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Line 134: from mtl_transactions_interface

130: and transaction_source_type_id = 5
131: and transaction_action_id = WIP_CONSTANTS.CPLASSY_ACTION;
132: cursor get_mti(x_txn_header_id number) is
133: select transaction_interface_id, rowid
134: from mtl_transactions_interface
135: where transaction_header_id = x_txn_header_id
136: and transaction_source_type_id = 5
137: and transaction_action_id = WIP_CONSTANTS.CPLASSY_ACTION;
138: l_temp_id number;

Line 168: update mtl_transactions_interface

164: -- transaction interface id not assigned to mti, probably no lot/serial
165: -- generate one
166: select mtl_material_transactions_s.nextval into l_temp_id
167: from sys.dual;
168: update mtl_transactions_interface
169: set transaction_interface_id = l_temp_id
170: where rowid = inv_rec.rowid;
171: else
172: l_temp_id := inv_rec.transaction_interface_id;