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APPS.MSC_ATP_PF dependencies on MSC_ATP_PROC

Line 7777: | o Differences from the one in MSC_ATP_PROC:

7773: /*--Get_Period_Data_From_Sd_Temp--------------------------------------------
7774: | o This procedure is called from Item_Alloc_Cum_Atp and
7775: | Item_Pre_Allocated_Atp procedures to get the period data from
7776: | msc_atp_sd_details_temp table.
7777: | o Differences from the one in MSC_ATP_PROC:
7778: | - For Total_Demand_Quantity only demands with Pf_Display_Flag equal
7779: | to 1 are looked at. Demand quantity is picked from
7780: | Original_Demand_Quantity column.
7781: | o For Total_Bucketed_Demand_Quantity all demands are looked at.

Line 8762: MSC_ATP_PROC.get_global_plan_info(

8758: -- initialize API return status to success
8759: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
8761: /* First get member item's plan*/
8762: MSC_ATP_PROC.get_global_plan_info(
8763: p_instance_id,
8764: p_member_item_id,
8765: p_org_id,
8766: p_demand_class,

Line 8820: MSC_ATP_PROC.get_global_plan_info(

8816: msc_sch_wb.atp_debug('Schedule: ' || '*** Product Family(non-time phased) ATP Scenario *** ');
8817: msc_sch_wb.atp_debug('Get_PF_Plan_Info: ' || 'Now trying to find old plan for family item...');
8818: END IF;
8820: MSC_ATP_PROC.get_global_plan_info(
8821: p_instance_id,
8822: p_family_item_id,
8823: p_org_id,
8824: p_demand_class,