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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  H Parichabutr 24-JUL-1995	Updated to handle "PAYMENTS" and "PAYMENTS_JD"
				time types - required for displaying tax bals
				on SOE.
  S Desai   27-Nov-1995	     Added PYDATE time dimension.
  gpaytonm  09-JAN-1995     333594 payments_jd dimension is defunct
  gpaytonm  01-FEB-1996     337641 performance fixes to SQL statements (two)
			    and more control over calling bal user exit.
  S Desai   18-Mar-1996     Ensure that get_dummy_asg_id returns an assignment
                            with a payroll_id and is effective on the virtual
                            date in order to pass the core.
  T Grisco  23-Apr-1996     360669 put PAYMENTS_JD back.
  S Desai   20-Aug-1996	    371351: Head Tax mis-classified as an employer
  L Thompson30-SEP-1996	40.15    395029: Must execute db item if dimension is
  L Thompson03-NOV-1996 40.16    378594: WC_EE previously not accessible.

  nbristow 08-NOV-1996  40.17    420465:  Added several performance fixes.
                                          Major changes to improve
                                          the handling of latest balances.
                                          arcsed in by lwthomps.
  nbristow 14-NOV-1996  40.18    Removed hard coded path, no longer forced
                                 to use latest balances.
  nbristow 20-NOV-1996  40.19    Created overload functions and
                                 us_tax_balance_rep functions.
  nbristow 06-DEC-1996  40.20    Fixed get_virtual_date, now also checks
                                 the payroll as well as the assignment.
  nbristow 18-DEC-1996  40.21    Changed calls to get_value (date mode) to
  lwthomps 27-May-1997  40.22    489769, WC2_EE previously not accessible.
                                 Similiar to change for 40.16.
  tbattoo  16-JAN-1998  40.23(110.0)    changed date format to DD-MON-YYYY -
                                 bug 612696.
  tbattoo  11-MAY-1998  40.24(110.1)    dual mantained changes in view so
				 GRE PYDATE routes work over a range
  djoshi   08-APR-1999           Verfied and converted for Canonical
                                 Complience of Date
  skutteti 14-SEP-1999  115.4    Pre-tax enhancements. Added categories 403B
                                 and 457 wherever required.
  hzhao    10-DEC-1999  115.5    Added support of pre-tax for EIC
  JARTHURT 24-JUL-2000  115.6    Added legislation_code check in
  skutteti 15-SEP-2000  115.8    Currently there is no balance for FIT gross,
                                 instead 'Gross Earnings' is used. Changed code
                                 to subtract Alien earnings from FIT Gross.
  skutteti 23-NOV-2000  115.9    Pre tax for Alien expat earnings has to be
                                 reported in 1042s. Added code to subtract the
                                 Alien portion of Pre-tax for SIT/FIT purposes.
  tmehra   16-AUG-2001  115.10   Removed above code to subtract Non W2 protion
                                 of Pre-Tax for SIT as new balance feeds have
                                 been added to achive this.
  kthirmiy 01-OCT-2001  115.11   Added code for balance extract with the
                                 tax_balance_category of 'OTHER_PRETAX_REDNS'
                                 to show in the Pretax Details block for
                                 other pre-tax enhancements
  meshah   13-JUN-2002  115.18   changed the function call_balance_user_exit
                                 to remove the call to get_grp_value because
                                 from July 2002 we should be using the Balance
                                 Reporting Arch. and that does not require the
                                 for new TRR checking REDUCED_SUBJ_WHABLE and
                                 session_var of W2.
  meshah   11-FEB-2003  115.21  Now checking for a session var of PAYUSNFR
                                to set the assignment_action_id before making
                                the balance call.
  meshah   13-FEB-2003  115.22  nocopy.
  meshah   17-APR-2003  115.23  changed the name of the session var from
                                PAYUSNFR to GROUP_RB_REPORT and added a new
                                cursor c_get_max_aaid.
  meshah   29-MAY-2003  115.24  changed cursor c_get_max_aaid to c_get_min_aaid
                                GRE Totals, 940 and 941 reports are now
                                setting GROUP_RB_SDATE and GROUP_RB_EDATE
                                session variables to get the minimum
                                assignment_action_id. In c_get_min_aaid we
                                are using nvl in the select to return a -1
                                for cases where there are no runs.
  meshah   04-JUN-2003  115.25  changed cursor c_get_min_aaid to work with
                                business_group_id and added a new cursor
  sdahiya  12-JAN-2004  115.26  Modified query for performance enhancement
                                (Bug 3343974).
  kvsankar 16-JAN-2004  115.27  Modified query for performance enhancement
                                (Bug 3290396).
  tlcewis  17-MAR-2004  115.28  added coding for STEIC.
  fusman   10-JAN-2005  115.29  Added JD_dimension String for NY FUTA Taxable.
  fusman   12-JAN-2005  115.30  Changed the l_test value to 0 to make FUTA a state tax.
  pragupta 14-APR-2005  115.31  Increased the size of l_tax_type
  sackumar 13-SEP-2005  115.32  (Bug 4347453) Modified the g_dim_tbl_crs(3) query.
				Introduced Index Hint in the query.
  rdhingra 23-SEP-2005  115.33  Bug 4583560: Performance changes done
  rdhingra 27-SEP-2005  115.34  Bug 4583560: Performance changes done
                                Reverting changes of ver 32 as it was putting a full index scan


-- Global declarations
type num_array  is table of number(15) index by binary_integer;
Line: 210

    SELECT  creator_id
      INTO  l_defined_balance_id
      FROM  ff_user_entities
     WHERE  user_entity_name like
                translate(p_balance_name||'_'||p_dimension_suffix,' ','_')
       AND  legislation_code = 'US';
Line: 240

      select ''
        into l_dummy
        from per_assignments_f paf
       where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
         and p_virtual_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                and paf.effective_end_date
         and paf.payroll_id is not null;
Line: 278

                  select max(ppf.effective_end_date)
                    into l_virtual_date2
                    from per_assignments_f paf,
                         pay_payrolls_f    ppf
                   where paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
                     and paf.payroll_id = ppf.payroll_id
                     and ppf.effective_end_date between
                               trunc(p_virtual_date, p_balance_time)
                                   and p_virtual_date;
Line: 363

      select parameter_value
      into   l_run_route
      where  parameter_name = 'RUN_ROUTE';
Line: 401

         select ''
         into l_dummy
         from dual
         where exists (
                        select ''
                        from pay_payroll_actions            ppa,
                             pay_assignment_actions         paa,
                             pay_assignment_latest_balances palb
                        where palb.assignment_id        = p_assignment_id
                        and   palb.defined_balance_id   = l_defined_balance_id
                        and   palb.assignment_action_id =
                        and   paa.payroll_action_id     = ppa.payroll_action_id
                        and   ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','I','B','V')
                        and   p_virtual_date           >= ppa.effective_date);
Line: 443

               select balance_type_id
                 into l_balance_type_id
                 from pay_defined_balances
                where defined_balance_id = l_defined_balance_id;
Line: 544

      select parameter_value
      into l_run_route
      where parameter_name = 'RUN_ROUTE';
Line: 646

      select parameter_value
      into l_run_route
      where parameter_name = 'RUN_ROUTE';
Line: 885

    select assignment_action_id
    from pay_assignment_actions
    where payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 895

    select nvl(min(assignment_action_id),-1)
    from pay_assignment_actions paa,pay_payroll_actions ppa
    where paa.tax_unit_id  = p_gre_id_context
    and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
    and ppa.effective_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
    and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','I','B','V') ;
Line: 904

    select nvl(min(assignment_action_id),-1)
    from pay_assignment_actions paa,pay_payroll_actions ppa,pay_payrolls_f ppf
    where ppa.business_group_id +0 = p_bg_id
    and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
    and ppa.effective_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
    and ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','I','B','V')
    and ppf.payroll_id = ppa.payroll_id
    and ppa.business_group_id +0 = ppf.business_group_id;
Line: 914

    select business_group_id
    from hr_organization_units
    where organization_id = p_gre_id_context;
Line: 958

	SELECT count(0)
	INTO   l_valid
	FROM   hr_lookups
	AND    lookup_code = p_tax_balance_category;
Line: 969

	SELECT count(0)
	INTO   l_valid
	FROM   hr_lookups
	WHERE  lookup_type = 'US_TAX_TYPE'
	AND    lookup_code = p_tax_type;
Line: 982

SELECT count(0)
INTO   l_valid
FROM   dual
WHERE  p_asg_type in ('ASG','PER','GRE');
Line: 992

SELECT count(0)
INTO   l_valid
FROM   dual
WHERE  p_time_type in ('RUN','PTD','MONTH','QTD','YTD', 'PAYMENTS', 'PYDATE');
Line: 1068

  select count(0)
  into   l_asg_exists
  from   per_assignments_f
  where  assignment_id = l_assignment_id
  and    l_virtual_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
Line: 1082

    select max(effective_end_date)
    into   l_max_date
    from   per_assignments_f
    where  assignment_id = l_assignment_id;
Line: 1098

      select tp.start_date
      into   l_bal_start_date
      from   per_time_periods tp,
             per_assignments_f asg
      where  asg.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
      and    l_max_date between asg.effective_start_date and effective_end_date
      and    asg.payroll_id = tp.payroll_id
      and    l_virtual_date between tp.start_date and tp.end_date;
Line: 1257

          select business_group_id
          into   l_bg_id
          from   hr_organization_units
          where  organization_id = p_gre_id_context;
Line: 1274

                select 1
                into check_asg
                from per_assignments_f paf
                where paf.assignment_id = g_asgid_tbl_id(l_count)
                and l_virtual_date between paf.effective_start_date
                                       and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1297

              select min(paa.assignment_id)
              into l_assignment_id
              from  pay_assignment_actions paa,
                    pay_payroll_actions pact,
                    pay_payrolls_f ppf
              where pact.effective_date <= l_virtual_date
                and pact.payroll_action_id=paa.payroll_action_id
                and pact.action_type in ('R', 'Q', 'I', 'V', 'B')
                and paa.tax_unit_id = p_gre_id_context
                and ppf.payroll_id = pact.payroll_id
                and ppf.business_group_id = l_bg_id;
Line: 1342

SELECT count(0)
INTO   l_test
FROM   sys.dual
WHERE  l_tax_type in ('FIT','FUTA','MEDICARE','SS','EIC');
Line: 2069

  g_dim_tbl_crs(0) := 'select distinct PAA.assignment_id '                 ||
                      'from   pay_assignment_actions PAA, '                ||
                      '       pay_payroll_actions    PPA '                 ||
                      'where  PAA.tax_unit_id = :TAX_UNIT_ID '             ||
                      'and    PPA.payroll_action_id =  '                   ||
                      '                   PAA.payroll_action_id '          ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date >= '                      ||
             'trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Q'') '                                  ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date <= '                      ||
                      ':DATE2_EARNED '                                     ||
                      'and PPA.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''I'',''B'',''V'') ';
Line: 2080

  g_dim_tbl_vtd(0) := 'select max(PAF.effective_end_date) '                ||
                      'from   per_assignments_f PAF '                      ||
                      'where  PAF.assignment_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ID '         ||
                      'and    PAF.payroll_id is not null  '                ||
                      'and    PAF.effective_end_date between '             ||
                      '                 trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Q'') and '    ||
                      '                 :DATE2_EARNED';
Line: 2094

  g_dim_tbl_crs(1) := 'select distinct PAA.assignment_id '                 ||
                      'from   pay_assignment_actions PAA, '                ||
                      '       pay_payroll_actions    PPA '                 ||
                      'where  PAA.tax_unit_id = :TAX_UNIT_ID '             ||
                      'and    PPA.payroll_action_id =  '                   ||
                      '                   PAA.payroll_action_id '          ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date >= '                      ||
                      'trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') '                         ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date <= '                      ||
                      ':DATE2_EARNED '                                     ||
                      'and PPA.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''I'',''B'',''V'') ';
Line: 2105

  g_dim_tbl_vtd(1) := 'select max(PAF.effective_end_date) '                ||
                      'from   per_assignments_f PAF '                      ||
                      'where  PAF.assignment_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ID '         ||
                      'and    PAF.payroll_id is not null  '                ||
                      'and    PAF.effective_end_date between '             ||
                      '                 trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') and '    ||
                      '                 :DATE2_EARNED';
Line: 2119

  g_dim_tbl_crs(2) := 'select distinct PAA.assignment_id '                 ||
                      'from   pay_assignment_actions PAA, '                ||
                      '       pay_payroll_actions    PPA '                 ||
                      'where  PAA.tax_unit_id = :TAX_UNIT_ID '             ||
                      'and    PPA.payroll_action_id =  '                   ||
                      '                   PAA.payroll_action_id '          ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date >= '                      ||
                      'trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') '                         ||
                      'and    PPA.effective_date <= '                      ||
                      ':DATE2_EARNED '                                     ||
                      'and PPA.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''I'',''B'',''V'') ';
Line: 2130

  g_dim_tbl_vtd(2) := 'select max(PAF.effective_end_date) '                ||
                      'from   per_assignments_f PAF '                      ||
                      'where  PAF.assignment_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ID '         ||
                      'and    PAF.payroll_id is not null  '                ||
                      'and    PAF.effective_end_date between '             ||
                      '                 trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') and '    ||
                      '                 :DATE2_EARNED';
Line: 2144

  g_dim_tbl_crs(3) := 'select distinct PAR.assignment_id '                 ||
                      'from pay_balance_types      PBT, '                  ||
                      '     pay_us_asg_reporting   PAR '                   ||
                      'where PAR.tax_unit_id = :TAX_UNIT_ID '              ||
                      'and   PBT.balance_type_id = :BALANCE_TYPE_ID '      ||
                      'and   PBT.jurisdiction_level <> 0 '                 ||
                      'and   substr(PAR.jurisdiction_code, 1, '            ||
                            'PBT.jurisdiction_level) = '                   ||
                            'substr(:JURISDICTION_CODE, 1, '               ||
                            'PBT.jurisdiction_level) '                     ||
                      'and   exists (select 1 '                            ||
                      '              from pay_payroll_actions    PPA, '    ||
                      '                   pay_assignment_actions PAA '     ||
                      '              where PAA.assignment_id = '           ||
                                            'PAR.assignment_id '           ||
                      '               and  PAA.tax_unit_id = '             ||
                                            'PAR.tax_unit_id '             ||
                      '               and  PPA.payroll_action_id = '       ||
                                            'PAA.payroll_action_id '       ||
                      '               and  PPA.effective_date >= '         ||
                                            'trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') '   ||
                      '               and  PPA.effective_date <= '         ||
                                            ':DATE2_EARNED  '              ||
                      '                and PPA.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''I'',''B'',''V'') )';
Line: 2168

  g_dim_tbl_vtd(3) := 'select max(PAF.effective_end_date) '                ||
                      'from   per_assignments_f PAF '                      ||
                      'where  PAF.assignment_id = :ASSIGNMENT_ID '         ||
                      'and    PAF.payroll_id is not null  '                ||
                      'and    PAF.effective_end_date between '             ||
                      '                 trunc(:DATE_EARNED,''Y'') and '    ||
                      '                 :DATE2_EARNED';