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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 92

      SELECT NVL(sum(mdd.Gross_weight),0)
      INTO   l_weight
      FROM  mst_delivery_details mdd
      WHERE mdd.plan_id = p_plan_id
      AND   mdd.source_code = p_source_code
      AND   mdd.source_header_number = p_source_header_number;
Line: 114

      SELECT NVL(sum(mdd.volume),0)
      INTO   l_volume
      FROM  mst_delivery_details mdd
      WHERE mdd.plan_id = p_plan_id
      AND   mdd.source_code = p_source_code
      AND   mdd.source_header_number = p_source_header_number;
Line: 136

      SELECT NVL(sum(mdd.number_of_pallets),0)
      INTO   l_pallets
      FROM  mst_delivery_details mdd
      WHERE mdd.plan_id = p_plan_id
      AND   mdd.source_code = p_source_code
      AND   mdd.source_header_number = p_source_header_number;
Line: 158

      SELECT NVL(sum(mdd.requested_quantity),0)
      INTO  l_pieces
      FROM  mst_delivery_details mdd
      WHERE mdd.plan_id = p_plan_id
      AND   mdd.source_code = p_source_code
      AND   mdd.source_header_number = p_source_header_number;
Line: 181

      INTO  l_cost
      FROM mst_delivery_details mdd
      WHERE   mdd.plan_id              = p_plan_id
      AND     mdd.source_code          = p_source_code
      AND     mdd.source_header_number = p_source_header_number;
Line: 199

    SELECT (T.Total_trip_distance/T.Total_direct_distance -1)*100
    FROM mst_trips T
    WHERE T.plan_id = p_plan_id
    AND   T.trip_id = p_trip_id;
Line: 226

    FROM mst_trip_stops TS
    WHERE TS.plan_id = p_plan_id
    AND   TS.trip_id = p_trip_id;
Line: 250

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT dd.source_header_number)
    FROM  mst_delivery_details dd,
          mst_delivery_assignments da
    WHERE dd.plan_id = p_plan_Id
    AND   dd.delivery_detail_id = da.delivery_detail_id
    AND   dd.plan_id            = da.plan_id
    AND   da.delivery_id IN
            (SELECT dl.delivery_id
             FROM  mst_delivery_legs dl
             WHERE dl.plan_id = da.plan_id
             AND   dl.trip_id = p_trip_id);*/
Line: 263

    SELECT COUNT(distinct nvl(dd.split_from_delivery_detail_id,dd.delivery_detail_id))
    FROM  mst_delivery_details dd,
          mst_delivery_assignments da
    WHERE dd.plan_id = p_plan_Id
    AND   dd.delivery_detail_id = da.delivery_detail_id
    AND   dd.plan_id            = da.plan_id
    AND   da.delivery_id IN
            (SELECT dl.delivery_id
             FROM  mst_delivery_legs dl
             WHERE dl.plan_id = da.plan_id
             AND   dl.trip_id = p_trip_id)
    AND   da.parent_delivery_detail_id is null;
Line: 300

    SELECT NVL(SUM(d.gross_weight),0), NVL(SUM(d.volume),0),
    FROM mst_deliveries d
    WHERE d.plan_id = pp_plan_id
    AND   d.delivery_id IN
            (SELECT delivery_id
             FROM mst_delivery_legs dl,
                  mst_trip_stops ts
             WHERE dl.plan_id          = d.plan_id
             AND   dl.pick_up_stop_id  = ts.stop_id
             AND   ts.plan_id          = dl.plan_id
             AND   ts.stop_id          = pp_stop_id
             AND   ts.trip_id          = pp_trip_id);
Line: 317

    SELECT NVL(SUM(d.gross_weight),0), NVL(SUM(d.volume),0),
           NVL(SUM(d.number_of_pallets),0), NVL(SUM(d.number_of_pieces),0)
    FROM mst_deliveries d
    WHERE d.plan_id = pp_plan_id
    AND   d.delivery_id IN
            (SELECT delivery_id
             FROM mst_delivery_legs dl,
                  mst_trip_stops ts
             WHERE dl.plan_id          = d.plan_id
             AND   dl.drop_off_stop_id = ts.stop_id
             AND   ts.plan_id          = dl.plan_id
             AND   ts.stop_id          = pp_stop_id
             AND   ts.trip_id          = pp_trip_id);
Line: 370

    SELECT NVL(SUM(D.Gross_Weight),0), NVL(SUM(D.Volume),0),
           NVL(SUM(D.NUMBER_OF_Pallets),0), NVL(SUM(D.NUMBER_OF_PIECES),0)
    WHERE D.PLAN_ID = pp_plan_id
               (SELECT DL.DELIVERY_ID
                WHERE DL.plan_id = d.plan_id
                AND   dl.Trip_id = PP_Trip_Id);
Line: 413

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT mdd.source_header_number)
    FROM mst_delivery_details mdd
    WHERE mdd.plan_id = p_plan_id
    AND   mdd.delivery_detail_id IN
                ( SELECT mda.delivery_detail_id
                  FROM mst_deliveries md,
                       mst_delivery_assignments mda,
                       mst_delivery_legs mdl
                  WHERE mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
                  AND   mda.plan_id = md.plan_id
                  AND   mda.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                  AND   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                  AND   md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                  AND   mdl.trip_id = p_trip_id
                  AND   (   mdl.pick_up_stop_id = p_stop_id
                         OR mdl.drop_off_stop_id = p_stop_id));*/
Line: 431

    SELECT stop_sequence_number
    FROM mst_trip_stops
    WHERE plan_Id = p_plan_Id
    AND   trip_id = p_trip_id
    AND   stop_id = p_stop_id;
Line: 438

    SELECT COUNT(mdd.delivery_detail_id)
    FROM  mst_delivery_details mdd
    WHERE mdd.plan_id = p_plan_Id
    AND   mdd.delivery_detail_id IN
                ( SELECT mda.delivery_detail_id
                  FROM mst_delivery_assignments mda,
                       mst_delivery_legs mdl
                  WHERE mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
                  AND   mda.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                  AND   mda.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                  AND   mdl.trip_id = p_trip_id
                  AND   mdl.pick_up_stop_id = p_stop_id;*/
Line: 452

    SELECT COUNT(distinct nvl(mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id,mdd.delivery_detail_id))
    FROM  mst_delivery_details mdd
    WHERE mdd.plan_id = p_plan_Id
    AND   mdd.delivery_detail_id IN
                ( SELECT mda.delivery_detail_id
                  FROM mst_delivery_assignments mda,
                       mst_delivery_legs mdl
                  WHERE mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
                  AND   mda.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                  AND   mda.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                  AND   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
                  AND   mdl.trip_id = p_trip_id
                  AND   mdl.pick_up_stop_id IN
                          (SELECT mts1.stop_id
                           FROM mst_trip_stops mts1
                           WHERE mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_Id
                           AND   mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
                           AND   mts1.stop_sequence_number <= p_stop_sequence));
Line: 472

    SELECT COUNT(distinct nvl(mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id,mdd.delivery_detail_id))
    FROM  mst_delivery_details mdd
    WHERE mdd.plan_id = p_plan_Id
    AND   mdd.delivery_detail_id IN
                ( SELECT mda.delivery_detail_id
                  FROM mst_delivery_assignments mda,
                       mst_delivery_legs mdl
                  WHERE mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
                  AND   mda.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                  AND   mda.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
                  AND   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
                  AND   mdl.trip_id = p_trip_id
                  AND   mdl.drop_off_stop_id IN
                          (SELECT mts1.stop_id
                           FROM mst_trip_stops mts1
                           WHERE mts1.plan_id = mdl.plan_Id
                           AND   mts1.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
                           AND   mts1.stop_sequence_number <= p_stop_sequence));
Line: 528

     Select Count(distinct nvl(DD.split_from_delivery_Detail_id,DD.Delivery_Detail_Id))
     FROM Mst_Delivery_Details DD,
          Mst_Delivery_Assignments DA
     WHERE DD.PLAN_ID            = DA.PLAN_ID
     AND   DD.Delivery_Detail_Id = DA.Delivery_Detail_Id
     AND   DA.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
     AND   DA.Delivery_Id        = p_delivery_id
     AND   DA.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 555

    WHERE HZP.PARTY_ID = P_party_id;
Line: 560

    FROM wsh_location_owners wlo
    WHERE wlo.wsh_location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 565

    SELECT 1
    FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all hzcasa,
         hz_party_sites hzps,
         hz_cust_accounts hzc
    WHERE hzc.party_id = hzps.party_id
    AND   hzps.location_id = p_location_id
    AND   hzps.party_site_id = hzcasa.party_site_id
    AND   hzcasa.cust_account_id = hzc.cust_account_id
    AND   hzps.party_id = p_owner_party_id;
Line: 625

   SELECT Meaning
   FROM MFG_Lookups
   WHERE Lookup_Code = P_Lookup_Code
   AND   Lookup_Type = P_Lookup_Type;
Line: 631

   SELECT Meaning
   FROM Wsh_Lookups
   WHERE Lookup_Code = P_Lookup_Code
   AND   Lookup_Type = P_Lookup_Type;
Line: 669

Line: 675

Line: 703

    SELECT NVL(sum(Total_Trip_Distance),0)
    FROM Mst_Trips
    WHERE Plan_Id = Cp_Plan_Id
    AND   Continuous_Move_Id = Cp_Cont_Move_Id;
Line: 729

    SELECT COUNT(Trip_id)
    FROM Mst_Trips
    WHERE Plan_Id = Cp_Plan_Id
    AND   Continuous_Move_Id = Cp_Cont_Move_Id;
Line: 754

                        (SELECT MIN(STOP_SEQUENCE_NUMBER)
                         FROM MST_TRIP_STOPS TS1
                         WHERE TS1.PLAN_ID = TS.PLAN_ID
                         AND   TS1.TRIP_ID = TS.TRIP_ID
                         GROUP BY TS1.PLAN_ID, TS1.TRIP_ID);
Line: 785

                        (SELECT MAX(STOP_SEQUENCE_NUMBER)
                         FROM MST_TRIP_STOPS TS1
                         WHERE TS1.PLAN_ID = TS.PLAN_ID
                         AND   TS1.TRIP_ID = TS.TRIP_ID
                         GROUP BY TS1.PLAN_ID, TS1.TRIP_ID);
Line: 815

    select departure_volume
    from mst_trip_stops
    where plan_id = p_plan_id
    and trip_id = p_trip_id;
Line: 821

    select nvl(peak_volume_utilization, 1)
    from mst_trips
    where plan_id = p_plan_id
    and trip_id = p_trip_id;
Line: 852

        SELECT MSI.Maximum_Load_Weight
        WHERE FVT.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID   = pp_vehicle_type_id
Line: 861

                FVT.USABLE_WIDTH *
        WHERE FVT.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID   = pp_vehicle_type_id
Line: 872

                FVT.PALLET_STACKING_HEIGHT ) Pallets
        WHERE FVT.VEHICLE_TYPE_ID   = pp_vehicle_type_id
Line: 975

    SELECT TRIM(TO_CHAR(threshold_value))||' '||threshold_uom
    FROM mst_excep_preferences
    WHERE exception_type = p_exception_type
    AND   user_id = p_user_id;
Line: 1006

    SELECT wlo.owner_party_id, wlo.owner_type
    FROM wsh_location_owners wlo
    WHERE wlo.wsh_location_id =
      (SELECT flp.location_id
       FROM fte_location_parameters flp
       WHERE  flp.facility_id = p_facility_ID )
    AND Wlo.owner_type = p_owner_type;
Line: 1014

    SELECT wlo.owner_party_id, wlo.owner_type
    FROM wsh_location_owners wlo,
         fte_location_parameters flp
    WHERE wlo.wsh_location_id = flp.location_id
    AND   flp.facility_id = p_facility_ID
    ORDER BY wlo.owner_type;*/
Line: 1063

    SELECT hzp.party_name
    FROM hz_parties hzp,
         HZ_CONTACT_POINTS hzcp
    WHERE hzp.party_id          = hzcp.owner_table_id
    AND   hzcp.CONTACT_POINT_ID = p_contact_id;
Line: 1085

    WHERE hzcp.CONTACT_POINT_ID = p_contact_id;
Line: 1237

    SELECT ts.stop_id
    FROM mst_trip_stops ts
    WHERE plan_id = p_plan_Id
    AND   ts.trip_id = p_trip_id
    ORDER BY ts.stop_sequence_number;
Line: 1266

   select nvl(peak_weight_utilization,0)
   into   l_weight_utilization
   from   mst_trips mt
   where  mt.trip_id = p_trip_id
   and    mt.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 1272

   select nvl(peak_volume_utilization,0)
   into   l_volume_utilization
   from   mst_trips mt
   where  mt.trip_id = p_trip_id
   and    mt.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 1278

   select nvl(peak_pallet_utilization,0)
   into   l_pallet_utilization
   from   mst_trips mt
   where  mt.trip_id = p_trip_id
   and    mt.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 1303

   select (trip_start_date - sysdate)
   into l_time_remaining
   from mst_trips
   where plan_id = p_plan_id
   and   trip_id = p_trip_id;
Line: 1323

   select (start_date - sysdate)
   into l_time_remaining
   from mst_cm_trips
   where plan_id = p_plan_id
   and   continuous_move_id = p_cm_id;
Line: 1362

  SELECT exception_type
  INTO l_exception_type
  FROM mst_exception_details
  WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
  AND exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1373

        SELECT mt.trip_number, wlk.meaning
        INTO l_id1, l_temp
        FROM mst_trips mt,  wsh_lookups wlk
        WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
        AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID
        and wlk.lookup_type = 'WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT'
        and mt.mode_of_transport = wlk.lookup_code;
Line: 1383

        select description, med.delivery_detail_id
        into l_temp1, l_id2
        from mtl_system_items_tl msitl, mst_delivery_details mdd, mst_exception_details med
        where med.plan_id=p_plan_id
        and med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID
        and med.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
        and med.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
        and mdd.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id
        and mdd.organization_id = msitl.organization_id
        and msitl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1402

        SELECT trip_number, carrier_id
        INTO l_id1, l_id2
        FROM mst_trips
        WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
        AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1408

        select description, med.delivery_detail_id
        into l_temp, l_id3
        from mtl_system_items_tl msitl, mst_delivery_details mdd, mst_exception_details med
        where med.plan_id=p_plan_id
        and med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID
        and med.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
        and med.plan_id=mdd.plan_id
        and mdd.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id
        and mdd.organization_id = msitl.organization_id
        and msitl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1419

        SELECT freight_code into l_temp1
        FROM wsh_carriers
        WHERE carrier_id = l_id2;
Line: 1433

        select number1
        into l_id1
        from mst_exception_details med
        where med.exception_detail_id = p_exception_detail_id
        and med.plan_id=p_plan_id;
Line: 1439

        select set_name into l_temp
        from oe_sets os
        where os.set_id=l_id1;
Line: 1450

        select number1
        into l_id1
        from mst_exception_details med
        where med.exception_detail_id = p_exception_detail_id
        and med.plan_id=p_plan_id;
Line: 1456

        select set_name into l_temp
        from oe_sets os
        where os.set_id=l_id1;
Line: 1467

        select carrier_id
        , fnd_date.DATE_TO_CHARDATE(date1)
        , fnd_date.DATE_TO_CHARDATE(date2)
        , decode ( fsrr.attribute_name
            , 'SPEND'
            , to_char ( ( med.number3 - med.number2 ) , fnd_currency.get_format_mask ( fsl.uom_code, 67 ) )
            , to_char( round ( med.number3 ) - round ( med.number2 ), mst_wb_util.get_format_string ( 'NUMBER' ) ) )
        into l_id2,l_temp1,l_temp2,l_temp3
        from mst_exception_details med
        , fte_sel_rule_restrictions fsrr
        , fte_sel_rules fsl
        where med.exception_detail_id = p_exception_detail_id
        and med.number1 = fsrr.rule_id
        and med.number1 = fsl.rule_id
        and med.plan_id=p_plan_id;
Line: 1486

        SELECT freight_code INTO l_temp
        FROM wsh_carriers
        WHERE carrier_id = l_id2;
Line: 1491

        select LANE
        into l_temp
        select fl.lane_number "LANE"
        from fte_lanes fl, mst_exception_details med
        where med.lane_id = fl.lane_id
        and med.exception_detail_id=p_exception_detail_id
        and med.plan_id=p_plan_id
        union all
        select flg.name "LANE"
        from fte_lane_groups flg, mst_exception_details med
        where med.lane_set_id = flg.lane_group_id
        and med.exception_detail_id=p_exception_detail_id
        and med.plan_id=p_plan_id);
Line: 1514

        select flp.facility_code
        into l_temp
        from fte_location_parameters flp, mst_trip_stops mts, mst_exception_details med
        where mts.stop_id = med.stop_id1
        and mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id
        and med.exception_detail_id = p_exception_detail_id
        and med.plan_id = mts.plan_id
        and med.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 1524

        SELECT trip_number, carrier_id
        INTO l_id1, l_id2
        FROM mst_trips
        WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
        AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1530

        SELECT freight_code INTO l_temp
        FROM wsh_carriers
        WHERE carrier_id = l_id2;
Line: 1543

        SELECT mt.trip_number,vehicle_type_id
        INTO l_id1,l_id2
        FROM mst_trips mt
        WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
        AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1550

        select msitl.description into l_temp1
        from mtl_system_items_tl msitl, mst_delivery_details mdd, mst_exception_details med
        where med.plan_id=p_plan_id
        and med.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
        and med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID
        and med.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
        and mdd.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id
        and mdd.organization_id = msitl.organization_id
        and msitl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1561

        SELECT msikfv.concatenated_segments
        into l_temp
        FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msikfv, fte_vehicle_types fvt
        WHERE fvt.vehicle_type_id = l_id2
        AND fvt.organization_id = msikfv.organization_id
        AND fvt.inventory_item_id = msikfv.inventory_item_id;
Line: 1576

        SELECT mt.trip_number
        INTO l_id1
        FROM mst_trips mt
        WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
        AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1583

        select msitl.description into l_temp1
        from mtl_system_items_tl msitl, mst_delivery_details mdd, mst_exception_details med
        where med.plan_id=p_plan_id
        and med.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
        and med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID
        and med.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
        and mdd.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id
        and mdd.organization_id = msitl.organization_id
        and msitl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 1594

        select flp.description
        into l_temp
        from fte_location_parameters flp, mst_exception_details med
        med.location_id = flp.location_id
        and med.plan_id=p_plan_id
        and med.exception_detail_id=p_exception_detail_id;
Line: 1610

        SELECT mt.trip_number, wlk.meaning
        INTO l_id1, l_temp
        FROM mst_trips mt,  wsh_lookups wlk
        WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
        AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID
        and wlk.lookup_type = 'WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT'
        and mt.mode_of_transport = wlk.lookup_code;
Line: 1620

        select flp.description
        into l_temp1
        from fte_location_parameters flp, mst_exception_details med
        med.location_id = flp.location_id
        and med.plan_id=p_plan_id
        and med.exception_detail_id=p_exception_detail_id;
Line: 1635

        select md.delivery_number
        into l_id1
        from mst_deliveries md, mst_exception_details med
        where med.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
        and med.plan_id=p_plan_id
        and med.plan_id = md.plan_id
        and med.exception_detail_id=p_exception_detail_id;
Line: 1644

        select flp1.facility_code, flp2.facility_code
        into l_temp1, l_temp2
        from fte_location_parameters flp1, fte_location_parameters flp2, mst_exception_details med
        where med.location_id = flp1.location_id
        and med.number1 = flp2.location_id
        and med.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and med.exception_detail_id = p_exception_detail_id;
Line: 1659

     SELECT carrier_id, origin_location_id, destination_location_id, trip_number
     INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
     FROM mst_trips
     WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
     AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1666

     SELECT freight_code INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_carriers
     WHERE carrier_id = l_id1;
Line: 1671

     SELECT city INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_locations
     WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id2;
Line: 1676

     SELECT city INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_locations
     WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 1681

      SELECT distance_uom
      INTO l_str1
      FROM mst_plans
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 1687

      SELECT round(number3), round(number4)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2
      FROM mst_exception_details
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1695

      SELECT round(number1), round(number2)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2
      FROM mst_exception_details
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1708

     SELECT carrier_id, origin_location_id, destination_location_id, trip_number
     INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
     FROM mst_trips
     WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
     AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1715

     SELECT freight_code INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_carriers
     WHERE carrier_id = l_id1;
Line: 1720

     SELECT city INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_locations
     WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id2;
Line: 1725

     SELECT city INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_locations
     WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 1730

     SELECT nvl(round(wcs.max_driving_time_in_24hr),0)
      INTO l_id2
      FROM wsh_carrier_services wcs,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE wcs.carrier_service_id = med.carrier_service_id
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1739

      SELECT nvl(round(number1),0)
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_exception_details
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1746

      SELECT nvl(round(wcs.max_total_time),0)
      INTO l_id2
      FROM wsh_carrier_services wcs,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE wcs.carrier_service_id = med.carrier_service_id
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1755

      SELECT nvl(round(wcs.max_duty_time_in_24hr),0)
      INTO l_id2
      FROM wsh_carrier_services wcs,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE wcs.carrier_service_id = med.carrier_service_id
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1764

      SELECT nvl(round(number2),0)
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_exception_details
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1771

      SELECT nvl(round(wcs.min_layover_time),0)
      INTO l_id2
      FROM wsh_carrier_services wcs,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE wcs.carrier_service_id = med.carrier_service_id
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1780

      SELECT nvl(round(number3),0)
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_exception_details
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1787

      SELECT nvl(round(((trip_end_date - trip_start_date) * 24)),0)
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1799

     SELECT carrier_id, origin_location_id, destination_location_id, trip_number
     INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
     FROM mst_trips
     WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
     AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1806

     SELECT freight_code INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_carriers
     WHERE carrier_id = l_id1;
Line: 1811

     SELECT city INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_locations
     WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id2;
Line: 1816

     SELECT city INTO l_temp
     FROM wsh_locations
     WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 1823

      SELECT number1, number2
      INTO l_id1, l_id2
      FROM mst_exception_details
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id1 = P_TRIP_ID
      AND exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1836

      SELECT carrier_id, origin_location_id, destination_location_id, trip_number
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1843

      SELECT freight_code INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_carriers
      WHERE carrier_id = l_id1;
Line: 1848

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id2;
Line: 1853

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 1862

      SELECT distance_uom INTO l_temp
      FROM mst_plans
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 1867

      SELECT carrier_id, continuous_move_id, round(number2), round(number3)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
      FROM mst_exception_details
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1876

      SELECT freight_code INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_carriers
      WHERE carrier_id = l_id1;
Line: 1881

      SELECT cm_trip_number, start_location_id, end_location_id
      INTO l_id1, l_id3, l_id4
      FROM mst_cm_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND continuous_move_id = l_id2;
Line: 1888

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 1893

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id4;
Line: 1902

      SELECT origin_location_id, destination_location_id, trip_number
      INTO l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1909

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id2;
Line: 1914

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 1923

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1930

      SELECT mts.stop_sequence_number, mts.stop_location_id
      INTO l_id2, l_id3
      FROM mst_trip_stops mts,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE mts.plan_id = med.plan_id
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND mts.trip_id = med.trip_id1
      AND mts.stop_id = med.stop_id1
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1941

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 1951

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 1958

      SELECT mts.stop_location_id, mts.planned_departure_date, round(med.number1)
      INTO l_id1, l_date1, l_id3
      FROM mst_trip_stops mts,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE mts.plan_id = med.plan_id
      AND mts.stop_id = med.stop_id1
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id =  P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1967

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id1;
Line: 1973

      SELECT mts.stop_location_id, mts.planned_arrival_date
      INTO l_id3, l_date2
      FROM mst_trip_stops mts,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE mts.plan_id = med.plan_id
      AND mts.stop_id = med.stop_id2
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 1982

      SELECT city INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 1994

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 2001

      SELECT round(nvl(number1, 0)), round(nvl(number2, 0)), round(nvl(number3, 0)), round(nvl(number4, 0))
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id7
      FROM mst_exception_details med
      WHERE exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID
      AND plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 2007

      SELECT round(nvl(max_drive_time, 0)), round(nvl(max_duty_time, 0)), round(nvl(minimum_lay_time, 0)), round(nvl(max_driving_distance, 0))
      INTO l_id4, l_id5, l_id6, l_id8
      FROM mst_parameters
      WHERE user_id = -9999;
Line: 2026

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 2033

      SELECT description into l_temp
      FROM fte_location_parameters
      WHERE location_id in (SELECT mts.stop_location_id
            FROM mst_trip_stops mts,
                 mst_exception_details med
            WHERE mts.plan_id = med.plan_id
            AND mts.stop_id = med.stop_id1
            AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
            AND med.exception_detail_id =  P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID);
Line: 2049

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 2056

      SELECT flp.description, round(nvl(med.number1, 0), 1), round((mts.planned_departure_date - mts.planned_arrival_date) * 24, 1)
      INTO l_temp, l_id1, l_id2
      FROM fte_location_parameters flp,
           mst_trip_stops mts,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE flp.location_id = mts.stop_location_id
      AND mts.plan_id = med.plan_id
      AND mts.stop_id = med.stop_id1
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id =  P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 2075

      SELECT trip_number, origin_location_id, destination_location_id, carrier_id,
             round((nvl(total_basic_transport_cost,0) + nvl(total_accessorial_cost,0) + nvl(total_layover_cost,0) + nvl(total_load_unload_cost,0) + nvl(total_stop_cost,0)))
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 2083

      SELECT freight_code
      INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_carriers
      WHERE carrier_id = l_id4;
Line: 2089

      SELECT city
      INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id2;
Line: 2095

      SELECT city
      INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_locations
      WHERE wsh_location_id = l_id3;
Line: 2101

      SELECT wc.freight_code, round(nvl(med.number1, 0))
      INTO l_temp, l_id1
      FROM wsh_carriers wc,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID
      AND med.carrier_id = wc.carrier_id;
Line: 2118

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 2130

      SELECT mt.trip_number, mt.peak_weight_utilization,
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6, l_id7, l_id8
      FROM mst_trips mt,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE mt.plan_id = med.plan_id
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND mt.trip_id = P_TRIP_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 2158

      SELECT volume_uom
      INTO l_temp
      FROM mst_plans
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 2163

      SELECT msikfv.internal_volume * get_uom_conversion_rate (msikfv.volume_uom_code,
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msikfv,
           fte_vehicle_types fvt
      WHERE msikfv.inventory_item_id = fvt.inventory_item_id
      AND msikfv.organization_id = fvt.organization_id
      AND fvt.vehicle_type_id = l_id8;
Line: 2180

      SELECT weight_uom, volume_uom
      INTO l_temp, l_temp1
      FROM mst_plans
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 2193

      SELECT mt.trip_number, mt.peak_weight_utilization,
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6, l_id7
      FROM mst_trips mt,
           mst_exception_details med
      WHERE mt.plan_id = med.plan_id
      AND med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND mt.trip_id = P_TRIP_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 2220

      SELECT weight_uom, volume_uom
      INTO l_temp, l_temp1
      FROM mst_plans
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 2233

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 2240

      SELECT wc.freight_code
      INTO l_temp
      FROM mst_exception_details med,
           wsh_carriers wc
      WHERE med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id =  P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID
      AND med.carrier_id = wc.carrier_id;
Line: 2249

      SELECT Get_Partner_Name(decode(med.customer_id, null, med.supplier_id, med.customer_id),
                              decode(med.customer_id, null, 2, 1))
      INTO l_temp
      FROM mst_exception_details med
      WHERE med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id =  P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 2264

      SELECT trip_number, carrier_id
      INTO l_id1, l_id2
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 2271

      SELECT wc.freight_code
      INTO l_temp
      FROM wsh_carriers wc
      WHERE wc.carrier_id = l_id2;
Line: 2277

      SELECT flp.description
      INTO l_temp
      FROM fte_location_parameters flp,
           mst_exception_details med,
	   mst_trip_stops mts
      WHERE med.stop_id1 = mts.stop_id
      AND mts.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID
      AND mts.stop_location_id = flp.location_id;
Line: 2288

      SELECT Get_Partner_Name(decode(med.customer_id, null, med.supplier_id, med.customer_id),
                              decode(med.customer_id, null, 2, 1))
      INTO l_temp
      FROM mst_exception_details med
      WHERE med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id =  P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 2300

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = P_TRIP_ID;
Line: 2307

      SELECT Get_Partner_Name(med.customer_id, 1)
      INTO l_temp
      FROM mst_exception_details med
      WHERE med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id =  P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 2314

      SELECT Get_Partner_Name(med.number1, 1)
      INTO l_temp
      FROM mst_exception_details med
      WHERE med.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND med.exception_detail_id =  P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 2324

     SELECT ml.meaning INTO l_message
     FROM mfg_lookups ml, mst_exception_details med
     WHERE med.exception_type = ml.lookup_code
     AND ml.lookup_type = 'MST_EXCEPTION_TYPE'
     and med.exception_detail_id = P_EXCEPTION_DETAIL_ID;
Line: 2343

  SELECT hzp.party_name
  from  hz_parties hzp
  where hzp.party_id = l_contact_id;
Line: 2348

  select hzcp.phone_country_code||'-'||hzcp.phone_area_code||'-'||hzcp.phone_number||'-'||hzcp.phone_extension
  , hzcp.email_address
  from  hz_contact_points hzcp
  where hzcp.owner_table_id = l_contact_id
  and   hzcp.contact_point_type = l_ret_str_type
  and   hzcp.primary_flag = 'Y'
  and   hzcp.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
  and   hzcp.status = 'A';
Line: 2358

  select hzcp.phone_country_code||'-'||hzcp.phone_area_code||'-'||hzcp.phone_number||'-'||hzcp.phone_extension
  , hzcp.email_address
  from  hz_contact_points hzcp
  where hzcp.owner_table_id = l_contact_id
  and   hzcp.contact_point_type = l_ret_str_type
  and   hzcp.primary_flag = 'N'
  and   hzcp.owner_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
  and   hzcp.status = 'A';
Line: 2455

    WHERE HZP.PARTY_ID = P_party_id;
Line: 2465

    INTO l_owner_party_id
    FROM wsh_location_owners wlo
    WHERE wlo.wsh_location_id = P_Location_id
    AND   wlo.owner_type = P_Owner_Type;
Line: 2492

/*   select sum(nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0))
   into l_plan_value
   from mst_trips mt
   where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 2507

  select sum(nvl(mdd.unit_price,0)* mdd.requested_quantity)
  into l_plan_value
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where mdd.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null;
Line: 2527

  select sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
          + (nvl(allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost, 0) + nvl(allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost, 0))
          + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
          + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)) allocated_cost
  into l_plan_alloc_cost
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mdl.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 2549

      select count(mdd.delivery_detail_id)
      into l_total_orders
      from mst_trips mt,
           mst_trip_stops mts,
           mst_delivery_legs mdl,
           mst_deliveries md,
           mst_delivery_details mdd,
           mst_delivery_assignments mda
      where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode
      and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
      and   mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
      and   (mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id or
            mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
      and   mts.stop_location_id = p_my_fac_location_id
      and   mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
      and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
      and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
      and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
      and   mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id is null;
Line: 2570

      select count(mdd.delivery_detail_id)
      into l_total_orders
      from mst_trips mt,
         mst_trip_stops mts,
         mst_delivery_legs mdl,
         mst_deliveries md,
         mst_delivery_details mdd,
         mst_delivery_assignments mda
      where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode
      and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
      and   mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
      and   mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
      and   mts.stop_location_id = p_my_fac_location_id
      and   mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
      and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
      and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
      and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
      and   mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id is null;
Line: 2590

      select count(mdd.delivery_detail_id)
      into l_total_orders
      from mst_trips mt,
         mst_trip_stops mts,
         mst_delivery_legs mdl,
         mst_deliveries md,
         mst_delivery_details mdd,
         mst_delivery_assignments mda
      where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
      and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode
      and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
      and   mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
      and   mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id
      and   mts.stop_location_id = p_my_fac_location_id
      and   mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
      and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
      and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
      and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
      and   mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id is null;
Line: 2612

  select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
  into l_total_orders
  from mst_delivery_details mdd,
       mst_deliveries md,
       mst_delivery_assignments mda
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and md.delivery_id in
          (select mdl.delivery_id
           from mst_trips t,
                mst_trip_stops ts,
                mst_delivery_legs mdl
           where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
           and ts.plan_id  = mdl.plan_id
           and ts.stop_id  = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
           and ts.stop_location_id = p_my_fac_location_id
           and ts.plan_id  = t.plan_id
           and ts.trip_id  = t.trip_id
           and t.mode_of_transport = p_mode)
  and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
  and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
  and   md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   mdd.container_flag = 2
  and   mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id is null;
Line: 2653

      select sum( nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
                + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost,0)
		+ nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)) total_departing_cost
      from mst_trips mt,
         mst_trip_stops mts,
         mst_delivery_legs mdl
      where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
      and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
      and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
      and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
      and   mts.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
      and   mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id
      and   mts.stop_location_id = l_my_fac_location_id;
Line: 2668

      select sum( nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
                + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost,0)
		+ nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)) total_arriving_cost
      from mst_trips mt,
         mst_trip_stops mts,
         mst_delivery_legs mdl
      where mt.plan_id = l_plan_id
      and   mt.mode_of_transport = l_mode
      and   mt.plan_id = mts.plan_id
      and   mt.trip_id = mts.trip_id
      and   mts.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
      and   mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id
      and   mts.stop_location_id = l_my_fac_location_id;
Line: 2701

    select sum(md.gross_weight)
    into l_loading_weight
    from mst_trips mt,
         mst_trip_stops mts,
         mst_delivery_legs mdl,
         mst_deliveries md
    where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
    and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode
    and   mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
    and   mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
    and   mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
    and   mdl.trip_id = mt.trip_id
    and   (mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
    and   mts.stop_location_id = p_my_fac_location_id
    and   md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
    and   md.plan_id = mt.plan_id;
Line: 2732

    select sum(md.volume)
    into l_loading_cube
    from mst_trips mt,
         mst_trip_stops mts,
         mst_delivery_legs mdl,
         mst_deliveries md
    where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
    and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode
    and   mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
    and   mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
    and   mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
    and   mdl.trip_id = mt.trip_id
    and   (mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
    and   mts.stop_location_id = p_my_fac_location_id
    and   md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
    and   md.plan_id = mt.plan_id;
Line: 2764

    select sum(md.number_of_pieces)
    into l_loading_pieces
    from mst_trips mt,
         mst_trip_stops mts,
         mst_delivery_legs mdl,
         mst_deliveries md
    where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
    and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode
    and   mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
    and   mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
    and   mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
    and   mdl.trip_id = mt.trip_id
    and   (mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id or mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
    and   mts.stop_location_id = p_my_fac_location_id
    and   md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
    and   md.plan_id = mt.plan_id;
Line: 2797

 select sum(nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
          + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
          + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)
	  + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
	  + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
	  + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0))
 into l_total_value
 from mst_trips mt
 where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
 and (mt.origin_location_id IN (select distinct fte.location_id
                               from fte_location_parameters fte
	 		       where fte.facility_id = p_facility_id)
      or mt.destination_location_id IN (select distinct fte.location_id
                                       from fte_location_parameters fte
                                       where fte.facility_id = p_facility_id)
Line: 2832

   select count(distinct mdd.source_header_number)
   into l_total_orders
   from mst_delivery_details mdd,
        mst_deliveries md,
        mst_delivery_assignments mda
   where md.plan_id     = mda.plan_id
   and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
   and   md.delivery_id in
                (select mdl.delivery_id
                 from mst_trips t,
                      mst_trip_stops ts,
                      mst_delivery_legs mdl
                 where mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                 and   ts.plan_id  = mdl.plan_id
                 and   (ts.stop_id  = mdl.pick_up_stop_id
                        or ts.stop_id = mdl.drop_off_stop_id)
                 and   ts.stop_location_id = p_my_fac_location_id
                 and   ts.plan_id  = t.plan_id
                 and   ts.trip_id  = t.trip_id)
   and   mda.plan_id = mdd.plan_id
   and   mda.delivery_detail_id = mdd.delivery_detail_id
   and   md.plan_id = p_plan_id
   and   mdd.container_flag = 2;
Line: 2928

	 select sum(nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
                  + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
	  	  + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)
		  + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
		  + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
		  + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0))
	 into l_total_value
	 from mst_trips mt
	 where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
	 and mt.origin_location_id = p_origin_id;
Line: 2953

   select sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
           + (nvl(allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost, 0) + nvl(allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost, 0))
 	   + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
	   + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)) allocated_cost
   into l_alloc_cost
   from mst_delivery_legs mdl
   , mst_trips mt
   where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
   and mdl.trip_id = mt.trip_id
   and mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
   and mt.origin_location_id = p_origin_id;
Line: 2980

  select count(distinct nvl(mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id, mdd.delivery_detail_id))
  into l_count_origin_orders
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   md.pickup_location_id = p_origin_id
  and   mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and   md.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 3005

  select count(*)
  into l_count_stops_origin
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
	and mt.origin_location_id = p_origin_id
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 3029

  select sum(md.gross_weight)
  into l_total_weight_origin
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = p_origin_id;
Line: 3048

  select sum(md.volume)
  into l_total_volume_origin
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = p_origin_id;
Line: 3068

  select sum(md.number_of_pieces)
  into l_total_pieces_origin
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and md.pickup_location_id = p_origin_id;
Line: 3087

  select count (1)
  into 	l_trip_count
  from	mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport
  and mt.origin_location_id = p_origin_id;
Line: 3108

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0)),0)
  into l_cost
  from 	mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport
  and mt.origin_location_id = p_origin_id;
Line: 3121

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.ALLOCATED_FAC_SHP_HAND_COST,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.ALLOCATED_FAC_REC_HAND_COST,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)),0)
  into l_cost
  from mst_trips mt
  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport
  and mt.origin_location_id = p_origin_id
  and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
  and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
  and mts.stop_location_id = mt.origin_location_id
  and mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
  and mdl.trip_id = mt.trip_id;
Line: 3151

  select count(*)
  into total_dtl
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
	where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
	and mt.origin_location_id = p_origin_id
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
	and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
	and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
	group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 3177

  select sum(nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
           + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
           + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)
	   + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
	   + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
	   + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0))
  into l_total_value
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.destination_location_id = p_dest_id;
Line: 3201

  select sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
          + (nvl(allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost, 0) + nvl(allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost, 0))
	  + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
	  + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)) allocated_cost
  into l_alloc_cost
  from mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
  and mdl.trip_id = mt.trip_id
  and mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.destination_location_id = p_dest_id;
Line: 3225

  select count(distinct nvl(mdd.split_from_delivery_detail_id, mdd.delivery_detail_id))
  into l_count_dest_orders
  from mst_delivery_details mdd
  , mst_delivery_assignments mda
  , mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mda.delivery_id
  and   md.dropoff_location_id = p_dest_id
  and   mdd.plan_id = mda.plan_id
  and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
  and   mda.parent_delivery_detail_id is null
  and   md.plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 3250

  select count(*)
  into l_count_stops_dest
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
        where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mt.destination_location_id = p_dest_id
        and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops > 2;
Line: 3274

  select sum(md.gross_weight)
  into l_total_weight_dest
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and md.dropoff_location_id = p_dest_id;
Line: 3293

  select sum(md.volume)
  into l_total_volume_dest
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and md.dropoff_location_id = p_dest_id;
Line: 3311

  select sum(md.number_of_pieces)
  into l_total_pieces_dest
  from mst_deliveries md
  where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and md.dropoff_location_id = p_dest_id;
Line: 3330

  select count (1)
  into 	l_trip_count
  from	mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport
  and mt.destination_location_id = p_dest_id;
Line: 3351

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0)),0)
  into l_cost
  from 	mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport
  and mt.destination_location_id = p_dest_id;
Line: 3364

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.ALLOCATED_FAC_SHP_HAND_COST,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.ALLOCATED_FAC_REC_HAND_COST,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)),0)
  into l_cost
  from mst_trips mt
  , mst_trip_stops mts
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport
  and mt.destination_location_id = p_dest_id
  and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
  and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
  and mts.stop_location_id = mt.destination_location_id
  and mdl.plan_id = mt.plan_id
  and mdl.trip_id = mt.trip_id;
Line: 3394

  select count(*)
  into total_dtl
  from (select distinct mt.trip_id, count(*) num_stops
        from mst_trips mt
        , mst_trip_stops mts
        where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mt.destination_location_id = p_dest_id
	and mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
        and mts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and mts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        group by mt.trip_id) temp
  where temp.num_stops = 2;
Line: 3421

 select sum(nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
 	    + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0))
 into l_total_value
 from mst_trips mt
 where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
 and mt.trip_id IN
                (select distinct mts.trip_id
                 from mst_trip_stops mts
                 , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                 , mst_deliveries md
                 where md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                 and md.customer_id = p_customer_id
                 and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                 and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                 and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                 and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                 and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                 and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id);
Line: 3459

   select sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
              + (nvl(allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost, 0) + nvl(allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost, 0))
 	      + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
	      + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)) allocated_cost
   into l_alloc_cost
   from mst_delivery_legs mdl
   where mdl.plan_id = p_plan_id
   and mdl.trip_id IN
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                    and md.customer_id = p_customer_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id);
Line: 3494

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  into l_count_stops
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and md.customer_id = p_customer_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 3532

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  into l_trip_count
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and md.customer_id = p_customer_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id);
Line: 3564

            + nvl(MT.TOTAL_BASIC_TRANSPORT_COST,0)
	    + nvl(MT.TOTAL_STOP_COST,0))
  INTO l_cost
  WHERE MT.PLAN_ID = p_plan_id
  AND MT.MODE_OF_TRANSPORT = p_mode_of_transport
                 FROM MST_TRIP_STOPS MTS
                 , MST_DELIVERY_LEGS MDL
                 , MST_DELIVERIES MD
                 WHERE MD.PLAN_ID = MT.PLAN_ID
                 AND MD.CUSTOMER_ID = p_customer_id
                 AND MTS.PLAN_ID = MD.PLAN_ID
                 AND MDL.PLAN_ID = MD.PLAN_ID
                 AND MDL.TRIP_ID = MTS.TRIP_ID
                 AND MDL.DROP_OFF_STOP_ID = MTS.STOP_ID);
Line: 3589

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.ALLOCATED_FAC_SHP_HAND_COST,0)
               + nvl(mdl.ALLOCATED_FAC_REC_HAND_COST,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)),0)
  into l_cost
  from  mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   md.customer_id = p_customer_id
  and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
  and   mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport;
Line: 3618

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  into total_dtl
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and md.customer_id = p_customer_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.dropoff_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.drop_off_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) =2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 3657

 select sum(nvl(mt.total_basic_transport_cost,0)
            + nvl(mt.total_accessorial_cost,0)
 	    + nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_layover_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_load_unload_cost,0)
	    + nvl(mt.total_stop_cost,0))
 into l_total_value
 from mst_trips mt
 where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
 and mt.trip_id IN
                (select distinct mts.trip_id
                 from mst_trip_stops mts
                 , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                 , mst_deliveries md
                 where md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                 and md.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
                 and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                 and mts.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
                 and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                 and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                 and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                 and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id);
Line: 3694

   select sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)
              + (nvl(allocated_fac_shp_hand_cost, 0) + nvl(allocated_fac_rec_hand_cost, 0))
 	      + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
	      + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)) allocated_cost
   into l_alloc_cost
   from mst_delivery_legs mdl
   where mdl.plan_id = p_plan_id
   and mdl.trip_id IN
                (select distinct mts.trip_id
                 from mst_trip_stops mts
                 , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                 , mst_deliveries md
                 where md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
                 and md.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
                 and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                 and mts.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
                 and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                 and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                 and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                 and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id);
Line: 3729

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  into l_count_stops
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and md.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) >2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 3768

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  into l_trip_count
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and md.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id);
Line: 3801

		  + nvl(MT.TOTAL_STOP_COST,0))
	INTO l_cost
	WHERE MT.PLAN_ID = p_plan_id
        AND MT.MODE_OF_TRANSPORT = p_mode_of_transport
                   (SELECT DISTINCT MTS.TRIP_ID
                    FROM MST_TRIP_STOPS MTS
                    , MST_DELIVERY_LEGS MDL
                    , MST_DELIVERIES MD
                    WHERE MD.PLAN_ID = MT.PLAN_ID
                    AND MD.SUPPLIER_ID = p_supplier_id
                    AND MTS.PLAN_ID = MD.PLAN_ID
                    AND MDL.PLAN_ID = MD.PLAN_ID
                    AND MDL.DELIVERY_ID = MD.DELIVERY_ID
                    AND MDL.TRIP_ID = MTS.TRIP_ID
                    AND MDL.PICK_UP_STOP_ID = MTS.STOP_ID);
Line: 3826

  select nvl(sum(nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_loading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.allocated_fac_unloading_cost,0)
               + nvl(mdl.ALLOCATED_FAC_SHP_HAND_COST,0)
               + nvl(mdl.ALLOCATED_FAC_REC_HAND_COST,0)
	       + nvl(mdl.allocated_transport_cost,0)),0)
  into l_cost
  from  mst_deliveries md
  , mst_delivery_legs mdl
  , mst_trips mt
  where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   md.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
  and   md.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and   md.delivery_id = mdl.delivery_id
  and   mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = p_mode_of_transport;
Line: 3856

  select count(mt.trip_id)
  into total_dtl
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and   mt.trip_id in
                   (select distinct mts.trip_id
                    from mst_trip_stops mts
                    , mst_delivery_legs mdl
                    , mst_deliveries md
                    where md.plan_id = mt.plan_id
                    and md.supplier_id = p_supplier_id
                    and mts.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mts.stop_location_id = md.pickup_location_id
                    and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
                    and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
                    and mdl.trip_id = mts.trip_id
                    and mdl.pick_up_stop_id = mts.stop_id)
  and   mt.mode_of_transport = 'TRUCK'
  and   EXISTS
       (select ts.trip_id
        from mst_trip_stops ts
        where ts.plan_id = mt.plan_id
        and   ts.trip_id = mt.trip_id
        having count(ts.stop_id) =2
        group by ts.trip_id);
Line: 3901

select mts.planned_arrival_date, mts.planned_departure_date
into l_arr_time, l_dep_time
from mst_trip_stops mts
where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
and mts.trip_id = p_trip_id
and mts.stop_id = p_stop_id;
Line: 3909

   select (mts.planned_departure_date - mts.planned_arrival_date) * 24
        , TRUNC((mts.planned_departure_date - mts.planned_arrival_date) * 24)
   into l_wait_hrs_min, l_wait_hrs
   from mst_trip_stops mts
   where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
   and mts.trip_id = p_trip_id
   and mts.stop_id = p_stop_id;
Line: 3942

select mt.carrier_id, mt.trip_id
into l_prev_carr, l_trip_id
from mst_delivery_legs mdl
, mst_trips mt
where mdl.plan_id = p_plan_id
and mdl.delivery_id = p_delivery_id
and mdl.trip_id <> p_trip_id
and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
and (mdl.pick_up_stop_id IN (select mts.stop_id from mst_trip_stops mts
						   		   			   where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
											   and mts.stop_location_id = p_stop_location_id)
    or mdl.drop_off_stop_id IN (select mts.stop_id from mst_trip_stops mts
   						  		  			  where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
											  and mts.stop_location_id = p_stop_location_id)
Line: 3962

  select nvl(mt.total_handling_cost,0) -- + mt.total_load_unload_cost)
  into l_carr_cost
  from mst_trips mt
  where mt.plan_id = p_plan_id
  and mt.trip_id = l_trip_id;
Line: 3985

select mts.stop_sequence_number
from mst_trip_stops mts
where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
and mts.trip_id = p_trip_id
order by mts.stop_sequence_number desc;
Line: 4029

select min(mts.stop_sequence_number)
into p_min_seq_num
from mst_trip_stops mts
where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
and mts.trip_id = p_trip_id;
Line: 4039

		select mts.distance_to_next_stop
		into p_ret_val
		from mst_trip_stops mts
		where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
		and mts.trip_id = p_trip_id
		and mts.stop_sequence_number = r_get_prev_stop_seqnum (p_plan_id, p_trip_id, p_curr_seq_num);
Line: 4046

		select mts.drv_time_to_next_stop
		into p_ret_val
		from mst_trip_stops mts
		where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
		and mts.trip_id = p_trip_id
		and mts.stop_sequence_number = r_get_prev_stop_seqnum (p_plan_id, p_trip_id, p_curr_seq_num);
Line: 4053

		select mts.distance_cost
		into p_ret_val
		from mst_trip_stops mts
		where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
		and mts.trip_id = p_trip_id
		and mts.stop_sequence_number = r_get_prev_stop_seqnum (p_plan_id, p_trip_id, p_curr_seq_num);
Line: 4084

	SELECT substr(wl.location_code,1,5)
	, substr(mst_wb_util.get_name(loc_id),1,10)
	, substr(wl.address1,1,20)
	, substr(wl.city,1,10)
	, substr(wl.state,1,10)
	, substr(wl.postal_code,1,5)
	INTO l_code
	, l_name1
	, l_address
	, l_city
	, l_state
	, l_zip
	FROM wsh_locations wl
  WHERE wl.wsh_location_id = loc_id;
Line: 4123

	 select substr(mst_wb_util.get_local_chardt(p_stop_location_id, min(mts.planned_departure_date)),1,20)
	 into latest_depart_date_frm_dest
	 from mst_delivery_legs mdl
	 , mst_trip_stops mts
	 where mdl.plan_id = p_plan_id
	 and mdl.delivery_id in (select distinct mdl1.delivery_id from mst_delivery_legs mdl1
					   		   							 	  where mdl1.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
														 	  and mdl1.trip_id = p_trip_id)
     and mdl.trip_id <> p_trip_id
	 and mts.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
	 and mts.trip_id = mdl.trip_id
	 and mts.stop_location_id = p_stop_location_id -- will be destination_location_id of the previous trip
	 and mdl.pick_up_stop_id in (select distinct mts1.stop_id from mst_trip_stops mts1
						  		  		   					  where mts1.plan_id = mts.plan_id
															  and mts1.trip_id = mts.trip_id);
Line: 4155

  select sum(mdd.allocated_cost)
  into   l_order_cost
  from  mst_delivery_details mdd
  where mdd.source_code = p_source_code
  and   mdd.source_header_number = p_source_header_number;
Line: 4177

	select mt.destination_location_id
	from mst_deliveries md
	, mst_delivery_legs mdl
	, mst_trips mt
	where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
	and md.delivery_id = p_delivery_id
	and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
	and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
	and mdl.delivery_leg_id <> p_delivery_leg_id
	and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
	and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id;
Line: 4191

select mts.stop_location_id
into leg_pickup_loc_id
from mst_trip_stops mts
where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
and mts.stop_id = p_pick_up_stop_id;
Line: 4224

	select mt.origin_location_id
	from mst_deliveries md
	, mst_delivery_legs mdl
	, mst_trips mt
	where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
	and md.delivery_id = p_delivery_id
	and mdl.plan_id = md.plan_id
	and mdl.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
	and mdl.delivery_leg_id <> p_delivery_leg_id
	and mt.plan_id = mdl.plan_id
	and mt.trip_id = mdl.trip_id;
Line: 4238

select mts.stop_location_id
into leg_dropoff_loc_id
from mst_trip_stops mts
where mts.plan_id = p_plan_id
and mts.stop_id = p_drop_off_stop_id;
Line: 4366

    SELECT SUM(total_basic_transport_cost + total_accessorial_cost +
               total_handling_cost + total_layover_cost +
	       total_load_unload_cost + total_stop_cost)
    INTO l_cost
    FROM mst_trips
    WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id
    AND trip_id IN (p_trip_id1, p_trip_id2);
Line: 4386

    INTO l_count
    FROM mst_delivery_legs
    WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id
    AND trip_id = p_trip_id;
Line: 4397

    SELECT meaning
    INTO l_str
    FROM mfg_lookups
    AND lookup_code = l_lookup_code;
Line: 4431

    SELECT city
    FROM wsh_locations
    WHERE wsh_location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 4436

    SELECT freight_code
    FROM wsh_carriers
    WHERE carrier_id = p_carrier_id;
Line: 4441

    SELECT distance_uom, weight_uom, volume_uom
    FROM mst_plans
    WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 4446

    SELECT msikfv.concatenated_segments
    FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msikfv,
         fte_vehicle_types fvt
    WHERE fvt.vehicle_type_id = p_vehicle_type_id
    AND fvt.organization_id = msikfv.organization_id
    AND fvt.inventory_item_id = msikfv.inventory_item_id;
Line: 4455

    SELECT lane_number
    FROM fte_lanes
    WHERE lane_id = p_lane_id;
Line: 4460

    SELECT description
    FROM fte_location_parameters
    WHERE location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 4470

      SELECT nvl(number1, 0), round(nvl(number2, 0), 1)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4482

	SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4
	INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4517

	SELECT round(nvl(number7, 0)), round(nvl(number8, 0))
	INTO l_id1, l_id2
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4525

	SELECT round(nvl(number5, 0)), round(nvl(number6, 0))
	INTO l_id1, l_id2
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4545

      SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4, round(nvl(number5, 0)), round(nvl(number6, 0))
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4588

      SELECT nvl(number1, -1)
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4594

      SELECT trip_number, origin_location_id, destination_location_id
      INTO l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND trip_id = l_id1;
Line: 4625

      SELECT nvl(number1, -1), nvl(number2, -1)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4631

      SELECT trip_number
      INTO l_id3
      FROM mst_trips
      WHERE trip_id = l_id1
      AND plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 4643

      SELECT stop_location_id, stop_sequence_number
      INTO l_id4, l_id5
      FROM mst_trip_stops
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
      AND stop_id = l_id2;
Line: 4660

      SELECT number1, number2, number3, round(nvl(number4, 0)), round(nvl(number5, 0))
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4692

      SELECT number1, round(nvl(number2, 0)), round(nvl(number3, 0)), round(nvl(number4, 0)), round(nvl(number5, 0)), round(nvl(number6, 0)), round(nvl(number7, 0)), round(nvl(number8, 0)), round(nvl(number9, 0))
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6, l_id7, l_id8, l_id9
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4714

        SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4
        INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
        FROM mst_out_request_details
        WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4750

	SELECT nvl(number5, 0), nvl(number6, 0)
        INTO l_id1, l_id2
        FROM mst_out_request_details
        WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4762

	SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4
	INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4797

	SELECT round(nvl(number5, 0)), round(nvl(number6, 0))
	INTO l_id1, l_id2
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4805

	SELECT round(nvl(number7, 0)), round(nvl(number8, 0))
	INTO l_id1, l_id2
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4813

	SELECT round(nvl(number9, 0)), round(nvl(number10, 0))
	INTO l_id1, l_id2
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4821

	SELECT round(nvl(number11, 0)), round(nvl(number12, 0))
	INTO l_id1, l_id2
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4831

      SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4868

        SELECT number1, number2, char1
        INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_str1
        FROM mst_out_request_details
        WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4880

        SELECT wlk.meaning
        INTO l_str2
        FROM wsh_lookups wlk
        WHERE wlk.lookup_type = 'WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT'
        and wlk.lookup_code = l_str1;
Line: 4888

        select msitl.description into l_str3
        from mtl_system_items_tl msitl, mst_delivery_details mdd
        where mdd.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
	and mdd.delivery_detail_id = l_id2
        and mdd.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id
        and mdd.organization_id = msitl.organization_id
        and msitl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 4902

        SELECT number1, number2, number3
        INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3
        FROM mst_out_request_details
        WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4915

        select msitl.description into l_str2
        from mtl_system_items_tl msitl, mst_delivery_details mdd
        where mdd.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
	and mdd.delivery_detail_id = l_id2
        and mdd.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id
        and mdd.organization_id = msitl.organization_id
        and msitl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 4925

        SELECT freight_code into l_str3
        FROM wsh_carriers
        WHERE carrier_id = l_id3;
Line: 4936

        SELECT number1
        INTO l_id1
        FROM mst_out_request_details
        WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4943

        select set_name into l_str1
        from oe_sets os
        where os.set_id=l_id1;
Line: 4953

        SELECT number1
        INTO l_id1
        FROM mst_out_request_details
        WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
        AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 4960

        select set_name into l_str1
        from oe_sets os
        where os.set_id=l_id1;
Line: 4967

      SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4, nvl(number5, 0), nvl(number6, 0)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5001

      SELECT number1, number3, number4, number5, date1, date2
      INTO l_id1, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_date1, l_date2
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5012

      SELECT freight_code INTO l_str1
      FROM wsh_carriers
      WHERE carrier_id = l_id1;
Line: 5018

        select LANE
        into l_str2
        select fl.lane_number "LANE"
        from fte_lanes fl
        where fl.lane_id = l_id3
        UNION ALL
        select flg.name "LANE"
        from fte_lane_groups flg
        where flg.lane_group_id = l_id4);
Line: 5032

      SELECT number1, number2
      INTO l_id1, l_id2
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5053

      SELECT number1, number2, round(nvl(number3, 0), 2), round(nvl(number4, 0), 2)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5076

      SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4, round(nvl(number5, 0), 2), round(nvl(number6, 0), 2)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5105

      SELECT number1, number2, number3
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5126

	SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4
	INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
	AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5138

	select flp.facility_code
	into l_str1
	from fte_location_parameters flp
	where flp.location_id = l_id2;
Line: 5146

        SELECT freight_code INTO l_str2
        FROM wsh_carriers
        WHERE carrier_id = l_id4;
Line: 5154

      SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4, round(nvl(number5, 0)), number6, round(nvl(number7, 0))
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6, l_id7
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5201

      SELECT number1
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5210

      SELECT number1, round(number2), round(number3), round(number4), round(number5), round(number6), round(number7), number8
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6, l_id7, l_id8
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5222

      SELECT volume_uom
      INTO l_str1
      FROM mst_plans
      WHERE plan_id = P_PLAN_ID;
Line: 5227

      SELECT msikfv.internal_volume * get_uom_conversion_rate (msikfv.volume_uom_code,
      INTO l_id9
      FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msikfv,
           fte_vehicle_types fvt
      WHERE msikfv.inventory_item_id = fvt.inventory_item_id
      AND msikfv.organization_id = fvt.organization_id
      AND fvt.vehicle_type_id = l_id8;
Line: 5288

      SELECT number1, round(number2), round(number3), round(number4), round(number5), round(number6), round(number7)
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6, l_id7
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5347

	SELECT number1, number2, number3
	INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
	AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5359

        select msitl.description into l_str1
        from mtl_system_items_tl msitl, mst_delivery_details mdd
        where mdd.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
	and mdd.delivery_detail_id = l_id2
        and mdd.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id
        and mdd.organization_id = msitl.organization_id
        and msitl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 5368

        SELECT msikfv.concatenated_segments
        into l_str2
        FROM mtl_system_items_kfv msikfv, fte_vehicle_types fvt
        WHERE fvt.vehicle_type_id = l_id3
        AND fvt.organization_id = msikfv.organization_id
        AND fvt.inventory_item_id = msikfv.inventory_item_id;
Line: 5378

      SELECT number1
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5394

      SELECT number1, number2, number3
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5423

      SELECT number1, number2, number3
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5454

        SELECT number1, number2, number3
	INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
	AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5466

        select msitl.description into l_str1
        from mtl_system_items_tl msitl, mst_delivery_details mdd
        where mdd.plan_id = P_PLAN_ID
	and mdd.delivery_detail_id = l_id2
        and mdd.inventory_item_id = msitl.inventory_item_id
        and mdd.organization_id = msitl.organization_id
        and msitl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 5476

        select flp.description
        into l_str2
        from fte_location_parameters flp
        where flp.location_id = l_id3;
Line: 5486

        SELECT number1, number3, char1
	INTO l_id1,  l_id3, l_str1
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
	AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5497

	SELECT wlk.meaning
        INTO l_str2
        FROM  wsh_lookups wlk
        WHERE wlk.lookup_type = 'WSH_MODE_OF_TRANSPORT'
        and wlk.lookup_code = l_str1;
Line: 5506

        select flp.description
        into l_str3
        from fte_location_parameters flp
        where flp.location_id = l_id3;
Line: 5517

        SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4
	INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4
	FROM mst_out_request_details
	WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
	AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5525

        select flp1.facility_code
        into l_str1
        from fte_location_parameters flp1
        where flp1.location_id = l_id2;
Line: 5531

	select flp1.facility_code
        into l_str2
        from fte_location_parameters flp1
        where flp1.location_id = l_id3;
Line: 5539

      SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4, number5
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5576

      SELECT number1, number2, number3, number4, number5, number6
      INTO l_id1, l_id2, l_id3, l_id4, l_id5, l_id6
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5614

      SELECT number1
      INTO l_id1
      FROM mst_out_request_details
      WHERE out_request_detail_id = P_OUT_REQUEST_DETAIL_ID
      AND exception_type = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5623

      SELECT meaning
      INTO l_message
      FROM mfg_lookups
      WHERE lookup_type = 'MST_EXCEPTION_TYPE'
      AND lookup_code = P_EXCEPTION_TYPE;
Line: 5640

    SELECT flp.location_id
    FROM   fte_location_parameters flp
    WHERE  flp.facility_id = P_facility_id;
Line: 5721

    delete from MST_DELIVERY_LEGS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5724

    delete from MST_TRIP_STOPS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5727

    delete from MST_TRIPS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5730

    delete from MST_CM_TRIPS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5733

    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5736

    delete from MST_DELIVERY_DETAILS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5739

    delete from MST_DELIVERIES
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5742

    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5745

    delete from MST_EXCEPTIONS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5748

    delete from MST_FILES
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5751

    delete from MST_IN_REQUESTS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5754

    delete from MST_LOAD_SUMMARY
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5757

    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5760

    delete from MST_OUT_REQUESTS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5763

    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5766

    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5769

    delete from MST_PLAN_FACILITIES
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5772

    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5775

    delete from MST_PLAN_ZIP_LOCATIONS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5778

    delete from MST_RELATED_LOADS_TEMP
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5781

    delete from MST_RELEASE_TEMP
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5784

    delete from MST_SNAPSHOT_TASKS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5787

    delete from MST_TMP_PLN_LOC
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5790

    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5793

    delete from MST_PLANS
    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 5823

        select mdd.organization_id
        from mst_deliveries md
           , mst_delivery_assignments mda
           , mst_delivery_details mdd
        where mdd.plan_id  = mda.plan_id
        and   mdd.delivery_detail_id = mda.delivery_detail_id
        and   mda.plan_id = md.plan_id
        and   mda.delivery_id = md.delivery_id
        and   md.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and   md.delivery_id  = p_delivery_id;
Line: 5851

  select '1'
  from wf_item_activity_statuses
  where item_type ='MSTEXPWF'
  and item_key = l_plan_id || '-' || l_exception_detail_id
  and notification_id is not null;
Line: 5877

  select nvl(wr.city_code, wr.city) from
wsh_locations wsh,
wsh_region_locations wlr,
wsh_regions_v wr
where wsh.wsh_location_id = p_location_id
and wsh.wsh_location_id = wlr.location_id
and wlr.region_type = 2 -- city
and wlr.region_id = wr.region_id;
Line: 5887

  SELECT substr(wl.city , 1, 10)
  FROM wsh_locations wl
  WHERE wsh_location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 5911

  select exception_type
  from mst_exceptions
  where plan_id = l_plan_id
  and exception_count_context = l_dummy;
Line: 5920

  execute immediate 'update mst_exceptions
                     set exception_count_context = -9999
                     where '||p_Exp_Summary_Where_Clause;
Line: 5930

      execute immediate 'select count(1)
                         from mst_exception_details
                         where '||replace(p_Exp_Details_Where_Clause,'!~!',l_Exception_Type_Tab(i))
                         into l_Count_Tab(i);
Line: 5936

      update mst_exceptions
      set exception_count_context = l_count_Tab(i)
      where Plan_id = p_Plan_Id
      and exception_type = l_Exception_Type_Tab(i);
Line: 5972

  PROCEDURE Update_Del_And_Rel_Trips(p_Plan_Id      IN  NUMBER,
                                     p_Trip_Id      IN  NUMBER,
                                     p_Planned_Flag IN  NUMBER,
                                     P_Notified     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS

    CURSOR cur_affected_deliveries(p_plan_id IN NUMBER,
                                   p_trip_id IN NUMBER) IS
    WHERE md.plan_id = p_plan_id
                             FROM MST_DELIVERY_LEGS mdl
                             WHERE mdl.PLAN_ID = md.Plan_Id
                             AND   mdl.TRIP_ID = p_Trip_Id)
Line: 5990

    FROM mst_trips mt
    WHERE mt.PLAN_ID = p_Plan_Id
                       FROM  MST_DELIVERY_LEGS mdl1
                           , MST_DELIVERY_LEGS mdl2
                       WHERE mdl1.PLAN_ID = mdl2.PLAN_ID
                       AND mdl1.DELIVERY_ID = mdl2.DELIVERY_ID
                       AND mdl1.TRIP_ID <> mdl2.TRIP_ID
                       AND mdl1.PLAN_ID = mt.Plan_Id
                       AND mdl1.TRIP_ID = p_Trip_Id);
Line: 6004

    l_update_stmt VARCHAR2(500);
Line: 6014

            l_update_stmt := 'UPDATE MST_DELIVERIES '||
                             ' SET  PLANNED_FLAG = decode(:p_Planned_Flag,1,1,3,2,PLANNED_FLAG) '||
                             '    , PRESERVE_GROUPING_FLAG = DECODE(:p_Planned_Flag, '||
                             '                   3, DECODE(KNOWN_TE_FIRM_STATUS, '||
                             '                             2                   , 1, '||
                             '                                                   PRESERVE_GROUPING_FLAG), '||
                             '                   PRESERVE_GROUPING_FLAG) '||
                             ' WHERE plan_id = :p_plan_id '||
                             ' and   delivery_id = :p_delivery_id '||
                             ' RETURNING planned_flag into :l_planned_flag';
Line: 6025

            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_update_stmt
                              USING p_planned_flag, p_planned_flag,
                                    p_plan_id, l_rec_affected_deliveries.delivery_id
                              RETURNING INTO l_planned_flag;
Line: 6044

            l_update_stmt := ' UPDATE MST_TRIPS '||
                             ' SET PLANNED_FLAG = DECODE(:p_Planned_Flag, '||
                             '                           1, DECODE(SIGN(PLANNED_FLAG-2), '||
                             '                                     -1, PLANNED_FLAG, 2), '||
                             '                           3,DECODE(SIGN(PLANNED_FLAG-2), '||
                             '                                     -1, 2, PLANNED_FLAG), '||
                             '                           PLANNED_FLAG) '||
                             ' WHERE PLAN_ID = :p_Plan_Id '||
                             ' AND TRIP_ID   = :p_trip_id '||
                             ' RETURNING planned_flag into :l_planned_flag';
Line: 6055

            EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_update_stmt
                              USING p_planned_flag, p_plan_id, l_rec_affected_trips.trip_id
                              RETURNING INTO l_planned_flag;
Line: 6077

  END Update_Del_And_Rel_Trips;
Line: 6079

  PROCEDURE Update_Trips_Of_CM(p_Plan_Id            IN  NUMBER,
                               p_Continuous_Move_Id IN  NUMBER,
                               P_Notified           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS

    CURSOR cur_affected_trips(p_plan_id            IN NUMBER,
                              p_Continuous_Move_Id IN NUMBER) IS
    FROM mst_trips mt
    WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id
    AND   Continuous_Move_Id = p_Continuous_Move_Id
Line: 6092

    l_update_stmt VARCHAR2(500);
Line: 6100

        l_update_stmt := ' UPDATE MST_TRIPS '||
                         ' SET PLANNED_FLAG = DECODE(SIGN(PLANNED_FLAG-2),-1,PLANNED_FLAG,2) '||
                         ' WHERE PLAN_ID = :p_Plan_Id '||
                         ' AND TRIP_ID = :p_trip_id '||
                         ' RETURNING planned_flag into :l_planned_flag';
Line: 6105

        EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_update_stmt
                          USING p_plan_id, l_rec_affected_trips.trip_id
                          RETURNING INTO l_planned_flag;
Line: 6122

  END Update_Trips_Of_CM;
Line: 6131

    SELECT uom_class
    FROM mtl_units_of_measure
    WHERE uom_code = p_uom_code;
Line: 6136

    SELECT muc2.conversion_rate/muc1.conversion_rate
    FROM mtl_uom_conversions muc1,
       mtl_uom_conversions muc2
    WHERE muc1.inventory_item_id = 0
    AND muc2.inventory_item_id = 0
    AND muc1.uom_class = l_to_uom_class
    AND muc1.uom_code = p_to_uom_code
    AND muc2.uom_class = l_from_uom_class
    AND muc2.uom_code = p_from_uom_code;
Line: 6147

    SELECT muc.conversion_rate
    FROM mtl_uom_conversions_view muc
    WHERE muc.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
    AND muc.organization_id = p_org_id
    AND muc.primary_uom_code = p_uom1
    AND muc.uom_code = p_uom2;
Line: 6210

    SELECT 'x'
    FROM fte_sel_rule_restrictions fsrr
    WHERE fsrr.rule_id = p_rule_id
    AND fsrr.attribute_name = 'SPEND';
Line: 6242

    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ' SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' || p_view_name || ' WHERE ' || p_where_clause
                      INTO l_count;