --
74 procedure set_object(p_rec in out NOCOPY hr_all_organization_units%rowtype) is
75   --
76   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_object';
77   l_index          pls_integer;
78   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
79   --
80 begin
81   --
82   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
83   --
84   -- 1) get hash index
85   -- 2) If hash index is not used use hash index
86   -- 3) If hash index is used and correct then do nothing
87   -- 4) If hash index is used and not correct then try next hash index
88   --
89   -- Get hashed index value
90   --
91   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_rec.organization_id);
92     -- 115.2 check for cache entry at current index.  if none exists the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
93     if g_cache_org_rec(l_index).organization_id = p_rec.organization_id then
94        -- do nothing, cache entry already exists
95        null;
96     else
97       --
98       -- Loop through the hash using the jump routine to check further
99       -- indexes
100       -- 115.2 if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
101       --
102       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
103       while g_cache_org_rec(l_index).organization_id <> p_rec.organization_id loop
104         --
105         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
107       end loop;
108       --
109     end if;
110   --
111   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
112   --
113 exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
114   --115.2 set cache entry at current index location
115    g_cache_org_rec(l_index):=p_rec;
116 --
117 end set_object;
118 --
119 procedure set_object(p_rec in out NOCOPY pay_all_payrolls_f%rowtype) is
120   --
121   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_object';
122   l_index          pls_integer;
123   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
124   --
125 begin
126   --
127   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
128   --
129   -- 1) get hash index
130   -- 2) If hash index is not used use hash index
131   -- 3) If hash index is used and correct then do nothing
132   -- 4) If hash index is used and not correct then try next hash index
133   --
134   -- Get hashed index value
135   --
136   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_rec.payroll_id);
137     -- 115.2 check for cache entry at current index.  if none exists the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
138     if g_cache_pay_rec(l_index).payroll_id = p_rec.payroll_id then
139        -- do nothing, cache entry already exists
140        null;
141     else
142       --
143       -- Loop through the hash using the jump routine to check further
144       -- indexes
145       -- 115.2 if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
146       --
147       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
148       while g_cache_pay_rec(l_index).payroll_id <> p_rec.payroll_id loop
149         --
150         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
152       end loop;
153       --
154     end if;
155   --
156   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
157   --
158 exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
159   --115.2 set cache entry at current index location
160    g_cache_pay_rec(l_index):=p_rec;
161 --
162 end set_object;
163 --
164 procedure set_object(p_rec in out NOCOPY ben_benfts_grp%rowtype) is
165   --
166   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_object';
167   l_index          pls_integer;
168   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
169   --
170 begin
171   --
172   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
173   --
174   -- 1) get hash index
175   -- 2) If hash index is not used use hash index
176   -- 3) If hash index is used and correct then do nothing
177   -- 4) If hash index is used and not correct then try next hash index
178   --
179   -- Get hashed index value
180   --
181   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_rec.benfts_grp_id);
182     -- 115.2 check for cache entry at current index.  if none exists the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
183     if g_cache_ben_rec(l_index).benfts_grp_id = p_rec.benfts_grp_id then
184        -- do nothing, cache entry already exists
185        null;
186     else
187       --
188       -- Loop through the hash using the jump routine to check further
189       -- indexes
190       -- 115.2 if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
191       --
192       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
193       while g_cache_ben_rec(l_index).benfts_grp_id <> p_rec.benfts_grp_id loop
194         --
195         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
197       end loop;
198       --
199     end if;
200   --
201   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
202   --
203 exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
204   --115.2 set cache entry at current index location
205    g_cache_ben_rec(l_index):=p_rec;
206 --
207 end set_object;
208 --
209 -- Set object alternate route routines
210 --
211 procedure set_bus_object
212   (p_business_group_id in number,
213    p_effective_date    in date,
214    p_rec               in out nocopy per_business_groups%rowtype) is
215   --
216   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_bus_object';
217   --
218   cursor c1 is
219     select bus.*
220     from   per_business_groups bus
221     where  bus.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
222     and    p_effective_date
223            between bus.date_from
224            and     nvl(bus.date_to,p_effective_date);
225   --115.2 remove additional declaration
226   --l_rec per_business_groups%rowtype;
227   --
228 begin
229   --
230   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
231   --
232   -- 1) Get record from database.
233   -- 2) If record not found then raise error.
234   -- 3) Pass record to set_object routine.
235   --
236   open c1;
237     --
238     fetch c1 into p_rec;
239     if c1%notfound then
240       --115.2 use NOCOPY parameter
241       --l_rec.business_group_id := p_business_group_id;
242       p_rec.business_group_id := p_business_group_id;
243       --
244     end if;
245     --
246   close c1;
247   --
248   set_object(p_rec => p_rec);
249   --115.2 remove additional assignment
250   --p_rec := l_rec;
251   --
252   --hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
253   --
254 end set_bus_object;
255 --
256 procedure set_org_object
257   (p_organization_id in number,
258    p_effective_date  in date,
259    p_rec             in out nocopy hr_all_organization_units%rowtype) is
260   --
261   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_org_object';
262   --
263   cursor c1 is
264     select org.*
265     from   hr_all_organization_units org
266     where  org.organization_id = p_organization_id
267     and    p_effective_date
268            between org.date_from
269            and     nvl(org.date_to,p_effective_date);
270   --115.2 remove additional declaration
271   --l_rec hr_all_organization_units%rowtype;
272   --
273 begin
274   --
275   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
276   --
277   -- 1) Get record from database.
278   -- 2) If record not found then raise error.
279   -- 3) Pass record to set_object routine.
280   --
281   open c1;
282     --
283     fetch c1 into p_rec;
284     if c1%notfound then
285       --115.2 use NOCOPY parameter
286       --l_rec.organization_id := p_organization_id;
287       p_rec.organization_id := p_organization_id;
288       --
289     end if;
290     --
291   close c1;
292   --
293   set_object(p_rec => p_rec);
294   --115.2 remove additional assignment
295   --p_rec := l_rec;
296   --
297   --hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
298   --
299 end set_org_object;
300 --
301 procedure set_pay_object
302   (p_payroll_id        in number,
303    p_business_group_id in number,
304    p_effective_date    in date,
305    p_rec               in out nocopy pay_all_payrolls_f%rowtype) is
306   --
307   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_pay_object';
308   --
309   cursor c1 is
310     select pay.*
311     from   pay_all_payrolls_f pay
312     where  pay.payroll_id = p_payroll_id
313     and    pay.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
314     and    p_effective_date
315            between pay.effective_start_date
316            and     pay.effective_end_date;
317   --115.2 remove additional declaration
318   --l_rec pay_all_payrolls_f%rowtype;
319   --
320 begin
321   --
322   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
323   --
324   -- 1) Get record from database.
325   -- 2) If record not found then raise error.
326   -- 3) Pass record to set_object routine.
327   --
328   open c1;
329     --
330     fetch c1 into p_rec;
331     if c1%notfound then
332       --115.2 use NOCOPY parameter
333       --l_rec.payroll_id := p_payroll_id;
334       p_rec.payroll_id := p_payroll_id;
335       --
336     end if;
337     --
338   close c1;
339   --
340   set_object(p_rec => p_rec);
341   --115.2 remove additional assignment
342   --p_rec := l_rec;
343   --
344   --hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
345   --
346 end set_pay_object;
347 --
348 procedure set_ben_object
349   (p_benfts_grp_id     in number,
350    p_business_group_id in number,
351    p_rec               in out nocopy ben_benfts_grp%rowtype) is
352   --
353   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'set_ben_object';
354   --
355   cursor c1 is
356     select ben.*
357     from   ben_benfts_grp ben
358     where  ben.benfts_grp_id = p_benfts_grp_id
359     and    ben.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
360   --115.2 remove additional declaration
361   --l_rec ben_benfts_grp%rowtype;
362   --
363 begin
364   --
365   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
366   --
367   -- 1) Get record from database.
368   -- 2) If record not found then raise error.
369   -- 3) Pass record to set_object routine.
370   --
371   open c1;
372     --
373     fetch c1 into p_rec;
374     if c1%notfound then
375       --115.2 use NOCOPY parameter
376       --l_rec.benfts_grp_id := p_benfts_grp_id;
377       p_rec.benfts_grp_id := p_benfts_grp_id;
378       --
379     end if;
380     --
381   close c1;
382   --
383   set_object(p_rec => p_rec);
384   --115.2 remove additional assignment
385   --p_rec := l_rec;
386   --
387   --hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
388   --
389 end set_ben_object;
390 --
391 -- Get object routines
392 --
393 procedure get_object(p_business_group_id in  number,
394                      p_rec               in out nocopy per_business_groups%rowtype) is
395   --
396   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'get_object';
397   l_index          pls_integer;
398   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
399   l_env            ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
400   --l_rec            per_business_groups%rowtype;
401   --
402 begin
403   --
404   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
405   --
406   if g_cache_last_bus_rec.business_group_id = p_business_group_id then
407     --
408     p_rec := g_cache_last_bus_rec;
409     return;
410     --
411   end if;
412   -- 1) Get hashed index
413   -- 2) If hashed index is correct pgm then return program
414   -- 3) If hashed index is not correct program then check next index
415   -- 4) Repest 3 until correct program found, if not found raise error.
416   --
417   -- Get hashed index value
418   --
419   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_business_group_id);
420   --
421     if g_cache_bus_rec(l_index).business_group_id = p_business_group_id then
422       --
423       g_cache_last_bus_rec := g_cache_bus_rec(l_index);
424       p_rec := g_cache_last_bus_rec;
425       --
426     else
427       --
428       -- We need to loop through all the hashed indexes
429       -- if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
430       --
431       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
432       while g_cache_bus_rec(l_index).business_group_id <> p_business_group_id loop
433         --
434         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
435         --
436       end loop;
437       --
438       g_cache_last_bus_rec := g_cache_bus_rec(l_index);
439       p_rec := g_cache_last_bus_rec;
440       --
441     end if;
442   --
443   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
444   --
445 exception
446   --
447   when no_data_found then
448     --
449     ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env);
450     --
451     set_bus_object(p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id,
452                    p_effective_date    => nvl(l_env.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
453                                               l_env.effective_date),
454                    p_rec               => p_rec);
455     --
456     g_cache_last_bus_rec := p_rec;
457     --p_rec := l_rec;
458     --
459 end get_object;
460 --
461 procedure get_object(p_organization_id in  number,
462                      p_rec             in out nocopy hr_all_organization_units%rowtype) is
463   --
464   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'get_object';
465   l_index          pls_integer;
466   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
467   l_env            ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
468   --l_rec            hr_all_organization_units%rowtype;
469   --
470 begin
471   --
472   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
473   --
474   if g_cache_last_org_rec.organization_id = p_organization_id then
475     --
476     p_rec := g_cache_last_org_rec;
477     return;
478     --
479   end if;
480   -- 1) Get hashed index
481   -- 2) If hashed index is correct pgm then return program
482   -- 3) If hashed index is not correct program then check next index
483   -- 4) Repest 3 until correct program found, if not found raise error.
484   --
485   -- Get hashed index value
486   --
487   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_organization_id);
488   --
489     if g_cache_org_rec(l_index).organization_id = p_organization_id then
490       --
491       g_cache_last_org_rec := g_cache_org_rec(l_index);
492       p_rec := g_cache_last_org_rec;
493       --
494     else
495       --
496       -- We need to loop through all the hashed indexes
497       -- if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
498       --
499       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
500       while g_cache_org_rec(l_index).organization_id <> p_organization_id loop
501         --
502         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
503         --
504       end loop;
505       --
506       g_cache_last_org_rec := g_cache_org_rec(l_index);
507       p_rec := g_cache_last_org_rec;
508       --
509     end if;
510   --
511   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
512   --
513 exception
514   --
515   when no_data_found then
516     --
517     ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env);
518     --
519     set_org_object(p_organization_id => p_organization_id,
520                    p_effective_date  => nvl(l_env.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
521                                             l_env.effective_date),
522                    p_rec             => p_rec);
523     --
524     g_cache_last_org_rec := p_rec;
525     --p_rec := l_rec;
526     --
527 end get_object;
528 --
529 procedure get_object(p_payroll_id in  number,
530                      p_rec        in out nocopy pay_all_payrolls_f%rowtype) is
531   --
532   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'get_object';
533   l_index          pls_integer;
534   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
535   l_env            ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
536   --l_rec            pay_all_payrolls_f%rowtype;
537   --
538 begin
539   --
540   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
541   --
542   if g_cache_last_pay_rec.payroll_id = p_payroll_id then
543     --
544     p_rec := g_cache_last_pay_rec;
545     return;
546     --
547   end if;
548   -- 1) Get hashed index
549   -- 2) If hashed index is correct pgm then return program
550   -- 3) If hashed index is not correct program then check next index
551   -- 4) Repest 3 until correct program found, if not found raise error.
552   --
553   -- Get hashed index value
554   --
555   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_payroll_id);
556   --
557     if g_cache_pay_rec(l_index).payroll_id = p_payroll_id then
558       --
559       g_cache_last_pay_rec := g_cache_pay_rec(l_index);
560       p_rec := g_cache_last_pay_rec;
561       --
562     else
563       --
564       -- We need to loop through all the hashed indexes
565       -- if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
566       --
567       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
568       while g_cache_pay_rec(l_index).payroll_id <> p_payroll_id loop
569         --
570         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
571         --
572       end loop;
573       --
574       g_cache_last_pay_rec := g_cache_pay_rec(l_index);
575       p_rec := g_cache_last_pay_rec;
576       --
577     end if;
578   --
579   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
580   --
581 exception
582   --
583   when no_data_found then
584     --
585     ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env);
586     --
587     set_pay_object(p_payroll_id        => p_payroll_id,
588                    p_business_group_id => l_env.business_group_id,
589                    p_effective_date    => nvl(l_env.lf_evt_ocrd_dt,
590                                               l_env.effective_date),
591                    p_rec               => p_rec);
592     --
593     g_cache_last_pay_rec := p_rec;
594     --p_rec := l_rec;
595     --
596 end get_object;
597 --
598 procedure get_object(p_benfts_grp_id in  number,
599                      p_rec           in out nocopy ben_benfts_grp%rowtype) is
600   --
601   l_proc           varchar2(80) := g_package||'get_object';
602   l_index          pls_integer;
603   --l_not_hash_found boolean;
604   l_env            ben_env_object.g_global_env_rec_type;
605   --l_rec            ben_benfts_grp%rowtype;
606   --
607 begin
608   --
609   --hr_utility.set_location('Entering '||l_proc,10);
610   --
611   if g_cache_last_ben_rec.benfts_grp_id = p_benfts_grp_id then
612     --
613     p_rec := g_cache_last_ben_rec;
614     return;
615     --
616   end if;
617   -- 1) Get hashed index
618   -- 2) If hashed index is correct pgm then return program
619   -- 3) If hashed index is not correct program then check next index
620   -- 4) Repest 3 until correct program found, if not found raise error.
621   --
622   -- Get hashed index value
623   --
624   l_index := ben_hash_utility.get_hashed_index(p_id => p_benfts_grp_id);
625   --
626     if g_cache_ben_rec(l_index).benfts_grp_id = p_benfts_grp_id then
627       --
628       g_cache_last_ben_rec := g_cache_ben_rec(l_index);
629       p_rec := g_cache_last_ben_rec;
630       --
631     else
632       --
633       -- We need to loop through all the hashed indexes
634       -- if none exists at current index the NO_DATA_FOUND expection will fire
635       --
636       l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
637       while g_cache_ben_rec(l_index).benfts_grp_id <> p_benfts_grp_id loop
638         --
639         l_index := l_index+g_hash_jump;
640         --
641       end loop;
642       --
643       g_cache_last_ben_rec := g_cache_ben_rec(l_index);
644       p_rec := g_cache_last_ben_rec;
645       --
646     end if;
647   --
648   -- hr_utility.set_location('Leaving '||l_proc,10);
649   --
650 exception
651   --
652   when no_data_found then
653     --
654     ben_env_object.get(p_rec => l_env);
655     --
656     set_ben_object(p_benfts_grp_id     => p_benfts_grp_id,
657                    p_business_group_id => l_env.business_group_id,
658                    p_rec               => p_rec);
659     --
660     g_cache_last_ben_rec := p_rec;
661     --p_rec := l_rec;
662     --
663 end get_object;
664 --
665 procedure clear_down_cache is
666   --
667   l_last_bus_rec per_business_groups%rowtype;
668   l_last_org_rec hr_all_organization_units%rowtype;
669   l_last_pay_rec pay_all_payrolls_f%rowtype;
670   l_last_ben_rec ben_benfts_grp%rowtype;
671   --
672 begin
673   --
674   g_cache_bus_rec.delete;
675   g_cache_last_bus_rec := l_last_bus_rec;
676   g_cache_org_rec.delete;
677   g_cache_last_org_rec := l_last_org_rec;
678   g_cache_pay_rec.delete;
679   g_cache_last_pay_rec := l_last_pay_rec;
680   g_cache_ben_rec.delete;
681   g_cache_last_ben_rec := l_last_ben_rec;
682   --
683 end clear_down_cache;
684 --
685 end ben_org_object;