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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 27

    select pbg.security_group_id
      from per_business_groups pbg
         , pay_element_type_usages_f etu
     where etu.element_type_usage_id = p_element_type_usage_id
       and pbg.business_group_id = etu.business_group_id;
Line: 87

    select pbg.legislation_code
      from per_business_groups pbg
         , pay_element_type_usages_f etu
     where etu.element_type_usage_id = p_element_type_usage_id
       and pbg.business_group_id (+) = etu.business_group_id;
Line: 175

Procedure chk_non_updateable_args
  (p_effective_date  in date
  ,p_rec             in pay_etu_shd.g_rec_type
  ) IS
  l_proc     varchar2(72) := g_package || 'chk_non_updateable_args';
Line: 259

End chk_non_updateable_args;
Line: 321

select 'Y'
from   pay_run_types_f prt
where  prt.run_type_id = p_run_type_id
and    p_effective_date between prt.effective_start_date
                        and     prt.effective_end_date
and    ((prt.business_group_id is not null
       and prt.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
or     (prt.legislation_code is not null
        and prt.legislation_code = p_leg_code)
or     (prt.business_group_id is null
       and prt.legislation_code is null));
Line: 334

select 'Y'
from   pay_run_types_f prt
where  prt.run_type_id = p_run_type_id
and    p_effective_date between prt.effective_start_date
                        and     prt.effective_end_date
and    prt.business_group_id is null
and   ((p_legislation_code is not null
      and prt.legislation_code = p_legislation_code)
or    (prt.legislation_code is null));
Line: 345

select 'Y'
from   pay_run_types_f prt
where  prt.run_type_id = p_run_type_id
and    p_effective_date between prt.effective_start_date
                        and     prt.effective_end_date
and    prt.business_group_id is null
and    prt.legislation_code is null;
Line: 493

select 'Y'
from   pay_element_types_f pet,
       pay_run_types_f rty
where  pet.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
and    p_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                        and     pet.effective_end_date
and    ((pet.business_group_id is not null
       and pet.business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
	or     (pet.legislation_code is not null
		and pet.legislation_code = p_leg_code)
	or     (pet.business_group_id is null
		and pet.legislation_code is null))
-- This condition is to check the element if any classification usage(s) is/are defined for the given
-- runtype then we need to allow only the elements which belongs to the classification(s).
and    ((exists (select 'Y' from pay_element_class_usages_f ecu
		 where  rty.run_type_id = ecu.run_type_id
		 and    ecu.classification_id = pet.classification_id
		 and    p_effective_date between ecu.effective_start_date and ecu.effective_end_date
		 and    nvl(ecu.legislation_code,nvl(p_leg_code,  ' ')) = nvl(p_leg_code, ' ')
		 and    nvl(ecu.business_group_id, nvl(p_business_group_id, -1)) = nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)))
	 or ( not exists (select 'Y' from pay_element_class_usages_f ecu
			  where  rty.run_type_id = ecu.run_type_id
			  and p_effective_date between ecu.effective_start_date and ecu.effective_end_date
			  and nvl(ecu.legislation_code,nvl(p_leg_code,  ' ')) = nvl(p_leg_code, ' ')
			  and nvl(ecu.business_group_id, nvl(p_business_group_id, -1)) = nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)))
Line: 521

select 'Y'
from   pay_element_types_f pet,
       pay_run_types_f rty
where  pet.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
and    p_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                        and     pet.effective_end_date
and    pet.business_group_id is null
and   ((p_legislation_code is not null
      and pet.legislation_code = p_legislation_code)
or    (pet.legislation_code is null))
-- This condition is to check the element, if any classification usage(s) is/are defined for the given
-- runtype then we need to allow only the elements which belongs to the classification(s).
and    ((exists (select 'Y' from pay_element_class_usages_f ecu
		 where  rty.run_type_id = ecu.run_type_id
		 and    ecu.classification_id = pet.classification_id
		 and    p_effective_date between ecu.effective_start_date and ecu.effective_end_date
		 and    nvl(ecu.legislation_code,nvl(p_legislation_code,  ' ')) = nvl(p_legislation_code, ' ')
		 and    nvl(ecu.business_group_id, nvl(p_business_group_id, -1)) = nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)))
	 or ( not exists (select 'Y' from pay_element_class_usages_f ecu
			  where  rty.run_type_id = ecu.run_type_id
			  and p_effective_date between ecu.effective_start_date and ecu.effective_end_date
			  and nvl(ecu.legislation_code,nvl(p_legislation_code,  ' ')) = nvl(p_legislation_code, ' ')
			  and nvl(ecu.business_group_id, nvl(p_business_group_id, -1)) = nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)))
Line: 547

select 'Y'
from   pay_element_types_f pet,
       pay_run_types_f rty
where  pet.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
and    p_effective_date between pet.effective_start_date
                        and     pet.effective_end_date
and    pet.business_group_id is null
and    pet.legislation_code is null
-- This condition is to check the element, if any classification usage(s) is/are defined for the given
-- runtype then we need to allow only the elements which belongs to the classification(s).
and    ((exists (select 'Y' from pay_element_class_usages_f ecu
		 where  rty.run_type_id = ecu.run_type_id
		 and    ecu.classification_id = pet.classification_id
		 and    p_effective_date between ecu.effective_start_date and ecu.effective_end_date
		 and    nvl(ecu.legislation_code,nvl(p_legislation_code,  ' ')) = nvl(p_legislation_code, ' ')
		 and    nvl(ecu.business_group_id, nvl(p_business_group_id, -1)) = nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)))
	 or ( not exists (select 'Y' from pay_element_class_usages_f ecu
			  where  rty.run_type_id = ecu.run_type_id
			  and p_effective_date between ecu.effective_start_date and ecu.effective_end_date
			  and nvl(ecu.legislation_code,nvl(p_legislation_code,  ' ')) = nvl(p_legislation_code, ' ')
			  and nvl(ecu.business_group_id, nvl(p_business_group_id, -1)) = nvl(p_business_group_id,-1)))
Line: 833

Procedure dt_update_validate
  (p_element_type_id               in number default hr_api.g_number
  ,p_run_type_id                   in number default hr_api.g_number
  ,p_datetrack_mode                in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date         in date
  ,p_validation_end_date           in date
  ) Is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'dt_update_validate';
Line: 910

End dt_update_validate;
Line: 947

Procedure dt_delete_validate
  (p_element_type_usage_id            in number
  ,p_datetrack_mode                   in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date            in date
  ,p_validation_end_date              in date
  ) Is
  l_proc        varchar2(72)    := g_package||'dt_delete_validate';
Line: 971

  If (p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_delete or
      p_datetrack_mode = hr_api.g_zap) then
    -- Ensure the arguments are not null
      (p_api_name       => l_proc
      ,p_argument       => 'validation_start_date'
      ,p_argument_value => p_validation_start_date
Line: 1018

End dt_delete_validate;
Line: 1030

  (p_insert               IN boolean
  ,p_business_group_id    IN number
  ,p_legislation_code     IN varchar2
  ,p_legislation_subgroup IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL) IS
  -- Call the supporting procedure to check startup mode
  IF (p_insert) THEN
    -- Call procedure to check startup_action for inserts.
      (p_generic_allowed   => TRUE
      ,p_startup_allowed   => TRUE
      ,p_user_allowed      => TRUE
      ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
      ,p_legislation_code  => p_legislation_code
      ,p_legislation_subgroup => p_legislation_subgroup
Line: 1070

Procedure insert_validate
  (p_rec                   in pay_etu_shd.g_rec_type
  ,p_effective_date        in date
  ,p_datetrack_mode        in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date in date
  ,p_validation_end_date   in date
  ) is
  l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
Line: 1121

End insert_validate;
Line: 1126

Procedure update_validate
  (p_rec                     in pay_etu_shd.g_rec_type
  ,p_effective_date          in date
  ,p_datetrack_mode          in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date   in date
  ,p_validation_end_date     in date
  ) is
  l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
Line: 1180

    (p_element_type_id                => p_rec.element_type_id
    ,p_run_type_id                    => p_rec.run_type_id
    ,p_datetrack_mode                 => p_datetrack_mode
    ,p_validation_start_date          => p_validation_start_date
    ,p_validation_end_date            => p_validation_end_date
Line: 1190

    (p_effective_date  => p_effective_date
    ,p_rec             => p_rec
Line: 1197

End update_validate;
Line: 1202

Procedure delete_validate
  (p_rec                    in pay_etu_shd.g_rec_type
  ,p_effective_date         in date
  ,p_datetrack_mode         in varchar2
  ,p_validation_start_date  in date
  ,p_validation_end_date    in date
  ) is
  l_proc        varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
Line: 1221

    (p_datetrack_mode                   => p_datetrack_mode
    ,p_validation_start_date            => p_validation_start_date
    ,p_validation_end_date              => p_validation_end_date
    ,p_element_type_usage_id            => p_rec.element_type_usage_id
Line: 1229

End delete_validate;