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1 package body BOM_ATO_NEW_ATP_PK as
2 /* $Header: BOMNATPB.pls 115.0 99/08/18 12:49:59 porting shi $ */
4 function config_link_atp(
5          RTOMLine       in   number,
6          dSrcHdrId      in   number,
7          dSrcType       in   number,
8          OrgId          in   number,
9          error_message  out  varchar2,
10          message_name   out  varchar2)
12 return integer is
14 p_atp_table		MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Rec_Typ;
15 p_instance_id		integer := -1;
16 p_session_id		number := 101;
17 x_atp_table		MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Rec_Typ;
18 x_atp_supply_demand   	MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Supply_Demand_Typ;
19 x_atp_period            MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Period_Typ;
20 x_atp_details           MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Details_Typ;
21 x_return_status         VARCHAR2(1);
22 x_msg_count             number;
23 x_msg_data              varchar2(200);
25 temp number := null;
26 temp1 date := null;
27 stmt number;
28 atp_error   exception;
29 begin
31 /*---------------------------------------------------------------+
32   We need to inform ATP to modify demand (quanatity zero) for
33   the rows that have been deactivated in mtl_demand by the Schedule
34   function, as part of 'link Config' action
35 +----------------------------------------------------------------*/
36   select inventory_item_id,
37          organization_id,
38          demand_id,
39          primary_uom_quantity,
40          uom_code,
41          requirement_date,
42          demand_class,
43          temp,      -- calling module
44          temp,      -- customer_id
45          temp,      -- customer_site_id
46          temp,      -- destination_time_zone
47          temp1,     -- requested arrival_date
48          temp1,     -- latest acceptable_date
49          temp,      -- delivery lead time
50          temp,      -- Freight_Carrier
51          temp,      -- Ship_Method
52          temp,      --Ship_Set_Name
53          temp,      -- Arrival_Set_Name
54          temp,      -- Override_Flag
55          temp,      -- Action
56          temp1,     -- Ship_date
57          temp,      -- available_quantity
58          temp,      -- requested_date_quantity
59          temp1,     -- group_ship_date
60          temp1,     -- group_arrival_date
61          temp,      -- vendor_id
62          temp,      -- vendor_site_id
63          temp,      -- insert_flag
64          temp,      -- error_code
65          temp       -- Message
66   bulk collect into
67          p_atp_table.Inventory_Item_Id       ,
68          p_atp_table.Source_Organization_Id  ,
69          p_atp_table.Identifier              ,
70          p_atp_table.Quantity_Ordered        ,
71          p_atp_table.Quantity_UOM            ,
72          p_atp_table.Requested_Ship_Date     ,
73          p_atp_table.Demand_Class            ,
74          p_atp_table.Calling_Module          ,
75          p_atp_table.Customer_Id             ,
76          p_atp_table.Customer_Site_Id        ,
77          p_atp_table.Destination_Time_Zone   ,
78          p_atp_table.Requested_Arrival_Date  ,
79          p_atp_table.Latest_Acceptable_Date  ,
80          p_atp_table.Delivery_Lead_Time      ,
81          p_atp_table.Freight_Carrier         ,
82          p_atp_table.Ship_Method             ,
83          p_atp_table.Ship_Set_Name           ,
84          p_atp_table.Arrival_Set_Name        ,
85          p_atp_table.Override_Flag           ,
86          p_atp_table.Action                  ,
87          p_atp_table.Ship_Date               ,
88          p_atp_table.Available_Quantity      ,
89          p_atp_table.Requested_Date_Quantity ,
90          p_atp_table.Group_Ship_Date         ,
91          p_atp_table.Group_Arrival_Date      ,
92          p_atp_table.Vendor_Id               ,
93          p_atp_table.Vendor_Site_Id          ,
94          p_atp_table.Insert_Flag             ,
95          p_atp_table.Error_Code              ,
96          p_atp_table.Message
97     from mtl_demand md
98     where md.RTO_MODEL_SOURCE_LINE   = RTOMLine
99     and md.demand_source_header_id = dSrcHdrId
100     and md.demand_source_type      = dSrcType
101     and md.organization_id         = OrgId
102     and md.primary_uom_quantity    > 0
103     and md.config_status           = 80
104     and md.row_status_flag         = 2
105     and md.demand_type not in (1,2);
107 /*---------------------------------------------------------------+
108   We also need to inform ATP to add demand (quanatity zero) for
109   the mandatory components that have been inserted (derived demand)
110   in mtl_demand by the Schedule function, as part of
111   'link Config' action
112 +----------------------------------------------------------------*/
114         select inventory_item_id,
115                organization_id,
116                demand_id,
117                primary_uom_quantity,
118                uom_code,
119                requirement_date,
120                demand_class,
121                temp,      -- calling module
122                temp,      -- customer_id
123                temp,      -- customer_site_id
124                temp,      -- destination_time_zone
125                temp1,     -- requested arrival_date
126                temp1,     -- latest acceptable_date
127                temp,      -- delivery lead time
128                temp,      -- Freight_Carrier
129                temp,      -- Ship_Method
130                temp,      --Ship_Set_Name
131                temp,      -- Arrival_Set_Name
132                temp,      -- Override_Flag
133                temp,      -- Action
134                temp1,     -- Ship_date
135                temp,      -- available_quantity
136                temp,      -- requested_date_quantity
137                temp1,     -- group_ship_date
138                temp1,     -- group_arrival_date
139                temp,      -- vendor_id
140                temp,      -- vendor_site_id
141                temp,      -- insert_flag
142                temp,      -- error_code
143                temp       -- Message
144         bulk collect into
145                p_atp_table.Inventory_Item_Id       ,
146                p_atp_table.Source_Organization_Id  ,
147                p_atp_table.Identifier              ,
148                p_atp_table.Quantity_Ordered        ,
149                p_atp_table.Quantity_UOM            ,
150                p_atp_table.Requested_Ship_Date     ,
151                p_atp_table.Demand_Class            ,
152                p_atp_table.Calling_Module          ,
153                p_atp_table.Customer_Id             ,
154                p_atp_table.Customer_Site_Id        ,
155                p_atp_table.Destination_Time_Zone   ,
156                p_atp_table.Requested_Arrival_Date  ,
157                p_atp_table.Latest_Acceptable_Date  ,
158                p_atp_table.Delivery_Lead_Time      ,
159                p_atp_table.Freight_Carrier         ,
160                p_atp_table.Ship_Method             ,
161                p_atp_table.Ship_Set_Name           ,
162                p_atp_table.Arrival_Set_Name        ,
163                p_atp_table.Override_Flag           ,
164                p_atp_table.Action                  ,
165                p_atp_table.Ship_Date               ,
166                p_atp_table.Available_Quantity      ,
167                p_atp_table.Requested_Date_Quantity ,
168                p_atp_table.Group_Ship_Date         ,
169                p_atp_table.Group_Arrival_Date      ,
170                p_atp_table.Vendor_Id               ,
171                p_atp_table.Vendor_Site_Id          ,
172                p_atp_table.Insert_Flag             ,
173                p_atp_table.Error_Code              ,
174                p_atp_table.Message
175         from mtl_demand md
176         where md.RTO_MODEL_SOURCE_LINE = RTOMLine
177         and   md.DEMAND_SOURCE_HEADER_ID = dSrcHdrId
178         and   md.DEMAND_SOURCE_TYPE = dSrcType
179         and   md.ORGANIZATION_ID = OrgId
180         and   md.PRIMARY_UOM_QUANTITY > 0
181         and   md.config_status =20
182         and   md.demand_type in (4,5)
183         and   md.row_status_flag = 1
184         and   md.parent_demand_id is null;
186 -- call atp module
188   MRP_ATP_PUB.Call_ATP(
189               p_session_id,
190               p_atp_table,
191               x_atp_table,
192               x_atp_supply_demand,
193               x_atp_period,
194               x_atp_details,
195               x_return_status,
196               x_msg_data,
197               x_msg_count);
199   IF (    x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR
200        or x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ) then
201        raise atp_error;
202   else
203       return (1);
204   END IF;
206   exception
208     when atp_error then
209         error_message := 'BOMNATPB:'||to_char(stmt)||':'||' ATP API returned Error';
210         message_name := 'BOM_ATO_LINK_ERROR';
211         return(0);
213     when others then
214         error_message := 'BOMNATPB:'||to_char(stmt)||':'||substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
215         message_name := 'BOM_ATO_LINK_ERROR';
216       return(0);
218 end config_link_atp;
220 function config_delink_atp (
221          RTOMLine       in     number,
222          dSrcHdrId      in     number,
223          dSrcType       in     number,
224          OrgId          in     number,
225          error_message  out    varchar2,
226          message_name   out    varchar2)
227 return integer is
229 p_atp_table		MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Rec_Typ;
230 p_instance_id		integer := -1;
231 p_session_id		number := 101;
232 x_atp_table		MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Rec_Typ;
233 x_atp_supply_demand   	MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Supply_Demand_Typ;
234 x_atp_period            MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Period_Typ;
235 x_atp_details           MRP_ATP_PUB.ATP_Details_Typ;
236 x_return_status         VARCHAR2(1);
237 x_msg_count             number;
238 x_msg_data              varchar2(200);
240 temp number := null;
241 temp1 date  := null;
242 stmt number;
243 atp_error   exception;
245 begin
248    /*---------------------------------------------------------------+
249      We need to inform ATP to modify demand (quanatity zero) for
250      the mandatory components (derived demand) in mtl_demand
251      that will be deleted by the Schedule function, as part of
252      'delink Config' action
253    +----------------------------------------------------------------*/
254    stmt := 10;
255    select inventory_item_id,
256        organization_id,
257        demand_id,
258        primary_uom_quantity,
259        uom_code,
260        requirement_date,
261        demand_class,
262        temp,      -- calling module
263        temp,      -- customer_id
264        temp,      -- customer_site_id
265        temp,      -- destination_time_zone
266        temp1,     -- requested arrival_date
267        temp1,     -- latest acceptable_date
268        temp,      -- delivery lead time
269        temp,      -- Freight_Carrier
270        temp,      -- Ship_Method
271        temp,      --Ship_Set_Name
272        temp,      -- Arrival_Set_Name
273        temp,      -- Override_Flag
274        temp,      -- Action
275        temp1,     -- Ship_date
276        temp,      -- available_quantity
277        temp,      -- requested_date_quantity
278        temp1,     -- group_ship_date
279        temp1,     -- group_arrival_date
280        temp,      -- vendor_id
281        temp,      -- vendor_site_id
282        temp,      -- insert_flag
283        temp,      -- error_code
284        temp       -- Message
285    bulk collect into
286        p_atp_table.Inventory_Item_Id       ,
287        p_atp_table.Source_Organization_Id  ,
288        p_atp_table.Identifier              ,
289        p_atp_table.Quantity_Ordered        ,
290        p_atp_table.Quantity_UOM            ,
291        p_atp_table.Requested_Ship_Date     ,
292        p_atp_table.Demand_Class            ,
293        p_atp_table.Calling_Module          ,
294        p_atp_table.Customer_Id             ,
295        p_atp_table.Customer_Site_Id        ,
296        p_atp_table.Destination_Time_Zone   ,
297        p_atp_table.Requested_Arrival_Date  ,
298        p_atp_table.Latest_Acceptable_Date  ,
299        p_atp_table.Delivery_Lead_Time      ,
300        p_atp_table.Freight_Carrier         ,
301        p_atp_table.Ship_Method             ,
302        p_atp_table.Ship_Set_Name           ,
303        p_atp_table.Arrival_Set_Name        ,
304        p_atp_table.Override_Flag           ,
305        p_atp_table.Action                  ,
306        p_atp_table.Ship_Date               ,
307        p_atp_table.Available_Quantity      ,
308        p_atp_table.Requested_Date_Quantity ,
309        p_atp_table.Group_Ship_Date         ,
310        p_atp_table.Group_Arrival_Date      ,
311        p_atp_table.Vendor_Id               ,
312        p_atp_table.Vendor_Site_Id          ,
313        p_atp_table.Insert_Flag             ,
314        p_atp_table.Error_Code              ,
315        p_atp_table.Message
316    from mtl_demand md
317    where md.RTO_MODEL_SOURCE_LINE = RTOMLine
318    and md.demand_source_header_id = dSrcHdrId
319    and md.demand_source_type = dSrcType
320    and md.organization_id = OrgId
321    and md.config_status = 20
322    and md.row_status_flag = 1
323    and md.parent_demand_id is null
324    and md.primary_uom_quantity > 0
325    and md.demand_type  in (4,5);
327    /*---------------------------------------------------------------+
328      We also need to inform ATP to add demand  for
329      the model components rows in  mtl_demand that will be re-activated
330      by the schedule function, as part of 'delink Config' action
331    +----------------------------------------------------------------*/
333    select inventory_item_id,
334        organization_id,
335        demand_id,
336        primary_uom_quantity,
337        uom_code,
338        requirement_date,
339        demand_class,
340        temp,      -- calling module
341        temp,      -- customer_id
342        temp,      -- customer_site_id
343        temp,      -- destination_time_zone
344        temp1,     -- requested arrival_date
348        temp,      -- Ship_Method
345        temp1,     -- latest acceptable_date
346        temp,      -- delivery lead time
347        temp,      -- Freight_Carrier
349        temp,      --Ship_Set_Name
350        temp,      -- Arrival_Set_Name
351        temp,      -- Override_Flag
352        temp,      -- Action
353        temp1,     -- Ship_date
354        temp,      -- available_quantity
355        temp,      -- requested_date_quantity
356        temp1,     -- group_ship_date
357        temp1,     -- group_arrival_date
358        temp,      -- vendor_id
359        temp,      -- vendor_site_id
360        temp,      -- insert_flag
361        temp,      -- error_code
362        temp       -- Message
363    bulk collect into
364        p_atp_table.Inventory_Item_Id       ,
365        p_atp_table.Source_Organization_Id  ,
366        p_atp_table.Identifier              ,
367        p_atp_table.Quantity_Ordered        ,
368        p_atp_table.Quantity_UOM            ,
369        p_atp_table.Requested_Ship_Date     ,
370        p_atp_table.Demand_Class            ,
371        p_atp_table.Calling_Module          ,
372        p_atp_table.Customer_Id             ,
373        p_atp_table.Customer_Site_Id        ,
374        p_atp_table.Destination_Time_Zone   ,
375        p_atp_table.Requested_Arrival_Date  ,
376        p_atp_table.Latest_Acceptable_Date  ,
377        p_atp_table.Delivery_Lead_Time      ,
378        p_atp_table.Freight_Carrier         ,
379        p_atp_table.Ship_Method             ,
380        p_atp_table.Ship_Set_Name           ,
381        p_atp_table.Arrival_Set_Name        ,
382        p_atp_table.Override_Flag           ,
383        p_atp_table.Action                  ,
384        p_atp_table.Ship_Date               ,
385        p_atp_table.Available_Quantity      ,
386        p_atp_table.Requested_Date_Quantity ,
387        p_atp_table.Group_Ship_Date         ,
388        p_atp_table.Group_Arrival_Date      ,
389        p_atp_table.Vendor_Id               ,
390        p_atp_table.Vendor_Site_Id          ,
391        p_atp_table.Insert_Flag             ,
392        p_atp_table.Error_Code              ,
393        p_atp_table.Message
394    from mtl_demand md
395    where md.rto_model_source_line = RTOMLine
396    and   md.demand_source_header_id = dSrcHdrId
397    and   md.demand_source_type = dSrcType
398    and   md.organization_id = orgId
399    and   md.primary_uom_quantity > 0
400    and   md.config_status =80
401    and   md.row_status_flag = 2;
403    /*---------------------------------------+
404         call atp module
405    +----------------------------------------*/
407   MRP_ATP_PUB.Call_ATP(
408               p_session_id,
409               p_atp_table,
410               x_atp_table,
411               x_atp_supply_demand,
412               x_atp_period,
413               x_atp_details,
414               x_return_status,
415               x_msg_data,
416               x_msg_count);
418   IF (    x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR
419        or x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR ) then
420        raise atp_error;
421   else
422       return (1);
423   END IF;
425   exception
426     when atp_error then
427         error_message := 'BOMNATPB:'||to_char(stmt)||':'||' ATP API returned Error';
428         message_name := 'BOM_ATO_LINK_ERROR';
429         return(0);
431     when others then
432         error_message := 'BOMNATPB:'||to_char(stmt)||':'||substrb(sqlerrm,1,150);
433         message_name := 'BOM_ATO_LINK_ERROR';
434       return(0);
436 end config_delink_atp;