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Line 292: sgid := fnd_global.security_group_id;

288: l_direct_flag := direct_flag;
289: end if;
291: if (security_group_id is null) then
292: sgid := fnd_global.security_group_id;
293: else
294: sgid := security_group_id;
295: end if;

Line 476: sgid := fnd_global.security_group_id;

472: old_rolename varchar2(4000);
473: l_parameters wf_parameter_list_t := wf_parameter_list_t();
474: begin
475: if (security_group_id is null) then
476: sgid := fnd_global.security_group_id;
477: else
478: sgid := security_group_id;
479: end if;

Line 548: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,/*Bug3626390*/

544: p_raiseErrors=>TRUE,
545: p_parent_orig_system => 'FND_RESP',
546: p_parent_orig_system_id => responsibility_id,
547: p_ownerTag => appsname,
548: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,/*Bug3626390*/
549: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,
550: p_lastUpdateLogin => 0,
551: p_creationDate => sysdate, /*Bug3626390 sysdate*/
552: p_lastUpdatedate=> sysdate,

Line 549: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,

545: p_parent_orig_system => 'FND_RESP',
546: p_parent_orig_system_id => responsibility_id,
547: p_ownerTag => appsname,
548: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,/*Bug3626390*/
549: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,
550: p_lastUpdateLogin => 0,
551: p_creationDate => sysdate, /*Bug3626390 sysdate*/
552: p_lastUpdatedate=> sysdate,
553: p_assignmentReason=>description);

Line 573: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,/*Bug3626390*/

569: p_raiseErrors=>TRUE,
570: p_parent_orig_system => 'FND_RESP'||responsibility_application_id,
571: p_parent_orig_system_id => responsibility_id,
572: p_ownerTag => appsname,
573: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,/*Bug3626390*/
574: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,
575: p_lastUpdateLogin => 0,
576: p_creationDate => sysdate, /*Bug3626390 sysdate*/
577: p_lastUpdatedate=> sysdate,

Line 574: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,

570: p_parent_orig_system => 'FND_RESP'||responsibility_application_id,
571: p_parent_orig_system_id => responsibility_id,
572: p_ownerTag => appsname,
573: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,/*Bug3626390*/
574: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,
575: p_lastUpdateLogin => 0,
576: p_creationDate => sysdate, /*Bug3626390 sysdate*/
577: p_lastUpdatedate=> sysdate,
578: p_assignmentReason=>description);

Line 664: sgid := fnd_global.security_group_id;

660: l_update_who boolean; --Bug5467610
661: begin
663: if (security_group_id is null) then
664: sgid := fnd_global.security_group_id;
665: else
666: sgid := security_group_id;
667: end if;

Line 746: l_last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;

743: /* If we passed the flag saying to update the who columns */
744: /* then we set the last_update who columns to current user/date. */
745: if (update_who_columns = 'Y') then
746: l_last_updated_by := fnd_global.user_id;
747: l_last_update_login := 0;
748: l_last_update_date := sysdate;
749: l_update_who := TRUE; -- Bug5467610 update who columns.
750: end if;

Line 906: -- The upload_assignment routine uses fnd_global.user_id and

902: END_DATE => to_date(l_end_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD'),
905: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
906: -- The upload_assignment routine uses fnd_global.user_id and
907: -- fnd_global.login_id which is not what we want for loader updates.
908: -- Also upload_assignment only updates created_by if the row was just
909: -- created.
910: -- Added call to PropagateUserRole to correctly set the who columns.

Line 907: -- fnd_global.login_id which is not what we want for loader updates.

905: --------------------------------------------------------------------------
906: -- The upload_assignment routine uses fnd_global.user_id and
907: -- fnd_global.login_id which is not what we want for loader updates.
908: -- Also upload_assignment only updates created_by if the row was just
909: -- created.
910: -- Added call to PropagateUserRole to correctly set the who columns.
911: --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 1009: sgid := fnd_global.security_group_id;

1005: sgid number;
1006: begin
1008: if (security_group_id is null) then
1009: sgid := fnd_global.security_group_id;
1010: else
1011: sgid := security_group_id;
1012: end if;

Line 1597: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,

1593: p_raiseErrors=>TRUE,
1594: p_parent_orig_system => 'FND_RESP',
1595: p_parent_orig_system_id =>rowrec.responsibility_id,
1596: p_ownerTag => rowrec.application_short_name,
1597: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,
1598: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,
1599: p_lastUpdateLogin => 0,
1600: p_creationDate => sysdate,
1601: p_lastUpdatedate=> sysdate);

Line 1598: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,

1594: p_parent_orig_system => 'FND_RESP',
1595: p_parent_orig_system_id =>rowrec.responsibility_id,
1596: p_ownerTag => rowrec.application_short_name,
1597: p_createdBy => fnd_global.user_id,
1598: p_lastUpdatedBy => fnd_global.user_id,
1599: p_lastUpdateLogin => 0,
1600: p_creationDate => sysdate,
1601: p_lastUpdatedate=> sysdate);