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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 12

    SELECT analysis_option0, analysis_option1, analysis_option2, series_id
    FROM   bsc_kpi_analysis_measures_b
    WHERE  indicator = p_indicator
    AND    kpi_measure_id = p_kpi_measure_id;
Line: 20

    SELECT kpi_measure_id
    FROM   bsc_kpi_analysis_measures_b
    WHERE  indicator = p_indicator
    AND    analysis_option0 = p_analysis_option0
    AND    analysis_option1 = p_analysis_option1
    AND    analysis_option2 = p_analysis_option2
    AND    series_id = p_series_id;
Line: 86

    SELECT indicator
    FROM   bsc_kpis_b
    WHERE  source_indicator = p_indicator
    AND    share_flag = 2 -- shared objective.
    AND    prototype_flag <> 2;
Line: 198

    SELECT indicator
    FROM   bsc_kpis_b
    WHERE  source_indicator = p_indicator
    AND    share_flag = 2 -- shared objective.
    AND    prototype_flag <> 2;
Line: 226

  l_kpi_measure_rec.last_updated_by     := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
Line: 227

  l_kpi_measure_rec.last_update_date    := SYSDATE;
Line: 228

  l_kpi_measure_rec.last_update_login   := FND_GLOBAL.LOGIN_ID;
Line: 231

    SELECT short_name,config_type into l_short_name,l_config_type
    FROM bsc_kpis_b
    WHERE indicator = p_objective_id;
Line: 327

PROCEDURE Update_Kpi_Measure_Props (
  p_commit              IN             VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_kpi_measure_rec     IN             BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.kpi_measure_props_rec
, p_cascade_shared      IN             BOOLEAN := TRUE
, x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
, x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
  CURSOR c_shared_obj(p_indicator NUMBER) IS
    SELECT indicator
    FROM   bsc_kpis_b
    WHERE  source_indicator = p_indicator
    AND    share_flag = 2 -- shared objective.
    AND    prototype_flag <> 2;
Line: 351

  SAVEPOINT BscKpiMeasurePub_Update;
Line: 355

  ( p_commit           => p_commit
  , p_kpi_measure_rec  => p_kpi_measure_rec
  , x_return_status    => x_return_status
  , x_msg_count        => x_msg_count
  , x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
Line: 382

      ( p_commit           => p_commit
      , p_kpi_measure_rec  => l_kpi_measure_rec
      , x_return_status    => x_return_status
      , x_msg_count        => x_msg_count
      , x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
Line: 398

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_Update;
Line: 408

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_Update;
Line: 418

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_Update;
Line: 421

      x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ' -> BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Update_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 423

      x_msg_data := SQLERRM || ' at BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Update_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 426

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_Update;
Line: 429

      x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ' -> BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Update_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 431

      x_msg_data := SQLERRM || ' at BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Update_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 433

END Update_Kpi_Measure_Props;
Line: 437

PROCEDURE Delete_Kpi_Measure_Props (
  p_commit              IN             VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_objective_id        IN             NUMBER
, p_kpi_measure_id      IN             NUMBER
, p_cascade_shared      IN             BOOLEAN := TRUE
, x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
, x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
  CURSOR c_shared_obj(p_indicator NUMBER) IS
    SELECT indicator
    FROM   bsc_kpis_b
    WHERE  source_indicator = p_indicator
    AND    share_flag = 2 -- shared objective.
    AND    prototype_flag <> 2;
Line: 461

  SAVEPOINT BscKpiMeasurePub_Delete;
Line: 465

  ( p_commit           => p_commit
  , p_objective_id     => p_objective_id
  , p_kpi_measure_id   => p_kpi_measure_id
  , x_return_status    => x_return_status
  , x_msg_count        => x_msg_count
  , x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
Line: 490

      ( p_commit           => p_commit
      , p_objective_id     => c_shared.indicator
      , p_kpi_measure_id   => l_kpi_measure_id
      , x_return_status    => x_return_status
      , x_msg_count        => x_msg_count
      , x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
Line: 508

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_Delete;
Line: 518

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_Delete;
Line: 528

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_Delete;
Line: 531

      x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ' -> BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 533

      x_msg_data := SQLERRM || ' at BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 536

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_Delete;
Line: 539

      x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ' -> BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 541

      x_msg_data := SQLERRM || ' at BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 543

END Delete_Kpi_Measure_Props;
Line: 547

PROCEDURE Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props (
  p_commit              IN             VARCHAR2:= FND_API.G_FALSE
, p_objective_id        IN             NUMBER
, p_cascade_shared      IN             BOOLEAN := TRUE
, x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
, x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY     NUMBER
, x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
  CURSOR c_shared_obj(p_indicator NUMBER) IS
    SELECT indicator
    FROM   bsc_kpis_b
    WHERE  source_indicator = p_indicator
    AND    share_flag = 2 -- shared objective.
    AND    prototype_flag <> 2;
Line: 568

  SAVEPOINT BscKpiMeasurePub_DeleteAll;
Line: 572

  ( p_commit           => p_commit
  , p_objective_id     => p_objective_id
  , x_return_status    => x_return_status
  , x_msg_count        => x_msg_count
  , x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
Line: 587

      ( p_commit           => p_commit
      , p_objective_id     => c_shared.indicator
      , x_return_status    => x_return_status
      , x_msg_count        => x_msg_count
      , x_msg_data         => x_msg_data
Line: 604

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_DeleteAll;
Line: 614

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_DeleteAll;
Line: 624

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_DeleteAll;
Line: 627

      x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ' -> BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 629

      x_msg_data := SQLERRM || ' at BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 632

    ROLLBACK TO BscKpiMeasurePub_DeleteAll;
Line: 635

      x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ' -> BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 637

      x_msg_data := SQLERRM || ' at BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 639

END Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props;
Line: 693

      x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ' -> BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 695

      x_msg_data := SQLERRM || ' at BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 700

      x_msg_data := x_msg_data || ' -> BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props ';
Line: 702

      x_msg_data := SQLERRM || ' at BSC_KPI_MEASURE_PROPS_PUB.Delete_Obj_Kpi_Measure_Props ';