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1 package body FND_CONC_SSWA as
2 /* $Header: AFCPSSUB.pls 120.5 2008/06/13 15:35:38 ddhulla ship $ */
5 --
6 -- Package
8 -- Purpose
9 --   Utilities for the Concurrent SelfService Web Applications
10 -- History
11   --
13   --
15   -- Global request_id for use in multiple calls
16   g_request_id number;
18   -- Global argument counter
19   g_arg_count  number;
21  TYPE map_record_type is record
22            ( attributeno  number,
23              enabled    varchar2(1),
24              argument varchar2(240)
25            );
27   TYPE map_tab_type is table of map_record_type
28              index by binary_integer;
30   attr_to_arg map_tab_type;
32   req_phase  varchar2(80);
33   req_status varchar2(80);
34   req_status_code varchar2(1);
35   ran_get_phase  number := -1;
36   ran_get_status number := -1;
38   TYPE args_array IS varray(100) OF VARCHAR2(240);
41   -- Exceptions
43   -- Exception Pragmas
45   --
46   -- Name
47   --   map_attr_to_arg
48   -- Purpose
49   --   Maps the application column name attribute in fnd_concurrent requests
50   --   to the enabled arguments of the program's desc flexfield
54 function map_attr_to_arg(attrno in number,
55                            reqid in number) return varchar2 is
56   app_id number;
57   has_args varchar2(1);
58   attr_counter number := 1;
59   arg_counter number;
60   max_attr number;
61   last_attr_disabled number := 0;
62   prog_short_name varchar(30);
63   loop_count number := 0;
64   flex_name  varchar2(40);
66   args args_array := args_array(CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
67                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
68                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
69                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
70                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
71                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
72                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
73                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
74                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
75                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
76                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
77                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
78                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
79                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
80                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
81                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
82                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
83                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
84                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
85                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
86                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
87                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
88                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
89                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),
90                                 CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0));
91   cursor c_attrs is
92          select  to_number(substr(application_column_name,10)) ,enabled_flag
93            from fnd_descr_flex_column_usages
94           where application_id = app_id
95             and descriptive_flexfield_name = flex_name
96           order by column_seq_num;
97   begin
100     if (attrno > 100) then
101        return '';
102     end if;
104     -- the argument is already calculated
105     if (g_request_id is NOT NULL and g_request_id = reqid) then
106       return attr_to_arg(attrno).argument;
107     end if;
109     -- set g_request_id
110     g_request_id := reqid;
112     -- check if there are more than 25 argument
113     select count(*) into g_arg_count
114       from fnd_conc_request_arguments
115      where request_id = reqid;
117     -- clear global array
118     attr_counter := 1;
120     loop_count := attr_to_arg.COUNT;
121     while (attr_counter <= loop_count) loop
122         attr_to_arg.delete(attr_counter);
123         attr_counter := attr_counter + 1;
124     end loop;
126     select r.program_application_id , p.concurrent_program_name
127       into app_id, prog_short_name
128       from fnd_concurrent_requests r, fnd_concurrent_programs p
129      where r.request_id = reqid
130        and r.concurrent_program_id = p.concurrent_program_id
131        and r.program_application_id = p.application_id;
133     -- if program has no arguments
134     has_args := program_has_args(prog_short_name, app_id);
135     if (has_args = 'N') then
136        return '';
137     end if;
139     attr_counter := 1;
141 	flex_name := '$SRS$.' || prog_short_name;
143     if (attr_to_arg.COUNT = 0 OR attr_to_arg.COUNT is null) then
144        open c_attrs;
145        loop
146           fetch c_attrs
147           into attr_to_arg(attr_counter).attributeno,
148                attr_to_arg(attr_counter).enabled;
149           exit when (c_attrs%NOTFOUND
150                      or (c_attrs%NOTFOUND is null)
151                      or (g_arg_count = 0 AND attr_counter > 24)
152                      or (attr_counter > 100));
153           attr_counter := attr_counter + 1;
154        end loop;
155        close c_attrs;
157        max_attr := attr_counter;
159        -- Set enabled to N for remaining elements of the map table
160        -- up to maximum possible request arguments (24 or 100)
161        while ((g_arg_count = 0 AND attr_counter <= 24) OR (attr_counter <= 100)) loop
162                attr_to_arg(attr_counter).enabled := 'N';
163                attr_counter := attr_counter + 1;
164        end loop;
166        select argument1, argument2, argument3, argument4,
167                 argument5, argument6, argument7, argument8,
168                 argument9, argument10, argument11, argument12,
169                 argument13, argument14, argument15, argument16,
170                 argument17, argument18, argument19, argument20,
171                 argument21, argument22, argument23, argument24,
172                 argument25
173            into args(1), args(2), args(3), args(4),
174                 args(5), args(6), args(7), args(8),
175                 args(9), args(10), args(11), args(12),
176                 args(13), args(14), args(15), args(16),
177                 args(17), args(18), args(19), args(20),
178                 args(21), args(22), args(23), args(24),
179                 args(25)
180            from fnd_concurrent_requests
181           where request_id = reqid;
183        if (g_arg_count <> 0) then
184          select argument26,argument27,argument28,
185                 argument29,argument30,argument31,argument32,argument33,
186                 argument34,argument35,argument36,argument37,argument38,
187                 argument39,argument40,argument41,argument42,argument43,
188                 argument44,argument45,argument46,argument47,argument48,
189                 argument49,argument50,argument51,argument52,argument53,
190                 argument54,argument55,argument56,argument57,argument58,
191                 argument59,argument60,argument61,argument62,argument63,
192                 argument64,argument65,argument66,argument67,argument68,
193                 argument69,argument70,argument71,argument72,argument73,
194                 argument74,argument75,argument76,argument77,argument78,
195                 argument79,argument80,argument81,argument82,argument83,
196                 argument84,argument85,argument86,argument87,argument88,
197                 argument89,argument90,argument91,argument92,argument93,
198                 argument94,argument95,argument96,argument97,argument98,
199                 argument99,argument100
200            into args(26),args(27),args(28),args(29),args(30),
201                 args(31),args(32),args(33),args(34),args(35),
202                 args(36),args(37),args(38),args(39),args(40),
203                 args(41),args(42),args(43),args(44),args(45),
204                 args(46),args(47),args(48),args(49),args(50),
205                 args(51),args(52),args(53),args(54),args(55),
206                 args(56),args(57),args(58),args(59),args(60),
207                 args(61),args(62),args(63),args(64),args(65),
208                 args(66),args(67),args(68),args(69),args(70),
209                 args(71),args(72),args(73),args(74),args(75),
210                 args(76),args(77),args(78),args(79),args(80),
211                 args(81),args(82),args(83),args(84),args(85),
212                 args(86),args(87),args(88),args(89),args(90),
213                 args(91),args(92),args(93),args(94),args(95),
214                 args(96),args(97),args(98),args(99),args(100)
215            from fnd_conc_request_arguments
216           where request_id = reqid;
217        end if;
219        last_attr_disabled := 0;
220        arg_counter := 1;
221        loop
222     attr_counter := attr_to_arg(arg_counter).attributeno;
223           if (attr_to_arg(arg_counter).enabled = 'Y') then
224         attr_to_arg(attr_counter).argument := args(arg_counter-last_attr_disabled);
225           else
226         if (arg_counter < max_attr) then
227           -- the attrubute exits but is disabled
228                 attr_to_arg(attr_counter).argument := '';
229           last_attr_disabled := last_attr_disabled+1;
230         else
231           -- the attribute doesn't exist
232           attr_to_arg(arg_counter).argument := '';
233         end if;
234           end if;
235     arg_counter := arg_counter + 1;
236     exit when ((g_arg_count = 0 AND arg_counter > 24) OR (arg_counter > 100));
237        end loop;
238       end if;
239       return attr_to_arg(attrno).argument;
240   end;
244   --
245   -- Name
246   --   get_phase_and_status
247   -- Purpose
248   --   Used by get_phase and get_status to get the
249   --   phase and status descriptions.
250   --
251   procedure get_phase_and_status(pcode  in char,
252                                  scode  in char,
253                                  hold   in char,
254                                  enbld  in char,
255                                  stdate in date,
256                                  rid    in number) is
257     upcode varchar2(1);
258 	uscode varchar2(1);
259 	ltype  varchar2(16);
260   begin
262     upcode := pcode;
263     uscode := scode;
265     if ((pcode = 'P') and (hold = 'Y')) then
266       upcode := 'I';
267       uscode := 'H';
268     elsif ((pcode = 'P') and (enbld = 'N')) then
269       upcode := 'I';
270       uscode := 'U';
271     elsif ((pcode = 'P') and (scode = 'A')) then
272       upcode := 'P';
273       uscode := 'A';
274     elsif (pcode = 'P') then
275       if ((stdate > SYSDATE) or (scode = 'P')) then
276         upcode := 'P';
277         uscode := 'P';
278       else
279         select 'I',
280                'M'
281           into upcode,
282                uscode
283           from sys.dual
284           where not exists (select null
285                           from fnd_concurrent_worker_requests
286                           where request_id = rid
287                             and running_processes > 0
288                             and (not (queue_application_id = 0
289                                       and concurrent_queue_id in (1,4))
290                                  or queue_control_flag = 'Y'));
291       end if;
292     end if;
294     raise no_data_found;
296   exception
297     when no_data_found then
298 --      Bug 7021067. Support Inactive Phase for the request.
299 --      if ( upcode = 'I' ) then
300 --          upcode := 'P';
301 --      end if;
303 	  ltype := 'CP_PHASE_CODE';
304       select meaning into req_phase
305         from fnd_lookups
306        where lookup_code = upcode
307          and lookup_type = ltype;
309 --    Bug 7021067. Support all the request statues
310 --      if ( uscode in ('R','I','Z','C','W','B','P','Q','A') ) then
311 --          req_status_code := 'C';
312 --      elsif (uscode in ('D','U','M','S','T','G') ) then
313 --          req_status_code := 'G';
314 --      elsif (uscode in ('H') ) then
315 --	  req_status_code :='H';
316 --      else
317 --          req_status_code := 'E';
318 --      end if;
319 	 req_status_code := uscode;
321 	  ltype := 'CP_STATUS_CODE';
322       select meaning into req_status
323         from fnd_lookups
324        where lookup_code = req_status_code
325          and lookup_type = ltype;
327   end get_phase_and_status;
329   --
330   -- Name
331   --   get_phase
332   -- Purpose
333   --   Returns a translated phase description.
334   --
335   function get_phase (pcode  in char,
336                        scode  in char,
337                        hold   in char,
338                        enbld  in char,
339                        stdate in date,
340                        rid    in number) return varchar2 is
342   begin
345     /* Did we already run get_status for this request?
346      * If so, then return the cached phase value.
347      */
348     if (ran_get_status = rid) then
349       ran_get_status := -1;
350       return req_phase;
351     end if;
353     /* Get phase and status.  Return phase. */
354     get_phase_and_status(pcode, scode, hold, enbld, stdate, rid);
355     ran_get_phase := rid;
357     return req_phase;
359   exception
360     when others then
361       return 'ORA'||SQLCODE;
362   end;
366   --
367   -- Name
368   --   get_sswa_status
369   -- Purpose
370   --   Returns status code as 'C', 'W','E'.
371   --
372   function get_sswa_status (pcode  in char,
373                  scode  in char,
374            hold   in char,
375                  enbld  in char,
376                  stdate in date,
377                  rid    in number) return varchar2 is
378   begin
379     /* Did we already run get_phase for this request?
380      * If so, then return the cached status value.
381      */
382     if (ran_get_phase = rid) then
383       ran_get_phase := -1;
384       return req_status_code;
385     end if;
387     /* Get phase and status.  Return status. */
388     get_phase_and_status(pcode, scode, hold, enbld, stdate, rid);
389     ran_get_status := rid;
390     return req_status_code;
392   exception
393     when others then
394       return 'ORA'||SQLCODE;
395   end;
397   --
398   -- Name
399   --   get_status
400   -- Purpose
401   --   Returns status description for sswa.
402   --
403   function get_status (pcode  in char,
404                        scode  in char,
405                        hold   in char,
406                        enbld  in char,
407                        stdate in date,
408                        rid    in number) return varchar2 is
409   begin
410     /* Did we already run get_phase for this request?
411      * If so, then return the cached status value.
412      */
413     if (ran_get_phase = rid) then
414       ran_get_phase := -1;
415       return req_status;
416     end if;
418     /* Get phase and status.  Return status. */
419     get_phase_and_status(pcode, scode, hold, enbld, stdate, rid);
420     ran_get_status := rid;
421     return req_status;
423   exception
424     when others then
425       return 'ORA'||SQLCODE;
426   end;
428    -- private function to get the short schedule description
429    -- This function is copied from FNDRSRUN form
431    function build_short_schedule (schedule_type varchar2,
432                                  schedule_name varchar2,
433                                  date1 date,
434                                  date2 date,
435                class_info varchar2,
436                                  req_id number
437         ) return varchar2 is
438      a varchar2(2000) := null;
439      my_schedule_name  varchar2(80);
440      interval number := null;
441      int_unit varchar2(30) := null;
442      cnt number;
443 	 ltype varchar2(32);
445 -- variables used for determining the description for advance scheduling
446     weekday_spec  boolean := false;   -- if true weekday is specified in map
447     date_spec     boolean := false;   -- if true date is specified in map
448     month_map   Varchar2(12) ;    -- month bit fields
449     date_map    Varchar2(32) ;    -- date bit fields
450     weekday_map   Varchar2(7) ;   -- week days bit fields
451     weekno_map    Varchar2(5) ;   -- week no bit fields
452     month_msg   Varchar2(128) ;   -- message for month part
453     date_msg    Varchar2(128) ;   -- message for date part
454     weekday_msg   Varchar2(128) ;   -- message for week days part
455     added     boolean := false; -- used across no of loops to fill comma in message string
457     TYPE temp_record_type is record
458            (
459 	   meaning    varchar2(80)
460            );
461     temp_record temp_record_type;
462     rec_count number;
463     TYPE month_array   IS varray(12) OF fnd_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE;
464     TYPE week_array    IS varray(6)  OF fnd_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE;
465     TYPE weekday_array IS varray(7)  OF fnd_lookup_values.meaning%TYPE;
466 --  months month_array := month_array('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
467 --  weeks week_array := week_array('First ', 'Second ', 'Third ', 'Fourth ', 'Last ');
468 --  weekdays weekday_array := weekday_array('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat');
470     -- Initialize these arrays
471     months month_array := month_array(CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0),CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0));
472     weeks week_array := week_array(CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0));
473     weekdays weekday_array := weekday_array(CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0), CHR(0));
475    begin
477      -- get values for weeks array from lookup FND_SCH_WEEKDAY_TYPE
478 	 rec_count := 1;
479 	 ltype := 'FND_SCH_WEEKDAY_TYPE';
480      FOR temp_record IN (SELECT meaning
481                       FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl
482 		       WHERE lookup_type = ltype
483 		       ORDER BY to_number(lookup_code)) LOOP
484        weeks(rec_count) := temp_record.meaning;
485        rec_count  := rec_count + 1;
486      END LOOP;
488      -- get values for weekdays array from lookup FND_SCH_WEEK_DAYS
489 	 rec_count := 1;
490 	 ltype := 'FND_SCH_WEEK_DAYS';
491      FOR temp_record IN (SELECT meaning
492                       FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl
493 		       WHERE lookup_type = ltype
494 		       ORDER BY to_number(lookup_code)) LOOP
495        weekdays(rec_count) := temp_record.meaning;
496        rec_count  := rec_count + 1;
497      END LOOP;
499      -- get values for months array from lookup FND_SCH_MONTHS
500 	 rec_count := 1;
501 	 ltype := 'FND_SCH_MONTHS';
502      FOR temp_record IN (SELECT meaning
503                       FROM fnd_lookup_values_vl
504 		       WHERE lookup_type = ltype
505 		       ORDER BY to_number(lookup_code)) LOOP
506        months(rec_count) := temp_record.meaning;
507        rec_count  := rec_count + 1;
508      END LOOP;
510      my_schedule_name := schedule_name;
513      /* If this is a temp schedule, erase the name */
514      SELECT COUNT(*)
515        into cnt
517       WHERE OWNER_REQ_ID is not null
518         AND RELEASE_CLASS_NAME = schedule_name
519         AND rownum < 2;
521      if cnt>0 then
522     my_schedule_name := null;
523      end if;
525      if (schedule_type in ('A', 'O'))  then
526        fnd_message.set_name('FND', 'SCH-NO RECURRENCE');
527        a := fnd_message.get;
528      elsif schedule_type = 'P' then
529        if my_schedule_name is null then
530          select resubmit_interval, resubmit_interval_unit_code
531            into interval, int_unit
532            from fnd_concurrent_requests
533           where request_id = req_id;
534          if date2 is null then
535            fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-PERIODIC NO END DATE');
536            fnd_message.set_token('UNIT_INTERVAL', to_char(interval));
537            fnd_message.set_token('UNIT_TYPE', int_unit );
538          else
539            fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-PERIODIC WITH END DATE');
540            fnd_message.set_token('UNIT_INTERVAL', to_char(interval));
541            fnd_message.set_token('UNIT_TYPE', int_unit );
542            fnd_message.set_token('END_DATE',to_char(date2));
543          end if;
544        else
545          fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-PERIODIC');
546          fnd_message.set_token('SCH_NAME', my_schedule_name);
547        end if;
548        a := fnd_message.get;
549      elsif schedule_type = 'S' then
550      begin -- schedule_type = 'S'
551      -- either 39 char map or 56 char map
552        if (LENGTH(class_info) = 39) then
553        if my_schedule_name is null then
554          if date2 is null then
555            fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-SPECIFIC START');
556            fnd_message.set_token('DATE',to_char(date1));
557          else
558            fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-SPECIFIC RANGE');
559            fnd_message.set_token('DATE1',to_char(date1));
560            fnd_message.set_token('DATE2',to_char(date2));
561          end if;
562        else
563          fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-SPECIFIC');
564          fnd_message.set_token('SCH_NAME', my_schedule_name);
565        end if;
566        a := fnd_message.get || ': ';
568        for cnt in  1..39 loop
569          if substr(class_info, cnt, 1) = '1' then
570             a := a || to_char(cnt) || ' ';
571          end if;
572        end loop;
573     else -- handle advance schedule of 56 char map
574       month_map := SUBSTR(class_info,45);
575       date_map := SUBSTR(class_info,1,32);
576       weekday_map := SUBSTR(class_info,33,7);
577       weekno_map := SUBSTR(class_info,40,5);
579       if (month_map = '111111111111') then
580         -- all months specified
581         month_msg := month_msg || 'All Months';
582       else
583         for cnt in 1..12 loop
584           if ((SUBSTR(month_map, cnt,1) = '1')) then
585             if (added = true) then
586               month_msg := month_msg || ',';
587             end if;
589             month_msg := month_msg || months(cnt);
590             added := true;
591           end if;
592         end loop;
593       end if;
595       if (INSTR(date_map,'1') <> 0) then
596         date_spec := true;
597         added := false;
598         for cnt in 1..31 loop
599           if (SUBSTR(date_map,cnt,1) = '1') then
600             if (added = true) then
601               date_msg := date_msg || ',';
602             end if;
604             date_msg := date_msg || TO_CHAR(cnt);
605             added := true;
606           end if;
607         end loop;
609         if (SUBSTR(date_map,32) = '1') then
610           if (added = true) then
611             date_msg := date_msg || ',';
612           end if;
614           date_msg := date_msg || 'Last day of month';
615         end if;
616       end if;
618       if (INSTR(weekday_map,'1') <> 0) then
619         weekday_spec := true;
620         added := false;
622        /*
623          * need not to add every as the message already contains Every..
624          * Add only if its specific week days like first/third Mon,Tue
625         if (weekno_map = '11111') then
626           weekday_msg := weekday_msg || 'Every ';
627         else
628         */
629         if (weekno_map <> '11111') then
630           -- insert selected weeks only
631           for cnt in 1..5 loop
632             if (SUBSTR(weekno_map, cnt,1) = '1') then
633               weekday_msg := weekday_msg || weeks(cnt) || ' ';
634             end if;
635           end loop;
636         end if;
638         -- set the week days Sun/Mon etc
639         for cnt in 1..7 loop
640           if (SUBSTR(weekday_map,cnt,1) = '1') then
641             if (added = true) then
642               weekday_msg := weekday_msg || ',';
643             end if;
645             weekday_msg := weekday_msg || weekdays(cnt);
646             added := true;
647           end if;
648         end loop;
649       end if;
651       if (date_spec = true AND weekday_spec = true) then
652         begin
653         -- both days and date are specified.. use DAD (date and day) messages
655         if (date2 IS null) then
656           fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-ADV-START-DAD');
657           fnd_message.set_token('DATES', date_msg);
658           fnd_message.set_token('MONTHS', month_msg);
659           fnd_message.set_token('DAYS', weekday_msg);
660         else
661           fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-ADV-RANGE-DAD');
662           fnd_message.set_token('DATES', date_msg);
663           fnd_message.set_token('MONTHS', month_msg);
664           fnd_message.set_token('DAYS', weekday_msg);
665           fnd_message.set_token('EDATE', to_char(date2));
666         end if;
667         end;
668       else
669         begin
670         -- either days and date are specified.. use DOD (date or day) messages
671         if (date2 IS null) then
672           fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-ADV-START-DOD');
674           if (date_spec = true) then
675             fnd_message.set_token('DOD', date_msg);
676           else
677             fnd_message.set_token('DOD', weekday_msg);
678           end if;
680           fnd_message.set_token('MONTHS', month_msg);
682         else
683           fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-ADV-RANGE-DOD');
685           if (date_spec = true) then
686             fnd_message.set_token('DOD', date_msg);
687           else
688             fnd_message.set_token('DOD', weekday_msg);
689           end if;
691           fnd_message.set_token('MONTHS', month_msg);
692           fnd_message.set_token('EDATE', to_char(date2));
694         end if;
695         end;
696       end if;
697       a := fnd_message.get;
698     end if; -- handle advance schedule of 56 char map
700      end; -- schedule_type = 'S'
702      else -- must be 'X'
703        fnd_message.set_name('FND','SCH-ADVANCED');
704        fnd_message.set_token('SCH_NAME', my_schedule_name);
705        a := fnd_message.get;
706      end if;
707     return substrb(a, 1, 80);
708   end build_short_schedule;
711   -- FUnction will return schedule description based on the schedule type
712   -- This function is copied from FNDRSRUN form
714   function get_sch_desc( request_id IN number) return varchar2 is
715     l_sch_id             number;
716     l_sch_exists         number;
717     l_sch_perm           number;
718     l_sch_owner_req_id   number;
719     l_requested_start_date  date;
720     l_request_date       date;
721     l_sch_date1          date;
722     l_sch_date2          date;
723     l_sch_type           varchar2(1);
724     l_displayed_schedule varchar2(80);
725     l_sch_name           varchar2(20);
726     l_sch_curr_values    varchar2(80);
727   begin
728     select sch_id, sch_exists, sch_perm, sch_owner_req_id,
729            requested_start_date, request_date, sch_date1, sch_date2, sch_name,
730            sch_curr_values, sch_type
731       into l_sch_id, l_sch_exists, l_sch_perm, l_sch_owner_req_id,
732            l_requested_start_date, l_request_date, l_sch_date1, l_sch_date2,
733            l_sch_name, l_sch_curr_values, l_sch_type
734       from fnd_conc_requests_form_v
735      where request_id = get_sch_desc.request_id;
739     IF (l_sch_id is null) then
740        l_sch_exists := 1;
741        l_sch_perm := 0;
742        l_sch_owner_req_id := get_sch_desc.request_id;
743        if (l_requested_start_date <> l_request_date) then
744          l_sch_date1 := l_requested_start_date;
745          l_sch_type := 'O';
746        else
747          l_sch_type := 'A';
748        end if;
749     end if;
751     IF (l_sch_owner_req_id is null) then
753     l_displayed_schedule :=
754     build_short_schedule(l_sch_type,
755                                    l_sch_name,
756                                    l_sch_date1,
757                                    l_sch_date2,
758            l_sch_curr_values,
759                                    request_id);
760     else    /* temp schedule - don't show bogus name */
761       l_displayed_schedule :=
762       build_short_schedule(l_sch_type,
763                                    NULL,
764                                    l_sch_date1,
765                                    l_sch_date2,
766            l_sch_curr_values,
767                                    request_id);
768     end if;
770     return l_displayed_schedule;
771   end;
773   -- function will return program has arguments or not.
774   -- It will return 'Y'/'N'
775   function program_has_args(program_name    in varchar2,
776                             program_appl_id in number) return varchar2 is
778     i number := 0;
779     has_orgs varchar2(1) := 'N';
780   begin
782       select count(*) into i
783         from fnd_descr_flex_column_usages
784        where application_id = program_appl_id
785          and descriptive_flexfield_name = '$SRS$.' || program_name
786          and descriptive_flex_context_code = 'Global Data Elements'
787          and enabled_flag = 'Y'
788          and display_flag = 'Y';
790       if (i > 0) then
791          has_orgs := 'Y';
792       else
793         has_orgs := 'N';
794       end if;
796       return has_orgs;
798   end;
800   -- function will return elapsed time between two times in 'HH24:MI:SS' format
801   -- First argument should be later time
802   -- It returns varchar2
803   function elapsed_time (end_time in date,
804                          begin_time in date) return varchar2 is
806     e_time varchar2(12) := '';
807   begin
809     if (end_time is null) then
810        return '';
811     end if;
813     select to_char(trunc(sysdate) + (end_time - begin_time), 'HH24:MI:SS')
814       into e_time
815       from sys.dual;
817     return e_time;
819   end;
821   -- function will return notification list as concatinated string
822   -- It returns varchar2(2000)
823   function get_notifications(request_id in number) return varchar2 is
825      cursor notifications(req_id number) is
826      select substrb(display_name,1,80) dname
827        from fnd_conc_pp_actions pp,
828             wf_roles wf
829       where pp.concurrent_request_id = req_id
830         and pp.action_type = 2
831         and wf.orig_system_id = pp.orig_system_id
832         and wf.orig_system = pp.orig_system
833         and wf.name = pp.arguments
834      order by sequence;
836     notify_string varchar(2000) := null;
837   begin
839      for rec in notifications(request_id) loop
840         if (notify_string is null ) then
841             notify_string := rec.dname;
842         else
843       notify_string := notify_string || ',' || rec.dname;
844         end if;
845         exit when nvl(lengthb(notify_string),0 ) = 2000;
846      end loop;
848      return notify_string;
850   exception
851      when others then
852        return null;
853   end;
855   -- This function will return request diagnostics for a given request_id.
856   -- This is a wrapper on top of fnd_conc.diagnose procedure.
858      function diagnostics( request_id IN number ) return varchar2 is
859         phase  varchar2(80);
860         status varchar2(80);
861         diag   varchar2(2000);
862      begin
863         fnd_conc.diagnose(request_id, phase, status, diag );
865         return diag;
866      end;
868   -- This function will return Y/N based on the request outfile information
869   -- and request status.
871      function get_ofile_status(req_id IN  number) return varchar2 is
872         lp_code   varchar2(1);
873         lof_name  varchar2(255);
874         lof_size  number;
875         lsave_of  varchar2(1);
876      begin
878         begin
880 	select * into lp_code, lof_name, lof_size, lsave_of from
881 	(select R.phase_code,
882 	decode(nvl(A.Action_type,0), 6, O.file_name, R.outfile_name),
883 	decode(nvl(A.action_type,0), 6, O.file_size, R.ofile_size),
884 	R.save_output_flag
885 	from fnd_concurrent_requests R,
886 	fnd_conc_pp_actions A,
887 	fnd_conc_req_outputs O
888 	where R.request_id = A.concurrent_request_id (+)
889 	and R.request_id = O.concurrent_request_id (+)
890 	and R.request_id = req_id
891 	order by A.action_type desc)
892 	where rownum=1;
894         exception
895           when no_data_found then
896             return 'N';
897         end;
899         if ( lp_code in ('P','I') ) then
900            return 'N';
901         end if;
903         if ( lsave_of = 'Y' ) then
904            if ( lof_name is null ) then
905              return 'N';
906            end if;
908            if ( lof_size is null ) then
909               return 'N';
910            end if;
912            if ( lof_size = 0 ) then
913               return 'N';
914            end if;
915         else
916            return 'N';
917         end if;
919         return 'Y';
921      end;
924   -- AFCPSSUB.pls
925   function test_advance_sch (class_info varchar2, edate date) return varchar2 is
926     x varchar2(100);
927     begin
928       x := build_short_schedule('S', '', sysdate, edate, class_info, -1);
929       return x;
930     end;
933   --
934   -- Name
935   --   layout_enabled
936   -- Purpose
937   --   Returns true if program contains any data definition in xml publisher
938   --   schema.
939   -- Arguments
940   --   ProgramApplName - Concurrent Program Application Short Name
941   --   ProgramShortName - Concurrent Program Short Name
942   --
943   function layout_enabled ( ProgramApplName  varchar2,
944 			    ProgramShortName varchar2) return boolean is
945      sqlstmt   varchar2(1000) := 'select count(*) from ' ||
946                  ' xdo_templates_vl T, fnd_concurrent_programs P,  ' ||
947                  ' fnd_application A ' ||
948                  ' where DS_APP_SHORT_NAME= :1 and data_source_code= :2 ' ||
949                  '  and template_status = ''E'' and sysdate between ' ||
950                  '  start_date and nvl(end_date, sysdate) ' ||
951                  ' and P.concurrent_program_name= T.data_source_code ' ||
952                  ' and A.application_short_name = T.DS_APP_SHORT_NAME ' ||
953                  ' and P.application_id = A.application_id ' ||
954                  ' and P.output_file_type = ''XML''';
955      tablenotfound exception;
956      PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(TableNotFound, -942);
957      cnt number := 0;
958   begin
959      execute immediate sqlstmt into cnt using ProgramApplName, ProgramShortName;
961      if ( cnt > 0 ) then
962        return TRUE;
963      else
964        return FALSE;
965      end if;
967      exception
968         when TableNotFound then
969            return FALSE;
970         when no_data_found then
971            return FALSE;
973   end;
975   --
976   -- Name
977   --   publisher_installed
978   -- Purpose
979   --   Returns true if xml publisher installed otherwise false
980   -- Arguments
981   --
982   function publisher_installed  return boolean is
983      tablenotfound exception;
984      PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(TableNotFound, -942);
985      cnt number := 0;
986   begin
987      execute immediate 'select count(*) from xdo_templates_vl' into cnt;
989      return TRUE;
991    exception
992       when TableNotFound then
993          return FALSE;
995   end;
997 end FND_CONC_SSWA;