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2 /* $Header: FAVAMRTB.pls 120.204.12010000.6 2008/10/10 22:27:12 tkawamur ship $ */
4 /* Global temporary variables */
5 g_temp_date1                   date;
6 g_temp_date2                   date;
7 g_temp_integer                 BINARY_INTEGER;
8 g_temp_number                  number;
9 g_temp_char30                    varchar2(30);
11 /* Global constant variables */
13 G_ASSET_TYPE_GROUP             varchar2(5) := 'GROUP';
14 G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT             varchar2(30) := 'TRANSFER OUT';
15 G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN              varchar2(30) := 'TRANSFER IN';
16 G_TRX_TYPE_TFR                 varchar2(30) := 'TRANSFER';
17 G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID            varchar2(30) := 'TRANSFER IN/VOID';
18 G_TRX_TYPE_REI                 varchar2(30) := 'REINSTATEMENT';
19 G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET             varchar2(30) := 'FULL RETIREMENT';
20 G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET             varchar2(30) := 'PARTIAL RETIREMENT';
21 G_TRX_TYPE_GRP_CHG             varchar2(30) := 'GROUP CHANGE';
22 G_TRX_TYPE_REC                 varchar2(30) := 'RECLASS';
23 G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ            varchar2(30) := 'UNIT ADJUSTMENT';
24 G_TRX_TYPE_REV                 varchar2(30) := 'REVALUATION';
25 G_TRX_TYPE_TAX                 varchar2(30) := 'TAX';
26 G_TRX_TYPE_ADD_VOID            varchar2(30) := 'ADDITION/VOID'; -- Bug#5074327
27 G_TRX_TYPE_CIP_ADJ             varchar2(30) := 'CIP ADJUSTMENT'; -- Bug#5191200
28 G_TRX_TYPE_ADD                 varchar2(30) := 'ADDITION';
29 G_TRX_TYPE_CIP_ADD             varchar2(30) := 'CIP ADDITION'; -- Bug 7389010
32 /* Global temporary variables for member asset */
33 g_mem_deprn_reserve            NUMBER;
34 g_mem_eofy_reserve             NUMBER;
35 g_mem_ytd_deprn                NUMBER;
36 g_mem_bonus_ytd_deprn          NUMBER;
37 g_mem_bonus_deprn_reserve      NUMBER;
39 --Bug 5149789
40 FUNCTION check_member_existence (
41                  p_asset_hdr_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type
42                , p_log_level_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
45 --Bug4938977: Adding a private function.
46 FUNCTION check_dpis_change (
47               p_book_type_code                     VARCHAR2,
48               p_transaction_header_id              NUMBER,
49               p_group_asset_id                     NUMBER,
50               x_asset_fin_rec           OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
51               x_period_counter_out      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
52               p_mrc_sob_type_code                  VARCHAR2,
53               p_log_level_rec        IN            FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
56 PROCEDURE printBooksSummary(p_asset_id  number,
57                             p_book_type_code varchar2,
58                             p_period_counter number default 0,
59                             p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) IS
61    CURSOR c_get_books_summary IS
62       select period_counter
63            , cost
64 --           , salvage_value
65            , member_salvage_value
66            , allowed_deprn_limit_amount
67            , adjusted_rate
68            , rate_adjustment_factor
69            , deprn_adjustment_amount
70            , deprn_amount
71            , ytd_deprn
72            , reserve_adjustment_amount
73            , deprn_reserve
74       from   fa_books_summary
75       where  asset_id = p_asset_id
76       and    book_type_code = p_book_type_code
77       and    period_counter >= nvl(p_period_counter, 1);
81 --tk_util.debug('period#:      cost:      sal:      art:       raf:      eaj:      exp:       ytd:    rsvadj:       rsv');
82 /*
83 for r_bs in c_get_books_summary loop
84 --tk_util.debug(rpad(to_char(r_bs.period_counter), 7, ' ')||':'||
85               lpad(to_char(r_bs.cost), 10, ' ')||':'||
86               lpad(to_char(r_bs.member_salvage_value), 9, ' ')||':'||
87               lpad(nvl(to_char(r_bs.allowed_deprn_limit_amount), 'null'), 9, ' ')||':'||
88               lpad(to_char(r_bs.adjusted_rate), 9, ' ')||':'||
89               lpad(substrb(to_char(r_bs.rate_adjustment_factor), 1, 10), 10, ' ')||':'||
90               lpad(to_char(r_bs.deprn_adjustment_amount), 9, ' ')||':'||
91               lpad(to_char(r_bs.deprn_amount), 9, ' ')||':'||
92               lpad(to_char(r_bs.ytd_deprn), 10, ' ')||':'||
93               lpad(to_char(r_bs.reserve_adjustment_amount), 10, ' ')||':'||
94               lpad(to_char(r_bs.deprn_reserve), 10, ' ')
95              );
96 end loop;
97 */
98 null;
99 END printBooksSummary;
101 --+==============================================================================
102 -- Function: GetPeriodInfo
103 --
104 --   This function return period information.
105 --   The function should be called when period information is not available in
106 --   fa_deprn_periods, for all other cases, should call fazcdp to obtain period
107 --   information.
108 --+==============================================================================
109 FUNCTION GetPeriodInfo(
110      p_jdate                     NUMBER,
111      p_book_type_code            VARCHAR2,
112      p_mrc_sob_type_code         VARCHAR2,
113      x_period_rec     OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
114      p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return BOOLEAN IS
116   l_calling_fn  VARCHAR2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.GetPeriodInfo';
117   get_err    EXCEPTION;
119   CURSOR c_get_deprn_period_info IS
120     select period_counter
121          , period_name
122          , period_open_date
123          , period_close_date
124          , calendar_period_open_date
125          , calendar_period_close_date
126          , fiscal_year
127          , period_num
128     from   fa_deprn_periods
129     where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
130     and    to_date (to_char (p_jdate), 'J') between calendar_period_open_date
131                                                 and calendar_period_close_date;
133   CURSOR c_get_mc_deprn_period_info IS
134     select period_counter
135          , period_name
136          , period_open_date
137          , period_close_date
138          , calendar_period_open_date
139          , calendar_period_close_date
140          , fiscal_year
141          , period_num
142     from   fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v
143     where  book_type_code = p_book_type_code
144     and    to_date (to_char (p_jdate), 'J') between calendar_period_open_date
145                                                 and calendar_period_close_date;
147   CURSOR c_get_period_info IS
148     select start_date
149          , end_date
150     from   fa_calendar_periods
151     where  calendar_type = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar
152     and    to_date (to_char (p_jdate), 'J') between start_date
153                                                 and end_date;
156   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
157      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_jdate
158           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
159   end if;
161   if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
162      OPEN c_get_mc_deprn_period_info;
163      FETCH c_get_mc_deprn_period_info INTO x_period_rec.period_counter
164                                       , x_period_rec.period_name
165                                       , x_period_rec.period_open_date
166                                       , x_period_rec.period_close_date
167                                       , x_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date
168                                       , x_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
169                                       , x_period_rec.fiscal_year
170                                       , x_period_rec.period_num;
172      if (c_get_mc_deprn_period_info%NOTFOUND) then
174         if not fa_cache_pkg.fazcct(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar) then
175            raise get_err;
176         end if;
178         if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccp(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar,
179                                    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name,
180                                    p_jdate,
181                                    x_period_rec.period_num,
182                                    x_period_rec.fiscal_year,
183                                    g_temp_number
184                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
185            raise get_err;
186         end if;
188         x_period_rec.period_counter := x_period_rec.fiscal_year *
189                             fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR +
190                             x_period_rec.period_num;
192         OPEN c_get_period_info;
193         FETCH c_get_period_info INTO x_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date,
194                                      x_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date;
195         CLOSE c_get_period_info;
197      end if;
199      CLOSE c_get_mc_deprn_period_info;
201   else -- Primary book
203      OPEN c_get_deprn_period_info;
204      FETCH c_get_deprn_period_info INTO x_period_rec.period_counter
205                                       , x_period_rec.period_name
206                                       , x_period_rec.period_open_date
207                                       , x_period_rec.period_close_date
208                                       , x_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date
209                                       , x_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
210                                       , x_period_rec.fiscal_year
211                                       , x_period_rec.period_num;
213      if (c_get_deprn_period_info%NOTFOUND) then
215         if not fa_cache_pkg.fazcct(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar) then
216            raise get_err;
217         end if;
219         if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccp(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar,
220                                    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name,
221                                    p_jdate,
222                                    x_period_rec.period_num,
223                                    x_period_rec.fiscal_year,
224                                    g_temp_number
225                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
226            raise get_err;
227         end if;
229         x_period_rec.period_counter := x_period_rec.fiscal_year *
230                             fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR +
231                             x_period_rec.period_num;
233         OPEN c_get_period_info;
234         FETCH c_get_period_info INTO x_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date,
235                                      x_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date;
236         CLOSE c_get_period_info;
238      end if;
240      CLOSE c_get_deprn_period_info;
242   end if;
244   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
245      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', x_period_rec.period_counter||':'||
246                                            x_period_rec.fiscal_year||':'||
247                                            x_period_rec.period_num||':'||
248                                            to_char(x_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY')||':'||
249                                            to_char(x_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'));
250   end if;
252   return TRUE;
255    WHEN get_err THEN
256       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
257          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'get_err'
258                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
259       end if;
261       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
262             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
263       return false;
265    WHEN others THEN
266       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
267          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
268                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
269       end if;
271       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
272             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
273       return false;
275 END GetPeriodInfo;
278 --+==============================================================================
279 -- Function catchupBooksSummary
280 --
281 --  This function will create missing records from period where last record
282 --  exists up to current period.
283 --+==============================================================================
284 FUNCTION catchupBooksSummary (
285     p_trans_rec              FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
286     p_asset_hdr_rec          FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
287     p_period_rec             FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
288     p_asset_fin_rec_new      FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
289     p_depreciate_flag_change BOOLEAN,
290     p_disabled_flag_change   BOOLEAN,
291     p_mrc_sob_type_code      VARCHAR2,
292     p_calling_fn             VARCHAR,
293     p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
295    l_calling_fn      VARCHAR2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.catchupBooksSummary';
297    CURSOR c_get_mc_last_period_counter IS
298      select bs.period_counter
299           , bs.calendar_period_close_date
300           , bs.fiscal_year
301           , bs.period_num
302      from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v bs
303      where  bs.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
304      and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
305      order by period_counter desc;
307    CURSOR c_get_last_period_counter IS
308      select bs.period_counter
309           , bs.calendar_period_close_date
310           , bs.fiscal_year
311           , bs.period_num
312      from   fa_books_summary bs
313      where  bs.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
314      and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
315      order by period_counter desc;
317    --
318    -- Get all possible period information that the group asset needs
319    --
320    CURSOR c_get_period_rec (c_start_date  date) IS
321      select fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM period_counter
322           , cp.start_date calendar_period_open_date
323           , cp.end_date calendar_period_close_date
324           , cp.period_num period_num
325           , fy.fiscal_year fiscal_year
326           , 'N'
327      from   fa_book_controls bc
328           , fa_fiscal_year fy
329           , fa_calendar_types ct
330           , fa_calendar_periods cp
331      where  bc.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
332      and    bc.deprn_calendar = ct.calendar_type
333      and    bc.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
334      and    ct.fiscal_year_name = bc.fiscal_year_name
335      and    ct.calendar_type = cp.calendar_type
336      and    cp.start_date between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
337      and    bc.last_period_counter + 1 >= fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM
338      and    cp.end_date >= c_start_date
339      order by period_counter;
341    tbs_period_counter              tab_num15_type;
342    tbs_calendar_period_open_date   tab_date_type;
343    tbs_calendar_period_close_date  tab_date_type;
344    tbs_period_num                  tab_num15_type;
345    tbs_fiscal_year                 tab_num15_type;
346    tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag    tab_char1_type;
348    tbs_adjusted_cost               tab_num_type;
349    tbs_eofy_adj_cost               tab_num_type;
350    tbs_eofy_formula_factor         tab_num_type;
351    tbs_eofy_reserve                tab_num_type;
352    tbs_eop_adj_cost                tab_num_type;
356    tbs_formula_factor              tab_num_type;
353    tbs_eop_formula_factor          tab_num_type;
354    tbs_depreciate_flag             tab_char1_type;
355    tbs_disabled_flag               tab_char1_type;
358    tbs_ytd_deprn                   tab_num_type;
359    tbs_bonus_ytd_deprn             tab_num_type;
360    tbs_ytd_production              tab_num_type;
361    tbs_ytd_reval_deprn_expense     tab_num_type;
362    tbs_ytd_proceeds_of_sale        tab_num_type;
363    tbs_ytd_cost_of_removal         tab_num_type;
365    l_last_period_counter           NUMBER(15);
366    l_last_period_close_date        DATE;
367    l_last_fiscal_year              NUMBER(15);
368    l_last_period_num               NUMBER(15);
370    l_ind                           BINARY_INTEGER;
372 --
373 -- Think about unplan, reserve tr, and ret adj against asset not depreciating
374 --
377    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
378       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()+', 'asset_id', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id);
379    end if;
381    if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
383       OPEN c_get_mc_last_period_counter;
384       FETCH c_get_mc_last_period_counter INTO l_last_period_counter
385                                          , l_last_period_close_date
386                                          , l_last_fiscal_year
387                                          , l_last_period_num;
388       CLOSE c_get_mc_last_period_counter;
389    else
390       OPEN c_get_last_period_counter;
391       FETCH c_get_last_period_counter INTO l_last_period_counter
392                                          , l_last_period_close_date
393                                          , l_last_fiscal_year
394                                          , l_last_period_num;
395       CLOSE c_get_last_period_counter;
396    end if;
398    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
399       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_last_period_counter', l_last_period_counter
400             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
401       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_last_period_close_date', l_last_period_close_date
402             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
403    end if;
405    if (p_period_rec.period_counter = l_last_period_counter) then
406       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
407          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'This asset has record up to current period',l_last_period_counter
408                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
409          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()-', 'asset_id', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id);
410       end if;
412       return TRUE;
414    end if;
416    --
417    -- This asset needs records up to current period
418    --
419    OPEN c_get_period_rec ((l_last_period_close_date + 1));
420    FETCH c_get_period_rec BULK COLLECT INTO tbs_period_counter
421                                           , tbs_calendar_period_open_date
422                                           , tbs_calendar_period_close_date
423                                           , tbs_period_num
424                                           , tbs_fiscal_year
425                                           , tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag
426                                           ;
427    CLOSE c_get_period_rec;
429    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
430       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '# of record creating', tbs_period_counter.COUNT
431                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
432    end if;
434    l_ind := p_period_rec.period_counter - l_last_period_counter;
435    FOR i in 1..l_ind LOOP
436       --
437       -- If anything requires table value manipulation for each period
438       -- this is the place. So far, it's been absorved in insert statement.
439       null;
441    END LOOP; -- i in 1..(p_period_rec.period_counter - l_last_period_counter)
444    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
445       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Insert into', 'FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY'
446             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
447    end if;
448    --
449    -- Insert all necessary records from period where DPIS falls into
450    --
451    if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
452       FORALL i in tbs_period_counter.FIRST..tbs_period_counter.LAST
454                     ASSET_ID
455                   , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
456                   , PERIOD_COUNTER
457                   , FISCAL_YEAR
458                   , PERIOD_NUM
459                   , CALENDAR_PERIOD_OPEN_DATE
460                   , CALENDAR_PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE
461                   , RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG
462                   , CHANGE_IN_COST
463                   , CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST
464                   , CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST
465                   , CHANGE_IN_RETIREMENTS_COST
466                   , CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST
467                   , COST
468                   , CIP_COST
469                   , SALVAGE_TYPE
470                   , PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE
471                   , SALVAGE_VALUE
472                   , MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE
473                   , RECOVERABLE_COST
474                   , DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE
475                   , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT
476                   , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
477                   , MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
481                   , DISABLED_FLAG
478                   , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST
479                   , ADJUSTED_COST
480                   , DEPRECIATE_FLAG
482                   , DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE
483                   , DEPRN_METHOD_CODE
484                   , LIFE_IN_MONTHS
485                   , RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
486                   , ADJUSTED_RATE
487                   , FORMULA_FACTOR
488                   , BONUS_RULE
489                   , ADJUSTED_CAPACITY
490                   , PRODUCTION_CAPACITY
491                   , UNIT_OF_MEASURE
492                   , REMAINING_LIFE1
493                   , REMAINING_LIFE2
494                   , UNREVALUED_COST
495                   , REVAL_CEILING
496                   , CEILING_NAME
497                   , REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
498                   , EOFY_ADJ_COST
499                   , EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR
500                   , EOFY_RESERVE
501                   , EOP_ADJ_COST
502                   , EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR
503                   , SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG
504                   , GROUP_ASSET_ID
505                   , SUPER_GROUP_ID
506                   , OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION
507                   , TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT
508                   , TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG
509                   , DEPRN_AMOUNT
510                   , YTD_DEPRN
511                   , DEPRN_RESERVE
512                   , BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT
513                   , BONUS_YTD_DEPRN
514                   , BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE
515                   , LTD_PRODUCTION
516                   , YTD_PRODUCTION
517                   , PRODUCTION
518                   , REVAL_AMORTIZATION
519                   , REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
520                   , REVAL_RESERVE
521                   , YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
522                   , DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG
523                   , SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT
524                   , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
525                   , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
526                   , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
527                   , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
528                   , DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
529                   , EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
530                   , UNPLANNED_AMOUNT
531                   , RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
532                   , CREATION_DATE
533                   , CREATED_BY
534                   , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
535                   , LAST_UPDATED_BY
536                   )
537          SELECT     p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
538                   , p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
539                   , tbs_period_counter(i)
540                   , tbs_fiscal_year(i)
541                   , tbs_period_num(i)
542                   , tbs_calendar_period_open_date(i)
543                   , tbs_calendar_period_close_date(i)
544                   , tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)
545                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_COST
546                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST
547                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST
548                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_RETIREMENTS_COST
549                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST
550                   , BS.COST
551                   , BS.CIP_COST
552                   , BS.SALVAGE_TYPE
553                   , BS.PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE
554                   , BS.SALVAGE_VALUE
555                   , BS.MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE
556                   , BS.RECOVERABLE_COST
557                   , BS.DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE
558                   , BS.ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT
559                   , BS.ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
560                   , BS.MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
561                   , BS.ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST
562                   , BS.ADJUSTED_COST
563                   , BS.DEPRECIATE_FLAG
564                   , BS.DISABLED_FLAG
565                   , BS.DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE
566                   , BS.DEPRN_METHOD_CODE
567                   , BS.LIFE_IN_MONTHS
568                   , BS.RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
569                   , BS.ADJUSTED_RATE
570                   , BS.FORMULA_FACTOR
571                   , BS.BONUS_RULE
572                   , BS.ADJUSTED_CAPACITY
573                   , BS.PRODUCTION_CAPACITY
574                   , BS.UNIT_OF_MEASURE
575                   , BS.REMAINING_LIFE1
576                   , BS.REMAINING_LIFE2
577                   , BS.UNREVALUED_COST
578                   , BS.REVAL_CEILING
579                   , BS.CEILING_NAME
580                   , BS.REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
581                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.EOFY_ADJ_COST, BS.ADJUSTED_COST) --EOFY_ADJ_COST
583                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.EOFY_RESERVE,
584                                            tbs_fiscal_year(i) - 1, BS.DEPRN_RESERVE, 0) --EOFY_RESERVE
585                   , BS.ADJUSTED_COST --EOP_ADJ_COST
586                   , BS.FORMULA_FACTOR --EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR
587                   , BS.SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG
588                   , BS.GROUP_ASSET_ID
589                   , BS.SUPER_GROUP_ID
590                   , BS.OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION
591                   , 0                 --TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT
592                   , 'N'               --TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG
593                   , 0                 --DEPRN_AMOUNT
594                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_DEPRN, 0) --YTD_DEPRN
598                   , BS.BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE
595                   , BS.DEPRN_RESERVE
596                   , 0                 --BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT
597                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.BONUS_YTD_DEPRN, 0) --BONUS_YTD_DEPRN
599                   , BS.LTD_PRODUCTION
600                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_PRODUCTION, 0) --YTD_PRODUCTION
601                   , null              --PRODUCTION
602                   , 0                 --REVAL_AMORTIZATION
603                   , 0                 --REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
604                   , BS.REVAL_RESERVE
605                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE, 0) --YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
606                   , 'N'                --DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG
607                   , 0                 --SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT
608                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) --YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
609                   , BS.LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
610                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) --YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
611                   , BS.LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
612                   , 0                 --DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
613                   , 0                 --EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
614                   , 0                 --UNPLANNED_AMOUNT
615                   , 0                 --RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
616                   , p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date
617                   , p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by
618                   , p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
619                   , p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
621          WHERE BS.ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
622          AND   BS.BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
623          AND   BS.period_counter = l_last_period_counter;
625    else
626       FORALL i in tbs_period_counter.FIRST..tbs_period_counter.LAST
628                     ASSET_ID
629                   , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
630                   , PERIOD_COUNTER
631                   , FISCAL_YEAR
632                   , PERIOD_NUM
633                   , CALENDAR_PERIOD_OPEN_DATE
634                   , CALENDAR_PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE
635                   , RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG
636                   , CHANGE_IN_COST
637                   , CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST
638                   , CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST
639                   , CHANGE_IN_RETIREMENTS_COST
640                   , CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST
641                   , COST
642                   , CIP_COST
643                   , SALVAGE_TYPE
644                   , PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE
645                   , SALVAGE_VALUE
646                   , MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE
647                   , RECOVERABLE_COST
648                   , DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE
649                   , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT
650                   , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
651                   , MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
652                   , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST
653                   , ADJUSTED_COST
654                   , DEPRECIATE_FLAG
655                   , DISABLED_FLAG
656                   , DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE
657                   , DEPRN_METHOD_CODE
658                   , LIFE_IN_MONTHS
659                   , RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
660                   , ADJUSTED_RATE
661                   , FORMULA_FACTOR
662                   , BONUS_RULE
663                   , ADJUSTED_CAPACITY
664                   , PRODUCTION_CAPACITY
665                   , UNIT_OF_MEASURE
666                   , REMAINING_LIFE1
667                   , REMAINING_LIFE2
668                   , UNREVALUED_COST
669                   , REVAL_CEILING
670                   , CEILING_NAME
671                   , REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
672                   , EOFY_ADJ_COST
673                   , EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR
674                   , EOFY_RESERVE
675                   , EOP_ADJ_COST
676                   , EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR
677                   , SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG
678                   , GROUP_ASSET_ID
679                   , SUPER_GROUP_ID
680                   , OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION
681                   , TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT
682                   , TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG
683                   , DEPRN_AMOUNT
684                   , YTD_DEPRN
685                   , DEPRN_RESERVE
686                   , BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT
687                   , BONUS_YTD_DEPRN
688                   , BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE
689                   , LTD_PRODUCTION
690                   , YTD_PRODUCTION
691                   , PRODUCTION
692                   , REVAL_AMORTIZATION
693                   , REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
694                   , REVAL_RESERVE
695                   , YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
696                   , DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG
697                   , SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT
698                   , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
699                   , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
700                   , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
701                   , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
702                   , DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
703                   , EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
704                   , UNPLANNED_AMOUNT
705                   , RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
706                   , CREATION_DATE
707                   , CREATED_BY
708                   , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
709                   , LAST_UPDATED_BY
713                   , tbs_period_counter(i)
710                   )
711          SELECT     p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
712                   , p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
714                   , tbs_fiscal_year(i)
715                   , tbs_period_num(i)
716                   , tbs_calendar_period_open_date(i)
717                   , tbs_calendar_period_close_date(i)
718                   , tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)
719                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_COST
720                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST
721                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST
722                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_RETIREMENTS_COST
723                   , 0                 --CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST
724                   , BS.COST
725                   , BS.CIP_COST
726                   , BS.SALVAGE_TYPE
727                   , BS.PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE
728                   , BS.SALVAGE_VALUE
729                   , BS.MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE
730                   , BS.RECOVERABLE_COST
731                   , BS.DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE
732                   , BS.ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT
733                   , BS.ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
734                   , BS.MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
735                   , BS.ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST
736                   , BS.ADJUSTED_COST
737                   , BS.DEPRECIATE_FLAG
738                   , BS.DISABLED_FLAG
739                   , BS.DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE
740                   , BS.DEPRN_METHOD_CODE
741                   , BS.LIFE_IN_MONTHS
742                   , BS.RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
743                   , BS.ADJUSTED_RATE
744                   , BS.FORMULA_FACTOR
745                   , BS.BONUS_RULE
746                   , BS.ADJUSTED_CAPACITY
747                   , BS.PRODUCTION_CAPACITY
748                   , BS.UNIT_OF_MEASURE
749                   , BS.REMAINING_LIFE1
750                   , BS.REMAINING_LIFE2
751                   , BS.UNREVALUED_COST
752                   , BS.REVAL_CEILING
753                   , BS.CEILING_NAME
754                   , BS.REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
755                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.EOFY_ADJ_COST, BS.ADJUSTED_COST) --EOFY_ADJ_COST
757                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.EOFY_RESERVE,
758                                            tbs_fiscal_year(i) - 1, BS.DEPRN_RESERVE, 0) --EOFY_RESERVE
759                   , BS.ADJUSTED_COST --EOP_ADJ_COST
760                   , BS.FORMULA_FACTOR --EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR
761                   , BS.SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG
762                   , BS.GROUP_ASSET_ID
763                   , BS.SUPER_GROUP_ID
764                   , BS.OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION
765                   , 0                 --TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT
766                   , 'N'               --TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG
767                   , 0                 --DEPRN_AMOUNT
768                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_DEPRN, 0) --YTD_DEPRN
769                   , BS.DEPRN_RESERVE
770                   , 0                 --BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT
771                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.BONUS_YTD_DEPRN, 0) --BONUS_YTD_DEPRN
772                   , BS.BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE
773                   , BS.LTD_PRODUCTION
774                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_PRODUCTION, 0) --YTD_PRODUCTION
775                   , null              --PRODUCTION
776                   , 0                 --REVAL_AMORTIZATION
777                   , 0                 --REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
778                   , BS.REVAL_RESERVE
779                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE, 0) --YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
780                   , 'N'                --DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG
781                   , 0                 --SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT
782                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) --YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
783                   , BS.LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
784                   , DECODE(BS.FISCAL_YEAR, tbs_fiscal_year(i), BS.YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) --YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
785                   , BS.LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
786                   , 0                 --DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
787                   , 0                 --EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
788                   , 0                 --UNPLANNED_AMOUNT
789                   , 0                 --RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
790                   , p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date
791                   , p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by
792                   , p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
793                   , p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
795          WHERE BS.ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
796          AND   BS.BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
797          AND   BS.period_counter = l_last_period_counter;
798    end if; --p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R'
800    if p_depreciate_flag_change then
802       if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
804          SET    DEPRECIATE_FLAG = p_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag
805          WHERE  ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
806          AND    BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
807       else
809          SET    DEPRECIATE_FLAG = p_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag
810          WHERE  ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
811          AND    BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
812      end if;
814    elsif p_disabled_flag_change then
816       if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
818          SET    DISABLED_FLAG = p_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag
819          WHERE  ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
820          AND    BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
821       else
823          SET    DISABLED_FLAG = p_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag
824          WHERE  ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
825          AND    BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
826      end if;
828    end if;
830    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
831       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()-', '# of records inserted', tbs_period_counter.COUNT);
832    end if;
834    return true;
838       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
839          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'(OTHERS)-', 'sqlcode', sqlcode);
840       end if;
842       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
843             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
845       return false;
847 END catchupBooksSummary;
851 --+==============================================================================
852 -- Procedure initMemberTable
853 --
854 -- Initialize global variables defined in specification.
855 --+==============================================================================
856 PROCEDURE initMemberTable(p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) IS
859    --
860    -- Initialize global variables
861    --
862    fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter.delete;
863    fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost.delete;
864    fa_amort_pvt.tm_cost.delete;
865    fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost.delete;
866    fa_amort_pvt.tm_cip_cost.delete;
867    fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value.delete;
868    fa_amort_pvt.tm_salvage_value.delete;
869    fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount.delete;
870    fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount.delete;
872 END initMemberTable;
874 --+==============================================================================
875 -- Procedure InitGlobeVariables
876 --
877 -- Initialize global variables defined in specification.
878 --+==============================================================================
879 PROCEDURE InitGlobeVariables (p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) IS
882    --
883    -- Initialize global variables
884    --
885    fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.delete;
886    fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year.delete;
887    fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num.delete;
888    fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_open_date.delete;
889    fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_close_date.delete;
890    fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag.delete;
891    fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost.delete;
892    fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.delete;
893    fa_amort_pvt.t_cip_cost.delete;
894    fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type.delete;
895    fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value.delete;
896    fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value.delete;
897    fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value.delete;
898    fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost.delete;
899    fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type.delete;
900    fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit.delete;
901    fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount.delete;
902    fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount.delete;
903    fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost.delete;
904    fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost.delete;
905    fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag.delete;
906    fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service.delete;
907    fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code.delete;
908    fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months.delete;
909    fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor.delete;
910    fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate.delete;
911    fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule.delete;
912    fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_capacity.delete;
913    fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity.delete;
914    fa_amort_pvt.t_unit_of_measure.delete;
915    fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life1.delete;
916    fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life2.delete;
917    fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor.delete;
918    fa_amort_pvt.t_unrevalued_cost.delete;
919    fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis.delete;
920    fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_ceiling.delete;
921    fa_amort_pvt.t_ceiling_name.delete;
922    fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost.delete;
923    fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor.delete;
924    fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve.delete;
925    fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_adj_cost.delete;
926    fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_formula_factor.delete;
927    fa_amort_pvt.t_short_fiscal_year_flag.delete;
928    fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id.delete;
929    fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id.delete;
930    fa_amort_pvt.t_over_depreciate_option.delete;
931    fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount.delete;
932    fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn.delete;
933    fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve.delete;
934    fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_amount.delete;
935    fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn.delete;
936    fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve.delete;
937    fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rate.delete;
938    fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production.delete;
939    fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production.delete;
940    fa_amort_pvt.t_production.delete;
941    fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization.delete;
942    fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_deprn_expense.delete;
943    fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve.delete;
947    fa_amort_pvt.t_system_bonus_deprn_amount.delete;
944    fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense.delete;
945    fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_override_flag.delete;
946    fa_amort_pvt.t_system_deprn_amount.delete;
948    fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_proceeds_of_sale.delete;
949    fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_proceeds_of_sale.delete;
950    fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_cost_of_removal.delete;
951    fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_cost_of_removal.delete;
952    fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_adjustment_amount.delete;
953    fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount.delete;
954    fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount.delete;
956 END InitGlobeVariables;
958 --+==============================================================================
959 -- Function: createGroup
960 --
961 -- Description:
962 --     This function should be called to maintain group asset that has not
963 --     depreciated or a member asset has not assigned.
964 --     What this function does is to recreate records in FA_BOOKS_SUMAMRY by
965 --     deleting all of them and reinsert all of them.
966 --
967 --+==============================================================================
968 FUNCTION createGroup(
969     p_trans_rec            FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
970     p_asset_hdr_rec        FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
971     p_asset_type_rec       FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
972     p_period_rec           FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
973     p_asset_fin_rec        FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
974     p_asset_deprn_rec      FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
975     p_mrc_sob_type_code    VARCHAR2,
976     p_calling_fn           VARCHAR,
977     p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return BOOLEAN IS
979    l_calling_fn  VARCHAR2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.createGroup';
981    --
982    -- Get all possible period information that the group asset needs
983    --
984    CURSOR c_get_period_rec IS
985      select fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM period_counter
986           , cp.start_date calendar_period_open_date
987           , cp.end_date calendar_period_close_date
988           , cp.period_num period_num
989           , fy.fiscal_year fiscal_year
990           , 'N'
991      from   fa_fiscal_year fy
992           , fa_calendar_types ct
993           , fa_calendar_periods cp
994      where  ct.calendar_type = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar
995      and    fy.fiscal_year_name = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
996      and    ct.fiscal_year_name = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
997      and    ct.calendar_type = cp.calendar_type
998      and    cp.start_date between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
999      and    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.last_period_counter + 1 >=
1000                  fy.fiscal_year * ct.NUMBER_PER_FISCAL_YEAR + cp.PERIOD_NUM
1001      and    cp.end_date >= p_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service
1002      order by period_counter;
1004    tbs_period_counter              tab_num15_type;
1005    tbs_calendar_period_open_date   tab_date_type;
1006    tbs_calendar_period_close_date  tab_date_type;
1007    tbs_period_num                  tab_num15_type;
1008    tbs_fiscal_year                 tab_num15_type;
1009    tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag    tab_char1_type;
1011 BEGIN
1013    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1014       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()+', 'asset_id', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id);
1015    end if;
1017    --
1018    -- Delete all records for this group asset to recreate them
1019    --
1020    if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
1022       WHERE  ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
1023       AND    BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
1024    else
1026       WHERE  ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
1027       AND    BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
1028    end if;
1030    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1031       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Construct Period information', '.'
1032             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1033    end if;
1035    --
1036    -- Construct period information part for FA_BOOKS_SUMAMRY
1037    --
1038    OPEN c_get_period_rec;
1039    FETCH c_get_period_rec BULK COLLECT INTO tbs_period_counter
1040                                           , tbs_calendar_period_open_date
1041                                           , tbs_calendar_period_close_date
1042                                           , tbs_period_num
1043                                           , tbs_fiscal_year
1044                                           , tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag
1045                                           ;
1046    CLOSE c_get_period_rec;
1048    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1049       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()-', '# of records will be inserted',
1050                        tbs_period_counter.COUNT);
1051    end if;
1053    if (tbs_period_counter.COUNT = 0) then
1054       tbs_period_counter(1) := p_period_rec.period_counter;
1055       tbs_calendar_period_open_date(1) := p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date;
1056       tbs_calendar_period_close_date(1) := p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date;
1057       tbs_period_num(1) := p_period_rec.period_num;
1058       tbs_fiscal_year(1) := p_period_rec.fiscal_year;
1059       tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(1) := 'Y';
1060    end if;
1061    --
1062    -- First record always get adjusted cost reset
1063    --
1064    tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(1) := 'Y';
1066    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1067       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Insert into', 'FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY'
1068             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1069    end if;
1070    --
1071    -- Insert all necessary records from period where DPIS falls into
1072    --
1073    if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
1074       FORALL i in tbs_period_counter.FIRST..tbs_period_counter.LAST
1076                    ASSET_ID
1077                  , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
1078                  , PERIOD_COUNTER
1079                  , FISCAL_YEAR
1080                  , PERIOD_NUM
1081                  , CALENDAR_PERIOD_OPEN_DATE
1082                  , CALENDAR_PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE
1083                  , RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG
1084                  , CHANGE_IN_COST
1085                  , CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST
1086                  , CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST
1087                  , CHANGE_IN_RETIREMENTS_COST
1088                  , CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST
1089                  , COST
1090                  , CIP_COST
1091                  , SALVAGE_TYPE
1092                  , PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE
1093                  , SALVAGE_VALUE
1094                  , MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE
1095                  , RECOVERABLE_COST
1096                  , DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE
1097                  , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT
1098                  , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
1099                  , MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
1100                  , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST
1101                  , ADJUSTED_COST
1102                  , DEPRECIATE_FLAG
1103                  , DISABLED_FLAG
1104                  , DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE
1105                  , DEPRN_METHOD_CODE
1106                  , LIFE_IN_MONTHS
1107                  , RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
1108                  , ADJUSTED_RATE
1109                  , FORMULA_FACTOR
1110                  , BONUS_RULE
1111                  , ADJUSTED_CAPACITY
1112                  , PRODUCTION_CAPACITY
1113                  , UNIT_OF_MEASURE
1114                  , REMAINING_LIFE1
1115                  , REMAINING_LIFE2
1116                  , UNREVALUED_COST
1117                  , REVAL_CEILING
1118                  , CEILING_NAME
1119                  , REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
1120                  , EOFY_ADJ_COST
1121                  , EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR
1122                  , EOFY_RESERVE
1123                  , EOP_ADJ_COST
1124                  , EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR
1125                  , SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG
1126                  , GROUP_ASSET_ID
1127                  , SUPER_GROUP_ID
1128                  , OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION
1129                  , TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT
1130                  , TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG
1131                  , DEPRN_AMOUNT
1132                  , YTD_DEPRN
1133                  , DEPRN_RESERVE
1134                  , BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT
1135                  , BONUS_YTD_DEPRN
1136                  , BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE
1137                  , LTD_PRODUCTION
1138                  , YTD_PRODUCTION
1139                  , PRODUCTION
1140                  , REVAL_AMORTIZATION
1141                  , REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
1142                  , REVAL_RESERVE
1143                  , YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
1144                  , DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG
1145                  , SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT
1146                  , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
1147                  , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
1148                  , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
1149                  , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
1150                  , DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1151                  , EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1152                  , UNPLANNED_AMOUNT
1153                  , RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1154                  , CREATION_DATE
1155                  , CREATED_BY
1156                  , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
1157                  , LAST_UPDATED_BY
1158                             )
1159          VALUES(   p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
1160                  , p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1161                  , tbs_period_counter(i)
1162                  , tbs_fiscal_year(i)
1163                  , tbs_period_num(i)
1164                  , tbs_calendar_period_open_date(i)
1165                  , tbs_calendar_period_close_date(i)
1166                  , tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)
1167                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_COST
1168                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST
1169                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST
1170                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_RETIREMENTS_COST
1171                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST
1172                  , 0        --COST
1173                  , 0        --CIP_COST
1174                  , p_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type           --SALVAGE_TYPE
1175                  , p_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value  --PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE
1176                  , 0        --SALVAGE_VALUE
1177                  , 0        --MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE
1178                  , 0        --RECOVERABLE_COST
1179                  , p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type       --DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE
1180                  , p_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit    --ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT
1181                  , 0        --ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
1182                  , 0        --MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
1183                  , 0        --ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST
1187                  , p_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service --DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE
1184                  , 0        --ADJUSTED_COST
1185                  , p_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag        --DEPRECIATE_FLAG
1186                  , p_asset_fin_rec.disabled_flag          --DISABLED_FLAG
1188                  , p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code      --DEPRN_METHOD_CODE
1189                  , p_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months         --LIFE_IN_MONTHS
1190                  , 1        --RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
1191                  , p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate          --ADJUSTED_RATE
1192                  , 1        --FORMULA_FACTOR
1193                  , p_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule             --BONUS_RULE
1194                  , p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity      --ADJUSTED_CAPACITY
1195                  , p_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity    --PRODUCTION_CAPACITY
1196                  , p_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure        --UNIT_OF_MEASURE
1197                  , p_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life1        --REMAINING_LIFE1
1198                  , p_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life2        --REMAINING_LIFE2
1199                  , 0        --UNREVALUED_COST
1200                  , p_asset_fin_rec.reval_ceiling          --REVAL_CEILING
1201                  , p_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name           --CEILING_NAME
1202                  , 0        --REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
1203                  , 0        --EOFY_ADJ_COST
1204                  , 1        --EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR
1205                  , 0        --EOFY_RESERVE
1206                  , 0        --EOP_ADJ_COST
1207                  , 1        --EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR
1208                  , 'NO'     --SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG
1209                  , null     --GROUP_ASSET_ID
1210                  , p_asset_fin_rec.super_group_id         --SUPER_GROUP_ID
1211                  , p_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option --OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION
1212                  , 0        --TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT
1213                  , 'N'      --TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG
1214                  , 0        --DEPRN_AMOUNT
1215                  , 0        --YTD_DEPRN
1216                  , 0        --DEPRN_RESERVE
1217                  , 0        --BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT
1218                  , 0        --BONUS_YTD_DEPRN
1219                  , 0        --BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE
1220                  , null     --LTD_PRODUCTION
1221                  , null     --YTD_PRODUCTION
1222                  , null     --PRODUCTION
1223                  , 0        --REVAL_AMORTIZATION
1224                  , 0        --REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
1225                  , 0        --REVAL_RESERVE
1226                  , 0        --YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
1227                  , 'N'      --DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG
1228                  , 0        --SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT
1229                  , 0        --YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
1230                  , 0        --LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
1231                  , 0        --YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
1232                  , 0        --LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
1233                  , 0        --DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1234                  , 0        --EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1235                  , 0        --UNPLANNED_AMOUNT
1236                  , 0        --RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1237                  , p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date
1238                  , p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by
1239                  , p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
1240                  , p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
1241                  );
1243    else
1245       FORALL i in tbs_period_counter.FIRST..tbs_period_counter.LAST
1247                    ASSET_ID
1248                  , BOOK_TYPE_CODE
1249                  , PERIOD_COUNTER
1250                  , FISCAL_YEAR
1251                  , PERIOD_NUM
1252                  , CALENDAR_PERIOD_OPEN_DATE
1253                  , CALENDAR_PERIOD_CLOSE_DATE
1254                  , RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG
1255                  , CHANGE_IN_COST
1256                  , CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST
1257                  , CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST
1258                  , CHANGE_IN_RETIREMENTS_COST
1259                  , CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST
1260                  , COST
1261                  , CIP_COST
1262                  , SALVAGE_TYPE
1263                  , PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE
1264                  , SALVAGE_VALUE
1265                  , MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE
1266                  , RECOVERABLE_COST
1267                  , DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE
1268                  , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT
1269                  , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
1270                  , MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
1271                  , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST
1272                  , ADJUSTED_COST
1273                  , DEPRECIATE_FLAG
1274                  , DISABLED_FLAG
1275                  , DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE
1276                  , DEPRN_METHOD_CODE
1277                  , LIFE_IN_MONTHS
1278                  , RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
1279                  , ADJUSTED_RATE
1280                  , FORMULA_FACTOR
1281                  , BONUS_RULE
1282                  , ADJUSTED_CAPACITY
1283                  , PRODUCTION_CAPACITY
1284                  , UNIT_OF_MEASURE
1285                  , REMAINING_LIFE1
1286                  , REMAINING_LIFE2
1287                  , UNREVALUED_COST
1288                  , REVAL_CEILING
1289                  , CEILING_NAME
1290                  , REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
1291                  , EOFY_ADJ_COST
1292                  , EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR
1293                  , EOFY_RESERVE
1297                  , GROUP_ASSET_ID
1294                  , EOP_ADJ_COST
1295                  , EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR
1296                  , SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG
1298                  , SUPER_GROUP_ID
1299                  , OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION
1300                  , TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT
1301                  , TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG
1302                  , DEPRN_AMOUNT
1303                  , YTD_DEPRN
1304                  , DEPRN_RESERVE
1305                  , BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT
1306                  , BONUS_YTD_DEPRN
1307                  , BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE
1308                  , LTD_PRODUCTION
1309                  , YTD_PRODUCTION
1310                  , PRODUCTION
1311                  , REVAL_AMORTIZATION
1312                  , REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
1313                  , REVAL_RESERVE
1314                  , YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
1315                  , DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG
1316                  , SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT
1317                  , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
1318                  , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
1319                  , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
1320                  , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
1321                  , DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1322                  , EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1323                  , UNPLANNED_AMOUNT
1324                  , RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1325                  , CREATION_DATE
1326                  , CREATED_BY
1327                  , LAST_UPDATE_DATE
1328                  , LAST_UPDATED_BY
1329                  )
1330          VALUES(   p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
1331                  , p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1332                  , tbs_period_counter(i)
1333                  , tbs_fiscal_year(i)
1334                  , tbs_period_num(i)
1335                  , tbs_calendar_period_open_date(i)
1336                  , tbs_calendar_period_close_date(i)
1337                  , tbs_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)
1338                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_COST
1339                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_ADDITIONS_COST
1340                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_ADJUSTMENTS_COST
1341                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_RETIREMENTS_COST
1342                  , 0        --CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST
1343                  , 0        --COST
1344                  , 0        --CIP_COST
1345                  , p_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type           --SALVAGE_TYPE
1346                  , p_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value  --PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE
1347                  , 0        --SALVAGE_VALUE
1348                  , 0        --MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE
1349                  , 0        --RECOVERABLE_COST
1350                  , p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type       --DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE
1351                  , p_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit    --ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT
1352                  , 0        --ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
1353                  , 0        --MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT
1354                  , 0        --ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST
1355                  , 0        --ADJUSTED_COST
1356                  , p_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag        --DEPRECIATE_FLAG
1357                  , p_asset_fin_rec.disabled_flag          --DISABLED_FLAG
1358                  , p_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service --DATE_PLACED_IN_SERVICE
1359                  , p_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code      --DEPRN_METHOD_CODE
1360                  , p_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months         --LIFE_IN_MONTHS
1361                  , 1        --RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR
1362                  , p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate          --ADJUSTED_RATE
1363                  , 1        --FORMULA_FACTOR
1364                  , p_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule             --BONUS_RULE
1365                  , p_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity      --ADJUSTED_CAPACITY
1366                  , p_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity    --PRODUCTION_CAPACITY
1367                  , p_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure        --UNIT_OF_MEASURE
1368                  , p_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life1        --REMAINING_LIFE1
1369                  , p_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life2        --REMAINING_LIFE2
1370                  , 0        --UNREVALUED_COST
1371                  , p_asset_fin_rec.reval_ceiling          --REVAL_CEILING
1372                  , p_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name           --CEILING_NAME
1373                  , 0        --REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
1374                  , 0        --EOFY_ADJ_COST
1375                  , 1        --EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR
1376                  , 0        --EOFY_RESERVE
1377                  , 0        --EOP_ADJ_COST
1378                  , 1        --EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR
1379                  , 'NO'     --SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG
1380                  , null     --GROUP_ASSET_ID
1381                  , p_asset_fin_rec.super_group_id         --SUPER_GROUP_ID
1382                  , p_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option --OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION
1383                  , 0        --TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_AMOUNT
1384                  , 'N'      --TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS_FLAG
1385                  , 0        --DEPRN_AMOUNT
1386                  , 0        --YTD_DEPRN
1387                  , 0        --DEPRN_RESERVE
1388                  , 0        --BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT
1389                  , 0        --BONUS_YTD_DEPRN
1390                  , 0        --BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE
1391                  , null     --LTD_PRODUCTION
1392                  , null     --YTD_PRODUCTION
1393                  , null     --PRODUCTION
1394                  , 0        --REVAL_AMORTIZATION
1395                  , 0        --REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
1396                  , 0        --REVAL_RESERVE
1397                  , 0        --YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE
1401                  , 0        --LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
1398                  , 'N'      --DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG
1399                  , 0        --SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT
1400                  , 0        --YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE
1402                  , 0        --YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
1403                  , 0        --LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL
1404                  , 0        --DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1405                  , 0        --EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1406                  , 0        --UNPLANNED_AMOUNT
1407                  , 0        --RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT
1408                  , p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date
1409                  , p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by
1410                  , p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
1411                  , p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
1412                  );
1413    end if; --p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R'
1415    printBooksSummary(p_asset_id       => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
1416                      p_book_type_code => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
1417                      p_period_counter => tbs_period_counter(1));
1419    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1420       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()-', '# of records inserted', tbs_period_counter.COUNT);
1421    end if;
1423    return true;
1427       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1428          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'(OTHERS)-', 'sqlcode', sqlcode);
1429       end if;
1431       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
1432             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
1434       return false;
1435 END createGroup;
1437 --+==============================================================================
1438 -- Function: buildMemberTable
1439 --
1440 --+==============================================================================
1441 FUNCTION buildMemberTable(
1442      p_trans_rec                          FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
1443      p_asset_hdr_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
1444      p_period_rec                         FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
1445      p_date_placed_in_service             DATE,
1446      p_group_asset_id                     NUMBER,
1447      p_reclass_multiplier                 NUMBER,
1448      p_reclass_src_dest                   VARCHAR2,
1449      p_salvage_limit_type                 VARCHAR2,
1450      x_td_period_counter       OUT NOCOPY fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type,
1451      x_td_cost                 OUT NOCOPY fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type,
1452      x_td_cip_cost             OUT NOCOPY fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type,
1453      x_td_salvage_value        OUT NOCOPY fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type,
1454      x_td_deprn_limit_amount   OUT NOCOPY fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type,
1455      x_asset_fin_rec           OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
1456      x_asset_fin_rec_reclass   OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
1457      p_mrc_sob_type_code                  VARCHAR2,
1458      p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)return BOOLEAN IS
1460   l_calling_fn  VARCHAR2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.buildMemberTable';
1462    --
1463    -- Get Period and 0s for cost, cip_cost, salvage value,
1464    -- deprn limit amount, percent_salvage_value, and allowed_deprn_limit
1465    -- and nulls for salvage_type and deprn_limit_type for building
1466    -- tables
1467    CURSOR c_get_period_counters (c_date date,
1468                                 c_group_asset_id number) IS
1469       select period_counter,
1470              0, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, 0, null, 0, 0, 0
1471       from   fa_books_summary
1472       where  asset_id = c_group_asset_id
1473       and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1474       and    calendar_period_close_date >= c_date
1475       order by period_counter;
1478   CURSOR c_get_member_trx IS
1479     select th.transaction_header_id
1480          , th.transaction_type_code
1481          , th.transaction_subtype
1482          , th.transaction_key
1483          , bs.period_counter
1484     from   fa_transaction_headers th
1485          , fa_books_summary bs
1486          , fa_transaction_headers mth
1487          , fa_books bk
1488     where  mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
1489     and    th.asset_id = mth.asset_id
1490     and    th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1491     and    bs.asset_id = p_group_asset_id
1492     and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1493     and    bk.transaction_header_id_in = th.transaction_header_id
1494     and    decode(th.transaction_subtype,
1495                   'EXPENSED', greatest(decode(bk.group_asset_id,
1496                                        null,p_date_placed_in_service,
1497                                             nvl(th.amortization_start_date,
1498                                                 th.transaction_date_entered)), p_date_placed_in_service),
1499                               greatest(nvl(th.amortization_start_date,
1500                                   th.transaction_date_entered), p_date_placed_in_service))
1501                                       between bs.calendar_period_open_date
1502                                           and bs.calendar_period_close_date
1503     and    (th.transaction_type_code not in ('TRANSFER OUT', 'TRANSFER IN',
1504                                             'TRANSFER', 'TRANSFER IN/VOID',
1505                                             'RECLASS', 'UNIT ADJUSTMENT',
1506                                             'REINSTATEMENT')
1510    -- Bug5149789
1507     or      (th.transaction_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENT' and
1508              th.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id));
1511    CURSOR c_get_member_trx_single IS
1512      select mth.transaction_header_id
1513           , mth.transaction_type_code
1514           , mth.transaction_subtype
1515           , mth.transaction_key
1516           , bs.period_counter
1517     from    fa_books_summary bs
1518           , fa_transaction_headers mth
1519           , fa_books bk
1520     where   mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
1521     and     bs.asset_id = p_group_asset_id
1522     and     bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1523     and     bk.transaction_header_id_in = mth.transaction_header_id
1524     and     decode(mth.transaction_subtype,
1525                    'EXPENSED', greatest(decode(bk.group_asset_id,
1526                                         null,p_date_placed_in_service,
1527                                              nvl(mth.amortization_start_date,
1528                                                  mth.transaction_date_entered)), p_date_placed_in_service),
1529                                greatest(nvl(mth.amortization_start_date,
1530                                             mth.transaction_date_entered), p_date_placed_in_service))
1531                                        between bs.calendar_period_open_date
1532                                            and bs.calendar_period_close_date
1533     and     (mth.transaction_type_code not in ('TRANSFER OUT', 'TRANSFER IN',
1534                                              'TRANSFER', 'TRANSFER IN/VOID',
1535                                              'RECLASS', 'UNIT ADJUSTMENT',
1536                                              'REINSTATEMENT')
1537        or    (mth.transaction_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENT' and
1538               mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id));
1540   --
1541   -- Cursor to get retirement information using retirement
1542   -- transaction_header_id
1543   --
1544   CURSOR c_get_ret_info (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
1545     select ret.date_retired
1546          , ret.cost_retired
1547          , nvl(ret.reserve_retired, 0)
1548          , ret.proceeds_of_sale
1549          , ret.cost_of_removal
1550     from   fa_retirements ret
1551     where  ret.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
1552     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out is null;
1554   CURSOR c_get_mc_ret_info (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
1555     select ret.date_retired
1556          , ret.cost_retired
1557          , nvl(ret.reserve_retired, 0)
1558          , ret.proceeds_of_sale
1559          , ret.cost_of_removal
1560     from   fa_retirements_mrc_v ret
1561     where  ret.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
1562     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out is null;
1565   --
1566   -- Cursor to get delta information in cost for a given transaction
1567   -- p_reclass_multiplier will be -1 if this is source group asset process.
1568   -- it wil be 1 for all other cases.
1569   --
1570   CURSOR c_get_deltas ( c_transaction_header_id number) IS
1571     select p_reclass_multiplier * (inbk.cost - nvl(outbk.cost, 0))
1572          , p_reclass_multiplier * (nvl(inbk.cip_cost, 0) - nvl(outbk.cip_cost, 0))
1573          , p_reclass_multiplier * (decode(inbk.salvage_type,
1574                                             outbk.salvage_type,
1575                                               inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
1576                                               inbk.salvage_value))
1577          , p_reclass_multiplier *
1578                (decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
1579                           outbk.deprn_limit_type,
1580                              nvl(decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type, 'NONE', inbk.salvage_value,
1581                                                                     inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount), 0) -
1582                              nvl(decode(outbk.deprn_limit_type, 'NONE', outbk.salvage_value,
1583                                                                     outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount), 0),
1584                              nvl(decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type, 'NONE', inbk.salvage_value,
1585                                                                        inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount), 0)))
1586          , inbk.salvage_type
1587          , outbk.salvage_type
1588          , inbk.percent_salvage_value
1589          , outbk.percent_salvage_value
1590          , inbk.deprn_limit_type
1591          , outbk.deprn_limit_type
1592          , inbk.allowed_deprn_limit
1593          , outbk.allowed_deprn_limit
1594     from   fa_books inbk,
1595            fa_books outbk
1596          , fa_transaction_headers mth
1597     where  mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
1598     and    inbk.asset_id = mth.asset_id
1599     and    outbk.asset_id(+) = inbk.asset_id
1600     and    inbk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1601     and    outbk.book_type_code(+) = inbk.book_type_code
1602     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
1603     and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+) = inbk.transaction_header_id_in;
1605   CURSOR c_get_mc_deltas ( c_transaction_header_id number) IS
1606     select p_reclass_multiplier * (inbk.cost - nvl(outbk.cost, 0))
1607          , p_reclass_multiplier * (nvl(inbk.cip_cost, 0) - nvl(outbk.cip_cost, 0))
1608          , p_reclass_multiplier * (decode(inbk.salvage_type,
1612          , p_reclass_multiplier *
1609                                             outbk.salvage_type,
1610                                               inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
1611                                               inbk.salvage_value))
1613                (decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
1614                           outbk.deprn_limit_type,
1615                              nvl(decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type, 'NONE', inbk.salvage_value,
1616                                                                     inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount), 0) -
1617                              nvl(decode(outbk.deprn_limit_type, 'NONE', outbk.salvage_value,
1618                                                                     outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount), 0),
1619                              nvl(decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type, 'NONE', inbk.salvage_value,
1620                                                                        inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount), 0)))
1621          , inbk.salvage_type
1622          , outbk.salvage_type
1623          , inbk.percent_salvage_value
1624          , outbk.percent_salvage_value
1625          , inbk.deprn_limit_type
1626          , outbk.deprn_limit_type
1627          , inbk.allowed_deprn_limit
1628          , outbk.allowed_deprn_limit
1629     from   fa_books_mrc_v inbk,
1630            fa_books_mrc_v outbk
1631          , fa_transaction_headers mth
1632     where  mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
1633     and    inbk.asset_id = mth.asset_id
1634     and    outbk.asset_id(+) = inbk.asset_id
1635     and    inbk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1636     and    outbk.book_type_code(+) = inbk.book_type_code
1637     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
1638     and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+) = inbk.transaction_header_id_in;
1640    --
1641    -- Tables to store member information
1642    --
1643    t_transaction_header_id        fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type;
1645    l_dpis_pc                      NUMBER(15); -- Period counter where member's dpis falls in
1647    tr_transaction_header_id       fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type;
1648    tr_transaction_type_code       fa_amort_pvt.tab_char30_type;
1649    tr_transaction_subtype         fa_amort_pvt.tab_char30_type;
1650    tr_transaction_key             fa_amort_pvt.tab_char3_type;
1651    tr_period_counter              fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type;
1653    l_date_retired                 DATE;
1654    l_cost_retired                 NUMBER;
1655    l_reserve_retired              NUMBER;
1656    l_proceeds_of_sale             NUMBER;
1657    l_cost_of_removal              NUMBER;
1659    l_cost                         NUMBER;
1660    l_cip_cost                     NUMBER;
1661    l_salvage_value                NUMBER;
1662    l_deprn_limit_amount           NUMBER;
1663    l_salvage_type                 VARCHAR2(30);
1664    l_old_salvage_type             VARCHAR2(30);
1665    l_percent_salvage_value        NUMBER;
1666    l_old_percent_salvage_value    NUMBER;
1667    l_deprn_limit_type             VARCHAR2(30);
1668    l_old_deprn_limit_type         VARCHAR2(30);
1669    l_allowed_deprn_limit          NUMBER;
1670    l_old_allowed_deprn_limit      NUMBER;
1672    t_period_counter               fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type;
1673    t_cost                         fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
1674    t_cip_cost                     fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
1675    t_salvage_type                 fa_amort_pvt.tab_char30_type;
1676    t_percent_salvage_value        fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
1677    t_salvage_value                fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
1678    t_deprn_limit_type             fa_amort_pvt.tab_char30_type;
1679    t_allowed_deprn_limit          fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
1680    t_deprn_limit_amount           fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
1681    t_sal_thid                     fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type;
1682    t_limit_thid                   fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type;
1685    l_sal_thid              NUMBER(15) := 0;
1686    l_limit_thid            NUMBER(15) := 0;
1688    -- Bug4958977: Adding following 4 new variables
1689    l_asset_fin_rec          FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
1690    l_period_counter         NUMBER;
1691    bld_err                  EXCEPTION;
1692    l_cur_trx_period_counter NUMBER;
1694    l_ind                   BINARY_INTEGER; -- Index variable
1695    l_temp_num              NUMBER;  -- used for calling fa_round_pkg
1696    ld_ind                  BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
1698    l_reinstated            BOOLEAN;
1700 BEGIN
1702    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1703       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()+', 'asset_id', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id, p_log_level_rec);
1704       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'group_asset_id', p_group_asset_id, p_log_level_rec);
1705    end if;
1706 --tk_util.debug('p_reclass_multiplier: '||to_char(p_reclass_multiplier));
1708    if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'DESTINATION') and
1709       (fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter.COUNT > 0) then
1710       l_ind := p_period_rec.period_counter - (fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(1) - 1);
1712       FOR i in l_ind..fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter.COUNT LOOP
1713 --tk_util.debug('i: '||to_char(i));
1714          ld_ind := ld_ind + 1;
1715          x_td_period_counter(ld_ind) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(i);
1716          x_td_cost(ld_ind) := -1 * fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i);
1717          x_td_cip_cost(ld_ind) := -1 * fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(i);
1721 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tm_cost(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tm_cost(i)));
1718          x_td_salvage_value(ld_ind) := -1 * fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(i);
1719          x_td_deprn_limit_amount(ld_ind) := -1 * fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(i);
1720 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(i)));
1722 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i)));
1723 --tk_util.debug('x_td_cost(ld_ind): '||to_char(x_td_cost(ld_ind)));
1724       END LOOP;
1725 --tk_util.debug('Post loop');
1726       x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cost := -1 * fa_amort_pvt.tm_cost(l_ind);
1727 --tk_util.debug('x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cost: '||to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cost));
1728       x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cip_cost := -1 * fa_amort_pvt.tm_cip_cost(l_ind);
1729       x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.salvage_value := -1 * fa_amort_pvt.tm_salvage_value(l_ind);
1730       x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.allowed_deprn_limit_amount :=
1731                                           -1 * fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind);
1733       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1734          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()-', '# of rows in delta tables', x_td_cost.COUNT, p_log_level_rec);
1735       end if;
1737       return TRUE;
1739    end if;
1740    --
1741    -- Construct member asset table using group's data in FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY
1742    --
1743 --tk_util.debug('c_date: '||to_char(p_date_placed_in_service, 'DD-MON-YYYY'));
1744    OPEN c_get_period_counters (p_date_placed_in_service,
1745                                p_group_asset_id);
1747    FETCH c_get_period_counters BULK COLLECT INTO t_period_counter
1748                                                , t_transaction_header_id
1749                                                , fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost
1750                                                , fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost
1751                                                , fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value
1752                                                , fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount
1753                                                , t_salvage_type
1754                                                , t_percent_salvage_value
1755                                                , t_deprn_limit_type
1756                                                , t_allowed_deprn_limit
1757                                                , t_sal_thid
1758                                                , t_limit_thid;
1759    CLOSE c_get_period_counters;
1761    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1762       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Finish Constructing Memebr Table',
1763                        t_period_counter.COUNT, p_log_level_rec);
1764       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_trans_rec.transaction_key',
1765                        p_trans_rec.transaction_key, p_log_level_rec);
1766       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_salvage_limit_type',
1767                        p_salvage_limit_type, p_log_level_rec);
1768       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id',
1769                        p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id, p_log_level_rec);
1770       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_date_placed_in_service',
1771                        p_date_placed_in_service, p_log_level_rec);
1772       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_group_asset_id',
1773                        p_group_asset_id, p_log_level_rec);
1774    end if;
1776    l_dpis_pc := t_period_counter(1);
1778    --
1779    -- Get member asset's transactions
1780    --
1781    -- bug5149789: if we can prevent salvage_type or deprn_limit_type
1782    -- change once the member is added, then we can check against
1783    -- trx key.  Otherwise we need to go with type now.
1784    if (p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'GC') or (p_salvage_limit_type = 'SUM') then
1785       OPEN c_get_member_trx;
1786       FETCH c_get_member_trx BULK COLLECT INTO tr_transaction_header_id
1787                                              , tr_transaction_type_code
1788                                              , tr_transaction_subtype
1789                                              , tr_transaction_key
1790                                              , tr_period_counter
1791                                                ;
1792       CLOSE c_get_member_trx;
1793    else -- bug5149789
1794       --
1795       -- bug5149789
1796       -- Even thought following cursor is using bulk, it should only return
1797       -- one row.  It is using pl/sql table of columns to be consistent.
1798       OPEN c_get_member_trx_single;
1799       FETCH c_get_member_trx_single BULK COLLECT INTO tr_transaction_header_id
1800                                                     , tr_transaction_type_code
1801                                                     , tr_transaction_subtype
1802                                                     , tr_transaction_key
1803                                                     , tr_period_counter
1804                                                      ;
1805       CLOSE c_get_member_trx_single;
1807    end if; -- bug5149789
1810    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1811       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Finish Getting Memebr Trxs',
1812                        tr_transaction_header_id.COUNT, p_log_level_rec);
1813    end if;
1815    --
1816    -- Get Delta information for each transaction and populate delta information.
1817    --
1818    FOR i in 1..tr_transaction_header_id.COUNT LOOP
1820       -- Bug4766103: Need to initialize l_reinstated
1821       l_reinstated := FALSE;
1823       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
1827                                        , l_cost_retired
1824          if (tr_transaction_key(i) = 'R') then
1825             OPEN c_get_mc_ret_info(tr_transaction_header_id(i));
1826             FETCH c_get_mc_ret_info INTO l_date_retired
1828                                        , l_reserve_retired
1829                                        , l_proceeds_of_sale
1830                                        , l_cost_of_removal;
1832             if c_get_mc_ret_info%NOTFOUND then
1833                l_reinstated := TRUE;
1834             end if;
1836             CLOSE c_get_mc_ret_info;
1838          end if;
1839       else
1840          if (tr_transaction_key(i) = 'R') then
1841             OPEN c_get_ret_info(tr_transaction_header_id(i));
1842             FETCH c_get_ret_info INTO l_date_retired
1843                                     , l_cost_retired
1844                                     , l_reserve_retired
1845                                     , l_proceeds_of_sale
1846                                     , l_cost_of_removal;
1848             if c_get_ret_info%NOTFOUND then
1849                l_reinstated := TRUE;
1850             end if;
1852             CLOSE c_get_ret_info;
1854          end if;
1855       end if;
1857       if (not l_reinstated) or
1858          ((l_reinstated) and
1859           (tr_transaction_header_id(i) =
1860                    p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id)) then
1862          if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
1863             OPEN c_get_mc_deltas(tr_transaction_header_id(i));
1864             FETCH c_get_mc_deltas INTO l_cost
1865                                   , l_cip_cost
1866                                   , l_salvage_value
1867                                   , l_deprn_limit_amount
1868                                   , l_salvage_type
1869                                   , l_old_salvage_type
1870                                   , l_percent_salvage_value
1871                                   , l_old_percent_salvage_value
1872                                   , l_deprn_limit_type
1873                                   , l_old_deprn_limit_type
1874                                   , l_allowed_deprn_limit
1875                                   , l_old_allowed_deprn_limit;
1876             CLOSE c_get_mc_deltas;
1877          else
1878             OPEN c_get_deltas(tr_transaction_header_id(i));
1879             FETCH c_get_deltas INTO l_cost
1880                                   , l_cip_cost
1881                                   , l_salvage_value
1882                                   , l_deprn_limit_amount
1883                                   , l_salvage_type
1884                                   , l_old_salvage_type
1885                                   , l_percent_salvage_value
1886                                   , l_old_percent_salvage_value
1887                                   , l_deprn_limit_type
1888                                   , l_old_deprn_limit_type
1889                                   , l_allowed_deprn_limit
1890                                   , l_old_allowed_deprn_limit;
1891             CLOSE c_get_deltas;
1892          end if;
1893 /*
1894 --tk_util.debug('thid:cost:sal:dl: '||to_char(tr_transaction_header_id(i))||':'||
1895                                        to_char(l_cost)||':'||
1896                                        to_char(l_salvage_value)||':'||
1897                                        to_char(l_deprn_limit_amount));
1898 */
1900          if (tr_transaction_header_id(i) <>
1901                                   p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id) then
1903             -- Fix for 4713623
1904             -- this case happens when dpis of member is changed after ADDITION
1905             -- for example from jan to mar and bs table is only from march
1906             -- In such cases l_ind using tr_period_counter(i) - l_dpis_pc + 1
1907             -- can be negative.
1908             -- the fix handles that any transaction before current dpis
1909             -- is made to look from current dpis period
1911             if (tr_period_counter(i) < l_dpis_pc) then
1912                l_ind := 1;
1913             else
1914                 l_ind := tr_period_counter(i) - l_dpis_pc + 1;
1915             end if;
1917             fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(l_ind)               :=
1918                                 fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(l_ind) + l_cost;
1919             fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(l_ind)           :=
1920                                 fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(l_ind) + l_cip_cost;
1921             fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(l_ind)      :=
1922                                 fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(l_ind) +
1923                                 l_salvage_value;
1924             fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind) :=
1925                                 fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind) +
1926                                 l_deprn_limit_amount;
1928             --
1929             -- Following line may be removed.  This is not necessary
1930             -- since introduction of t_sal(limit)_thids.
1931             t_transaction_header_id(l_ind) := tr_transaction_header_id(i);
1933             --
1934             -- Subsequent retroactive salvage/deprn limit change may override
1935             -- previously entered information. So copy only qualified salvage/
1936             -- deprn limit changes.
1937             --
1938 --tk_util.debug('t_sal_thid(l_ind): '||to_char(t_sal_thid(l_ind)));
1942 --tk_util.debug('l_salvage_type: '||l_salvage_type);
1939 --tk_util.debug('tr_transaction_header_id(i): '||to_char(tr_transaction_header_id(i)));
1940 --tk_util.debug('l_percent_salvage_value: '||to_char(l_percent_salvage_value));
1941 --tk_util.debug('l_old_percent_salvage_value: '||to_char(l_old_percent_salvage_value));
1943 --tk_util.debug('l_salvage_value: '||to_char(l_salvage_value));
1945             if (t_sal_thid(l_ind) < tr_transaction_header_id(i)) and
1946                ((l_salvage_type <> l_old_salvage_type) or
1947                 (nvl(l_percent_salvage_value, 0) <> nvl(l_old_percent_salvage_value, 0)) or
1948                 (l_salvage_type = 'AMT' and l_salvage_value <> 0)) then
1950                t_sal_thid(l_ind) := tr_transaction_header_id(i);
1951                t_salvage_type(l_ind)          := l_salvage_type;
1952                t_percent_salvage_value(l_ind) := l_percent_salvage_value;
1954                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1955                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Check',
1956                                    'Types', p_log_level_rec);
1957                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_salvage_type('||to_char(l_ind)||')',
1958                                    t_salvage_type(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
1959                end if;
1961             end if;
1963             if (t_limit_thid(l_ind) < tr_transaction_header_id(i)) and
1964                ((l_deprn_limit_type <> nvl(l_old_deprn_limit_type, l_deprn_limit_type)) or
1965                 (nvl(l_allowed_deprn_limit, 0) <> nvl(l_old_allowed_deprn_limit,0)) or
1966                 (l_deprn_limit_type = 'AMT' and l_deprn_limit_amount <> 0)) then
1968                t_limit_thid(l_ind) := tr_transaction_header_id(i);
1969                t_deprn_limit_type(l_ind)      := l_deprn_limit_type;
1970                t_allowed_deprn_limit(l_ind)   := l_allowed_deprn_limit;
1972                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1973                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Check',
1974                                    'Types', p_log_level_rec);
1975                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_deprn_limit_type('||to_char(l_ind)||')',
1976                                    t_deprn_limit_type(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
1977                end if;
1978             end if;
1981          else
1982             l_cur_trx_period_counter                   := tr_period_counter(i); -- Bug4958977
1983             x_asset_fin_rec.cost                       := l_cost;
1984             x_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost                   := l_cip_cost;
1985             x_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value              := l_salvage_value;
1986             x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := l_deprn_limit_amount;
1987             x_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type               := l_salvage_type;
1988             x_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value      := l_percent_salvage_value;
1989             x_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type           := l_deprn_limit_type;
1990             x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit        := l_allowed_deprn_limit;
1992             -- Bug4958977: Adding following if statements
1993             if (nvl(l_cost, 0) = 0) and
1994                (nvl(l_cip_cost, 0) = 0) and
1995                (nvl(l_salvage_value, 0) = 0) and
1996                (nvl(l_deprn_limit_amount, 0) = 0) then
1998                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
1999                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'calling', 'check_dpis_change', p_log_level_rec);
2000                end if;
2002                if not check_dpis_change (
2003                           p_book_type_code        => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2004                         , p_transaction_header_id => tr_transaction_header_id(i)
2005                         , p_group_asset_id        => p_group_asset_id
2006                         , x_asset_fin_rec         => l_asset_fin_rec
2007                         , x_period_counter_out    => l_period_counter
2008                         , p_mrc_sob_type_code     => p_mrc_sob_type_code
2009                         , p_log_level_rec         => p_log_level_rec) then
2010                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2011                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'error calling', 'check_dpis_change', p_log_level_rec);
2012                   end if;
2013                   raise bld_err;
2014                end if;
2016                if (l_period_counter is not null) then
2017                   x_asset_fin_rec.cost                       := l_asset_fin_rec.cost;
2018                   x_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost                   := l_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost;
2019                   x_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value              := l_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value;
2020                   x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := l_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
2021                end if;
2022             end if; -- (nvl(l_cost, 0) = 0) and
2024             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2025                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'cost', x_asset_fin_rec.cost, p_log_level_rec);
2026                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'cip_cost', x_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost, p_log_level_rec);
2027                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'salvage_value',
2028                                 x_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value, p_log_level_rec);
2029                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'allowed_deprn_limit_amount',
2030                                 x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, p_log_level_rec);
2031                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'salvage_type',
2035                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'deprn_limit_type',
2032                                 x_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type, p_log_level_rec);
2033                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'percent_salvage_value',
2034                                 x_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value, p_log_level_rec);
2036                                 x_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type, p_log_level_rec);
2037                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'allowed_deprn_limit',
2038                                 x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit, p_log_level_rec);
2039             end if;
2041          end if; -- (tr_transaction_header_id(i) <>
2043       end if; -- (not l_reinstated)
2045    END LOOP;
2047    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2048       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()+', 'Finish Getting Deltas for Each Trx',
2049                        tr_transaction_header_id.COUNT, p_log_level_rec);
2050    end if;
2052    --
2053    -- if this is not reclass, return delta
2054    -- if this is reclass, return member's from dpis no matter
2055    -- what is reclass date is.
2056    -- if reclass date is not dpis, update won't include upto that period.
2057    -- adjust foall update statement to update necessary period
2058    -- note: in that case, first period for the reclass got some hit
2059    -- of cost, reserve from dpis to the period
2060    --
2062    if (p_reclass_src_dest is not null) then
2063       l_sal_thid := t_transaction_header_id(1);
2064       l_limit_thid := t_transaction_header_id(1);
2066       fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(1) := t_period_counter(1);
2068       x_td_cost(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(1);
2069       t_cost(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(1);
2070       fa_amort_pvt.tm_cost(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(1);
2071       x_td_cip_cost(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(1);
2072       t_cip_cost(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(1);
2073       fa_amort_pvt.tm_cip_cost(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(1);
2075 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(1): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(1)));
2076 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(1): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(1)));
2077 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(1): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(1)));
2078 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1)));
2080       if (t_salvage_type(1) = 'PCT') then
2081          l_temp_num := t_cost(1) * t_percent_salvage_value(1);
2082          fa_round_pkg.fa_ceil(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2083 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2084          x_td_salvage_value(1) := l_temp_num;
2085          t_salvage_value(1) := l_temp_num;
2086          fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1) := l_temp_num;
2087          fa_amort_pvt.tm_salvage_value(1) := l_temp_num;
2088       else
2089          x_td_salvage_value(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1);
2090          t_salvage_value(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1);
2091          fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1);
2092          fa_amort_pvt.tm_salvage_value(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1);
2093       end if;
2094 --tk_util.debug('x_td_salvage_value(1): '||to_char(x_td_salvage_value(1)));
2096       if (t_deprn_limit_type(1) = 'PCT') then
2097          l_temp_num := t_cost(1) * (1 - t_allowed_deprn_limit(1));
2098          fa_round_pkg.fa_floor(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2099                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2100          x_td_deprn_limit_amount(1) := l_temp_num;
2101          t_deprn_limit_amount(1) := l_temp_num;
2102          fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(1) := l_temp_num;
2103          fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(1) := l_temp_num;
2104       elsif (t_deprn_limit_type(1) = 'NONE') then
2105          x_td_deprn_limit_amount(1) := x_td_salvage_value(1);
2106          t_deprn_limit_amount(1) := x_td_salvage_value(1);
2107          fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(1) := x_td_salvage_value(1);
2108          fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(1) := x_td_salvage_value(1);
2109       else
2110          x_td_deprn_limit_amount(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(1);
2111          t_deprn_limit_amount(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(1);
2112          fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(1);
2113          fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(1);
2114       end if;
2116       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2117          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Finish Populating First Record',
2118                           x_td_cost(1), p_log_level_rec);
2119       end if;
2121       FOR i in 2..t_period_counter.COUNT LOOP
2123          fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(i) := t_period_counter(i);
2124          x_td_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i);
2125          t_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i) + t_cost(i - 1);
2126          fa_amort_pvt.tm_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i) + t_cost(i - 1);
2127          x_td_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(i);
2128          t_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(i) + t_cip_cost(i - 1);
2129          fa_amort_pvt.tm_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(i) + t_cip_cost(i - 1);
2130 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_period_counter(i)));
2131 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tm_cost(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tm_cost(i)));
2132 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i)));
2133 --tk_util.debug('x_td_cost(i): '||to_char(x_td_cost(i)));
2137          if (t_sal_thid(i) = 0) or
2134 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(i)));
2135 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(i)));
2138             (l_sal_thid >= t_sal_thid(i)) then
2139             t_salvage_type(i) := t_salvage_type(i - 1);
2140             t_percent_salvage_value(i) := t_percent_salvage_value(i - 1);
2141          end if;
2143          if (t_limit_thid(i) = 0) or
2144             (l_limit_thid >= t_limit_thid(i)) then
2145             t_deprn_limit_type(i) := t_deprn_limit_type(i - 1);
2146             t_allowed_deprn_limit(i) := t_allowed_deprn_limit(i - 1);
2147          end if;
2149          if (t_salvage_type(i) = 'PCT') then
2150             l_temp_num := t_cost(i) * t_percent_salvage_value(i);
2151             fa_round_pkg.fa_ceil(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2152                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2153             x_td_salvage_value(i) := l_temp_num;
2154             t_salvage_value(i) := l_temp_num - x_td_salvage_value(i - 1);
2155             fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(i) := l_temp_num - fa_amort_pvt.tm_salvage_value(i - 1);
2156             fa_amort_pvt.tm_salvage_value(i) := l_temp_num;
2157          else
2158             x_td_salvage_value(i) :=  fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(i) +
2159                                       x_td_salvage_value(i - 1);
2160             t_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(i);
2161             fa_amort_pvt.tm_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(i) +
2162                                                  t_salvage_value(i - 1);
2163          end if;
2164 --tk_util.debug('x_td_salvage_value(i): '||to_char(x_td_salvage_value(i)));
2166          if (t_deprn_limit_type(i) = 'PCT') then
2167             l_temp_num := t_cost(i) * (1 - t_allowed_deprn_limit(i));
2168             fa_round_pkg.fa_floor(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2169                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2170             t_deprn_limit_amount(i) := l_temp_num;
2171             x_td_deprn_limit_amount(i) := l_temp_num - t_deprn_limit_amount(i - 1);
2172             fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(i) := l_temp_num -
2173                                                        fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(i - 1);
2174             fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(i) := l_temp_num;
2175          elsif (t_deprn_limit_type(i) = 'NONE') then
2176             t_deprn_limit_amount(i) :=  x_td_salvage_value(i);
2177             x_td_deprn_limit_amount(i) := t_salvage_value(i) - t_deprn_limit_amount(i - 1);
2178             fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tm_salvage_value(i) -
2179                                                        fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(i - 1);
2180             fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(i) := x_td_salvage_value(i);
2181          else
2182             t_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(i);
2183             x_td_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(i) +
2184                                        x_td_deprn_limit_amount(i - 1);
2185             fa_amort_pvt.tm_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(i) +
2186                                                       x_td_deprn_limit_amount(i - 1);
2187          end if;
2188   --tk_util.debug('bottom of loop');
2189       END LOOP; -- i in 2..t_period_counter.COUNT
2190 --tk_util.debug('End Loop');
2192       l_ind := p_period_rec.period_counter - t_period_counter(1) + 1;
2193 --tk_util.debug('l_ind: '||to_char(l_ind));
2195       x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cost := t_cost(l_ind);
2196       x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cip_cost := t_cip_cost(l_ind);
2197       x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.salvage_value := x_td_salvage_value(l_ind);
2198       x_asset_fin_rec_reclass.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := x_td_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind);
2200    else
2202       --
2203       -- Prepare delta for non-group reclass adjustments
2204       --
2206       l_sal_thid := t_transaction_header_id(1);
2207       l_limit_thid := t_transaction_header_id(1);
2208       t_cost(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(1);
2209       t_cip_cost(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(1);
2211       if (t_salvage_type(1) = 'PCT') then
2212          l_temp_num := t_cost(1) * t_percent_salvage_value(1);
2213          fa_round_pkg.fa_ceil(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2214                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2215          t_salvage_value(1) := l_temp_num;
2216       else
2217          t_salvage_value(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(1);
2218       end if;
2220       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2221          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_salvage_type(1)',
2222                           t_salvage_type(1), p_log_level_rec);
2223          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_percent_salvage_value',
2224                           t_percent_salvage_value(1), p_log_level_rec);
2225          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_salvage_value',
2226                           t_salvage_value(1), p_log_level_rec);
2227          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_deprn_limit_type(1)',
2228                           t_deprn_limit_type(1), p_log_level_rec);
2230       end if;
2233       if (t_deprn_limit_type(1) = 'PCT') then
2234          l_temp_num := t_cost(1) * (1 - t_allowed_deprn_limit(1));
2235          fa_round_pkg.fa_floor(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2236                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2240       else
2237          t_deprn_limit_amount(1) := l_temp_num;
2238       elsif (t_deprn_limit_type(1) = 'NONE') then
2239          t_deprn_limit_amount(1) := t_salvage_value(1);
2241          t_deprn_limit_amount(1) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(1);
2242       end if;
2244       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2245          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Finish Populating First Record',
2246                           t_cost(1), p_log_level_rec);
2247       end if;
2249       FOR i in 2..t_period_counter.COUNT LOOP
2251          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2252             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost('||to_char(i)||')',
2253                              fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i), p_log_level_rec);
2254             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_cost('||to_char(i-1)||')',
2255                              t_cost(i - 1), p_log_level_rec);
2256          end if;
2258          t_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cost(i) + t_cost(i - 1);
2259          t_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_cip_cost(i) + t_cip_cost(i - 1);
2261             if (t_sal_thid(i) = 0) or
2262                (l_sal_thid >= t_sal_thid(i)) then
2263                t_salvage_type(i) := t_salvage_type(i - 1);
2264                t_percent_salvage_value(i) := t_percent_salvage_value(i - 1);
2265             end if;
2267             if (t_limit_thid(i) = 0) or
2268                (l_limit_thid >= t_limit_thid(i)) then
2269                t_deprn_limit_type(i) := t_deprn_limit_type(i - 1);
2270                t_allowed_deprn_limit(i) := t_allowed_deprn_limit(i - 1);
2271             end if;
2273          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2274            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_salvage_type('||to_char(i)||')',
2275                              t_salvage_type(i), p_log_level_rec);
2276             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_deprn_limit_type('||to_char(i)||')',
2277                              t_deprn_limit_type(i), p_log_level_rec);
2278          end if;
2281          if (t_salvage_type(i) = 'PCT') then
2282             l_temp_num := t_cost(i) * t_percent_salvage_value(i);
2283             fa_round_pkg.fa_ceil(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2284                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2285             t_salvage_value(i) := l_temp_num;
2286          else
2287             t_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(i) +
2288                                                  t_salvage_value(i - 1);
2289          end if;
2291          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2292             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_percent_salvage_value',
2293                              t_percent_salvage_value(i), p_log_level_rec);
2294             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_salvage_value',
2295                              t_salvage_value(i), p_log_level_rec);
2296          end if;
2299          if (t_deprn_limit_type(i) = 'PCT') then
2300             l_temp_num := t_cost(i) * (1 - t_allowed_deprn_limit(i));
2301             fa_round_pkg.fa_floor(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2302                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2303             t_deprn_limit_amount(i) := l_temp_num;
2304          elsif (t_deprn_limit_type(i) = 'NONE') then
2305             t_deprn_limit_amount(i) := t_salvage_value(i);
2306          else
2307             t_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.tmd_deprn_limit_amount(i) +
2308                                                       t_deprn_limit_amount(i - 1);
2309          end if;
2311          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2312             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_deprn_limit_amount',
2313                              t_deprn_limit_amount(i), p_log_level_rec);
2314          end if;
2317       END LOOP; -- i in 2..t_period_counter.COUNT
2319       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2320          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Finish Populating All Records',
2321                           t_cost(t_period_counter.COUNT), p_log_level_rec);
2322       end if;
2324       l_ind := p_period_rec.period_counter - t_period_counter(1) + 1;
2326 --tk_util.debug('x_td_cost(1): '||to_char(x_asset_fin_rec.cost));
2327 --tk_util.debug('l_ind: '||to_char(l_ind));
2329       --
2330       -- Now Construct delta table to be applied against group table
2331       --
2332       -- Bug4958977: Replacing with following if statement.
2333       -- Original lines are executed if first condition is met
2335       x_td_period_counter(1) := t_period_counter(l_ind);
2336       if (l_cur_trx_period_counter = x_td_period_counter(1)) then
2337          x_td_cost(1) := x_asset_fin_rec.cost;
2338          x_td_cip_cost(1) := x_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost;
2339       elsif (l_period_counter = x_td_period_counter(1)) then
2340          x_td_cost(1)               := (-1 * l_asset_fin_rec.cost);
2341          x_td_cip_cost(1)           := (-1 * l_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost);
2342       else
2343          x_td_cost(1) := 0;
2344          x_td_cip_cost(1) := 0;
2345       end if;
2347       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2348          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_cost('||to_char(l_ind)||')',
2349                           t_cost(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2350          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_td_cost('||to_char(1)||')',
2351                           x_td_cost(1), p_log_level_rec);
2352       end if;
2355       -- Bug4958977: Use x_td_xxxx instead of x_asset_fin_rec
2356       t_cost(l_ind) := t_cost(l_ind) + x_td_cost(1);
2357       t_cip_cost(l_ind) := t_cip_cost(l_ind) + x_td_cip_cost(1);
2359 --tk_util.debug('x_td_period_counter(1): '||                              to_char(x_td_period_counter(1)));
2360 --tk_util.debug('x_td_cost(1): '||                                        to_char(x_td_cost(1)));
2361 --tk_util.debug('t_cost('||to_char(l_ind)||'): '||                        to_char(t_cost(l_ind)));
2362 --tk_util.debug('t_salvage_type('||to_char(l_ind)||'): '||                t_salvage_type(l_ind));
2363 --tk_util.debug('x_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value: '||               to_char(x_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value));
2364 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value('||to_char(l_ind)||'): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(l_ind)));
2365 --tk_util.debug('t_salvage_value('||to_char(l_ind)||'): '||               to_char(t_salvage_value(l_ind)));
2367       if (t_salvage_type(l_ind) = 'PCT') then
2368 --         l_temp_num := t_cost(l_ind) * t_percent_salvage_value(l_ind);
2369          l_temp_num := t_cost(l_ind) * x_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value;
2370          fa_round_pkg.fa_ceil(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2371                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2373          x_td_salvage_value(1) := l_temp_num - t_salvage_value(l_ind);
2374          t_salvage_value(l_ind) := l_temp_num;
2375       else
2376          x_td_salvage_value(1) := x_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value;
2377          t_salvage_value(l_ind) :=  t_salvage_value(l_ind) + x_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value;
2378       end if;
2380       if (t_deprn_limit_type(l_ind) = 'PCT') then
2381 --         l_temp_num := t_cost(l_ind) * (1 - t_allowed_deprn_limit(l_ind));
2382          l_temp_num := t_cost(l_ind) * (1 - x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit);
2383          fa_round_pkg.fa_floor(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2384                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2385          x_td_deprn_limit_amount(1) := l_temp_num - t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind);
2387          t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind) := l_temp_num;
2388       else
2389          x_td_deprn_limit_amount(1) := x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
2390          t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind) := t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind) +
2391                                         x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
2392       end if;
2393 --tk_util.debug('x_td_salvage_value(1): '||to_char(x_td_salvage_value(1)));
2394 --tk_util.debug('x_td_deprn_limit_amount(1): '||to_char(x_td_deprn_limit_amount(1)));
2397       FOR i in 2..(t_period_counter.LAST - l_ind + 1)  LOOP
2398          l_ind := l_ind + 1;
2400          --Bug4958977: Conditionally populate x_td_cost(cip_cost) instead of populating
2401          -- 0 all the time.  Modified until next debug statement
2402          x_td_period_counter(i) := t_period_counter(l_ind);
2404          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2405             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_td_period_counter('||to_char(i)||')',
2406                              x_td_period_counter(i), p_log_level_rec);
2407             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_asset_fin_rec.cost',
2408                              x_asset_fin_rec.cost, p_log_level_rec);
2409             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_cost('||to_char(l_ind)||')',
2410                              t_cost(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2411          end if;
2414          if (l_cur_trx_period_counter = x_td_period_counter(i)) then
2415             x_td_cost(i)      := x_asset_fin_rec.cost;
2416             x_td_cip_cost(i)  := x_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost;
2417             t_cost(l_ind) := t_cost(l_ind) + x_td_cost(i);
2418             t_cip_cost(l_ind) := t_cip_cost(l_ind) + x_td_cip_cost(i);
2419          elsif (l_period_counter = x_td_period_counter(i)) then
2420             x_td_cost(i)      := (-1 * l_asset_fin_rec.cost);
2421             x_td_cip_cost(i)  := (-1 * l_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost);
2422             t_cost(l_ind) := t_cost(l_ind) + x_td_cost(i);
2423             t_cip_cost(l_ind) := t_cip_cost(l_ind) + x_td_cip_cost(i);
2424          else
2425             x_td_cost(i) := 0;
2426             x_td_cip_cost(i) := 0;
2427 --            t_cost(l_ind) := t_cost(l_ind) + t_cost(l_ind - 1);
2428 --            t_cip_cost(l_ind) := t_cip_cost(l_ind) + t_cip_cost(l_ind - 1);
2429             t_cost(l_ind) := t_cost(l_ind) + x_asset_fin_rec.cost;
2430             t_cip_cost(l_ind) := t_cip_cost(l_ind) + x_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost;
2431          end if;
2433          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2434             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'i', i, p_log_level_rec);
2435             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_td_period_counter(i)',
2436                              x_td_period_counter(i), p_log_level_rec);
2437             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_cost('||to_char(l_ind)||')',
2438                              t_cost(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2439             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_td_cost('||to_char(i)||')',
2440                              x_td_cost(i), p_log_level_rec);
2441             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value',
2442                              fa_amort_pvt.tmd_salvage_value(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2443             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_salvage_type(l_ind)',
2444                              t_salvage_type(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2445             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_salvage_value',
2446                              t_salvage_value(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2447          end if;
2449          if (t_salvage_type(l_ind) = 'PCT') then
2450             l_temp_num := t_cost(l_ind) * x_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value;
2452             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2453                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_temp_num', l_temp_num, p_log_level_rec);
2454             end if;
2456             fa_round_pkg.fa_ceil(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2457                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2459             x_td_salvage_value(i) := l_temp_num - t_salvage_value(l_ind);
2461             t_salvage_value(l_ind) := l_temp_num;
2462          else
2463             x_td_salvage_value(i) := t_salvage_value(l_ind - 1) - t_salvage_value(l_ind);
2465             t_salvage_value(i) := t_salvage_value(l_ind) + t_salvage_value(l_ind - 1);
2466          end if;
2468          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2469             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_td_salvage_value('||to_char(i)||')'
2470                            , x_td_salvage_value(i), p_log_level_rec);
2471             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_deprn_limit_amount('||to_char(l_ind)||')'
2472                            , t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2473             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit'
2474                            , x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit, p_log_level_rec);
2475          end if;
2477          if (t_deprn_limit_type(i) = 'PCT') then
2478 --            l_temp_num := t_cost(l_ind) * (1 - t_allowed_deprn_limit(l_ind));
2479             l_temp_num := t_cost(l_ind) * (1 - x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit);
2481             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2482                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_temp_num'
2483                               , l_temp_num, p_log_level_rec);
2484                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_cost('||to_char(l_ind)||')'
2485                               , t_cost(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2486                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit'
2487                               , x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit, p_log_level_rec);
2488             end if;
2490             fa_round_pkg.fa_floor(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2491                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2493             x_td_deprn_limit_amount(i) := l_temp_num - t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind);
2495             t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind) := l_temp_num;
2496          else
2497             x_td_deprn_limit_amount(i) := t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind - 1) -
2498                                           t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind);
2500             t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind) := t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind) +
2501                                            t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind - 1);
2502          end if;
2504          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2505             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_td_deprn_limit_amount('||to_char(i)||')'
2506                            , x_td_deprn_limit_amount(i), p_log_level_rec);
2507             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_deprn_limit_amount('||to_char(l_ind)||')'
2508                            , t_deprn_limit_amount(l_ind), p_log_level_rec);
2509          end if;
2513       END LOOP; -- i in 2..t_cost.COUNT
2515    end if; -- (p_reclass_src_dest is null)
2517    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2518       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()-', '# of rows in delta tables',
2519                        x_td_cost.COUNT, p_log_level_rec);
2520    end if;
2522    return TRUE;
2525    WHEN bld_err THEN
2526       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2527          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'bld_err', p_log_level_rec);
2528       end if;
2530       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn);
2531       return false;
2534       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2535          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'(OTHERS)-', 'sqlcode', sqlcode, p_log_level_rec);
2536       end if;
2538       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
2539             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2540       return false;
2542 END buildMemberTable;
2544 --+==============================================================================
2545 -- Function: CurrentPeriodAdj
2546 --
2547 --
2548 --
2549 --
2550 --
2551 --+==============================================================================
2552 FUNCTION CurrentPeriodAdj(
2553     p_trans_rec                         FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
2554     p_asset_hdr_rec                     FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
2555     p_asset_type_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
2556     p_asset_fin_rec_old                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
2557     p_asset_fin_rec_adj                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type default null,
2558     px_asset_fin_rec_new  IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
2559     p_period_rec                        FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
2560     p_asset_deprn_rec_adj               FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type default null,
2561     p_proceeds_of_sale                  NUMBER default 0,
2562     p_cost_of_removal                   NUMBER default 0,
2563     p_calling_fn                        VARCHAR2,
2564     p_mrc_sob_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
2565     p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
2566 return BOOLEAN is
2568   l_calling_fn  VARCHAR2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.CurrentPeriodAdj';
2570   CURSOR c_get_deltas IS
2574     from   fa_books inbk,
2571     select inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0)
2572          , nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) -
2573                nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)
2575            fa_books outbk
2576     where  outbk.asset_id(+) = inbk.asset_id
2577     and    outbk.book_type_code(+) = inbk.book_type_code
2578     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
2579     and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+) = inbk.transaction_header_id_in;
2581   CURSOR c_get_mc_deltas IS
2582     select inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0)
2583          , nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) -
2584                nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)
2585     from   fa_books_mrc_v inbk,
2586            fa_books_mrc_v outbk
2587     where  outbk.asset_id(+) = inbk.asset_id
2588     and    outbk.book_type_code(+) = inbk.book_type_code
2589     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
2590     and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+) = inbk.transaction_header_id_in;
2592   --
2593   -- Cursor to get retirement information using retirement
2594   -- transaction_header_id
2595   --
2596   CURSOR c_get_ret_info (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
2597     select ret.proceeds_of_sale
2598          , ret.cost_of_removal
2599          , -1 * nvl(ret.reserve_retired, 0)
2600          , -1 * nbv_retired
2601     from   fa_retirements ret
2602     where  ret.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
2603     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out is null;
2605   CURSOR c_get_mc_ret_info (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
2606     select ret.proceeds_of_sale
2607          , ret.cost_of_removal
2608          , -1 * nvl(ret.reserve_retired, 0)
2609          , -1 * nbv_retired
2610     from   fa_retirements_mrc_v ret
2611     where  ret.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
2612     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out is null;
2614   --
2615   -- Cursor to get retirement information using reinsatement
2616   -- transaction_header_id
2617   --
2618   CURSOR c_get_rein_info (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
2619     select -1 * ret.proceeds_of_sale
2620          , -1 * ret.cost_of_removal
2621          ,  nvl(ret.reserve_retired, 0)
2622          ,  nbv_retired
2623     from   fa_retirements ret
2624          , fa_transaction_headers mth
2625     where  mth.transaction_header_id = c_transaction_header_id
2626     and    mth.asset_id = ret.asset_id
2627     and    mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2628     and    ret.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2629     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out = c_transaction_header_id;
2631   CURSOR c_get_mc_rein_info (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
2632     select -1 * ret.proceeds_of_sale
2633          , -1 * ret.cost_of_removal
2634          ,  nvl(ret.reserve_retired, 0)
2635          ,  nbv_retired
2636     from   fa_retirements_mrc_v ret
2637          , fa_transaction_headers mth
2638     where  mth.transaction_header_id = c_transaction_header_id
2639     and    mth.asset_id = ret.asset_id
2640     and    mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2641     and    ret.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2642     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out = c_transaction_header_id;
2644    CURSOR c_check_record_exists IS
2645       select bs.period_counter
2646       from   fa_books_summary bs
2647       where  bs.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2648       and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2649       and    bs.period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter;
2651    CURSOR c_check_mc_record_exists IS
2652       select bs.period_counter
2653       from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v bs
2654       where  bs.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2655       and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2656       and    bs.period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter;
2659   l_asset_id                      NUMBER(15);
2660   l_delta_salvage_value           NUMBER;
2661   l_delta_deprn_limit_amount      NUMBER;
2662   l_expense_amount                NUMBER;
2663   l_reserve_amount                NUMBER;
2664   l_unplanned_amount              NUMBER := 0;
2666   l_proceeds_of_sale              NUMBER;
2667   l_cost_of_removal               NUMBER;
2668   l_reserve_retired               NUMBER;
2669   l_nbv_retired                   NUMBER;
2671   l_depreciate_flag_change        BOOLEAN := FALSE;
2672   l_disabled_flag_change          BOOLEAN := FALSE;
2674    l_temp_num                     NUMBER; -- temporary numbers for calculation
2675    l_valid_type_change            BOOLEAN := TRUE;
2677   adj_err    EXCEPTION;
2679 BEGIN
2681    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2682       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()+', 'asset type',
2683                        p_asset_type_rec.asset_type, p_log_level_rec);
2684       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'member trx id',
2685                        p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
2686                        p_log_level_rec);
2687       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'trx key',
2688                        p_trans_rec.transaction_key,
2689                        p_log_level_rec);
2690    end if;
2692    -- Bug5149789: checking whether member exists or not
2693    -- Call function check_member_existence if either of
2694    -- salvage or deprn limit type is being changed and there is 0 group cost
2698        ((px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type = 'SUM') and
2695    if (((px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type = 'SUM') and
2696         (px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type <> nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.salvage_type,
2697                                                   px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type))) or
2699         (px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type <> nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_limit_type,
2700                                                       px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type)))) then
2702       if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost = 0) then
2704          if not check_member_existence (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec) then
2705             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2706                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'calling check_member_existence',
2707                                 'FAILED', p_log_level_rec);
2708             end if;
2710             l_valid_type_change := FALSE;
2712          end if;
2714       else
2715          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2716             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Method.deprn_limit type change'
2717                              , 'FAILED', p_log_level_rec);
2718             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'cost',
2719                              px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost, p_log_level_rec);
2720          end if;
2722          l_valid_type_change := FALSE;
2724       end if;
2726       if (not l_valid_type_change) then
2727          if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type = 'SUM') then
2728             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
2729                calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
2730                name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
2731                token1     => 'VALUE',
2732                value1     => px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type,
2733                token2     => 'PARAM',
2734                value2     => 'SALVAGE_TYPE',
2735                p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2737          else
2738             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
2739                calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
2740                name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
2741                token1     => 'VALUE',
2742                value1     => px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type,
2743                token2     => 'PARAM',
2744                value2     => 'DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE',
2745                p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2746          end if;
2748          return false;
2749       end if;
2751    end if; -- (((px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type = 'SUM') and
2753    if (p_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciate_flag = 'NO') or
2754       (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.disabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y') then
2756       l_depreciate_flag_change := (p_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciate_flag <>
2757                                    px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag);
2759       l_disabled_flag_change := (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.disabled_flag, 'N') <>
2760                                  nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.disabled_flag, 'N'));
2762       if (not catchupBooksSummary (
2763                        p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
2764                        p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
2765                        p_period_rec             => p_period_rec,
2766                        p_asset_fin_rec_new      => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
2767                        p_depreciate_flag_change => l_depreciate_flag_change,
2768                        p_disabled_flag_change   => l_disabled_flag_change,
2769                        p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2770                        p_calling_fn             => l_calling_fn
2771                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
2773          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2774             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'catchupBooksSummary'
2775                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2776          end if;
2778          raise adj_err;
2780       end if;
2781    elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_old.period_counter_fully_reserved is not null) or
2782          (p_asset_fin_rec_old.period_counter_life_complete is not null) then
2783       l_temp_num := null;
2785       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
2786          OPEN c_check_mc_record_exists;
2787          FETCH c_check_mc_record_exists INTO l_temp_num;
2788          CLOSE c_check_mc_record_exists;
2789       else
2790          OPEN c_check_record_exists;
2791          FETCH c_check_record_exists INTO l_temp_num;
2792          CLOSE c_check_record_exists;
2793       end if;
2795       if l_temp_num is null then
2796          if (not catchupBooksSummary (
2797                        p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
2798                        p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
2799                        p_period_rec             => p_period_rec,
2800                        p_asset_fin_rec_new      => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
2801                        p_depreciate_flag_change => l_depreciate_flag_change,
2802                        p_disabled_flag_change   => l_disabled_flag_change,
2803                        p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
2804                        p_calling_fn             => l_calling_fn
2805                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
2807             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
2808                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'catchupBooksSummary'
2809                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
2810             end if;
2812             raise adj_err;
2814          end if;
2818 /*
2815       end if;
2816    end if;
2819    --
2820    -- Unplanned Depreciation
2821    --
2822    if (p_trans_rec.transaction_key in ('UA', 'UE')) then
2823       -- Expecting unplanned amount stored in p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_amount
2824       l_expense_amount := p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_amount;
2825       l_unplanned_amount := p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_amount;
2826    elsif (p_trans_rec.transaction_key in ('GV', 'GR')) then
2827      l_reserve_amount := p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve;
2828    end if;
2829 */
2830    l_expense_amount := nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_amount, 0);
2831    l_unplanned_amount := nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_amount, 0);
2832    l_reserve_amount := nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve, 0);
2834 --tk_util.debug('p_asset_fin_rec_old.adjusted_capacity: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_old.adjusted_capacity));
2835 --tk_util.debug('p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_capacity: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_capacity));
2837 /*
2838    if (nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method, 'NO TRACK') = 'ALLOCATE') and    -- ENERGY
2839       (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.rule_name = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') and  -- ENERGY
2840       (fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_PROD) then
2841       px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity, 0) +
2842                                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_capacity, 0);
2843    end if;
2844 */
2846    if (p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id is null) then
2848 --tk_util.debug('p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost));
2849 --tk_util.debug('p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost));
2850 --tk_util.debug('l_delta_salvage_value: '||to_char(l_delta_salvage_value));
2851 --tk_util.debug('l_delta_deprn_limit_amount: '||to_char(l_delta_deprn_limit_amount));
2852 --tk_util.debug('p_proceeds_of_sale: '||to_char(p_proceeds_of_sale));
2853 --tk_util.debug('p_cost_of_removal: '||to_char(p_cost_of_removal));
2854 --tk_util.debug('l_unplanned_amount: '||to_char(l_unplanned_amount));
2855 --tk_util.debug('l_expense_amount: '||to_char(l_expense_amount));
2856 --tk_util.debug('l_reserve_amount: '||to_char(l_reserve_amount));
2858       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
2861          SET    RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG   = 'Y'
2862               , SALVAGE_TYPE               = px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type
2863               , PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE      = px_asset_fin_rec_new.percent_salvage_value
2864               , SALVAGE_VALUE              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value
2865               , RECOVERABLE_COST           = px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost
2866               , DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE           = px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type
2867               , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT        = px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit
2868               , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT = px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
2869               , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST  = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost
2870               , ADJUSTED_COST              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost
2871               , DEPRECIATE_FLAG            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag
2872               , DISABLED_FLAG              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.disabled_flag
2873               , DEPRN_METHOD_CODE          = px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code
2874               , LIFE_IN_MONTHS             = px_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months
2875               , RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR     = px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor
2876               , ADJUSTED_RATE              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_rate
2877               , BONUS_RULE                 = px_asset_fin_rec_new.bonus_rule
2878               , ADJUSTED_CAPACITY          = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity
2879               , PRODUCTION_CAPACITY        = px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity
2880               , UNIT_OF_MEASURE            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.unit_of_measure
2881               , REMAINING_LIFE1            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.remaining_life1
2882               , REMAINING_LIFE2            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.remaining_life2
2883               , FORMULA_FACTOR             = px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
2884               , CEILING_NAME               = px_asset_fin_rec_new.ceiling_name
2885               , SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG     = px_asset_fin_rec_new.short_fiscal_year_flag
2886               , SUPER_GROUP_ID             = px_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id
2887               , OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION     = px_asset_fin_rec_new.over_depreciate_option
2888               , DEPRN_AMOUNT               = DEPRN_AMOUNT + l_expense_amount
2889               , YTD_DEPRN                  = YTD_DEPRN + l_expense_amount
2890               , DEPRN_RESERVE              = DEPRN_RESERVE + l_expense_amount + l_reserve_amount
2891               , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = nvl(YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) + p_proceeds_of_sale
2892               , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = nvl(LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) + p_proceeds_of_sale
2893               , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = nvl(YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) + p_cost_of_removal
2894               , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = nvl(LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) + p_cost_of_removal
2895               , UNPLANNED_AMOUNT           = UNPLANNED_AMOUNT + l_unplanned_amount
2896               , EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT  = EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT + l_expense_amount
2897               , RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT  = RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT + l_reserve_amount
2898               , LAST_UPDATE_DATE           = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
2899               , LAST_UPDATED_BY            = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
2900               , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN          = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login
2901          WHERE  ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2902          AND    BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2903          AND    PERIOD_COUNTER = p_period_rec.period_counter;
2905       else
2908          SET    RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG   = 'Y'
2909               , SALVAGE_TYPE               = px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type
2910               , PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE      = px_asset_fin_rec_new.percent_salvage_value
2911               , SALVAGE_VALUE              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value
2912               , RECOVERABLE_COST           = px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost
2913               , DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE           = px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type
2914               , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT        = px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit
2915               , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT = px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
2916               , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST  = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost
2917               , ADJUSTED_COST              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost
2918               , DEPRECIATE_FLAG            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag
2919               , DISABLED_FLAG              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.disabled_flag
2920               , DEPRN_METHOD_CODE          = px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code
2921               , LIFE_IN_MONTHS             = px_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months
2922               , RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR     = px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor
2923               , ADJUSTED_RATE              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_rate
2924               , BONUS_RULE                 = px_asset_fin_rec_new.bonus_rule
2925               , ADJUSTED_CAPACITY          = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity
2926               , PRODUCTION_CAPACITY        = px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity
2927               , UNIT_OF_MEASURE            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.unit_of_measure
2928               , REMAINING_LIFE1            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.remaining_life1
2929               , REMAINING_LIFE2            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.remaining_life2
2930               , FORMULA_FACTOR             = px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
2931               , CEILING_NAME               = px_asset_fin_rec_new.ceiling_name
2932               , SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG     = px_asset_fin_rec_new.short_fiscal_year_flag
2933               , SUPER_GROUP_ID             = px_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id
2934               , OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION     = px_asset_fin_rec_new.over_depreciate_option
2935               , DEPRN_AMOUNT               = DEPRN_AMOUNT + l_expense_amount
2936               , YTD_DEPRN                  = YTD_DEPRN + l_expense_amount
2937               , DEPRN_RESERVE              = DEPRN_RESERVE + l_expense_amount + l_reserve_amount
2938               , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = nvl(YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) + p_proceeds_of_sale
2939               , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = nvl(LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) + p_proceeds_of_sale
2940               , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = nvl(YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) + p_cost_of_removal
2941               , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = nvl(LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) + p_cost_of_removal
2942               , UNPLANNED_AMOUNT           = UNPLANNED_AMOUNT + l_unplanned_amount
2943               , EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT  = EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT + l_expense_amount
2944               , RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT  = RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT + l_reserve_amount
2945               , LAST_UPDATE_DATE           = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
2946               , LAST_UPDATED_BY            = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
2947               , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN          = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login
2948          WHERE  ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
2949          AND    BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
2950          AND    PERIOD_COUNTER = p_period_rec.period_counter;
2952       end if;
2954    else
2956       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
2957          OPEN c_get_mc_deltas;
2958          FETCH c_get_mc_deltas INTO l_delta_salvage_value
2959                                , l_delta_deprn_limit_amount;
2960          CLOSE c_get_mc_deltas;
2961       else
2962          OPEN c_get_deltas;
2963          FETCH c_get_deltas INTO l_delta_salvage_value
2964                                , l_delta_deprn_limit_amount;
2965          CLOSE c_get_deltas;
2966       end if;
2968       --
2969       -- Get Retirement information
2970       --
2971       if (p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'MR') then
2972          if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
2973             OPEN c_get_mc_ret_info(p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id);
2974             FETCH c_get_mc_ret_info INTO l_proceeds_of_sale
2975                                        , l_cost_of_removal
2976                                        , l_reserve_retired
2977                                        , l_nbv_retired;
2978             CLOSE c_get_mc_ret_info;
2979          else
2980             OPEN c_get_ret_info(p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id);
2981             FETCH c_get_ret_info INTO l_proceeds_of_sale
2982                                     , l_cost_of_removal
2983                                     , l_reserve_retired
2984                                     , l_nbv_retired;
2985             CLOSE c_get_ret_info;
2986          end if;
2987       elsif (p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'MS') then
2988          if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
2989             OPEN c_get_mc_rein_info(p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id);
2990             FETCH c_get_mc_rein_info INTO l_proceeds_of_sale
2991                                         , l_cost_of_removal
2992                                         , l_reserve_retired
2993                                         , l_nbv_retired;
2997             FETCH c_get_rein_info INTO l_proceeds_of_sale
2994             CLOSE c_get_mc_rein_info;
2995          else
2996             OPEN c_get_rein_info(p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id);
2998                                      , l_cost_of_removal
2999                                      , l_reserve_retired
3000                                      , l_nbv_retired;
3001             CLOSE c_get_rein_info;
3002          end if;
3004          l_reserve_amount := l_reserve_retired;
3005       else
3006          l_proceeds_of_sale := 0;
3007          l_cost_of_removal  := 0;
3008          l_reserve_retired  := 0;
3009          l_nbv_retired      := 0;
3010       end if;
3012 --tk_util.debug('p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost));
3013 --tk_util.debug('p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost));
3014 --tk_util.debug('l_delta_salvage_value: '||to_char(l_delta_salvage_value));
3015 --tk_util.debug('l_delta_deprn_limit_amount: '||to_char(l_delta_deprn_limit_amount));
3016 --tk_util.debug('p_proceeds_of_sale: '||to_char(l_proceeds_of_sale));
3017 --tk_util.debug('p_cost_of_removal: '||to_char(l_cost_of_removal));
3018 --tk_util.debug('l_unplanned_amount: '||to_char(l_unplanned_amount));
3019 --tk_util.debug('l_expense_amount: '||to_char(l_expense_amount));
3020 --tk_util.debug('l_reserve_amount: '||to_char(l_reserve_amount));
3022       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
3025          SET RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG   = 'Y'
3026            , CHANGE_IN_COST             = CHANGE_IN_COST + nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost, 0)
3027            , CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST         = CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST + nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost, 0)
3028            , COST                       = px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost
3029            , CIP_COST                   = px_asset_fin_rec_new.cip_cost
3030            , SALVAGE_VALUE              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value
3031            , MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE       = MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE + nvl(l_delta_salvage_value, 0)
3032            , RECOVERABLE_COST           = px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost
3033            , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT = px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
3035                                           nvl(l_delta_deprn_limit_amount,
3036                                               decode(MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT, NULL, NUll, 0))
3037            , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST  = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost
3038            , ADJUSTED_COST              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.ADJUSTED_COST
3039            , UNREVALUED_COST            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.UNREVALUED_COST
3040            , REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS   = px_asset_fin_rec_new.REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
3041            , DEPRN_AMOUNT               = DEPRN_AMOUNT + l_expense_amount
3042            , YTD_DEPRN                  = YTD_DEPRN + l_expense_amount
3043            , DEPRN_RESERVE              = DEPRN_RESERVE + l_expense_amount + l_reserve_amount
3044            , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = nvl(YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) + l_proceeds_of_sale
3045            , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = nvl(LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) + l_proceeds_of_sale
3046            , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = nvl(YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) + l_cost_of_removal
3047            , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = nvl(LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) + l_cost_of_removal
3048            , UNPLANNED_AMOUNT           = UNPLANNED_AMOUNT + l_unplanned_amount
3051            , LAST_UPDATE_DATE           = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
3052            , LAST_UPDATED_BY            = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
3053            , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN          = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login
3054          WHERE ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3055          AND   BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3056          AND   PERIOD_COUNTER = p_period_rec.period_counter;
3058       else
3061          SET RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG   = 'Y'
3062            , CHANGE_IN_COST             = CHANGE_IN_COST + nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost, 0)
3063            , CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST         = CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST + nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost, 0)
3064            , COST                       = COST + nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost, 0)
3065            , CIP_COST                   = CIP_COST + nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost, 0)
3066            , SALVAGE_VALUE              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value
3067            , MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE       = MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE + nvl(l_delta_salvage_value, 0)
3068            , RECOVERABLE_COST           = px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost
3069            , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT = px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
3071                                           nvl(l_delta_deprn_limit_amount,
3072                                               decode(MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT, NULL, NUll, 0))
3073            , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST  = px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost
3074            , ADJUSTED_COST              = px_asset_fin_rec_new.ADJUSTED_COST
3075            , UNREVALUED_COST            = px_asset_fin_rec_new.UNREVALUED_COST
3076            , REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS   = px_asset_fin_rec_new.REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS
3077            , DEPRN_AMOUNT               = DEPRN_AMOUNT + l_expense_amount
3078            , YTD_DEPRN                  = YTD_DEPRN + l_expense_amount
3079            , DEPRN_RESERVE              = DEPRN_RESERVE + l_expense_amount + l_reserve_amount
3083            , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = nvl(LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) + l_cost_of_removal
3080            , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = nvl(YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) + l_proceeds_of_sale
3081            , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = nvl(LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE, 0) + l_proceeds_of_sale
3082            , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = nvl(YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL, 0) + l_cost_of_removal
3084            , UNPLANNED_AMOUNT           = UNPLANNED_AMOUNT + l_unplanned_amount
3087            , LAST_UPDATE_DATE           = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
3088            , LAST_UPDATED_BY            = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
3089            , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN          = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login
3090          WHERE ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3091          AND   BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3092          AND   PERIOD_COUNTER = p_period_rec.period_counter;
3094       end if;
3096    end if;
3098    printBooksSummary(p_asset_id       => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
3099                      p_book_type_code => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3100                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3101 --                     p_period_counter => p_period_rec.period_counter);
3103    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3104       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'()-', 'asset id', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id);
3105    end if;
3107    return TRUE;
3110    WHEN adj_err THEN
3111       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3112          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'(adj_err)-', 'sqlcode', sqlcode);
3113       end if;
3115       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
3116             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3117       return false;
3121       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3122          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn||'(OTHERS)-', 'sqlcode', sqlcode);
3123       end if;
3125       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
3126             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3127       return false;
3129 END CurrentPeriodAdj;
3131 --+==============================================================================
3132 -- Function: bsRecalculate
3133 --
3134 --   This function calculate catch-up amounts due to backdated
3135 --   amortization transactions.
3137 --      3.2: Call faxcde to get reserve for adjusted_cost, raf and formula_factor
3138 --      3.3: Call Deprn Basis function to get new adjusted_cost, raf and formula_factor.
3139 --   4: Return catch-up amount.
3140 --+==============================================================================
3141 FUNCTION bsRecalculate(
3142     p_trans_rec           IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
3143     p_asset_hdr_rec                     FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
3144     p_asset_type_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
3145     p_asset_desc_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
3146     p_asset_fin_rec_old                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
3147     p_asset_fin_rec_adj                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type default null,
3148     p_period_rec                        FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
3149     px_asset_fin_rec_new  IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
3150     p_asset_deprn_rec                   FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
3151     p_asset_deprn_rec_adj               FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type default null,
3152     x_deprn_expense          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
3153     x_bonus_expense          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
3154     x_deprn_reserve          OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
3155     p_running_mode        IN            NUMBER,
3156     p_used_by_revaluation IN            NUMBER,
3157     p_reclassed_asset_id                NUMBER,
3158     p_reclass_src_dest                  VARCHAR2,
3159     p_group_reclass_type                VARCHAR2, -- Bug : 6792185
3160     p_reclassed_asset_dpis              DATE,
3161     p_update_books_summary              BOOLEAN default FALSE,
3162     p_mrc_sob_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
3163     p_calling_fn                        VARCHAR2,
3164     p_log_level_rec                 IN  FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)  RETURN BOOLEAN IS
3166    l_calling_fn                   VARCHAR2(100) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.bsRecalculate';
3168    --
3169    -- This is to get date placed in service using transaction header id
3170    -- Bug4958977: Needed to modify to use older dpis
3171    CURSOR c_get_dpis (c_thid number) IS
3172       select least(inbk.date_placed_in_service, nvl(outbk.date_placed_in_service, inbk.date_placed_in_service))
3173       from   fa_books inbk
3174            , fa_books outbk
3175       where  inbk.transaction_header_id_in = c_thid
3176       and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+) = inbk.transaction_header_id_in
3177       and    outbk.asset_id(+) = inbk.asset_id
3178       and    outbk.book_type_code(+) = inbk.book_type_code;
3180    --
3181    -- This is to get period counter using FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY table
3182    --
3183    CURSOR c_get_books_summary(c_period_counter number) IS
3184      select
3185             bs.period_counter
3186           , bs.fiscal_year
3187           , bs.period_num
3188           , bs.calendar_period_open_date
3189           , bs.calendar_period_close_date
3190           , bs.reset_adjusted_cost_flag
3191           , bs.change_in_cost
3192           , bs.change_in_cip_cost
3196           , bs.percent_salvage_value
3193           , bs.cost
3194           , bs.cip_cost
3195           , bs.salvage_type
3197           , bs.salvage_value
3198           , bs.member_salvage_value
3199           , bs.recoverable_cost
3200           , bs.deprn_limit_type
3201           , bs.allowed_deprn_limit
3202           , bs.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
3203           , bs.member_deprn_limit_amount
3204           , bs.adjusted_recoverable_cost
3205           , bs.adjusted_cost
3206           , bs.depreciate_flag
3207           , bs.date_placed_in_service
3208           , bs.deprn_method_code
3209           , bs.life_in_months
3210           , bs.rate_adjustment_factor
3211           , bs.adjusted_rate
3212           , bs.bonus_rule
3213           , bs.adjusted_capacity
3214           , bs.production_capacity
3215           , bs.unit_of_measure
3216           , bs.remaining_life1
3217           , bs.remaining_life2
3218           , bs.formula_factor
3219           , bs.unrevalued_cost
3220           , bs.reval_amortization_basis
3221           , bs.reval_ceiling
3222           , bs.ceiling_name
3223           , bs.eofy_adj_cost
3224           , bs.eofy_formula_factor
3225           , bs.eofy_reserve
3226           , bs.eop_adj_cost
3227           , bs.eop_formula_factor
3228           , bs.short_fiscal_year_flag
3229           , bs.group_asset_id
3230           , bs.super_group_id
3231           , bs.over_depreciate_option
3232           , bs.deprn_amount
3233           , bs.ytd_deprn
3234           , bs.deprn_reserve
3235           , bs.bonus_deprn_amount
3236           , bs.bonus_ytd_deprn
3237           , bs.bonus_deprn_reserve
3238           , bs.bonus_rate
3239           , bs.ltd_production
3240           , bs.ytd_production
3241           , bs.production
3242           , bs.reval_amortization
3243           , bs.reval_deprn_expense
3244           , bs.reval_reserve
3245           , bs.ytd_reval_deprn_expense
3246           , bs.deprn_override_flag
3247           , bs.system_deprn_amount
3248           , bs.system_bonus_deprn_amount
3249           , bs.ytd_proceeds_of_sale
3250           , bs.ltd_proceeds_of_sale
3251           , bs.ytd_cost_of_removal
3252           , bs.ltd_cost_of_removal
3253           , bs.deprn_adjustment_amount
3254           , bs.expense_adjustment_amount
3255           , bs.reserve_adjustment_amount
3256           , bs.change_in_eofy_reserve
3257      from   fa_books_summary bs
3258      where  bs.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3259      and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3260      and    bs.period_counter >= c_period_counter
3261      order by bs.period_counter;
3263    CURSOR c_get_mc_books_summary(c_period_counter number) IS
3264      select
3265             bs.period_counter
3266           , bs.fiscal_year
3267           , bs.period_num
3268           , bs.calendar_period_open_date
3269           , bs.calendar_period_close_date
3270           , bs.reset_adjusted_cost_flag
3271           , bs.change_in_cost
3272           , bs.change_in_cip_cost
3273           , bs.cost
3274           , bs.cip_cost
3275           , bs.salvage_type
3276           , bs.percent_salvage_value
3277           , bs.salvage_value
3278           , bs.member_salvage_value
3279           , bs.recoverable_cost
3280           , bs.deprn_limit_type
3281           , bs.allowed_deprn_limit
3282           , bs.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
3283           , bs.member_deprn_limit_amount
3284           , bs.adjusted_recoverable_cost
3285           , bs.adjusted_cost
3286           , bs.depreciate_flag
3287           , bs.date_placed_in_service
3288           , bs.deprn_method_code
3289           , bs.life_in_months
3290           , bs.rate_adjustment_factor
3291           , bs.adjusted_rate
3292           , bs.bonus_rule
3293           , bs.adjusted_capacity
3294           , bs.production_capacity
3295           , bs.unit_of_measure
3296           , bs.remaining_life1
3297           , bs.remaining_life2
3298           , bs.formula_factor
3299           , bs.unrevalued_cost
3300           , bs.reval_amortization_basis
3301           , bs.reval_ceiling
3302           , bs.ceiling_name
3303           , bs.eofy_adj_cost
3304           , bs.eofy_formula_factor
3305           , bs.eofy_reserve
3306           , bs.eop_adj_cost
3307           , bs.eop_formula_factor
3308           , bs.short_fiscal_year_flag
3309           , bs.group_asset_id
3310           , bs.super_group_id
3311           , bs.over_depreciate_option
3312           , bs.deprn_amount
3313           , bs.ytd_deprn
3314           , bs.deprn_reserve
3315           , bs.bonus_deprn_amount
3316           , bs.bonus_ytd_deprn
3317           , bs.bonus_deprn_reserve
3318           , bs.bonus_rate
3319           , bs.ltd_production
3320           , bs.ytd_production
3321           , bs.production
3322           , bs.reval_amortization
3323           , bs.reval_deprn_expense
3324           , bs.reval_reserve
3325           , bs.ytd_reval_deprn_expense
3326           , bs.deprn_override_flag
3327           , bs.system_deprn_amount
3328           , bs.system_bonus_deprn_amount
3329           , bs.ytd_proceeds_of_sale
3330           , bs.ltd_proceeds_of_sale
3331           , bs.ytd_cost_of_removal
3332           , bs.ltd_cost_of_removal
3333           , deprn_adjustment_amount
3334           , bs.expense_adjustment_amount
3335           , bs.reserve_adjustment_amount
3339      and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3336           , bs.change_in_eofy_reserve
3337      from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v bs
3338      where  bs.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3340      and    bs.period_counter >= c_period_counter
3341      order by bs.period_counter;
3344    CURSOR c_get_eofy_amts(c_period_counter number) IS
3345      select recoverable_cost
3346           , salvage_value
3347           , deprn_reserve
3348      from   fa_books_summary
3349      where  asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3350      and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3351      and    period_counter = c_period_counter;
3353    CURSOR c_get_mc_eofy_amts(c_period_counter number) IS
3354      select recoverable_cost
3355           , salvage_value
3356           , deprn_reserve
3357      from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v
3358      where  asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3359      and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3360      and    period_counter = c_period_counter;
3362   --
3363   -- Cursor to get retirement information using reinsatement
3364   -- transaction_header_id
3365   --
3366   CURSOR c_get_rein_info IS
3367     select -1 * ret.proceeds_of_sale
3368          , -1 * ret.cost_of_removal
3369          ,  ret.reserve_retired
3370          ,  nbv_retired
3371     from   fa_retirements ret
3372          , fa_transaction_headers mth
3373     where  mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
3374     and    mth.asset_id = ret.asset_id
3375     and    mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3376     and    ret.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3377     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id;
3379   CURSOR c_get_mc_rein_info IS
3380     select -1 * ret.proceeds_of_sale
3381          , -1 * ret.cost_of_removal
3382          ,  nvl(ret.reserve_retired, 0)
3383          ,  nbv_retired
3384     from   fa_retirements_mrc_v ret
3385          , fa_transaction_headers mth
3386     where  mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
3387     and    mth.asset_id = ret.asset_id
3388     and    mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3389     and    ret.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3390     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id;
3392    CURSOR c_check_record_exists IS
3393       select bs.period_counter
3394       from   fa_books_summary bs
3395       where  bs.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3396       and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3397       and    bs.period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter;
3399    CURSOR c_check_mc_record_exists IS
3400       select bs.period_counter
3401       from   fa_books_summary_mrc_v bs
3402       where  bs.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3403       and    bs.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3404       and    bs.period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter;
3406 /* Following cursor is added by HHIRAGA for tracking */
3407    CURSOR c_get_current_period IS
3408       select dp.period_counter
3409         from fa_deprn_periods dp
3410        where dp.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3411          and dp.period_close_date is null;
3413    CURSOR c_get_current_period_mrc IS
3414       select dp.period_counter
3415         from fa_deprn_periods_mrc_v dp
3416        where dp.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3417          and dp.period_close_date is null;
3420    l_mem_trx                      BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- FALSE if this is group trx
3421    l_temp_num                     NUMBER; -- temporary numbers for calculation
3423   l_period_rec                   FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type;      -- Store period information of
3424                                                                     -- the period where trx date
3425                                                                     -- falls into
3426                                                                     -- the period where trx date
3427                                                                     -- falls into, then
3428                                                                     -- store period info for
3429                                                                     -- each period processed.
3430   l_trx_period_rec               FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type;      -- Store period information of
3431                                                                     -- the period where trx date
3432                                                                     -- falls into
3434    l_ind                         BINARY_INTEGER; -- Used to find delta amounts for each period
3435    l_temp_ind                    BINARY_INTEGER; -- Indicate where to start updating FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY
3436    l_old_reserve                  NUMBER;
3438    --
3439    -- Tables to store member delta information
3440    --
3441    td_period_counter              fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type;  -- not used
3442    td_cost                        fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;    -- not used
3443    td_cip_cost                    fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;    -- not used
3444    td_salvage_value               fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
3445    td_deprn_limit_amount          fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
3448    l_transaction_date_entered     date; -- This is used as parameter for c_get_books_summary
3449    l_period_counter               NUMBER(15);
3451    l_bs_ind                       BINARY_INTEGER := 1;
3452    d                              BINARY_INTEGER := 0; -- index for delta tables
3453    e                              BINARY_INTEGER := 0; -- index for delta tables to look for
3454                                                        -- next period to maintain books summary
3457    --
3458    -- Used to populate dpr_in
3459    --
3460    l_fiscal_year                  NUMBER(15);
3461    l_period_num                   NUMBER(15);
3462    l_adjusted_ind                 BINARY_INTEGER;
3463    l_count                        BINARY_INTEGER := 0; -- Stores count of tbs tables
3465   --+++++ Store data related to each transactions +++++
3466   l_trans_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type;       -- Not used
3467   l_asset_deprn_rec              FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type; -- For Deprn Basis
3468   l_asset_deprn_rec_raf          FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type; -- For Deprn Basis
3469   l_asset_fin_rec_old            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;   -- For Deprn Basis
3470   l_asset_fin_rec_new            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
3472   --+++++ Variables for calling buildMemberTable function +++++
3473   l_asset_hdr_rec                FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type;  -- Store member info
3474   t_period_counter               fa_amort_pvt.tab_num15_type;
3475   t_delta_cost                   fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
3476   t_delta_cip_cost               fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
3477   t_delta_salvage_value          fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
3478   t_delta_deprn_limit_amount     fa_amort_pvt.tab_num_type;
3479   l_member_dpis                  DATE;
3480   l_multiplier                   NUMBER := 1;
3481   l_m_asset_fin_rec_adj          FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type; -- member's delta info
3482   l_asset_fin_rec_reclass        FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type; -- correct fin rec adj for
3483                                                                   -- reclass
3484   l_salvage_limit_type           VARCHAR2(30);
3486   --+++++ Variables for CURSOR c_get_rein_info +++++
3487   l_nbv_retired                  NUMBER := 0;
3488   l_reserve_retired              NUMBER;
3489   l_proceeds_of_sale             NUMBER := 0;
3490   l_cost_of_removal              NUMBER := 0;
3493   --+++++++++++++++ For calling faxcde +++++++++++++++
3494   l_dpr_in                       FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_struct;
3495   l_dpr_out                      FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_out_struct;
3496   l_dpr_arr                      FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_arr_type;
3497   l_running_mode                 NUMBER;
3499   --
3500   -- These are used to store return values from faxcde which
3501   -- may not be used.
3502   --
3503   l_out_deprn_exp                NUMBER;
3504   l_out_reval_exp                NUMBER;
3505   l_out_reval_amo                NUMBER;
3506   l_out_prod                     NUMBER;
3507   l_out_ann_adj_exp              NUMBER;
3508   l_out_ann_adj_reval_exp        NUMBER;
3509   l_out_ann_adj_reval_amo        NUMBER;
3510   l_out_bonus_rate_used          NUMBER;
3511   l_out_full_rsv_flag            BOOLEAN;
3512   l_out_life_comp_flag           BOOLEAN;
3513   l_out_deprn_override_flag      VARCHAR2(1);
3517   --+++++++ variables for old information +++++++
3518   l_eofy_rec_cost                NUMBER; -- This needs to be populated from tbs
3519   l_eofy_sal_val                 NUMBER; -- This needs to be populated from tbs
3520   l_eop_rec_cost                 NUMBER; -- This needs to be populated from tbs
3521   l_eop_sal_val                  NUMBER; -- This needs to be populated from tbs
3522   l_eofy_reserve                 NUMBER;
3525   --++++++++ variables for manual override ++++++++
3526   l_rate_source_rule             VARCHAR2(25);
3527   l_deprn_basis_rule             VARCHAR2(25);
3529   --++++++++ variables for calling catchupBooksSummary ++++++++
3530   l_depreciate_flag_change        BOOLEAN := FALSE;
3531   l_disabled_flag_change          BOOLEAN := FALSE;
3533   l_gr_asset_deprn_rec            FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type; -- For Reclass
3534   l_gr_ind                        BINARY_INTEGER;
3536   --+ HHIRAGA added on Oct/Nov in 2003
3537   --++++++++ variables for Trackking Member Feature ++++++++
3538   l_processed_flag               BOOLEAN := FALSE;
3539   l_backup_processed_flag        BOOLEAN := FALSE;
3540   l_raf_processed_flag           BOOLEAN := FALSE;
3541   l_first_process                BOOLEAN := TRUE;
3542   l_current_period_counter       NUMBER;
3543   l_mem_period_counter           NUMBER;
3545   l_mem_deprn_reserve            NUMBER;
3546   l_mem_eofy_reserve             NUMBER;
3547   l_mem_loop_first               BOOLEAN := TRUE;
3549   l_mem_ytd_deprn_addition       NUMBER;
3550   l_mem_deprn_reserve_addition   NUMBER;
3552   l_recalc_start_fy              NUMBER;
3553   l_recalc_start_period_num      NUMBER;
3554   l_recalc_start_period_counter  NUMBER;
3555   l_old_recalc_start_fy          NUMBER;
3556   l_old_recalc_start_period_num  NUMBER;
3557   l_old_recalc_end_fy            NUMBER;
3558   l_old_recalc_end_period_num    NUMBER;
3559   l_no_allocation_for_last       VARCHAR2(1);
3560   l_chk_bs_row_exists            VARCHAR2(1);
3562    CURSOR c_chk_bs_row_exists IS
3563       select 'Y'
3564         from fa_books_summary
3565        where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3566          and group_asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3567          and asset_id <> group_asset_id
3568          and period_counter = l_recalc_start_period_counter - 1;
3573        where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3570    CURSOR c_get_mem_bs_row IS
3571       select ytd_deprn,deprn_reserve,bonus_ytd_deprn,bonus_deprn_reserve,eofy_reserve
3572         from fa_books_summary
3574          and asset_id = p_reclassed_asset_id
3575          and group_asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3576          and period_counter = l_trx_period_rec.period_counter - 1;
3578    CURSOR c_get_ytd_deprn IS
3579       select ytd_deprn,deprn_reserve
3580         from fa_deprn_summary
3581        where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3582          and asset_id = p_reclassed_asset_id
3583          and period_counter = l_mem_period_counter
3584          and deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS';
3586    --+ MRCsupport
3587    CURSOR c_chk_bs_row_exists_mrc IS
3588       select 'Y'
3589         from fa_books_summary_mrc_v
3590        where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3591          and group_asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3592          and asset_id <> group_asset_id
3593          and period_counter = l_recalc_start_period_counter - 1;
3595    CURSOR c_get_mem_bs_row_mrc IS
3596       select ytd_deprn,deprn_reserve,bonus_ytd_deprn,bonus_deprn_reserve,eofy_reserve
3597         from fa_books_summary_mrc_v
3598        where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3599          and asset_id = p_reclassed_asset_id
3600          and group_asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3601          and period_counter = l_trx_period_rec.period_counter - 1;
3603    CURSOR c_get_ytd_deprn_mrc IS
3604       select ytd_deprn,deprn_reserve
3605         from fa_deprn_summary_mrc_v
3606        where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
3607          and asset_id = p_reclassed_asset_id
3608          and period_counter = l_mem_period_counter
3609          and deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS';
3612   --+++++++++++++++++ Exceptions ++++++++++++++++++++++
3613   invalid_trx_to_overlap         EXCEPTION; --This is currently not used but there is a
3614                                             --section in exception handling for future use.
3615   calc_failed                    EXCEPTION;
3616   l_adj_amt                      number;     ----- bug# 5768759
3617   l_change_in_cost               number;     ----- bug# 5768759
3618   l_change_in_cip_cost           number;     ----- bug# 5768759
3620 BEGIN
3622    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3623       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_asset_type_rec.asset_type||
3624                                               ':'||p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3625                                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3626       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Reclass values', p_reclass_src_dest||
3627                                      ':'||to_char(p_reclassed_asset_id)||':'||
3628                                      to_char(p_reclassed_asset_dpis, 'DD-MON-RR'));
3629    end if;
3631    if (p_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciate_flag = 'NO') or
3632       (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.disabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y') then
3634       l_depreciate_flag_change := (p_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciate_flag <>
3635                                    px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag);
3637       l_disabled_flag_change := (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.disabled_flag, 'N') <>
3638                                  nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.disabled_flag, 'N'));
3640       if (not catchupBooksSummary (
3641                        p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
3642                        p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
3643                        p_period_rec             => p_period_rec,
3644                        p_asset_fin_rec_new      => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
3645                        p_depreciate_flag_change => l_depreciate_flag_change,
3646                        p_disabled_flag_change   => l_disabled_flag_change,
3647                        p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
3648                        p_calling_fn             => l_calling_fn
3649                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
3651          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3652             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'catchupBooksSummary'
3653                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3654          end if;
3656          raise calc_failed;
3658       end if;
3659    elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_old.period_counter_fully_reserved is not null) or
3660          (p_asset_fin_rec_old.period_counter_life_complete is not null) then
3661       l_temp_num := null;
3663       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
3664          OPEN c_check_mc_record_exists;
3665          FETCH c_check_mc_record_exists INTO l_temp_num;
3666          CLOSE c_check_mc_record_exists;
3667       else
3668          OPEN c_check_record_exists;
3669          FETCH c_check_record_exists INTO l_temp_num;
3670          CLOSE c_check_record_exists;
3671       end if;
3673       if l_temp_num is null then
3674          if (not catchupBooksSummary (
3675                           p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
3676                           p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
3677                           p_period_rec             => p_period_rec,
3678                           p_asset_fin_rec_new      => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
3679                           p_depreciate_flag_change => l_depreciate_flag_change,
3680                           p_disabled_flag_change   => l_disabled_flag_change,
3681                           p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
3682                           p_calling_fn             => l_calling_fn
3683                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
3685             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3686                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'catchupBooksSummary'
3687                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3688             end if;
3690             raise calc_failed;
3692          end if;
3693       end if;
3694    end if;
3697    --
3698    -- Initialize global variables
3699    --
3700    InitGlobeVariables;
3702    x_deprn_reserve := 0;
3704    l_mem_trx := (p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id is not null);
3706    l_transaction_date_entered := nvl(p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
3707                                      p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered);
3709    --
3710    -- Get period information of the period where transaction date falls into.
3711    --
3712    if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(l_transaction_date_entered, 'J')),
3713                         p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
3714                         p_mrc_sob_type_code,
3715                         l_period_rec) then
3717       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3718          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'GetPeriodInfo'
3719                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3720       end if;
3722       raise calc_failed;
3724    end if;
3726    l_trx_period_rec := l_period_rec;
3728    if not fa_cache_pkg.fazcct(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar) then
3730       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3731          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcct'
3732                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3733       end if;
3735       raise calc_failed;
3737    end if;
3739    if (l_mem_trx) then
3741       --
3742       -- Find member's date placed in service
3743       --
3744       if (p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'GC') then
3745          l_member_dpis := p_reclassed_asset_dpis;
3746       else
3747          OPEN c_get_dpis(p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id);
3748          FETCH c_get_dpis INTO l_member_dpis;
3749          CLOSE c_get_dpis;
3750       end if;
3752       -- Bug4958977: Adding following entire if statement
3753       if (p_trans_rec.transaction_key not in ('MR', 'MS', 'GC') and
3754           nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost, 0) = 0 and
3755           nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost, 0) = 0 and
3756           nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value, 0) = 0 and
3757           nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) = 0) then
3760          --
3761          -- Get period information of the period where transaction date falls into.
3762          --
3763          if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(l_member_dpis, 'J')),
3764                         p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
3765                         p_mrc_sob_type_code,
3766                         l_period_rec) then
3768             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3769                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'GetPeriodInfo', p_log_level_rec);
3770             end if;
3772             raise calc_failed;
3774          end if;
3776          l_trx_period_rec := l_period_rec;
3778       end if;
3780       l_asset_hdr_rec := p_asset_hdr_rec;
3781       l_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id := p_reclassed_asset_id;
3783       if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'SOURCE') then
3784          l_multiplier := -1;
3785       end if;
3787       --
3788       -- bug5149789: Need to pass this new variable to see if
3789       -- we need to track sum of member salvage value or not.
3790       --
3791       if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type = 'SUM' or
3792           px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type = 'SUM') then
3793          l_salvage_limit_type := 'SUM';
3794       else
3795          l_salvage_limit_type := 'PCT';
3796       end if;
3798       if not buildMemberTable(
3799                   p_trans_rec               => p_trans_rec,
3800                   p_asset_hdr_rec           => l_asset_hdr_rec,
3801                   p_period_rec              => l_period_rec,
3802                   p_date_placed_in_service  => l_member_dpis,
3803                   p_group_asset_id          => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
3804                   p_reclass_multiplier      => l_multiplier,
3805                   p_reclass_src_dest        => p_reclass_src_dest,
3806                   p_salvage_limit_type      => l_salvage_limit_type,
3807                   x_td_period_counter       => td_period_counter,
3808                   x_td_cost                 => td_cost,
3809                   x_td_cip_cost             => td_cip_cost,
3810                   x_td_salvage_value        => td_salvage_value,
3811                   x_td_deprn_limit_amount   => td_deprn_limit_amount,
3812                   x_asset_fin_rec           => l_m_asset_fin_rec_adj,
3813                   x_asset_fin_rec_reclass   => l_asset_fin_rec_reclass,
3814                   p_mrc_sob_type_code       => p_mrc_sob_type_code
3815                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
3820          end if;
3817          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3818             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'buildMemberTable'
3819                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3822          raise calc_failed;
3823       end if;
3825       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3826          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '# of rows in delta talbe', td_cost.COUNT
3827                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3828       end if;
3830    else
3831       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3832          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Group Transaction', p_trans_rec.transaction_key
3833                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3834       end if;
3835    end if; -- (l_mem_trx)
3837    -- NOTE:
3838    -- if reclass NOT from DPIS
3839    -- then create one record to find cost, sal, etc... as of the date.
3840    -- for rest of period, apply delta directly.
3841    -- This means that if reclass from dpis, apply delta directly.
3842    -- if it is from current, use member's latest info.
3843    -- if it is from between dpis and current, then build first row
3844    -- and apply it and then apply rest of records.
3846    -- HHIRAGA
3847    -- In case this is DESTINATION, group_asset_id in FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY must be updated before starting to
3848    -- processing
3850    if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'DESTINATION') and
3851       nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'NULL') = 'ALLOCATE' then
3853       begin
3855         l_mem_period_counter := l_trx_period_rec.period_counter - 1;
3857         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3858             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Insert new row for proceessing','Start'
3859                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3860             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Insert row',
3861                       l_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code||':'||p_reclassed_asset_id||':'||p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3862                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3863             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Insert row',
3864                       l_mem_period_counter||':'||g_mem_ytd_deprn||':'||g_mem_deprn_reserve
3865                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3866             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Insert row',
3867                       g_mem_bonus_ytd_deprn||':'||g_mem_bonus_deprn_reserve||':'||g_mem_eofy_reserve
3868                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3869         end if;
3871         -- Query YTD and Reserve from FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY for addition
3872         if p_mrc_sob_type_Code <> 'R' then
3874            update fa_books_summary
3875            set group_Asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3876            where asset_id=p_reclassed_asset_id
3877            and period_counter >= l_trx_period_rec.period_counter;
3879            open c_get_ytd_deprn;
3880            fetch c_get_ytd_deprn into l_mem_ytd_deprn_addition,l_mem_deprn_reserve_addition;
3881            close c_get_ytd_deprn;
3883            if nvl(g_mem_ytd_deprn,0) = 0 and l_mem_ytd_deprn_addition is not null then
3884               g_mem_ytd_deprn := nvl(l_mem_ytd_deprn_addition,0);
3885            end if;
3887            if nvl(g_mem_deprn_reserve,0) = 0 and l_mem_deprn_reserve_addition is not null then
3888               g_mem_deprn_reserve := nvl(l_mem_deprn_reserve_addition,0);
3889               g_mem_eofy_reserve := g_mem_deprn_reserve - g_mem_ytd_deprn;
3890            end if;
3892            insert into fa_books_summary(book_type_code,
3893                                         asset_id,
3894                                         group_asset_id,
3895                                         period_counter,
3896                                         cost,
3897                                         salvage_value,
3898                                         recoverable_cost,
3899                                         adjusted_cost,
3900                                         adjusted_recoverable_cost,
3901                                         deprn_amount,
3902                                         ytd_deprn,
3903                                         deprn_reserve,
3904                                         bonus_ytd_deprn,
3905                                         bonus_deprn_reserve,
3906                                         eofy_reserve,
3907                                         creation_date,
3908                                         created_by,
3909                                         last_update_date,
3910                                         last_updated_by)
3911             values (l_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
3912                     p_reclassed_asset_id,
3913                     p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
3914                     l_mem_period_counter,
3915                     0,0,0,0,0,0,
3916                     nvl(g_mem_ytd_deprn,0),
3917                     nvl(g_mem_deprn_reserve,0),
3918                     nvl(g_mem_bonus_ytd_deprn,0),
3919                     nvl(g_mem_bonus_deprn_reserve,0),
3920                     nvl(g_mem_eofy_reserve,0),
3921                     p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date,
3922                     p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by,
3923                     p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
3924                     p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by);
3925         else -- Reporting
3927            update fa_books_summary_mrc_v
3928            set group_Asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
3929            where asset_id=p_reclassed_asset_id
3933            fetch c_get_ytd_deprn_mrc into l_mem_ytd_deprn_addition,l_mem_deprn_reserve_addition;
3930            and period_counter >= l_trx_period_rec.period_counter;
3932            open c_get_ytd_deprn_mrc;
3934            close c_get_ytd_deprn_mrc;
3936            if nvl(g_mem_ytd_deprn,0) = 0 and l_mem_ytd_deprn_addition is not null then
3937               g_mem_ytd_deprn := nvl(l_mem_ytd_deprn_addition,0);
3938            end if;
3940            if nvl(g_mem_deprn_reserve,0) = 0 and l_mem_deprn_reserve_addition is not null then
3941               g_mem_deprn_reserve := nvl(l_mem_deprn_reserve_addition,0);
3942               g_mem_eofy_reserve := g_mem_deprn_reserve - g_mem_ytd_deprn;
3943            end if;
3945            insert into fa_books_summary_mrc_v(book_type_code,
3946                                               asset_id,
3947                                               group_asset_id,
3948                                               period_counter,
3949                                               cost,
3950                                               salvage_value,
3951                                               recoverable_cost,
3952                                               adjusted_cost,
3953                                               adjusted_recoverable_cost,
3954                                               deprn_amount,
3955                                               ytd_deprn,
3956                                               deprn_reserve,
3957                                               bonus_ytd_deprn,
3958                                               bonus_deprn_reserve,
3959                                               eofy_reserve,
3960                                               creation_date,
3961                                               created_by,
3962                                               last_update_date,
3963                                               last_updated_by)
3964            values (l_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
3965                    p_reclassed_asset_id,
3966                    p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
3967                    l_mem_period_counter,
3968                    0,0,0,0,0,0,
3969                    nvl(g_mem_ytd_deprn,0),
3970                    nvl(g_mem_deprn_reserve,0),
3971                    nvl(g_mem_bonus_ytd_deprn,0),
3972                    nvl(g_mem_bonus_deprn_reserve,0),
3973                    nvl(g_mem_eofy_reserve,0),
3974                    p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date,
3975                    p_trans_rec.who_info.created_by,
3976                    p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date,
3977                    p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by);
3979         end if;
3981         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3982            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Inserted rows','Without Error'
3983                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3984         end if;
3986       exception
3987          when others then
3988           if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
3989             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Insert new row for proceessing','Error'
3990                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
3991           end if;
3992            null;
3993       end;
3994    end if;
3996    if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'SOURCE') then
3998      --+ HHIRAGA added on Oct/Nov in 2003
3999      --
4000      -- If this processing is for Group Asset whose tracking method is
4001      -- setup and user specified reclassification date (amort date) is
4002      -- in the current open period, system don't need to recalculate from
4003      -- DPIS of the member asset to reclassify but jut get stored reserve,
4004      -- YTD Depreciation and EOFY Reserve from table using populate_member_reserve function
4005      -- defined in FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.
4006      --
4007      -- Initialize global variables
4008      g_mem_ytd_deprn := 0;
4009      g_mem_deprn_reserve := 0;
4010      g_mem_bonus_ytd_deprn := 0;
4011      g_mem_bonus_deprn_reserve := 0;
4012      g_mem_eofy_reserve := 0;
4014      -- Query current open period counter
4015      if p_mrc_sob_type_code <> 'R' then
4016          open c_get_current_period;
4017          fetch c_get_current_period into l_current_period_counter;
4018          close c_get_current_period;
4020         if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'NULL') = 'ALLOCATE' then
4021           if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4022             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_trx_period_rec.period_counter', l_trx_period_rec.period_counter
4023                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4024             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_Asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code', p_Asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
4025                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4026             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_reclassed_asset_id', p_reclassed_asset_id
4027                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4028             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
4029                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4030           end if;
4031            open c_get_mem_bs_row;
4032            fetch c_get_mem_bs_row into g_mem_ytd_deprn,g_mem_deprn_reserve,
4033                                        g_mem_bonus_ytd_deprn,g_mem_bonus_deprn_reserve,g_mem_eofy_reserve;
4034            close c_get_mem_bs_row;
4035         end if;
4036      else
4037          open c_get_current_period_mrc;
4041         if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'NULL') = 'ALLOCATE' then
4038          fetch c_get_current_period_mrc into l_current_period_counter;
4039          close c_get_current_period_mrc;
4042           if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4043             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_trx_period_rec.period_counter', l_trx_period_rec.period_counter
4044                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4045             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_Asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code', p_Asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
4046                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4047             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_reclassed_asset_id', p_reclassed_asset_id
4048                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4049             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
4050                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4051           end if;
4052            open c_get_mem_bs_row_mrc;
4053            fetch c_get_mem_bs_row_mrc into g_mem_ytd_deprn,g_mem_deprn_reserve,
4054                                        g_mem_bonus_ytd_deprn,g_mem_bonus_deprn_reserve,g_mem_eofy_reserve;
4055            close c_get_mem_bs_row_mrc;
4056         end if;
4057      end if;
4059      if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'NULL') = 'CALCULATE' and
4060         l_trx_period_rec.period_counter = l_current_period_counter then
4062         -- Call populate_member_reserve
4063         if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.populate_member_reserve
4064                               (p_trans_rec => p_trans_rec,
4065                                p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
4066                                p_asset_fin_rec_new => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
4067                                p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
4068                                x_deprn_reserve => l_mem_deprn_reserve,
4069                                x_eofy_reserve => l_mem_eofy_reserve
4070                                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
4071           if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4072             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'populate_member_reserve'
4073                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4074           end if;
4076           raise calc_failed;
4077         end if;
4079         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4080           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ This is after POPULATE_MEMBER_RESERVE ++', '+++++'
4081                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4082           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_deprn_reserve', l_mem_deprn_reserve
4083                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4084           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_eofy_reserve', l_mem_eofy_reserve
4085                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4086         end if;
4088         --
4089         -- Get period information of the period from member dpis
4090         --
4091         if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(l_transaction_date_entered, 'J')),
4092                              p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
4093                              p_mrc_sob_type_code,
4094                              l_period_rec) then
4096           if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4097             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'GetPeriodInfo'
4098                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4099           end if;
4101           raise calc_failed;
4103         end if;
4105       elsif nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'NULL') = 'ALLOCATE' and
4106             g_mem_deprn_reserve is not null then
4108             l_mem_deprn_reserve := g_mem_deprn_reserve;
4109             l_mem_eofy_reserve := nvl(g_mem_eofy_reserve,0);
4111             l_mem_loop_first := TRUE;
4113             If (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4114               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ This is a case for ALLOCATE and reclass in source group ++', '+++++'
4115                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4116               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_deprn_reserve', g_mem_deprn_reserve
4117                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4118               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_eofy_reserve', g_mem_eofy_reserve
4119                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4120             end if;
4122       else -- Tracking is not used or period is not current period
4124       -- If this reclass is for source, group's books summary needs
4125       -- to be adjusted previously added period.
4126       -- If this is first time reclass out, it needs to be adjusted
4127       -- from dpis of the member asset.  If not, period which this member
4128       -- became member needs to be addjusted until now.
4129       -- In here, the date needs to be determined.
4130       -- If this is for dest, trx date is the date that this member
4131       -- becomes the dest group's member.
4132       --
4133       -- Get period information of the period from member dpis
4134       --
4135       if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(p_reclassed_asset_dpis, 'J')),
4136                            p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
4137                            p_mrc_sob_type_code,
4138                            l_period_rec) then
4140          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4141             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'GetPeriodInfo'
4142                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4143          end if;
4145          raise calc_failed;
4147       end if;
4149       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4150          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_transaction_date_entered', l_transaction_date_entered
4151                           , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4152          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_group_reclass_type', p_group_reclass_type
4153                           , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4154       end if;
4156       -- Bug 6792185
4157       if (nvl(p_group_reclass_type, 'NULL') = 'MANUAL') then
4158          null;
4159       else
4160          l_transaction_date_entered := p_reclassed_asset_dpis;
4161       end if;
4163      end if; -- HHIRAGA if-statement
4165    end if;
4167 /*****************
4168    This part of code will be removed by adding new column change_in_eofy_reserve
4169  *****************
4170    --
4171    -- Setting period counter which is used to determine from which period
4172    -- is fa_books_summary records needed to be updated.
4173    -- If there is eofy_reserve in fin_rec_adj, need to get record from
4174    -- previous eofy record to reflect the amount and recalculate.
4175    --
4176 --tk_util.debug('p_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve));
4178    if (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve, 0) <> 0) then
4179       --
4180       -- In case of trx w/ some eofy_reserve
4181       --   Update reserve_adjustment_amount by adj.eofy_reserve and reserve of the last eofy record,
4182       --   Update current fiscal years records' eofy_reserve
4183       --   Update current period's reserve_adjustment_amount with adj.reserve - adj.eofy_reserve
4184       -- This is why it needs to get extra periods(records before amortization start date) records
4186       l_period_counter := (l_period_rec.period_counter - l_period_rec.period_num);
4187    else
4188       l_period_counter := l_period_rec.period_counter - 1;
4189    end if; -- (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve is not null)
4190 */
4192    l_period_counter := l_period_rec.period_counter - 1;
4194    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4195       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Starting Period',
4196                        l_period_counter
4197                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4198    end if;
4200    if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
4202       OPEN c_get_mc_books_summary (l_period_counter);
4203       FETCH c_get_mc_books_summary BULK COLLECT INTO
4204                fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter
4205              , fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year
4206              , fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num
4207              , fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_open_date
4208              , fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_close_date
4209              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag
4210              , fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost
4211              , fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost
4212              , fa_amort_pvt.t_cost
4213              , fa_amort_pvt.t_cip_cost
4214              , fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type
4215              , fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value
4216              , fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value
4217              , fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value
4218              , fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost
4219              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type
4220              , fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit
4221              , fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount
4222              , fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount
4223              , fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost
4224              , fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost
4225              , fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag
4226              , fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service
4227              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code
4228              , fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months
4229              , fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor
4230              , fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate
4231              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule
4232              , fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_capacity
4233              , fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity
4234              , fa_amort_pvt.t_unit_of_measure
4235              , fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life1
4236              , fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life2
4237              , fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor
4238              , fa_amort_pvt.t_unrevalued_cost
4239              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis
4240              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_ceiling
4241              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ceiling_name
4242              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost
4243              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor
4244              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve
4245              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_adj_cost
4246              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_formula_factor
4247              , fa_amort_pvt.t_short_fiscal_year_flag
4248              , fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id
4249              , fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id
4250              , fa_amort_pvt.t_over_depreciate_option
4251              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount
4252              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn
4253              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve
4254              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_amount
4255              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn
4256              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve
4257              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rate
4258              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production
4259              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production
4260              , fa_amort_pvt.t_production
4261              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization
4262              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_deprn_expense
4266              , fa_amort_pvt.t_system_deprn_amount
4263              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve
4264              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense
4265              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_override_flag
4267              , fa_amort_pvt.t_system_bonus_deprn_amount
4268              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_proceeds_of_sale
4269              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_proceeds_of_sale
4270              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_cost_of_removal
4271              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_cost_of_removal
4272              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_adjustment_amount
4273              , fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount
4274              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount
4275              , fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve
4276              ;
4278       CLOSE c_get_mc_books_summary;
4280    else
4282       OPEN c_get_books_summary (l_period_counter);
4283       FETCH c_get_books_summary BULK COLLECT INTO
4284                fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter
4285              , fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year
4286              , fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num
4287              , fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_open_date
4288              , fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_close_date
4289              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag
4290              , fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost
4291              , fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost
4292              , fa_amort_pvt.t_cost
4293              , fa_amort_pvt.t_cip_cost
4294              , fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type
4295              , fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value
4296              , fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value
4297              , fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value
4298              , fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost
4299              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type
4300              , fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit
4301              , fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount
4302              , fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount
4303              , fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost
4304              , fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost
4305              , fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag
4306              , fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service
4307              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code
4308              , fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months
4309              , fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor
4310              , fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate
4311              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule
4312              , fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_capacity
4313              , fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity
4314              , fa_amort_pvt.t_unit_of_measure
4315              , fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life1
4316              , fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life2
4317              , fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor
4318              , fa_amort_pvt.t_unrevalued_cost
4319              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis
4320              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_ceiling
4321              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ceiling_name
4322              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost
4323              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor
4324              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve
4325              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_adj_cost
4326              , fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_formula_factor
4327              , fa_amort_pvt.t_short_fiscal_year_flag
4328              , fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id
4329              , fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id
4330              , fa_amort_pvt.t_over_depreciate_option
4331              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount
4332              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn
4333              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve
4334              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_amount
4335              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn
4336              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve
4337              , fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rate
4338              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production
4339              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production
4340              , fa_amort_pvt.t_production
4341              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization
4342              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_deprn_expense
4343              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve
4344              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense
4345              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_override_flag
4346              , fa_amort_pvt.t_system_deprn_amount
4347              , fa_amort_pvt.t_system_bonus_deprn_amount
4348              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_proceeds_of_sale
4349              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_proceeds_of_sale
4350              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_cost_of_removal
4351              , fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_cost_of_removal
4352              , fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_adjustment_amount
4353              , fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount
4354              , fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount
4355              , fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve
4356              ;
4358       CLOSE c_get_books_summary;
4360    end if;
4362 --tk_util.debug('period# :      cost:   adjcost:       exp:      eofy:     rsvaj:       rsv:      dlmt:      arec');
4363 /*
4364 for i in fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.FIRST..fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.LAST loop
4365 --tk_util.debug(rpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)), 8, ' ')||':'||
4366               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4367               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4368               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4369               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4370               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4371               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4375 end loop;
4372               lpad(nvl(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i)), 'null'), 5, ' ')||':'||
4373               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost(i)), 10, ' ')
4374              );
4376 */
4377    l_count := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.COUNT;
4379 --tk_util.debug('really: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve));
4380    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4381       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Number of period fetched', l_count
4382             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4383    end if;
4385    if (l_count = 1) then
4386       --
4387       -- Get eofy information from fa_books_summary_table
4388       --
4389       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
4390          OPEN c_get_mc_eofy_amts(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(1) - fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(1));
4391          FETCH c_get_mc_eofy_amts INTO l_eofy_rec_cost
4392                                   , l_eofy_sal_val
4393                                   , l_eofy_reserve;
4394          if c_get_mc_eofy_amts%NOTFOUND then
4395             CLOSE c_get_mc_eofy_amts;
4396             l_eofy_rec_cost := 0;
4397             l_eofy_sal_val := 0;
4398             l_eofy_reserve := 0;
4399          else
4400             CLOSE c_get_mc_eofy_amts;
4401          end if;
4402       else
4403          OPEN c_get_eofy_amts(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(1) - fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(1));
4404          FETCH c_get_eofy_amts INTO l_eofy_rec_cost
4405                                   , l_eofy_sal_val
4406                                   , l_eofy_reserve;
4407          if c_get_eofy_amts%NOTFOUND then
4408             CLOSE c_get_eofy_amts;
4409             l_eofy_rec_cost := 0;
4410             l_eofy_sal_val := 0;
4411             l_eofy_reserve := 0;
4412          else
4413             CLOSE c_get_eofy_amts;
4414          end if;
4415       end if;
4417    else
4418       --
4419       -- Get eofy information from fa_books_summary_table
4420       --
4421       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
4422          OPEN c_get_mc_eofy_amts(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(2) - fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(2));
4423          FETCH c_get_mc_eofy_amts INTO l_eofy_rec_cost
4424                                   , l_eofy_sal_val
4425                                   , l_eofy_reserve;
4426          if c_get_mc_eofy_amts%NOTFOUND then
4427             CLOSE c_get_mc_eofy_amts;
4428             l_eofy_rec_cost := 0;
4429             l_eofy_sal_val := 0;
4430             l_eofy_reserve := 0;
4431          else
4432             CLOSE c_get_mc_eofy_amts;
4433          end if;
4434       else
4435          OPEN c_get_eofy_amts(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(2) - fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(2));
4436          FETCH c_get_eofy_amts INTO l_eofy_rec_cost
4437                                   , l_eofy_sal_val
4438                                   , l_eofy_reserve;
4439          if c_get_eofy_amts%NOTFOUND then
4440             CLOSE c_get_eofy_amts;
4441             l_eofy_rec_cost := 0;
4442             l_eofy_sal_val := 0;
4443             l_eofy_reserve := 0;
4444          else
4445             CLOSE c_get_eofy_amts;
4446          end if;
4447       end if;
4449    end if; -- (l_count = 1)
4451       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4452          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_eofy_reserve', l_eofy_reserve
4453                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4454       end if;
4456 /*** REMOVED
4457    end if;
4458  ***/
4460    --
4461    -- At this point, l_bs_ind holds indicator for previous period of the period
4462    -- where amortization start date falls in.
4463    --
4464 --tk_util.debug('l_transaction_date_entered: '||to_char(l_transaction_date_entered, 'DD-MON-YYYY'));
4465 --tk_util.debug('close date: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_close_date(l_bs_ind),  'DD-MON-YYYY'));
4466 --tk_util.debug('count: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.COUNT));
4468    if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.COUNT > 1) and
4469       (l_transaction_date_entered >
4470        fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_close_date(l_bs_ind))then
4471       -- Bug 6792185
4472       if (nvl(p_group_reclass_type, 'NULL') = 'MANUAL') then
4473          for j in l_bs_ind ..fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.COUNT loop
4474             if (l_transaction_date_entered between  fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_open_date(j)
4475                 and fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_close_date(j)) then
4476                l_bs_ind := j;
4477 	    end if;
4478          end loop;
4479       else
4480          l_bs_ind := l_bs_ind + 1;
4481       end if;
4482    end if;
4484    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4485       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_bs_ind', l_bs_ind
4486                        , p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4487       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Populating local fin_rec_old',
4488                        fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(l_bs_ind));
4489    end if;
4491    l_asset_fin_rec_old.cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(l_bs_ind);
4492    l_asset_fin_rec_old.formula_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(l_bs_ind);
4494    l_asset_fin_rec_old.rate_adjustment_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(l_bs_ind);
4495    l_asset_fin_rec_old.adjusted_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(l_bs_ind);
4496    l_asset_fin_rec_old.salvage_value := fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(l_bs_ind);
4500    l_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_method_code := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(l_bs_ind);
4497    l_asset_fin_rec_old.recoverable_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(l_bs_ind);
4501    l_asset_fin_rec_old.life_in_months := fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(l_bs_ind);
4502    l_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id := fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id(l_bs_ind);
4503    l_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciate_flag := fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag(l_bs_ind);
4504    l_asset_fin_rec_old.recognize_gain_loss := px_asset_fin_rec_new.recognize_gain_loss;
4505    l_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method := px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method;
4507    l_asset_fin_rec_old.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag;
4508    l_asset_fin_rec_old.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag;
4509    l_asset_fin_rec_old.excess_allocation_option := px_asset_fin_rec_new.excess_allocation_option;
4510    l_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciation_option := px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciation_option;
4511    l_asset_fin_rec_old.member_rollup_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.member_rollup_flag;
4513    l_asset_fin_rec_new.reduction_rate := px_asset_fin_rec_new.reduction_rate;
4514    l_asset_fin_rec_new.recognize_gain_loss := l_asset_fin_rec_old.recognize_gain_loss;
4515    l_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method := l_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method;
4516    l_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := l_asset_fin_rec_old.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag;
4517    l_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag := l_asset_fin_rec_old.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag;
4518    l_asset_fin_rec_new.excess_allocation_option := l_asset_fin_rec_old.excess_allocation_option;
4519    l_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciation_option := l_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciation_option;
4520    l_asset_fin_rec_new.member_rollup_flag := l_asset_fin_rec_old.member_rollup_flag;
4521    --Bug3286560: This will be old adj cost in deprn basis function
4522    l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(l_bs_ind);
4523    -- Bug 4700524: first time in loop fin_rec_old.cost needs to be old cost
4524    l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(l_bs_ind);
4527    --
4528    -- Setting reset_adjusted_cost_flag
4529    -- If this is source group, it is not always first period of recalculation because
4530    -- pl/sql table always has data from member's dpis
4531    -- Also find value for l_temp_ind and it will be used to update table at the end.
4532    --
4533    if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'SOURCE') then
4535       l_temp_ind := l_bs_ind + l_trx_period_rec.period_counter - fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(l_bs_ind);
4536       fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(l_temp_ind) := 'Y';
4538 --tk_util.debug('l_temp_ind: '||to_char(l_temp_ind));
4539 --tk_util.debug('period counter: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(l_temp_ind)));
4541       --
4542       -- Store old reserve so that it can be used to determine how much reserve needs to be
4543       -- taken out from srouce group at reclassed period.
4544       --
4545       if (l_temp_ind = 1) then
4546          l_old_reserve := 0;
4547       else
4548       --Bug# 7215625 Commented following code to calculate right value for l_old_reserve
4549          l_old_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(l_temp_ind - 1);
4550       -- Bug# 7215626 end.
4551       end if;
4553    else
4554       l_temp_ind := l_bs_ind;
4556       if (p_reclass_src_dest is not null) then
4557          fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(l_bs_ind) := 'Y';
4558       end if;
4560 --   else
4561 --      fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(l_bs_ind) := 'Y';
4562 --      l_temp_ind := l_bs_ind;
4563    end if;
4565 /*            if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name = 'uNERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') and
4566                (p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method = 'ALLOCATE') then
4567                l_energy_member := TRUE;
4568             end if;
4569 */
4570    if (p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'MS') then
4571       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
4572          OPEN c_get_mc_rein_info;
4573          FETCH c_get_mc_rein_info INTO l_proceeds_of_sale
4574                                   , l_cost_of_removal
4575                                   , l_reserve_retired
4576                                   , l_nbv_retired;
4577          CLOSE c_get_mc_rein_info;
4578       else
4579          OPEN c_get_rein_info;
4580          FETCH c_get_rein_info INTO l_proceeds_of_sale
4581                                   , l_cost_of_removal
4582                                   , l_reserve_retired
4583                                   , l_nbv_retired;
4584          CLOSE c_get_rein_info;
4585       end if;
4587       if (l_reserve_retired is null) and
4588          (px_asset_fin_rec_new.recognize_gain_loss = 'NO') then
4589          l_reserve_retired := px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost - p_asset_fin_rec_old.cost;
4590       end if;
4592       if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') and
4593          (p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method = 'ALLOCATE') then
4594          -- l_proceeds_of_sale and l_cost_of_removal has -1 multiplied in cursor c_get_rein_info
4595          -- so that it can be added whether the trx is ret or rein later when maintaining
4596          -- ytd and ltd for books summary table.
4597          l_reserve_retired := p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost + l_proceeds_of_sale - l_cost_of_removal;
4598       end if;
4600       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4601          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'This is Reinstatement', l_reserve_retired
4605    else
4602                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4603       end if;
4606       l_reserve_retired := 0;
4607    end if;
4610    --
4611    -- Need to find out how unplanned expense is passed to here
4612    --
4613    fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount(l_bs_ind) :=
4614                       fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount(l_bs_ind) +
4615                       nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_amount, 0);
4617    fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(l_bs_ind) :=
4618                       fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(l_bs_ind) +
4619                       nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve, 0) + l_reserve_retired;
4620 --                      nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve, 0);
4621 --                      (nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve, 0) -
4622 --                       nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve, 0)) +
4626    fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(l_bs_ind) :=
4627                         nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(l_bs_ind), 0) +
4628                         nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve, 0);
4631    if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'SOURCE') then
4632       if (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter > fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(1)) and
4633          (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter >= fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(l_bs_ind)) and
4634          (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.COUNT > 2) then
4636 --tk_util.debug('last period counter: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.LAST)));
4637 --tk_util.debug('l_trx_period_rec.period_counter: '||to_char(l_trx_period_rec.period_counter));
4639          l_gr_ind := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.COUNT -
4640                      (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter.LAST) -
4641                       (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter - 1));
4643 --tk_util.debug('l_gr_ind: '||to_char(l_gr_ind));
4644 --tk_util.debug('ytd: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(l_gr_ind)));
4646             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount        := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(l_gr_ind);
4647             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn           := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(l_gr_ind);
4648             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve       := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(l_gr_ind);
4649             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount  := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_amount(l_gr_ind);
4650             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn     := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(l_gr_ind);
4651             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(l_gr_ind);
4652             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production      := fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(l_gr_ind);
4653             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production      := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(l_gr_ind);
4654             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.production          := fa_amort_pvt.t_production(l_gr_ind);
4655             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization  := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization(l_gr_ind);
4656             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_deprn_expense(l_gr_ind);
4657             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(l_gr_ind);
4658             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn     := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(l_gr_ind);
4659       else
4660             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount        := 0;
4661             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn           := 0;
4662             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve       := 0;
4663             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount  := 0;
4664             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn     := 0;
4665             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := 0;
4666             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production      := 0;
4667             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production      := 0;
4668             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.production          := 0;
4669             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization  := 0;
4670             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense := 0;
4671             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve := 0;
4672             l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn     := 0;
4673       end if;
4674    end if;
4677    d := 0;
4679 --tk_util.debug('period# :      cost:   adjcost:       exp:      eofy:     rsvaj:       rsv:      dlmt:      arec');
4680 /*
4681 for i in fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.FIRST..fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.LAST loop
4682 --tk_util.debug(rpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)), 8, ' ')||':'||
4683               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4684               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4685               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4686               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4687               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4688               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
4689               lpad(nvl(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i)), 'null'), 5, ' ')||':'||
4690               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost(i)), 10, ' ')
4691              );
4692 end loop;
4693 */
4694                --
4695                -- Update FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY
4696                --
4698    -- *********************** --
4699    --  Main Loop Starts Here  --
4700    -- *********************** --
4701    FOR i IN l_bs_ind..l_count LOOP
4702       d := d + 1;
4704       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4705          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Processing period',
4709       if i <> 1 then
4706                           fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i));
4707       end if;
4710          l_asset_fin_rec_old := l_asset_fin_rec_new;
4711       end if;
4713       --
4714       -- Populate l_period_rec for deprn basis
4715       --
4716       l_period_rec.period_counter := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i);
4717       l_period_rec.fiscal_year := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(i);
4718       l_period_rec.period_num := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i);
4720 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_cost: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i)));
4722       if (l_mem_trx) then
4724 --tk_util.debug('td_cost('||to_char(d)||'): '||to_char(td_cost(d)));
4725 --tk_util.debug('l_trx_period_rec.period_counter: '||to_char(l_trx_period_rec.period_counter));
4727         if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'DESTINATION') and
4728            (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter = fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)) then
4730 --tk_util.debug('GROUP RECLASS: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)));
4732            fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) + l_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cost;
4733            fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i) +
4734                                             l_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cip_cost;
4735         else
4737 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost('||to_char(d)||'): '|| to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i)));
4738            -- Bug#7215625 start - commented the code done for fix 5768759
4739 	   fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) +
4740                                                td_cost(d);
4741            fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i) +
4742                                                    td_cip_cost(d);
4743           -- Bug#7215625 end - commented the code done for fix 5768759
4744        end if;
4746 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost('||to_char(i)||'): '|| to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i)));
4747 --tk_util.debug('td_salvage_value('||to_char(d)||'): '|| to_char(td_salvage_value(d)));
4749          if (i = 1) then
4750             fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i);
4751             fa_amort_pvt.t_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i);
4753             if (p_reclass_src_dest is not null) and
4754                (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter = fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)) then
4755                fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i) +
4756                                                          l_asset_fin_rec_reclass.salvage_value;
4757                fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i) +
4758                                                               l_asset_fin_rec_reclass.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
4759             else
4760                fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i) +
4761                                                          td_salvage_value(d);
4762                fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i) +
4763                                                               td_deprn_limit_amount(d);
4764             end if;
4766             fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i) := 1;
4767          else
4768             fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i - 1) + fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i);
4769             fa_amort_pvt.t_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_cip_cost(i - 1) +
4770                                            fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i);
4773             if (p_reclass_src_dest is not null) and
4774                (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter = fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)) then
4775                fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i) +
4776                                                          l_asset_fin_rec_reclass.salvage_value;
4777                fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i) +
4778                                                               l_asset_fin_rec_reclass.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
4779             else
4780                fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i) +
4781                                                          td_salvage_value(d);
4782                fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i) +
4783                                                               td_deprn_limit_amount(d);
4784             end if;
4786             fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i - 1);
4787          end if;
4789          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4790             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_member_salvage_value('||to_char(i)||')' ,
4791                              fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i), p_log_level_rec);
4792             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'td_salvage_value('||to_char(d)||')' ,
4793                              td_salvage_value(d), p_log_level_rec);
4794             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_member_deprn_limit_amount('||to_char(i)||')' ,
4795                              fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i), p_log_level_rec);
4796             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'td_deprn_limit_amount('||to_char(d)||')' ,
4797                              td_deprn_limit_amount(d), p_log_level_rec);
4798          end if;
4802          if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'SOURCE') and
4806                                                (l_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cost - td_cost(d));
4803             (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter = fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)) then
4805            fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) +
4807            fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i) +
4808                                                    (l_asset_fin_rec_reclass.cip_cost - td_cip_cost(d));
4809 --tk_util.debug('Synchronizing change_in_cost: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i)));
4810          end if;
4811       end if;
4813 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value('||to_char(i)||'): '|| to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i)));
4814 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_cost('||to_char(d)||'): '|| to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i)));
4816       --
4817       -- Apply delta to books sumamry global variables
4818       --
4819       fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_type,
4820                                              fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type(i));
4821       fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type,
4822                                                  fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type(i));
4824       if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag <>
4825           p_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciate_flag) then
4826          fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag(i) := px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag;
4827       end if;
4829       if (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_method_code,
4830               px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code) <> px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code) then
4831          fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i) := px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code;
4832          fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i) := px_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months;
4833          fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i) := px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_rate;
4834 --tk_util.debug('1 adjusted_rate: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i)));
4835       else
4836          fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months,
4837                                                   fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i));
4838          fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate,
4839                                                  fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i));
4840 --tk_util.debug('adj adjusted_rate: '||to_char(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate));
4841 --tk_util.debug('2 adjusted_rate: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i)));
4842       end if;
4844       fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.bonus_rule,
4845                                            fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule(i));
4846       --   fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_capacity(i) :=
4847       fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity(i) := nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity(i), 0) +
4848                                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity, 0);
4849       fa_amort_pvt.t_unit_of_measure(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.unit_of_measure,
4850                                             fa_amort_pvt.t_unit_of_measure(i));
4851       --
4852       -- I don't know what to store in these columns
4853       --
4854 --   fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life1(i) :=
4855 --   fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life2(i) :=
4857       fa_amort_pvt.t_ceiling_name(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.ceiling_name,
4858                                               fa_amort_pvt.t_ceiling_name(i));
4860       if (p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id = px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id) then
4861          null;
4862       else
4863          fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id(i) := px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id;
4864       end if;
4866       if (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.super_group_id, 0) = nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id, 0)) then
4867          null;
4868       else
4869          fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id(i) := px_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id;
4870       end if;
4872       fa_amort_pvt.t_over_depreciate_option(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.over_depreciate_option,
4873                                                        fa_amort_pvt.t_over_depreciate_option(i));
4875       if (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.salvage_type,
4876               px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type) = px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type) then
4877          fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i) +
4878                                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value, 0);
4879       else
4880          fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i) := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.percent_salvage_value, 0);
4881       end if;
4883       if (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_limit_type,
4884          px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type) = px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type) then
4885          fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i) +
4886                                                    nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit, 0);
4887       else
4888          fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i) := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit, 0);
4889       end if;
4891       if (fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type(i) = 'PCT') then
4892          l_temp_num := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i) * fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i);
4893          fa_round_pkg.fa_ceil(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
4894                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4895          fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i) := l_temp_num;
4896       else -- case of SUM
4897          fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i);
4898       end if;
4903                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
4900       if (fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type(i) = 'PCT') then
4901          l_temp_num := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i) * (1 -  fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i));
4902          fa_round_pkg.fa_floor(l_temp_num, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
4904          fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i) := l_temp_num;
4905       elsif(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type(i) = 'SUM') then
4906          fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i);
4907       else  -- case of 'NONE'
4908          fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i) := null;
4909       end if;
4911       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4912          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type('||to_char(i)||')',
4913                           fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type(i));
4914          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value('||to_char(i)||')',
4915                           fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i));
4916          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value('||to_char(i)||')',
4917                           fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i));
4918          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value('||to_char(i)||')',
4919                           fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i));
4920          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn,
4921                           'fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type('||to_char(i)||')',
4922                           fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type(i));
4923          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn,
4924                           'fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit('||to_char(i)||')',
4925                           fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i));
4926          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn,
4927                           'fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount('||to_char(i)||')',
4928                           fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i));
4929          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn,
4930                           'fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount('||to_char(i)||')',
4931                           fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i));
4932       end if;
4935       --
4936       -- At this point, all attributes to determine whether resetting adjusted cost is necessary
4937       -- or not. Here is the list of the attributes
4938       --  change_in_cost, change_in_cip_cost, member_salvage_value, member_deprn_limit_amount,
4939       --  percent_salvage_value, allowed_deprn_limit, salvage_value, allowed_deprn_limit_amount
4940       --  deprn_method_code, adjusted_rate, bonus_rule
4941       -- If this is destination asset for reclass transaction, this place is too late to
4942       -- set reset_adjusted_cost_flag
4943       if (i = 1) or
4944          (fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) <> 0) or
4945          (fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i) <> 0) then
4946          fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i) := 'Y';
4947       elsif (nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i), 0) <> nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i-1),0)) or
4948             (nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i), 0) <> nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i-1), 0)) or
4949             (fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i) <> fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i-1)) or
4950             (nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i), 0) <>
4951                                          nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i-1), 0)) or
4952             (fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i) <> fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i-1)) or
4953             (nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i), 0) <> nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i-1), 0)) or
4954             (nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule(i), 'NULL') <> nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule(i-1), 'NULL') or
4955             (fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount(i) <> 0) or
4956             (fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) <> 0)) then
4957          fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i) := 'Y';
4958          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4959              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','1',fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i-1));
4960              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','2', fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i-1));
4961              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','3', fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i-1));
4962              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','4', fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i-1));
4963              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','5', fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i-1));
4964              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','6', fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i-1));
4965              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','7', fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i-1));
4966              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','8', fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i-1));
4967              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','9', fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule(i-1));
4968              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','0', fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount(i-1));
4969              fa_debug_pkg.add('tk','1', fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i-1));
4970          end if;
4971       --bug3872075: Need group's change_in_cost etc instead of delta
4972       elsif ((p_reclass_src_dest is not null) and
4973              ((nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i), 0) <> 0) or
4974               (nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i), 0) <> 0))) then
4976             fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i) := 'Y';
4977             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4978                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Reclass trx and still change in', 'COST');
4979             end if;
4980       else
4981          fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i) := 'N';
4983          if (i = 2)  then
4984             if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) = 1 and
4985                         nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.period_update_flag,'N') = 'Y') or
4986                 (nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.use_eofy_reserve_flag, 'N') = 'Y') or
4987                 ((nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i), 0) <> 0) or
4988                         (nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i), 0) <> 0)) then
4990                fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i) := 'Y';
4991             else
4992                 fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i-1);
4993 		-- Bug 5741720: Adding following to reflect adjusted_cost
4994 		l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i);
4996                 if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
4997                     fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Inheriting adj cost from', 'Previous Period');
4998                 end if;
5000             end if;
5001          elsif (i = 1) then
5002                 fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i) := 0;
5003                 -- Bug 5741720: Adding following to reflect adjusted_cost
5004                 l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i);
5006 	        if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5007                     fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Resetting adjusted cost with ', '0');
5008                 end if;
5010          end if;
5012 	 if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5013              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost('||to_char(i)||')', fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i));
5014              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost', l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost);
5015          end if;
5016       end if;
5019       fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i) - fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i);
5020       fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i) -
5021                                                       nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i),
5022                                                           fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i));
5024       fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service(i) := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service,
5025                                                        fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service(i));
5028       fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_proceeds_of_sale(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_proceeds_of_sale(i) +
5029                                                  nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.ytd_proceeds, 0) +
5030                                                  l_proceeds_of_sale;
5032       fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_proceeds_of_sale(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_proceeds_of_sale(i) +
5033                                                  nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_proceeds, 0) +
5034                                                  l_proceeds_of_sale;
5036       --
5037       -- Not Yet Implemented
5038       --
5039       fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_cost_of_removal(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_cost_of_removal(i) +
5040                                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_cost_of_removal , 0) +
5041                                                 l_cost_of_removal;
5043       fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_cost_of_removal(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_cost_of_removal(i) +
5044                                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_cost_of_removal , 0) +
5045                                                 l_cost_of_removal;
5048       fa_amort_pvt.t_unrevalued_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_unrevalued_cost(i) +
5049                                             nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost, 0);
5051       fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis(i) +
5052                                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis, 0);
5055       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5056          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Finish Populating Global Variables', ' '
5057                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5058       end if;
5060       --   fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_ceiling(i) :=
5062       --   fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost(i) -- Unchanged
5063       --   fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor(i) Unchanged
5064       --   fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i) Unchanged
5065       if (i = 1) then
5066          fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_adj_cost(i)            := 0;
5067          fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_formula_factor(i)      := 1;
5069          fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost(i)           := 0;
5070          fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor(i)     := 1;
5071          fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve (i)           := nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(i), 0);
5073       else
5074          fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_adj_cost(i)            := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i - 1);
5075          fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_formula_factor(i)      := fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(i - 1);
5077          if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) = 1) then
5078             fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost(i)       := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i - 1);
5079             fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(i - 1);
5080             fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve (i)       := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1) +
5081                                                      nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(i), 0);
5082          else
5083             fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost(i)       := fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost(i - 1);
5084             fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor(i - 1);
5085             fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve (i)       := fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i - 1) +
5086                                                      nvl(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(i), 0);
5087          end if;
5089       end if;
5094    --
5092 --tk_util.debug('l_bs_ind: '||to_char(l_bs_ind));
5093 --tk_util.debug('l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve: '||to_char(l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve));
5095    -- Proceed if the period being processed is not current period and depreciation
5096    -- has not been recalculated yet, or
5097    -- This is current period but has some transaction entered and requires to recalculate
5098    -- adjusted_cost.
5099    --
5100    if ((l_bs_ind <= i) and
5101        (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i) < p_period_rec.period_counter)) or
5102       ((fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i) = p_period_rec.period_counter) and
5103        (fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i) = 'Y')) then
5105       fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount(i);
5106 --tk_util.debug('l_trx_period_rec.period_counter: '||to_char(l_trx_period_rec.period_counter));
5107 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)));
5109       if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'SOURCE') and
5110          (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter = fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)) then
5111          if (i = 1) then
5112            null;
5113          else
5115            -- HHIRAGA Added code for current period reclass under tracking
5116            if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5117              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HHIRAGA Debug: tracking_method', px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method
5118                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5119              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HHIRAGA Debug: l_trx_period_rec.period_counter', l_trx_period_rec.period_counter
5120                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5121              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HHIRAGA Debug: l_current_period_counter', l_current_period_counter
5122                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5123            end if;
5125            if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'NULL') = 'CALCULATE' and
5126               l_trx_period_rec.period_counter = l_current_period_counter then
5128               x_deprn_reserve := (-1)*l_mem_deprn_reserve;
5129               fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) :=
5130                  fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) + x_deprn_reserve;
5132               fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i) - l_mem_eofy_reserve;
5133               fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(i) := (-1)* l_mem_eofy_reserve;
5135               if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5136                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HHIRAGA Debug: x_deprn_reserve', x_deprn_reserve
5137                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5138                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HHIRAGA Debug: reserve_adjustment_amount',
5139                                                            fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i));
5140               end if;
5142            elsif nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'NULL') = 'ALLOCATE' and
5143               (l_mem_loop_first) then
5145               x_deprn_reserve := (-1)*l_mem_deprn_reserve;
5146               fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) :=
5147                  fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) + x_deprn_reserve;
5149               fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i) - l_mem_eofy_reserve;
5150               fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(i) := (-1)* l_mem_eofy_reserve;
5151               l_mem_loop_first := FALSE;
5153               if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5154                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HHIRAGA Debug: x_deprn_reserve', x_deprn_reserve
5155                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5156                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HHIRAGA Debug: reserve_adjustment_amount',
5157                                                            fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i));
5158                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HHIRAGA Debug: eofy_reserve',
5159                                                            fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i));
5160               end if;
5162            else
5164 /*  commented due to bug#5601379\
5165                  fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) :=
5166                  fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) +
5167                  (fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1) - l_old_reserve);   */
5168 --tk_util.debug('l_old_reserve: '||to_char(l_old_reserve));
5169 --tk_util.debug('t_deprn_reserve: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1)));
5170             x_deprn_reserve := (fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1) - l_old_reserve);
5172            end if; -- End of HHIRAGA if-statement
5174             --
5175             -- Bug3537474: Don't need to reset previous deprn info because this reclass is
5176             -- happens in period of member addition
5177             --
5178             -- Bug4328772:
5179             -- Commenting out following condition and replacing with a condition with the line below
5180 --            if (p_reclassed_asset_dpis < fa_amort_pvt.t_calendar_period_open_date(l_count)) then
5181             if (l_trx_period_rec.period_counter < fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(l_count)) then
5182                fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i - 1)               := l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn;
5183                fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1)           := l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve;
5184                fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i - 1)         := l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn;
5185                fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i - 1)     := l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve;
5189                fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i - 1)           := l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve;
5186                fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i - 1)          := l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production;
5187                fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i - 1)          := l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production;
5188                fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i - 1) := l_gr_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn;
5190             end if;
5191          end if; -- (i = 1)
5192       end if; -- (p_reclass_src_dest = 'SOURCE') and
5194       if (i = 1) then
5195          l_eop_rec_cost := 0;
5196          l_eop_sal_val := 0;
5197          fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)               := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i);
5198          fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)           := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i) +
5199                                                        fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i);
5200          fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i)         := 0;
5201          fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i)     := 0;
5202          fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i)          := 0;
5203          fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i)          := 0;
5204          fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i) := 0;
5205          fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i)           := 0;
5206       else
5207          l_eop_rec_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(i - 1);
5208          l_eop_sal_val := fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i - 1);
5209          if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) = 1) then
5210             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)               := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i);
5211             fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i)         := 0;
5212             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i)          := 0;
5213             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i) := 0;
5214          else
5215             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)               := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i) +
5216                                                           fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i - 1);
5217             fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i)         := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i - 1);
5218             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i)          := fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i - 1);
5219          fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i - 1);
5221          end if;
5222 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1)));
5223          fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)           := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i) +
5224                                                        fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) +
5225                                                        fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1);
5226          fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i)     := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i - 1);
5227          fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i)          := fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i - 1);
5228          fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i)           := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i - 1);
5230       end if;
5232 /* TEST BY HH */
5233                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5234                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'HH CHECK i =',
5235                                    i || 'at Line Number from 4555'
5236                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5237                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i)',
5238                                    fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i));
5239                   if (i > 1) then
5240                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1)',
5241                                       fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1));
5242                   end if;
5243                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i)',
5244                                    fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i));
5245                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)',
5246                                    fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i));
5248                end if;
5249 /* End of TEST BY HH */
5252          --
5253          -- Populate l_asset_deprn_rec with previous period information
5254          --
5255 --         l_asset_deprn_rec := p_asset_deprn_rec;
5257          if (i = 1) then
5258             l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount        := 0;
5259             l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn           := 0;
5260             l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve       := fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i);
5261             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount  := 0;
5262             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn     := 0;
5263             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := 0;
5264             l_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production      := 0;
5265             l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production      := 0;
5266             l_asset_deprn_rec.production          := 0;
5267             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization  := 0;
5268             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense := 0;
5269             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve := 0;
5270             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn     := 0;
5271          else
5272             l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount        := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i);
5273             l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn           := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i);
5274             l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve       := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i);
5275             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount  := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_amount(i);
5276             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn     := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i);
5277             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i);
5281             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization  := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization(i);
5278             l_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production      := fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i);
5279             l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production      := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i);
5280             l_asset_deprn_rec.production          := fa_amort_pvt.t_production(i);
5282             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_deprn_expense(i);
5283             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i);
5284             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn     := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i);
5285          end if;
5287          --
5288          -- Populate l_asset_fin_rec_new
5289          --
5290          l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i);
5291          l_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value := fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i);
5292          l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(i);
5293          l_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i);
5294          l_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months := fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i);
5295          l_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id := fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id(i);
5296          l_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag := fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag(i);
5297          l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i);
5298          l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i);
5299          l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(i);
5300          l_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id := fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id(i);
5302          l_dpr_in.asset_num := p_asset_desc_rec.asset_number;
5303          l_dpr_in.calendar_type := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar;
5304          l_dpr_in.book := p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
5305          l_dpr_in.asset_id := p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id;
5307          l_dpr_in.adj_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(i);
5308          l_dpr_in.rec_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(i);
5309          l_dpr_in.reval_amo_basis := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis(i);
5310          l_dpr_in.adj_rate := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i);
5311          l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor := 1;
5312          l_dpr_in.capacity := fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity(i);
5313          l_dpr_in.adj_capacity := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_capacity(i);
5314          l_dpr_in.ltd_prod := 0;
5315          l_dpr_in.ytd_deprn := 0;    -- This needs to be 0 for this faxcde call
5316          l_dpr_in.deprn_rsv := 0;
5317          l_dpr_in.reval_rsv := l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve;
5318          l_dpr_in.bonus_deprn_exp := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount;
5319          l_dpr_in.bonus_ytd_deprn := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn;
5320          l_dpr_in.bonus_deprn_rsv := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve;
5321          l_dpr_in.prior_fy_bonus_exp := l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_bonus_expense;
5323          l_dpr_in.ceil_name := fa_amort_pvt.t_ceiling_name(i);
5324          l_dpr_in.bonus_rule := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule(i);
5325          l_dpr_in.method_code := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i);
5326          l_dpr_in.jdate_in_service :=
5327                 to_number(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service(i), 'J'));
5328          --
5329          -- Use dpis as prorate and deprn start date
5330          -- This is ok since this code is only for group now
5331          -- Need to pass actual prorate/deprn start date if this code is open for standalone assets
5332          --
5333          l_dpr_in.prorate_jdate := to_number(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service(i), 'J'));
5334          l_dpr_in.deprn_start_jdate :=
5335                 to_number(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service(i), 'J'));
5336          l_dpr_in.prorate_date := fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service(i);
5337          l_dpr_in.orig_deprn_start_date := fa_amort_pvt.t_date_placed_in_service(i);
5340          l_dpr_in.jdate_retired := 0; -- don't know this is correct or not
5341          l_dpr_in.ret_prorate_jdate := 0; -- don't know this is correct or not
5342          l_dpr_in.life := fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i);
5344          l_dpr_in.rsv_known_flag := TRUE;
5345          l_dpr_in.salvage_value := fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i);
5347          l_dpr_in.adj_rec_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost(i);
5348          l_dpr_in.prior_fy_exp := 0;                 -- This needs to be 0 for this faxcde call
5350          l_dpr_in.short_fiscal_year_flag := fa_amort_pvt.t_short_fiscal_year_flag(i);
5352          l_dpr_in.old_adj_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i);
5353          l_dpr_in.formula_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(i);
5355          l_dpr_in.super_group_id := fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id(i);
5356          l_dpr_in.over_depreciate_option := fa_amort_pvt.t_over_depreciate_option(i);
5358          --
5359          -- These values are not stored in Books_Summary since these value won't be
5360          -- Changed over periods.
5361          --
5362          l_dpr_in.tracking_method := px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method;
5363          l_dpr_in.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag;
5364          l_dpr_in.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag;
5365          l_dpr_in.excess_allocation_option := px_asset_fin_rec_new.excess_allocation_option;
5366          l_dpr_in.depreciation_option := px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciation_option;
5367          l_dpr_in.member_rollup_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.member_rollup_flag;
5368          l_dpr_in.mrc_sob_type_code := p_mrc_sob_type_code;
5372          -- There is no plane to store following variables in books summary now
5371          --
5373          -- so copy value from fin_rec_new
5374          l_dpr_in.pc_life_end := px_asset_fin_rec_new.period_counter_life_complete;
5375          l_dpr_in.conversion_date := px_asset_fin_rec_new.conversion_date;
5378          --
5379          -- Following may needed to be added and implemented in Books Summary
5380          -- 'ADJ' for now
5381          --
5382          l_dpr_in.deprn_rounding_flag := 'ADJ';
5385          l_dpr_in.deprn_override_flag := p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag;
5386          l_dpr_in.used_by_adjustment := TRUE;
5389          --
5390          -- Not for what-if yet
5391          --
5392          l_running_mode := fa_std_types.FA_DPR_NORMAL;
5395          if (not fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt(
5396                  fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i),
5397                  fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i))) then
5398             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5399             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
5400                        'fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt'
5401                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5402             end if;
5404             raise calc_failed;
5405          end if;
5407          if i = 1 then
5408             if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccp(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar,
5409                                        fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name,
5410                                        l_dpr_in.prorate_jdate,
5411                                        g_temp_number,
5412                                        l_dpr_in.y_begin,
5413                                        g_temp_integer
5414                                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5415                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5416                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
5417                                    'fa_cache_pkg.fazccp'
5418                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5419                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar',
5420                                    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar
5421                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5422                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name',
5423                                    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
5424                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5426                end if;
5428                raise calc_failed;
5429             end if;
5430          end if;
5433          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5434             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Japan Tax: l_trans_rec.transaction_key',
5435                                    l_trans_rec.transaction_key);
5436          end if;
5438          --
5439          -- Skip faxcde call for raf
5440          -- If rate source rule is FLAT and depreciable basis is Cost
5441          -- Bug4778244 Added the NVL to avoid condition if(not(null or false)) which will
5442          -- always return NULL in place of FALSE, which is incorrect
5443          if (not(((nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule, ' ') = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_FLAT) and
5444               (nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule, ' ') = fa_std_types.FAD_DBR_COST) and
5445               (nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name, ' ')  in ('PERIOD END BALANCE',
5446                                      'PERIOD END AVERAGE',
5447                                      'USE RECOVERABLE COST',
5448                                      'BEGINNING PERIOD'))) or
5449                  (nvl(l_trans_rec.transaction_key,'X') = 'ES') -- Japan Tax Phase3
5450 		 )) then
5452             if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccp(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar,
5453                                        fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name,
5454                                        l_dpr_in.prorate_jdate,
5455                                        g_temp_number,
5456                                        l_dpr_in.y_begin,
5457                                        g_temp_integer
5458                                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5459                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5460                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
5461                                    'fa_cache_pkg.fazccp'
5462                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5463                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar',
5464                                    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar
5465                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5466                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name',
5467                                    fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
5468                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5470                end if;
5472                raise calc_failed;
5473             end if;
5475             l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin := 1;
5477             if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) = 1) then
5478                l_dpr_in.y_end := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(i) - 1;
5482                l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) - 1;
5479                l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
5480             else
5481                l_dpr_in.y_end := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(i);
5483             end if;
5485             l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor := 1;
5487             -- manual override
5488             if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
5490                l_rate_source_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule;
5491                l_deprn_basis_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule;
5493                -- update override status only if satisfies condintion,
5494                -- otherwise do not update status when calculating RAF
5495                -- 1. formula; or
5496                -- 2. (calc or table) and cost
5498                l_dpr_in.update_override_status :=
5499                   ((l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_FORMULA)
5500                   OR (((l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_CALC)
5501                   OR (l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_TABLE))
5502                   AND (l_deprn_basis_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_DBR_COST)));
5503             end if;
5505             --* HHIRAGA modified on Oct/Nov in 2003.
5506             -- Changed parameter to period counter when the recalculation of
5507             -- RAF needs.
5508             -- This function will populates all member assets to be used to
5509             -- hypothetical allocation internally.
5510             --
5511             --+++++++ Call Tracking Function to populate Member in case ALLOCATE ++++++
5512             if p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP' and
5513                nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
5515                l_raf_processed_flag := TRUE;
5516                l_dpr_in.tracking_method := NULL;
5518 /*
5519                if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.get_member_at_start(
5520                        p_period_rec => l_period_rec,
5521                        p_trans_rec => p_trans_rec,
5522                        p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
5523                        p_asset_fin_rec => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
5524                        p_dpr_in => l_dpr_in,
5525                        p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
5526                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5527                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5528                     fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.get_member_at_start'
5529                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5530                   end if;
5532                   raise calc_failed;
5534                end if;
5535 */
5536             end if; -- nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
5538             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5539                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '====== ', '=============================='
5540                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5541                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, ' Call ', 'FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde'
5542                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5543             end if;
5545             --+++++++ Call Depreciation engine for rate adjustment factor +++++++
5546             if not FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde(l_dpr_in,
5547                                      l_dpr_arr,
5548                                      l_dpr_out,
5549                                      l_running_mode
5550                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5551                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5552                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
5553                        'FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde'
5554                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5555                end if;
5557                raise calc_failed;
5558             end if;
5560             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5561                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv',
5562                           l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv
5563                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5564                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '====== ', '=============================='
5565                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5566             end if;
5568             -- manual override
5569             if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
5570                if l_dpr_in.update_override_status then
5571                   p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
5572                else
5573                   p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := fa_std_types.FA_NO_OVERRIDE;
5574                end if;
5575             end if;
5577             l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost;
5578             l_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis := l_dpr_out.new_reval_amo_basis;
5579             l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv;
5580             l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.reval_deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_reval_rsv;
5581             l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity := l_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity -
5582                                    l_dpr_out.new_ltd_prod;
5583             l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.ltd_production := l_dpr_out.new_ltd_prod;
5584             l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.prior_fy_expense := l_dpr_out.new_prior_fy_exp;
5585             l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.bonus_deprn_amount := l_dpr_out.bonus_deprn_exp;
5586             l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.bonus_deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv;
5587             l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.prior_fy_bonus_expense := l_dpr_out.new_prior_fy_bonus_exp;
5589             -- HHIRAGA
5590             --++++++++ Tracking=ALLOCATE case ++++++++++++++
5591             if (l_raf_processed_flag) then
5592                l_dpr_in.tracking_method := 'ALLOCATE';
5593                l_raf_processed_flag := FALSE;
5594             end if;
5596             if nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
5598                fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table.delete;
5600                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5601                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table',
5602                                'deleted'
5603                                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5604                end if;
5605             end if;
5607          else
5608             l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
5609          end if; ---- skip faxcde call for raf
5612          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5613             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '====== ', '=============================='
5614                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5615             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, ' Call ',
5616                        'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
5617                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5618             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code',
5619                        p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code
5620                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5621             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code',
5622                        l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code
5623                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5624             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve',
5625                        l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve
5626                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5627             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve',
5628                        l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
5629                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5630             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve',
5631                        l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve
5632                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5633          end if;
5635             --* HHIRAGA modified on OCT/NOV in 2003
5636             -- Prepare memory table to be able to process depreciation recalculation
5637             -- This function should be called only when memory table has not been populated.
5638             -- if l_processed_flag is FALSE, process this preparation function
5639             if p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP' and
5640                nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
5642                l_no_allocation_for_last := 'Y';
5643                if (fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i) = 'Y') and
5644                   (not (l_first_process)
5645                   and p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'GROUP ADDITION') then
5647                  l_no_allocation_for_last := 'N';
5648                  if fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) = 1 then
5649                    l_recalc_start_fy := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(i) - 1;
5650                    l_recalc_start_period_num := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
5651                  else
5652                    l_recalc_start_fy := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(i);
5653                    l_recalc_start_period_num := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) - 1;
5654                  end if;
5656                  if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5657                    fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++++ Call ++++', 'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE'
5658 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5659                    fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)',
5660                                                               fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i));
5661                    fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_recalc_start_fy', l_recalc_start_fy
5662                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5663                    fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_recalc_start_period_num', l_recalc_start_period_num
5664                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5665                    fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_old_recalc_end_fy', l_old_recalc_end_fy
5666                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5667                    fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_old_recalc_end_period_num', l_old_recalc_end_period_num
5668                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5669                  end if;
5671                  if (nvl(l_old_recalc_end_fy,l_recalc_start_fy) = l_recalc_start_fy and
5672                      nvl(l_old_recalc_end_period_num,l_recalc_start_period_num+1) <> l_recalc_start_period_num) then
5673                    l_backup_processed_flag := FALSE;
5674                  elsif (l_backup_processed_flag) then
5675                    l_recalc_start_fy := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(i);
5676                    l_recalc_start_period_num := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i);
5677                  end if;
5679                else
5684                    l_processed_flag := TRUE;
5681                    l_recalc_start_fy := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(i);
5682                    l_recalc_start_period_num := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i);
5685                    fa_track_member_pvt.l_process_deprn_for_member := 'NO';
5686 /*
5687                    l_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method := NULL;
5688                    l_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method := NULL;
5689 */
5691                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5692                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++++ Call ++++', 'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE'
5693 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5694                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)',
5695                                                                fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i));
5696                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_recalc_start_fy', l_recalc_start_fy
5697                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5698                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_recalc_start_period_num', l_recalc_start_period_num
5699                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5700                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_old_recalc_end_fy', l_old_recalc_end_fy
5701                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5702                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_old_recalc_end_period_num', l_old_recalc_end_period_num
5703                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5704                   end if;
5706                  if l_old_recalc_end_fy is not NULL and l_old_recalc_end_period_num is not NULL then
5707                    if l_old_recalc_end_period_num = fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year then
5708                      l_old_recalc_end_fy := l_old_recalc_end_fy + 1;
5709                      l_old_recalc_end_period_num := 1;
5710                    else
5711                      l_old_recalc_end_period_num := l_old_recalc_end_period_num + 1;
5712                    end if;
5713                  end if;
5715                  if (nvl(l_old_recalc_end_fy,l_recalc_start_fy) = l_recalc_start_fy and
5716                      nvl(l_old_recalc_end_period_num,l_recalc_start_period_num+1) <> l_recalc_start_period_num) then
5717                    l_backup_processed_flag := FALSE;
5718                  end if;
5720                end if;
5722                --* Calcualte recalc_start_period_counter
5723                if (l_first_process) then
5724                   l_recalc_start_period_counter := l_recalc_start_fy*(fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year)
5725                                                                                          + l_recalc_start_period_num;
5727                   if p_mrc_sob_type_code <> 'R' then
5728                     open c_chk_bs_row_exists;
5729                     fetch c_chk_bs_row_exists into l_chk_bs_row_exists;
5730                     if c_chk_bs_row_exists%FOUND then
5731                       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE
5732                                          (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
5733                                           p_asset_fin_rec_new => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
5734                                           p_populate_for_recalc_period => 'T',
5735                                           p_amort_start_date => l_transaction_date_entered,
5736                                           p_recalc_start_fy => l_recalc_start_fy,
5737                                           p_recalc_start_period_num => l_recalc_start_period_num,
5738                                           p_no_allocation_for_last => l_no_allocation_for_last,
5739                                           p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
5740                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5741                         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5742                           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE'
5743                                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5744                         end if;
5745                         raise calc_failed;
5746                       end if;
5747                     else
5748                       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE
5749                                          (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
5750                                           p_asset_fin_rec_new => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
5751                                           p_amort_start_date => l_transaction_date_entered,
5752                                           p_recalc_start_fy => l_recalc_start_fy,
5753                                           p_recalc_start_period_num => l_recalc_start_period_num,
5754                                           p_no_allocation_for_last => l_no_allocation_for_last,
5755                                           p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
5756                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5757                         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5758                           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE'
5759                                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5760                         end if;
5761                         raise calc_failed;
5762                       end if;
5763                     end if;
5764                     close c_chk_bs_row_exists;
5766                   else -- MRC
5768                     open c_chk_bs_row_exists_mrc;
5772                                          (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
5769                     fetch c_chk_bs_row_exists_mrc into l_chk_bs_row_exists;
5770                     if c_chk_bs_row_exists_mrc%FOUND then
5771                       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE
5773                                           p_asset_fin_rec_new => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
5774                                           p_populate_for_recalc_period => 'T',
5775                                           p_amort_start_date => l_transaction_date_entered,
5776                                           p_recalc_start_fy => l_recalc_start_fy,
5777                                           p_recalc_start_period_num => l_recalc_start_period_num,
5778                                           p_no_allocation_for_last => l_no_allocation_for_last,
5779                                           p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
5780                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5781                         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5782                           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE'
5783                                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5784                         end if;
5785                         raise calc_failed;
5786                       end if;
5787                     else
5788                       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE
5789                                          (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
5790                                           p_asset_fin_rec_new => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
5791                                           p_amort_start_date => l_transaction_date_entered,
5792                                           p_recalc_start_fy => l_recalc_start_fy,
5793                                           p_recalc_start_period_num => l_recalc_start_period_num,
5794                                           p_no_allocation_for_last => l_no_allocation_for_last,
5795                                           p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
5796                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5797                         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5798                           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE'
5799                                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5800                         end if;
5801                         raise calc_failed;
5802                       end if;
5803                     end if;
5804                     close c_chk_bs_row_exists_mrc;
5805                    end if; -- MRC or Primary
5806                   l_old_recalc_start_fy := l_recalc_start_fy;
5807                   l_old_recalc_start_period_num := l_recalc_start_period_num;
5809                else
5811                  l_old_recalc_start_fy := l_recalc_start_fy;
5812                  l_old_recalc_start_period_num := l_recalc_start_period_num;
5814                  if not (l_backup_processed_flag) then
5816                                          (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
5817                                           p_asset_fin_rec_new => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
5818                                           p_amort_start_date => l_transaction_date_entered,
5819                                           p_recalc_start_fy => l_recalc_start_fy,
5820                                           p_recalc_start_period_num => l_recalc_start_period_num,
5821                                           p_no_allocation_for_last => l_no_allocation_for_last,
5822                                           p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
5823                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5824                      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5825                        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE'
5826                                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5827                      end if;
5828                      raise calc_failed;
5829                    end if;
5831                  else
5833                    fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '##### bakcup table counter #####',
5834                                 fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table_for_deprn.COUNT
5835                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5837                    if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.copy_member_table(p_backup_restore => 'RESTORE'
5838                                                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5839                      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5840                        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'COPY_MEMBER_TABLE'
5841                                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5842                      end if;
5843                      raise calc_failed;
5844                    end if;
5846                    --* Calculate only for this period
5848                                          (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
5849                                           p_asset_fin_rec_new => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
5850                                           p_populate_for_recalc_period => 'Y',
5851                                           p_amort_start_date => l_transaction_date_entered,
5852                                           p_recalc_start_fy => l_recalc_start_fy,
5853                                           p_recalc_start_period_num => l_recalc_start_period_num,
5857                    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5854                                           p_no_allocation_for_last => 'Y',
5855                                           p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
5856                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
5858                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'POPULATE_MEMBER_ASSETS_TABLE'
5859                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5860                    end if;
5861                    raise calc_failed;
5862                  end if;
5864                  l_processed_flag := TRUE;
5865                  fa_track_member_pvt.l_process_deprn_for_member := 'NO';
5867                end if; -- IF not (l_backup_processed_flag)
5869              end if;  -- l_first_process_flag
5871              if (l_first_process) then
5872                l_first_process := FALSE;
5873              end if;
5876             end if; -- HHIRAGA if-statement
5878    --
5879    -- From old fin rec followings are necessary
5880    -- formula_factor
5881    -- rate_adjustment_factor
5882    -- adjusted_cost
5883    -- cost
5884    --
5885    -- From new fin rec followings are necessary
5886    -- Method
5887    -- life
5888    -- group asset id
5889    -- depreciate_flag
5890    -- cost
5891    -- salvage_value
5892    -- recoverable_cost
5893    -- reduction_rate
5894    -- eofy_reserve
5895    -- recognize_gain_loss
5896    -- tracking_method
5897    -- allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
5898    -- allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
5899    -- excess_allocation_option
5900    -- depreciation_option
5901    -- member_rollup_flag
5903       if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') and
5904          (p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method = 'ALLOCATE') and
5905          (p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'MS') then
5906          l_reserve_retired := 0;
5907       end if;
5909          --
5910          -- reset_adjusted_cost_flag can be no or null in case
5911          -- this is reclass source group.
5912          -- otherwise, deprn basis rule function gets called all the time
5913          -- if process reaches here.
5914          --
5915          if (fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i) = 'Y') then
5916             if (not FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS
5917                                 (p_event_type             => 'AMORT_ADJ',
5918                                  p_asset_fin_rec_new      => l_asset_fin_rec_new,
5919                                  p_asset_fin_rec_old      => l_asset_fin_rec_old,
5920                                  p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
5921                                  p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
5922                                  p_asset_deprn_rec        => l_asset_deprn_rec,
5923                                  p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
5924                                  p_trans_rec_adj          => l_trans_rec,
5925                                  p_period_rec             => l_period_rec,
5926                                  p_current_total_rsv      => l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,
5927                                  p_current_rsv            => l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
5928                                                              nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0),
5929                                  p_current_total_ytd      => l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn,
5930                                  p_adj_reserve            => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve,
5931                                  p_reserve_retired        => l_reserve_retired,
5932                                  p_hyp_basis              => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
5933                                  p_hyp_total_rsv          => l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve,
5934                                  p_hyp_rsv                => l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve -
5935                                                              nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0),
5936                                  p_eofy_recoverable_cost  => l_eofy_rec_cost,
5937                                  p_eop_recoverable_cost   => l_eop_rec_cost,
5938                                  p_eofy_salvage_value     => l_eofy_sal_val,
5939                                  p_eop_salvage_value      => l_eop_sal_val,
5940                                  p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
5941                                  p_used_by_adjustment     => 'ADJUSTMENT',
5942                                  px_new_adjusted_cost     => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
5943                                  px_new_raf               => l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor,
5944                                  px_new_formula_factor    => l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor,
5945                                  p_log_level_rec          => p_log_level_rec)) then
5946                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5947                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
5948                                    'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
5949                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5950                end if;
5952                raise calc_failed;
5953             end if;
5955             fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i) := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost;
5956             fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i) := l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor;
5957             fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(i) := l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor;
5962                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5959             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
5960                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Returned values from ',
5961                                 'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
5963                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost',
5964                                 l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost
5965                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5966                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor',
5967                                 l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor
5968                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5969                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor',
5970                                 l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
5971                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5972                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '====== ', '=============================='
5973                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
5974             end if;
5975          else
5976             --
5977             -- Adjusted_cost and formula_factor are setup in last faxcde call so skipping
5978             -- deprn basis call should require no action
5979             --
5980             fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i-1);
5981          end if;
5983          --* HHIRAGA - Tracking Test
5985          if (l_processed_flag) then
5986            fa_track_member_pvt.l_process_deprn_for_member := 'YES';
5987            l_processed_flag := FALSE;
5988          end if;
5990       -- bug #5768759 changes start  here
5991       -- bug #7268720 To avoid extra row in fa_adjustments while reclass from grp to grp.
5992       /*if (p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'GC') and
5993          (l_current_period_counter = l_trx_period_rec.period_counter)and
5994 	 (p_reclass_src_dest ='SOURCE') and
5995 	 (i=l_count) then
5997 	  fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i) - l_change_in_cost;
5999       end if; */
6001       -- bug #5768759 changes end here
6003          --
6004          -- Now this is current period, so don't need to run depreciation
6005          --
6006 --tk_util.debug('l_count - l_bs_ind + 1: '||to_char(l_count - l_bs_ind + 1)||':'||to_char(i));
6008          if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i) = p_period_rec.period_counter) then
6010 --tk_util.debug('Exit');
6011             EXIT;
6012          end if;
6014          --
6015          -- Run Depreciation if:
6016          --  - next available transaction (in table) is NOT the same period
6017          --  - This is the last transaction to recalculate which is not in
6018          --    current period.
6019          --  - This is the last trnsaction because of the limit specified
6020          --    at BULK fetch above. (Inside of following if clause, try to get
6021          --    next transaction from database and determine if depreciation needs
6022          --    to be called or not.
6023          --
6024 --tk_util.debug('l_period_rec.period_counter: '||to_char(l_period_rec.period_counter));
6025 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter: '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)));
6027 --         if (p_period_rec.period_counter <> fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)) or
6028 --            (px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag = 'NO' or
6029 --             px_asset_fin_rec_new.disabled_flag = 'Y') then
6031          if (p_period_rec.period_counter <> fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)) and
6032             (not (fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag(i) = 'NO' or
6033                   nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.disabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y')) then
6035             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6036                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Run Depreciation ', i
6037                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6038                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_period_rec.period_counter',
6039                                 l_period_rec.period_counter
6040                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6041                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_period_rec.period_counter',
6042                                 p_period_rec.period_counter
6043                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6044             end if;
6046             -- look for next period which requires adjusted_cost reset.
6047             -- Find out the period and run depreciation a period before the
6048             -- found period.  If there isn't one, run depreciation until the end
6049             l_adjusted_ind := 0;
6051 --tk_util.debug('i and count: '||to_char(i)||':'||to_char(l_count));
6053             --
6054             -- In case of destination asset for reclass transaction, this loop needs to find
6055             -- the period which will have t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag = 'Y' but not reflected
6056             -- yet.
6057             e := d;
6058             if (p_reclass_src_dest = 'DESTINATION') then
6059                FOR j in (i + 1)..(l_count) LOOP
6060                   l_adjusted_ind := l_adjusted_ind + 1;
6061                   e := e + 1;
6063 --tk_util.debug('reset_adjusted_cost_flag: '||fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(j));
6064 --tk_util.debug('cost(e):salvage_value(e):cip_cost(e):deprn_limit_amount(e):'||to_char(td_cost(e))||':'||to_char(td_salvage_value(e))||':'||to_char(td_cip_cost(e))||':'||to_char(td_deprn_limit_amount(e)));
6066                   --
6070                   --
6067                   -- Needed to use (e - 1) for sal and limit because delta table
6068                   -- contains actual amounts for these values since there is no chagne
6069                   -- in columns for these values.
6071                   if (fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(j) = 'Y') or
6072                      (j = (l_count)) or
6073                      (td_cost(e) <> 0) or
6074                      ((td_salvage_value(e) - td_salvage_value(e - 1)) <> 0) or
6075                      (td_cip_cost(e) <> 0) or
6076                      ((td_deprn_limit_amount(e) - td_deprn_limit_amount(e - 1)) <> 0) then
6078                      if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(j) = 1) then
6079                         l_fiscal_year := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(j) - 1;
6080                         l_period_num := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
6081                      else
6082                         l_fiscal_year := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(j);
6083                         l_period_num := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(j) - 1;
6084                      end if;
6086                      l_period_counter := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(j) - 1;
6087                      EXIT;
6088                   end if;
6090                END LOOP;
6091             else
6092                FOR j in (i + 1)..(l_count) LOOP
6093                   l_adjusted_ind := l_adjusted_ind + 1;
6095 --tk_util.debug('reset_adjusted_cost_flag: '||fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(j));
6097                   if (fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(j) = 'Y') or
6098                      (j = (l_count)) then
6099                      if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(j) = 1) then
6100                         l_fiscal_year := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(j) - 1;
6101                         l_period_num := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
6102                      else
6103                         l_fiscal_year := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(j);
6104                         l_period_num := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(j) - 1;
6105                      end if;
6107                      l_period_counter := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(j) - 1;
6108                      EXIT;
6109                   end if;
6111                END LOOP;
6112             end if;
6113 --tk_util.debug('fy:pn: '||to_char(l_fiscal_year)||':'||to_char(l_period_num));
6115             --
6116             -- Prepare Running Depreciation
6117             --
6118             l_dpr_in.y_begin := fa_amort_pvt.t_fiscal_year(i);
6119             l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin := fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i);
6120             l_dpr_in.y_end := l_fiscal_year;
6121             l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := l_period_num;
6123             -- HHIRAGA set loop ended period
6124             l_old_recalc_end_fy := l_dpr_in.y_end;
6125             l_old_recalc_end_period_num := l_dpr_in.p_cl_end;
6126             --
6128             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6129                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Depreciation starts from period of ', l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin
6130                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6131                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'and year of ', l_dpr_in.y_begin
6132                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6133                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Depreciation will end at period of ', l_dpr_in.p_cl_end
6134                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6135                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'and year of ', l_dpr_in.y_end
6136                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6137             end if;
6139             if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) <> 1) then
6140                l_dpr_in.deprn_rounding_flag := 'ADJ';
6141             end if;
6143             l_dpr_in.prior_fy_exp := l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_expense;
6144             l_dpr_in.ytd_deprn := l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn;
6145             l_dpr_in.deprn_rsv := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve;
6146             l_dpr_in.adj_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost;
6147             l_dpr_in.eofy_reserve := l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve;
6148             l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor;
6149             l_dpr_in.formula_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor;
6150             l_dpr_in.super_group_id := l_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id;
6151 --tk_util.debug('l_dpr_in.super_group_id: '||to_char(l_dpr_in.super_group_id));
6152             l_dpr_in.cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost;
6154             -- manual override
6155             if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
6156                l_dpr_in.update_override_status := TRUE;
6157             end if;
6159             --
6160             -- Running Depreciation
6161             --
6162    --tk_util.debug('i: '||to_char(i));
6164             if not FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde(l_dpr_in,
6165                                      l_dpr_arr,
6166                                      l_dpr_out,
6167                                      l_running_mode,
6168                                      i
6169                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
6170                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6171                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
6172                                    'FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde'
6173                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6174                end if;
6176                raise calc_failed;
6177             end if;
6179             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6183                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv',
6180                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_dpr_out.new_ytd_deprn',
6181                                 l_dpr_out.new_ytd_deprn
6182                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6184                                 l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv
6185                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6186             end if;
6188             -- manual override
6189             if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
6190                p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
6191             end if;
6193             if (l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost <> 0) or
6194                (l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost <> 0) then
6195                l_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis := l_dpr_out.new_reval_amo_basis;
6196                l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv;
6197                l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn := l_dpr_out.new_ytd_deprn;
6198                l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_reval_rsv;
6199                l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity := l_dpr_out.new_adj_capacity;
6200                l_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production := l_dpr_out.new_ltd_prod;
6201                l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_eofy_reserve;
6203                l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_expense := l_dpr_out.new_prior_fy_exp;
6204                l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount := l_dpr_out.bonus_deprn_exp;
6205                l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv;
6206                l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_bonus_expense := l_dpr_out.new_prior_fy_bonus_exp;
6207             end if;
6209             --++++++ Put adjusted cost back ++++++
6210             l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost;
6211             l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost;
6213             l_out_deprn_exp := l_dpr_out.deprn_exp;
6214             l_out_reval_exp := l_dpr_out.reval_exp;
6215             l_out_reval_amo := l_dpr_out.reval_amo;
6216             l_out_prod := l_dpr_out.prod;
6217             l_out_ann_adj_exp := l_dpr_out.ann_adj_exp;
6218             l_out_ann_adj_reval_exp := l_dpr_out.ann_adj_reval_exp;
6219             l_out_ann_adj_reval_amo := l_dpr_out.ann_adj_reval_amo;
6220             l_out_bonus_rate_used := l_dpr_out.bonus_rate_used;
6221             l_out_full_rsv_flag := l_dpr_out.full_rsv_flag;
6222             l_out_life_comp_flag := l_dpr_out.life_comp_flag;
6223             l_out_deprn_override_flag := l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
6225             l_eop_rec_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
6226             l_eop_sal_val := l_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value;
6228             -- HHIRAGA
6229             --+++++++++ Call member level maintenance for tracking +++++++
6230             if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
6232                if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.member_eofy_rsv(p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
6233                                                           p_dpr_in => l_dpr_in,
6234                                                           p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
6235                                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
6236                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6237                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
6238                                       'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.member_eofy_rsv'
6239                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6240                   end if;
6242                   raise calc_failed;
6244                end if;
6246               if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6247                  fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '###### Copy to backup #######',
6248                                  fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table.COUNT
6249                                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6250               end if;
6252          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '##### bakcup table counter #####',
6253                                 fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table_for_deprn.COUNT
6254                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6256                  if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.copy_member_table(p_backup_restore => 'BACKUP',
6257                                                               p_current_fiscal_year => l_dpr_in.y_begin,
6258                                                               p_current_period_num => l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin
6259                                                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
6260                    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6261                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'COPY_MEMBER_TABLE'
6262                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6263                    end if;
6264                    raise calc_failed;
6265                  end if;
6266               l_backup_processed_flag := TRUE;
6268               if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6269                  fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++++ FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.MEMBER_EOFY_RSV +++', '++++'
6270                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6271                  fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Copied p_track_member_table to bakcup area', '++++'
6272                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6273               end if;
6275             end if; -- nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
6276             -- End of HHIRAGA
6281                fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, 'deprn_reserve', l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
6278             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6279                fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, 'ytd_deprn', l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn
6280                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6282                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6283             end if;
6285 --tk_util.debug('l_adjusted_ind: '||to_char(l_adjusted_ind));
6286             l_bs_ind := l_bs_ind + l_adjusted_ind;
6288          else
6290             l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i);
6291             l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i);
6292             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i);
6293             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i);
6295             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6296                fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, 'Depreciation is ', 'SKIPPED'
6297                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6298             end if;
6300          end if; -- (l_period_rec.period_counter <> fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)) or
6302       else
6303          if (i = 1) then
6304             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)               := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i);
6305             fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)           := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i) +
6306                                                           fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i);
6307             fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i)         := 0;
6308             fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i)     := 0;
6309             fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i)          := 0;
6310             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i)          := 0;
6311             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i) := 0;
6312             fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i)           := 0;
6313          else
6314             if (fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(i) = 1) then
6315                fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)               := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i);
6316                fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i)         := 0;
6317                fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i)          := 0;
6318                fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i) := 0;
6319             else
6320                fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)               := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i) +
6321                                                              fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i - 1);
6322                fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i)         := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i - 1);
6323                fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i)          := fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i - 1);
6324             fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i) := fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i - 1);
6326             end if;
6327 --tk_util.debug('fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1): '||to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1)));
6328             fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)           := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i) +
6329                                                           fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i) +
6330                                                           fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i - 1);
6331             fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i)     := fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i - 1);
6332             fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i)          := fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i - 1);
6333             fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i)           := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i - 1);
6335          end if;
6337          --
6338          -- This is necessary to call FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS.
6339          --
6340          l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i);
6341          l_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value := fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i);
6342          l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(i);
6343          l_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code := fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i);
6344          l_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months := fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i);
6345          l_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id := fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id(i);
6346          l_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag := fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag(i);
6347          l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i);
6348          l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i);
6349          l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(i);
6350          l_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id := fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id(i);
6352       end if; -- (l_bs_ind <= i)
6354    END LOOP; -- FOR i IN 1..l_count LOOP
6356    --
6357    -- Need to reset eofy and eop rec cost and salvage value
6358    -- for deprn basis call
6359    --
6360    if (l_count > fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year) then
6361       l_eofy_rec_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(l_count - fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(l_count));
6362       l_eofy_sal_val  := fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(l_count - fa_amort_pvt.t_period_num(l_count));
6364       if (l_count > 1) then
6365          l_eop_rec_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(l_count - 1);
6366          l_eop_sal_val  := fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(l_count - 1);
6367       end if;
6368    end if;
6370    -- Call Depreciable Basis Rule for Formula/NBV Basis
6372                   (p_event_type             => 'AMORT_ADJ3',
6373                    p_asset_fin_rec_new      => l_asset_fin_rec_new,
6374                    p_asset_fin_rec_old      => l_asset_fin_rec_new,
6378                    p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
6375                    p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
6376                    p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
6377                    p_asset_deprn_rec        => l_asset_deprn_rec,
6379                    p_period_rec             => l_period_rec,
6380                    p_adjusted_cost          => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
6381                    p_current_total_rsv      => l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,
6382                    p_adj_reserve            => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve,
6383                    p_current_rsv            => l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
6384                                                l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve,
6385                    p_current_total_ytd      => l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn,
6386                    p_hyp_basis              => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
6387                    p_hyp_total_rsv          => l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve,
6388                    p_hyp_rsv                => l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve -
6389                                                l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.bonus_deprn_reserve,
6390                    p_eofy_recoverable_cost  => l_eofy_rec_cost,
6391                    p_eop_recoverable_cost   => l_eop_rec_cost,
6392                    p_eofy_salvage_value     => l_eofy_sal_val,
6393                    p_eop_salvage_value      => l_eop_sal_val,
6394                    p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
6395                    p_used_by_adjustment     => 'ADJUSTMENT',
6396                    px_new_adjusted_cost     => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
6397                    px_new_raf               => l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor,
6398                    px_new_formula_factor    => l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
6399                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
6400       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6401          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
6402                           'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
6403                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6404       end if;
6406       raise calc_failed;
6409    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6410       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Returned values from ',
6411                                      'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS AMORT_ADJ3'
6412                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6413       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost',
6414                                      l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost
6415                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6416       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor',
6417                                      l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor
6418                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6419       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor',
6420                                      l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
6421                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6422    end if;
6424    px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(l_count);
6425    px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost:= fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(l_count);
6426    px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost:=
6427                                   fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost(l_count);
6428    px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value := fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(l_count);
6429    px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount :=
6430                                   fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(l_count);
6431    px_asset_fin_rec_new.percent_salvage_value := fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(l_count);
6432    px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit := fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(l_count);
6434    -- For now, this won't be touched.
6435 --   px_asset_fin_rec_new.unrevalued_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_unrevalued_cost(l_count);
6437    px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity := fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity(l_count);
6438    px_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_ceiling := fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_ceiling(l_count);
6439 --   px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(l_count);
6440    px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost;
6441 --   px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(l_count);
6442    px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor;
6443    px_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis :=
6444                                   fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis(l_count);
6445    px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity := fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_capacity(l_count);
6446 --   px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(l_count);
6447    px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor;
6448    px_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(l_count);
6450    --
6451    -- When returning catch up expenses, amounts in p_asset_deprn_rec_adj need to be
6452    -- excluded because it was included at beginning to find correct catchup but
6453    -- these amounts cannot be expensed in this period.
6454    --
6455 --   if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag = 'NO') or
6456 --      (px_asset_fin_rec_new.disabled_flag = 'Y') then
6457    if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.disabled_flag = 'Y') then
6458       x_deprn_expense := 0;
6459       x_bonus_expense := 0;
6460    else
6462       if --(p_reclass_src_dest = 'DESTINATION') and
6466       else
6463          (l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve = p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve) then
6464          x_deprn_expense := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
6465                             p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve;
6467          x_deprn_expense := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
6468 --fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.LAST) -
6469                             p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
6470                             nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve, 0) - x_deprn_reserve;
6471       end if;
6473       x_bonus_expense := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve -
6474                          p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve -
6475                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0);
6476    end if;
6478    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6479       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_deprn_reserve', x_deprn_reserve
6480             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6481       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve', l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
6482             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6483       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve', p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
6484             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6485       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve', p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve
6486             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6487       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve('||to_char(l_count)||')',
6488                        fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(l_count));
6489    end if;
6491    -- HHIRAGA
6492    --+++++++++ Call member level maintenance for tracking +++++++
6493    if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
6495       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.update_member_books(p_trans_rec=> p_trans_rec,
6496                                      p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
6497                                      p_dpr_in => l_dpr_in,
6498                                      p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
6499                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
6500          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6501             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
6502                              'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.update_member_books'
6503                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6504          end if;
6506          raise calc_failed;
6507       end if;
6509       fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_eofy_table.delete;
6511       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6512          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_eofy_table',
6513                                         'deleted'
6514                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6515       end if;
6516 -- HHIRAGA debug
6517    for i in 1.. fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table.count loop
6518      fa_debug_pkg.add('HH DEBUG**', 'all records in p_track_member_table', i
6519                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6520      if not fa_track_member_pvt.display_debug_message2(i, 'HH DEBUG**') then
6521        null;
6522      end if;
6523    end loop;
6525    end if; -- nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
6526    -- End of HHIRAGA
6527    -- HHIRAGA
6528    --+++++++++ Call member level maintenance for tracking +++++++
6529    if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
6531       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.create_update_bs_table(p_trans_rec => p_trans_rec,
6532                                      p_book_type_code => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
6533                                      p_group_asset_id => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
6534                                      p_calling_fn => l_calling_fn
6535                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
6536          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6537             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
6538                              'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.create_update_bs_table'
6539                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6540          end if;
6542          raise calc_failed;
6543       end if;
6545    end if; -- nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
6546    -- End of HHIRAGA
6548    if (p_update_books_summary) then
6549                --
6550                -- Update FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY
6551                --
6552 --tk_util.debug('period# :      cost:    chcost:      msal:       exp:       ytd:       rsv:       rsv');
6553 --tk_util.debug('period# :      cost:   adjcost:       exp:      eofy:     rsvaj:       rsv:      dlmt:      arec');
6554 /*
6555 for i in fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.FIRST..fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.LAST loop
6556 --tk_util.debug(rpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i)), 8, ' ')||':'||
6557               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6558 --              lpad(substrb(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i)), 1, 10), 10, ' ')||':'||
6559 --              fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)||':'||
6560 --              lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6561               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6562 --              lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6563 --              lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6564 --              lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_adjustment_amount(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6565               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6569               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6566               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6567 --              lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6568               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i)), 10, ' ')||':'||
6570 --              lpad(nvl(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i)), 'null'), 5, ' ')||':'||
6571               lpad(to_char(fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost(i)), 10, ' ')
6572              );
6573 end loop;
6574 */
6575       if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
6576                FORALL i in l_temp_ind..fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.LAST
6577                   UPDATE FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY_MRC_V
6578                   SET RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG   = fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)
6579                     , CHANGE_IN_COST             = fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i)
6580                     , CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST         = fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i)
6581                     , COST                       = fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i)
6582                     , CIP_COST                   = fa_amort_pvt.t_cip_cost(i)
6583                     , SALVAGE_TYPE               = fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type(i)
6584                     , PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE      = fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i)
6585                     , SALVAGE_VALUE              = fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i)
6586                     , MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE       = fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i)
6587                     , RECOVERABLE_COST           = fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(i)
6588                     , DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE           = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type(i)
6589                     , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT        = fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i)
6590                     , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT = fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i)
6591                     , MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT  = fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i)
6592                     , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST  = fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost(i)
6593                     , ADJUSTED_COST              = fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i)
6594                     , DEPRECIATE_FLAG            = fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag(i)
6595                     , DEPRN_METHOD_CODE          = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i)
6596                     , LIFE_IN_MONTHS             = fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i)
6597                     , RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR     = fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i)
6598                     , ADJUSTED_RATE              = fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i)
6599                     , BONUS_RULE                 = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule(i)
6600                     , ADJUSTED_CAPACITY          = fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_capacity(i)
6601                     , PRODUCTION_CAPACITY        = fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity(i)
6602                     , UNIT_OF_MEASURE            = fa_amort_pvt.t_unit_of_measure(i)
6603                     , REMAINING_LIFE1            = fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life1(i)
6604                     , REMAINING_LIFE2            = fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life2(i)
6605                     , FORMULA_FACTOR             = fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(i)
6606                     , UNREVALUED_COST            = fa_amort_pvt.t_unrevalued_cost(i)
6607                     , REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS   = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis(i)
6608                     , REVAL_CEILING              = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_ceiling(i)
6609                     , CEILING_NAME               = fa_amort_pvt.t_ceiling_name(i)
6610                     , EOFY_ADJ_COST              = fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost(i)
6611                     , EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR        = fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor(i)
6612                     , EOFY_RESERVE               = fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i)
6613                     , EOP_ADJ_COST               = fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_adj_cost(i)
6614                     , EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR         = fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_formula_factor(i)
6615                     , SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG     = fa_amort_pvt.t_short_fiscal_year_flag(i)
6616                     , GROUP_ASSET_ID             = fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id(i)
6617                     , SUPER_GROUP_ID             = fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id(i)
6618                     , OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION     = fa_amort_pvt.t_over_depreciate_option(i)
6619                     , DEPRN_AMOUNT               = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i)
6620                     , YTD_DEPRN                  = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)
6621                     , DEPRN_RESERVE              = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)
6622                     , BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT         = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_amount(i)
6623                     , BONUS_YTD_DEPRN            = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i)
6624                     , BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE        = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i)
6625                     , BONUS_RATE                 = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rate(i)
6626                     , LTD_PRODUCTION             = fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i)
6627                     , YTD_PRODUCTION             = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i)
6628                     , PRODUCTION                 = fa_amort_pvt.t_production(i)
6629                     , REVAL_AMORTIZATION         = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization(i)
6630                     , REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE        = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_deprn_expense(i)
6631                     , REVAL_RESERVE              = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i)
6632                     , YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE    = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i)
6633                     , DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG        = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_override_flag(i)
6634                     , SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT        = fa_amort_pvt.t_system_deprn_amount(i)
6635                     , SYSTEM_BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT  = fa_amort_pvt.t_system_bonus_deprn_amount(i)
6636                     , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_proceeds_of_sale(i)
6637                     , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_proceeds_of_sale(i)
6641                     , EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT  = fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount(i)
6638                     , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_cost_of_removal(i)
6639                     , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_cost_of_removal(i)
6640                     , DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT    = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_adjustment_amount(i)
6642                     , RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT  = fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i)
6643                     , CHANGE_IN_EOFY_RESERVE     = fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(i)
6644                     , LAST_UPDATE_DATE           = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
6645                     , LAST_UPDATED_BY            = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
6646                     , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN          = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login
6647                   WHERE ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
6648                   AND   BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
6649                   AND   PERIOD_COUNTER = fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i);
6651       else
6652                FORALL i in l_temp_ind..fa_amort_pvt.t_cost.LAST
6653                   UPDATE FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY
6654                   SET RESET_ADJUSTED_COST_FLAG   = fa_amort_pvt.t_reset_adjusted_cost_flag(i)
6655                     , CHANGE_IN_COST             = fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cost(i)
6656                     , CHANGE_IN_CIP_COST         = fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_cip_cost(i)
6657                     , COST                       = fa_amort_pvt.t_cost(i)
6658                     , CIP_COST                   = fa_amort_pvt.t_cip_cost(i)
6659                     , SALVAGE_TYPE               = fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_type(i)
6660                     , PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE      = fa_amort_pvt.t_percent_salvage_value(i)
6661                     , SALVAGE_VALUE              = fa_amort_pvt.t_salvage_value(i)
6662                     , MEMBER_SALVAGE_VALUE       = fa_amort_pvt.t_member_salvage_value(i)
6663                     , RECOVERABLE_COST           = fa_amort_pvt.t_recoverable_cost(i)
6664                     , DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE           = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_limit_type(i)
6665                     , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT        = fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit(i)
6666                     , ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT = fa_amort_pvt.t_allowed_deprn_limit_amount(i)
6667                     , MEMBER_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT  = fa_amort_pvt.t_member_deprn_limit_amount(i)
6668                     , ADJUSTED_RECOVERABLE_COST  = fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_recoverable_cost(i)
6669                     , ADJUSTED_COST              = fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_cost(i)
6670                     , DEPRECIATE_FLAG            = fa_amort_pvt.t_depreciate_flag(i)
6671                     , DEPRN_METHOD_CODE          = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_method_code(i)
6672                     , LIFE_IN_MONTHS             = fa_amort_pvt.t_life_in_months(i)
6673                     , RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR     = fa_amort_pvt.t_rate_adjustment_factor(i)
6674                     , ADJUSTED_RATE              = fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_rate(i)
6675                     , BONUS_RULE                 = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rule(i)
6676                     , ADJUSTED_CAPACITY          = fa_amort_pvt.t_adjusted_capacity(i)
6677                     , PRODUCTION_CAPACITY        = fa_amort_pvt.t_production_capacity(i)
6678                     , UNIT_OF_MEASURE            = fa_amort_pvt.t_unit_of_measure(i)
6679                     , REMAINING_LIFE1            = fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life1(i)
6680                     , REMAINING_LIFE2            = fa_amort_pvt.t_remaining_life2(i)
6681                     , FORMULA_FACTOR             = fa_amort_pvt.t_formula_factor(i)
6682                     , UNREVALUED_COST            = fa_amort_pvt.t_unrevalued_cost(i)
6683                     , REVAL_AMORTIZATION_BASIS   = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization_basis(i)
6684                     , REVAL_CEILING              = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_ceiling(i)
6685                     , CEILING_NAME               = fa_amort_pvt.t_ceiling_name(i)
6686                     , EOFY_ADJ_COST              = fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_adj_cost(i)
6687                     , EOFY_FORMULA_FACTOR        = fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_formula_factor(i)
6688                     , EOFY_RESERVE               = fa_amort_pvt.t_eofy_reserve(i)
6689                     , EOP_ADJ_COST               = fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_adj_cost(i)
6690                     , EOP_FORMULA_FACTOR         = fa_amort_pvt.t_eop_formula_factor(i)
6691                     , SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_FLAG     = fa_amort_pvt.t_short_fiscal_year_flag(i)
6692                     , GROUP_ASSET_ID             = fa_amort_pvt.t_group_asset_id(i)
6693                     , SUPER_GROUP_ID             = fa_amort_pvt.t_super_group_id(i)
6694                     , OVER_DEPRECIATE_OPTION     = fa_amort_pvt.t_over_depreciate_option(i)
6695                     , DEPRN_AMOUNT               = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_amount(i)
6696                     , YTD_DEPRN                  = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_deprn(i)
6697                     , DEPRN_RESERVE              = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_reserve(i)
6698                     , BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT         = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_amount(i)
6699                     , BONUS_YTD_DEPRN            = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_ytd_deprn(i)
6700                     , BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE        = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_deprn_reserve(i)
6701                     , BONUS_RATE                 = fa_amort_pvt.t_bonus_rate(i)
6702                     , LTD_PRODUCTION             = fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_production(i)
6703                     , YTD_PRODUCTION             = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_production(i)
6704                     , PRODUCTION                 = fa_amort_pvt.t_production(i)
6705                     , REVAL_AMORTIZATION         = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_amortization(i)
6706                     , REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE        = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_deprn_expense(i)
6707                     , REVAL_RESERVE              = fa_amort_pvt.t_reval_reserve(i)
6711                     , SYSTEM_BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT  = fa_amort_pvt.t_system_bonus_deprn_amount(i)
6708                     , YTD_REVAL_DEPRN_EXPENSE    = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_reval_deprn_expense(i)
6709                     , DEPRN_OVERRIDE_FLAG        = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_override_flag(i)
6710                     , SYSTEM_DEPRN_AMOUNT        = fa_amort_pvt.t_system_deprn_amount(i)
6712                     , YTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_proceeds_of_sale(i)
6713                     , LTD_PROCEEDS_OF_SALE       = fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_proceeds_of_sale(i)
6714                     , YTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = fa_amort_pvt.t_ytd_cost_of_removal(i)
6715                     , LTD_COST_OF_REMOVAL        = fa_amort_pvt.t_ltd_cost_of_removal(i)
6716                     , DEPRN_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT    = fa_amort_pvt.t_deprn_adjustment_amount(i)
6717                     , EXPENSE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT  = fa_amort_pvt.t_expense_adjustment_amount(i)
6718                     , RESERVE_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT  = fa_amort_pvt.t_reserve_adjustment_amount(i)
6719                     , CHANGE_IN_EOFY_RESERVE     = fa_amort_pvt.t_change_in_eofy_reserve(i)
6720                     , LAST_UPDATE_DATE           = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date
6721                     , LAST_UPDATED_BY            = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_updated_by
6722                     , LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN          = p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_login
6723                   WHERE ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
6724                   AND   BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
6725                   AND   PERIOD_COUNTER = fa_amort_pvt.t_period_counter(i);
6726       end if;
6728    end if; -- (p_update_books_summary)
6730    --
6731    -- Initialize global variables
6732    --
6733    InitGlobeVariables;
6735    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6736       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End',
6737                        x_deprn_expense||':'||x_bonus_expense||':'||x_deprn_reserve
6738                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6739    end if;
6741    return true;
6744   WHEN invalid_trx_to_overlap THEN
6745     --
6746     -- Initialize global variables
6747     --
6748     InitGlobeVariables;
6750     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6751        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'invalid_trx_to_overlap'
6752               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6753     end if;
6755     fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
6756                             name       => 'FA_INVALID_TRX_TO_OVERLAP'
6757                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6758     return false;
6759   WHEN calc_failed THEN
6760     --
6761     -- Initialize global variables
6762     --
6763     InitGlobeVariables;
6765     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6766        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'calc_failed'
6767               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6768     end if;
6770     fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
6771         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6772     return false;
6775     --
6776     -- Initialize global variables
6777     --
6778     InitGlobeVariables;
6780     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
6781        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
6782                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6783     end if;
6785     fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
6786         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
6787     raise;
6788 END bsRecalculate;
6790 --+==============================================================================
6791 -- Procedure: populate_fin_rec
6792 --
6793 --   This procedure popualte asset_fin_rec_adj in case it is not provided.
6794 --
6795 --+==============================================================================
6796 PROCEDURE populate_fin_rec(
6797              p_trans_rec                     FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
6798              p_asset_fin_rec_old             FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
6799              p_asset_fin_rec_adj             FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type default null,
6800              p_asset_fin_rec_new             FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
6801              x_asset_fin_rec_adj  OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
6802              p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) IS
6804 BEGIN
6805 /*
6806    if (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.cost, 0) = nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.cost, 0) and
6807        p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost is null) and
6808       (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.cip_cost, 0) = nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.cip_cost, 0) and
6809        p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost is null) and
6810       (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.salvage_type, 'NULL') = nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type, 'NULL') and
6811        p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_type is NULL) and
6812       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value is null) and
6813       (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.salvage_value, 0) = nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value, 0) and
6814        p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value is null) and
6815       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost is null) and
6816       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost is null) and
6817       (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_limit_type, 'NULL') = nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type, 'NULL') and
6818        p_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type is null) and
6819       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit is null) and
6823       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling is null) and
6820       (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) = nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) and
6821        p_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount is null) and
6822       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity is null) and
6824       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost is null) and
6825       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_method_code is null) and
6826       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.basic_rate is null) and
6827       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate is null) and
6828       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months is null) and
6829       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service is null) and
6830       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_date is null) and
6831       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.bonus_rule is null) then
6832 */
6833    if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost is null) and
6834       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost is null) and
6835       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_type is null) and
6836       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value is null) and
6837       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value is null) and
6838       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost is null) and
6839       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost is null) and
6840       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type is null) and
6841       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit is null) and
6842       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount is null) and
6843       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity is null) and
6844       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling is null) and
6845       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost is null) and
6846       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_method_code is null) and
6847       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.basic_rate is null) and
6848       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate is null) and
6849       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months is null) and
6850       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service is null) and
6851       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_date is null) and
6852       (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.bonus_rule is null) then
6853 --tk_util.debug('Fin Adj is NULL!!!!!!');
6854       x_asset_fin_rec_adj := p_asset_fin_rec_new;
6856 if  p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code <> 'ADDITION' then
6858       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost is not null) then
6859          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost :=p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost;
6860       else
6861          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.cost, 0) -
6862                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.cost, 0);
6863       end if;
6865       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost is not null) then
6866          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost := p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost;
6867       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.cip_cost is not null) then
6868          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.cip_cost, 0) -
6869                                         nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.cip_cost, 0);
6870       end if;
6872       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value is not null) then
6873          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value := p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value;
6874       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value is not null) then
6875          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value, 0) -
6876                                               nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.salvage_value, 0);
6877       end if;
6879       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost is not null) then
6880          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost :=
6881                                               p_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost;
6882       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost is not null) then
6883          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost :=
6884                                               nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost, 0) -
6885                                               nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.recoverable_cost, 0);
6886       end if;
6888       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost is not null) then
6889          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost :=
6890                                      p_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost;
6891       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost is not null) then
6892          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost :=
6893                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost, 0) -
6894                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.adjusted_recoverable_cost, 0);
6895       end if;
6897       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.original_cost is not null) then
6898             x_asset_fin_rec_adj.original_cost := p_asset_fin_rec_adj.original_cost;
6899       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.original_cost is not null) then
6900             x_asset_fin_rec_adj.original_cost := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.original_cost, 0) -
6901                                                  nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.original_cost, 0);
6902       end if;
6904       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity is not null) then
6905          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity :=
6906                                      p_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity;
6907       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity is not null) then
6908          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity :=
6909                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity, 0) -
6910                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.production_capacity, 0);
6911       end if;
6913       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling is not null) then
6914          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling :=
6915                                      p_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling;
6916       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_ceiling is not null) then
6920       end if;
6917          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling :=
6918                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_ceiling, 0) -
6919                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.reval_ceiling, 0);
6923       if (p_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost is not null) then
6924          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost :=
6925                                      p_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost;
6926       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.unrevalued_cost is not null) then
6927          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost :=
6928                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.unrevalued_cost, 0) -
6929                                      nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.unrevalued_cost, 0);
6930       end if;
6932       if (p_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type = 'PCT') then
6933          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value := nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.percent_salvage_value, 0) -
6934                                                       nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.percent_salvage_value, 0);
6935       else
6936          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value := to_number(null);
6937       end if;
6939       if (x_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type = 'NONE') then
6940          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type := 'NONE';
6941          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit := to_number(null);
6942          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := to_number(null);
6943       elsif (p_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type <>
6944              p_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_limit_type) then
6945          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type := p_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type;
6946          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit := p_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit;
6947          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount :=
6948                                               p_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
6949       else
6950          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit := p_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit -
6951                                                     p_asset_fin_rec_old.allowed_deprn_limit;
6952          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount :=
6953                                               p_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount -
6954                                               p_asset_fin_rec_old.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
6955       end if;
6957 end if;
6959       x_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve := null;
6961       if p_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_method_code = p_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code and
6962          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.life_in_months, 0) =
6963                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months, 0) and
6964          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.basic_rate, 0) =
6965                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.basic_rate, 0) and
6966          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.adjusted_rate, 0) =
6967                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_rate, 0) and
6968          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.production_capacity, 0) =
6969                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity, 0) and
6970          p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code <> 'ADDITION' then
6972          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_method_code := null;
6973          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months := to_number(null);
6974          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.basic_rate := to_number(null);
6975          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate := to_number(null);
6976          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity := to_number(null);
6977       end if;
6979    else
6980 --tk_util.debug('Fin Adj is NOT null');
6981       x_asset_fin_rec_adj := p_asset_fin_rec_adj;
6983       -- Bug3041716
6984       -- New faxama is expecting delta information so method information only needs to
6985       -- be populated only if there is a change in method related values
6986       --
6987       if p_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_method_code = p_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code and
6988          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.life_in_months, 0) =
6989                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months, 0) and
6990          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.basic_rate, 0) =
6991                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.basic_rate, 0) and
6992          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.adjusted_rate, 0) =
6993                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_rate, 0) and
6994          nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.production_capacity, 0) =
6995                                 nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity, 0) then
6997          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_method_code := null;
6998          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months := to_number(null);
6999          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.basic_rate := to_number(null);
7000          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate := to_number(null);
7001          x_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity := to_number(null);
7002       end if;
7004    end if;
7008 END populate_fin_rec;
7010 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
7012 FUNCTION faxama
7013          (px_trans_rec           IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
7014           p_asset_hdr_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
7015           p_asset_desc_rec                     FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
7016           p_asset_cat_rec                      FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
7017           p_asset_type_rec                     FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
7018           p_asset_fin_rec_old                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
7019           p_asset_fin_rec_adj                  FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type default null,
7020           px_asset_fin_rec_new   IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
7024           p_mrc_sob_type_code                  VARCHAR2,
7021           p_asset_deprn_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
7022           p_asset_deprn_rec_adj                FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type default null,
7023           p_period_rec                         FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
7025           p_running_mode                       NUMBER,
7026           p_used_by_revaluation                NUMBER,
7027           p_reclassed_asset_id                 NUMBER default null,
7028           p_reclass_src_dest                   VARCHAR2 default null,
7029           p_group_reclass_type                 VARCHAR2 default null, -- Bug : 6792185
7030           p_reclassed_asset_dpis               DATE default null,
7031           p_update_books_summary               BOOLEAN default FALSE,
7032           p_proceeds_of_sale                   NUMBER default 0,
7033           p_cost_of_removal                    NUMBER default 0,
7034           x_deprn_exp               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
7035           x_bonus_deprn_exp         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
7036           x_deprn_rsv               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
7037           p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return boolean IS
7039    l_calling_fn           varchar2(50) := 'newFA_AMORT_PVT.faxama';
7040    l_reval_deprn_rsv_adj  number :=0;
7041    l_afn_zero             number:=0;
7043    l_asset_fin_rec_adj    FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
7045    -- Bug4958977: Adding following cursor and 2 new variables
7046    CURSOR c_check_dpis_change is
7047        select inbk.transaction_header_id_in
7048        from   fa_books inbk
7049             , fa_books outbk
7050        where  inbk.transaction_header_id_in   = px_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
7051        and    outbk.asset_id                  = inbk.asset_id
7052        and    outbk.book_type_code            = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7053        and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out = px_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
7054        and    inbk.cost                       = outbk.cost
7055        and    nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)              = nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0)
7056        and    nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) = nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)
7057        and    inbk.date_placed_in_service     <> outbk.date_placed_in_service;
7059    l_temp_thid          NUMBER;
7060    l_call_bs            BOOLEAN := FALSE;
7062    l_valid_type_change  BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- bug5149789
7064    calc_err             EXCEPTION;
7066 /*
7067    err number;
7069    cursor c_get_profiler is
7070      select runid,
7071             run_date,
7072             run_comment
7073      from plsql_profiler_runs;
7074 */
7076 begin <<faxama>>
7077 --tk_util.debug('-');
7078 --tk_util.debug('-');
7079 --tk_util.debug('-');
7080 --tk_util.debug('-+++++-');
7081    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7082       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_asset_type_rec.asset_type||':'||
7083                                               p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id||':'||
7084                                               to_char(px_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
7086    end if;
7089 --   err:=DBMS_PROFILER.START_PROFILER ('faxama:'||to_char(sysdate,'dd-Mon-YYYY hh:mi:ss'));
7091    X_deprn_exp       := 0;
7092    X_bonus_deprn_exp := 0;
7094    if (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type='CIP') then
7096             (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxama',
7097              NAME       => 'FA_AMT_CIP_NOT_ALLOWED',
7098              TOKEN1     => 'TYPE',
7099              VALUE1     => 'Amortized',
7100              p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7101       return FALSE;
7102    end if;
7104 --tk_util.DumpTrxRec(px_trans_rec, 'px_trans_rec');
7105 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(p_asset_fin_rec_old, 'old fin_rec');
7106 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(p_asset_fin_rec_adj, 'adj fin_rec');
7107 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec_new, 'new_fin_rec');
7108 --tk_util.DumpDeprnRec(p_asset_deprn_rec, 'old deprn');
7109 --tk_util.DumpDeprnRec(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj, 'adj deprn');
7111    -- Bug5149789: checking whether member exists or not
7112    -- Call function check_member_existence if either of
7113    -- salvage or deprn limit type is being changed and there is 0 group cost
7114    if (((px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type = 'SUM') and
7115         (px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type <> nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.salvage_type,
7116                                                   px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type))) or
7117        ((px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type = 'SUM') and
7118         (px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type <> nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.deprn_limit_type,
7119                                                       px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type)))) then
7121       if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost = 0) then
7123          if not check_member_existence (p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec) then
7124             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7125                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'calling check_member_existence',
7126                                 'FAILED', p_log_level_rec);
7127             end if;
7129             l_valid_type_change := FALSE;
7131          end if;
7133       else
7134          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7135             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Method.deprn_limit type change',
7136                              'FAILED', p_log_level_rec);
7137             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'cost',
7138                              px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost, p_log_level_rec);
7139          end if;
7141          l_valid_type_change := FALSE;
7143       end if;
7145       if (not l_valid_type_change) then
7146          if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type = 'SUM') then
7147             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
7148                calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
7149                name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
7150                token1     => 'VALUE',
7151                value1     => px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type,
7152                token2     => 'PARAM',
7153                value2     => 'SALVAGE_TYPE',
7154                p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7156          else
7157             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(
7158                calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
7159                name       => 'FA_INVALID_PARAMETER',
7160                token1     => 'VALUE',
7161                value1     => px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type,
7162                token2     => 'PARAM',
7163                value2     => 'DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE',
7164                p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7165          end if;
7167          return false;
7168       end if;
7170    end if; -- (((px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type = 'SUM') and
7172    if ((px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'GROUP ADDITION' and
7173        nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0) = 0) and
7174       (px_trans_rec.transaction_key not in( 'MA','MJ','MC','MV','MD','MN'))
7175      and (px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost = 0 and px_asset_fin_rec_new.cip_cost = 0) -- Necessary??
7176      -- Bug 5501090: Need to call createGroup for dpis change also.
7177      or ( px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'GROUP ADJUSTMENT' and
7178           px_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'GJ' and
7179           p_asset_fin_rec_old.date_placed_in_service <> px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service))
7180      then
7181      -- Group Addition or adjustment in period of group addition before
7182      -- depreciation run or first member addition
7184       if not createGroup(
7185                          p_trans_rec            => px_trans_rec,
7186                          p_asset_hdr_rec        => p_asset_hdr_rec,
7187                          p_asset_type_rec       => p_asset_type_rec,
7188                          p_period_rec           => p_period_rec,
7189                          p_asset_fin_rec        => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
7190                          p_asset_deprn_rec      => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj,
7191                          p_mrc_sob_type_code    => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
7192                          p_calling_fn           => l_calling_fn
7193                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
7195          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7196             fa_debug_pkg.add('calc_fin_info', 'calling FA_AMORT_PVT.createGroup', 'FAILED'
7197                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7198          end if;
7200          return (FALSE);
7202       end if;
7204       return true;
7205    elsif (px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION' or
7206           px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'CIP ADDITION' or
7207            px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'ADJUSTMENT' or
7208           px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'CIP ADJUSTMENT') and
7209          (p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id is not null or
7210           px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id is not null)
7211       and (nvl(px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
7212                px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered) <
7213            p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date)
7214       then
7215       -- Member addition and adjustment that has impact to the group
7217          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7218             fa_debug_pkg.add('calc_fin_info', 'calling FA_AMORT_PVT.maintainGroup', 'FAILED'
7219                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7220          end if;
7222    end if;
7225    populate_fin_rec(
7226              p_trans_rec          => px_trans_rec,
7227              p_asset_fin_rec_old  => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
7228              p_asset_fin_rec_adj  => p_asset_fin_rec_adj,
7229              p_asset_fin_rec_new  => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
7230              x_asset_fin_rec_adj  => l_asset_fin_rec_adj
7231              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7233    -- Bug4958977: Adding following entire if statement
7234    -- trx could be dpis change if following conditions are met
7235    -- even though trx date is in current period
7236 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(p_asset_fin_rec_adj, 'adj fin_rec');
7237    if (px_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'MJ' and
7238        nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost, 0) = 0 and
7239        nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost, 0) = 0 and
7240        nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value, 0) = 0 and
7241        nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) = 0) and
7242       (nvl(px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
7243            px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered) >=
7244                   p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date) then
7246       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7247          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'could be dpis change', 'cont', p_log_level_rec);
7248       end if;
7250       OPEN c_check_dpis_change;
7251       FETCH c_check_dpis_change INTO l_temp_thid;
7252       CLOSE c_check_dpis_change;
7254       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7255          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'temp_thid', l_temp_thid, p_log_level_rec);
7256       end if;
7260       else
7258       if (l_temp_thid is not null) then
7259          l_call_bs := TRUE;
7261          l_call_bs := FALSE;
7262       end if;
7263    end if;
7265    -- Bug4037112: Change for ATT 0 cost change
7266    X_deprn_rsv := 0;
7268    if (not l_call_bs) and
7269       (px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'GROUP ADJUSTMENT') and
7270       (nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method, 'NULL') <> 'CALCULATE') and
7271       (nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost, 0) = 0) and
7272       ((px_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'MA')
7273           or
7274        (px_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'MJ' and
7275         (px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_type not in ('SUM', 'AMT')) and
7276         (px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_limit_type not in ('SUM', 'AMT')))
7277          ) then
7279       -- Bug4958977: Need to check possibility of dpis change.
7280       -- This time, possible that dpis is changed from current to old
7281       -- date.
7282       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7283          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'could be dpis change(cur to old)', 'cont', p_log_level_rec);
7284       end if;
7286       OPEN c_check_dpis_change;
7287       FETCH c_check_dpis_change INTO l_temp_thid;
7288       CLOSE c_check_dpis_change;
7290       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7291          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'temp_thid', l_temp_thid, p_log_level_rec);
7292       end if;
7294       if (l_temp_thid is not null) then
7295          l_call_bs := TRUE;
7296       else
7297          l_call_bs := FALSE;
7298       end if;
7300       if (not l_call_bs) then
7301          -- No Need to Maintain FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY Table
7302          return true;
7303       end if;
7304    end if;
7307    if (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP') then
7308       if (nvl(px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
7309               px_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered) >=
7310           p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date) and
7311          (px_trans_rec.transaction_key not in ('MR', 'MS', 'GC')) and (not l_call_bs) then
7313          if (not  CurrentPeriodAdj(
7314                     p_trans_rec           => px_trans_rec,
7315                     p_asset_hdr_rec       => p_asset_hdr_rec,
7316                     p_asset_type_rec      => p_asset_type_rec,
7317                     p_asset_fin_rec_adj   => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
7318                     p_asset_fin_rec_old   => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
7319                     px_asset_fin_rec_new  => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
7320                     p_period_rec          => p_period_rec,
7321                     p_asset_deprn_rec_adj => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj,
7322                     p_proceeds_of_sale    => nvl(p_proceeds_of_sale, 0),
7323                     p_cost_of_removal     => nvl(p_cost_of_removal, 0),
7324                     p_calling_fn          => l_calling_fn,
7325                     p_mrc_sob_type_code   => p_mrc_sob_type_code)) then
7326             raise calc_err;
7327          end if;
7329       else
7331          if (l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve is null) and
7332             (p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve is not null) and
7333             (p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.ytd_deprn is not null) then
7334             l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve :=
7335                   p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve - p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.ytd_deprn;
7336          end if;
7339          if (not bsRecalculate(
7340                    p_trans_rec            => px_trans_rec,
7341                    p_asset_hdr_rec        => p_asset_hdr_rec,
7342                    p_asset_type_rec       => p_asset_type_rec,
7343                    p_asset_desc_rec       => p_asset_desc_rec,
7344                    p_asset_fin_rec_old    => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
7345                    p_asset_fin_rec_adj    => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
7346                    p_period_rec           => p_period_rec,
7347                    px_asset_fin_rec_new   => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
7348                    p_asset_deprn_rec      => p_asset_deprn_rec,
7349                    p_asset_deprn_rec_adj  => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj,
7350                    x_deprn_expense        => x_deprn_exp,
7351                    x_bonus_expense        => x_bonus_deprn_exp,
7352                    x_deprn_reserve        => x_deprn_rsv,
7353                    p_running_mode         => p_running_mode,
7354                    p_used_by_revaluation  => p_used_by_revaluation,
7355                    p_reclassed_asset_id   => p_reclassed_asset_id,
7356                    p_reclass_src_dest     => p_reclass_src_dest,
7357                    p_group_reclass_type   => p_group_reclass_type, -- Bug : 6792185
7358                    p_reclassed_asset_dpis => p_reclassed_asset_dpis,
7359                    p_update_books_summary => p_update_books_summary,
7360                    p_mrc_sob_type_code    => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
7361                    p_calling_fn           => l_calling_fn
7362                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
7363             raise calc_err;
7364          end if;
7365       end if; -- (nvl(px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
7366    end if; -- (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP')
7368 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec_new, 'Nfaxama');
7370    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7371       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', p_asset_type_rec.asset_type||':'||p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7372 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7373    end if;
7374 --tk_util.debug('-+++++-');
7375 --tk_util.debug('-');
7379 --tk_util.debug('-');
7376 --tk_util.debug('-');
7377 --tk_util.debug('-');
7378 --tk_util.debug('-');
7383 /*
7384 for r_get_profiler in c_get_profiler loop
7385 null;
7386 --tk_util.debug('runid: '||to_char(r_get_profiler.runid));
7387 --tk_util.debug('run_date: '||to_char(r_get_profiler.run_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
7388 --tk_util.debug('run_comment: '||r_get_profiler.run_comment);
7389 end loop;
7390 */
7392    return TRUE;
7394 exception
7395    when calc_err then
7396         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7397            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'calc_err'
7398                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7399         end if;
7401         FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_SQL_ERROR(CALLING_FN => l_calling_fn
7402                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7403         return false;
7405    when others then
7406         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7407           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
7408 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7409         end if;
7411         FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_SQL_ERROR(CALLING_FN => l_calling_fn
7412                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7413         return  FALSE;
7414 end faxama;
7417 --+==============================================================================
7418 -- Function: GetExpRsv
7419 --
7420 --   This function return expense or reserve amounts incurred due to some
7421 --   transaction such as unplanned, reserve transfer and retirement adjustment.
7422 --
7423 --   Transaction                   Transaction_Key
7424 --  ----------------------         ---------------
7425 --  Retirement Adjustment          GR
7426 --  Reserve Transfer               GV
7427 --  Unplanned Depreciation         UA or UE
7428 --
7429 --+==============================================================================
7430 FUNCTION GetExpRsv(
7431      p_trans_rec                        FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
7432      p_asset_hdr_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
7433      p_period_rec                       FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
7434      p_mrc_sob_type_code                VARCHAR2,
7435      x_exp_rsv_amount       OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
7436      p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return BOOLEAN IS
7438   l_calling_fn     VARCHAR2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.GetExpRsv';
7440   --
7441   -- This cursor doesn't include period counter created as condition
7442   -- because it is not certain that prior period unplanned is allowed
7443   -- and if it is allowed, whether fa_adjsutments stores period_counter
7444   -- created as the period of amortization start date or not.
7445   -- If period counter created is the period of amortization start date,
7446   -- then period counter can be used as a one of condition.
7447   --
7448   CURSOR c_get_exp_amount IS
7449     select
7451                            'EXPENSE',
7452                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7453                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7454                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7455                 0)
7456     from   fa_adjustments adj
7457     where adj.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
7458     and   adj.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7459     and   adj.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
7461   CURSOR c_get_mc_exp_amount IS
7462     select
7464                            'EXPENSE',
7465                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7466                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7467                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7468                 0)
7469     from   fa_adjustments_mrc_v adj
7470     where adj.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
7471     and   adj.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7472     and   adj.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
7475 BEGIN
7477    --
7478    -- Case of Unplanned Depreciation
7479    --
7480    if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
7481       OPEN c_get_mc_exp_amount;
7482       FETCH c_get_mc_exp_amount INTO x_exp_rsv_amount;
7483       CLOSE c_get_mc_exp_amount;
7484    else
7485       OPEN c_get_exp_amount;
7486       FETCH c_get_exp_amount INTO x_exp_rsv_amount;
7487       CLOSE c_get_exp_amount;
7488    end if;
7490    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7491       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Found Expense:'||p_trans_rec.transaction_key, x_exp_rsv_amount
7492 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7493    end if;
7496    return true;
7499    WHEN others THEN
7500       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7501          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
7502                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7503       end if;
7505       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
7506             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7507       return false;
7509 END GetExpRsv;
7511 --+==============================================================================
7512 -- Function: GetDeprnRec
7513 --
7517 --+==============================================================================
7514 --   The function returns FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type.
7515 --   This will be the starting point for recalculating depreciation.
7516 --
7518 FUNCTION GetDeprnRec (
7519      p_trans_rec                        FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
7520      p_asset_hdr_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
7521      p_period_rec                       FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
7522      p_incoming_trx_type_code           VARCHAR2 default 'NULL',
7523      x_asset_deprn_rec       OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
7524      p_mrc_sob_type_code                VARCHAR2,
7525      p_unplanned_exp	  IN OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
7526      p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
7528   CURSOR c_check_period IS
7529     select 'Y'
7530     from   fa_deprn_summary
7531     where  asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7532     and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7533     and    period_counter <= p_period_rec.period_counter;
7534 /*
7535     from   fa_deprn_periods
7536     where  book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7537     and    period_counter = p_period_rec.period_counter;
7538 */
7540   -- Return values if year of first transaction is the same year as addition happened.
7541   CURSOR c_get_eofy_rsv IS
7542     select ds.deprn_reserve - ds.ytd_deprn
7543          , ds.bonus_deprn_reserve - ds.bonus_ytd_deprn
7544          , ds.ltd_production - ds.ytd_production
7545          , ds.reval_reserve - ds.ytd_reval_deprn_expense
7546     from   fa_fiscal_year fy
7547          , fa_deprn_summary ds
7548          , fa_deprn_periods dp
7549     where  ds.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7550     and    ds.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7551     and    ds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS'
7552     and    dp.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7553     and    dp.period_counter = ds.period_counter
7554     and    fy.fiscal_year_name = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
7555     and    fy.fiscal_year = (dp.period_counter - dp.period_num)/fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year
7556     and    fy.fiscal_year = (p_period_rec.period_counter + 1 - p_period_rec.period_num)/
7557                                  fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
7559   CURSOR c_get_adjs IS
7561                            'RESERVE',
7562                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7563                               'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7564                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7565                 0),
7567                            'EXPENSE',
7568                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7569                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7570                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7571                 0),
7573                            'BONUS RESERVE',
7574                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7575                               'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7576                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7577                 0),
7579                            'BONUS EXPENSE',
7580                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7581                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7582                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7583                 0),
7585                            'DEPRN ADJUST',
7586                            DECODE(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class,'TAX',
7587                                   DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7588                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7589                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT)))),
7590                 0),
7592                            'REVAL EXPENSE',
7593                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7594                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7595                               'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7596                 0),
7598                            'REVAL AMORT',
7599                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7600                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7601                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7602                 0),
7604                        'REVAL RESERVE',
7605                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7606                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7607                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7608                 0),
7610                             'REVALUATION',
7611                               DECODE(ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_TYPE,
7612                                       'EXPENSE',
7613                                         DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7614                                                 'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7615                                                 'CR', -1*ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT)))), 0),
7619                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7617                            'UE',
7618                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7620                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT),
7621                            'UA',
7622                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7623                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7624                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT)
7625 				)),
7626                 0)
7629      WHERE  TH.ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7630      AND    TH.BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7631      AND    TH.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID <> p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
7632      AND    TH.TRANSACTION_DATE_ENTERED <= p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
7633      AND    TH.DATE_EFFECTIVE < p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date
7634      AND    TH.DATE_EFFECTIVE BETWEEN nvl(p_period_rec.period_open_date, TH.DATE_EFFECTIVE)
7635                                   AND nvl(p_period_rec.period_close_date, TH.DATE_EFFECTIVE)
7636      AND    TH.TRANSACTION_KEY not in ('UE','UA')  -- bug 5585000
7638      AND    ADJ.ASSET_ID =  p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7639      AND    ADJ.BOOK_TYPE_CODE =  p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7640      --
7641      -- Bug3387996: next condition is nevessary to get adj amount only for this period
7642      --
7643      AND ADJ.PERIOD_COUNTER_CREATED = p_period_rec.period_counter
7646   CURSOR c_get_mc_adjs IS
7648                            'RESERVE',
7649                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7650                               'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7651                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7652                 0),
7654                            'EXPENSE',
7655                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7656                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7657                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7658                 0),
7660                            'BONUS RESERVE',
7661                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7662                               'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7663                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7664                 0),
7666                            'BONUS EXPENSE',
7667                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7668                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7669                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7670                 0),
7672                            'DEPRN ADJUST',
7673                            DECODE(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class,'TAX',
7674                                   DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7675                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7676                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT)))),
7677                 0),
7679                            'REVAL EXPENSE',
7680                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7681                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7682                               'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7683                 0),
7685                            'REVAL AMORT',
7686                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7687                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7688                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7689                 0),
7691                        'REVAL RESERVE',
7692                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7693                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7694                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),
7695                 0),
7697                             'REVALUATION',
7698                               DECODE(ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_TYPE,
7699                                       'EXPENSE',
7700                                         DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7701                                                 'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7702                                                 'CR', -1*ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT)))), 0),
7704                            'UE',
7705                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7706                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7707                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT),
7708                            'UA',
7709                            DECODE(ADJ.DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
7710                                   'DR', ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
7711                                   'CR', -1 * ADJ.ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT)
7712 				)),
7713                 0)
7719      AND    TH.TRANSACTION_DATE_ENTERED <= p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
7716      WHERE  TH.ASSET_ID = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7717      AND    TH.BOOK_TYPE_CODE = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7718      AND    TH.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID <> p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
7720      AND    TH.DATE_EFFECTIVE < p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date
7721      AND    TH.DATE_EFFECTIVE BETWEEN nvl(p_period_rec.period_open_date, TH.DATE_EFFECTIVE)
7722                                   AND nvl(p_period_rec.period_close_date, TH.DATE_EFFECTIVE)
7723      AND    TH.TRANSACTION_KEY not in ('UE','UA')  -- bug 5585000
7725      AND    ADJ.ASSET_ID =  p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7726      AND    ADJ.BOOK_TYPE_CODE =  p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7727      --
7728      -- Bug3387996: next condition is nevessary to get adj amount only for this period
7729      --
7730      AND ADJ.PERIOD_COUNTER_CREATED = p_period_rec.period_counter
7734   l_calling_fn         VARCHAR2(100) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.GetDeprnRec';
7735   l_dpr                FA_STD_TYPES.FA_DEPRN_ROW_STRUCT;
7736   l_run_mode           VARCHAR2(20) := 'TRANSACTION';
7737   l_status             BOOLEAN;
7739   l_deprn_rsv          number;
7740   l_deprn_exp          number;
7741   l_bonus_deprn_rsv    number;
7742   l_bonus_deprn_amount number;
7743   l_deprn_adjust_exp   number;
7744   l_reval_deprn_exp    number;
7745   l_reval_amo          number;
7746   l_reval_rsv          number;
7747   l_reval_exp          number;
7749   l_unplanned_exp	number;
7750   l_period_exists      VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
7751   l_find_eofy_reserve  VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
7752   error_found   EXCEPTION;
7754 BEGIN
7755   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7756      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code||':'||
7757                       p_period_rec.period_counter
7758                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7759   end if;
7761   OPEN c_check_period;
7762   FETCH c_check_period INTO l_period_exists;
7764   if (c_check_period%NOTFOUND) then
7765      l_period_exists := 'N';
7766   end if;
7768   CLOSE c_check_period;
7770 --tk_util.debug('l_period_exists: '||l_period_exists);
7772   if (l_period_exists = 'Y') and (p_incoming_trx_type_code not like  '%ADDITION') then
7774      l_dpr.asset_id   := p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id;
7775      l_dpr.book       := p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
7776      l_dpr.period_ctr := p_period_rec.period_counter;
7777      l_dpr.dist_id    := 0;
7778      l_dpr.mrc_sob_type_code := p_mrc_sob_type_code;
7780      l_run_mode := 'STANDARD';
7782      fa_query_balances_pkg.query_balances_int(
7783                              X_DPR_ROW               => l_dpr,
7784                              X_RUN_MODE              => l_run_mode,
7785                              X_DEBUG                 => FALSE,
7786                              X_SUCCESS               => l_status,
7787                              X_CALLING_FN            => l_calling_fn,
7788                              X_TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID => -1
7789                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7791      if (NOT l_status) then
7793         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7794            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'ERROR',
7795                             'Calling fa_query_balances_pkg.query_balances_int'
7796                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7797         end if;
7799         raise error_found;
7800      end if;
7802 --     x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount             := l_dpr.deprn_exp;
7803      x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount             := 0; -- This needs to be 0 because this should only include
7804                                                       -- current period(period that starts recalculate) amounts
7805      x_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn                := l_dpr.ytd_deprn;
7806      x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve            := l_dpr.deprn_rsv;
7807      x_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_expense         := l_dpr.prior_fy_exp;
7808 --     x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount       := l_dpr.bonus_deprn_amount;
7809      x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount       := 0; -- This needs to be 0 because this should only include
7810                                                       -- current period(period that starts recalculate) amounts
7811      x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn          := l_dpr.bonus_ytd_deprn;
7812      x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve      := l_dpr.bonus_deprn_rsv;
7813      x_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_bonus_expense   := l_dpr.prior_fy_bonus_exp;
7814      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization       := l_dpr.reval_amo;
7815      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization_basis := l_dpr.reval_amo_basis;
7816      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense      := l_dpr.reval_deprn_exp;
7817      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn          := l_dpr.ytd_reval_deprn_exp;
7818      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve      := l_dpr.reval_rsv;
7819      x_asset_deprn_rec.production               := l_dpr.prod;
7820      x_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production           := l_dpr.ytd_prod;
7821      x_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production           := l_dpr.ltd_prod;
7823   else
7824 --tk_util.debug('No deprn info in db');
7825      if (p_incoming_trx_type_code like  '%ADDITION') then
7830         x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve      := 0;
7827         x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve            := 0;
7828         x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve      := 0;
7829         x_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production           := 0;
7832      else
7833 --tk_util.debug('Get deprn info from BOOKS  row');
7834         OPEN c_get_eofy_rsv;
7835         FETCH c_get_eofy_rsv INTO x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
7836                                 , x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve
7837                                 , x_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production
7838                                 , x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve;
7840         if (c_get_eofy_rsv%NOTFOUND) then
7841            x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve            := 0;
7842            x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve      := 0;
7843            x_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production           := 0;
7844            x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve      := 0;
7845         end if;
7847         CLOSE c_get_eofy_rsv;
7848      end if;
7850      x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount             := 0;
7851      x_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn                := 0;
7852      x_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_expense         := 0;
7853      x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount       := 0;
7854      x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn          := 0;
7855      x_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_bonus_expense   := 0;
7856      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization       := 0;
7857      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization_basis := 0;
7858      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn          := 0;
7859      x_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve      := 0;
7860      x_asset_deprn_rec.production               := 0;
7861      x_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production           := 0;
7864   end if;
7865 --tk_util.DumpDeprnRec(x_asset_deprn_rec, 'GDS');
7867   if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
7868      OPEN c_get_mc_adjs;
7869      FETCH c_get_mc_adjs INTO l_deprn_rsv,
7870                               l_deprn_exp,
7871                               l_bonus_deprn_rsv,
7872                               l_bonus_deprn_amount,
7873                               l_deprn_adjust_exp,
7874                               l_reval_deprn_exp,
7875                               l_reval_amo,
7876                               l_reval_rsv,
7877                               l_reval_exp,
7878 			      l_unplanned_exp;
7879      CLOSE c_get_mc_adjs;
7880   else
7881      OPEN c_get_adjs;
7882      FETCH c_get_adjs INTO l_deprn_rsv,
7883                            l_deprn_exp,
7884                            l_bonus_deprn_rsv,
7885                            l_bonus_deprn_amount,
7886                            l_deprn_adjust_exp,
7887                            l_reval_deprn_exp,
7888                            l_reval_amo,
7889                            l_reval_rsv,
7890                            l_reval_exp,
7891 			   l_unplanned_exp;
7892      CLOSE c_get_adjs;
7893    end if;
7895   if (l_deprn_exp <> 0) then
7896      x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount  := x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount + l_deprn_exp;
7897      x_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn     := x_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn + l_deprn_exp;
7898      x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve  + l_deprn_exp -
7899                                         l_reval_exp;
7900   end if;
7902   if (l_bonus_deprn_amount <> 0) then
7903      x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount  := x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount +
7904                                               l_bonus_deprn_amount;
7905      x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn     := x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn +
7906                                               l_bonus_deprn_amount;
7907      x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := x_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve +
7908                                               l_bonus_deprn_amount;
7909   end if;
7911   if (l_deprn_rsv <> 0) then
7912     x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve - l_deprn_rsv;
7913   end if;
7915 --tk_util.DumpDeprnRec(x_asset_deprn_rec, 'GDA');
7917    p_unplanned_exp := l_unplanned_exp;
7919   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7920       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', x_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
7921             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7922    end if;
7924    return true;
7927   when error_found then
7928      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7929         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'error_found'
7930                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7931      end if;
7933      fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
7934           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7935      return false;
7937   when others then
7938      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
7939         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
7940                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7941      end if;
7943      fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
7944           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
7945      return false;
7947 END GetDeprnRec;
7949 --+==============================================================================
7950 -- Function: GetEofyReserve
7951 --
7952 --+==============================================================================
7953 FUNCTION GetEofyReserve(
7957      p_asset_type_rec                       FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
7954      p_trans_rec                            FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
7955      p_trans_rec_cur                        FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
7956      p_asset_hdr_rec                        FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
7958      p_period_rec                           FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
7959      x_eofy_reserve              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
7960      x_transaction_header_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
7961      x_transaction_date_entered  OUT NOCOPY DATE,
7962      x_date_effective            OUT NOCOPY DATE,
7963      x_transaction_type_code     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
7964      p_mrc_sob_type_code                    VARCHAR2,
7965      p_calling_fn                           VARCHAR2,
7966      p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return BOOLEAN IS
7968   l_calling_fn  VARCHAR2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.GetEofyReserve';
7969   get_err    EXCEPTION;
7971   --
7972   -- Find transaction which is
7973   --   Entered in the same fiscal year as given transaction date
7974   --   The transaction has transaction_date ealier than the fiscal year start date
7975   -- In this case, Recalculation needs to go back more to recalculate because
7976   -- it is impossible to find eofy_reserve from fa_deprn_summary
7977   CURSOR c_get_other_trx IS
7978     select th.transaction_header_id    transaction_header_id,
7979            nvl(th.amortization_start_date, th.transaction_date_entered) transaction_date_entered,
7980            th.date_effective date_effective,
7981            th.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code
7982     from
7983            fa_transaction_headers th,
7984            fa_deprn_periods dp,
7985            fa_book_controls bc,
7986            fa_fiscal_year fy
7987     where  th.asset_id                  = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
7988     and    th.book_type_code            = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7989     and    bc.book_type_code            = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7990     and    bc.fiscal_year_name          = fy.fiscal_year_name
7991     and    dp.book_type_code            = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
7992     and    dp.fiscal_year               = fy.fiscal_year
7993     and    dp.calendar_period_open_date = fy.start_date
7994     and    p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
7995                       between fy.start_date and end_date
7996     and    th.date_effective           >= dp.period_open_date
7997     and    th.transaction_date_entered < dp.calendar_period_open_date
7998     and    th.transaction_header_id    < p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
7999     and    th.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
8000                                             G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
8001                                             G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
8002                                             G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID)
8003     and    not exists (select 1
8004                        from   fa_deprn_summary ds
8005                             , fa_deprn_periods dp2
8006                        where  ds.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8007                        and    ds.book_type_code            = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8008                        and    dp.book_type_code =  p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8009                        and    dp.fiscal_year = fy.fiscal_year
8010                        and    ds.period_counter = dp2.period_counter -1
8011                        and    ds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS'
8012                        and    ds.deprn_reserve <> 0
8013                        and    th.date_effective between dp2.period_open_date and dp2.period_close_date
8014                        and    th.transaction_type_code    = G_TRX_TYPE_ADD)
8015      ;
8018   CURSOR c_get_ret_trx IS
8019     select nvl(sum(ret.reserve_retired), 0),
8020            nvl(sum(ret.eofy_reserve), 0)
8021     from   fa_retirements ret,
8022            fa_transaction_headers mth,
8023            fa_transaction_headers gth,
8024            fa_book_controls bc,
8025            fa_fiscal_year fy
8026     where  gth.asset_id                     = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8027     and    gth.book_type_code               = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8028     and    bc.book_type_code                = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8029     and    bc.fiscal_year_name              = fy.fiscal_year_name
8030     and    ret.date_retired between fy.start_date
8031                                 and p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
8032     and    gth.member_transaction_header_id = mth.transaction_header_id
8033     and    mth.book_type_code               = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8034     and    mth.transaction_header_id        = ret.transaction_header_id_in
8035     and    mth.asset_id                     = ret.asset_id
8036     and    gth.member_transaction_header_id = ret.transaction_header_id_in
8037     and    ret.book_type_code               = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8038     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out is null
8039     and    fy.start_date =
8040               (select fy.start_date
8041                  from fa_fiscal_year fy,
8042                       fa_book_controls bc
8043                 where bc.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8044                   and bc.fiscal_year_name  = fy.fiscal_year_name
8045                   and fy.start_date <= p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
8046                   and fy.end_date >= p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
8047               );
8049   CURSOR c_get_mc_ret_trx IS
8050     select nvl(sum(ret.reserve_retired), 0),
8051            nvl(sum(ret.eofy_reserve), 0)
8052     from   fa_retirements_mrc_v ret,
8053            fa_transaction_headers mth,
8057     where  gth.asset_id                     = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8054            fa_transaction_headers gth,
8055            fa_book_controls_mrc_v bc,
8056            fa_fiscal_year fy
8058     and    gth.book_type_code               = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8059     and    bc.book_type_code                = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8060     and    bc.fiscal_year_name              = fy.fiscal_year_name
8061     and    ret.date_retired between fy.start_date
8062                                 and p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
8063     and    gth.member_transaction_header_id = mth.transaction_header_id
8064     and    mth.book_type_code               = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8065     and    mth.transaction_header_id        = ret.transaction_header_id_in
8066     and    mth.asset_id                     = ret.asset_id
8067     and    gth.member_transaction_header_id = ret.transaction_header_id_in
8068     and    ret.book_type_code               = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8069     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out is null
8070     and    fy.start_date =
8071               (select fy.start_date
8072                  from fa_fiscal_year fy,
8073                       fa_book_controls_mrc_v bc
8074                 where bc.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8075                   and bc.fiscal_year_name  = fy.fiscal_year_name
8076                   and fy.start_date <= p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
8077                   and fy.end_date >= p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
8078               );
8080   CURSOR c_get_ret_trx2 IS
8081     select nvl(sum(ret.reserve_retired), 0),
8082            nvl(sum(ret.eofy_reserve), 0)
8083     from   fa_retirements ret,
8084            fa_transaction_headers th,
8085            fa_book_controls bc,
8086            fa_fiscal_year fy
8087     where  th.asset_id                     = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8088     and    th.book_type_code               = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8089     and    bc.book_type_code               = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8090     and    bc.fiscal_year_name             = fy.fiscal_year_name
8091     and    ret.date_retired between fy.start_date
8092                                 and p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
8093     and    th.transaction_header_id        = ret.transaction_header_id_in
8094     and    th.asset_id                     = ret.asset_id
8095     and    ret.book_type_code              = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8096     and    ret.transaction_header_id_out is null;
8098 --  CURSOR c_get_mc_ret_trx2 IS
8100   CURSOR c_get_deprn_period IS
8101     select period_counter - 1
8102          , period_open_date
8103          , period_close_date
8104          , period_num
8105     from   fa_deprn_periods
8106     where  book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8107     and    p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered between
8108              calendar_period_open_date and calendar_period_close_date;
8110   -- Get the transaction before the member addition's transaction which member is reclassed
8111   -- on same fiscal year.
8113   CURSOR c_get_other_trx2 IS
8114     select th.transaction_header_id    transaction_header_id,
8115            nvl(th.amortization_start_date, th.transaction_date_entered) transaction_date_entered,
8116            th.date_effective date_effective,
8117            th.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code
8118     from   fa_transaction_headers th
8119     where  th.asset_id              = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8120     and    th.book_type_code        = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8121     and    th.transaction_header_id =
8122        -- Get the latest trasnaction of reclassed member asset on group asset
8123       (select max(th.transaction_header_id)
8124        from   fa_transaction_headers th
8125        where  th.asset_id              =p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8126        and    th.book_type_code        = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8127        and    th.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
8128                                                G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
8129                                                G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
8130                                                G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID)
8131        and   th.transaction_header_id <
8132           -- Get first transaction of reclassed member asset on group asset
8133          (select min(th.transaction_header_id)
8134           from   fa_transaction_headers th
8135           where  th.book_type_code  = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8136           and    th.asset_id        = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8137           and    th.member_transaction_header_id in
8138              -- Get reclassed member's all transaction headers
8139             (select th.transaction_header_id
8140              from   fa_transaction_headers th
8141              where  th.book_type_code        = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8142              and    th.asset_id in
8143                 -- Get reclassed member's asset_id
8144                (select th.asset_id
8145                 from   fa_transaction_headers th
8146                 where  th.book_type_code  = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8147                 and    transaction_header_id in
8148                    -- Get reclassed transaction after this transaction's fiscal year
8149                   (select th.member_transaction_header_id
8150                    from   fa_transaction_headers th,
8151                           fa_deprn_periods dp,
8152                           fa_fiscal_year   fy,
8153                           fa_book_controls bc
8157                    and    dp.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
8154                    where  th.asset_id           = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8155                    and    th.book_type_code     = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8156                    and    dp.book_type_code     = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8158                    and    bc.fiscal_year_name = fy.fiscal_year_name
8159                    and    p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
8160                                   between fy.start_date and fy.end_date
8161                    and    dp.fiscal_year= fy.fiscal_year
8162                    and    dp.period_num =1
8163                    and    th.date_effective >= dp.period_open_date
8164                    and    th.trx_reference_id is not null
8165                    and    th.member_transaction_header_id is not null
8166                    and    th.transaction_header_id    < p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
8168     )))));
8171   CURSOR c_cur_eofy_reserve IS
8172     select nvl(bk.eofy_reserve,0)
8173     from   FA_BOOKS bk
8174     where  asset_id       = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8175     and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8176     and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
8179   l_transaction_header_id     NUMBER;
8180   l_transaction_date_entered  DATE;
8181   l_date_effective            DATE;
8182   l_transaction_type_code     VARCHAR2(30);
8184   l_period_rec                FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type;
8185   l_asset_deprn_rec           FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type;
8187   l_unplanned_exp	      NUMBER := 0;
8188   l_reserve_retired           NUMBER := 0;
8189   l_eofy_reserve_retired      NUMBER := 0;
8191 BEGIN
8193   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8194      fa_debug_pkg.add('====='||l_calling_fn||'=====', 'Begin', to_char(p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id)||'=====');
8195   end if;
8197   if p_trans_rec_cur.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
8198        and p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered between
8199              p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date and p_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date
8200   then
8201       -- At current open period's transaction, get eofy_reserve from FA_BOOKS.
8203       x_transaction_header_id    := to_number(null);
8204       x_transaction_date_entered := null;
8205       x_date_effective           := null;
8207       OPEN c_cur_eofy_reserve;
8208       FETCH c_cur_eofy_reserve into x_eofy_reserve;
8209       CLOSE c_cur_eofy_reserve;
8211       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8212          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Can determine current eofy reserve from db ', x_eofy_reserve
8213                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8214       end if;
8216   else
8218     OPEN c_get_other_trx;
8219     FETCH c_get_other_trx INTO l_transaction_header_id, l_transaction_date_entered,
8220                              l_date_effective, l_transaction_type_code;
8221 --tk_util.debug('l_transaction_header_id: '||to_char(l_transaction_header_id));
8223     if (c_get_other_trx%NOTFOUND) then
8224 --tk_util.debug('c_get_other_trx not found');
8225       OPEN c_get_other_trx2;
8226       FETCH c_get_other_trx2 INTO l_transaction_header_id, l_transaction_date_entered,
8227                              l_date_effective, l_transaction_type_code;
8228     end if;
8230     if (c_get_other_trx%NOTFOUND and c_get_other_trx2%NOTFOUND) then
8232        x_transaction_header_id    := to_number(null);
8233        x_transaction_date_entered := null;
8234        x_date_effective           := null;
8237         OPEN c_get_deprn_period;
8238         FETCH c_get_deprn_period INTO l_period_rec.period_counter,
8239                                       l_period_rec.period_open_date,
8240                                       l_period_rec.period_close_date,
8241                                       l_period_rec.period_num;
8243         if (c_get_deprn_period%NOTFOUND) then
8244            CLOSE c_get_deprn_period;
8246            x_eofy_reserve := 0;
8248            if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8249               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'This must be addition so eofy reserve ', x_eofy_reserve
8250                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8251            end if;
8252         else
8253           CLOSE c_get_deprn_period;
8255            if not GetDeprnRec (
8256                     p_trans_rec             => p_trans_rec,
8257                     p_asset_hdr_rec         => p_asset_hdr_rec,
8258                     p_period_rec            => l_period_rec,
8259                     x_asset_deprn_rec       => l_asset_deprn_rec,
8260                     p_mrc_sob_type_code     => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
8261 		    p_unplanned_exp	    => l_unplanned_exp
8262                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
8264              if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8265                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
8266                                  'GetDeprnRec'
8267                                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8268              end if;
8270              raise get_err;
8271            end if;
8273            if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
8274               OPEN c_get_mc_ret_trx;
8278               OPEN c_get_ret_trx;
8275               FETCH c_get_mc_ret_trx INTO l_reserve_retired, l_eofy_reserve_retired;
8276               CLOSE c_get_mc_ret_trx;
8277            else
8279               FETCH c_get_ret_trx INTO l_reserve_retired, l_eofy_reserve_retired;
8280               CLOSE c_get_ret_trx;
8281            end if;
8283            if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8284               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Sum of Reserve Retired',
8285                                l_reserve_retired
8286                                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8287               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Sum of Eofy Reserve Retired',
8288                                l_eofy_reserve_retired
8289                                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8290            end if;
8292            if (l_period_rec.period_num = 1) then
8293               x_eofy_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
8294                                 + l_reserve_retired
8295                                 - l_eofy_reserve_retired
8296 				- l_unplanned_exp;
8297            else
8298               x_eofy_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
8299                                 + l_reserve_retired
8300                                 - l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn
8301                                 - l_eofy_reserve_retired
8302 				- l_unplanned_exp;
8303            end if;
8305            if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8306               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Can determine eofy reserve from db ', x_eofy_reserve
8307                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8308            end if;
8310         end if;
8312     else  -- c_get_other_trx/2 FOUND
8314        x_eofy_reserve             := to_number(null);
8315        x_transaction_header_id    := l_transaction_header_id;
8316        x_transaction_date_entered := l_transaction_date_entered;
8317        x_date_effective           := l_date_effective;
8318        x_transaction_type_code    := l_transaction_type_code;
8320        if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8321           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Need to go earlier trx',
8322                                        to_char(x_transaction_header_id)||':'||
8323                                        to_char(x_transaction_date_entered, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS')||':'||
8324                                        to_char(x_date_effective, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'));
8325        end if;
8327     end if;  -- End of c_get_other_trx/2 NOTFOUND
8329     CLOSE c_get_other_trx;
8330     IF c_get_other_trx2%ISOPEN then
8331       CLOSE c_get_other_trx2;
8332     end if;
8334   end if; -- End of current period transaction or not
8336   fa_debug_pkg.add('====='||l_calling_fn||'=====', 'End', '====='
8337                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8339   return TRUE;
8342    WHEN get_err THEN
8343       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8344          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'get_err'
8345                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8346       end if;
8348       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
8349             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8350       return false;
8352    WHEN others THEN
8353       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8354          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
8355                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8356       end if;
8358       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
8359             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8360       return false;
8362 END GetEofyReserve;
8364 --+==============================================================================
8365 -- Function:  GetFinAdjRec
8366 --
8367 --
8368 --
8369 --
8370 --
8371 --+==============================================================================
8372 FUNCTION GetFinAdjRec(
8373      p_asset_hdr_rec                         FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
8374      p_reclass_src_dest                      VARCHAR2,
8375      p_transaction_date_entered              DATE,
8376      x_asset_fin_rec_adj          OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
8377      p_mrc_sob_type_code                     VARCHAR2,
8378      p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
8379 return BOOLEAN is
8381   l_calling_fn  VARCHAR2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.GetFinAdjRec';
8382   get_err    EXCEPTION;
8384   CURSOR c_get_fin_adj_rec IS
8385     select decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(inbk.cost - nvl(outbk.cost, 0))
8386          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0))
8387          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(decode(inbk.production_capacity,
8388                       null, decode(outbk.production_capacity,
8389                                    null, null,
8390                                          outbk.production_capacity),
8391                             nvl(inbk.production_capacity, 0) -
8392                             nvl(outbk.production_capacity, 0)))
8393          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(decode(inbk.reval_amortization_basis,
8394                   null, decode(outbk.reval_amortization_basis,
8395                                null, null,
8396                                      outbk.reval_amortization_basis),
8400                       null, decode(outbk.reval_ceiling,
8397                         nvl(inbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0) -
8398                         nvl(outbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0)))
8399          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(decode(inbk.reval_ceiling,
8401                                    null, null,
8402                                          outbk.reval_ceiling),
8403                             nvl(inbk.reval_ceiling, 0) - nvl(outbk.reval_ceiling, 0)))
8404          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(inbk.unrevalued_cost - nvl(outbk.unrevalued_cost, 0))
8405          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) -
8406                nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0))
8407          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(nvl(inbk.cip_cost, 0) - nvl(outbk.cip_cost, 0))
8408     from   fa_transaction_headers th,
8409            fa_books inbk,
8410            fa_books outbk
8411     where  inbk.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8412     and    inbk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8413     and    outbk.asset_id(+) = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8414     and    outbk.book_type_code(+) = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8415     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = th.transaction_header_id
8416     and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+) = th.transaction_header_id
8417     and    th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8418     and    th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8419     and    th.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
8420                                                G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
8421                                                G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
8422                                                G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID)
8423     and    nvl(th.amortization_start_date,
8424                th.transaction_date_entered) <= p_transaction_date_entered
8425     and    not exists(select 'Exclude This Retirement'
8426                       from   fa_retirements ret,
8427                              fa_transaction_headers reith
8428                       where  ret.transaction_header_id_in = th.transaction_header_id
8429                       and    ret.transaction_header_id_out = reith.transaction_header_id
8430                       and    nvl(reith.amortization_start_date,
8431                               reith.transaction_date_entered) <= p_transaction_date_entered)
8432     order by transaction_date_entered;
8434   CURSOR c_get_mc_fin_adj_rec IS
8435     select decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(inbk.cost - nvl(outbk.cost, 0))
8436          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0))
8437          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(decode(inbk.production_capacity,
8438                       null, decode(outbk.production_capacity,
8439                                    null, null,
8440                                          outbk.production_capacity),
8441                             nvl(inbk.production_capacity, 0) -
8442                             nvl(outbk.production_capacity, 0)))
8443          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(decode(inbk.reval_amortization_basis,
8444                   null, decode(outbk.reval_amortization_basis,
8445                                null, null,
8446                                      outbk.reval_amortization_basis),
8447                         nvl(inbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0) -
8448                         nvl(outbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0)))
8449          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(decode(inbk.reval_ceiling,
8450                       null, decode(outbk.reval_ceiling,
8451                                    null, null,
8452                                          outbk.reval_ceiling),
8453                             nvl(inbk.reval_ceiling, 0) - nvl(outbk.reval_ceiling, 0)))
8454          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(inbk.unrevalued_cost - nvl(outbk.unrevalued_cost, 0))
8455          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) -
8456                nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0))
8457          , decode(p_reclass_src_dest, 'SOURCE', -1, 1) * sum(nvl(inbk.cip_cost, 0) - nvl(outbk.cip_cost, 0))
8458     from   fa_transaction_headers th,
8459            fa_books_mrc_v inbk,
8460            fa_books_mrc_v outbk
8461     where  inbk.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8462     and    inbk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8463     and    outbk.asset_id(+) = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8464     and    outbk.book_type_code(+) = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8465     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = th.transaction_header_id
8466     and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+) = th.transaction_header_id
8467     and    th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8468     and    th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8469     and    th.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
8470                                                G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
8471                                                G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
8472                                                G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID)
8473     and    nvl(th.amortization_start_date,
8474                th.transaction_date_entered) <= p_transaction_date_entered
8475     and    not exists(select 'Exclude This Retirement'
8476                       from   fa_retirements_mrc_v ret,
8477                              fa_transaction_headers reith
8478                       where  ret.transaction_header_id_in = th.transaction_header_id
8479                       and    ret.transaction_header_id_out = reith.transaction_header_id
8480                       and    nvl(reith.amortization_start_date,
8481                               reith.transaction_date_entered) <= p_transaction_date_entered)
8482     order by transaction_date_entered;
8485 BEGIN
8487    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8488       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin',
8489                        to_char(p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id)||':'||
8490                        to_char(p_transaction_date_entered, 'DD-MON-YYYY'));
8491    end if;
8493    if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
8494       OPEN c_get_mc_fin_adj_rec;
8495       FETCH c_get_mc_fin_adj_rec INTO x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
8496                                     , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value
8497                                     , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity
8498                                     , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis
8499                                     , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling
8500                                     , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost
8501                                     , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
8502                                     , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost;
8503       CLOSE c_get_mc_fin_adj_rec;
8504    else
8505       OPEN c_get_fin_adj_rec;
8506       FETCH c_get_fin_adj_rec INTO x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
8507                                  , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value
8508                                  , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity
8509                                  , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis
8510                                  , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling
8511                                  , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost
8512                                  , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
8513                                  , x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost;
8514       CLOSE c_get_fin_adj_rec;
8515    end if;
8517    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8518       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End',
8519                        to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost)||':'||
8520                        to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value)||':'||
8521                        to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity)||':'||
8522                        to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis)||':'||
8523                        to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling)||':'||
8524                        to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost)||':'||
8525                        to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount)||':'||
8526                        to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost));
8527    end if;
8529    return true;
8532    WHEN get_err THEN
8533       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8534          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'get_err'
8535                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8536       end if;
8538       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
8539             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8540       return false;
8542    WHEN others THEN
8543       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
8544          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
8545 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8546       end if;
8548       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
8549             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
8550       return false;
8551 END GetFinAdjRec;
8553 --+==============================================================================
8554 -- Function:  GetFinRec
8555 --
8556 --
8557 --
8558 --
8559 --
8560 --+==============================================================================
8561 FUNCTION GetFinRec(
8562      p_trans_rec                  IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
8563      p_asset_hdr_rec                            FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
8564      p_asset_type_rec                           FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
8565      px_asset_fin_rec             IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
8566      p_asset_fin_rec_adj                        FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
8567      p_asset_fin_rec_new                        FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
8568      x_asset_fin_rec_new             OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
8569      p_init_transaction_header_id               FA_TRANSACTION_HEADERS.TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID%TYPE,
8570      p_use_fin_rec_adj                          BOOLEAN,
8571      p_use_new_deprn_rule                       BOOLEAN,
8572      p_process_this_trx                         BOOLEAN,
8573      x_dpis_change                   OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
8574      p_mrc_sob_type_code                        VARCHAR2,
8575      p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return BOOLEAN IS
8577   Cursor c_get_init_bk IS
8578     select date_placed_in_service
8579          , deprn_start_date
8580          , deprn_method_code
8581          , life_in_months
8582          , rate_adjustment_factor
8583          , adjusted_cost
8584          , cost
8585          , original_cost
8586          , salvage_value
8587          , prorate_convention_code
8588          , prorate_date
8589          , cost_change_flag
8590          , adjustment_required_status
8591          , capitalize_flag
8592          , retirement_pending_flag
8593          , depreciate_flag
8594          , itc_amount_id
8595          , itc_amount
8596          , retirement_id
8597          , tax_request_id
8601          , bonus_rule
8598          , itc_basis
8599          , basic_rate
8600          , adjusted_rate
8602          , ceiling_name
8603          , recoverable_cost
8604          , adjusted_capacity
8605          , fully_rsvd_revals_counter
8606          , idled_flag
8607          , period_counter_capitalized
8608          , period_counter_fully_reserved
8609          , period_counter_fully_retired
8610          , production_capacity
8611          , reval_amortization_basis
8612          , reval_ceiling
8613          , unit_of_measure
8614          , unrevalued_cost
8615          , annual_deprn_rounding_flag
8616          , percent_salvage_value
8617          , allowed_deprn_limit
8618          , allowed_deprn_limit_amount
8619          , period_counter_life_complete
8620          , adjusted_recoverable_cost
8621          , annual_rounding_flag
8622          , eofy_adj_cost
8623          , eofy_formula_factor
8624          , short_fiscal_year_flag
8625          , conversion_date
8627          , remaining_life1
8628          , remaining_life2
8629          , group_asset_id
8630          , old_adjusted_cost
8631          , formula_factor
8632          , salvage_type
8633          , deprn_limit_type
8634          , over_depreciate_option
8635          , super_group_id
8636          , reduction_rate
8637          , reduce_addition_flag
8638          , reduce_adjustment_flag
8639          , reduce_retirement_flag
8640          , recognize_gain_loss
8641          , recapture_reserve_flag
8642          , limit_proceeds_flag
8643          , terminal_gain_loss
8644          , tracking_method
8645          , exclude_fully_rsv_flag
8646          , excess_allocation_option
8647          , depreciation_option
8648          , member_rollup_flag
8649          , ytd_proceeds
8650          , ltd_proceeds
8651          , allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
8652          , allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
8653          , cip_cost
8654          , terminal_gain_loss_amount
8655          , ltd_cost_of_removal
8656          , prior_eofy_reserve
8657          , eofy_reserve
8658          , eop_adj_cost
8659          , eop_formula_factor
8660          , global_attribute1
8661          , global_attribute2
8662          , global_attribute3
8663          , global_attribute4
8664          , global_attribute5
8665          , global_attribute6
8666          , global_attribute7
8667          , global_attribute8
8668          , global_attribute9
8669          , global_attribute10
8670          , global_attribute11
8671          , global_attribute12
8672          , global_attribute13
8673          , global_attribute14
8674          , global_attribute15
8675          , global_attribute16
8676          , global_attribute17
8677          , global_attribute18
8678          , global_attribute19
8679          , global_attribute20
8680          , global_attribute_category
8681     from   fa_books
8682     where  asset_id                   = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8683     and    book_type_code             = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8684     and    (transaction_header_id_out = p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
8685         or  (transaction_header_id_in < p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id and
8686              transaction_header_id_out is null))
8687     order by transaction_header_id_in desc;
8690   Cursor c_get_init_bk_winit IS
8691     select date_placed_in_service
8692          , deprn_start_date
8693          , deprn_method_code
8694          , life_in_months
8695          , rate_adjustment_factor
8696          , adjusted_cost
8697          , cost
8698          , original_cost
8699          , salvage_value
8700          , prorate_convention_code
8701          , prorate_date
8702          , cost_change_flag
8703          , adjustment_required_status
8704          , capitalize_flag
8705          , retirement_pending_flag
8706          , depreciate_flag
8707          , itc_amount_id
8708          , itc_amount
8709          , retirement_id
8710          , tax_request_id
8711          , itc_basis
8712          , basic_rate
8713          , adjusted_rate
8714          , bonus_rule
8715          , ceiling_name
8716          , recoverable_cost
8717          , adjusted_capacity
8718          , fully_rsvd_revals_counter
8719          , idled_flag
8720          , period_counter_capitalized
8721          , period_counter_fully_reserved
8722          , period_counter_fully_retired
8723          , production_capacity
8724          , reval_amortization_basis
8725          , reval_ceiling
8726          , unit_of_measure
8727          , unrevalued_cost
8728          , annual_deprn_rounding_flag
8729          , percent_salvage_value
8730          , allowed_deprn_limit
8731          , allowed_deprn_limit_amount
8732          , period_counter_life_complete
8733          , adjusted_recoverable_cost
8734          , annual_rounding_flag
8735          , eofy_adj_cost
8736          , eofy_formula_factor
8737          , short_fiscal_year_flag
8738          , conversion_date
8740          , remaining_life1
8741          , remaining_life2
8742          , group_asset_id
8743          , old_adjusted_cost
8744          , formula_factor
8745          , salvage_type
8749          , reduction_rate
8746          , deprn_limit_type
8747          , over_depreciate_option
8748          , super_group_id
8750          , reduce_addition_flag
8751          , reduce_adjustment_flag
8752          , reduce_retirement_flag
8753          , recognize_gain_loss
8754          , recapture_reserve_flag
8755          , limit_proceeds_flag
8756          , terminal_gain_loss
8757          , tracking_method
8758          , exclude_fully_rsv_flag
8759          , excess_allocation_option
8760          , depreciation_option
8761          , member_rollup_flag
8762          , ytd_proceeds
8763          , ltd_proceeds
8764          , allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
8765          , allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
8766          , cip_cost
8767          , terminal_gain_loss_amount
8768          , ltd_cost_of_removal
8769          , prior_eofy_reserve
8770          , eofy_reserve
8771          , eop_adj_cost
8772          , eop_formula_factor
8773          , global_attribute1
8774          , global_attribute2
8775          , global_attribute3
8776          , global_attribute4
8777          , global_attribute5
8778          , global_attribute6
8779          , global_attribute7
8780          , global_attribute8
8781          , global_attribute9
8782          , global_attribute10
8783          , global_attribute11
8784          , global_attribute12
8785          , global_attribute13
8786          , global_attribute14
8787          , global_attribute15
8788          , global_attribute16
8789          , global_attribute17
8790          , global_attribute18
8791          , global_attribute19
8792          , global_attribute20
8793          , global_attribute_category
8794     from   fa_books
8795     where  asset_id                   = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8796     and    book_type_code             = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8797     and    (transaction_header_id_out = p_init_transaction_header_id
8798         or  (p_init_transaction_header_id > transaction_header_id_in and
8799              transaction_header_id_in < p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id and
8800              transaction_header_id_out is null))
8801     order by transaction_header_id_in desc;
8803   Cursor c_get_init_mcbk IS
8804     select date_placed_in_service
8805          , deprn_start_date
8806          , deprn_method_code
8807          , life_in_months
8808          , rate_adjustment_factor
8809          , adjusted_cost
8810          , cost
8811          , original_cost
8812          , salvage_value
8813          , prorate_convention_code
8814          , prorate_date
8815          , cost_change_flag
8816          , adjustment_required_status
8817          , capitalize_flag
8818          , retirement_pending_flag
8819          , depreciate_flag
8820          , itc_amount_id
8821          , itc_amount
8822          , retirement_id
8823          , tax_request_id
8824          , itc_basis
8825          , basic_rate
8826          , adjusted_rate
8827          , bonus_rule
8828          , ceiling_name
8829          , recoverable_cost
8830          , adjusted_capacity
8831          , fully_rsvd_revals_counter
8832          , idled_flag
8833          , period_counter_capitalized
8834          , period_counter_fully_reserved
8835          , period_counter_fully_retired
8836          , production_capacity
8837          , reval_amortization_basis
8838          , reval_ceiling
8839          , unit_of_measure
8840          , unrevalued_cost
8841          , annual_deprn_rounding_flag
8842          , percent_salvage_value
8843          , allowed_deprn_limit
8844          , allowed_deprn_limit_amount
8845          , period_counter_life_complete
8846          , adjusted_recoverable_cost
8847          , annual_rounding_flag
8848          , eofy_adj_cost
8849          , eofy_formula_factor
8850          , short_fiscal_year_flag
8851          , conversion_date
8853          , remaining_life1
8854          , remaining_life2
8855          , group_asset_id
8856          , old_adjusted_cost
8857          , formula_factor
8858          , salvage_type
8859          , deprn_limit_type
8860          , over_depreciate_option
8861          , super_group_id
8862          , reduction_rate
8863          , reduce_addition_flag
8864          , reduce_adjustment_flag
8865          , reduce_retirement_flag
8866          , recognize_gain_loss
8867          , recapture_reserve_flag
8868          , limit_proceeds_flag
8869          , terminal_gain_loss
8870          , tracking_method
8871          , exclude_fully_rsv_flag
8872          , excess_allocation_option
8873          , depreciation_option
8874          , member_rollup_flag
8875          , ytd_proceeds
8876          , ltd_proceeds
8877          , allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
8878          , allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
8879          , cip_cost
8880          , terminal_gain_loss_amount
8881          , ltd_cost_of_removal
8882          , prior_eofy_reserve
8883          , eofy_reserve
8884          , eop_adj_cost
8885          , eop_formula_factor
8886          , global_attribute1
8887          , global_attribute2
8888          , global_attribute3
8889          , global_attribute4
8890          , global_attribute5
8891          , global_attribute6
8892          , global_attribute7
8893          , global_attribute8
8894          , global_attribute9
8898          , global_attribute13
8895          , global_attribute10
8896          , global_attribute11
8897          , global_attribute12
8899          , global_attribute14
8900          , global_attribute15
8901          , global_attribute16
8902          , global_attribute17
8903          , global_attribute18
8904          , global_attribute19
8905          , global_attribute20
8906          , global_attribute_category
8907     from   fa_books_mrc_v
8908     where  asset_id                  = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
8909     and    book_type_code            = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
8910     and    (transaction_header_id_out = p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
8911         or  (transaction_header_id_in < p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id and
8912              transaction_header_id_out is null))
8913     order by transaction_header_id_in desc;
8915   Cursor c_get_init_mcbk_winit IS
8916     select date_placed_in_service
8917          , deprn_start_date
8918          , deprn_method_code
8919          , life_in_months
8920          , rate_adjustment_factor
8921          , adjusted_cost
8922          , cost
8923          , original_cost
8924          , salvage_value
8925          , prorate_convention_code
8926          , prorate_date
8927          , cost_change_flag
8928          , adjustment_required_status
8929          , capitalize_flag
8930          , retirement_pending_flag
8931          , depreciate_flag
8932          , itc_amount_id
8933          , itc_amount
8934          , retirement_id
8935          , tax_request_id
8936          , itc_basis
8937          , basic_rate
8938          , adjusted_rate
8939          , bonus_rule
8940          , ceiling_name
8941          , recoverable_cost
8942          , adjusted_capacity
8943          , fully_rsvd_revals_counter
8944          , idled_flag
8945          , period_counter_capitalized
8946          , period_counter_fully_reserved
8947          , period_counter_fully_retired
8948          , production_capacity
8949          , reval_amortization_basis
8950          , reval_ceiling
8951          , unit_of_measure
8952          , unrevalued_cost
8953          , annual_deprn_rounding_flag
8954          , percent_salvage_value
8955          , allowed_deprn_limit
8956          , allowed_deprn_limit_amount
8957          , period_counter_life_complete
8958          , adjusted_recoverable_cost
8959          , annual_rounding_flag
8960          , eofy_adj_cost
8961          , eofy_formula_factor
8962          , short_fiscal_year_flag
8963          , conversion_date
8965          , remaining_life1
8966          , remaining_life2
8967          , group_asset_id
8968          , old_adjusted_cost
8969          , formula_factor
8970          , salvage_type
8971          , deprn_limit_type
8972          , over_depreciate_option
8973          , super_group_id
8974          , reduction_rate
8975          , reduce_addition_flag
8976          , reduce_adjustment_flag
8977          , reduce_retirement_flag
8978          , recognize_gain_loss
8979          , recapture_reserve_flag
8980          , limit_proceeds_flag
8981          , terminal_gain_loss
8982          , tracking_method
8983          , exclude_fully_rsv_flag
8984          , excess_allocation_option
8985          , depreciation_option
8986          , member_rollup_flag
8987          , ytd_proceeds
8988          , ltd_proceeds
8989          , allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
8990          , allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
8991          , cip_cost
8992          , terminal_gain_loss_amount
8993          , ltd_cost_of_removal
8994          , prior_eofy_reserve
8995          , eofy_reserve
8996          , eop_adj_cost
8997          , eop_formula_factor
8998          , global_attribute1
8999          , global_attribute2
9000          , global_attribute3
9001          , global_attribute4
9002          , global_attribute5
9003          , global_attribute6
9004          , global_attribute7
9005          , global_attribute8
9006          , global_attribute9
9007          , global_attribute10
9008          , global_attribute11
9009          , global_attribute12
9010          , global_attribute13
9011          , global_attribute14
9012          , global_attribute15
9013          , global_attribute16
9014          , global_attribute17
9015          , global_attribute18
9016          , global_attribute19
9017          , global_attribute20
9018          , global_attribute_category
9019     from   fa_books_mrc_v
9020     where  asset_id                  = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
9021     and    book_type_code            = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
9022     and    (transaction_header_id_out = p_init_transaction_header_id
9023         or  (p_init_transaction_header_id > transaction_header_id_in and
9024              transaction_header_id_in < p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id and
9025              transaction_header_id_out is null))
9026     order by transaction_header_id_in desc;
9028  /* Bug 4043619 : Modified the cursor for salvage_value, allow_deprn_limit and allow_deprn_limit_adjusted. */
9029  /* Bug 5386577 : Modified the cursor so that it returns the deprn_method_code correctly for assets
9030                   using depreciation method 'Units of production in hours' */
9032   Cursor c_get_bk (c_asset_id              number,
9033                    c_transaction_header_id number) IS
9037                      outbk.deprn_method_code,
9034     select inbk.date_placed_in_service
9035          , inbk.deprn_start_date
9036          , decode(inbk.deprn_method_code,
9038                         decode(inbk.life_in_months,
9039                                   outbk.life_in_months,
9040                                       decode(inbk.basic_rate,
9041                                                 outbk.basic_rate,
9042                                                    decode(inbk.adjusted_rate,
9043                                                              outbk.adjusted_rate,
9044                                                                 decode(inbk.production_capacity,
9045                                                                          outbk.production_capacity,
9046                                                                                     null,
9047                                                                                     inbk.deprn_method_code),
9048                                                                 inbk.deprn_method_code),
9049                                                    inbk.deprn_method_code),
9050                                       inbk.deprn_method_code),
9051                         inbk.deprn_method_code)
9052          , decode(inbk.deprn_method_code,
9053                      outbk.deprn_method_code,
9054                         decode(inbk.life_in_months,
9055                                 outbk.life_in_months, null,
9056                                                       inbk.life_in_months),
9057                         inbk.life_in_months)
9058          , inbk.rate_adjustment_factor
9059          , inbk.adjusted_cost
9060          , inbk.cost - nvl(outbk.cost, 0)
9061          , inbk.original_cost
9062          , decode(inbk.salvage_type,
9063                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9064                               'PCT',inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
9065                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)),
9066                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9067                                'AMT',inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
9068                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)))
9069          , inbk.prorate_convention_code
9070          , inbk.prorate_date
9071          , inbk.cost_change_flag
9072          , inbk.adjustment_required_status
9073          , inbk.capitalize_flag
9074          , inbk.retirement_pending_flag
9075          , inbk.depreciate_flag
9076          , inbk.itc_amount_id
9077          , inbk.itc_amount
9078          , inbk.retirement_id
9079          , inbk.tax_request_id
9080          , inbk.itc_basis
9081          -- Bug:5844121
9082 	 , decode(inbk.deprn_method_code,
9083                      outbk.deprn_method_code,
9084                             decode(inbk.basic_rate,
9085                                     outbk.basic_rate,  decode(inbk.adjusted_rate,
9086                                                               outbk.adjusted_rate, null,
9087                                                               inbk.basic_rate),
9088                                                       inbk.basic_rate),
9089                             inbk.basic_rate)
9090          , decode(inbk.deprn_method_code,
9091                      outbk.deprn_method_code,
9092                             decode(inbk.adjusted_rate,
9093                                     outbk.adjusted_rate,  decode(inbk.basic_rate,
9094                                                               outbk.basic_rate, null,
9095                                                               inbk.adjusted_rate),
9096                                                          inbk.adjusted_rate),
9097                             inbk.adjusted_rate)
9098          , inbk.bonus_rule
9099          , inbk.ceiling_name
9100          , inbk.recoverable_cost
9101          , inbk.adjusted_capacity
9102          , decode(inbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter,
9103                   null, decode(outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter,
9104                                null, null,
9105                                      outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter),
9106                         nvl(inbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter, 0) -
9107                         nvl(outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter, 0))
9108          , inbk.idled_flag
9109          , inbk.period_counter_capitalized
9110          , inbk.period_counter_fully_reserved
9111          , inbk.period_counter_fully_retired
9112          , decode(inbk.production_capacity,
9113                   null, decode(outbk.production_capacity,
9114                                null, null,
9115                                      outbk.production_capacity),
9116                         nvl(inbk.production_capacity, 0) - nvl(outbk.production_capacity, 0))
9117          , decode(inbk.reval_amortization_basis,
9118                   null, decode(outbk.reval_amortization_basis,
9119                                null, null,
9120                                      outbk.reval_amortization_basis),
9121                         nvl(inbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0) -
9122                         nvl(outbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0))
9123          , decode(inbk.reval_ceiling,
9124                   null, decode(outbk.reval_ceiling,
9125                                null, null,
9126                                      outbk.reval_ceiling),
9127                         nvl(inbk.reval_ceiling, 0) - nvl(outbk.reval_ceiling, 0))
9131          , decode(inbk.salvage_type,
9128          , inbk.unit_of_measure
9129          , inbk.unrevalued_cost - nvl(outbk.unrevalued_cost, 0)
9130          , inbk.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
9132                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9133                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)  - nvl(outbk.percent_salvage_value, 0),
9134                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)),
9135                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9136                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)  - nvl(outbk.percent_salvage_value, 0),
9137                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)))
9138          , decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
9139                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9140                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0),
9141                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0)),
9142                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9143                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0),
9144                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0)))
9145         , decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
9146                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9147                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0),
9148                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)),
9149                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9150                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0),
9151                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)))
9152          , inbk.period_counter_life_complete
9153          , inbk.adjusted_recoverable_cost
9154          , inbk.annual_rounding_flag
9155          , inbk.eofy_adj_cost
9156          , inbk.eofy_formula_factor
9157          , inbk.short_fiscal_year_flag
9158          , inbk.conversion_date
9159          , inbk.ORIGINAL_DEPRN_START_DATE
9160          , inbk.remaining_life1
9161          , inbk.remaining_life2
9162          , inbk.group_asset_id
9163          , inbk.old_adjusted_cost
9164          , inbk.formula_factor
9165          , inbk.salvage_type
9166          , inbk.deprn_limit_type
9167          , inbk.over_depreciate_option
9168          , decode(inbk.super_group_id, outbk.super_group_id, null, inbk.super_group_id)
9169          , decode(inbk.reduction_rate,
9170                   null, decode(outbk.reduction_rate,
9171                                null, null,
9172                                      outbk.reduction_rate),
9173                         nvl(inbk.reduction_rate, 0) - nvl(outbk.reduction_rate, 0))
9174          , inbk.reduce_addition_flag
9175          , inbk.reduce_adjustment_flag
9176          , inbk.reduce_retirement_flag
9177          , inbk.recognize_gain_loss
9178          , inbk.recapture_reserve_flag
9179          , inbk.limit_proceeds_flag
9180          , inbk.terminal_gain_loss
9181          , inbk.tracking_method
9182          , inbk.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
9183          , inbk.excess_allocation_option
9184          , inbk.depreciation_option
9185          , inbk.member_rollup_flag
9186          , inbk.ytd_proceeds
9187          , inbk.ltd_proceeds
9188          , inbk.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
9189          , inbk.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
9190          , nvl(inbk.cip_cost, 0) - nvl(outbk.cip_cost, 0)
9191          , inbk.terminal_gain_loss_amount
9192          , inbk.ltd_cost_of_removal
9193          , inbk.prior_eofy_reserve
9194          , nvl(inbk.eofy_reserve, 0) - nvl(outbk.eofy_reserve, 0)
9195          , inbk.eop_adj_cost
9196          , inbk.eop_formula_factor
9197          , inbk.global_attribute1
9198          , inbk.global_attribute2
9199          , inbk.global_attribute3
9200          , inbk.global_attribute4
9201          , inbk.global_attribute5
9202          , inbk.global_attribute6
9203          , inbk.global_attribute7
9204          , inbk.global_attribute8
9205          , inbk.global_attribute9
9206          , inbk.global_attribute10
9207          , inbk.global_attribute11
9208          , inbk.global_attribute12
9209          , inbk.global_attribute13
9210          , inbk.global_attribute14
9211          , inbk.global_attribute15
9212          , inbk.global_attribute16
9213          , inbk.global_attribute17
9214          , inbk.global_attribute18
9215          , inbk.global_attribute19
9216          , inbk.global_attribute20
9217          , inbk.global_attribute_category
9218     from   fa_books inbk,
9219            fa_books outbk
9220     where  inbk.asset_id = c_asset_id
9221     and    inbk.asset_id = outbk.asset_id(+)
9222     and    inbk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
9223     and    inbk.book_type_code = outbk.book_type_code(+)
9224     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
9225     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+);
9227 /* Bug 4043619 : Modified the mrc cursor for salvage_value, allow_deprn_limit and allow_deprn_limit_adjusted. */
9228 /* Bug 5386577 : Modified the mrc cursor so that it returns the deprn_method_code correctly for assets
9229                  using depreciation method 'Units of production in hours' */
9231   Cursor c_get_mcbk (c_asset_id              number,
9232                    c_transaction_header_id number) IS
9236                      outbk.deprn_method_code,
9233     select inbk.date_placed_in_service
9234          , inbk.deprn_start_date
9235          , decode(inbk.deprn_method_code,
9237                         decode(inbk.life_in_months,
9238                                   outbk.life_in_months,
9239                                       decode(inbk.basic_rate,
9240                                                 outbk.basic_rate,
9241                                                    decode(inbk.adjusted_rate,
9242                                                              outbk.adjusted_rate,
9243                                                                 decode(inbk.production_capacity,
9244                                                                          outbk.production_capacity,
9245                                                                                     null,
9246                                                                                     inbk.deprn_method_code),
9247                                                                 inbk.deprn_method_code),
9248                                                    inbk.deprn_method_code),
9249                                       inbk.deprn_method_code),
9250                         inbk.deprn_method_code)
9251          , decode(inbk.deprn_method_code,
9252                      outbk.deprn_method_code, decode(inbk.life_in_months,
9253                                                         outbk.life_in_months, null,
9254                                                                             inbk.life_in_months),
9255                                               inbk.life_in_months)
9256          , inbk.rate_adjustment_factor
9257          , inbk.adjusted_cost
9258          , inbk.cost - nvl(outbk.cost, 0)
9259          , inbk.original_cost
9260          , decode(inbk.salvage_type,
9261                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9262                               'PCT',inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
9263                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)),
9264                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9265                                'AMT',inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
9266                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)))
9267          , inbk.prorate_convention_code
9268          , inbk.prorate_date
9269          , inbk.cost_change_flag
9270          , inbk.adjustment_required_status
9271          , inbk.capitalize_flag
9272          , inbk.retirement_pending_flag
9273          , inbk.depreciate_flag
9274          , inbk.itc_amount_id
9275          , inbk.itc_amount
9276          , inbk.retirement_id
9277          , inbk.tax_request_id
9278          , inbk.itc_basis
9279          -- Bug:5844121
9280 	 , decode(inbk.deprn_method_code,
9281                      outbk.deprn_method_code, decode(inbk.basic_rate,
9282                                                         outbk.basic_rate, decode(inbk.adjusted_rate,
9283                                                                                  outbk.adjusted_rate, null,
9284                                                                                  inbk.basic_rate),
9285                                                                         inbk.basic_rate),
9286                                               inbk.basic_rate)
9287          , decode(inbk.deprn_method_code,
9288                      outbk.deprn_method_code, decode(inbk.adjusted_rate,
9289                                                         outbk.adjusted_rate, decode(inbk.basic_rate,
9290                                                                                     outbk.basic_rate, null,
9291                                                                                     inbk.adjusted_rate),
9292                                                                            inbk.adjusted_rate),
9293                                               inbk.adjusted_rate)
9294          , inbk.bonus_rule
9295          , inbk.ceiling_name
9296          , inbk.recoverable_cost
9297          , inbk.adjusted_capacity
9298          , decode(inbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter,
9299                   null, decode(outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter,
9300                                null, null,
9301                                      outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter),
9302                         nvl(inbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter, 0) -
9303                         nvl(outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter, 0))
9304          , inbk.idled_flag
9305          , inbk.period_counter_capitalized
9306          , inbk.period_counter_fully_reserved
9307          , inbk.period_counter_fully_retired
9308          , decode(inbk.production_capacity,
9309                   null, decode(outbk.production_capacity,
9310                                null, null,
9311                                      outbk.production_capacity),
9312                         nvl(inbk.production_capacity, 0) - nvl(outbk.production_capacity, 0))
9313          , decode(inbk.reval_amortization_basis,
9314                   null, decode(outbk.reval_amortization_basis,
9315                                null, null,
9316                                      outbk.reval_amortization_basis),
9317                         nvl(inbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0) -
9318                         nvl(outbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0))
9319          , decode(inbk.reval_ceiling,
9320                   null, decode(outbk.reval_ceiling,
9321                                null, null,
9322                                      outbk.reval_ceiling),
9323                         nvl(inbk.reval_ceiling, 0) - nvl(outbk.reval_ceiling, 0))
9327          , decode(inbk.salvage_type,
9324          , inbk.unit_of_measure
9325          , inbk.unrevalued_cost - nvl(outbk.unrevalued_cost, 0)
9326          , inbk.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
9328                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9329                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)  - nvl(outbk.percent_salvage_value, 0),
9330                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)),
9331                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9332                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)  - nvl(outbk.percent_salvage_value, 0),
9333                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)))
9334          , decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
9335                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9336                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0),
9337                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0)),
9338                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9339                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0),
9340                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0)))
9341         , decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
9342                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9343                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0),
9344                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)),
9345                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9346                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0),
9347                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)))
9348          , inbk.period_counter_life_complete
9349          , inbk.adjusted_recoverable_cost
9350          , inbk.annual_rounding_flag
9351          , inbk.eofy_adj_cost
9352          , inbk.eofy_formula_factor
9353          , inbk.short_fiscal_year_flag
9354          , inbk.conversion_date
9355          , inbk.ORIGINAL_DEPRN_START_DATE
9356          , inbk.remaining_life1
9357          , inbk.remaining_life2
9358          , inbk.group_asset_id
9359          , inbk.old_adjusted_cost
9360          , inbk.formula_factor
9361          , inbk.salvage_type
9362          , inbk.deprn_limit_type
9363          , inbk.over_depreciate_option
9364          , decode(inbk.super_group_id, outbk.super_group_id, null, inbk.super_group_id)
9365          , decode(inbk.reduction_rate,
9366                   null, decode(outbk.reduction_rate,
9367                                null, null,
9368                                      outbk.reduction_rate),
9369                         nvl(inbk.reduction_rate, 0) - nvl(outbk.reduction_rate, 0))
9370          , inbk.reduce_addition_flag
9371          , inbk.reduce_adjustment_flag
9372          , inbk.reduce_retirement_flag
9373          , inbk.recognize_gain_loss
9374          , inbk.recapture_reserve_flag
9375          , inbk.limit_proceeds_flag
9376          , inbk.terminal_gain_loss
9377          , inbk.tracking_method
9378          , inbk.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
9379          , inbk.excess_allocation_option
9380          , inbk.depreciation_option
9381          , inbk.member_rollup_flag
9382          , inbk.ytd_proceeds
9383          , inbk.ltd_proceeds
9384          , inbk.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
9385          , inbk.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
9386          , nvl(inbk.cip_cost, 0) - nvl(outbk.cip_cost, 0)
9387          , inbk.terminal_gain_loss_amount
9388          , inbk.ltd_cost_of_removal
9389          , inbk.prior_eofy_reserve
9390          , nvl(inbk.eofy_reserve, 0) - nvl(outbk.eofy_reserve, 0)
9391          , inbk.eop_adj_cost
9392          , inbk.eop_formula_factor
9393          , inbk.global_attribute1
9394          , inbk.global_attribute2
9395          , inbk.global_attribute3
9396          , inbk.global_attribute4
9397          , inbk.global_attribute5
9398          , inbk.global_attribute6
9399          , inbk.global_attribute7
9400          , inbk.global_attribute8
9401          , inbk.global_attribute9
9402          , inbk.global_attribute10
9403          , inbk.global_attribute11
9404          , inbk.global_attribute12
9405          , inbk.global_attribute13
9406          , inbk.global_attribute14
9407          , inbk.global_attribute15
9408          , inbk.global_attribute16
9409          , inbk.global_attribute17
9410          , inbk.global_attribute18
9411          , inbk.global_attribute19
9412          , inbk.global_attribute20
9413          , inbk.global_attribute_category
9414     from   fa_books_mrc_v inbk,
9415            fa_books_mrc_v outbk
9416     where  inbk.asset_id = c_asset_id
9417     and    inbk.asset_id = outbk.asset_id(+)
9418     and    inbk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
9419     and    inbk.book_type_code = outbk.book_type_code(+)
9420     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
9421     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+);
9423 /* Bug 4043619 : Modified the cursor for salvage_value, allow_deprn_limit and allow_deprn_limit_adjusted. */
9425   -- In case px_asset_fin_rec is null
9426   Cursor c_get_bk2 (c_asset_id              number,
9427                         c_transaction_header_id number) IS
9428     select inbk.date_placed_in_service
9432          , inbk.rate_adjustment_factor
9429          , inbk.deprn_start_date
9430          , inbk.deprn_method_code
9431          , inbk.life_in_months
9433          , inbk.adjusted_cost
9434          , inbk.cost - nvl(outbk.cost, 0)
9435          , inbk.original_cost
9436          , decode(inbk.salvage_type,
9437                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9438                               'PCT',inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
9439                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)),
9440                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9441                                'AMT',inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
9442                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)))
9443          , inbk.prorate_convention_code
9444          , inbk.prorate_date
9445          , inbk.cost_change_flag
9446          , inbk.adjustment_required_status
9447          , inbk.capitalize_flag
9448          , inbk.retirement_pending_flag
9449          , inbk.depreciate_flag
9450          , inbk.itc_amount_id
9451          , inbk.itc_amount
9452          , inbk.retirement_id
9453          , inbk.tax_request_id
9454          , inbk.itc_basis
9455          , inbk.basic_rate
9456          , inbk.adjusted_rate
9457          , inbk.bonus_rule
9458          , inbk.ceiling_name
9459          , inbk.recoverable_cost
9460          , inbk.adjusted_capacity
9461          , decode(inbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter,
9462                   null, decode(outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter,
9463                                null, null,
9464                                      outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter),
9465                         nvl(inbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter, 0) -
9466                         nvl(outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter, 0))
9467          , inbk.idled_flag
9468          , inbk.period_counter_capitalized
9469          , inbk.period_counter_fully_reserved
9470          , inbk.period_counter_fully_retired
9471          , decode(inbk.production_capacity,
9472                   null, decode(outbk.production_capacity,
9473                                null, null,
9474                                      outbk.production_capacity),
9475                         nvl(inbk.production_capacity, 0) - nvl(outbk.production_capacity, 0))
9476          , decode(inbk.reval_amortization_basis,
9477                   null, decode(outbk.reval_amortization_basis,
9478                                null, null,
9479                                      outbk.reval_amortization_basis),
9480                         nvl(inbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0) -
9481                         nvl(outbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0))
9482          , decode(inbk.reval_ceiling,
9483                   null, decode(outbk.reval_ceiling,
9484                                null, null,
9485                                      outbk.reval_ceiling),
9486                         nvl(inbk.reval_ceiling, 0) - nvl(outbk.reval_ceiling, 0))
9487          , inbk.unit_of_measure
9488          , inbk.unrevalued_cost - nvl(outbk.unrevalued_cost, 0)
9489          , inbk.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
9490          , decode(inbk.salvage_type,
9491                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9492                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)  - nvl(outbk.percent_salvage_value, 0),
9493                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)),
9494                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9495                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)  - nvl(outbk.percent_salvage_value, 0),
9496                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)))
9497          , decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
9498                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9499                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0),
9500                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0)),
9501                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9502                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0),
9503                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0)))
9504         , decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
9505                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9506                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0),
9507                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)),
9508                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9509                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0),
9510                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)))
9511          , inbk.period_counter_life_complete
9512          , inbk.adjusted_recoverable_cost
9513          , inbk.annual_rounding_flag
9514          , inbk.eofy_adj_cost
9515          , inbk.eofy_formula_factor
9516          , inbk.short_fiscal_year_flag
9517          , inbk.conversion_date
9518          , inbk.ORIGINAL_DEPRN_START_DATE
9519          , inbk.remaining_life1
9520          , inbk.remaining_life2
9521          , inbk.group_asset_id
9522          , inbk.old_adjusted_cost
9523          , inbk.formula_factor
9524          , inbk.salvage_type
9525          , inbk.deprn_limit_type
9526          , inbk.over_depreciate_option
9527          , decode(inbk.super_group_id, outbk.super_group_id, null, inbk.super_group_id)
9528          , decode(inbk.reduction_rate,
9532                         nvl(inbk.reduction_rate, 0) - nvl(outbk.reduction_rate, 0))
9529                   null, decode(outbk.reduction_rate,
9530                                null, null,
9531                                      outbk.reduction_rate),
9533          , inbk.reduce_addition_flag
9534          , inbk.reduce_adjustment_flag
9535          , inbk.reduce_retirement_flag
9536          , inbk.recognize_gain_loss
9537          , inbk.recapture_reserve_flag
9538          , inbk.limit_proceeds_flag
9539          , inbk.terminal_gain_loss
9540          , inbk.tracking_method
9541          , inbk.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
9542          , inbk.excess_allocation_option
9543          , inbk.depreciation_option
9544          , inbk.member_rollup_flag
9545          , inbk.ytd_proceeds
9546          , inbk.ltd_proceeds
9547          , inbk.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
9548          , inbk.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
9549          , nvl(inbk.cip_cost, 0) - nvl(outbk.cip_cost, 0)
9550          , inbk.terminal_gain_loss_amount
9551          , inbk.ltd_cost_of_removal
9552          , inbk.prior_eofy_reserve
9553          , nvl(inbk.eofy_reserve, 0) - nvl(outbk.eofy_reserve, 0)
9554          , inbk.eop_adj_cost
9555          , inbk.eop_formula_factor
9556          , inbk.global_attribute1
9557          , inbk.global_attribute2
9558          , inbk.global_attribute3
9559          , inbk.global_attribute4
9560          , inbk.global_attribute5
9561          , inbk.global_attribute6
9562          , inbk.global_attribute7
9563          , inbk.global_attribute8
9564          , inbk.global_attribute9
9565          , inbk.global_attribute10
9566          , inbk.global_attribute11
9567          , inbk.global_attribute12
9568          , inbk.global_attribute13
9569          , inbk.global_attribute14
9570          , inbk.global_attribute15
9571          , inbk.global_attribute16
9572          , inbk.global_attribute17
9573          , inbk.global_attribute18
9574          , inbk.global_attribute19
9575          , inbk.global_attribute20
9576          , inbk.global_attribute_category
9577     from   fa_books inbk,
9578            fa_books outbk
9579     where  inbk.asset_id = c_asset_id
9580     and    inbk.asset_id = outbk.asset_id(+)
9581     and    inbk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
9582     and    inbk.book_type_code = outbk.book_type_code(+)
9583     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
9584     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+);
9587 /* Bug 4043619 : Modified the mrc cursor for salvage_value, allow_deprn_limit and allow_deprn_limit_adjusted. */
9589   -- In case px_asset_fin_rec is null
9590   Cursor c_get_mcbk2 (c_asset_id              number,
9591                    c_transaction_header_id number) IS
9592     select inbk.date_placed_in_service
9593          , inbk.deprn_start_date
9594          , inbk.deprn_method_code
9595          , inbk.life_in_months
9596          , inbk.rate_adjustment_factor
9597          , inbk.adjusted_cost
9598          , inbk.cost - nvl(outbk.cost, 0)
9599          , inbk.original_cost
9600          , decode(inbk.salvage_type,
9601                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9602                               'PCT',inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
9603                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)),
9604                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9605                                'AMT',inbk.salvage_value - nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0),
9606                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)))
9607          , inbk.prorate_convention_code
9608          , inbk.prorate_date
9609          , inbk.cost_change_flag
9610          , inbk.adjustment_required_status
9611          , inbk.capitalize_flag
9612          , inbk.retirement_pending_flag
9613          , inbk.depreciate_flag
9614          , inbk.itc_amount_id
9615          , inbk.itc_amount
9616          , inbk.retirement_id
9617          , inbk.tax_request_id
9618          , inbk.itc_basis
9619          , inbk.basic_rate
9620          , inbk.adjusted_rate
9621          , inbk.bonus_rule
9622          , inbk.ceiling_name
9623          , inbk.recoverable_cost
9624          , inbk.adjusted_capacity
9625          , decode(inbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter,
9626                   null, decode(outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter,
9627                                null, null,
9628                                      outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter),
9629                         nvl(inbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter, 0) -
9630                         nvl(outbk.fully_rsvd_revals_counter, 0))
9631          , inbk.idled_flag
9632          , inbk.period_counter_capitalized
9633          , inbk.period_counter_fully_reserved
9634          , inbk.period_counter_fully_retired
9635          , decode(inbk.production_capacity,
9636                   null, decode(outbk.production_capacity,
9637                                null, null,
9638                                      outbk.production_capacity),
9639                         nvl(inbk.production_capacity, 0) - nvl(outbk.production_capacity, 0))
9640          , decode(inbk.reval_amortization_basis,
9641                   null, decode(outbk.reval_amortization_basis,
9642                                null, null,
9643                                      outbk.reval_amortization_basis),
9644                         nvl(inbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0) -
9645                         nvl(outbk.reval_amortization_basis, 0))
9649                                      outbk.reval_ceiling),
9646          , decode(inbk.reval_ceiling,
9647                   null, decode(outbk.reval_ceiling,
9648                                null, null,
9650                         nvl(inbk.reval_ceiling, 0) - nvl(outbk.reval_ceiling, 0))
9651          , inbk.unit_of_measure
9652          , inbk.unrevalued_cost - nvl(outbk.unrevalued_cost, 0)
9653          , inbk.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
9654          , decode(inbk.salvage_type,
9655                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9656                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)  - nvl(outbk.percent_salvage_value, 0),
9657                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)),
9658                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.salvage_type, inbk.salvage_type),
9659                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)  - nvl(outbk.percent_salvage_value, 0),
9660                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.percent_salvage_value, 0)))
9661          , decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
9662                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9663                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0),
9664                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0)),
9665                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9666                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0),
9667                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit, 0)))
9668         , decode(inbk.deprn_limit_type,
9669                   'PCT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9670                               'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0),
9671                               'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)),
9672                   'AMT', decode(nvl(outbk.deprn_limit_type, inbk.deprn_limit_type),
9673                                'AMT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) - nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0),
9674                                'PCT',nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)))
9675          , inbk.period_counter_life_complete
9676          , inbk.adjusted_recoverable_cost
9677          , inbk.annual_rounding_flag
9678          , inbk.eofy_adj_cost
9679          , inbk.eofy_formula_factor
9680          , inbk.short_fiscal_year_flag
9681          , inbk.conversion_date
9682          , inbk.ORIGINAL_DEPRN_START_DATE
9683          , inbk.remaining_life1
9684          , inbk.remaining_life2
9685          , inbk.group_asset_id
9686          , inbk.old_adjusted_cost
9687          , inbk.formula_factor
9688          , inbk.salvage_type
9689          , inbk.deprn_limit_type
9690          , inbk.over_depreciate_option
9691          , decode(inbk.super_group_id, outbk.super_group_id, null, inbk.super_group_id)
9692          , decode(inbk.reduction_rate,
9693                   null, decode(outbk.reduction_rate,
9694                                null, null,
9695                                      outbk.reduction_rate),
9696                         nvl(inbk.reduction_rate, 0) - nvl(outbk.reduction_rate, 0))
9697          , inbk.reduce_addition_flag
9698          , inbk.reduce_adjustment_flag
9699          , inbk.reduce_retirement_flag
9700          , inbk.recognize_gain_loss
9701          , inbk.recapture_reserve_flag
9702          , inbk.limit_proceeds_flag
9703          , inbk.terminal_gain_loss
9704          , inbk.tracking_method
9705          , inbk.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
9706          , inbk.excess_allocation_option
9707          , inbk.depreciation_option
9708          , inbk.member_rollup_flag
9709          , inbk.ytd_proceeds
9710          , inbk.ltd_proceeds
9711          , inbk.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
9712          , inbk.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
9713          , nvl(inbk.cip_cost, 0) - nvl(outbk.cip_cost, 0)
9714          , inbk.terminal_gain_loss_amount
9715          , inbk.ltd_cost_of_removal
9716          , inbk.prior_eofy_reserve
9717          , nvl(inbk.eofy_reserve, 0) - nvl(outbk.eofy_reserve, 0)
9718          , inbk.eop_adj_cost
9719          , inbk.eop_formula_factor
9720          , inbk.global_attribute1
9721          , inbk.global_attribute2
9722          , inbk.global_attribute3
9723          , inbk.global_attribute4
9724          , inbk.global_attribute5
9725          , inbk.global_attribute6
9726          , inbk.global_attribute7
9727          , inbk.global_attribute8
9728          , inbk.global_attribute9
9729          , inbk.global_attribute10
9730          , inbk.global_attribute11
9731          , inbk.global_attribute12
9732          , inbk.global_attribute13
9733          , inbk.global_attribute14
9734          , inbk.global_attribute15
9735          , inbk.global_attribute16
9736          , inbk.global_attribute17
9737          , inbk.global_attribute18
9738          , inbk.global_attribute19
9739          , inbk.global_attribute20
9740          , inbk.global_attribute_category
9741     from   fa_books_mrc_v inbk,
9742            fa_books_mrc_v outbk
9743     where  inbk.asset_id = c_asset_id
9744     and    inbk.asset_id = outbk.asset_id(+)
9745     and    inbk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
9746     and    inbk.book_type_code = outbk.book_type_code(+)
9747     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
9748     and    inbk.transaction_header_id_in = outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+);
9751   CURSOR c_get_member_asset_id IS
9752     select asset_id
9753     from fa_transaction_headers
9754     where transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id;
9756   l_calling_fn         VARCHAR2(100) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.GetFinRec';
9757   l_asset_fin_rec_adj  FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
9758   l_asset_desc_rec     FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type;
9759   l_asset_cat_rec      FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type;
9760   l_asset_deprn_rec    FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type;
9761   l_period_rec         FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type;
9763   l_is_member_trx_for_group      BOOLEAN := FALSE;
9764   l_asset_id                     NUMBER;
9765   l_transaction_header_id        NUMBER;
9767   l_tmp_cost                     NUMBER;
9768   l_tmp_percent_salvage_value    NUMBER;
9769   l_tmp_salvage_value            NUMBER;
9770   l_tmp_allowed_deprn_limit      NUMBER;
9771   l_tmp_allowed_deprn_limit_amt  NUMBER;
9772   l_tmp_production_capacity      NUMBER;
9773   l_tmp_fully_rsv_revals_counter NUMBER;
9774   l_tmp_reval_amortization_basis NUMBER;
9775   l_tmp_reval_ceiling            NUMBER;
9776   l_tmp_unrevalued_cost          NUMBER;
9777   l_tmp_eofy_reserve             NUMBER;
9779   l_adj_found                    BOOLEAN := FALSE;
9780   l_reclass_trx                  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
9782   calc_failed  EXCEPTION;
9784 BEGIN
9786    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
9787       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service||':'||
9788                                               p_init_transaction_header_id
9789                                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
9790    end if;
9792    x_dpis_change := FALSE;
9794    if (p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id is null and
9795        p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id is not null) then
9796       l_is_member_trx_for_group := TRUE;
9798       OPEN c_get_member_asset_id;
9799       FETCH c_get_member_asset_id INTO l_asset_id;
9800       CLOSE c_get_member_asset_id;
9802       l_transaction_header_id := p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id;
9804        if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
9805           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Need to get Delta from member', l_asset_id
9806                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
9807        end if;
9809    else
9810      l_asset_id := p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id;
9811      l_transaction_header_id := p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id;
9812    end if;
9814 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec, 'GO1');
9816    if (nvl(p_mrc_sob_type_code, 'P') = 'R') then
9817       if (px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service is  null) then
9819          if p_init_transaction_header_id is null then
9820             OPEN c_get_init_mcbk;
9821             FETCH c_get_init_mcbk INTO px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service
9822                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_start_date
9823                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code
9824                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months
9825                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor
9826                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost
9827                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.cost
9828                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.original_cost
9829                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value
9830                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_convention_code
9831                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date
9832                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.cost_change_flag
9833                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjustment_required_status
9834                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.capitalize_flag
9835                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.retirement_pending_flag
9836                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag
9837                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount_id
9838                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount
9839                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.retirement_id
9840                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.tax_request_id
9841                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_basis
9842                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.basic_rate
9843                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate
9844                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule
9845                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name
9846                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.recoverable_cost
9847                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity
9848                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.fully_rsvd_revals_counter
9849                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.idled_flag
9850                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_capitalized
9851                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved
9852                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_retired
9853                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity
9854                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis
9855                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reval_ceiling
9856                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure
9857                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.unrevalued_cost
9858                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
9859                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value
9860                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit
9864                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.annual_rounding_flag
9861                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
9862                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete
9863                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_recoverable_cost
9865                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_adj_cost
9866                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_formula_factor
9867                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.short_fiscal_year_flag
9868                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.conversion_date
9869                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.orig_deprn_start_date
9870                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life1
9871                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life2
9872                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id
9873                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.old_adjusted_cost
9874                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor
9875                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type
9876                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type
9877                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option
9878                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.super_group_id
9879                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reduction_rate
9880                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_addition_flag
9881                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag
9882                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_retirement_flag
9883                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss
9884                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag
9885                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag
9886                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss
9887                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method
9888                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
9889                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option
9890                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option
9891                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag
9892                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.ytd_proceeds
9893                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.ltd_proceeds
9894                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
9895                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
9896                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost
9897                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss_amount
9898                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.ltd_cost_of_removal
9899                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.prior_eofy_reserve
9900                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve
9901                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eop_adj_cost
9902                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eop_formula_factor
9903                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute1
9904                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute2
9905                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute3
9906                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute4
9907                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute5
9908                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute6
9909                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute7
9910                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute8
9911                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute9
9912                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute10
9913                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute11
9914                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute12
9915                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute13
9916                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute14
9917                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute15
9918                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute16
9919                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute17
9920                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute18
9921                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute19
9922                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute20
9923                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute_category;
9924             CLOSE c_get_init_mcbk;
9925          else
9926             OPEN c_get_init_mcbk_winit;
9927             FETCH c_get_init_mcbk_winit INTO px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service
9928                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_start_date
9929                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code
9930                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months
9931                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor
9932                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost
9933                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.cost
9934                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.original_cost
9935                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value
9936                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_convention_code
9937                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date
9938                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.cost_change_flag
9939                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjustment_required_status
9940                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.capitalize_flag
9941                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.retirement_pending_flag
9945                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.retirement_id
9942                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag
9943                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount_id
9944                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount
9946                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.tax_request_id
9947                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_basis
9948                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.basic_rate
9949                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate
9950                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule
9951                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name
9952                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.recoverable_cost
9953                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity
9954                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.fully_rsvd_revals_counter
9955                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.idled_flag
9956                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_capitalized
9957                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved
9958                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_retired
9959                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity
9960                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis
9961                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reval_ceiling
9962                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure
9963                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.unrevalued_cost
9964                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
9965                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value
9966                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit
9967                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
9968                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete
9969                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_recoverable_cost
9970                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.annual_rounding_flag
9971                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_adj_cost
9972                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_formula_factor
9973                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.short_fiscal_year_flag
9974                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.conversion_date
9975                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.orig_deprn_start_date
9976                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life1
9977                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life2
9978                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id
9979                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.old_adjusted_cost
9980                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor
9981                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type
9982                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type
9983                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option
9984                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.super_group_id
9985                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reduction_rate
9986                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_addition_flag
9987                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag
9988                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_retirement_flag
9989                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss
9990                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag
9991                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag
9992                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss
9993                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method
9994                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
9995                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option
9996                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option
9997                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag
9998                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.ytd_proceeds
9999                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.ltd_proceeds
10000                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
10001                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
10002                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost
10003                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss_amount
10004                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.ltd_cost_of_removal
10005                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.prior_eofy_reserve
10006                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve
10007                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eop_adj_cost
10008                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.eop_formula_factor
10009                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute1
10010                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute2
10011                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute3
10012                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute4
10013                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute5
10014                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute6
10015                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute7
10016                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute8
10017                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute9
10018                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute10
10019                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute11
10023                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute15
10020                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute12
10021                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute13
10022                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute14
10024                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute16
10025                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute17
10026                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute18
10027                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute19
10028                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute20
10029                                   , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute_category;
10030             CLOSE c_get_init_mcbk_winit;
10032          end if;
10034          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10035             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Found initial fin_rec from db',
10036                              px_asset_fin_rec.cost
10037                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10038          end if;
10040 /*
10041          if p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code in
10042                        (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET) and
10043             not (p_use_fin_rec_adj) then
10044             x_asset_fin_rec_new := px_asset_fin_rec;
10046 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec, 'GO2');
10047 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(x_asset_fin_rec_new, 'GN');
10049             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10050                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', x_asset_fin_rec_new.cost
10051                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10052             end if;
10054             return TRUE;
10055          end if;
10056 */
10058 --      els -- BUG# 3947146
10060          if not (p_process_this_trx) then
10061             x_asset_fin_rec_new := px_asset_fin_rec;
10062             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10063                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', x_asset_fin_rec_new.cost
10064                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10065             end if;
10067             return TRUE;
10069          end if;
10071       end if;
10073       if (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code is null) then
10074          OPEN c_get_mcbk2(l_asset_id, l_transaction_header_id);
10075          FETCH c_get_mcbk2 INTO l_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service
10076                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_start_date
10077                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_method_code
10078                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months
10079                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.rate_adjustment_factor
10080                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_cost
10081                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10082                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.original_cost
10083                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value
10084                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_convention_code
10085                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_date
10086                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost_change_flag
10087                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjustment_required_status
10088                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.capitalize_flag
10089                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.retirement_pending_flag
10090                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciate_flag
10091                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_amount_id
10092                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_amount
10093                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.retirement_id
10094                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.tax_request_id
10095                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_basis
10096                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.basic_rate
10097                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate
10098                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.bonus_rule
10099                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ceiling_name
10100                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost
10101                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_capacity
10102                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.fully_rsvd_revals_counter
10103                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.idled_flag
10104                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_capitalized
10105                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_fully_reserved
10106                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_fully_retired
10107                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity
10108                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis
10109                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling
10110                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unit_of_measure
10111                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost
10112                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
10113                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value
10114                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit
10115                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
10116                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_life_complete
10117                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost
10118                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.annual_rounding_flag
10119                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_adj_cost
10120                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_formula_factor
10121                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.short_fiscal_year_flag
10125                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.remaining_life2
10122                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.conversion_date
10123                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.orig_deprn_start_date
10124                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.remaining_life1
10126                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.group_asset_id
10127                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.old_adjusted_cost
10128                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.formula_factor
10129                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_type
10130                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type
10131                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.over_depreciate_option
10132                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.super_group_id
10133                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduction_rate
10134                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_addition_flag
10135                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_adjustment_flag
10136                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_retirement_flag
10137                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recognize_gain_loss
10138                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recapture_reserve_flag
10139                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.limit_proceeds_flag
10140                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.terminal_gain_loss
10141                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.tracking_method
10142                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
10143                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.excess_allocation_option
10144                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciation_option
10145                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.member_rollup_flag
10146                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ytd_proceeds
10147                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_proceeds
10148                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
10149                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
10150                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost
10151                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.terminal_gain_loss_amount
10152                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_cost_of_removal
10153                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prior_eofy_reserve
10154                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve
10155                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eop_adj_cost
10156                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eop_formula_factor
10157                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute1
10158                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute2
10159                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute3
10160                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute4
10161                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute5
10162                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute6
10163                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute7
10164                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute8
10165                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute9
10166                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute10
10167                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute11
10168                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute12
10169                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute13
10170                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute14
10171                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute15
10172                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute16
10173                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute17
10174                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute18
10175                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute19
10176                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute20
10177                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute_category;
10178          l_adj_found := c_get_mcbk2%FOUND;
10179          CLOSE c_get_mcbk2;
10181       else
10182          OPEN c_get_mcbk(l_asset_id, l_transaction_header_id);
10183          FETCH c_get_mcbk INTO l_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service
10184                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_start_date
10185                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_method_code
10186                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months
10187                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.rate_adjustment_factor
10188                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_cost
10189                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10190                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.original_cost
10191                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value
10192                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_convention_code
10193                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_date
10194                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost_change_flag
10195                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjustment_required_status
10196                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.capitalize_flag
10197                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.retirement_pending_flag
10198                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciate_flag
10199                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_amount_id
10200                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_amount
10201                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.retirement_id
10202                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.tax_request_id
10203                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_basis
10204                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.basic_rate
10205                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate
10206                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.bonus_rule
10207                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ceiling_name
10208                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost
10209                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_capacity
10213                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_fully_reserved
10210                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.fully_rsvd_revals_counter
10211                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.idled_flag
10212                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_capitalized
10214                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_fully_retired
10215                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity
10216                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis
10217                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling
10218                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unit_of_measure
10219                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost
10220                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
10221                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value
10222                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit
10223                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
10224                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_life_complete
10225                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost
10226                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.annual_rounding_flag
10227                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_adj_cost
10228                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_formula_factor
10229                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.short_fiscal_year_flag
10230                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.conversion_date
10231                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.orig_deprn_start_date
10232                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.remaining_life1
10233                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.remaining_life2
10234                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.group_asset_id
10235                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.old_adjusted_cost
10236                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.formula_factor
10237                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_type
10238                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type
10239                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.over_depreciate_option
10240                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.super_group_id
10241                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduction_rate
10242                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_addition_flag
10243                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_adjustment_flag
10244                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_retirement_flag
10245                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recognize_gain_loss
10246                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recapture_reserve_flag
10247                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.limit_proceeds_flag
10248                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.terminal_gain_loss
10249                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.tracking_method
10250                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
10251                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.excess_allocation_option
10252                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciation_option
10253                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.member_rollup_flag
10254                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ytd_proceeds
10255                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_proceeds
10256                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
10257                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
10258                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost
10259                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.terminal_gain_loss_amount
10260                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_cost_of_removal
10261                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prior_eofy_reserve
10262                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve
10263                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eop_adj_cost
10264                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eop_formula_factor
10265                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute1
10266                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute2
10267                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute3
10268                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute4
10269                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute5
10270                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute6
10271                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute7
10272                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute8
10273                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute9
10274                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute10
10275                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute11
10276                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute12
10277                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute13
10278                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute14
10279                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute15
10280                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute16
10281                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute17
10282                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute18
10283                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute19
10284                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute20
10285                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute_category;
10286          l_adj_found := c_get_mcbk%FOUND;
10287          CLOSE c_get_mcbk;
10289       end if; -- (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code is null)
10291       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10292          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Got bk to find delta from db',
10293                          l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10294                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10295       end if;
10297    else
10298       if (px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service is null) then
10302             FETCH c_get_init_bk INTO px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service
10300          if p_init_transaction_header_id is null then
10301             OPEN c_get_init_bk;
10303                            , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_start_date
10304                            , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code
10305                            , px_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months
10306                            , px_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor
10307                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost
10308                            , px_asset_fin_rec.cost
10309                            , px_asset_fin_rec.original_cost
10310                            , px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value
10311                            , px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_convention_code
10312                            , px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date
10313                            , px_asset_fin_rec.cost_change_flag
10314                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjustment_required_status
10315                            , px_asset_fin_rec.capitalize_flag
10316                            , px_asset_fin_rec.retirement_pending_flag
10317                            , px_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag
10318                            , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount_id
10319                            , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount
10320                            , px_asset_fin_rec.retirement_id
10321                            , px_asset_fin_rec.tax_request_id
10322                            , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_basis
10323                            , px_asset_fin_rec.basic_rate
10324                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate
10325                            , px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule
10326                            , px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name
10327                            , px_asset_fin_rec.recoverable_cost
10328                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity
10329                            , px_asset_fin_rec.fully_rsvd_revals_counter
10330                            , px_asset_fin_rec.idled_flag
10331                            , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_capitalized
10332                            , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved
10333                            , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_retired
10334                            , px_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity
10335                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis
10336                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reval_ceiling
10337                            , px_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure
10338                            , px_asset_fin_rec.unrevalued_cost
10339                            , px_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
10340                            , px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value
10341                            , px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit
10342                            , px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
10343                            , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete
10344                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_recoverable_cost
10345                            , px_asset_fin_rec.annual_rounding_flag
10346                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_adj_cost
10347                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_formula_factor
10348                            , px_asset_fin_rec.short_fiscal_year_flag
10349                            , px_asset_fin_rec.conversion_date
10350                            , px_asset_fin_rec.orig_deprn_start_date
10351                            , px_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life1
10352                            , px_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life2
10353                            , px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id
10354                            , px_asset_fin_rec.old_adjusted_cost
10355                            , px_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor
10356                            , px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type
10357                            , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type
10358                            , px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option
10359                            , px_asset_fin_rec.super_group_id
10360                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reduction_rate
10361                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_addition_flag
10362                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag
10363                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_retirement_flag
10364                            , px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss
10365                            , px_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag
10366                            , px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag
10367                            , px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss
10368                            , px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method
10369                            , px_asset_fin_rec.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
10370                            , px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option
10371                            , px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option
10372                            , px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag
10373                            , px_asset_fin_rec.ytd_proceeds
10374                            , px_asset_fin_rec.ltd_proceeds
10375                            , px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
10376                            , px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
10377                            , px_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost
10378                            , px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss_amount
10379                            , px_asset_fin_rec.ltd_cost_of_removal
10380                            , px_asset_fin_rec.prior_eofy_reserve
10381                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve
10382                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eop_adj_cost
10383                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eop_formula_factor
10387                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute4
10384                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute1
10385                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute2
10386                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute3
10388                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute5
10389                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute6
10390                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute7
10391                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute8
10392                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute9
10393                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute10
10394                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute11
10395                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute12
10396                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute13
10397                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute14
10398                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute15
10399                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute16
10400                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute17
10401                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute18
10402                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute19
10403                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute20
10404                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute_category;
10405             CLOSE c_get_init_bk;
10406          else
10407             OPEN c_get_init_bk_winit;
10408             FETCH c_get_init_bk_winit INTO px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service
10409                            , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_start_date
10410                            , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code
10411                            , px_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months
10412                            , px_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor
10413                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost
10414                            , px_asset_fin_rec.cost
10415                            , px_asset_fin_rec.original_cost
10416                            , px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value
10417                            , px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_convention_code
10418                            , px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date
10419                            , px_asset_fin_rec.cost_change_flag
10420                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjustment_required_status
10421                            , px_asset_fin_rec.capitalize_flag
10422                            , px_asset_fin_rec.retirement_pending_flag
10423                            , px_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag
10424                            , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount_id
10425                            , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_amount
10426                            , px_asset_fin_rec.retirement_id
10427                            , px_asset_fin_rec.tax_request_id
10428                            , px_asset_fin_rec.itc_basis
10429                            , px_asset_fin_rec.basic_rate
10430                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate
10431                            , px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule
10432                            , px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name
10433                            , px_asset_fin_rec.recoverable_cost
10434                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity
10435                            , px_asset_fin_rec.fully_rsvd_revals_counter
10436                            , px_asset_fin_rec.idled_flag
10437                            , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_capitalized
10438                            , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_reserved
10439                            , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_fully_retired
10440                            , px_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity
10441                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis
10442                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reval_ceiling
10443                            , px_asset_fin_rec.unit_of_measure
10444                            , px_asset_fin_rec.unrevalued_cost
10445                            , px_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
10446                            , px_asset_fin_rec.percent_salvage_value
10447                            , px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit
10448                            , px_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
10449                            , px_asset_fin_rec.period_counter_life_complete
10450                            , px_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_recoverable_cost
10451                            , px_asset_fin_rec.annual_rounding_flag
10452                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_adj_cost
10453                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_formula_factor
10454                            , px_asset_fin_rec.short_fiscal_year_flag
10455                            , px_asset_fin_rec.conversion_date
10456                            , px_asset_fin_rec.orig_deprn_start_date
10457                            , px_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life1
10458                            , px_asset_fin_rec.remaining_life2
10459                            , px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id
10460                            , px_asset_fin_rec.old_adjusted_cost
10461                            , px_asset_fin_rec.formula_factor
10462                            , px_asset_fin_rec.salvage_type
10463                            , px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_limit_type
10464                            , px_asset_fin_rec.over_depreciate_option
10465                            , px_asset_fin_rec.super_group_id
10466                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reduction_rate
10467                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_addition_flag
10468                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_adjustment_flag
10472                            , px_asset_fin_rec.limit_proceeds_flag
10469                            , px_asset_fin_rec.reduce_retirement_flag
10470                            , px_asset_fin_rec.recognize_gain_loss
10471                            , px_asset_fin_rec.recapture_reserve_flag
10473                            , px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss
10474                            , px_asset_fin_rec.tracking_method
10475                            , px_asset_fin_rec.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
10476                            , px_asset_fin_rec.excess_allocation_option
10477                            , px_asset_fin_rec.depreciation_option
10478                            , px_asset_fin_rec.member_rollup_flag
10479                            , px_asset_fin_rec.ytd_proceeds
10480                            , px_asset_fin_rec.ltd_proceeds
10481                            , px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
10482                            , px_asset_fin_rec.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
10483                            , px_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost
10484                            , px_asset_fin_rec.terminal_gain_loss_amount
10485                            , px_asset_fin_rec.ltd_cost_of_removal
10486                            , px_asset_fin_rec.prior_eofy_reserve
10487                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve
10488                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eop_adj_cost
10489                            , px_asset_fin_rec.eop_formula_factor
10490                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute1
10491                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute2
10492                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute3
10493                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute4
10494                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute5
10495                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute6
10496                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute7
10497                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute8
10498                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute9
10499                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute10
10500                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute11
10501                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute12
10502                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute13
10503                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute14
10504                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute15
10505                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute16
10506                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute17
10507                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute18
10508                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute19
10509                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute20
10510                            , px_asset_fin_rec.global_attribute_category;
10511             CLOSE c_get_init_bk_winit;
10513          end if;
10515          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10516             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Found initial fin_rec from db',
10517                              px_asset_fin_rec.cost
10518                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10519          end if;
10520 /*
10521          if p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code in
10522                        (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET) and
10523             not (p_use_fin_rec_adj) then
10525             x_asset_fin_rec_new := px_asset_fin_rec;
10527 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec, 'GO2');
10528 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(x_asset_fin_rec_new, 'GN');
10530             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10531                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', x_asset_fin_rec_new.cost
10532                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10533             end if;
10535             return TRUE;
10537          els*/if not (p_process_this_trx) then
10538             x_asset_fin_rec_new := px_asset_fin_rec;
10539             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10540                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', x_asset_fin_rec_new.cost
10541                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10542             end if;
10544             return TRUE;
10545          end if;
10547       end if;
10549       if (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code is null)  then
10550          OPEN c_get_bk2(l_asset_id, l_transaction_header_id);
10551          FETCH c_get_bk2 INTO l_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service
10552                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_start_date
10553                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_method_code
10554                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months
10555                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.rate_adjustment_factor
10556                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_cost
10557                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10558                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.original_cost
10559                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value
10560                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_convention_code
10561                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_date
10562                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost_change_flag
10563                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjustment_required_status
10564                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.capitalize_flag
10565                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.retirement_pending_flag
10566                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciate_flag
10567                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_amount_id
10568                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_amount
10572                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.basic_rate
10569                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.retirement_id
10570                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.tax_request_id
10571                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_basis
10573                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate
10574                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.bonus_rule
10575                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ceiling_name
10576                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost
10577                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_capacity
10578                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.fully_rsvd_revals_counter
10579                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.idled_flag
10580                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_capitalized
10581                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_fully_reserved
10582                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_fully_retired
10583                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity
10584                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis
10585                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling
10586                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unit_of_measure
10587                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost
10588                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
10589                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value
10590                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit
10591                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
10592                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_life_complete
10593                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost
10594                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.annual_rounding_flag
10595                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_adj_cost
10596                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_formula_factor
10597                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.short_fiscal_year_flag
10598                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.conversion_date
10599                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.orig_deprn_start_date
10600                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.remaining_life1
10601                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.remaining_life2
10602                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.group_asset_id
10603                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.old_adjusted_cost
10604                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.formula_factor
10605                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_type
10606                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type
10607                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.over_depreciate_option
10608                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.super_group_id
10609                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduction_rate
10610                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_addition_flag
10611                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_adjustment_flag
10612                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_retirement_flag
10613                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recognize_gain_loss
10614                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recapture_reserve_flag
10615                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.limit_proceeds_flag
10616                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.terminal_gain_loss
10617                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.tracking_method
10618                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
10619                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.excess_allocation_option
10620                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciation_option
10621                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.member_rollup_flag
10622                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ytd_proceeds
10623                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_proceeds
10624                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
10625                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
10626                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost
10627                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.terminal_gain_loss_amount
10628                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_cost_of_removal
10629                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prior_eofy_reserve
10630                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve
10631                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eop_adj_cost
10632                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eop_formula_factor
10633                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute1
10634                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute2
10635                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute3
10636                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute4
10637                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute5
10638                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute6
10639                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute7
10640                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute8
10641                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute9
10642                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute10
10643                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute11
10644                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute12
10645                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute13
10646                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute14
10647                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute15
10648                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute16
10649                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute17
10650                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute18
10651                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute19
10652                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute20
10653                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute_category;
10657 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(l_asset_fin_rec_adj, 'GO2.5');
10654          l_adj_found := c_get_bk2%FOUND;
10655          CLOSE c_get_bk2;
10658       else
10659          OPEN c_get_bk(l_asset_id, l_transaction_header_id);
10660          FETCH c_get_bk INTO l_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service
10661                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_start_date
10662                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_method_code
10663                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.life_in_months
10664                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.rate_adjustment_factor
10665                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_cost
10666                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10667                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.original_cost
10668                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value
10669                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_convention_code
10670                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_date
10671                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost_change_flag
10672                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjustment_required_status
10673                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.capitalize_flag
10674                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.retirement_pending_flag
10675                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciate_flag
10676                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_amount_id
10677                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_amount
10678                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.retirement_id
10679                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.tax_request_id
10680                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.itc_basis
10681                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.basic_rate
10682                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_rate
10683                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.bonus_rule
10684                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ceiling_name
10685                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recoverable_cost
10686                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_capacity
10687                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.fully_rsvd_revals_counter
10688                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.idled_flag
10689                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_capitalized
10690                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_fully_reserved
10691                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_fully_retired
10692                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity
10693                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis
10694                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling
10695                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unit_of_measure
10696                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost
10697                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
10698                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value
10699                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit
10700                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
10701                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.period_counter_life_complete
10702                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.adjusted_recoverable_cost
10703                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.annual_rounding_flag
10704                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_adj_cost
10705                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_formula_factor
10706                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.short_fiscal_year_flag
10707                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.conversion_date
10708                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.orig_deprn_start_date
10709                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.remaining_life1
10710                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.remaining_life2
10711                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.group_asset_id
10712                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.old_adjusted_cost
10713                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.formula_factor
10714                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_type
10715                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.deprn_limit_type
10716                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.over_depreciate_option
10717                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.super_group_id
10718                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduction_rate
10719                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_addition_flag
10720                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_adjustment_flag
10721                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reduce_retirement_flag
10722                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recognize_gain_loss
10723                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.recapture_reserve_flag
10724                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.limit_proceeds_flag
10725                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.terminal_gain_loss
10726                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.tracking_method
10727                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
10728                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.excess_allocation_option
10729                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciation_option
10730                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.member_rollup_flag
10731                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ytd_proceeds
10732                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_proceeds
10733                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag
10734                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag
10735                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cip_cost
10736                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.terminal_gain_loss_amount
10737                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ltd_cost_of_removal
10738                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prior_eofy_reserve
10739                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve
10740                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eop_adj_cost
10741                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eop_formula_factor
10745                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute4
10742                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute1
10743                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute2
10744                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute3
10746                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute5
10747                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute6
10748                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute7
10749                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute8
10750                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute9
10751                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute10
10752                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute11
10753                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute12
10754                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute13
10755                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute14
10756                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute15
10757                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute16
10758                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute17
10759                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute18
10760                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute19
10761                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute20
10762                         , l_asset_fin_rec_adj.global_attribute_category;
10763          l_adj_found := c_get_bk%FOUND;
10764          CLOSE c_get_bk;
10765       end if; -- (px_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code is null)
10767       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10768          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Got bk to find delta from db',
10769                           l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10770                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10771       end if;
10774    end if; -- (nvl(p_mrc_sob_type_code, 'P') = 'R')
10776 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec, 'GO2');
10778    l_reclass_trx :=  (nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id, 0) <>
10779                       nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_adj.group_asset_id, px_asset_fin_rec.group_asset_id)); -- bug# 5383699
10781    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10782       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_use_fin_rec_adj', p_use_fin_rec_adj
10783             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10784    end if;
10786    if ((not(p_use_fin_rec_adj)) and
10787        (p_use_new_deprn_rule)) or
10788       (l_is_member_trx_for_group) then
10789       --
10790       -- Process transaction from db but use current rules in the case this transaction
10791       -- happened after current transaction
10792       --
10793       l_tmp_cost                      := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost;
10794       l_tmp_percent_salvage_value     := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value;
10795       l_tmp_salvage_value             := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value;
10796       l_tmp_allowed_deprn_limit       := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit;
10797       l_tmp_allowed_deprn_limit_amt   := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
10798       l_tmp_production_capacity       := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity;
10799       l_tmp_fully_rsv_revals_counter  := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.fully_rsvd_revals_counter;
10800       l_tmp_reval_amortization_basis  := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis;
10801       l_tmp_reval_ceiling             := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling;
10802       l_tmp_unrevalued_cost           := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost;
10803       l_tmp_eofy_reserve              := l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve;
10805       l_asset_fin_rec_adj := p_asset_fin_rec_new;
10807       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost := l_tmp_cost;
10808       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.percent_salvage_value := l_tmp_percent_salvage_value;
10809       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.salvage_value := l_tmp_salvage_value;
10810       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit := l_tmp_allowed_deprn_limit;
10811       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := l_tmp_allowed_deprn_limit_amt;
10812       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.production_capacity :=l_tmp_production_capacity;
10813       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.fully_rsvd_revals_counter := l_tmp_fully_rsv_revals_counter;
10814       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_amortization_basis := l_tmp_reval_amortization_basis;
10815       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.reval_ceiling := l_tmp_reval_ceiling;
10816       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.unrevalued_cost := l_tmp_unrevalued_cost;
10817       l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve := l_tmp_eofy_reserve;
10819       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10820          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Need to use latest values except amounts',
10821                           l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10822                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10823       end if;
10825    elsif ((p_use_fin_rec_adj) or
10826           (l_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service is null)) and
10827           ((not (l_adj_found)) or (l_reclass_trx)) then
10828       --
10829       -- Process current transaction
10830       --
10831       l_asset_fin_rec_adj := p_asset_fin_rec_adj;
10832       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10833          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'This is the transaction user entered',
10834                           l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10835                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10836       end if;
10838    else
10839       -- Process transaction from db.  Current transaction has date later than this.
10840       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10841          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Delta comes from db', l_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost
10842                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10843       end if;
10844    end if;
10846 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(l_asset_fin_rec_adj, 'GA');
10848   if (instrb(p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code, 'ADDITION') <> 0) and
10849      (px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service is not null) then
10850     x_asset_fin_rec_new := px_asset_fin_rec;
10851   else
10852     x_asset_fin_rec_new := l_asset_fin_rec_adj;
10853   end if;
10855   --
10856   -- Defaulting Values
10857   --
10858   x_asset_fin_rec_new.prorate_convention_code   :=
10859          nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_adj.prorate_convention_code,
10860              nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.prorate_convention_code,
10861                  fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.prorate_convention_code));
10863   x_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag           :=
10864          nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_adj.depreciate_flag,
10865              nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.depreciate_flag,
10866                  fa_cache_pkg.fazccbd_record.depreciate_flag));
10868   FA_UTIL_PVT.load_char_value
10869          (p_char_old  => px_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule,
10870           p_char_adj  => l_asset_fin_rec_adj.bonus_rule,
10871           x_char_new  => x_asset_fin_rec_new.bonus_rule
10872           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10874   FA_UTIL_PVT.load_char_value
10875          (p_char_old  => px_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name,
10876           p_char_adj  => l_asset_fin_rec_adj.ceiling_name,
10877           x_char_new  => x_asset_fin_rec_new.ceiling_name
10878           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10880   -- This is for FLAT RATE EXTENSION deprn basis rule
10881   FA_UTIL_PVT.load_char_value
10882          (p_char_old  => px_asset_fin_rec.exclude_fully_rsv_flag,
10883           p_char_adj  => l_asset_fin_rec_adj.exclude_fully_rsv_flag,
10884           x_char_new  => x_asset_fin_rec_new.exclude_fully_rsv_flag
10885           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10887   x_asset_fin_rec_new.recognize_gain_loss :=
10888                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.recognize_gain_loss;
10890   x_asset_fin_rec_new.recapture_reserve_flag :=
10891                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.recapture_reserve_flag;
10893   x_asset_fin_rec_new.limit_proceeds_flag :=
10894                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.limit_proceeds_flag;
10896   x_asset_fin_rec_new.terminal_gain_loss :=
10897                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.terminal_gain_loss;
10899   x_asset_fin_rec_new.exclude_proceeds_from_basis :=
10900                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.exclude_proceeds_from_basis;
10902   x_asset_fin_rec_new.retirement_deprn_option :=
10903                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.retirement_deprn_option;
10905   x_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method :=
10906                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method;
10908   x_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag :=
10909                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag;
10911   x_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag :=
10912                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag;
10914   x_asset_fin_rec_new.excess_allocation_option :=
10915                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.excess_allocation_option;
10917   x_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciation_option :=
10918                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciation_option;
10920   x_asset_fin_rec_new.member_rollup_flag :=
10921                   p_asset_fin_rec_new.member_rollup_flag;
10923   if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_new_amounts(
10924                px_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
10925                p_asset_hdr_rec           => p_asset_hdr_rec,
10926                p_asset_desc_rec          => l_asset_desc_rec,
10927                p_asset_type_rec          => p_asset_type_rec,
10928                p_asset_cat_rec           => l_asset_cat_rec,
10929                p_asset_fin_rec_old       => px_asset_fin_rec,
10930                p_asset_fin_rec_adj       => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
10931                px_asset_fin_rec_new      => x_asset_fin_rec_new,
10932                p_asset_deprn_rec_old     => l_asset_deprn_rec,
10933                p_asset_deprn_rec_adj     => l_asset_deprn_rec,
10934                px_asset_deprn_rec_new    => l_asset_deprn_rec,
10935                p_mrc_sob_type_code       => p_mrc_sob_type_code
10936                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
10938      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10939         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Falied calling',
10940                          'FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_new_amounts'
10941                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10942      end if;
10944      raise calc_failed;
10945   end if;
10947    x_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve  := nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve, 0) +
10948                                         nvl(px_asset_fin_rec.eofy_reserve, 0);
10950    if not FA_UTILS_PKG.faxrnd(x_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve,
10951                               p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
10952                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
10953       raise calc_failed;
10954    end if;
10956   if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_prorate_date
10957               (p_asset_hdr_rec           => p_asset_hdr_rec,
10958                p_asset_type_rec          => p_asset_type_rec,
10959                p_asset_fin_rec_adj       => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
10960                px_asset_fin_rec_new      => x_asset_fin_rec_new,
10961                p_period_rec              => l_period_rec
10965          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Falied calling',
10962                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
10964       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10966                           'FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_prorate_date'
10967                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10968       end if;
10970     raise calc_failed;
10971   end if;
10973   if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_deprn_info
10974               (p_trans_rec               => p_trans_rec,
10975                p_asset_hdr_rec           => p_asset_hdr_rec,
10976                p_asset_desc_rec          => l_asset_desc_rec,
10977                p_asset_cat_rec           => l_asset_cat_rec,
10978                p_asset_type_rec          => p_asset_type_rec,
10979                p_asset_fin_rec_old       => px_asset_fin_rec,
10980                p_asset_fin_rec_adj       => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
10981                px_asset_fin_rec_new      => x_asset_fin_rec_new,
10982                p_asset_deprn_rec_adj     => l_asset_deprn_rec,
10983                p_asset_deprn_rec_new     => l_asset_deprn_rec,
10984                p_period_rec              => l_period_rec
10985                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
10987       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
10988          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Falied calling',
10989                           'FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_deprn_info'
10990                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
10991       end if;
10993     raise calc_failed;
10994   end if;
10996   if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_deprn_start_date(
10997                p_asset_hdr_rec           => p_asset_hdr_rec,
10998                p_asset_fin_rec_adj       => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
10999                px_asset_fin_rec_new      => x_asset_fin_rec_new
11000                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
11002      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
11003         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Falied calling',
11004                          'FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_deprn_start_date'
11005                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11006      end if;
11008      raise calc_failed;
11009   end if;
11011   if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_salvage_value(
11012                p_trans_rec               => p_trans_rec,
11013                p_asset_hdr_rec           => p_asset_hdr_rec,
11014                p_asset_type_rec          => p_asset_type_rec,
11015                p_asset_fin_rec_old       => px_asset_fin_rec,
11016                p_asset_fin_rec_adj       => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
11017                px_asset_fin_rec_new      => x_asset_fin_rec_new,
11018                p_mrc_sob_type_code       => p_mrc_sob_type_code
11019                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
11021       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
11022          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Falied calling',
11023                           'FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_salvage_value'
11024                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11025       end if;
11027       raise calc_failed;
11028   end if;
11030   if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_rec_cost
11031           (p_asset_hdr_rec           => p_asset_hdr_rec,
11032            p_asset_fin_rec_adj       => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
11033            px_asset_fin_rec_new      => x_asset_fin_rec_new
11034            ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
11036       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
11037          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Falied calling',
11038                           'FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_rec_cost'
11039                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11040       end if;
11042       raise calc_failed;
11043   end if;
11045   if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_deprn_limit_adj_rec_cost
11046           (p_asset_hdr_rec           => p_asset_hdr_rec,
11047            p_asset_type_rec          => p_asset_type_rec,
11048            p_asset_fin_rec_old       => px_asset_fin_rec,
11049            p_asset_fin_rec_adj       => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
11050            px_asset_fin_rec_new      => x_asset_fin_rec_new,
11051            p_mrc_sob_type_code       => p_mrc_sob_type_code
11052            ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
11054       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
11055          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Falied calling',
11056                           'FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_deprn_limit_adj_rec_cost'
11057                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11058       end if;
11060       raise calc_failed;
11061   end if;
11062 --tk_util.debug('adj_rec_cost: '|| to_char(x_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost));
11065   if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.book_class = 'TAX' and
11066        x_asset_fin_rec_new.itc_amount_id is not null) then
11067      if not FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_itc_info
11068              (p_asset_hdr_rec           => p_asset_hdr_rec,
11069               p_asset_fin_rec_adj       => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
11070               px_asset_fin_rec_new      => x_asset_fin_rec_new
11071               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
11073         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
11074            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Falied calling',
11075                             'FA_ASSET_CALC_PVT.calc_itc_info'
11076                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11077         end if;
11079         raise calc_failed;
11080      end if;
11084   x_dpis_change := (px_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service <> l_asset_fin_rec_adj.date_placed_in_service);
11082   end if;
11086 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(x_asset_fin_rec_new, 'GN');
11088   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
11089      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', x_asset_fin_rec_new.cost
11090           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11091   end if;
11093   return TRUE;
11095   WHEN calc_failed THEN
11096      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
11097         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'calc_failed'
11098                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11099      end if;
11101     if c_get_init_mcbk%ISOPEN then
11102       CLOSE c_get_init_mcbk;
11103     end if;
11105     if c_get_init_bk%ISOPEN then
11106       CLOSE c_get_init_bk;
11107     end if;
11109     if c_get_mcbk%ISOPEN then
11110       CLOSE c_get_mcbk;
11111     end if;
11113     if c_get_bk%ISOPEN then
11114       CLOSE c_get_bk;
11115     end if;
11117     fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
11118         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11119     return false;
11122     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
11123        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
11124 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11125     end if;
11127     if c_get_init_mcbk%ISOPEN then
11128       CLOSE c_get_init_mcbk;
11129     end if;
11131     if c_get_init_bk%ISOPEN then
11132       CLOSE c_get_init_bk;
11133     end if;
11135     if c_get_mcbk%ISOPEN then
11136       CLOSE c_get_mcbk;
11137     end if;
11139     if c_get_bk%ISOPEN then
11140       CLOSE c_get_bk;
11141     end if;
11143     fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
11144         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
11145     return false;
11147 END GetFinRec;
11149 --+==============================================================================
11150 -- Function: Recalculate
11151 --
11152 --   This function calculate catch-up amounts due to backdated
11153 --   amortization transactions.
11155 --   1: Find transaction to start recalculation.
11156 --   2: Get initial asset_fin_rec, and asset_deprn_rec.  Values in these rec will
11157 --      be chagned as recalculation proceeds.
11158 --   3: Process all transaction dated after transaction found at first step.
11159 --      xxx All trx except Revaluation, Tax Reserve Adjustment, Reinstatement,
11160 --          Unit Adjustment, Transfer, and Reclass.
11161 --      3.1: Fetch one transaction
11162 --      3.2: Call faxcde to get reserve for adjusted_cost, raf and formula_factor
11163 --      3.3: Call Deprn Basis function to get new adjusted_cost, raf and formula_factor.
11164 --      3.4: If there is no transaction in this period, call faxcde until next trx
11165 --           to process (If there is no next trx, depreciate until current period).
11166 --      NOTE: Retirement which has been reinstated will not be processed at all.
11167 --   4: Return catch-up amount.
11168 --+==============================================================================
11169 FUNCTION Recalculate(
11170     p_trans_rec           IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
11171     p_asset_hdr_rec                     FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
11172     p_asset_type_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
11173     p_asset_desc_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
11174     p_asset_fin_rec_old                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
11175     p_asset_fin_rec_adj                 FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type default null,
11176     p_period_rec                        FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
11177     px_asset_fin_rec_new  IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
11178     p_asset_deprn_rec                   FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
11179     p_asset_deprn_rec_adj               FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type default null,
11180     x_deprn_expense          OUT NOCOPY FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY.DEPRN_AMOUNT%TYPE,
11181     x_bonus_expense          OUT NOCOPY FA_DEPRN_SUMMARY.BONUS_DEPRN_AMOUNT%TYPE,
11182     p_running_mode        IN            NUMBER,
11183     p_used_by_revaluation IN            NUMBER,
11184     p_reclassed_asset_id                NUMBER,
11185     p_reclass_src_dest                  VARCHAR2,
11186     p_reclassed_asset_dpis              DATE,
11187     p_mrc_sob_type_code                 VARCHAR2,
11188     p_calling_fn                        VARCHAR2,
11189     p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)  RETURN BOOLEAN IS
11191    l_calling_fn                   VARCHAR2(100) := 'FA_AMORT_CALC_PVT.Recalculate';
11193    --Bug3696765
11194    l_process_addition             BINARY_INTEGER := 1; -- 1: process (amort nbv) addition,
11195                                                        -- 0: do not process (amort nbv) addition
11197    l_depreciate_flag              VARCHAR2(3); -- Bug 5726160
11198    l_entered_reserve              NUMBER; -- Bug 5443855
11199    l_entered_ytd                  NUMBER;
11201    CURSOR c_get_deprn_period_date IS
11202      select dp.calendar_period_open_date
11203      from   fa_deprn_summary ds
11204           , fa_deprn_periods dp
11205      where  dp.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11206      and    ds.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11207      and    ds.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11208      and    ds.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS'
11209      and    dp.period_counter = ds.period_counter + 1;
11211    CURSOR c_get_first_trx IS
11212      select th.transaction_header_id
11213           , nvl(th.amortization_start_date, th.transaction_date_entered)
11214           , th.date_effective
11215      from fa_transaction_headers th
11216      where th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11217      and   th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11218      and th.transaction_header_id = (select min(th2.transaction_header_id)
11219                                      from   fa_transaction_headers th2
11220                                      where  th2.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11221                                      and    th2.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code);
11223    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11224    -- This is the cursor to find a transaction which has older
11225    -- transaction_date_entered but newer calendar_period_close_open_date
11226    -- than given transaction_date_entered.
11227    -- 1st select returns transaction like mention above.
11228    --
11229    -- 2nd select returns reinstatement transactioin for core asset as
11230    -- dated transaction back to retirement date so if given
11231    -- transaction_date_entered is between retirement and reinstatement,
11232    -- this program makes sure to start recalculate at least before
11233    -- the retirement.
11234    --
11235    -- 3rd select returns reinstatement transactioin of member for group
11236    -- as dated transaction back to retirement date so if given
11237    -- transaction_date_entered is between retirement and reinstatement,
11238    -- this program makes sure to start recalculate at least before
11239    -- the retirement.
11240    --
11241    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11242    -- Bug3797105: 1st part of following cursor was returning trx which
11243    -- has performed in the same period as the period that passed date
11244    -- falls in.
11245    CURSOR c_check_overlap (c_transaction_date_entered date,
11246                            c_transaction_header_id    number,
11247                            c_date_effective           date) IS
11248     select th.transaction_header_id    transaction_header_id,
11249            decode(l_process_addition,
11250                    1, decode(th.transaction_subtype,
11251                              'EXPENSED', px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service,
11252                              decode(th.transaction_type_code,
11253                                  'ADDITION', th.transaction_date_entered,
11254                                  'ADDITION/VOID', th.transaction_date_entered,
11255                                   nvl(th.amortization_start_date,th.transaction_date_entered)),
11256                              nvl(th.amortization_start_date,th.transaction_date_entered),
11257                              nvl(th.amortization_start_date,th.transaction_date_entered)
11258                             ),
11259                     nvl(th.amortization_start_date,th.transaction_date_entered)
11260                   )  transaction_date_entered,
11261            th.date_effective date_effective,
11262            th.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code
11263     from   fa_transaction_headers th
11264          , fa_deprn_periods dp
11265     where  th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11266     and    th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11267     and    dp.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11268 --    and    th.date_effective between dp.period_open_date
11269 --                                 and nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate)
11270     and c_transaction_date_entered between dp.calendar_period_open_date
11271                                              and dp.calendar_period_close_date
11272     and (th.date_effective > nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate))
11273     and    (    nvl(th.amortization_start_date,
11274                     decode(th.transaction_subtype,
11275                            'EXPENSED', px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service,
11276                            th.transaction_date_entered
11277                           )
11278                     ) <= c_transaction_date_entered
11279             and th.date_effective < c_date_effective)
11280     and    c_transaction_date_entered <= dp.calendar_period_close_date
11281     and    th.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
11282                                             G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
11283                                             G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
11284                                             G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID)
11285    union all
11286     select ret.transaction_header_id    transaction_header_id,
11287            ret.transaction_date_entered transaction_date_entered,
11288            ret.date_effective date_effective,
11289            ret.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code
11290     from   fa_transaction_headers ret,
11291            fa_transaction_headers rei,
11292            fa_retirements faret
11293     where  ret.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11294     and    rei.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11295     and    ret.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11296     and    rei.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11297     and    ret.transaction_header_id = faret.transaction_header_id_in
11298     and    rei.transaction_header_id = faret.transaction_header_id_out
11299     and    c_transaction_date_entered between
11300                  ret.transaction_date_entered and rei.transaction_date_entered
11301     and    ret.date_effective < c_date_effective
11305     order by transaction_header_id;
11302     and    ret.transaction_type_code in (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET)
11303     and    rei.transaction_type_code = G_TRX_TYPE_REI
11304     and    ret.transaction_header_id <> c_transaction_header_id
11307    CURSOR c_check_overlap2 is
11308       select th.transaction_header_id    transaction_header_id,
11309              decode(th.transaction_subtype,
11310                         'EXPENSED', px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service,
11311                                     nvl(th.amortization_start_date,th.transaction_date_entered)
11312                    )  transaction_date_entered,
11313              th.date_effective date_effective,
11314              th.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code
11315       from   fa_transaction_headers th
11316       where  th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11317       and    th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11318       and    th.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
11319                                               G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
11320                                               G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
11321                                               G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID, G_TRX_TYPE_ADD_VOID,
11322                                               G_TRX_TYPE_ADD)
11323       and    decode(th.transaction_subtype, null, px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service,
11324                                                   th.amortization_start_date) <
11325               nvl(p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date, p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered);
11328    l_incoming_thid                number(15);
11330    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11331    -- This cursor gets all transaction needs to be reprocessed in
11332    -- order of transaction_date_entered.
11333    -- 1st select gets all (group) asset transactions except followings
11334    --   1. Transaction Type Code of TRANSFER OUT(IN), TRANSFER, TRANSFER IN/VOID,
11336    --   2. Transaction of group if there is a member transaction associated with
11337    --      this transaction and the member is not currently this group's member
11338    --   3. Transaction of group reclass
11339    -- 2nd select gets all member transactions which has no group associated
11340    -- group transaction or there is a group transaction associated to the transaction
11341    -- but the group is not the same as current group asset.
11342    -- 3rd select returns current transaction.  This doesn't return anything
11343    -- if it is not member of this processed group asset or transaction type
11344    -- code is one of mentioned above.
11345    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11346    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11347    -- This is basically the same as c_get_ths_gadj but non-group asset
11348    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11349    CURSOR c_get_ths_adj (c_transaction_date_entered date,
11350                          c_date_effective           date,
11351                          c_transaction_header_id    number,
11352                          c_retirement_flag          varchar2) IS
11353     select th.transaction_header_id transaction_header_id,
11354            th.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code,
11355            decode(l_process_addition,
11356                    1, decode(th.transaction_type_code,
11357                             'ADDITION', th.transaction_date_entered,
11358                             'ADDITION/VOID', th.transaction_date_entered,
11359       /* Japan Tax phase3 */ decode(th.transaction_key, 'ES', (select calendar_period_open_date
11360                                                                from fa_deprn_periods
11361                                                                where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11362                                                                and period_counter = bk.extended_depreciation_period),
11363                                                         nvl(th.amortization_start_date,
11364                                     decode(th.transaction_subtype,
11365                                             'EXPENSED', decode(outbk.depreciate_flag,
11366                                                                'NO', decode(bk.depreciate_flag,
11367                                                                             'YES', decode(ds.deprn_reserve,
11368                                                                                           0, bk.date_placed_in_service,
11369                                                                                              th.transaction_date_entered),
11370 --Bug6190904: Replacing a line above with this could be an option. bk.date_placed_in_service),
11372                                                                                    -- Bug#4699743 th.transaction_date_entered),
11373                                                                                    bk.date_placed_in_service),
11374                                                                      -- Bug# 4049799 bk.date_placed_in_service),
11375                                                                      px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service),
11376                                                          th.transaction_date_entered)))),
11377 /* Japan Tax phase3 */decode(th.transaction_key, 'ES', (select calendar_period_open_date
11378                                                         from fa_deprn_periods
11379                                                         where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11380                                                         and period_counter = bk.extended_depreciation_period),
11384                                                                 'NO', decode(bk.depreciate_flag,
11381                                                  nvl(th.amortization_start_date,
11382                                 decode(th.transaction_subtype,
11383                                           'EXPENSED', decode(outbk.depreciate_flag,
11385                                                                                'YES', decode(ds.deprn_reserve,
11386                                                                                                   0, bk.date_placed_in_service,
11387                                                                                                      th.transaction_date_entered),
11388                                                                                       th.transaction_date_entered),
11389                                                                      -- Bug# 4049799 bk.date_placed_in_service),
11390                                                                      px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service),
11391                                                       th.transaction_date_entered)))) transaction_date_entered,
11392            th.date_effective date_effective,
11393            th.transaction_name transaction_name,
11394            th.source_transaction_header_id source_transaction_header_id,
11395            th.mass_reference_id mass_reference_id,
11396            th.transaction_subtype transaction_subtype,
11397            th.transaction_key transaction_key,
11398            th.amortization_start_date amortization_start_date,
11399            th.calling_interface calling_interface,
11400            th.mass_transaction_id mass_transaction_id,
11401            fa_std_types.FA_NO_OVERRIDE deprn_override_flag,
11402            th.member_transaction_header_id member_transaction_header_id,
11403            th.trx_reference_id trx_reference_id,
11404            th.invoice_transaction_id,
11405            '1st SELECT in c_get_ths_adj'
11406     from   fa_transaction_headers th,
11407            fa_books bk
11408          , fa_books outbk
11409          , fa_deprn_summary ds
11410     where  th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11411     and    th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11412     and    bk.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11413     and    bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11414     and    bk.transaction_header_id_in = th.transaction_header_id
11415     and    th.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
11416                                             G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
11417                                             G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
11418                                             G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID, G_TRX_TYPE_REI,
11419                                             G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET,
11420                                             G_TRX_TYPE_ADD_VOID, G_TRX_TYPE_CIP_ADJ,
11421 					    G_TRX_TYPE_CIP_ADD ) -- Bug# 5074327, 5191200, 7389010
11422     and    (th.transaction_header_id >= c_transaction_header_id
11423       or       th.transaction_header_id < c_transaction_header_id
11424          and   th.date_effective <= c_date_effective --Bug6654152
11425          and   decode(th.transaction_subtype, NULL,
11426                             decode(th.transaction_type_code,
11427                                      'ADDITION/VOID', px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service,
11428                                      'CIP ADDITION/VOID', px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service,
11429                                                           th.transaction_date_entered),
11430                                                     th.transaction_date_entered) > c_transaction_date_entered)
11431     and    th.transaction_header_id <> l_incoming_thid
11432     and    not exists (select 'Exclude reclass trx'
11433                        from   fa_trx_references tr
11434                        where  tr.member_asset_id = th.asset_id
11435                        and    tr.member_transaction_header_id = th.transaction_header_id
11436                        and    tr.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11437                        and    tr.transaction_type = G_TRX_TYPE_GRP_CHG)
11438     and    ds.asset_id(+) = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11439     and    ds.book_type_code(+) = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11440     and    ds.deprn_source_code(+) = 'BOOKS'
11441     and    outbk.asset_id(+) = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11442     and    outbk.book_type_code(+) = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11443     and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out(+) = bk.transaction_header_id_in
11444 --
11445 -- Bug3421263: Added following select to takes care retirement
11446 --             prorate date as retirement trx date.
11447 --
11448     union all
11449     select th.transaction_header_id transaction_header_id,
11450            th.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code,
11451            decode(sign(con.prorate_date - cptrx.start_date),
11452                        1, decode(sign(con.prorate_date - cptrx.end_date),
11453                           -1, ret.date_retired,
11454                           0, ret.date_retired,
11455                           con.prorate_date),
11456                        0, decode(sign(con.prorate_date - cptrx.end_date),
11457                           -1, ret.date_retired,
11458                           0, ret.date_retired,
11459                           con.prorate_date),
11460                        con.prorate_date) transaction_date_entered,
11461            th.date_effective date_effective,
11462            th.transaction_name transaction_name,
11463            th.source_transaction_header_id source_transaction_header_id,
11464            th.mass_reference_id mass_reference_id,
11465            th.transaction_subtype transaction_subtype,
11469            th.mass_transaction_id mass_transaction_id,
11466            th.transaction_key transaction_key,
11467            th.amortization_start_date amortization_start_date,
11468            th.calling_interface calling_interface,
11470            fa_std_types.FA_NO_OVERRIDE deprn_override_flag,
11471            th.member_transaction_header_id member_transaction_header_id,
11472            th.trx_reference_id trx_reference_id,
11473            th.invoice_transaction_id,
11474            '2nd SELECT in c_get_ths_adj'
11475     from   fa_transaction_headers th,
11476            fa_retirements ret,
11477            fa_conventions con,
11478            fa_calendar_periods cp,
11479            fa_calendar_periods cptrx
11480     where  th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11481     and    th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11482     and    ret.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11483     and    ret.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11484 --  and    (ret.transaction_header_id_out is null or
11485 --            ret.transaction_header_id_out = l_incoming_thid)
11487     and    ret.date_retired between con.start_date and con.end_date
11488     and    cp.calendar_type = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar
11489     and    con.prorate_date between cp.start_date and cp.end_date
11490     and    th.transaction_type_code in (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET)
11491 --    and    th.transaction_header_id >= c_transaction_header_id
11492     and    th.transaction_header_id <> l_incoming_thid
11493     and    cptrx.calendar_type = fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar
11494     and    ret.date_retired between cptrx.start_date and cptrx.end_date
11495     and    th.transaction_header_id = ret.transaction_header_id_in
11496 --bug4363712
11497 --    and    con.prorate_date >= c_transaction_date_entered
11498 --bug fix 4547599
11499     and    (   (con.prorate_date > c_transaction_date_entered)
11500             or
11501 --Bug4622110: Modified to handle ret trx date is later than its prorate date.
11502 -- Bug 6997902
11503 		  (decode(c_retirement_flag, 'Y',th.transaction_date_entered, con.prorate_date)<= c_transaction_date_entered and
11504                 th.date_effective >= c_date_effective)
11505            )
11506 --
11507 --
11508     union all select
11509            l_incoming_thid transaction_header_id,
11510            p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code,
11511            nvl(p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
11512                p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered) transaction_date_entered,
11513            p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date date_effective,
11514            p_trans_rec.transaction_name transaction_name,
11515            p_trans_rec.source_transaction_header_id source_transaction_header_id,
11516            p_trans_rec.mass_reference_id mass_reference_id,
11517            p_trans_rec.transaction_subtype transaction_subtype,
11518            p_trans_rec.transaction_key transaction_key,
11519            p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date amortization_start_date,
11520            p_trans_rec.calling_interface calling_interface,
11521            p_trans_rec.mass_transaction_id mass_transaction_id,
11522            p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag deprn_override_flag,
11523            p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id member_transaction_header_id,
11524            p_trans_rec.trx_reference_id trx_reference_id,
11525            to_number(null), -- invoice_transaction_id
11526            '3nd SELECT in c_get_ths_adj'
11527     from   fa_books bk
11528     where  bk.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11529     and    bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11530     and    bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
11531     and    p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code
11532                                        not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
11533                                                G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
11534                                                G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
11535                                                G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID, G_TRX_TYPE_REI)
11536     order by transaction_date_entered, 4; -- 4 is date_effective
11539   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11540   -- This cursor fetchs next transaction information.
11541   -- Since main cursor to get transactions only fetchs 100 records at once,
11542   -- this is necessary to fetch 101th record if tehre is any.
11543   -- This is similar to main cursor.  Second union fetchs entered transaction
11544   -- which has not yet sotred in db.
11545   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11546   CURSOR c_get_next_ths (c_transaction_date_entered date,
11547                          c_date_effective           date) IS
11548     select th.transaction_date_entered transaction_date_entered,
11549            th.date_effective date_effective
11550     from   fa_transaction_headers th
11551     where  th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11552     and    th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11553     and    th.transaction_date_entered >= c_transaction_date_entered
11554     and    th.date_effective > c_date_effective
11555     and    (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type <> G_ASSET_TYPE_GROUP or
11556             not exists (select 'Y'
11557                         from fa_transaction_headers mth,
11558                              fa_books bk
11559                         where mth.transaction_header_id = th.member_transaction_header_id
11560                         and   mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11561                         and   bk.asset_id = mth.asset_id
11562                         and   bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11566                                bk.group_asset_id <> p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id)
11563                         and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
11564                         and   ((bk.asset_id <> nvl(p_reclassed_asset_id, 0) and
11565                                 bk.group_asset_id is null) or
11567                          )
11568             )
11569     union all select
11570            p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered transaction_date_entered,
11571            p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date date_effective
11572     from   dual
11573     where  p_reclass_src_dest is null
11574     and    p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered >= c_transaction_date_entered
11575     and    p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date = c_date_effective
11576     and    (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type <> G_ASSET_TYPE_GROUP or
11577             not exists (select 'Y'
11578                         from fa_transaction_headers mth,
11579                              fa_books bk
11580                         where mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
11581                         and   mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11582                         and   bk.asset_id = mth.asset_id
11583                         and   bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11584                         and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
11585                         and   ((bk.asset_id <> nvl(p_reclassed_asset_id, 0) and
11586                                 bk.group_asset_id is null) or
11587                                bk.group_asset_id <> p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id)
11588                          )
11589             )
11590     order by transaction_date_entered, date_effective;
11592   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11593   -- This cursor gets retirement information for given transaction_header_id
11594   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11595   CURSOR c_get_retirement (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11596     select retirement_id,
11597            cost_retired,
11598            cost_of_removal,
11599            proceeds_of_sale,
11600            nvl(reserve_retired, 0),
11601            nvl(eofy_reserve, 0),
11602            reval_reserve_retired,
11603            unrevalued_cost_retired,
11604            bonus_reserve_retired,
11605            null --         recognize_gain_loss
11606     from   fa_retirements
11607     where  transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
11608     and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
11610   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11611   -- For MRC
11612   -- This cursor gets retirement information for given transaction_header_id
11613   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11614   CURSOR c_get_mc_retirement (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11615     select retirement_id,
11616            cost_retired,
11617            cost_of_removal,
11618            proceeds_of_sale,
11619            nvl(reserve_retired, 0),
11620            nvl(eofy_reserve, 0),
11621            reval_reserve_retired,
11622            unrevalued_cost_retired,
11623            bonus_reserve_retired,
11624            null --         recognize_gain_loss
11625     from   fa_retirements_mrc_v
11626     where  transaction_header_id_in = c_transaction_header_id
11627     and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
11629   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11630   -- gets reserve retired amounts if FA_RETIREMENTS doesn't store it
11631   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11632   CURSOR c_get_rsv_retired (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11633     select sum(decode(debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * adjustment_amount,
11634                                                   adjustment_amount))
11635     from   fa_adjustments
11636     where  source_type_code = 'RETIREMENT'
11637     and    adjustment_type = 'RESERVE'
11638     and    asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11639     and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11640     and    transaction_header_id = c_transaction_header_id;
11642   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11643   -- For MRC
11644   -- gets reserve retired amounts if FA_RETIREMENTS doesn't store it
11645   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11646   CURSOR c_get_mc_rsv_retired (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11647     select sum(decode(debit_credit_flag, 'CR', -1 * adjustment_amount,
11648                                                   adjustment_amount))
11649     from   fa_adjustments_mrc_v
11650     where  source_type_code = 'RETIREMENT'
11651     and    adjustment_type = 'RESERVE'
11652     and    asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11653     and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11654     and    transaction_header_id = c_transaction_header_id;
11656   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11657   -- gets reval reserve amount
11658   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11659   CURSOR c_get_reval_rsv (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11660     select sum(decode(debit_credit_flag, 'DR', -1 * adjustment_amount,
11661                                                   adjustment_amount))
11662     from   fa_adjustments
11663     where  source_type_code = 'REVALUATION'
11664     and    adjustment_type = 'RESERVE'
11665     and    asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11666     and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11667     and    transaction_header_id = c_transaction_header_id;
11672   CURSOR c_get_mc_reval_rsv (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11669   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11670   -- For MRC:  gets reval reserve amount
11671   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11673     select sum(decode(debit_credit_flag, 'DR', -1 * adjustment_amount,
11674                                                   adjustment_amount))
11675     from   fa_adjustments_mrc_v
11676     where  source_type_code = 'REVALUATION'
11677     and    adjustment_type = 'RESERVE'
11678     and    asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11679     and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11680     and    transaction_header_id = c_transaction_header_id;
11682   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11683   -- gets reval reserve amount
11684   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11685   CURSOR c_get_bonus_reval_rsv (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11686     select sum(decode(debit_credit_flag, 'DR', -1 * adjustment_amount,
11687                                                   adjustment_amount))
11688     from   fa_adjustments
11689     where  source_type_code = 'REVALUATION'
11690     and    adjustment_type = 'BONUS_RESERVE'
11691     and    asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11692     and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11693     and    transaction_header_id = c_transaction_header_id;
11695   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11696   -- For MRC:  gets reval reserve amount
11697   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11698   CURSOR c_get_mc_bonus_reval_rsv (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11699     select sum(decode(debit_credit_flag, 'DR', -1 * adjustment_amount,
11700                                                   adjustment_amount))
11701     from   fa_adjustments_mrc_v
11702     where  source_type_code = 'REVALUATION'
11703     and    adjustment_type = 'BONUS RESERVE'
11704     and    asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11705     and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11706     and    transaction_header_id = c_transaction_header_id;
11708   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11709   -- This cursor gets group asset's transaction_header_id which was
11710   -- created for member addition.  The reason why is because Recalculation
11711   -- needs to start before this transaction in case reclass is backdated
11712   -- to member's dpis.
11713   --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11714   CURSOR c_get_init_thid IS
11715     select gth.transaction_header_id
11716     from   fa_transaction_headers gth
11717     where  gth.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11718     and    gth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11719     and    gth.member_transaction_header_id =
11720                 (select min(mth.transaction_header_id)
11721                  from   fa_transaction_headers mth
11722                  where  mth.asset_id = p_reclassed_asset_id
11723                  and    mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code);
11725    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11726    -- This cursor returns latest transaction of group
11727    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11728    CURSOR c_get_group_trx IS
11729      select th.transaction_header_id    transaction_header_id,
11730             nvl(th.amortization_start_date,
11731                 th.transaction_date_entered) transaction_date_entered,
11732             th.date_effective date_effective,
11733             th.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code
11734      from   fa_transaction_headers th
11735      where  asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11736      and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11737      and    not exists (select 'Y'
11738                         from fa_transaction_headers mth,
11739                              fa_books bk
11740                         where mth.transaction_header_id = th.member_transaction_header_id
11741                         and   mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11742                         and   bk.asset_id = mth.asset_id
11743                         and   bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11744                         and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
11745                         and   ((bk.asset_id <> nvl(p_reclassed_asset_id, 0) and
11746                                 bk.group_asset_id is null) or
11747                                bk.group_asset_id <> p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id)
11748                          )
11749      union all
11750      select p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id    transaction_header_id,
11751             nvl(p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
11752                 p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered) transaction_date_entered,
11753             p_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date date_effective,
11754             p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code transaction_type_code
11755      from   dual
11756      where  not exists (select 'Y'
11757                         from fa_transaction_headers mth,
11758                              fa_books bk
11759                         where mth.transaction_header_id = p_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id
11760                         and   mth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11761                         and   bk.asset_id = mth.asset_id
11762                         and   bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11763                         and   bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
11764                         and   ((bk.asset_id <> nvl(p_reclassed_asset_id, 0) and
11768      order by transaction_header_id desc;
11765                                 bk.group_asset_id is null) or
11766                                bk.group_asset_id <> p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id)
11767                          )
11770    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11771    -- This cursor returns maximum group transaction header id which is
11772    -- not a group transaction of non-member asset before give transaction
11773    -- header id to get correct initial books row.
11774    --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
11775    CURSOR c_get_init_trx2 (c_transaction_header_id number) IS
11776      select outgth.transaction_header_id
11777      from   fa_transaction_headers outgth,
11778             fa_transaction_headers ingth,
11779             fa_books gbk
11780      where  outgth.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11781      and    outgth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11782      and    outgth.transaction_header_id <= c_transaction_header_id
11783      and    ingth.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11784      and    ingth.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11785      and    gbk.transaction_header_id_out = outgth.transaction_header_id
11786      and    gbk.transaction_header_id_in = ingth.transaction_header_id
11787      and    not exists (select 1
11788                         from   fa_transaction_headers mth,
11789                                fa_books bk
11790                         where  mth.transaction_header_id = ingth.member_transaction_header_id
11791                         and    mth.asset_id = bk.asset_id
11792                         and    bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11793                         and    bk.transaction_header_id_out is null
11794                         and    (bk.asset_id <> p_reclassed_asset_id
11795                            and  nvl(bk.group_asset_id, 0) <> p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id))
11796      order by outgth.transaction_header_id desc;
11798 -- bug 4428646, changed deprn_source_code to 'BOOKS, was 'B'.
11799   CURSOR c_get_brow IS
11800      select ytd_deprn, deprn_reserve
11801      from   fa_deprn_summary
11802      where  asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11803      and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11804      and    deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS';
11806   CURSOR c_get_mc_brow IS
11807      select ytd_deprn, deprn_reserve
11808      from   fa_deprn_summary_mrc_v
11809      where  asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11810      and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11811      and    deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS';
11813   -- code fix for bug no.4016503
11814   -- Get previous trx with given thid
11815   --Added conditions to where clause for bug 4168841
11816   CURSOR c_get_prev_trx (c_thid number) IS
11817     select th.transaction_header_id
11818          , th.transaction_date_entered
11819          , th.date_effective
11820          , th.transaction_type_code
11821     from   fa_transaction_headers th
11822          ,  fa_books bk
11823     where bk.transaction_header_id_out <  c_thid
11824     and   bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11825     and   th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
11826     and   th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11827     and   bk.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
11828     and   bk.transaction_header_id_in = th.transaction_header_id
11829     and    th.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_OUT, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_IN,
11830                                             G_TRX_TYPE_TFR, G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID,
11831                                             G_TRX_TYPE_REC, G_TRX_TYPE_UNIT_ADJ,
11832                                             G_TRX_TYPE_TFR_VOID ,G_TRX_TYPE_REI)
11833     order by transaction_header_id desc;
11835    -- Bug6190904: Need following cursor to store prorate period info
11836    -- to find out whether adjustment date (amortized) may need the info
11837    -- if the date falls in the prorate period and impact the catch-up.
11838    CURSOR c_get_prorate_date (c_date_placed_in_service date
11839                             , c_prorate_convention_code varchar2) is
11840    select prorate_date, start_date, end_date
11841    from   fa_conventions
11842    where  prorate_convention_code = c_prorate_convention_code
11843    and    c_date_placed_in_service between start_date and end_date;
11845    -- Bug6190904: Used with above cursor.
11846    l_prorate_date   date;
11847    l_start_date     date;
11848    l_end_date       date;
11850   --++++++++++++++++++ Table types ++++++++++++++++++
11857   TYPE tab_char150_type IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(150) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
11859   -- table to store returned values from c_check_overlap2
11860   t_co_thid                      tab_num15_type;
11861   t_co_date_effective            tab_date_type;
11862   t_co_trx_date                  tab_date_type;
11863   t_co_trx_type_code             tab_char30_type;
11865   --+++ Table variables to for main transaction cursor +++
11866   t_transaction_header_id        tab_num15_type;
11867   t_transaction_type_code        tab_char30_type;
11868   t_transaction_date_entered     tab_date_type;
11872   t_mass_reference_id            tab_num15_type;
11869   t_date_effective               tab_date_type;
11870   t_transaction_name             tab_char30_type;
11871   t_source_transaction_header_id tab_num15_type;
11873   t_transaction_subtype          tab_char30_type;
11874   t_transaction_key              tab_char30_type;
11875   t_amortization_start_date      tab_date_type;
11876   t_calling_interface            tab_char30_type;
11877   t_mass_transaction_id          tab_num15_type;
11878   t_deprn_override_flag          tab_char1_type;
11879   t_member_transaction_header_id tab_num15_type;
11880   t_trx_reference_id             tab_num15_type;
11881   t_invoice_transaction_id       tab_num15_type;
11882   t_which_select                 tab_char30_type;
11885   l_row_count                    NUMBER := 0;
11887   --+++++ Store data related to each transactions +++++
11888   l_trans_rec                    FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type;
11889   l_invoice_transaction_id       NUMBER;
11890   l_period_rec                   FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type;
11891   l_asset_deprn_rec              FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type;
11892   l_asset_deprn_rec_raf          FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type;
11893   l_asset_fin_rec_old            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
11894   l_asset_fin_rec_adj            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
11895   l_asset_fin_rec_new            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
11896   l_asset_retire_rec             FA_API_TYPES.asset_retire_rec_type;
11898   l_least_thid                   number(15); -- Stored least transaction_header_id
11899                                              -- to find starting fa_books record
11900   l_member_asset_id              number(15) := to_number(null); -- Store member asset id
11901   l_member_trx_key               varchar2(2); -- member transaction key
11902   l_member_hdr_rec               FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type;
11903   l_next_period_rec              FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type;
11904   l_transaction_type_code        varchar2(30); -- Used to find reinstatement
11906   l_temp_period_counter          number(15); -- This is to store period counter because GetDeprnRec needs
11907                                              -- period counter = period_counter - 1
11909   l_use_new_deprn_rule           BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- True: if it needs to inherit passed
11910                                                    -- asset_fin_rec values except amounts.
11911   l_use_fin_rec_adj              BOOLEAN := FALSE; -- True: if it is processing passed transaction
11913   l_limit               CONSTANT BINARY_INTEGER := 1800; -- main transaction_cursor limit constant;
11915   --+++++++++++++++ For calling faxcde +++++++++++++++
11916   l_dpr_in                       FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_struct;
11917   l_dpr_out                      FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_out_struct;
11918   l_dpr_arr                      FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_arr_type;
11919   l_running_mode                 NUMBER;
11921   --++++++++++ For storing retirement values ++++++++++
11922   l_retirement_id                NUMBER(15);
11923   l_cost_of_removal              NUMBER;
11924   l_proceeds_of_sales            NUMBER;
11925   l_reserve_retired              NUMBER;
11926   l_eofy_reserve_retired         NUMBER;
11927   l_reval_reserve_retired        NUMBER;
11928   l_unrevalued_cost_retired      NUMBER;
11929   l_bonus_reserve_retired        NUMBER;
11930   l_recognize_gain_loss          VARCHAR2(30);
11931   l_cost_retired                 NUMBER;
11933   --++++++++++ For storing revaluation values ++++++++++
11934   l_reval_reserve                NUMBER;
11935   l_reval_bonus_reserve          NUMBER;
11937   l_process_this_trx             BOOLEAN := TRUE; -- False: if this transaction is retirement and
11938                                                   --        reinstatement exists for this retirement.
11939                                                   --        If this is false, it won't process this transaction.
11941   --
11942   -- These are used to store return values from faxcde which
11943   -- may not be used.
11944   --
11945   l_out_deprn_exp                NUMBER;
11946   l_out_reval_exp                NUMBER;
11947   l_out_reval_amo                NUMBER;
11948   l_out_prod                     NUMBER;
11949   l_out_ann_adj_exp              NUMBER;
11950   l_out_ann_adj_reval_exp        NUMBER;
11951   l_out_ann_adj_reval_amo        NUMBER;
11952   l_out_bonus_rate_used          NUMBER;
11953   l_out_full_rsv_flag            BOOLEAN;
11954   l_out_life_comp_flag           BOOLEAN;
11955   l_out_deprn_override_flag      VARCHAR2(1);
11957   --+++++++ variables for cursor c_get_next_ths +++++++
11958   l_next_trx_period_counter      NUMBER(15);
11959   l_next_trx_fiscal_year         NUMBER(15);
11960   l_next_trx_period_num          NUMBER(15);
11961   l_next_trx_trx_date_entered    DATE;
11962   l_next_trx_date_effective      DATE;
11964   --+++++++ variables for cursor c_get_init_thid ++++++
11965   l_member_init_thid             NUMBER;
11967   --+++++++ variables FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.GET_EOFY_EOP +++++++
11968   l_eofy_rec_cost                NUMBER;
11969   l_eofy_sal_val                 NUMBER;
11970   l_eop_rec_cost                 NUMBER;
11971   l_eop_sal_val                  NUMBER;
11973   l_eofy_fy                      NUMBER; -- Fiscal year which is used to get
11974                                          -- end of fiscal year recoverable cost and
11975                                          -- salvage value
11980   l_eofy_thid                    NUMBER(15);
11977   l_period_counter               NUMBER(15);
11979   --++++++++ variables for calling GetEofyReserve ++++++++
11981   l_eofy_trx_date_entered        DATE;
11982   l_eofy_date_effective          DATE;
11983   l_eofy_reserve                 NUMBER;
11984   l_eofy_trx_type_code           VARCHAR2(30);
11986   --++++++++ variables for cursor c_get_deprn_period_date +++++++
11987   l_calendar_period_start_date   date;
11988   --++++++++ variables for manual override ++++++++
11989   l_rate_source_rule             VARCHAR2(25);
11990   l_deprn_basis_rule             VARCHAR2(25);
11992   --++++++++ variables for cursor c_get_reclass_reserve +++++++++
11993   l_src_asset_id                 NUMBER(15);
11994   l_dest_asset_id                NUMBER(15);
11995   l_reclassed_reserve            NUMBER;
11996   l_reclass_src_dest             VARCHAR2(12);
11998   --++++++++ Other Variables +++++++
11999   l_calc_deprn_flag              BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12000   l_temp_adjusted_cost           NUMBER;
12001   l_reserve_adj                  NUMBER;
12003   --+++++++++++++++++ Exceptions ++++++++++++++++++++++
12004   invalid_trx_to_overlap         EXCEPTION;
12005   calc_failed                    EXCEPTION;
12006   l_check_overlap_found          BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12008   l_temp_cnt binary_integer := 0;
12010   --bug3548724
12011   l_is_this_void                 BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12012   l_adj_processed                BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12013   l_add_processed                BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12014   l_add_void_exist               BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12015   l_add_exist                    BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12017   --Bug3724207
12018   l_dpis_change                  BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12019   l_dbr_event_type               VARCHAR2(30);
12020   l_brow_ytd_deprn               NUMBER;
12021   l_brow_deprn_reserve           NUMBER;
12023   l_energy_member                BOOLEAN := FALSE;  -- ENERGY
12024   l_retirement_flag              VARCHAR2(1) := 'N'; --Bug4622110
12026   l_unplanned_exp		 NUMBER;
12027   l_start_from_first             BOOLEAN := TRUE;
12029   -- Bug PKO
12030   l_retirement_thid              NUMBER := -1;
12031   l_catchup_begin_deprn_rec      FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type;
12032   l_temp_reserve                 NUMBER;
12034   l_cost_frac                    NUMBER;  -- Bug 5948890
12036   l_old_pc_reserved              NUMBER;  -- Japan Tax phase3
12037   l_new_pc_reserved              NUMBER;  -- Japan Tax phase3
12039   --Bug6631377 begins
12040    CURSOR c_prd_addition is
12041    select th.transaction_header_id,
12042                 th.transaction_date_entered,
12043                 th.date_effective,
12044                 th.transaction_type_code
12045    from   fa_transaction_headers th,
12046           fa_deprn_periods fdp
12047    where  th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
12048    and    th.book_type_code =  p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
12049    and    fdp.book_type_code =  p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
12050    and    th.date_effective between fdp.period_open_date and nvl(fdp.period_close_date,sysdate)
12051    and    l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered  between fdp.calendar_period_open_date
12052                                                 and fdp.calendar_period_close_date
12053    and    th.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION';
12055   l_temp_id   number;
12056   l_temp_date1 date;
12057   l_temp_date2 date;
12058   l_temp_code varchar2(30);
12059   --bug 6631377 ends
12061 BEGIN
12063    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12064       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_asset_type_rec.asset_type||
12065                        ':'||p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id, p_log_level_rec);
12066       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Reclass values', p_reclass_src_dest||
12067                        ':'||to_char(p_reclassed_asset_id)||':'||
12068                        to_char(p_reclassed_asset_dpis, 'DD-MON-RR'), p_log_level_rec);
12069    end if;
12071    l_asset_deprn_rec := p_asset_deprn_rec;
12072    l_asset_fin_rec_adj := p_asset_fin_rec_adj;
12074    l_incoming_thid                       := nvl(p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id, 999999999999);
12075    l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code     := p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code;
12076    l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id     :=  l_incoming_thid;
12077    l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered  := nvl(p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
12078                                                p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered);
12079    l_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date := nvl(p_trans_rec.who_info.last_update_date, sysdate);
12081    if ((px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id is null) and
12082        (p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id is not null)) or
12083       ((px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id is not null) and
12084        (p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id is null)) and
12085       (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'CAPITALIZED') then
12086       l_calc_deprn_flag := TRUE;
12087    end if;
12089    --
12090    -- Bug3696765:
12091    -- Due to necessity of using user entered reserve occasionally (only if user backdated
12092    -- to 1st peirod of fiscal, this check is necessary and the return value will be
12093    -- used in check_overlap cursor and main cursor.
12094    --
12095    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12096      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 1.0 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12100      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code',
12097      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id',
12098                       p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id, p_log_level_rec);
12099      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_incoming_thid', l_incoming_thid, p_log_level_rec);
12101                       p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code, p_log_level_rec);
12102      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered',
12103                       p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered, p_log_level_rec);
12104    end if;
12106    if (p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code not like '%ADDITION') and
12107       (p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is not null) then
12108       if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date, 'J')),
12109                            p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
12110                            p_mrc_sob_type_code,
12111                            l_period_rec) then
12112          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12113             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
12114                              'GetPeriodInfo'
12115                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12116          end if;
12118          raise calc_failed;
12119       end if;
12121       -- Bug 6950629 Added and condition to process addition transaction if firstperiod equal to dpis.
12122       if l_period_rec.period_num = 1 and
12123          (px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service <> p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date) then
12124          l_process_addition := 0;
12125       else
12126          l_process_addition := 1;
12127       end if;
12128    end if;
12130 -- Bug 5726160
12131    if p_running_mode = fa_std_types.FA_DPR_CATCHUP then
12133       if p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENT' then
12135         begin
12136           select transaction_header_id_in
12137           into l_retirement_thid -- retirement thid
12138           from fa_retirements
12139           where asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
12140             and book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
12141             and transaction_header_id_out = l_incoming_thid;
12142         exception when others then null;
12143         end;
12145       end if;
12147    end if;
12149    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12150       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Checking overlapped trxs',
12151                        p_asset_type_rec.asset_type||':'||p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
12152                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12153    end if;
12155    OPEN c_get_deprn_period_date;
12156    FETCH c_get_deprn_period_date INTO l_calendar_period_start_date;
12157    CLOSE c_get_deprn_period_date;
12159    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12160      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 1.9 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12161      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_calendar_period_start_date',
12162                       l_calendar_period_start_date, p_log_level_rec);
12163    end if;
12166    LOOP
12167       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12168          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 2.0 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12169          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ IN 1st LOOP: l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id',
12170                           l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id, p_log_level_rec);
12171          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn,
12172                           '++ Checking overlapped trxs with l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered',
12173                           to_char(l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
12174                           p_log_level_rec);
12175          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_process_addition', l_process_addition, p_log_level_rec);
12176       end if;
12178       if (l_calendar_period_start_date >l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered) then
12180          --
12181          -- There is a case that we don't want to recalculate from addition if entered trx
12182          -- is back dated to first period of fy and user provided ytd and deprn reserve at the time
12183          -- of addition
12184          --
12185          if l_process_addition = 0 then
12186             --
12187             -- If entered trx is back dated to period 1 then look for a trx prevent recalculation
12188             -- from the period 1 such as other trx back dated beyond the period.
12189             -- if there is no such trx exists then we can recalculate from the period 1 using
12190             -- user entered ytd and deprn reserve at the time of addition. so skip c_check_overlap
12191             --
12192 --toru
12193             OPEN c_check_overlap2;
12194             FETCH c_check_overlap2 BULK COLLECT INTO t_co_thid,
12195                                                      t_co_date_effective,
12196                                                      t_co_trx_date,
12197                                                      t_co_trx_type_code;
12199             CLOSE c_check_overlap2;
12201             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12202                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_co_thid.count', t_co_thid.count, p_log_level_rec);
12203             end if;
12205             l_start_from_first := FALSE;
12207             for i in 1..t_co_thid.count loop
12208                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12212                if (t_co_trx_date(i) < l_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date) then
12209                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_co_trx_date', t_co_trx_date(i), p_log_level_rec);
12210                end if;
12213                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12214                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_start_from_first', 'TRUE', p_log_level_rec);
12215                   end if;
12216                   l_start_from_first := TRUE;
12217                   EXIT;
12218                elsif (t_co_trx_date(i) < nvl(l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,
12219                                              nvl(p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
12220                                                  p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered))) then
12221                   l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id := t_co_thid(i);
12222                   l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered := t_co_trx_date(i);
12223                   l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date := t_co_date_effective(i);
12224                   l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := t_co_trx_type_code(i);
12225                end if;
12226             end loop;
12228             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12229                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End of for loop', 'end', p_log_level_rec);
12230             end if;
12232          else
12233             l_start_from_first := TRUE;
12234          end if;
12237          if (l_start_from_first) then
12238             OPEN c_get_first_trx;
12239             FETCH c_get_first_trx INTO l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id,
12240                                        l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,
12241                                        l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date;
12242             CLOSE c_get_first_trx;
12244             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12245               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 2.1 ==========','',
12246                                p_log_level_rec);
12247               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id',
12248                                l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id, p_log_level_rec);
12249               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered',
12250                                l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered, p_log_level_rec);
12251               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date',
12252                                l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date, p_log_level_rec);
12253             end if;
12255          end if; -- (l_start_from_first)
12257          EXIT;
12259       end if;
12261       OPEN c_check_overlap(l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,
12262                            l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id,
12263                            l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date);
12264       FETCH c_check_overlap INTO g_temp_number,
12265                                  g_temp_date1,
12266                                  g_temp_date2,
12267                                  g_temp_char30;
12269 --tk_util.debug('transaction_header_id: '||to_char(g_temp_number));
12270 --tk_util.debug('creation_date: '||to_char(g_temp_date2, 'DD-MON-RR HH24:MI:SS'));
12271 --tk_util.debug('l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code: '||g_temp_char30);
12273       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12274          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn,
12275                           '========== Recalc Step 2.2 : IN c_check_overlap ==========','',
12276                           p_log_level_rec);
12277          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ INPUT: l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id',
12278                           l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id, p_log_level_rec);
12279          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++        l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered',
12280                           to_char(l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,'MM/DD/YYYY'),
12281                           p_log_level_rec);
12282          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++        l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date',
12283                           to_char(l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date,'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),
12284                           p_log_level_rec);
12285          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ OUTPUT: g_temp_number: THID', g_temp_number,
12286                           p_log_level_rec);
12287          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++         g_temp_date1: Trx Date', g_temp_date1,
12288                           p_log_level_rec);
12289          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++         g_temp_date2: Effective_Date', g_temp_date2,
12290                           p_log_level_rec);
12291          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++         g_temp_char30: Trx Type Code', g_temp_char30,
12292                           p_log_level_rec);
12293       end if;
12296       -- Bug#4049799: Replaced this with the following: l_check_overlap_found := c_check_overlap%FOUND; */
12297       if c_check_overlap%NOTFOUND then
12298         l_check_overlap_found := FALSE;
12299       else
12300         l_check_overlap_found := TRUE;
12301       end if;
12303       CLOSE c_check_overlap;
12306       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12307            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.0 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12308            if (l_check_overlap_found) then
12309              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_check_overlap_found', 'TRUE', p_log_level_rec);
12310            else
12311              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_check_overlap_found', 'FALSE', p_log_level_rec);
12312            end if;
12313       end if;
12315       if (l_check_overlap_found) then
12317          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12318            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.1 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12319          end if;
12321          l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id := g_temp_number;
12322          l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered := g_temp_date1;
12323          l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date := g_temp_date2;
12324          l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := g_temp_char30;
12326          --
12327          -- Bug3696765:
12328          -- Due to necessity of using user entered reserve occasionally (only if user backdated
12329          -- to 1st peirod of fiscal, this check is necessary and the return value will be
12330          -- used in check_overlap cursor and main cursor.
12331          --
12332          if (l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code not like '%ADDITION') then
12333             if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered, 'J')),
12334                                  p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
12335                                  p_mrc_sob_type_code,
12336                                  l_period_rec) then
12337                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12338                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
12339                                    'GetPeriodInfo'
12340                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12341                end if;
12343                raise calc_failed;
12344             end if;
12346             -- Bug 5443855 if l_period_rec.period_num = 1 then
12347             if l_period_rec.period_num = 1 or l_entered_reserve <> 0 then
12348                l_process_addition := 0;
12349             else
12350                l_process_addition := 1;
12351             end if;
12352          end if;
12354       else
12356          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12357            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.2 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12358          end if;
12360          --
12361          -- If the member asset is currently a member or will be a member
12362          -- do not call GetEofyReserve since it could require to go back
12363          -- to addition to recalcualte without letting user know which is not
12364          -- good especially if this asset has added with reserve which will be
12365          -- wiped out during recalculation.
12366          --
12367          if ((p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id is null and
12368               px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id is null)) or
12369               (l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code like '%RETIREMENT') then    -- ENERGY
12371             if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.use_eofy_reserve_flag = 'Y') /*and
12372                (p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id is null and               -- ENERGY
12373                 px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id is null) */ then            -- ENERGY
12374                if not GetEofyReserve(
12375                          p_trans_rec                => l_trans_rec,
12376                          p_trans_rec_cur            => p_trans_rec,
12377                          p_asset_hdr_rec            => p_asset_hdr_rec,
12378                          p_asset_type_rec           => p_asset_type_rec,
12379                          p_period_rec               => p_period_rec,
12380                          x_eofy_reserve             => l_eofy_reserve,
12381                          x_transaction_header_id    => l_eofy_thid,
12382                          x_transaction_date_entered => l_eofy_trx_date_entered,
12383                          x_date_effective           => l_eofy_date_effective,
12384                          x_transaction_type_code    => l_eofy_trx_type_code,
12385                          p_mrc_sob_type_code        => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
12386                          p_calling_fn               => l_calling_fn
12387                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
12388                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12389                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
12390                                       'GetEofyReserve'
12391                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12392                   end if;
12394                   raise calc_failed;
12396                end if;
12397             end if;
12399             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12400               fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.3 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12401             end if;
12404             if (nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.use_eofy_reserve_flag, 'N') = 'N') or
12405                (l_eofy_reserve is not null) then
12406               --adding the following code for bug no.4016503
12407               --the retirement transaction is ignored during recalculate
12408               -- if it is reinstated by any following transaction.
12410                 if (l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code like '%RETIREMENT') then
12411                   --bug6631377 begins
12412                   open c_prd_addition;
12413                   fetch c_prd_addition into
12414                                          l_temp_id,
12415                                          l_temp_date1,
12416                                          l_temp_date2,
12420                           l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered := l_temp_date1;
12417                                          l_temp_code;
12418                   if c_prd_addition%FOUND then
12419                           l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id := l_temp_id;
12421                           l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date := l_temp_date2;
12422                           l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := l_temp_code;
12423                           exit;
12424                   else
12425 			  l_retirement_id           := null;
12426 			  l_cost_retired            := null;
12427 			  l_cost_of_removal         := null;
12428 			  l_proceeds_of_sales       := null;
12429 			  l_reserve_retired         := null;
12430 			  l_eofy_reserve_retired    := null;
12431 			  l_reval_reserve_retired   := null;
12432 			  l_unrevalued_cost_retired := null;
12433 			  l_bonus_reserve_retired   := null;
12434 			  l_recognize_gain_loss     := null;
12436 			  if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12437 			    fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.3.1 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12438 			  end if;
12440 			  OPEN c_get_retirement(l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id);
12441 			  FETCH c_get_retirement INTO l_retirement_id,
12442 						      l_cost_retired,
12443 						      l_cost_of_removal,
12444 						      l_proceeds_of_sales,
12445 						      l_reserve_retired,
12446 						      l_eofy_reserve_retired,
12447 						      l_reval_reserve_retired,
12448 						      l_unrevalued_cost_retired,
12449 						      l_bonus_reserve_retired,
12450 						      l_recognize_gain_loss;
12452 			  if c_get_retirement%NOTFOUND then
12453 			     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12454 				fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Check Overlap', 'Serach previous  trx'
12455 							,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12456 			     end if;
12458 			     CLOSE c_get_retirement;
12460 			     --find a trx before this retirement
12461 			     OPEN c_get_prev_trx (l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id);
12462 			     FETCH c_get_prev_trx INTO l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
12463 						     , l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
12464 						     , l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date
12465 						     , l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code;
12466 			     /*Added for bug 4168841*/
12467 			     if c_get_prev_trx%NOTFOUND then
12468 				CLOSE c_get_prev_trx;
12469 				exit;
12470 			     end if;
12472 			     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12473 			       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12474 			     end if;
12477 			     CLOSE c_get_prev_trx;
12478 			  else
12479 			     -- This retirement has not reinstated yet so ok to proceed
12480 			     CLOSE c_get_retirement;
12482 			     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12483 			       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.3.3 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12484 			     end if;
12486 			     exit;
12487 			  end if; -- c_get_retirement%NOTFOUND
12488 		     end if; --c_prd_addition%FOUND
12489                      close c_prd_addition;
12490                      --bug6631377 ends
12491                else
12492                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12493                        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.3.9 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12494                   end if;
12496                   exit;
12497                end if; -- l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code like '%RETIREMENT
12499             else
12500                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12501                        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.4.1 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12502                end if;
12504                l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id := l_eofy_thid;
12505                l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered := l_eofy_trx_date_entered;
12506                l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date := l_eofy_date_effective;
12507             end if;
12508          else
12509             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12510                        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 3.5 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12511             end if;
12513             -- Will find eofy_reserve from old books row.
12514             exit;
12515          end if; -- (p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id is null and
12516       end if;
12518       l_period_rec := null;
12520       --%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12521       -- temporary code to prevent infinite loop
12522       --
12523       l_temp_cnt := l_temp_cnt + 1;
12525       if (l_temp_cnt > 200) then
12527          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12528             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Checking overlapped trxs with ',
12529                              l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered
12530                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12531          end if;
12533          raise calc_failed;
12534       end if;
12535       --%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12536       --%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
12538    END LOOP;
12541    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12542       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '+++ FETCHING TRANSACTIONS AFTER',
12543                        l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered||':'||
12544                        to_char(l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), p_log_level_rec);
12545    end if;
12547    --Bug4622110
12548    if l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code like '%RETIREMENT' then
12549       l_retirement_flag := 'Y';
12550    end if;
12552    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12553       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 4 : BEFORE LOOP FOR CURSOR c_get_ths_adj ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12554       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered', l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered, p_log_level_rec);
12555       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date', l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date, p_log_level_rec);
12556       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id', l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id, p_log_level_rec);
12557       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_retirement_flag', l_retirement_flag, p_log_level_rec);
12558    end if;
12560    OPEN c_get_ths_adj(l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered,
12561                       l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date,
12562                       l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id,
12563                       l_retirement_flag); --Bug4622110
12565    LOOP -- Main loop for all transactions
12568       FETCH c_get_ths_adj BULK COLLECT INTO t_transaction_header_id,
12569                                             t_transaction_type_code,
12570                                             t_transaction_date_entered,
12571                                             t_date_effective,
12572                                             t_transaction_name,
12573                                             t_source_transaction_header_id,
12574                                             t_mass_reference_id,
12575                                             t_transaction_subtype,
12576                                             t_transaction_key,
12577                                             t_amortization_start_date,
12578                                             t_calling_interface,
12579                                             t_mass_transaction_id,
12580                                             t_deprn_override_flag,
12581                                             t_member_transaction_header_id,
12582                                             t_trx_reference_id,
12583                                             t_invoice_transaction_id,
12584                                             t_which_select
12585                                             LIMIT l_limit;
12587       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12588          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 4.1 IN Fetch c_get_ths_adj  ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12589          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Number of rows fetched',
12590                           t_transaction_header_id.COUNT, p_log_level_rec);
12591       end if;
12593       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12594          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Number of rows fetched',
12595                           t_transaction_header_id.COUNT
12596                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12597       end if;
12599       -- Store total row count
12600       l_row_count := c_get_ths_adj%ROWCOUNT;
12602       EXIT WHEN t_transaction_header_id.COUNT = 0;
12604       FOR i IN 1..t_transaction_header_id.COUNT LOOP -- for every 100 transactions
12605          if (t_transaction_type_code(i) = 'TAX') then
12606             raise invalid_trx_to_overlap;
12607          end if;
12609          l_dbr_event_type := 'AMORT_ADJ';
12611          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12612            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 4.1.1 IN For-Loop of c_get_ths_adj ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
12613            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ IN c_get_ths_adj: t_which_select('||to_char(i)||')',t_which_select(i), p_log_level_rec);
12614            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ t_transaction_header_id('||to_char(i)||')',t_transaction_header_id(i), p_log_level_rec);
12615            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ t_transaction_type_code('||to_char(i)||')',t_transaction_type_code(i), p_log_level_rec);
12616            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ t_transaction_date_entered('||to_char(i)||')',t_transaction_date_entered(i), p_log_level_rec);
12617            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ t_amortization_start_date('||to_char(i)||')',t_amortization_start_date(i), p_log_level_rec);
12618            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ t_transaction_subtype('||to_char(i)||')',t_transaction_subtype(i), p_log_level_rec);
12619            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dbr_event_type',l_dbr_event_type, p_log_level_rec);
12620          end if;
12622          --
12623          -- don't want to process addition after any trx.
12624          --
12625          -- Bug4490414: Add CIP ADDITION(/VOID)
12626          if (not(l_adj_processed)) and
12627             (t_transaction_type_code(i) not in ('ADDITION', 'ADDITION/VOID',
12628                                                 'CIP ADIITION', 'CIP ADDITION/VOID')) then
12629             l_adj_processed := TRUE;
12630 --tk_util.debug('1tk');
12631          elsif (l_adj_processed) and
12632                (t_transaction_type_code(i) like '%ADDITION%') then
12633             l_process_this_trx := FALSE;
12634 --tk_util.debug('2tk');
12635          end if;
12637          --
12638          -- don't want to process addition/void after addition
12639          --
12643             (t_transaction_type_code(i) = 'ADDITION') then
12640          -- Bug4490414: Add CIP ADDITION/VOID
12641          -- Also elsif should only be true if addition has been processed.
12642          if (not(l_add_processed)) and
12644             l_add_processed := TRUE;
12645 --tk_util.debug('3tk');
12646          elsif (l_add_processed) and
12647                (p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code <> 'ADDITION/VOID') and
12648                (t_transaction_type_code(i) in ('ADDITION/VOID', 'CIP ADDITION/VOID')) then
12649             l_process_this_trx := FALSE;
12650 --tk_util.debug('4tk');
12651          end if;
12653          l_is_this_void := FALSE;
12655          if (not(l_adj_processed)) and
12656             (not(l_add_processed)) then
12657             l_is_this_void := TRUE;
12658 --tk_util.debug('5tk');
12659          end if;
12662          l_asset_fin_rec_old := l_asset_fin_rec_new;
12664          l_trans_rec := null;
12665          l_next_period_rec := null;
12666          l_member_asset_id := null;
12667          l_member_trx_key := null;
12669          l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id := t_transaction_header_id(i);
12670          l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code := t_transaction_type_code(i);
12671          l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered := t_transaction_date_entered(i);
12672          l_trans_rec.who_info.creation_date := t_date_effective(i);
12673          l_trans_rec.transaction_name := t_transaction_name(i);
12674          l_trans_rec.source_transaction_header_id := t_source_transaction_header_id(i);
12675          l_trans_rec.mass_reference_id := t_mass_reference_id(i);
12676          l_trans_rec.transaction_subtype := t_transaction_subtype(i);
12677          l_trans_rec.transaction_key := t_transaction_key(i);
12678          l_trans_rec.amortization_start_date := t_amortization_start_date(i);
12679          l_trans_rec.calling_interface := t_calling_interface(i);
12680          l_trans_rec.mass_transaction_id := t_mass_transaction_id(i);
12681          l_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := t_deprn_override_flag(i);
12682          l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id := t_member_transaction_header_id(i);
12683          l_trans_rec.trx_reference_id := t_trx_reference_id(i);
12684          l_invoice_transaction_id := t_invoice_transaction_id(i);
12686 --tk_util.DumpTrxRec(l_trans_rec, to_char(i));
12688          if (i=1) or
12689             (l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered > l_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date) then
12691             -- Bug6190904: Need to determine correct date to find out from which period catch-up
12692             --             needs to be calculated.  This is true even for the adjustment.
12693             if (i=1) then
12695                OPEN
12696 c_get_prorate_date(px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service
12697                                      ,
12698 px_asset_fin_rec_new.prorate_convention_code);
12699                FETCH c_get_prorate_date INTO l_prorate_date, l_start_date,
12700 l_end_date;
12701                CLOSE c_get_prorate_date;
12703             end if;
12705             if
12706 (nvl(l_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered) >
12707 l_end_date) then
12708                l_prorate_date :=
12709 nvl(l_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered);
12710             end if;
12711             -- End of Bug6190904
12713             -- Bug6190904: use date determined by above logic instead of
12714             --             transaction_date_entered
12715             if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(l_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered, 'J')),
12716                                  p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
12717                                  p_mrc_sob_type_code,
12718                                  l_period_rec) then
12719                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12720                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
12721                                    'GetPeriodInfo'
12722                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12723                end if;
12725                raise calc_failed;
12726             end if;
12728          end if;
12730 --tk_util.DumpPerRec(l_period_rec, to_char(i));
12732          --
12733          -- Special processes for first transaction only
12734          --
12735          if (i = 1) and (l_row_count <= l_limit) then
12737             -- Find least transaction header id
12738             FOR j IN 1..t_transaction_header_id.COUNT LOOP
12740 --tk_util.debug('l_incoming_thid: '||to_char(l_incoming_thid));
12741 --tk_util.debug('t_transaction_header_id(j): '||to_char(t_transaction_header_id(j)));
12742 --tk_util.debug('t_transaction_type_code(j): '||t_transaction_type_code(j));
12744                if (t_transaction_type_code(i) = 'ADDITION') then
12745                   l_add_exist      := TRUE;
12746                elsif (t_transaction_type_code(j) = 'ADDITION') then
12747                   l_add_exist      := TRUE;
12748                elsif (t_transaction_type_code(j) = 'ADDITION/VOID') then
12749                   l_add_void_exist := TRUE;
12750                end if;
12752                if (nvl(l_least_thid, l_incoming_thid) <> t_transaction_header_id(j)) and
12753                   (nvl(l_least_thid, l_incoming_thid) > t_transaction_header_id(j)) and
12754                   (((p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = G_ASSET_TYPE_GROUP) and
12755                     (t_transaction_header_id(j) is not null)) or
12756                    (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type <> G_ASSET_TYPE_GROUP)) then
12758                   --
12759                   -- Cannot process addition after adjustment???  not sure this will work
12760                   -- Also, do not process addition void after addition
12761                   --
12762                   -- Bug4490414: Commenting out part of the following if condition
12763                   -- 2nd part of if (after or) does not have to check the 1st
12764                   -- trx type code. Commenting out "t_transaction_type_code(i)  = 'ADDITION' and"
12765                   -- from 2nd part of if below.
12767                   if (t_transaction_type_code(i) <> 'ADDITION' and
12768                       t_transaction_type_code(j) = 'ADDITION' ) or
12769                      (t_transaction_type_code(j) like '%ADDITION/VOID') then
12770                      null;
12771                   else
12772                      l_least_thid := t_transaction_header_id(j);
12773                   end if;
12774                end if;
12776             END LOOP;
12778             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12779                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Least transaction header id',
12780                                 l_least_thid
12781                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12782             end if;
12785             l_temp_period_counter := l_period_rec.period_counter;
12786             l_period_rec.period_counter := l_period_rec.period_counter -1;
12788             if not GetDeprnRec (
12789                        p_trans_rec             => l_trans_rec,
12790                        p_asset_hdr_rec         => p_asset_hdr_rec,
12791                        p_period_rec            => l_period_rec,
12792                        p_incoming_trx_type_code => p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code,
12793                        x_asset_deprn_rec       => l_asset_deprn_rec,
12794                        p_mrc_sob_type_code     =>p_mrc_sob_type_code,
12795 		       p_unplanned_exp		=> l_unplanned_exp
12796                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
12798                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12799                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
12800                                    'GetDeprnRec'
12801                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12802                end if;
12804                raise calc_failed;
12805             end if;
12807             l_period_rec.period_counter := l_temp_period_counter;
12809 --tk_util.DumpDeprnRec(l_asset_deprn_rec, 'GD');
12811             l_dpr_in.asset_num := p_asset_desc_rec.asset_number;
12812             l_dpr_in.calendar_type := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar;
12813             l_dpr_in.book := p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
12814             l_dpr_in.asset_id := p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id;
12816             --
12817             -- Need to reset ytd amounts for first period of the fiscal year
12818             --
12819             if (l_period_rec.period_num = 1) then
12820                l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount;
12821                l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn :=  l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount;
12822             end if;
12823          end if; -- End of Special processes for first transaction
12826          if (l_add_void_exist) and (not(l_add_exist)) and
12827             (t_transaction_type_code(i) = 'ADDITION/VOID') and
12828             (not(l_process_this_trx)) then
12829 --tk_util.debug('Process ADDITION VOID Transaction');
12830             l_process_this_trx := TRUE;
12831             l_is_this_void     := FALSE;
12832          end if;
12835          if (l_asset_fin_rec_old.recoverable_cost is null) then
12836             -- This means this is the first time coming through in this main loop
12838             if (not FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.GET_EOFY_EOP (
12839                     p_asset_id              => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
12840                     p_book_type_code        => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
12841                     p_fiscal_year           => l_period_rec.fiscal_year,
12842                     p_asset_type            => p_asset_type_rec.asset_type,
12843                     p_period_num            => l_period_rec.period_num,
12844                     p_mrc_sob_type_code     => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
12845                     x_eofy_recoverable_cost => l_eofy_rec_cost,
12846                     x_eofy_salvage_value    => l_eofy_sal_val,
12847                     x_eop_recoverable_cost  => l_eop_rec_cost,
12848                     x_eop_salvage_value     => l_eop_sal_val
12849                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
12850                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12851                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
12852                                    'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.GET_EOFY_EOP'
12853                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12854                end if;
12856                raise calc_failed;
12858             end if;
12860             if (l_eofy_rec_cost is null) then
12861                l_eofy_rec_cost := 0;
12862                l_eofy_sal_val := 0;
12863             end if;
12868                l_eop_rec_cost := 0;
12865             l_eofy_fy := l_period_rec.fiscal_year;
12867             if (l_eop_rec_cost is null) then
12869                l_eop_sal_val := 0;
12870             end if;
12872          elsif (l_eofy_fy < l_period_rec.fiscal_year) then
12873             -- set new end of fiscal year new recoverable cost, salvage
12874             -- value and previous fiscal year.
12876             l_eofy_rec_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_old.recoverable_cost;
12877             l_eofy_sal_val := l_asset_fin_rec_old.salvage_value;
12878             l_eofy_fy := l_period_rec.fiscal_year;
12880          end if;
12882          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12883             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_eofy_fy', l_eofy_fy
12884                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12885             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_eofy_rec_cost', l_eofy_rec_cost
12886                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12887             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_eofy_sal_val', l_eofy_sal_val
12888                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12889             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_eop_rec_cost', l_eop_rec_cost
12890                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12891             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_eop_sal_val', l_eop_sal_val
12892                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12893          end if;
12895          if (l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id = l_incoming_thid) then
12897             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12898                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Entered Transaction', 'TRUE'
12899                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12900             end if;
12902             l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve +
12903                                                nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve, 0);
12904             l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve :=
12905                            l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve +
12906                            nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.reval_deprn_reserve, 0);
12907             l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve :=
12908                            l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve +
12909                            nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0);
12911             l_use_fin_rec_adj     := TRUE;
12912             l_use_new_deprn_rule  := TRUE;
12914             --+++++++ Setting this flag to resume depreciation calculation +++++
12915             if (l_calc_deprn_flag) then
12916                l_calc_deprn_flag := FALSE;
12917             end if;
12918          else
12919             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12920                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Entered Transaction', 'FALSE'
12921                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12922             end if;
12924             l_use_fin_rec_adj := FALSE;
12925          end if;
12927          if l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code in (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET)  then
12929             l_reserve_retired := null;
12931             if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
12933                OPEN c_get_mc_retirement(nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
12934                                             l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
12935                FETCH c_get_mc_retirement INTO l_retirement_id,
12936                                               l_cost_retired,
12937                                               l_cost_of_removal,
12938                                               l_proceeds_of_sales,
12939                                               l_reserve_retired,
12940                                               l_eofy_reserve_retired,
12941                                               l_reval_reserve_retired,
12942                                               l_unrevalued_cost_retired,
12943                                               l_bonus_reserve_retired,
12944                                               l_recognize_gain_loss;
12946                if c_get_mc_retirement%NOTFOUND then
12947                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12948                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Process this transaction', 'FALSE'
12949                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12950                   end if;
12952                   l_process_this_trx := FALSE;
12953                else
12954                   if (l_reserve_retired = 0) then
12955                      OPEN c_get_mc_rsv_retired (nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
12956                                                     l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
12957                      FETCH c_get_mc_rsv_retired INTO l_reserve_retired;
12958                      CLOSE c_get_mc_rsv_retired;
12959                   end if;
12961                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12962                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Process this '||
12963                                       l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code, 'TRUE'
12964 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12965                   end if;
12966                end if; -- c_get_mc_retirement%NOTFOUND
12968                CLOSE c_get_mc_retirement;
12969             else
12970 --tk_util.debug('thid: '||to_char(nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id, l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id)));
12974                                            l_cost_retired,
12971                OPEN c_get_retirement(nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
12972                                          l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
12973                FETCH c_get_retirement INTO l_retirement_id,
12975                                            l_cost_of_removal,
12976                                            l_proceeds_of_sales,
12977                                            l_reserve_retired,
12978                                            l_eofy_reserve_retired,
12979                                            l_reval_reserve_retired,
12980                                            l_unrevalued_cost_retired,
12981                                            l_bonus_reserve_retired,
12982                                            l_recognize_gain_loss;
12984                if c_get_retirement%NOTFOUND then
12985                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
12986                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Process this transaction', 'FALSE'
12987                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
12988                   end if;
12990                   l_process_this_trx := FALSE;
12991                else
12993                   if (l_reserve_retired = 0) then
12994                      OPEN c_get_rsv_retired (nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
12995                                                  l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
12996                      FETCH c_get_rsv_retired INTO l_reserve_retired;
12997                      CLOSE c_get_rsv_retired;
12998                   end if;
13000                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13001                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Process this '||
13002                                       l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code, 'TRUE'
13003 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13004                   end if;
13006                end if; -- c_get_retirement%NOTFOUND
13008                CLOSE c_get_retirement;
13010             end if; -- (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R')
13012             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13013                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Retirement Id',
13014                                 l_retirement_id
13015                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13016                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Retired Reserve',
13017                                 l_reserve_retired
13018                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13019             end if;
13021          elsif l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = G_TRX_TYPE_REV then
13023             if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
13024                OPEN c_get_mc_reval_rsv(nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
13025                                            l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
13026                FETCH c_get_mc_reval_rsv INTO l_reval_reserve;
13027                CLOSE c_get_mc_reval_rsv;
13029                OPEN c_get_mc_bonus_reval_rsv(nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
13030                                            l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
13031                FETCH c_get_mc_bonus_reval_rsv INTO l_reval_bonus_reserve;
13032                CLOSE c_get_mc_bonus_reval_rsv;
13033             else
13034                OPEN c_get_reval_rsv(nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
13035                                         l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
13036                FETCH c_get_reval_rsv INTO l_reval_reserve;
13037                CLOSE c_get_reval_rsv;
13039                OPEN c_get_bonus_reval_rsv(nvl(l_trans_rec.member_transaction_header_id,
13040                                               l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id));
13041                FETCH c_get_bonus_reval_rsv INTO l_reval_bonus_reserve;
13042                CLOSE c_get_bonus_reval_rsv;
13043             end if;
13046             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13047                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Revaluation Reserve',
13048                                 l_reval_reserve
13049                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13050                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Revaluation Reserve',
13051                                 l_reval_bonus_reserve
13052                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13053             end if;
13054          end if; -- l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code in (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET)
13056          --
13057          -- Construct new fa_books row.
13058          -- For first transaction, also get initial fa_books row.
13059          if (l_process_this_trx) or
13060             ((i = 1) and (l_row_count < l_limit)) then
13062             if not GetFinRec(p_trans_rec                  => l_trans_rec,
13063                              p_asset_hdr_rec              => p_asset_hdr_rec,
13064                              p_asset_type_rec             => p_asset_type_rec,
13065                              px_asset_fin_rec             => l_asset_fin_rec_old,
13066                              p_asset_fin_rec_adj          => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
13067                              p_asset_fin_rec_new          => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
13068                              x_asset_fin_rec_new          => l_asset_fin_rec_new,
13069                              p_init_transaction_header_id => l_least_thid,
13070                              p_use_fin_rec_adj            => l_use_fin_rec_adj,
13074                              p_mrc_sob_type_code          => p_mrc_sob_type_code) then
13071                              p_use_new_deprn_rule         => l_use_new_deprn_rule,
13072                              p_process_this_trx           => (l_process_this_trx or l_is_this_void),
13073                              x_dpis_change                => l_dpis_change,
13075                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13076                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13077                                    'GetFinRec'
13078                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13079                end if;
13081                raise calc_failed;
13082             end if;
13084             --
13085             -- This portion of codes are relocated from before GetFinRec because it sometime
13086             -- requires to find old cost(new cost - cost retired).
13087             --
13088             if (l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code in (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET)) then
13089                if (l_reserve_retired <> 0) then
13090                   l_reserve_retired := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve *
13091                                        (l_cost_retired /nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_old.cost,l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost - l_cost_retired));
13092                   if not FA_UTILS_PKG.faxrnd(l_reserve_retired, p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code) then
13093                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'calling FA_UTILS_PKG.faxrnd', 'FAILED'
13094                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13095                      raise calc_failed;
13096                   end if;
13097                end if;
13099                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13100                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Recalculated Reserve Retired',
13101                                    l_reserve_retired
13102                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13103                end if;
13105                -- Populate local retire rec for depreciable basis to bahave like retirement
13106                l_asset_retire_rec.cost_retired := l_cost_retired;
13107                l_asset_retire_rec.proceeds_of_sale := l_proceeds_of_sales;
13108                l_asset_retire_rec.cost_of_removal := l_cost_of_removal;
13109                l_asset_retire_rec.detail_info.nbv_retired := l_cost_retired - l_reserve_retired;
13111                l_dbr_event_type := 'RETIREMENT';
13113             end if; -- l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code in (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET)
13115             if (l_dpis_change) then
13116                if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
13117                   OPEN c_get_mc_brow;
13118                   FETCH c_get_mc_brow INTO l_brow_ytd_deprn, l_brow_deprn_reserve;
13119                   CLOSE c_get_mc_brow;
13120                else
13121                   OPEN c_get_brow;
13122                   FETCH c_get_brow INTO l_brow_ytd_deprn, l_brow_deprn_reserve;
13123                   CLOSE c_get_brow;
13124                end if;
13125 --tk_util.debug('check: '||to_char(l_brow_ytd_deprn)||':'||to_char(l_brow_deprn_reserve));
13126 --
13127 -- need to initialize l_asset_deprn_rec with B row.
13128                l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_amount             := 0;
13129                l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn                := nvl(l_brow_ytd_deprn, 0);
13130                l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve            := nvl(l_brow_deprn_reserve, 0);
13131                l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_expense         := 0;
13132                l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount       := 0;
13133                l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn          := 0;
13134                l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve      := 0;
13135                l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_bonus_expense   := 0;
13136                l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization       := 0;
13137                l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_amortization_basis := 0;
13138                l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_expense      := 0;
13139                l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_ytd_deprn          := 0;
13140                l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve      := 0;
13141                l_asset_deprn_rec.production               := 0;
13142                l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_production           := 0;
13143                l_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production           := 0;
13145                if (l_trans_rec.transaction_subtype = 'EXPENSED') then
13146                   --Bug#4049799 l_dbr_event_type := 'EXPENSED_ADJ';
13147                   l_dbr_event_type := 'AMORT_ADJ';
13148                end if;
13150                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13151                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'DPIS Change', l_dbr_event_type
13152                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13153                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'new ytd_deprn', l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn
13154                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13155                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'new deprn_reserve', l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
13156                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13157                end if;
13158             end if;
13159 --tk_util.debug('1 rec_cost: '||to_char(px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost));
13161             if l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code not in (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET)  then
13162                if ((i = 1) and not(l_start_from_first) and (l_process_addition = 0)) then
13166                   l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve;
13163                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13164                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'deprn_reserve', l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, p_log_level_rec);
13165                   end if;
13168                elsif ((i = 1) and (l_row_count < l_limit)) then
13169                   --
13170                   -- if this is member or will be a member, l_eofy_reserve may not be populated
13171                   -- in GetFinRec so use the one returned by GetEofyReserve function.
13172                   --
13173                   if (p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id is null and
13174                       px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id is null) then
13175                      l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := l_eofy_reserve;
13176                   end if;
13177                else
13178                   l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := l_asset_fin_rec_old.eofy_reserve;
13179                end if;
13180             end if;
13182          else
13183             l_asset_fin_rec_new := l_asset_fin_rec_old;
13184          end if; -- (l_process_this_trx)
13186 --tk_util.debug('1eofy rsv: '||to_char(l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve));
13188          l_dpr_in.adj_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
13189          l_dpr_in.rec_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
13190          l_dpr_in.reval_amo_basis := l_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis;
13191          l_dpr_in.deprn_rsv := 0;
13192          l_dpr_in.reval_rsv := l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve;
13193          l_dpr_in.adj_rate := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_rate;
13194          l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor;
13195          l_dpr_in.capacity := l_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity;
13196          l_dpr_in.adj_capacity := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity;
13197          l_dpr_in.ltd_prod := 0;
13199          l_dpr_in.ceil_name := l_asset_fin_rec_new.ceiling_name;
13200          l_dpr_in.bonus_rule := l_asset_fin_rec_new.bonus_rule;
13201          l_dpr_in.method_code := l_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code;
13202          l_dpr_in.jdate_in_service :=
13203                       to_number(to_char(l_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service, 'J'));
13204          l_dpr_in.prorate_jdate := to_number(to_char(l_asset_fin_rec_new.prorate_date, 'J'));
13205          l_dpr_in.deprn_start_jdate :=
13206                       to_number(to_char(l_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_start_date, 'J'));
13207          l_dpr_in.jdate_retired := 0; -- don't know this is correct or not
13208          l_dpr_in.ret_prorate_jdate := 0; -- don't know this is correct or not
13209          l_dpr_in.life := l_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months;
13211          l_dpr_in.rsv_known_flag := TRUE;
13212          l_dpr_in.salvage_value := l_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value;
13213          l_dpr_in.pc_life_end := l_asset_fin_rec_new.period_counter_life_complete;
13214          l_dpr_in.adj_rec_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost;
13215          l_dpr_in.prior_fy_exp := 0;                             -- This needs to be 0 for this faxcde call
13217          -- Bug:5612206
13218          l_dpr_in.deprn_rounding_flag := null;
13220 	 l_dpr_in.deprn_override_flag := p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag;
13221          l_dpr_in.used_by_adjustment := TRUE;
13222          l_dpr_in.ytd_deprn := 0;                                -- This needs to be 0 for this faxcde call
13223          l_dpr_in.short_fiscal_year_flag := l_asset_fin_rec_new.short_fiscal_year_flag;
13224          l_dpr_in.conversion_date := l_asset_fin_rec_new.conversion_date;
13225          l_dpr_in.prorate_date := l_asset_fin_rec_new.prorate_date;
13226          l_dpr_in.orig_deprn_start_date := l_asset_fin_rec_new.orig_deprn_start_date;
13227          l_dpr_in.old_adj_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.old_adjusted_cost;
13228          l_dpr_in.formula_factor := nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor,
13229                                         l_asset_fin_rec_old.formula_factor);
13230          l_dpr_in.bonus_deprn_exp := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount;
13231          l_dpr_in.bonus_ytd_deprn := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_ytd_deprn;
13232          l_dpr_in.bonus_deprn_rsv := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve;
13233          l_dpr_in.prior_fy_bonus_exp := l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_bonus_expense;
13235          l_dpr_in.tracking_method := l_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method;
13236          l_dpr_in.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag := l_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag;
13237          l_dpr_in.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := l_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag;
13238          l_dpr_in.excess_allocation_option := l_asset_fin_rec_new.excess_allocation_option;
13239          l_dpr_in.depreciation_option := l_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciation_option;
13240          l_dpr_in.member_rollup_flag := l_asset_fin_rec_new.member_rollup_flag;
13241          l_dpr_in.mrc_sob_type_code := p_mrc_sob_type_code;
13242          l_dpr_in.super_group_id := l_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id;
13243          l_dpr_in.over_depreciate_option := l_asset_fin_rec_new.over_depreciate_option;
13245          --
13246          -- Not for what-if yet
13247          --
13248          l_running_mode := fa_std_types.FA_DPR_NORMAL;
13249 --tk_util.debug('2 rec_cost: '||to_char(px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost));
13251          if (l_process_this_trx) then
13253             if (not fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt(
13254                        l_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code,
13255                        l_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months
13259                                    'fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt'
13256                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
13257                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13258                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13260                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13261                end if;
13263                raise calc_failed;
13264             end if;
13266             l_energy_member := FALSE;
13267 --tk_util.debug('fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name: ' ||fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name);
13268 --tk_util.debug('p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method: '||p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method);
13269             --
13270             -- Set l_energy_member to skip periodic depreciation call in this functioin
13271             --
13272             if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') and
13273                (p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method = 'ALLOCATE') then
13274                l_energy_member := TRUE;
13275             end if;
13277             -- skip faxcde call for raf
13278             -- Bug4778244 Added the NVL to avoid condition if(not(null or false)) which will
13279             -- always return NULL in place of FALSE, which is incorrect
13280             if (not(((nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule, ' ') = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_FLAT) and
13281                      (nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule, ' ') = fa_std_types.FAD_DBR_COST) and
13282                      (nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name, ' ')  in ('PERIOD END BALANCE',
13283                                                                 'PERIOD END AVERAGE',
13284                                                                 'USE RECOVERABLE COST',
13285                                                                 'BEGINNING PERIOD'))) or
13286                ((nvl(fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name, ' ') = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') and
13287                 (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method, ' ') = 'ALLOCATE')))) then
13288                if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccp(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar,
13289                                           fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name,
13290                                           l_dpr_in.prorate_jdate,
13291                                           g_temp_number,
13292                                           l_dpr_in.y_begin,
13293                                           g_temp_integer
13294                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
13295                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13296                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13297                                       'fa_cache_pkg.fazccp'
13298                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13299                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar',
13300                                       fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar
13301                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13302                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name',
13303                                       fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
13304                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13306                   end if;
13308                   raise calc_failed;
13309                end if;
13311                if not fa_cache_pkg.fazcct(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar) then
13312                   raise calc_failed;
13313                end if;
13315                l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin := 1;
13317                if (l_period_rec.period_num = 1) then
13318                   l_dpr_in.y_end := l_period_rec.fiscal_year - 1;
13319                   l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
13320                else
13321                   l_dpr_in.y_end := l_period_rec.fiscal_year;
13322                   l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := l_period_rec.period_num - 1;
13323                end if;
13325                l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor := 1;
13326                l_dpr_in.eofy_reserve := 0;
13328                -- manual override
13329                if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
13331                   l_rate_source_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule;
13332                   l_deprn_basis_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule;
13334                   -- update override status only if satisfies condintion,
13335                   -- otherwise do not update status when calculating RAF
13336                   -- 1. formula; or
13337                   -- 2. (calc or table) and cost
13339                   l_dpr_in.update_override_status :=
13340                      ((l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_FORMULA)
13341                      OR (((l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_CALC)
13342                      OR (l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_TABLE))
13343                      AND (l_deprn_basis_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_DBR_COST)));
13344                end if;
13346                --+++++++ Call Tracking Function to populate Member in case ALLOCATE ++++++
13347                if nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
13348 /*
13349                   if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.get_member_at_start(
13350                                       p_trans_rec => l_trans_rec,
13351                                       p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
13352                                       p_dpr_in => l_dpr_in,
13356                         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13353                                       p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
13354                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
13355                      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13357                                          'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.get_member_at_start'
13358                                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13359                      end if;
13361                      raise calc_failed;
13363                   end if;
13364 */null;
13365                end if; -- nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
13367                l_dpr_in.cost_frac := null;  -- Bug 5948890
13369                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13370                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '====== ', '=============================='
13371                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13372                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, ' Call ', 'FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde'
13373                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13374                end if;
13376                --+++++++ Call Depreciation engine for rate adjustment factor +++++++
13377                if not FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde(l_dpr_in,
13378                                         l_dpr_arr,
13379                                         l_dpr_out,
13380                                         l_running_mode
13381                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
13382                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13383                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13384                                       'FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde'
13385                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13386                   end if;
13388                   raise calc_failed;
13389                end if;
13391                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13392                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv',
13393                                    l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv
13394                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13395                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '====== ', '=============================='
13396                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13397                end if;
13399                -- manual override
13400                if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
13401                   if l_dpr_in.update_override_status then
13402                      p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
13403                   else
13404                      p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := fa_std_types.FA_NO_OVERRIDE;
13405                   end if;
13406                end if;
13408                l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost;
13409                l_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis := l_dpr_out.new_reval_amo_basis;
13410                l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv;
13411                l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.reval_deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_reval_rsv;
13412                l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity := l_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity -
13413                                                         l_dpr_out.new_ltd_prod;
13414                l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.ltd_production := l_dpr_out.new_ltd_prod;
13415                l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.prior_fy_expense := l_dpr_out.new_prior_fy_exp;
13416                l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.bonus_deprn_amount := l_dpr_out.bonus_deprn_exp;
13417                l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.bonus_deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv;
13418                l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.prior_fy_bonus_expense := l_dpr_out.new_prior_fy_bonus_exp;
13420                --++++++++ Tracking=ALLOCATE case ++++++++++++++
13421                if nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
13423                   fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table.delete;
13425                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13426                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table',
13427                                                     'deleted'
13428                                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13429                   end if;
13430                end if;
13432             else
13433                l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
13434             end if; ---- skip faxcde call for raf
13435 --tk_util.debug('2eofy rsv: '||to_char(l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve));
13437             --++++ Eofy Reserve in case of reclass ++++
13438             if l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code <> 'GROUP ADDITION' then
13439                l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve +
13440                                                    nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve,0);
13441             end if;
13443             if l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code in (G_TRX_TYPE_FUL_RET, G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET) then
13444                l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve -
13445                                                    l_eofy_reserve_retired;
13447                --++++ Skip followings because these values are already take care
13448                --++++ by using asset_deprn_rec_adj
13449                if (l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id <> p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id) then
13453                                                            l_reval_reserve_retired;
13450                   l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
13451                                                      l_reserve_retired;
13452                   l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve -
13454                   l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve -
13455                                                            l_bonus_reserve_retired;
13456                end if;
13457             elsif l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = G_TRX_TYPE_REV then
13458                if (l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id <> p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id) then
13459                   l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve +
13460                                                      nvl(l_reval_reserve, 0);
13461                   l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve +
13462                                                            nvl(l_reval_reserve, 0);
13463                   l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve +
13464                                                            nvl(l_reval_bonus_reserve, 0);
13465                end if;
13466             end if;
13468 --tk_util.debug('3 rec_cost: '||to_char(px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost));
13470             -- Get Unplanned amount
13471             if (l_trans_rec.transaction_key in ('UE', 'UA')) then
13473                if (not GetExpRsv(p_trans_rec         => l_trans_rec,
13474                                  p_asset_hdr_rec     => p_asset_hdr_rec,
13475                                  p_period_rec        => l_period_rec,
13476                                  p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
13477                                  x_exp_rsv_amount    => l_reserve_adj
13478 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
13480                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13481                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13482                                       'GetExpRsv'
13483                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13484                   end if;
13486                   raise calc_failed;
13487                end if;
13489                l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve + l_reserve_adj;
13491                if (l_trans_rec.transaction_key in ('UE', 'UA')) then
13492                   l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn := l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn + l_reserve_adj;
13493                end if;
13495             end if;
13497 --tk_util.debug('3eofy rsv: '||to_char(l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve));
13498             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13499                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '====== ', '=============================='
13500                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13501                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, ' Call ',
13502                                 'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
13503                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13504                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code',
13505                                 p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code
13506                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13507                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code',
13508                                 l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code
13509                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13510                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_eofy_reserve_retired',
13511                                 l_eofy_reserve_retired
13512                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13513                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve',
13514                                 l_asset_fin_rec_adj.eofy_reserve
13515                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13516                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve',
13517                                 l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve
13518                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13519                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve',
13520                                 l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
13521                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13522             end if;
13524 --tk_util.debug('4 rec_cost: '||to_char(px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost));
13525             --
13526             -- if this is source line trx and there is no cost impact,
13527             -- do not call deprn basis function
13528             --
13529             if (not (l_invoice_transaction_id is not null and
13530                      nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_old.cost, 0) = l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost)) then
13532                -- Bug 6945270: Populate the transaction_key for Extended method
13533                if (l_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code = 'JP-STL-EXTND') then
13534                   l_trans_rec.transaction_key := 'ES';
13535                end if;
13537                if (not FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS
13538                              (p_event_type             => l_dbr_event_type,
13539                               p_asset_fin_rec_new      => l_asset_fin_rec_new,
13540                               p_asset_fin_rec_old      => l_asset_fin_rec_old,
13541                               p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
13542                               p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
13546                               p_trans_rec_adj          => l_trans_rec,
13543                               p_asset_deprn_rec        => l_asset_deprn_rec,
13544                               p_asset_retire_rec       => l_asset_retire_rec,
13545                               p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
13547                               p_period_rec             => l_period_rec,
13548                               p_recoverable_cost       => px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost,
13549                               p_current_total_rsv      => l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,
13550                               p_current_rsv            => l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
13551                                                           l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve,
13552                               p_current_total_ytd      => l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn,
13553                               p_adj_reserve            => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve,
13554                               p_reserve_retired        => l_reserve_retired,
13555                               p_hyp_basis              => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
13556                               p_hyp_total_rsv          => l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve,
13557                               p_hyp_rsv                => l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve -
13558                                                           l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.bonus_deprn_reserve,
13559                               p_eofy_recoverable_cost  => l_eofy_rec_cost,
13560                               p_eop_recoverable_cost   => l_eop_rec_cost,
13561                               p_eofy_salvage_value     => l_eofy_sal_val,
13562                               p_eop_salvage_value      => l_eop_sal_val,
13563                               p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
13564                               p_used_by_adjustment     => 'ADJUSTMENT',
13565                               px_new_adjusted_cost     => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
13566                               px_new_raf               => l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor,
13567                               px_new_formula_factor    => l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
13568                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
13569                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13570                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13571                                       'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
13572                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13573                   end if;
13575                   raise calc_failed;
13576                end if;
13578             else
13579                l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_old.adjusted_cost;
13580                l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_old.rate_adjustment_factor;
13581                l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_old.formula_factor;
13582             end if;
13584 --tk_util.debug('l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost: '||to_char(l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost));
13585             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13586                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Returned values from ',
13587                                 'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
13588                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13589                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost',
13590                                 l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost
13591                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13592                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor',
13593                                 l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor
13594                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13595                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor',
13596                                 l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
13597                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13598                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '====== ', '=============================='
13599                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13600             end if;
13602          end if; -- (l_process_this_trx)
13604          --++++++ Don't want to calculate depreciation this period +++++++
13605          if (l_calc_deprn_flag) then
13606             l_temp_adjusted_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost;
13607             l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := 0;
13608          end if;
13610          --
13611          -- Run Depreciation if:
13612          --  - next available transaction (in table) is NOT the same period
13613          --  - This is the last transaction to recalculate which is not in
13614          --    current period.
13615          --  - This is the last trnsaction because of the limit specified
13616          --    at BULK fetch above. (Inside of following if clause, try to get
13617          --    next transaction from database and determine if depreciation needs
13618          --    to be called or not.
13619          --
13620          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13621             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Run Depreciation ', i
13622                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13623             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 't_transaction_header_id.COUNT',
13624                              t_transaction_header_id.COUNT
13625                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13626             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_period_rec.period_counter',
13627                              l_period_rec.period_counter
13631                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13628                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13629             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'p_period_rec.period_counter',
13630                              p_period_rec.period_counter
13632          end if;
13634          if (i < t_transaction_header_id.COUNT) then
13636             --
13637             -- Get period informatioin for next period
13638             -- If the next transaction is not in the current period, call cache.
13639             -- Otherwise, copy current one to next period info local variable.
13640             --
13641             -- Bug6190904: there is a case that following amortized adjustment
13642             --             needs to be processed
13643             --             before moving on to the next period depending on
13644             --             prorate convention setting.
13645             --             l_end_date stores end date of prorate period where
13646             --             dpis falls in and if
13647             --             subsequent trx's amort date is before that, we want
13648             --             to process the trx
13649             --             before moving on to the next period.
13650             if (t_transaction_date_entered(i+1) > l_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date) and
13651                (t_transaction_date_entered(i+1) > l_end_date) then
13653                if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(t_transaction_date_entered(i+1), 'J')),
13654                                     p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
13655                                     p_mrc_sob_type_code,
13656                                     l_next_period_rec) then
13657                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13658                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13659                                       'GetPeriodInfo'
13660                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13661                   end if;
13663                   raise calc_failed;
13664                end if;
13666             else
13667                l_next_period_rec := l_period_rec;
13668             end if; -- (t_transaction_date_entered(i+1) > l_period_rec.calendar_period_close_date)
13670 --tk_util.DumpPerRec(l_next_period_rec, to_char(i));
13672          end if; -- (i < t_transaction_header_id.COUNT)
13674          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13675             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 8.0 : Checking whether to run Deprn ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
13676             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ i', i, p_log_level_rec);
13677             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_period_rec.period_counter', l_period_rec.period_counter, p_log_level_rec);
13678             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_next_period_rec.period_counter', l_next_period_rec.period_counter, p_log_level_rec);
13679             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_next_trx_trx_date_entered', to_char(l_next_trx_trx_date_entered,'MM/DD/YYYY'), p_log_level_rec);
13680             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_limit', l_limit, p_log_level_rec);
13681          end if;
13684          if ((i < t_transaction_header_id.COUNT) and
13685              (l_period_rec.period_counter < l_next_period_rec.period_counter)) or
13686             ((i = t_transaction_header_id.COUNT) and
13687              (i < l_limit) and
13688              (l_period_rec.period_counter < p_period_rec.period_counter)) or
13689             (i = l_limit) then
13690             --
13691             -- Find out from db that next transaction is in the same period or not.
13692             --
13693             if (i = l_limit) then
13694                OPEN c_get_next_ths (t_transaction_date_entered(i), t_date_effective(i));
13695                FETCH c_get_next_ths INTO l_next_trx_trx_date_entered,
13696                                              l_next_trx_date_effective;
13697                CLOSE c_get_next_ths;
13699                if (l_next_trx_trx_date_entered is not null) then
13700                   if not GetPeriodInfo(to_number(to_char(l_next_trx_trx_date_entered, 'J')),
13701                                        p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
13702                                        p_mrc_sob_type_code,
13703                                            l_next_period_rec) then
13704                      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13705                         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13706                                          'GetPeriodInfo'
13707                                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13708                      end if;
13710                      raise calc_failed;
13711                   end if;
13712                end if;
13714                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13715                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Fetched next transaction information ', l_limit
13716                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13717                end if;
13719             end if; -- (i = l_limit)
13721             --
13722             -- If there is no subsequent transaction or next transaction
13723             -- is in different period, complete runnning depreciation to close
13724             -- previous period or perivious period of the period that next transaction
13725             -- exists.
13726             --
13727             -- Bug3548724: Added l_is_this_void.  Skip faxcde call if current trx is void.
13731             if (p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code like '%RETIREMENT') then
13728             --
13730             -- Fix for Bug #6190904.
13733                -- Bug 5726160
13734                declare
13735                  cursor c_depreciate_flag is
13736                    select bk.depreciate_flag
13737                    from fa_books bk
13738                        ,fa_deprn_periods dp
13739                    where bk.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
13740                      and bk.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
13741                      and bk.date_effective <= nvl(dp.period_close_date, sysdate)
13742                      and dp.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
13743                      and dp.period_counter = l_period_rec.period_counter
13744                    order by bk.date_effective desc;
13745                begin
13746                    open c_depreciate_flag;
13747                    fetch c_depreciate_flag into l_depreciate_flag;
13748                    if (c_depreciate_flag%notfound) then
13749                       if (l_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag = 'YES')  then
13750                          l_depreciate_flag := 'YES';
13751                       else
13752                          l_depreciate_flag := 'NO';
13753                       end if;
13754                    end if;
13755                    close c_depreciate_flag;
13756                exception when others then null;
13757                end;
13758             else
13759                l_depreciate_flag := l_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag;
13760             end if;
13762             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13763                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Step 8.5 :Checking whether to run Deprn ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
13764                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_next_trx_trx_date_entered', to_char(l_next_trx_trx_date_entered,'MM/DD/YYYY'), p_log_level_rec);
13765                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_next_period_rec.period_counter', l_next_period_rec.period_counter, p_log_level_rec);
13766                 fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_period_rec.period_counter', l_period_rec.period_counter, p_log_level_rec);
13767             end if;
13769             if (l_next_trx_trx_date_entered is null or
13770                 l_next_period_rec.period_counter > l_period_rec.period_counter) and
13771                (not(l_is_this_void))
13772                 and (not(l_energy_member))
13773 --                and (l_depreciate_flag='YES') -- Bug 5726160
13774                 -- Bug6190904 for case5: Need to replace a line above
13775                 and  (px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciate_flag = 'YES')
13776                then
13778                l_dpr_in.y_begin := l_period_rec.fiscal_year;
13779                l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin := l_period_rec.period_num;
13781                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13782                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Depreciation starts from period of ', l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin
13783                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13784                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'and year of ', l_dpr_in.y_begin
13785                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13786                end if;
13788                if (i < t_transaction_header_id.COUNT) or (i = l_limit) then
13789                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13790                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Depreciate until ', 'Next Transaction'
13791                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13792                   end if;
13793                   --
13794                   -- Find how many periods to depreciate until next transaction headers
13795                   -- Set FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_struct for depreciation(faxcde) call.
13796                   --
13797                   if (nvl(l_next_period_rec.period_counter, p_period_rec.period_counter) = 1) then
13798                      l_dpr_in.y_end := nvl(l_next_period_rec.fiscal_year, p_period_rec.fiscal_year) - 1;
13799                      l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
13800                   else
13801                      l_dpr_in.y_end := nvl(l_next_period_rec.fiscal_year, p_period_rec.fiscal_year);
13802                      l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := nvl(l_next_period_rec.period_num, p_period_rec.period_num) - 1;
13803                   end if;
13805                elsif (i = t_transaction_header_id.COUNT) then
13806                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13807                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Depreciate until ', 'Current period'
13808                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13809                   end if;
13810                   --
13811                   -- This is the last transaction to process.  So depreciate
13812                   -- until last period.
13813                   --
13814                   if (p_period_rec.period_num = 1) then
13815                      l_dpr_in.y_end := p_period_rec.fiscal_year - 1;
13816                      l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
13817                   else
13818                      l_dpr_in.y_end := p_period_rec.fiscal_year;
13819                      l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := p_period_rec.period_num - 1;
13820                   end if;
13822                end if; -- (i < t_transaction_header_id.COUNT) or (i = l_limit)
13824                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13828                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13825                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Depreciation will end at period of ', l_dpr_in.p_cl_end
13826                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13827                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'and year of ', l_dpr_in.y_end
13829                end if;
13831                if (l_period_rec.period_num <> 1) then
13832                   l_dpr_in.deprn_rounding_flag := 'ADJ';
13833                end if;
13835                l_dpr_in.prior_fy_exp := l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_expense;
13836                l_dpr_in.ytd_deprn := l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn;
13837                l_dpr_in.deprn_rsv := l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve;
13838                l_dpr_in.adj_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost;
13839                l_dpr_in.eofy_reserve := l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve;
13840                l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor;
13841                l_dpr_in.formula_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor;
13842                l_dpr_in.super_group_id := l_asset_fin_rec_new.super_group_id;
13843                l_dpr_in.cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost;
13845                -- manual override
13846                if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
13847                   l_dpr_in.update_override_status := TRUE;
13848                end if;
13850                -- Bug fix 5948890
13851 	       if l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = G_TRX_TYPE_PAR_RET then
13852                   if (p_asset_fin_rec_old.cost is null or p_asset_fin_rec_old.cost = 0) then
13853                      l_cost_frac := null;
13854                   else
13855                     l_cost_frac := l_cost_retired / px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost;
13856                   end if;
13857                else
13858 	          l_cost_frac := null;
13859 	       end if;
13861 	       l_dpr_in.cost_frac := l_cost_frac;
13863 	       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dpr_in.cost_frac', l_dpr_in.cost_frac);
13864 		-- End of bug fix 5948890
13866                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13867                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc Before Calling faxcde 2 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
13868                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dpr_in.cost',l_dpr_in.cost, p_log_level_rec);
13869                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dpr_in.adj_cost',l_dpr_in.adj_cost, p_log_level_rec);
13870                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor',l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor, p_log_level_rec);
13871                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dpr_in.prior_fy_exp',l_dpr_in.prior_fy_exp, p_log_level_rec);
13872                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dpr_in.eofy_reserve',l_dpr_in.eofy_reserve, p_log_level_rec);
13873                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dpr_in.deprn_rsv',l_dpr_in.deprn_rsv, p_log_level_rec);
13874                end if;
13876                --
13877                -- +++++ faxcde will not be called if adjusted_cost is 0.
13878                --
13879                if not FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde(l_dpr_in,
13880                                         l_dpr_arr,
13881                                         l_dpr_out,
13882                                         l_running_mode
13883                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
13884                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13885                      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13886                                       'FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde'
13887                                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13888                   end if;
13890                   raise calc_failed;
13891                end if;
13893                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13894                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '========== Recalc After Calling faxcde 2 ==========','', p_log_level_rec);
13895                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ Depreciation started from YEAR : PERIOD ', l_dpr_in.y_begin ||' : '|| l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin, p_log_level_rec);
13896                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ Depreciation ended at YEAR : PERIOD ', l_dpr_in.y_end   ||' : '|| l_dpr_in.p_cl_end, p_log_level_rec);
13897                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost', l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost, p_log_level_rec);
13898                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_dpr_out.new_ytd_deprn', l_dpr_out.new_ytd_deprn, p_log_level_rec);
13899                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv', l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv, p_log_level_rec);
13900                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost',l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost, p_log_level_rec);
13901                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost',l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost, p_log_level_rec);
13902                end if;
13905                -- manual override
13906                if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
13907                   p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
13908                end if;
13910                if (l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost <> 0)or
13911   --bug fix 4731687 added for the case when due to deprn limit adj_rec_cost is <>0 and adj_cost is 0
13912                   (l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost <> 0) then
13913                   l_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis := l_dpr_out.new_reval_amo_basis;
13914                   l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv;
13918 --                  l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity := l_dpr_out.new_adj_capacity;
13915                   l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn := l_dpr_out.new_ytd_deprn;
13916                   l_asset_deprn_rec.reval_deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_reval_rsv;
13917 -- bug 5336669
13919 --
13920                   l_asset_deprn_rec.ltd_production := l_dpr_out.new_ltd_prod;
13921                   l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_eofy_reserve;
13923                   l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_expense := l_dpr_out.new_prior_fy_exp;
13924                   l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_amount := l_dpr_out.bonus_deprn_exp;
13925                   l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve := l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv;
13926                   l_asset_deprn_rec.prior_fy_bonus_expense := l_dpr_out.new_prior_fy_bonus_exp;
13927                end if;
13929                --++++++ Put adjusted cost back ++++++
13930                l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost;
13931                l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost;
13933                l_out_deprn_exp := l_dpr_out.deprn_exp;
13934                l_out_reval_exp := l_dpr_out.reval_exp;
13935                l_out_reval_amo := l_dpr_out.reval_amo;
13936                l_out_prod := l_dpr_out.prod;
13937                l_out_ann_adj_exp := l_dpr_out.ann_adj_exp;
13938                l_out_ann_adj_reval_exp := l_dpr_out.ann_adj_reval_exp;
13939                l_out_ann_adj_reval_amo := l_dpr_out.ann_adj_reval_amo;
13940                l_out_bonus_rate_used := l_dpr_out.bonus_rate_used;
13941                l_out_full_rsv_flag := l_dpr_out.full_rsv_flag;
13942                l_out_life_comp_flag := l_dpr_out.life_comp_flag;
13943                l_out_deprn_override_flag := l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
13945                l_eop_rec_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
13946                l_eop_sal_val := l_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value;
13948                --+++++++++ Call member level maintenance for tracking +++++++
13949                if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
13951                   if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.member_eofy_rsv(p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
13952                                                              p_dpr_in => l_dpr_in,
13953                                                              p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
13954                                                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
13955                      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13956                         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
13957                                          'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.member_eofy_rsv'
13958                                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13959                      end if;
13961                      raise calc_failed;
13963                   end if;
13965                end if; -- nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
13967             elsif (l_energy_member) then
13968                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13969                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'This is energy member ',
13970                                    'No member level deprn calculation'
13971 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13972                end if;
13976             else
13977                if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13978                   fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'There is another transactions to process this period',
13979                                    'or this is current period'
13980                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
13981                end if;
13983             end if; -- (l_next_trx_period_counter is null or
13985          end if; -- (not ((i < l_limit) and
13987          if (l_calc_deprn_flag) then
13988             l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_temp_adjusted_cost;
13989          end if;
13991          l_process_this_trx := TRUE;
13994          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
13995              fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ calc_catchup:
13996 p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code', p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code);
13997          end if;
13999          -- Bug 5726160
14000          if p_running_mode = fa_std_types.FA_DPR_CATCHUP then
14002            if p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENT' then
14004               if l_retirement_thid = l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id then
14006                  l_catchup_begin_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve :=
14007 l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve;
14008                  l_catchup_begin_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve :=
14009 l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve;
14010                  l_catchup_begin_deprn_rec.impairment_reserve :=
14011 l_asset_deprn_rec.impairment_reserve;
14013                  if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14014                    fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, 'SETTING
14015 l_catchup_begin_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve (+ +)',
14016 l_catchup_begin_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve);
14017                  end if;
14019               end if;
14021            elsif p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code like '%RETIREMENT' then
14023               if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14024                    fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, '++ calc_catchup:
14028               end if;
14025 l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code 1...', l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code);
14026                    fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, '++ calc_catchup:
14027 l_entered_reserve 1...', l_entered_reserve);
14030               if l_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION' and
14031 l_entered_reserve <> 0 then
14033                   -- reset deprn_reserve to the deprn_reserve in fa_deprn_summary
14034                   select deprn_reserve
14035                   into l_temp_reserve
14036                   from fa_deprn_summary ds1
14037                   where ds1.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
14038                     and ds1.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
14039                     and ds1.period_counter =
14040                         (select ds2.period_counter + 1
14041                          from fa_deprn_summary ds2
14042                          where ds2.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
14043                            and ds2.book_type_code =
14044 p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
14045                            and ds2.deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS');
14047                   l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve := l_temp_reserve;
14049                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14050                      fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, '++   RESETTING
14051 l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve (+ +) ...', l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve);
14052                   end if;
14054               end if;
14056            end if;
14058          end if;
14060          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14061             fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, 'ytd_deprn', l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn
14062                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14063             fa_debug_pkg.add('    '||l_calling_fn, 'deprn_reserve', l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve
14064                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14065          end if;
14067       END LOOP; -- FOR i IN 1..t_transaction_header_id.COUNT LOOP
14069       EXIT WHEN c_get_ths_adj%NOTFOUND;
14071    END LOOP; -- for transactions
14073    CLOSE c_get_ths_adj;
14075    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14076      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ Recalc Step 9 : End of c_get_ths_adj LOOP ------------------------------------------------','', p_log_level_rec);
14077    end if;
14079    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14080       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '+++++++++++ Recalc Step 9 : BEFORE calling CALL_DEPRN_BASIS ++++++++++','', p_log_level_rec);
14081       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost',l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost, p_log_level_rec);
14082       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost',l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost, p_log_level_rec);
14083       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor',l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor, p_log_level_rec);
14084       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor',l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor, p_log_level_rec);
14085    end if;
14087    -- Call Depreciable Basis Rule for Formula/NBV Basis
14089               (p_event_type             => 'AMORT_ADJ3',
14090                p_asset_fin_rec_new      => l_asset_fin_rec_new,
14091                p_asset_fin_rec_old      => l_asset_fin_rec_new,
14092                p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
14093                p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
14094                p_asset_deprn_rec        => l_asset_deprn_rec,
14095                p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
14096                p_period_rec             => l_period_rec,
14097                p_adjusted_cost          => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
14098                p_current_total_rsv      => l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve,
14099                p_current_rsv            => l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve -
14100                                            l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve,
14101                p_current_total_ytd      => l_asset_deprn_rec.ytd_deprn,
14102                p_hyp_basis              => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
14103                p_hyp_total_rsv          => l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve,
14104                p_hyp_rsv                => l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.deprn_reserve -
14105                                            l_asset_deprn_rec_raf.bonus_deprn_reserve,
14106                p_eofy_recoverable_cost  => l_eofy_rec_cost,
14107                p_eop_recoverable_cost   => l_eop_rec_cost,
14108                p_eofy_salvage_value     => l_eofy_sal_val,
14109                p_eop_salvage_value      => l_eop_sal_val,
14110                p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
14111                p_used_by_adjustment     => 'ADJUSTMENT',
14112                px_new_adjusted_cost     => l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
14113                px_new_raf               => l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor,
14114                px_new_formula_factor    => l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
14115                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
14116       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14117          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
14118                           'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
14119                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14120       end if;
14122       raise calc_failed;
14126       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ Recalc Step 10 : AFTER calling CALL_DEPRN_BASIS ------------------------------------------------','', p_log_level_rec);
14123    end if; -- (not FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS
14125    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14127       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost',l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost, p_log_level_rec);
14128       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost',l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost, p_log_level_rec);
14129       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor',l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor, p_log_level_rec);
14130       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, '++ l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor',l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor, p_log_level_rec);
14131    end if;
14133    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14134       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Returned values from ',
14135                                      'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS AMORT_ADJ3'
14136                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14137       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost',
14138                                      l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost
14139                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14140       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor',
14141                                      l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor
14142                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14143       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor',
14144                                      l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
14145                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14146    end if;
14148    px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.cost;
14149    px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost:= l_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
14150    px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost:= l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost;
14151    px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value := l_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value;
14152    px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount := l_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit_amount;
14153    px_asset_fin_rec_new.percent_salvage_value := l_asset_fin_rec_new.percent_salvage_value;
14154    px_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit := l_asset_fin_rec_new.allowed_deprn_limit;
14155    px_asset_fin_rec_new.unrevalued_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.unrevalued_cost;
14156    px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity := l_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity;
14157    px_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_ceiling := l_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_ceiling;
14158    px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost;
14159    px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor;
14160    px_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis := l_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis;
14161    px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity := l_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity;
14162    px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := l_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor;
14163    px_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := l_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve;
14165    --
14166    -- When returning catch up expenses, amounts in p_asset_deprn_rec_adj need to be
14167    -- excluded because it was included at beginning to find correct catchup but
14168    -- these amounts cannot be expensed in this period.
14169    --
14170    -- Bug3548724:if this is addition, there is no need to back out adj reserve
14171    -- because it is reserve from previous period
14172    --
14174    -- Japan Tax phase3 use period_counter_fully_extended for assets which
14175    -- have extended_deprn_flag set.
14176    begin
14177       select decode(nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.extended_deprn_flag,'N'),
14178                     'Y', p_asset_fin_rec_old.period_counter_fully_extended,
14179                     p_asset_fin_rec_old.period_counter_fully_reserved),
14180              decode(nvl(l_asset_fin_rec_new.extended_deprn_flag,'N'),
14181                     'Y', l_asset_fin_rec_new.period_counter_fully_extended,
14182                     l_asset_fin_rec_new.period_counter_fully_reserved)
14183       into   l_old_pc_reserved,
14184              l_new_pc_reserved
14185       from dual;
14186    end;
14188    -- bug 5383699 nvl clause added
14189    if (l_old_pc_reserved is not null
14190        and l_new_pc_reserved is not null) then
14192       -- Fix for Bug #6403182/6415763.  If the period you are backdating the
14193       -- retirement to is before the period that the retirement occurs in, then
14194       -- you need to backout some reserve.
14195       if (nvl(l_period_rec.period_counter, 9999999) <= l_old_pc_reserved) then
14197          x_deprn_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0) -
14198                             nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0);
14199          x_bonus_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0) -
14200                             nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0);
14201       else
14202          -- Bug 5377543
14203          x_deprn_expense := 0;
14204          x_bonus_expense := 0;
14205       end if;
14207    elsif (p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION') then
14208       x_deprn_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0) -
14209                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0);
14210       x_bonus_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0) -
14211                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0);
14213    elsif (p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENT') then
14214      -- Bug 5726160
14218       x_bonus_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0) -
14215      if p_running_mode = fa_std_types.FA_DPR_CATCHUP then
14216       x_deprn_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0) -
14217                          nvl(l_catchup_begin_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0);
14219                          nvl(l_catchup_begin_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0);
14220      else
14221       x_deprn_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0) -
14222                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0);
14223       x_bonus_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0) -
14224                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0);
14225      end if;
14226    else
14227       x_deprn_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0) -
14228                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.deprn_reserve, 0) -
14229                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve, 0);
14230       x_bonus_expense := nvl(l_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0) -
14231                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0) -
14232                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.bonus_deprn_reserve, 0);
14233    end if;
14235    --+++++++++ Call member level maintenance for tracking +++++++
14236    if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
14238       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.update_member_books(p_trans_rec=> p_trans_rec,
14239                                                      p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
14240                                                      p_dpr_in => l_dpr_in,
14241                                                      p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
14242                                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
14243          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14244             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
14245                              'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.update_member_books'
14246                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14247          end if;
14249          raise calc_failed;
14250       end if;
14252       fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_eofy_table.delete;
14254       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14255          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_eofy_table',
14256                                         'deleted'
14257                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14258       end if;
14260    end if; -- nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
14262    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14263       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End',
14264                        x_deprn_expense||':'||x_bonus_expense
14265                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14266    end if;
14268    return true;
14271   WHEN invalid_trx_to_overlap THEN
14272     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14273        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'invalid_trx_to_overlap'
14274               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14275     end if;
14277     if c_get_ths_adj%ISOPEN then
14278       CLOSE c_get_ths_adj;
14279     end if;
14281     fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
14282                             name       => 'FA_INVALID_TRX_TO_OVERLAP'
14283                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14284     return false;
14285   WHEN calc_failed THEN
14286     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14287        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'calc_failed'
14288               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14289     end if;
14291     if c_get_ths_adj%ISOPEN then
14292       CLOSE c_get_ths_adj;
14293     end if;
14295     fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
14296         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14297     return false;
14300     if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14301        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
14302 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14303     end if;
14305     if c_check_overlap%ISOPEN then
14306       CLOSE c_check_overlap;
14307     end if;
14309     if c_get_ths_adj%ISOPEN then
14310       CLOSE c_get_ths_adj;
14311     end if;
14313     if c_get_next_ths%ISOPEN then
14314       CLOSE c_get_next_ths;
14315     end if;
14317     if c_get_retirement%ISOPEN then
14318       CLOSE c_get_retirement;
14319     end if;
14321     fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
14322         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14323     raise;
14324 END Recalculate;
14326 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
14328 FUNCTION faxama
14329          (px_trans_rec           IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
14330           p_asset_hdr_rec        IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
14331           p_asset_desc_rec       IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
14332           p_asset_cat_rec        IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
14333           p_asset_type_rec       IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
14334           p_asset_fin_rec_old    IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
14335           p_asset_fin_rec_adj    IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type default null,
14336           px_asset_fin_rec_new   IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
14340           p_mrc_sob_type_code    IN            VARCHAR2,
14337           p_asset_deprn_rec      IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
14338           p_asset_deprn_rec_adj  IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type default null,
14339           p_period_rec           IN            FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
14341           p_running_mode         IN            NUMBER,
14342           p_used_by_revaluation  IN            NUMBER,
14343           p_reclassed_asset_id                 NUMBER default null,
14344           p_reclass_src_dest                   VARCHAR2 default null,
14345           p_reclassed_asset_dpis               DATE default null,
14346           x_deprn_exp               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
14347           x_bonus_deprn_exp         OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
14348           p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return boolean IS
14350    l_calling_fn           varchar2(50) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.faxama';
14351    l_reval_deprn_rsv_adj  number :=0;
14352    l_afn_zero             number:=0;
14354    l_asset_fin_rec_adj    FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
14355    l_asset_deprn_rec_new   FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type; -- Added to call calc_raf_adj
14357    calc_err   EXCEPTION;
14359 /*
14360    err number;
14362    cursor c_get_profiler is
14363      select runid,
14364             run_date,
14365             run_comment
14366      from plsql_profiler_runs;
14367 */
14369 begin <<faxama>>
14370 --tk_util.debug('-');
14371 --tk_util.debug('-');
14372 --tk_util.debug('-');
14373 --tk_util.debug('-');
14374 --tk_util.debug('-');
14375 --tk_util.debug('-+++++-');
14376    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14377       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_asset_type_rec.asset_type||':'||p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
14378                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14379    end if;
14382 --   err:=DBMS_PROFILER.START_PROFILER ('faxama:'||to_char(sysdate,'dd-Mon-YYYY hh:mi:ss'));
14384    X_deprn_exp       := 0;
14385    X_bonus_deprn_exp := 0;
14387    if (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type='CIP') then
14388       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14389          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Nothing to calculate with CIP asset',' '
14390                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14391          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Exiting faxama immediately',
14392          p_asset_type_rec.asset_type||':'||p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
14393          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14394       end if;
14395       return true;
14398       --      (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxama',
14399       --       NAME       => 'FA_AMT_CIP_NOT_ALLOWED',
14400       --       TOKEN1     => 'TYPE',
14401       --       VALUE1     => 'Amortized');
14402       --return FALSE;
14403    end if;
14405    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14406        FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
14407                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxama',
14408                 element => 'First asset_type',
14409                 value   => p_asset_type_rec.asset_type
14410                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14411    end if;
14413 --
14414 --  Function call faxraf may be removed.
14415 --
14416 --     if (not faxraf
14417 --            (px_trans_rec           => px_trans_rec,
14418 --             p_asset_hdr_rec        => p_asset_hdr_rec,
14419 --             p_asset_desc_rec       => p_asset_desc_rec,
14420 --             p_asset_cat_rec        => p_asset_cat_rec,
14421 --             p_asset_type_rec       => p_asset_type_rec,
14422 --             p_asset_fin_rec_old    => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
14423 --             px_asset_fin_rec_new   => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
14424 --             p_asset_deprn_rec      => p_asset_deprn_rec,
14425 --             p_period_rec           => p_period_rec,
14426 --             px_deprn_exp           => x_deprn_exp,
14427 --             px_bonus_deprn_exp     => x_bonus_deprn_exp,
14428 --             px_reval_deprn_rsv_adj => l_reval_deprn_rsv_adj,
14429 --             p_mrc_sob_type_code    => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
14430 --             p_running_mode         => p_running_mode,
14431 --             p_used_by_revaluation  => p_used_by_revaluation)) then
14432 --       raise calc_err;
14433 --     end if;
14435 --tk_util.DumpTrxRec(px_trans_rec, 'px_trans_rec');
14436 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(p_asset_fin_rec_old, 'old fin_rec');
14437 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(p_asset_fin_rec_adj, 'adj fin_rec');
14438 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec_new, 'new_fin_rec');
14439 --tk_util.DumpDeprnRec(p_asset_deprn_rec, 'old deprn');
14440 --tk_util.DumpDeprnRec(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj, 'adj deprn');
14442    -- Bug 6665510: FP: Japan Tax Reform Project
14443    if (px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENT') then
14444      --Bug6401301
14445      px_asset_fin_rec_new := p_asset_fin_rec_old;
14446    end if;
14448    --
14449    -- Energy: Need to reinstate member reserve entry cre
14450    if (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method, 'NO TRACK') = 'ALLOCATE') and    -- ENERGY
14451       (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.rule_name = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') and  -- ENERGY
14452       (px_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'REINSTATEMENT') then -- ENERGY
14453       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14454          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'calling function ',
14455                           'FA_AMORT_PVT.calc_raf_adj_cost'
14456                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14457       end if;
14461       -- px_asset_fin_rec_new := p_asset_fin_rec_old;
14459       l_asset_deprn_rec_new := p_asset_deprn_rec;
14460       --Bug6401301 commented this code ass it has already been written before the if condition
14462       px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost := p_asset_fin_rec_old.cost + nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_adj.cost, 0);
14463       px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value := px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost * .1;
14464       px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost := px_asset_fin_rec_new.cost - px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value;
14465       px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost := px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
14467       if not FA_AMORT_PVT.calc_raf_adj_cost
14468                            (p_trans_rec           => px_trans_rec,
14469                             p_asset_hdr_rec       => p_asset_hdr_rec,
14470                             p_asset_desc_rec      => p_asset_desc_rec,
14471                             p_asset_type_rec      => p_asset_type_rec,
14472                             p_asset_fin_rec_old   => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
14473                             px_asset_fin_rec_new  => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
14474                             p_asset_deprn_rec_adj => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj,
14475                             p_asset_deprn_rec_new => l_asset_deprn_rec_new,
14476                             p_period_rec          => p_period_rec,
14477 --                            p_group_reclass_options_rec => p_group_reclass_options_rec,
14478                             p_mrc_sob_type_code   => p_mrc_sob_type_code
14479                             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
14480          raise calc_err;
14481       end if;
14482    else
14483       populate_fin_rec(
14484                 p_trans_rec          => px_trans_rec,
14485                 p_asset_fin_rec_old  => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
14486                 p_asset_fin_rec_adj  => p_asset_fin_rec_adj,
14487                 p_asset_fin_rec_new  => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
14488                 x_asset_fin_rec_adj  => l_asset_fin_rec_adj
14489                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14491       if (not Recalculate(
14492                 p_trans_rec            => px_trans_rec,
14493                 p_asset_hdr_rec        => p_asset_hdr_rec,
14494                 p_asset_type_rec       => p_asset_type_rec,
14495                 p_asset_desc_rec       => p_asset_desc_rec,
14496                 p_asset_fin_rec_old    => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
14497                 p_asset_fin_rec_adj    => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
14498                 p_period_rec           => p_period_rec,
14499                 px_asset_fin_rec_new   => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
14500                 p_asset_deprn_rec      => p_asset_deprn_rec,
14501                 p_asset_deprn_rec_adj  => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj,
14502                 x_deprn_expense        => x_deprn_exp,
14503                 x_bonus_expense        => x_bonus_deprn_exp,
14504                 p_running_mode         => p_running_mode,
14505                 p_used_by_revaluation  => p_used_by_revaluation,
14506                 p_reclassed_asset_id   => p_reclassed_asset_id,
14507                 p_reclass_src_dest     => p_reclass_src_dest,
14508                 p_reclassed_asset_dpis => p_reclassed_asset_dpis,
14509                 p_mrc_sob_type_code    => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
14510                 p_calling_fn           => l_calling_fn
14511                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
14512          raise calc_err;
14513       end if;
14515    end if;
14516 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec_new, 'Nfaxama');
14518    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14519       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', p_asset_type_rec.asset_type||':'||p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
14520 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14521    end if;
14522 --tk_util.debug('-+++++-');
14523 --tk_util.debug('-');
14524 --tk_util.debug('-');
14525 --tk_util.debug('-');
14526 --tk_util.debug('-');
14527 --tk_util.debug('-');
14531 /*
14532 for r_get_profiler in c_get_profiler loop
14533 null;
14534 --tk_util.debug('runid: '||to_char(r_get_profiler.runid));
14535 --tk_util.debug('run_date: '||to_char(r_get_profiler.run_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
14536 --tk_util.debug('run_comment: '||r_get_profiler.run_comment);
14537 end loop;
14538 */
14540    return TRUE;
14542 exception
14543    when calc_err then
14544         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14545            fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'calc_err'
14546                       ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14547         end if;
14549         FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_SQL_ERROR(CALLING_FN => l_calling_fn
14550                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14551         return false;
14553    when others then
14554         if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14555           fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'EXCEPTION', 'others: '||sqlerrm
14556                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14557         end if;
14559         FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_SQL_ERROR(CALLING_FN => l_calling_fn
14560                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14561         return  FALSE;
14562 end faxama;
14564 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
14566 -- backdate amortization enhancement - begin
14567 -- this function will get books row of addition transaction
14568 -- and call faxcde to calculate what the actual reserve is from the
14569 -- prorate period upto right before the amortization period
14574                      px_asset_fin_rec    in out nocopy FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
14571 FUNCTION get_reserve(px_trans_rec        in out nocopy FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
14572                      p_asset_hdr_rec     in     FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
14573                      p_asset_desc_rec    in     FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
14575                      p_add_txn_id        in     number,
14576                      p_amortize_fy       in     integer,
14577                      p_amortize_per_num  in     integer,
14578                      p_pers_per_yr       in     integer,
14579                      p_mrc_sob_type_code in     varchar2,
14580                      x_deprn_rsv            out nocopy number,
14581                      x_bonus_deprn_rsv      out nocopy number,
14582                      p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
14583 return boolean is
14585    l_asset_fin_rec   FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
14586    l_asset_deprn_rec FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type;
14588    l_dpr_row       FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_struct;
14589    l_dpr_arr       FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_arr_type;
14590    l_dpr_out       FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_out_struct;
14592    l_cur_deprn_rsv number;
14593    l_cur_bonus_deprn_rsv number;
14595    dummy_var       varchar2(15);
14596    dummy_num       number;
14598 begin
14600    l_asset_fin_rec := px_asset_fin_rec;
14602    if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
14603       select adjusted_cost,
14604              recoverable_cost,
14605              reval_amortization_basis,
14606              adjusted_rate,
14607              production_capacity,
14608              adjusted_capacity,
14609              adjusted_recoverable_cost,
14610              salvage_value,
14611              deprn_method_code,
14612              life_in_months,
14613              ceiling_name,
14614              bonus_rule,
14615              annual_deprn_rounding_flag,
14616              rate_adjustment_factor,
14617              prorate_date,
14618              deprn_start_date,
14619              date_placed_in_service
14620         into l_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,
14621              l_asset_fin_rec.recoverable_cost,
14622              l_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis,
14623              l_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate,
14624              l_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity,
14625              l_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity,
14626              l_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_recoverable_cost,
14627              l_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value,
14628              l_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code,
14629              l_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months,
14630              l_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name,
14631              l_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule,
14632              l_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag,
14633              l_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor,
14634              l_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date,
14635              l_asset_fin_rec.deprn_start_date,
14636              l_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service
14637         from fa_books_mrc_v bk
14638        where bk.book_type_code           = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
14639          and bk.asset_id                 = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
14640          and bk.transaction_header_id_in = p_add_txn_id;
14641    else
14642       select adjusted_cost,
14643              recoverable_cost,
14644              reval_amortization_basis,
14645              adjusted_rate,
14646              production_capacity,
14647              adjusted_capacity,
14648              adjusted_recoverable_cost,
14649              salvage_value,
14650              deprn_method_code,
14651              life_in_months,
14652              ceiling_name,
14653              bonus_rule,
14654              annual_deprn_rounding_flag,
14655              rate_adjustment_factor,
14656              prorate_date,
14657              deprn_start_date,
14658              date_placed_in_service
14659         into l_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_cost,
14660              l_asset_fin_rec.recoverable_cost,
14661              l_asset_fin_rec.reval_amortization_basis,
14662              l_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_rate,
14663              l_asset_fin_rec.production_capacity,
14664              l_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_capacity,
14665              l_asset_fin_rec.adjusted_recoverable_cost,
14666              l_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value,
14667              l_asset_fin_rec.deprn_method_code,
14668              l_asset_fin_rec.life_in_months,
14669              l_asset_fin_rec.ceiling_name,
14670              l_asset_fin_rec.bonus_rule,
14671              l_asset_fin_rec.annual_deprn_rounding_flag,
14672              l_asset_fin_rec.rate_adjustment_factor,
14673              l_asset_fin_rec.prorate_date,
14674              l_asset_fin_rec.deprn_start_date,
14675              l_asset_fin_rec.date_placed_in_service
14676         from fa_books bk
14677        where bk.book_type_code           = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
14678          and bk.asset_id                 = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
14679          and bk.transaction_header_id_in = p_add_txn_id;
14680    end if;
14682    if not FA_EXP_PVT.faxbds
14683            (p_asset_hdr_rec      => p_asset_hdr_rec,
14684             px_asset_fin_rec_new => l_asset_fin_rec,
14685             p_asset_deprn_rec    => l_asset_deprn_rec,
14686             p_asset_desc_rec     => p_asset_desc_rec,
14687             X_dpr_ptr            => l_dpr_row,
14688             X_deprn_rsv          => l_cur_deprn_rsv,
14689             X_bonus_deprn_rsv    => l_cur_bonus_deprn_rsv,
14693       fa_srvr_msg.add_message (calling_fn => 'fa_exp_pkg.faxexp'
14690             p_amortized_flag     => FALSE,
14691             p_mrc_sob_type_code  => p_mrc_sob_type_code
14692             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
14694             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14695       return (FALSE);
14696    end if;
14698    if (p_amortize_per_num = 1) then
14699       l_dpr_row.y_end    := p_amortize_fy - 1;
14700       l_dpr_row.p_cl_end := p_pers_per_yr;
14701    else
14702       l_dpr_row.y_end    := p_amortize_fy;
14703       l_dpr_row.p_cl_end := p_amortize_per_num - 1;
14704    end if;
14706    l_dpr_row.bonus_rule := '';
14707    l_dpr_row.reval_rsv := 0;
14708    l_dpr_row.prior_fy_exp := 0;
14709    l_dpr_row.ytd_deprn := 0;
14710    l_dpr_row.mrc_sob_type_code := p_mrc_sob_type_code;
14712    if (not FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde(l_dpr_row,
14713                              l_dpr_arr,
14714                              l_dpr_out,
14715                              FA_STD_TYPES.FA_DPR_NORMAL
14716                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
14718                 (CALLING_FN=>'faxcde3'
14719                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14721                (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.get_reserve',
14722                 NAME=>'FA_AMT_CAL_DP_EXP'
14723                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14724       return FALSE;
14725    end if;
14727    px_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
14728    x_deprn_rsv       := l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv;
14729    x_bonus_deprn_rsv := l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv;
14731    return TRUE;
14733 exception
14734   when others then
14736             (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.get_reserve'
14737                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14738        return  FALSE;
14740 end get_reserve;
14742 -- backdate amortization enhancement - end
14744 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
14746 -- New function: faxnac
14747 -- Alternative flat rate depreciation calculation.
14748 -- If deprn_basis_formula = 'STRICT_FLAT', use the new adjustment method.
14749 -- When using a NBV based flat rate method, adjustment base amount will be
14750 -- the NBV of the beginning of the year, and when using a Cost based flat rate
14751 -- method, adjustment base amount will be the recoverable cost.
14753 FUNCTION faxnac (p_method_code  in varchar2,
14754                  p_life         in number,
14755                  p_rec_cost     in number,
14756                  p_prior_fy_exp in number,
14757                  p_deprn_rsv    in number,
14758                  p_ytd_deprn    in number,
14759                  px_adj_cost    in out nocopy number,
14760                  p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return boolean is
14762    l_deprn_basis_formula varchar2(30);
14763    l_rate_source_rule varchar2(10);
14764    l_deprn_basis_rule varchar2(4);
14765    l_dummy_bool boolean;
14766    l_dummy_int integer;
14768 begin
14770    if px_adj_cost is null then
14771       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(name => '***ADJ_COST_NULL***',
14772                               calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxnac'
14773                               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14774       return false;
14775    end if;
14777    if (not fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt(p_method_code,
14778                                 p_life
14779                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
14780       fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxnac'
14781             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14782       return false;
14783    end if;
14785    l_deprn_basis_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule_id;
14787    if l_deprn_basis_formula is null then
14788       return true;
14789    end if;
14791    --  if l_deprn_basis_formula = fa_std_types.FAD_DBF_FLAT then
14792    if l_deprn_basis_formula = 'STRICT_FLAT' then
14793       if (not fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt(p_method_code,
14794                                    p_life
14795                                    ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
14796          fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxnac'
14797                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14798          return false;
14799       end if;
14801       l_rate_source_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule;
14802       l_deprn_basis_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule;
14804       if l_rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_FLAT and
14805          l_deprn_basis_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_COST then
14806          if p_rec_cost is null then
14807             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxnac'
14808                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14809             return false;
14810          end if;
14811          px_adj_cost := p_rec_cost;
14812       elsif l_rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_FLAT and
14813             l_deprn_basis_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_NBV then
14814          if p_rec_cost is null or
14815             not ((p_prior_fy_exp is not null) or
14816                  (p_deprn_rsv is not null and p_ytd_deprn is not null)) then
14820          end if;
14817             fa_srvr_msg.add_message(calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxnac'
14818                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14819             return false;
14822          if p_prior_fy_exp is null then
14823             px_adj_cost := p_rec_cost - p_deprn_rsv + p_ytd_deprn;
14824          else
14825             px_adj_cost := p_rec_cost - p_prior_fy_exp;
14826          end if;
14827       end if;
14828    end if;
14829    return true;
14831 end faxnac;
14833 FUNCTION faxraf
14834          (px_trans_rec            IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
14835           p_asset_hdr_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
14836           p_asset_desc_rec       IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
14837           p_asset_cat_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_cat_rec_type,
14838           p_asset_type_rec       IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
14839           p_asset_fin_rec_old    IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
14840           px_asset_fin_rec_new   IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
14841           p_asset_deprn_rec      IN     FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
14842           p_period_rec           IN     FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
14843           px_deprn_exp           IN OUT NOCOPY number,
14844           px_bonus_deprn_exp     IN OUT NOCOPY number,
14845           px_reval_deprn_rsv_adj IN out NOCOPY number,
14846           p_mrc_sob_type_code    IN     VARCHAR2,
14847           p_running_mode         IN     NUMBER,
14848           p_used_by_revaluation  IN     NUMBER,
14849           p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) return boolean IS
14851    l_dpr_row                  FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_struct;
14852    l_dpr_out                  FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_out_struct;
14853    l_dpr_arr                  FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_arr_type;
14854    l_add_txn_id               number;
14855    l_deprn_basis_rule         varchar2(25);
14856    l_rate_source_rule         varchar2(25);
14857    l_excl_salvage_val_flag    boolean;
14858    l_deprn_last_year_flag     boolean;
14859    l_method_id                integer;
14860    l_cur_rsv                  number;
14861    l_cur_bonus_rsv            number;
14862    l_cur_ytd                  number;
14863    l_deprn_rsv                number;
14864    l_temp                     number;
14865    l_err_string               varchar2(500);
14867    -- Added for Dated Adjustment
14868    l_fy_name                  varchar2(45);
14869    l_amortize_per_num         integer;
14870    l_amortize_fy              integer;
14871    l_start_jdate              integer;
14872    l_pers_per_yr              integer;
14873    l_amortization_start_jdate integer;
14874    l_cur_fy                   integer;
14875    l_cur_per_num              integer;
14876    l_last_per_ctr             integer;
14877    l_amortize_per_ctr         integer;
14878    l_adjustment_amount        number;
14879    l_rsv_amount               number;
14880    l_deprn_summary            fa_std_types.fa_deprn_row_struct;
14881    l_dummy_bool               boolean; --Used to call QUERY_BALANCES_INT
14883    l_temp_deprn_rsv           number;  -- reserve at the beginning of fy
14884    l_cur_total_rsv        number;
14886    -- Added for bonus rule
14887    l_bonus_rule               FA_BONUS_RULES.Bonus_Rule%TYPE;
14888    l_bonus_deprn_rsv          number;
14890    -- Manual Override
14891    l_use_override             boolean;
14892    l_running_mode             number;
14893    l_used_by_revaluation      number;
14895    -- Depreciable Basis Rule
14896    l_deprn_used_by_adjustment varchar2(10):= null;
14898    -- multiple backdate amortization enhancement - begin LSON
14899    cursor amort_date_before_add is
14900    select th.transaction_header_id
14901      from fa_transaction_headers th,
14902           fa_deprn_periods dp
14903     where th.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
14904       and th.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
14905       and th.transaction_type_code = 'ADDITION'
14906       and th.book_type_code = dp.book_type_code
14907       and th.date_effective between dp.period_open_date and
14908             nvl(dp.period_close_date,sysdate)
14909       and px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date < dp.calendar_period_open_date;
14911 begin  <<faxraf>>
14913   -- override
14914   if p_running_mode = fa_std_types.FA_DPR_PROJECT then
14915      l_running_mode:= fa_std_types.FA_DPR_PROJECT;
14916   else
14917      l_running_mode:= fa_std_types.FA_DPR_NORMAL;
14918   end if;
14919   -- End of Manual Override
14921    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14922        FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
14923                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
14924                 element => 'method code',
14925                 value   => px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code
14926                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14927        FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
14928                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
14929                 element => 'life',
14930                 value   => px_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months
14931                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14932    end if;
14934    if (not FA_CACHE_PKG.fazccmt
14935              (px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code,
14936               px_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months
14937               ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
14939             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14940       return FALSE;
14941    end if;
14943    l_method_id             := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.method_id;
14944    l_rate_source_rule      := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule;
14945    l_deprn_basis_rule      := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule;
14947    if fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.exclude_salvage_value_flag = 'YES' then
14948       l_excl_salvage_val_flag := TRUE;
14949    else
14950       l_excl_salvage_val_flag := FALSE;
14951    end if;
14953    if fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.depreciate_lastyear_flag = 'YES' then
14954       l_deprn_last_year_flag := TRUE;
14955    else
14956       l_deprn_last_year_flag := FALSE;
14957    end if;
14959    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
14960        FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
14961                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
14962                 element => 'After fazccmt',
14963                 value   => 2
14964                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14965    end if;
14967    l_err_string := 'FA_AMT_BD_DPR_STRUCT';
14969    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level)then
14970        FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
14971                (fname   =>' FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
14972                 element => 'deprn_rounding_flag- before faxbds',
14973                 value   => px_asset_fin_rec_new.annual_deprn_rounding_flag
14974                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14975        FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
14976                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
14977                 element => 'FA_STD TYPE deprn_rnd- before faxbds',
14978                 value   => FA_STD_TYPES.FA_DPR_ROUND_ADJ
14979                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14980    end if;
14982    if not FA_EXP_PVT.faxbds
14983           (p_asset_hdr_rec      => p_asset_hdr_rec,
14984            px_asset_fin_rec_new => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
14985            p_asset_deprn_rec    => p_asset_deprn_rec,
14986            p_asset_desc_rec     => p_asset_desc_rec,
14987            X_dpr_ptr            => l_dpr_row,
14988            X_deprn_rsv          => l_cur_rsv,
14989            X_bonus_deprn_rsv    => l_cur_bonus_rsv,
14990            p_amortized_flag     => TRUE,
14991            p_mrc_sob_type_code  => p_mrc_sob_type_code
14992            ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
14993       fa_srvr_msg.add_message (calling_fn => 'fa_amort_pkg.faxraf'
14994             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
14995       return (FALSE);
14996    end if;
14998    l_cur_rsv := l_cur_rsv + px_reval_deprn_rsv_adj;
14999    l_cur_ytd := l_dpr_row.ytd_deprn;
15001     -- override
15002    l_dpr_row.used_by_adjustment := TRUE;
15003    l_dpr_row.deprn_override_flag := fa_std_types.FA_NO_OVERRIDE;
15005    -- l_err_string := 'FA_AMT_CAL_DP_EXP';
15006    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15007        FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
15008                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15009                 element => 'Before faxcde',
15010                 value   => 3
15011                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15012        FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
15013                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15014                 element => 'l_dpr_row.deprn_rounding_flag ',
15015                 value   => l_dpr_row.deprn_rounding_flag
15016                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15017    end if;
15019    -- Added for Dated Adjustment
15020    if (px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is not null) then
15022       if not fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc(p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code) then
15023           fa_srvr_msg.add_message (calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf'
15024                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15025           return (FALSE);
15026       end if;
15028       l_last_per_ctr := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.last_period_counter;
15029       l_cur_fy       := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.current_fiscal_year;
15030       l_cur_per_num  := mod((l_last_per_ctr+1),l_cur_fy);
15031       l_fy_name      := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name;
15032       l_amortization_start_jdate := to_number(to_char(px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date, 'J'));  --BMR
15034       if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccp(
15035                 l_dpr_row.calendar_type,
15036                 l_fy_name,
15037                 l_amortization_start_jdate,
15038                 l_amortize_per_num,
15039                 l_amortize_fy,
15040                 l_start_jdate
15041                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
15042          fa_srvr_msg.add_message (calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf'
15043                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15044          return (FALSE);
15045       end if;
15047       if (not((l_cur_fy      = l_amortize_fy) and
15048               (l_cur_per_num = l_amortize_per_num))) then
15049          if not fa_cache_pkg.fazcct (l_dpr_row.calendar_type) then
15050             fa_srvr_msg.add_message (calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf'
15051                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15052             return (FALSE);
15053          end if;
15055          -- if this transaction is not at current period, set ADJUSTMENT mode
15056          -- on Depreciable basis rule
15057          l_deprn_used_by_adjustment   := 'ADJUSTMENT';
15059          l_pers_per_yr := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
15061          if (l_amortize_per_num = 1) then
15062             l_dpr_row.y_end := l_amortize_fy - 1;
15063          else
15067          if (l_amortize_per_num = 1) then
15064             l_dpr_row.y_end := l_amortize_fy;
15065          end if;
15068             l_dpr_row.p_cl_end := l_pers_per_yr;
15069          else
15070             l_dpr_row.p_cl_end := l_amortize_per_num - 1;
15071          end if;
15072       end if; --if (not((l_cur_fy = l_amortize_fy) and (l_cur_per_num = l_amortize_per_num)))
15073    end if; --if (px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is not null)
15075    -- End Added for Dated Adjustment
15077    -- bonus: We need to exclude bonus amounts when calculating raf.
15078    --  proved that bonus_rule is excluded, if exist for asset.
15079    l_bonus_rule         := l_dpr_row.bonus_rule;
15080    l_dpr_row.bonus_rule := '';
15082    -- row below may not be needed.
15083    -- l_bonus_deprn_rsv   := l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv;
15084    -- l_dpr_row.deprn_rsv is not used.
15085    -- l_deprn_total_rsv   := l_dpr_row.deprn_rsv;
15086    -- l_dpr_row.deprn_rsv := l_dpr_row.deprn_rsv - l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv;
15087    l_cur_total_rsv := l_cur_rsv;
15088    l_cur_rsv       := l_cur_rsv - nvl(l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv,0);
15090    l_used_by_revaluation:= 0;
15092    if p_used_by_revaluation = 1 then
15093       l_used_by_revaluation:= 1;
15094    end if;
15096    l_use_override := ((l_rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_FORMULA) or
15097                       (((l_rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_CALC) or
15098                         (l_rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_TABLE)) and
15099                         (l_deprn_basis_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_DBR_COST)));
15101    -- Set Tracking related variables
15102    l_dpr_row.tracking_method := p_asset_fin_rec_old.tracking_method;
15103    l_dpr_row.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag := p_asset_fin_rec_old.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag;
15104    l_dpr_row.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := p_asset_fin_rec_old.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag;
15105    l_dpr_row.excess_allocation_option := p_asset_fin_rec_old.excess_allocation_option;
15106    l_dpr_row.depreciation_option := p_asset_fin_rec_old.depreciation_option;
15107    l_dpr_row.member_rollup_flag := p_asset_fin_rec_old.member_rollup_flag;
15108    l_dpr_row.mrc_sob_type_code := p_mrc_sob_type_code;
15110    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15111       FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD(fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15112                        element => 'Before call to faxcde regular case',
15113                        value   => l_dpr_row.bonus_rule
15114                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15115    end if;
15117    if (not FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde
15118                  (l_dpr_row,
15119                   l_dpr_arr,
15120                   l_dpr_out,
15121                   FA_STD_TYPES.FA_DPR_NORMAL
15122                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
15124             (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15125              NAME=>'FA_AMT_CAL_DP_EXP'
15126              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15127       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15128          FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
15129                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15130                 element => 'After faxcde',
15131                 value   => 'False'
15132                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15133          FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
15134                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15135                 element => 'l_dpr_out.rate_adj_factor',
15136                 value   => l_dpr_row.rate_adj_factor
15137                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15138          FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
15139                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15140                 element => 'l_dpr_out.adj_capacity',
15141                 value   => l_dpr_row.adj_capacity
15142                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15143          FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
15144                (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15145                 element => 'l_dpr_out.capacity',
15146                 value   => l_dpr_row.capacity
15147                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15148       end if;
15149       return FALSE;
15150    end if;
15152    -- Override
15153    fa_std_types.deprn_override_trigger_enabled:= FALSE;
15154    if l_use_override then  -- pass deprn_override_flag to faxiat
15155       px_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag:= l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
15156       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15157           FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD(fname=>'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15158                            element=>'deprn_override_flag1',
15159                            value=>l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag
15160                            ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15161       end if;
15162    else
15163       -- pass fa_no_override to faxiat
15164       px_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag := fa_std_types.FA_NO_OVERRIDE;
15165       -- update the status fa_deprn_override from 'SELECTED' to 'POST'
15167          SET status  = 'POST'
15168        WHERE used_by = 'ADJUSTMENT'
15169          AND status  = 'SELECTED'
15170          AND transaction_header_id is null;
15171    end if;
15173    fa_std_types.deprn_override_trigger_enabled:= TRUE;
15175    --
15176    -- In most cases, New Adjusted_Cost = New Net Book Value;
15177    --   New Rate_Adjustment_Factor = New Net Book Value / New Deprn_Reserve
15178    --   New Reval_Amortization_Basis = (dpr) Reval_Reserve
15180    -- bonus between here and next, include bonus amounts.
15184    --        Cost - Regular Reserve (without bonus deprn res) for cost assets
15181    -- bonus: modified according to decision from domain experts:
15182    --        now using Cost - Total Reserve
15183    --        when calculating adjusted_cost for nbv assets and
15186    -- new_raval_amo_basis and Production rate source rule are
15187    -- not calculated on Depreciable Basis Formula
15189    px_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis := l_dpr_row.reval_rsv;
15191    if (l_rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_PROD) then
15192         px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor := 1;
15193         px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity
15194                        := px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity -
15195                           l_dpr_out.new_ltd_prod;
15196         px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := 1;
15197    end if;
15199    ----------------------------------------------
15200    -- Call Depreciable Basis Rule
15201    -- for Amortized Adjustment of current period
15202    ----------------------------------------------
15203 if (not l_rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_CALC) then
15205                 p_event_type             => 'AMORT_ADJ',
15206                 p_asset_fin_rec_new      => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
15207                 p_asset_fin_rec_old      => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
15208                 p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
15209                 p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
15210                 p_asset_deprn_rec        => p_asset_deprn_rec,
15211                 p_trans_rec              => px_trans_rec,
15212                 p_period_rec             => p_period_rec,
15213                 p_current_total_rsv      => l_cur_total_rsv,
15214                 p_current_rsv            => l_cur_rsv,
15215                 p_current_total_ytd      => l_cur_ytd,
15216                 p_hyp_basis              => l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost,
15217                 p_hyp_total_rsv          => l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv,
15218                 p_hyp_rsv                => l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv -
15219                                             l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv,
15220                 p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
15221                 p_used_by_adjustment     => l_deprn_used_by_adjustment,
15222                 px_new_adjusted_cost     => px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
15223                 px_new_raf               => px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor,
15224                 px_new_formula_factor    => px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
15225                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
15228                 (CALLING_FN=>'CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
15229                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15231                 (CALLING_FN=>'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15232                  NAME=>'FA_AMT_CAL_DP_EXP'
15233                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15234        return false;
15236    end if;
15237 else
15238     px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost :=
15239                        px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost - l_cur_rsv;
15240     if (sign(px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost)<>0)
15241           then
15242            l_temp := px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost -
15243                      l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv;
15244            px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor :=
15245                      l_temp / px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
15246            px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := 1;
15247          else
15248            px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor :=1;
15249            px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor := 1;
15250     end if;
15251 end if;
15254    -- bonus: assigning bonus rule value back.
15255    l_dpr_row.bonus_rule := l_bonus_rule;
15256    -- not yet needed.
15257    --  l_deprn_row.bonus_deprn_rsv := l_bonus_deprn_rsv;
15258    --  l_dpr_row.deprn_rsv is not used.
15259    --  l_dpr_row.deprn_rsv :=  l_deprn_total_rsv;
15261    l_cur_rsv := l_cur_total_rsv;
15263    if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor < 0 OR
15264        px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor > 1)then
15266             (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15267              NAME=>'FA_AMT_RAF_OUT_OF_RANGE'
15268              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15269       return FALSE;
15270    end if;
15272    -- Added for Dated Adjustment
15273    px_deprn_exp := 0;
15275    if (px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is not null) then
15276       if (not((l_cur_fy = l_amortize_fy) and
15277               (l_cur_per_num = l_amortize_per_num))) then
15278          l_dpr_row.y_begin    := l_amortize_fy;
15279          l_dpr_row.p_cl_begin := l_amortize_per_num;
15281          if (l_cur_per_num = 1) then
15282             l_dpr_row.y_end := l_cur_fy - 1;
15283          else
15284             l_dpr_row.y_end := l_cur_fy;
15285          end if;
15287          if (l_cur_per_num = 1) then
15288             l_dpr_row.p_cl_end := l_pers_per_yr;
15289          else
15290             l_dpr_row.p_cl_end := l_cur_per_num - 1;
15291          end if;
15293          l_dpr_row.rate_adj_factor := px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor;
15295          if (l_cur_fy = l_amortize_fy) then
15296             l_amortize_per_ctr := (l_last_per_ctr + 1) -
15297                                 (l_cur_per_num - l_amortize_per_num);
15301                                    (l_pers_per_yr - l_amortize_per_num + l_cur_per_num));
15298          else
15299             l_amortize_per_ctr := (l_last_per_ctr + 1) -
15300                                   ((l_cur_fy - l_amortize_fy -1) * l_pers_per_yr +
15302          end if;
15304          l_deprn_summary.asset_id   := p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id;
15305          l_deprn_summary.book       := p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
15306          l_deprn_summary.period_ctr := l_amortize_per_ctr - 1;
15307          l_deprn_summary.dist_id    := 0;
15309          -- Enhancement for BT. YYOON - Start
15310          -- BUG#1148053: Ability to add assets with reserve
15311          -- and amortize over remaining useful life
15313          if (p_asset_hdr_rec.period_of_addition = 'Y') then
15314             -- bonus added.
15315             if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
15316                select deprn_reserve,
15317                       bonus_deprn_reserve,
15318                       ytd_deprn
15319                  into l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv,
15320                       l_deprn_summary.bonus_deprn_rsv,
15321                       l_deprn_summary.ytd_deprn
15322                  from fa_deprn_summary_mrc_v
15323                 where asset_id          = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
15324                   and book_type_code    = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
15325                   and deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS';
15326             else
15327                select deprn_reserve,
15328                       bonus_deprn_reserve,
15329                       ytd_deprn
15330                  into l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv,
15331                       l_deprn_summary.bonus_deprn_rsv,
15332                       l_deprn_summary.ytd_deprn
15333                  from fa_deprn_summary
15334                 where asset_id          = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
15335                   and book_type_code    = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
15336                   and deprn_source_code = 'BOOKS';
15337             end if;
15338          else
15339             --  backdate amortization enhancement - begin
15340             l_add_txn_id := 0;
15341             if px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is not null then
15342                open amort_date_before_add;
15343                fetch amort_date_before_add
15344                 into l_add_txn_id;
15345                close amort_date_before_add;
15347                -- when amortization start date is before the addition date
15348                -- call get_reserve to get the actual reserve from the prorate period to before the
15349                -- amortization period
15350                if (l_add_txn_id > 0) then
15351                   if not (get_reserve
15352                               (px_trans_rec,
15353                                p_asset_hdr_rec,
15354                                p_asset_desc_rec,
15355                                px_asset_fin_rec_new,
15356                                l_add_txn_id,
15357                                l_amortize_fy,
15358                                l_amortize_per_num,
15359                                l_pers_per_yr,
15360                                p_mrc_sob_type_code,
15361                                l_deprn_rsv,
15362                                l_bonus_deprn_rsv
15363                                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
15364                      fa_srvr_msg.add_message (calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf'
15365                                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15366                      return FALSE;
15367                   end if;
15368                   l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv       := l_deprn_rsv;
15369                   l_deprn_summary.bonus_deprn_rsv := l_bonus_deprn_rsv;
15370                end if;
15371             end if;
15373             if (px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is null or l_add_txn_id = 0) then
15374                -- backdate amortization enhacement - end
15376                   l_deprn_summary,
15377                   'STANDARD',
15378                   FALSE,
15379                   l_dummy_bool,
15380                   'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15381                   -1
15382                   ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15384                if not (l_dummy_bool) then
15385                   fa_srvr_msg.add_message (calling_fn => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf'
15386                                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15387                   return (FALSE);
15388                end if;
15389             end if;
15390          end if;
15392          /**** Enhancement for BT. YYOON - End */
15394          if p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R' then
15396                            'EXPENSE',
15397                            DECODE(DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
15398                                   'DR', ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
15399                                   'CR', -1 * ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),0),
15400                    -- backdate amortization enhancement - begin
15401                    NVL(SUM(DECODE(ADJUSTMENT_TYPE,
15402                             'RESERVE',
15403                              DECODE(DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
15404                             'DR', ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
15405                             'CR', -1 * ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),0)
15406                    -- backdate amortization enhancement - end
15407               INTO l_adjustment_amount,
15411                AND book_type_code          = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
15408                    l_rsv_amount
15409               FROM FA_ADJUSTMENTS_MRC_V
15410              WHERE asset_id                = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
15412                AND period_counter_adjusted = l_amortize_per_ctr;
15413          else
15415                            'EXPENSE',
15416                            DECODE(DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
15417                                   'DR', ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
15418                                   'CR', -1 * ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),0),
15419                    -- backdate amortization enhancement - begin
15420                    NVL(SUM(DECODE(ADJUSTMENT_TYPE,
15421                             'RESERVE',
15422                              DECODE(DEBIT_CREDIT_FLAG,
15423                             'DR', ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT,
15424                             'CR', -1 * ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT))),0)
15425                    -- backdate amortization enhancement - end
15426               INTO l_adjustment_amount,
15427                    l_rsv_amount
15428               FROM FA_ADJUSTMENTS
15429              WHERE asset_id                = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
15430                AND book_type_code          = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
15431                AND period_counter_adjusted = l_amortize_per_ctr;
15432          end if;
15434          l_temp_deprn_rsv := l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv - l_deprn_summary.bonus_deprn_rsv;
15436          -- bonus
15437          l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv := l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv +
15438                                       l_adjustment_amount -
15439                                       l_rsv_amount;
15441          -- alternative flat rate depreciation calculation
15442          if l_amortize_per_num = 1 then
15443             l_deprn_summary.ytd_deprn := l_adjustment_amount;
15444          else
15445             l_deprn_summary.ytd_deprn := l_deprn_summary.ytd_deprn + l_adjustment_amount;
15446          end if;
15448          -- Add for the Depreciable Basis Formula.
15450            ----------------------------------------------
15451            -- Call Depreciable Basis Rule
15452            -- for Amortized Adjustment with back dated.
15453            -- Before faxcde calling
15454            ----------------------------------------------
15456            if (not FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS (
15457                      p_event_type             => 'AMORT_ADJ2',
15458                      p_asset_fin_rec_new      => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
15459                      p_asset_fin_rec_old      => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
15460                      p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
15461                      p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
15462                      p_asset_deprn_rec        => p_asset_deprn_rec,
15463                      p_trans_rec              => px_trans_rec,
15464                      p_period_rec             => p_period_rec,
15465                      p_adjusted_cost          => l_dpr_row.adj_cost,
15466                      p_current_total_rsv      => l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv,
15467                      p_current_rsv            => l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv -
15468                                                  l_deprn_summary.bonus_deprn_rsv,
15469                      p_current_total_ytd      => l_deprn_summary.ytd_deprn,
15470                      p_hyp_basis              => l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost,
15471                      p_hyp_total_rsv          => l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv,
15472                      p_hyp_rsv                => l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv -
15473                                                  l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv,
15474                      p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
15475                      p_used_by_adjustment     => 'ADJUSTMENT',
15476                      px_new_adjusted_cost     => l_dpr_row.adj_cost,
15477                      px_new_raf               => px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor,
15478                      px_new_formula_factor    => px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
15479                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
15480              FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_MESSAGE
15481                 (CALLING_FN=>'CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
15482                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15483              FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_MESSAGE
15484                 (CALLING_FN=>'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15485                  NAME=>'FA_AMT_CAL_DP_EXP'
15486                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15487              return false;
15489            end if;
15491         --fix for 2197401. error out if new nbv result in
15492         -- opposite sign of new recoverable cost
15493          if (sign(px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost)<>sign(l_dpr_row.adj_cost)) then
15494             FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_MESSAGE
15495                 (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15496                        NAME=>'FA_WRONG_REC_COST'
15497                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15498             return FALSE;
15499          end if;
15501          l_dpr_row.deprn_rsv     := l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv;
15502          l_dpr_row.adj_capacity  := px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity;
15504          -- Bonus: called when amortization_start_date is not null i.e. backdated
15505          --        adjustment.
15506          --        We probably need to modify to exclude bonus amounts.
15507          l_bonus_rule := l_dpr_row.bonus_rule;
15509          l_cur_total_rsv := l_cur_rsv;
15513          if (not FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde
15510          l_cur_rsv       := l_cur_rsv - nvl(l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv,0);
15511          l_dpr_row.mrc_sob_type_code := p_mrc_sob_type_code;
15514                        (l_dpr_row,
15515                         l_dpr_arr,
15516                         l_dpr_out,
15517                         FA_STD_TYPES.FA_DPR_NORMAL
15518                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
15519             FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_MESSAGE
15520                 (CALLING_FN=>'faxcde2'
15521                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15522             FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_MESSAGE
15523                 (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15524                  NAME       => 'FA_AMT_CAL_DP_EXP'
15525                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15526             return FALSE;
15527          end if;
15529          -- Override
15530          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15531             FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD
15532                 (fname   => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15533                  element => 'deprn_override_flag2',
15534                  value   => l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag
15535                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15536          end if;
15538          px_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag:= l_dpr_out.deprn_override_flag;
15540          -- Added for Depreciable Basis Formula.
15542            ----------------------------------------------
15543            -- Call Depreciable Basis Rule
15544            -- for Amortized Adjustment with back dated.
15545            -- After faxcde calling
15546            ----------------------------------------------
15548            if (not FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.CALL_DEPRN_BASIS (
15549                      p_event_type             => 'AMORT_ADJ3',
15550                      p_asset_fin_rec_new      => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
15551                      p_asset_fin_rec_old      => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
15552                      p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
15553                      p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
15554                      p_asset_deprn_rec        => p_asset_deprn_rec,
15555                      p_trans_rec              => px_trans_rec,
15556                      p_period_rec             => p_period_rec,
15557                      p_adjusted_cost          => l_dpr_row.adj_cost,
15558                      p_current_rsv            => l_temp_deprn_rsv,
15559                      p_current_total_ytd      => l_deprn_summary.ytd_deprn,
15560                      p_hyp_basis              => l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost,
15561                      p_hyp_total_rsv          => l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv,
15562                      p_hyp_rsv                => l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv
15563                                                    - l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv,
15564                      p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
15565                      p_used_by_adjustment     => 'ADJUSTMENT',
15566                      px_new_adjusted_cost     => px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
15567                      px_new_raf               => px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor,
15568                      px_new_formula_factor    => px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
15569                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
15570              FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_MESSAGE
15571                 (CALLING_FN=>'CALL_DEPRN_BASIS'
15572                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15573              FA_SRVR_MSG.ADD_MESSAGE
15574                 (CALLING_FN=>'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15575                  NAME=>'FA_AMT_CAL_DP_EXP'
15576                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15577              return false;
15579            end if;
15581          -- bonus, added l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv field to calculation.
15582           px_deprn_exp := (l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv - l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv) -
15583                           (l_cur_rsv - l_deprn_summary.deprn_rsv) -
15584                           nvl(l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv,0);
15586          -- bonus
15587          --  l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv arrives with value added for bonus_deprn_rsv.
15588          --  the new_bonus_deprn_rsv amount is not vanilla therefore the *2.
15589          --  if it turns out to be wrong calculation, it should be investigated
15590          --  why bonus_deprn_rsv doesn't arrive as expected.
15591          if (l_dpr_row.bonus_rule is not null) then
15592             px_bonus_deprn_exp :=
15593                 (l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv -
15594                  l_deprn_summary.bonus_deprn_rsv) -
15595                  ( (l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv * 2) - l_deprn_summary.bonus_deprn_rsv);
15597            if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15598                FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD (fname=>'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15599                                  element=>'px_bonus_deprn_exp ',
15600                                  value=>px_bonus_deprn_exp
15601                                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15602                FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD (fname=>'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15603                                  element=>'l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv ',
15604                                  value=>l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv
15605                                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15606                FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD (fname=>'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15607                                  element=>'l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv',
15608                                  value=>l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv
15609                                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15613                                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15610                FA_DEBUG_PKG.ADD (fname=>'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf',
15611                                  element=>'l_dpr_row.bonus_deprn_rsv',
15612                                  value=>l_deprn_summary.bonus_deprn_rsv
15614             end if;
15615          end if;
15617          -- bonus: assigning bonus rule value back.
15618          l_dpr_row.bonus_rule := l_bonus_rule;
15619          l_cur_rsv        := l_cur_total_rsv;
15621       end if; --if (not((l_cur_fy = l_amortize_fy) and (l_cur_per_num = l_amortize_per_num)))
15622    end if; --if (px_trans_rec.amortization_start_date is not null)
15624    return TRUE;
15626 exception
15627    when others then
15629              (CALLING_FN => 'FA_AMORT_PKG.faxraf'
15630                           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15631         return  FALSE;
15632 end faxraf;
15634 FUNCTION calc_raf_adj_cost
15635    (p_trans_rec           IN            FA_API_TYPES.trans_rec_type,
15636     p_asset_hdr_rec       IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type,
15637     p_asset_desc_rec      IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_desc_rec_type,
15638     p_asset_type_rec      IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_type_rec_type,
15639     p_asset_fin_rec_old   IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
15640     px_asset_fin_rec_new  IN OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
15641     p_asset_deprn_rec_adj IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
15642     p_asset_deprn_rec_new IN            FA_API_TYPES.asset_deprn_rec_type,
15643     p_period_rec          IN            FA_API_TYPES.period_rec_type,
15644     p_group_reclass_options_rec IN      FA_API_TYPES.group_reclass_options_rec_type default null,
15645     p_mrc_sob_type_code   IN            VARCHAR2,
15646     p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null) RETURN BOOLEAN IS
15649   l_calling_fn     VARCHAR2(50) := 'fa_amort_pvt.calc_raf_adj_cost';
15651   --+++++++ variables for Eofy Recoverable Cost/Salvage Value +++++++
15652   l_eofy_rec_cost                NUMBER;
15653   l_eofy_sal_val                 NUMBER;
15655   --++++++++ variables for EOP Recoverable Cost/Salvage Value ++++++++
15656   l_eop_rec_cost                 NUMBER;
15657   l_eop_sal_val                  NUMBER;
15659   --++++++++ variables for manual override ++++++++
15660   l_rate_source_rule             VARCHAR2(25);
15661   l_deprn_basis_rule             VARCHAR2(25);
15663   --+++++++++++++++ For calling faxcde +++++++++++++++
15664   l_dpr_in                       FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_struct;
15665   l_dpr_out                      FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_out_struct;
15666   l_dpr_arr                      FA_STD_TYPES.dpr_arr_type;
15667   l_running_mode                 NUMBER;
15669   l_deprn_reserve                NUMBER;
15670   l_temp_integer                 BINARY_INTEGER;
15671   l_temp_number                  number;
15673   --+ HHIRAGA added on Oct/Nov in 2003
15674   --++++++++ variables for Trackking Member Feature ++++++++
15675   l_processed_flag               BOOLEAN := FALSE;
15676   l_raf_processed_flag           BOOLEAN := FALSE;
15677   l_current_period_counter       NUMBER;
15678   l_mem_deprn_reserve            NUMBER;
15679   l_mem_eofy_reserve             NUMBER;
15681   l_recalc_start_fy              NUMBER;
15682   l_recalc_start_period_num      NUMBER;
15683   l_recalc_start_period_counter  NUMBER;
15684   l_no_allocation_for_last       VARCHAR2(1);
15685   l_chk_bs_row_exists            VARCHAR2(1);
15687    CURSOR c_chk_bs_row_exists IS
15688       select 'Y'
15689         from fa_books_summary
15690        where book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
15691          and group_asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
15692          and asset_id <> group_asset_id
15693          and period_counter = l_recalc_start_period_counter - 1;
15695   l_asset_fin_rec_adj            FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type;
15697   calc_err                       EXCEPTION;
15699 BEGIN
15701   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15702      fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
15703           ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15704   end if;
15706   -- Skipping call to the function because it is not necessary for straight line
15707   -- or flat-cost with period end balance and use recoverable cost basis rules
15708   -- There are more cases which calling this function unnecessary but not include for this time.
15709   if (not(   (fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_CALC)
15710           or ((fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_FLAT) and
15711               (fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_DBR_COST) and
15712               (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name  in ('PERIOD END BALANCE','USE RECOVERABLE COST'))))) then
15714     -- Get Eofy/Eop Recovearble Cost and Salvage Value
15716                 p_asset_id              => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
15717                 p_book_type_code        => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
15718                 p_fiscal_year           => p_period_rec.fiscal_year,
15719                 p_asset_type            => p_asset_type_rec.asset_type,
15720                 p_period_num            => p_period_rec.period_num,
15724                 x_eop_recoverable_cost  => l_eop_rec_cost,
15721                 p_mrc_sob_type_code     => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
15722                 x_eofy_recoverable_cost => l_eofy_rec_cost,
15723                 x_eofy_salvage_value    => l_eofy_sal_val,
15725                 x_eop_salvage_value     => l_eop_sal_val
15726                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
15727       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15728         fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
15729                          'FA_CALC_DEPRN_BASIS1_PKG.GET_EOFY_EOP'
15730                          ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15731       end if;
15733       raise calc_err;
15735     end if;
15736   end if;
15738   if (l_eofy_rec_cost is null) then
15739     l_eofy_rec_cost := 0;
15740     l_eofy_sal_val := 0;
15741   end if;
15743   if (l_eop_rec_cost is null) then
15744     l_eop_rec_cost := 0;
15745     l_eop_sal_val := 0;
15746   end if;
15748   -- Skipping call to faxcde because it is unnecessary for flat-cost with period end balance,
15749   -- use recoverable cost, period average, and beginning balance basis rules
15750   -- There are more cases which calling this function unnecessary but not include for this time.
15751   if (not(((fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_FLAT) and
15752            (fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_DBR_COST) and
15753            (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdbr_record.rule_name  in ('PERIOD END BALANCE', 'PERIOD END AVERAGE',
15754                                                       'USE RECOVERABLE COST', 'BEGINNING PERIOD')) or
15755           fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_PROD))) then
15757       l_dpr_in.asset_num := p_asset_desc_rec.asset_number;
15758       l_dpr_in.calendar_type := fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.deprn_calendar;
15759       l_dpr_in.book := p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;
15760       l_dpr_in.asset_id := p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id;
15761       l_dpr_in.adj_cost := px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
15762       l_dpr_in.rec_cost := px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
15763       l_dpr_in.reval_amo_basis := px_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis;
15764       l_dpr_in.deprn_rsv := 0;
15765       l_dpr_in.reval_rsv := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.reval_deprn_reserve;
15766       l_dpr_in.adj_rate := px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_rate;
15767       l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor := px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor;
15768       l_dpr_in.capacity := px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity;
15769       l_dpr_in.adj_capacity := px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity;
15770       l_dpr_in.ltd_prod := 0;
15772       l_dpr_in.ceil_name := px_asset_fin_rec_new.ceiling_name;
15773       l_dpr_in.bonus_rule := px_asset_fin_rec_new.bonus_rule;
15774       l_dpr_in.method_code := px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code;
15775       l_dpr_in.jdate_in_service :=
15776                     to_number(to_char(px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service, 'J'));
15777       l_dpr_in.prorate_jdate := to_number(to_char(px_asset_fin_rec_new.prorate_date, 'J'));
15778       l_dpr_in.deprn_start_jdate := to_number(to_char(px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_start_date, 'J'));
15779       l_dpr_in.jdate_retired := 0; -- don't know this is correct or not
15780       l_dpr_in.ret_prorate_jdate := 0; -- don't know this is correct or not
15781       l_dpr_in.life := px_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months;
15783       l_dpr_in.rsv_known_flag := TRUE;
15784       l_dpr_in.salvage_value := px_asset_fin_rec_new.salvage_value;
15785       l_dpr_in.pc_life_end := px_asset_fin_rec_new.period_counter_life_complete;
15786       l_dpr_in.adj_rec_cost := px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_recoverable_cost;
15787       l_dpr_in.prior_fy_exp := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.prior_fy_expense;
15789       -- Bug:5612206
15790       l_dpr_in.deprn_rounding_flag := null;
15792       l_dpr_in.deprn_override_flag := p_trans_rec.deprn_override_flag;
15793       l_dpr_in.used_by_adjustment := TRUE;
15794       l_dpr_in.ytd_deprn := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.ytd_deprn;
15795       l_dpr_in.short_fiscal_year_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.short_fiscal_year_flag;
15796       l_dpr_in.conversion_date := px_asset_fin_rec_new.conversion_date;
15797       l_dpr_in.prorate_date := px_asset_fin_rec_new.prorate_date;
15798       l_dpr_in.orig_deprn_start_date := px_asset_fin_rec_new.orig_deprn_start_date;
15799       l_dpr_in.old_adj_cost := px_asset_fin_rec_new.old_adjusted_cost;
15800       l_dpr_in.formula_factor := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor,
15801                                      p_asset_fin_rec_old.formula_factor);
15802       l_dpr_in.bonus_deprn_exp := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.bonus_deprn_amount;
15803       l_dpr_in.bonus_ytd_deprn := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.bonus_ytd_deprn;
15804       l_dpr_in.bonus_deprn_rsv := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.bonus_deprn_reserve;
15805       l_dpr_in.prior_fy_bonus_exp := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.prior_fy_bonus_expense;
15807       l_dpr_in.tracking_method := px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method;
15808       l_dpr_in.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_ret_flag;
15809       l_dpr_in.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.allocate_to_fully_rsv_flag;
15810       l_dpr_in.excess_allocation_option := px_asset_fin_rec_new.excess_allocation_option;
15811       l_dpr_in.depreciation_option := px_asset_fin_rec_new.depreciation_option;
15812       l_dpr_in.member_rollup_flag := px_asset_fin_rec_new.member_rollup_flag;
15813       l_dpr_in.over_depreciate_option := px_asset_fin_rec_new.over_depreciate_option;
15814       l_dpr_in.mrc_sob_type_code := p_mrc_sob_type_code;
15816       --
15817       -- Not for what-if yet
15818       --
15822                                  fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name,
15819       l_running_mode := fa_std_types.FA_DPR_NORMAL;
15821       if not fa_cache_pkg.fazccp(fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar,
15823                                  l_dpr_in.prorate_jdate,
15824                                  l_temp_number,
15825                                  l_dpr_in.y_begin,
15826                                  l_temp_integer
15827                                  ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
15828          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15829             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
15830                              'fa_cache_pkg.fazccp'
15831                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15832             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar',
15833                              fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.prorate_calendar
15834                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15835             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name',
15836                              fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.fiscal_year_name
15837                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15838          end if;
15840          raise calc_err;
15841       end if;
15844       l_dpr_in.p_cl_begin := 1;
15846       if (p_period_rec.period_num = 1) then
15847          l_dpr_in.y_end := p_period_rec.fiscal_year - 1;
15848          l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := fa_cache_pkg.fazcct_record.number_per_fiscal_year;
15849       else
15850          l_dpr_in.y_end := p_period_rec.fiscal_year;
15851          l_dpr_in.p_cl_end := p_period_rec.period_num - 1;
15852       end if;
15854       l_dpr_in.rate_adj_factor := 1;
15856       -- manual override
15857       if fa_cache_pkg.fa_deprn_override_enabled then
15858          if (not fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt(
15859                      px_asset_fin_rec_new.deprn_method_code,
15860                      px_asset_fin_rec_new.life_in_months
15861                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
15862             if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15863                fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
15864                                 'fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt'
15865                                 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15866             end if;
15868             raise calc_err;
15869          end if;
15871          l_rate_source_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule;
15872          l_deprn_basis_rule := fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.deprn_basis_rule;
15874          -- update override status only if satisfies condintion,
15875          -- otherwise do not update status when calculating RAF
15876          -- 1. formula; or
15877          -- 2. (calc or table) and cost
15879          l_dpr_in.update_override_status :=
15880                ((l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_FORMULA)
15881                OR (((l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_CALC)
15882                OR (l_rate_source_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_RSR_TABLE))
15883                AND (l_deprn_basis_rule = fa_std_types.FAD_DBR_COST)));
15884       end if;
15886             --* HHIRAGA modified on Oct/Nov in 2003.
15887             -- Changed parameter to period counter when the recalculation of
15888             -- RAF needs.
15889             -- This function will populates all member assets to be used to
15890             -- hypothetical allocation internally.
15891             --
15892             --+++++++ Call Tracking Function to populate Member in case ALLOCATE ++++++
15893             if p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP' and
15894                nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
15896                l_raf_processed_flag := TRUE;
15897                l_dpr_in.tracking_method := NULL;
15899 /*
15900                if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.get_member_at_start(
15901                        p_period_rec => l_period_rec,
15902                        p_trans_rec => p_trans_rec,
15903                        p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
15904                        p_asset_fin_rec => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
15905                        p_dpr_in => l_dpr_in,
15906                        p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
15907                        ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
15908                   if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15909                     fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling', 'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.get_member_at_start'
15910                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15911                   end if;
15913                   raise calc_failed;
15915                end if;
15916 */
15917             end if; -- nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
15918             -- End of HHIRAGA
15920       --+++++++ Call Depreciation engine for rate adjustment factor +++++++
15921       if not FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde(l_dpr_in,
15922                                l_dpr_arr,
15923                                l_dpr_out,
15924                                l_running_mode
15925                                ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
15926          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
15927             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
15928                              'FA_CDE_PKG.faxcde'
15929                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
15933       end if;
15930          end if;
15932          raise calc_err;
15935       -- Bug 4129984.
15937       if ((fa_cache_pkg.fazcbc_record.AMORTIZE_REVAL_RESERVE_FLAG='YES') and
15938           (px_asset_fin_rec_new.Reval_Amortization_Basis is not null) and
15939           (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'CAPITALIZED') and
15940           (px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id is null)) then
15942          px_asset_fin_rec_new.reval_amortization_basis := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.reval_deprn_reserve;
15943       end if;
15945    else -- in the case of skipping faxcde call
15946      l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost := px_asset_fin_rec_new.recoverable_cost;
15947      l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.deprn_reserve;
15948      l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.bonus_deprn_reserve;
15949    end if;
15952    --
15953    -- Bug4213715: new reserve has already include adj_reserve in case of group
15954    --             reclass with enter option.
15955    --
15956    if (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP') and
15957       (p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'GC') then
15958       -- reclass w/ enter option at group level
15960       l_deprn_reserve := nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_new.deprn_reserve, 0);
15962    elsif (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type <> 'GROUP') and
15963          (nvl(p_asset_fin_rec_old.group_asset_id, 0) <>
15964                nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.group_asset_id, 0)) then
15966       l_deprn_reserve := nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_new.deprn_reserve, 0);
15968    -- Bug 6803812: In case of Period of addition, p_asset_deprn_rec_new
15969    -- contains the new reserve
15970    elsif ( p_asset_hdr_rec.period_of_addition = 'Y') then
15971       l_deprn_reserve := nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_new.deprn_reserve, 0);
15972    else
15973       -- Ordinary behavior
15974       l_deprn_reserve := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.deprn_reserve +
15975                          nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve, 0);
15976    end if;
15979    /*code fix for bug no.3630495. added the following line to calculate the adjusted capacity*/
15980    if (nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method, 'NO TRACK') = 'ALLOCATE') and    -- ENERGY
15981       (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.rule_name = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') then  -- ENERGY
15982       null;
15983    else
15984       px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity:=px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity- nvl(l_dpr_out.new_ltd_prod, 0);
15985    end if;
15987    if (p_asset_hdr_rec.period_of_addition = 'Y') and
15988       (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP') then
15989       px_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve,
15990                                                p_asset_deprn_rec_new.deprn_reserve -
15991                                                p_asset_deprn_rec_new.ytd_deprn);
15992    else
15994      /* Fix for Bug#4541399: We have to activate this code
15995         only when px_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve is NULL */
15996      if (px_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve is null) then
15997        px_asset_fin_rec_new.eofy_reserve := p_asset_deprn_rec_new.deprn_reserve -
15998                                           p_asset_deprn_rec_new.ytd_deprn;
15999      end if;
16001    end if;
16003    -- HHIRAGA
16004    --+++++++ Call Tracking Function to populate Member in case ALLOCATE ++++++
16005    if (l_raf_processed_flag) then
16006      l_dpr_in.tracking_method := 'ALLOCATE';
16007      l_raf_processed_flag := FALSE;
16008    end if;
16010    -- HHIRAGA
16011    --+++++++ Call Populate_member_assets_table function
16012    if nvl(l_dpr_in.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
16013      fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table.delete;
16014      if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16015        fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Delete p_track_member_table', '+++'
16016 ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16017      end if;
16018    end if;
16021                        (p_event_type             => 'AMORT_ADJ',
16022                         p_asset_fin_rec_new      => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
16023                         p_asset_fin_rec_old      => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
16024                         p_asset_hdr_rec          => p_asset_hdr_rec,
16025                         p_asset_type_rec         => p_asset_type_rec,
16026                         p_asset_deprn_rec        => p_asset_deprn_rec_new,
16027                         p_trans_rec              => p_trans_rec,
16028                         p_period_rec             => p_period_rec,
16029                         p_current_total_rsv      => l_deprn_reserve,
16030                         p_current_rsv            => l_deprn_reserve -
16031                                                     p_asset_deprn_rec_new.bonus_deprn_reserve,
16032                         p_current_total_ytd      => p_asset_deprn_rec_new.ytd_deprn,
16033                         p_adj_reserve            => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj.deprn_reserve,
16034                         p_hyp_basis              => l_dpr_out.new_adj_cost,
16035                         p_hyp_total_rsv          => l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv,
16036                         p_hyp_rsv                => l_dpr_out.new_deprn_rsv -
16037                                                     l_dpr_out.new_bonus_deprn_rsv,
16038                         p_eofy_recoverable_cost  => l_eofy_rec_cost,
16039                         p_eop_recoverable_cost   => l_eop_rec_cost,
16043                         p_used_by_adjustment     => 'ADJUSTMENT',
16040                         p_eofy_salvage_value     => l_eofy_sal_val,
16041                         p_eop_salvage_value      => l_eop_sal_val,
16042                         p_mrc_sob_type_code      => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
16044                         px_new_adjusted_cost     => px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost,
16045                         px_new_raf               => px_asset_fin_rec_new.rate_adjustment_factor,
16046                         px_new_formula_factor    => px_asset_fin_rec_new.formula_factor
16047                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
16048       raise calc_err;
16049    end if;
16050       --Bug6770599
16051     if (p_trans_rec.transaction_subtype = 'AMORTIZED') and
16052          (p_trans_rec.transaction_type_code = 'GROUP ADDITION' )
16053 	 and p_asset_fin_rec_old.date_placed_in_service > px_asset_fin_rec_new.date_placed_in_service
16054 	 then
16056 	  if not createGroup(
16057                          p_trans_rec            => p_trans_rec,
16058                          p_asset_hdr_rec        => p_asset_hdr_rec,
16059                          p_asset_type_rec       => p_asset_type_rec,
16060                          p_period_rec           => p_period_rec,
16061                          p_asset_fin_rec        => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
16062                          p_asset_deprn_rec      => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj,
16063                          p_mrc_sob_type_code    => p_mrc_sob_type_code,
16064                          p_calling_fn           => l_calling_fn) then
16066          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16067             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'calling FA_AMORT_PVT.createGroup', 'FAILED',
16068 	     p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16069          end if;
16071          return (FALSE);
16073         end if;
16075     end if;
16076    --++ HHIRAGA
16077    --++++++++ tracking is allocate case, create bs table
16078    if nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE' then
16080       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.update_member_books(p_trans_rec => p_trans_rec,
16081                                                      p_asset_hdr_rec => p_asset_hdr_rec,
16082                                                      p_dpr_in => l_dpr_in,
16083                                                      p_mrc_sob_type_code => p_mrc_sob_type_code
16084                                                      ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
16085          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16086             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
16087                              'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.update_member_books'
16088                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16089          end if;
16091          raise calc_err;
16092       end if;
16094       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16095          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_track_member_pvt.create_update_bs_table',
16096                                         'called'
16097                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16098       end if;
16100       if not FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.create_update_bs_table(p_trans_rec => p_trans_rec,
16101                                                         p_book_type_code => p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code,
16102                                                         p_group_asset_id => p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id,
16103                                                         p_calling_fn => l_calling_fn
16104                                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec) then
16108                              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16105          if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16106             fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error calling',
16107                              'FA_TRACK_MEMBER_PVT.create_update_bs_table'
16109          end if;
16111          raise calc_err;
16112       end if;
16114       fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_eofy_table.delete;
16115       fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_table.delete;
16117       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16118          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'fa_track_member_pvt.p_track_member_eofy_table/member_table',
16119                                         'deleted'
16120                                         ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16121       end if;
16123    end if; -- nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.tracking_method,'OTHER') = 'ALLOCATE'
16124    -- End of HHIRAGA
16126    -- Bug7446301: Redoing fix for bug7209655.  Removed tracking method condition so that process
16127    -- will satisfy following if condition even if the asset type is not GROUP
16128    if (fa_cache_pkg.fazcdrd_record.rule_name = 'ENERGY PERIOD END BALANCE') and  -- ENERGY
16129       (fa_cache_pkg.fazccmt_record.rate_source_rule = FA_STD_TYPES.FAD_RSR_PROD) then
16130       px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_capacity := nvl(px_asset_fin_rec_new.production_capacity, 0) -
16131                                                 nvl(p_asset_deprn_rec_new.ltd_production, 0);
16132    end if;
16134    --
16135    -- Purpose of calling CurrentPeriodAdj is to reflect the trx to
16136    -- FA_BOOKS_SUMMARY.  Not for calculating a catch-up.
16137    -- Call CurrentPeriodAdj if:
16138    --   This is group asset.
16139    --   This is current period trx
16140    --   This is not member ret/rein, group reclass or group reclas with enter.
16141    --
16142    if (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP') and
16143       (nvl(p_trans_rec.amortization_start_date,
16144            p_trans_rec.transaction_date_entered) >=
16145        p_period_rec.calendar_period_open_date) and
16146       (p_trans_rec.transaction_key not in ('MR', 'MS', 'GC') or
16147        ((p_trans_rec.transaction_key = 'GC' and
16148          nvl(p_group_reclass_options_rec.group_reclass_type, 'NULL') = 'MANUAL'))) then
16150 --tk_util.DumpTrxRec(p_trans_rec, 'p_trans_rec');
16151 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(p_asset_fin_rec_old, 'old fin_rec');
16152 --tk_util.DumpFinRec(px_asset_fin_rec_new, 'new_fin_rec');
16153 --tk_util.DumpDeprnRec(p_asset_deprn_rec_adj, 'adj deprn');
16155       populate_fin_rec(
16156              p_trans_rec          => p_trans_rec,
16157              p_asset_fin_rec_old  => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
16158              p_asset_fin_rec_new  => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
16159              x_asset_fin_rec_adj  => l_asset_fin_rec_adj
16160              ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16162       if (not  CurrentPeriodAdj(
16163                     p_trans_rec           => p_trans_rec,
16164                     p_asset_hdr_rec       => p_asset_hdr_rec,
16165                     p_asset_type_rec      => p_asset_type_rec,
16166                     p_asset_fin_rec_adj   => l_asset_fin_rec_adj,
16167                     p_asset_fin_rec_old   => p_asset_fin_rec_old,
16168                     px_asset_fin_rec_new  => px_asset_fin_rec_new,
16169                     p_period_rec          => p_period_rec,
16170                     p_asset_deprn_rec_adj => p_asset_deprn_rec_adj,
16171                     p_proceeds_of_sale    => 0,
16172                     p_cost_of_removal     => 0,
16173                     p_calling_fn          => l_calling_fn,
16174                     p_mrc_sob_type_code   => p_mrc_sob_type_code
16175                     ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec)) then
16176          raise calc_err;
16177       end if;
16179    end if; -- (p_asset_type_rec.asset_type = 'GROUP')
16181    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16182       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', px_asset_fin_rec_new.adjusted_cost
16183             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16184    end if;
16186    return true;
16189    when calc_err then
16190       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
16191             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16192       return false;
16197       return false;
16194    when others then
16195       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn
16196             ,p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16199 END calc_raf_adj_cost;
16201 FUNCTION check_dpis_change (
16202               p_book_type_code                     VARCHAR2,
16203               p_transaction_header_id              NUMBER,
16204               p_group_asset_id                     NUMBER,
16205               x_asset_fin_rec           OUT NOCOPY FA_API_TYPES.asset_fin_rec_type,
16206               x_period_counter_out      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
16207               p_mrc_sob_type_code                  VARCHAR2,
16208               p_log_level_rec        IN            FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
16211    l_calling_fn varchar2(100) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.check_dpis_change';
16213    CURSOR c_check_dpis_change is
16214        select inbk.cost
16215             , inbk.cip_cost
16216             , inbk.salvage_value
16217             , inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
16218             , bs.period_counter
16219        from   fa_books inbk
16220             , fa_books outbk
16221             , fa_transaction_headers inth
16222             , fa_transaction_headers outth
16223             , fa_books_summary bs
16224        where  inbk.transaction_header_id_in   = p_transaction_header_id
16225        and    outbk.asset_id                  = inbk.asset_id
16226        and    outbk.book_type_code            = p_book_type_code
16227        and    outbk.transaction_header_id_out = p_transaction_header_id
16228        and    outbk.transaction_header_id_in  = outth.transaction_header_id
16229        and    bs.asset_id                     = p_group_asset_id
16230        and    bs.book_type_code               = p_book_type_code
16231        and    nvl(outth.amortization_start_date,
16232                    outth.transaction_date_entered) between bs.calendar_period_open_date
16233                                                        and bs.calendar_period_close_date
16234        and    inbk.cost                       = outbk.cost
16235        and    nvl(inbk.salvage_value, 0)              = nvl(outbk.salvage_value, 0)
16236        and    nvl(inbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0) = nvl(outbk.allowed_deprn_limit_amount, 0)
16237        and    inbk.date_placed_in_service     <> outbk.date_placed_in_service
16238 ;
16239    chk_err   exception;
16241 BEGIN
16242    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16243       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_transaction_header_id, p_log_level_rec);
16244    end if;
16246    OPEN c_check_dpis_change;
16247    FETCH c_check_dpis_change into x_asset_fin_rec.cost
16248                                 , x_asset_fin_rec.cip_cost
16249                                 , x_asset_fin_rec.salvage_value
16250                                 , x_asset_fin_rec.allowed_deprn_limit_amount
16251                                 , x_period_counter_out;
16253    CLOSE c_check_dpis_change;
16255    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16256       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_period_counter_out', x_period_counter_out, p_log_level_rec);
16257       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'x_asset_fin_rec.cost', x_asset_fin_rec.cost, p_log_level_rec);
16258       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'End', x_asset_fin_rec.cost, p_log_level_rec);
16259    end if;
16261    return true;
16264    when chk_err then
16265       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
16266                                 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16267       return false;
16269    when others then
16270       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn,
16271                                 p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16272       return false;
16274 END check_dpis_change;
16276 --Bug 5149789
16277 FUNCTION check_member_existence (
16278                  p_asset_hdr_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.asset_hdr_rec_type
16279                , p_log_level_rec IN FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type default null)
16282    l_calling_fn varchar2(100) := 'FA_AMORT_PVT.check_member_existence';
16284    CURSOR c_mem_exists IS
16285       select transaction_header_id_in
16286       from   fa_books
16287       where  group_asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
16288       and    book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
16289       and    transaction_header_id_out is null;
16291    l_temp_thid   NUMBER;
16293 BEGIN
16294    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16295       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id, p_log_level_rec);
16296    end if;
16298    OPEN c_mem_exists;
16299    FETCH c_mem_exists INTO l_temp_thid;
16301    if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16302       fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Begin', c_mem_exists%notfound, p_log_level_rec);
16303    end if;
16305    if (c_mem_exists%notfound) then
16306       CLOSE c_mem_exists;
16307       return true;
16308    else
16309       CLOSE c_mem_exists;
16310       return false;
16311    end if;
16314    when others then
16315       if (p_log_level_rec.statement_level) then
16316          fa_debug_pkg.add(l_calling_fn, 'Error', sqlerrm, p_log_level_rec);
16317       end if;
16319       fa_srvr_msg.add_sql_error(calling_fn => l_calling_fn, p_log_level_rec => p_log_level_rec);
16320       return false;
16322 END check_member_existence;