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1 package body gms_encumbrances_pkg as
2 /* $Header: GMSTEXPB.pls 120.0 2005/05/29 12:09:04 appldev noship $ */
4  procedure insert_row (x_rowid				in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2	,
5                        x_encumbrance_id			in out NOCOPY NUMBER,
6                        x_last_update_date		in DATE,
7                        x_last_updated_by		in NUMBER,
8                        x_creation_date			in DATE,
9                        x_created_by			in NUMBER,
10                        x_encumbrance_status_code	in VARCHAR2,
11                        x_encumbrance_ending_date	in DATE,
12                        x_encumbrance_class_code		in VARCHAR2,
13                        x_incurred_by_person_id		in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
14                        x_incurred_by_organization_id	in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
15                        x_encumbrance_group		in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
16                        x_control_total_amount		in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
17                        x_entered_by_person_id		in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
18                        x_description			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
19                        x_initial_submission_date	in DATE		DEFAULT NULL,
20                        x_last_update_login		in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
21                        x_attribute_category		in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
22                        x_attribute1			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
23                        x_attribute2			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
24                        x_attribute3			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
25                        x_attribute4			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
26                        x_attribute5			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
27                        x_attribute6			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
28                        x_attribute7			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
29                        x_attribute8			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
30                        x_attribute9			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
31                        x_attribute10			in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
32 	                    x_denom_currency_code	in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
33 		                 x_acct_currency_code	in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
34 		                 x_acct_rate_type	in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
35 		                 x_acct_rate_date	in DATE		DEFAULT NULL,
36 		                 x_acct_exchange_rate	in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
37                        x_orig_enc_txn_reference1 	in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
38                        x_orig_enc_txn_reference2 	in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
39                        x_orig_enc_txn_reference3 	in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
40                        x_orig_user_enc_txn_reference 	in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
41                        x_vendor_id 			in NUMBER	DEFAULT NULL,
42                        x_org_id                         in NUMBER 	) is
44   cursor return_rowid is select rowid from gms_encumbrances
45                          where encumbrance_id = x_encumbrance_id;
46   cursor get_enc_id is select gms_encumbrances_s.nextval from dual;
50   if (x_encumbrance_id is null) then
51     open get_enc_id;
52     fetch get_enc_id into x_encumbrance_id;
53   end if;
55   insert into gms_encumbrances (encumbrance_id,
56                                last_update_date,
57                                last_updated_by,
58                                creation_date,
59                                created_by,
60                                encumbrance_status_code,
61                                encumbrance_ending_date,
62                                encumbrance_class_code,
63                                incurred_by_person_id,
64                                incurred_by_organization_id,
65                                encumbrance_group,
66                                control_total_amount,
67                                entered_by_person_id,
68                                description,
69                                initial_submission_date,
70                                last_update_login,
71                                attribute_category,
72                                attribute1,
73                                attribute2,
74                                attribute3,
75                                attribute4,
76                                attribute5,
77                                attribute6,
78                                attribute7,
79                                attribute8,
80                                attribute9,
81                                attribute10,
82 		                         denom_currency_code,
83 			                      acct_currency_code,
84 			                      acct_rate_type,
85 			                      acct_rate_date,
86 			                      acct_exchange_rate,
87                                orig_enc_txn_reference1,
88                                orig_enc_txn_reference2,
89                                orig_enc_txn_reference3,
90                                orig_user_enc_txn_reference,
91                                vendor_id ,
92                                org_id)
93   values (x_encumbrance_id,
94           x_last_update_date,
95           x_last_updated_by,
96           x_creation_date,
97           x_created_by,
98           x_encumbrance_status_code,
99           x_encumbrance_ending_date,
100           x_encumbrance_class_code,
101           x_incurred_by_person_id,
102           x_incurred_by_organization_id,
103           x_encumbrance_group,
104           x_control_total_amount,
105           x_entered_by_person_id,
106           x_description,
107           x_initial_submission_date,
108           x_last_update_login,
109           x_attribute_category,
110           x_attribute1,
111           x_attribute2,
112           x_attribute3,
113           x_attribute4,
114           x_attribute5,
115           x_attribute6,
116           x_attribute7,
117           x_attribute8,
118           x_attribute9,
119           x_attribute10,
120           x_denom_currency_code,
121           x_acct_currency_code,
122           x_acct_rate_type,
123           x_acct_rate_date,
124           x_acct_exchange_rate,
125           x_orig_enc_txn_reference1,
126           x_orig_enc_txn_reference2,
127           x_orig_enc_txn_reference3,
128           x_orig_user_enc_txn_reference,
129           x_vendor_id ,
130           x_org_id );
132   open return_rowid;
133   fetch return_rowid into x_rowid;
134   if (return_rowid%notfound) then
135     raise NO_DATA_FOUND;
136   end if;
137   close return_rowid;
139  END insert_row;
141  procedure update_row (x_rowid				in VARCHAR2,
142                        x_encumbrance_id			in NUMBER,
143                        x_last_update_date		in DATE,
144                        x_last_updated_by		in NUMBER,
145                        x_encumbrance_status_code	in VARCHAR2,
146                        x_encumbrance_ending_date	in DATE,
147                        x_encumbrance_class_code		in VARCHAR2,
148                        x_incurred_by_person_id		in NUMBER,
149                        x_incurred_by_organization_id	in NUMBER,
150                        x_encumbrance_group		in VARCHAR2,
151                        x_control_total_amount		in NUMBER,
152                        x_entered_by_person_id		in NUMBER,
153                        x_description			in VARCHAR2,
154                        x_initial_submission_date	in DATE,
155                        x_last_update_login		in NUMBER,
156                        x_attribute_category		in VARCHAR2,
157                        x_attribute1			in VARCHAR2,
158                        x_attribute2			in VARCHAR2,
159                        x_attribute3			in VARCHAR2,
160                        x_attribute4			in VARCHAR2,
161                        x_attribute5			in VARCHAR2,
162                        x_attribute6			in VARCHAR2,
163                        x_attribute7			in VARCHAR2,
164                        x_attribute8			in VARCHAR2,
165                        x_attribute9			in VARCHAR2,
166                        x_attribute10			in VARCHAR2,
167 	                    x_denom_currency_code		in VARCHAR2,
168 		                 x_acct_currency_code		in VARCHAR2,
169 		                 x_acct_rate_type			in VARCHAR2,
170 		                 x_acct_rate_date			in DATE,
171 		                 x_acct_exchange_rate		in NUMBER,
172                        -- Trx_import enhancement:
173                        -- These new parameters are needed to populate
174                        -- PA_EXPENDITURES_ALL table's new columns
175                        x_orig_enc_txn_reference1 in VARCHAR2,
176                        x_orig_enc_txn_reference2 in VARCHAR2,
177                        x_orig_enc_txn_reference3 in VARCHAR2,
178                        x_orig_user_enc_txn_reference in VARCHAR2,
179                        x_vendor_id in NUMBER	) is
180  BEGIN
182   update gms_encumbrances
183   set encumbrance_id			= x_encumbrance_id,
184       last_update_date			= x_last_update_date,
185       last_updated_by			= x_last_updated_by,
186       encumbrance_status_code		= x_encumbrance_status_code,
187       encumbrance_ending_date		= x_encumbrance_ending_date,
188       encumbrance_class_code		= x_encumbrance_class_code,
189       incurred_by_person_id		= x_incurred_by_person_id,
190       incurred_by_organization_id	= x_incurred_by_organization_id,
191       encumbrance_group			= x_encumbrance_group,
192       control_total_amount		= x_control_total_amount,
193       entered_by_person_id		= x_entered_by_person_id,
194       description			= x_description,
195       initial_submission_date		= x_initial_submission_date,
196       last_update_login			= x_last_update_login,
197       attribute_category		= x_attribute_category,
198       attribute1			= x_attribute1,
199       attribute2			= x_attribute2,
200       attribute3			= x_attribute3,
201       attribute4			= x_attribute4,
202       attribute5			= x_attribute5,
203       attribute6			= x_attribute6,
204       attribute7			= x_attribute7,
205       attribute8			= x_attribute8,
206       attribute9			= x_attribute9,
207       attribute10			= x_attribute10,
208       denom_currency_code               = x_denom_currency_code,
209       acct_currency_code                = x_acct_currency_code,
210       acct_rate_date                    = x_acct_rate_date,
211       acct_rate_type                    = x_acct_rate_type,
212       acct_exchange_rate                = x_acct_exchange_rate,
213       orig_enc_txn_reference1           = x_orig_enc_txn_reference1,
214       orig_enc_txn_reference2           = x_orig_enc_txn_reference2,
215       orig_enc_txn_reference3           = x_orig_enc_txn_reference3,
216       orig_user_enc_txn_reference       = x_orig_user_enc_txn_reference,
217       vendor_id                         = x_vendor_id
218   where rowid = x_rowid;
220  END update_row;
223  procedure delete_row (x_encumbrance_id		in NUMBER) is
224   cursor items is select encumbrance_item_id from gms_encumbrance_items
225                   where encumbrance_id = x_encumbrance_id
226                   for update of encumbrance_item_id nowait;
227   items_rec items%rowtype;
228  BEGIN
229   --
231   -- delete the award_distribution lines.
232   --
233   gms_awards_dist_pkg.delete_adls(x_encumbrance_id, NULL, 'ENC' ) ;
235   -- cascade delete the encumbrance items.
236   open items;
237   LOOP
238     fetch items into items_rec;
239     if (items%notfound) then
240       exit;
241     else
242       gms_encumbrance_items_pkg.delete_row (items_rec.encumbrance_item_id);
243      end if;
244   END LOOP;
246   delete from gms_encumbrances
247   where encumbrance_id = x_encumbrance_id;
250     fnd_message.set_name ('FND', 'FORM_UNABLE_TO_RESERVE_RECORD');
251     app_exception.raise_exception;
252  END delete_row;
255  procedure delete_row (x_rowid	in VARCHAR2) is
256   cursor get_enc_id is select encumbrance_id from gms_encumbrances
257                        where rowid = x_rowid;
258   enc_rec  get_enc_id%rowtype;
259  BEGIN
260   open get_enc_id;
261   fetch get_enc_id into enc_rec;
263   delete_row (enc_rec.encumbrance_id);
265  END delete_row;
268  procedure lock_row (x_rowid	in VARCHAR2) is
269  BEGIN
270   null;
271  END lock_row;
273 END gms_encumbrances_pkg;