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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 46

Line: 47

Line: 48

Line: 59

    l_role.LAST_UPDATED_BY	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATED_BY;
Line: 60

    l_role.LAST_UPDATE_DATE	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 61

    l_role.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN;
Line: 67

        WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_RU_ROLES_PVT.INSERT_ROW',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 70

	p_role_record	=> l_role,
	x_rowid		=> x_rowid,
	x_role_id	=> l_role_id,
	x_return_status => l_rs);
Line: 99

    l_privilege.PRIVILEGE_CODE 		:= NULL; -- this will be updated
Line: 102

    l_privilege.LAST_UPDATED_BY		:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATED_BY;
Line: 103

    l_privilege.LAST_UPDATE_DATE	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 104

    l_privilege.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN;
Line: 115

        WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_RU_ROLE_PRIVILEGES_PVT.INSERT_ROW',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 118

	p_role_privilege_record => l_privilege,
	x_rowid			=> l_dummy_rowid,
	x_role_privilege_id	=> l_dummy_id,
	x_return_status		=> l_rs);
Line: 182

    l_role.LAST_UPDATED_BY      := p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATED_BY;
Line: 183

    l_role.LAST_UPDATE_DATE     := p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 184

    l_role.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN    := p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN;
Line: 202

  PROCEDURE Update_Role_Definition(
	p_role_def_record	IN  OUT NOCOPY Role_Definition_Type,
	x_return_status 	OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) IS
  l_rs        	VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 215

  l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'UPDATE_ROLE_DEFINITION';
Line: 243

    l_role.LAST_UPDATED_BY	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATED_BY;
Line: 244

Line: 245

    l_role.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN;
Line: 251

        WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_RU_ROLES_PVT.INSERT_ROW',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 254

	p_role_record	=> l_role,
        p_rowid         => NULL,
	x_return_status => l_rs);
Line: 272

              p_role_id       => p_role_def_record.ROLE_ID,
              x_return_status => l_rs);
Line: 291

    l_privilege.PRIVILEGE_CODE 		:= NULL; -- this will be updated
Line: 294

    l_privilege.LAST_UPDATED_BY		:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATED_BY;
Line: 295

    l_privilege.LAST_UPDATE_DATE	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 296

    l_privilege.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN	:= p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN;
Line: 307

        WSH_DEBUG_SV.logmsg(l_module_name,'Calling program unit WSH_RU_ROLE_PRIVILEGES_PVT.INSERT_ROW',WSH_DEBUG_SV.C_PROC_LEVEL);
Line: 310

	p_role_privilege_record => l_privilege,
	x_rowid			=> l_dummy_rowid,
	x_role_privilege_id	=> l_dummy_id,
	x_return_status		=> l_rs);
Line: 333

    p_role_def_record.LAST_UPDATE_DATE := l_role.LAST_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 339

  END Update_Role_Definition;
Line: 342

  PROCEDURE Delete_Role_Definition(
	p_role_def_record	IN  Role_Definition_Type,
	x_return_status 	OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2) IS
        l_debug_on BOOLEAN;
Line: 348

	l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'DELETE_ROLE_DEFINITION';
Line: 376

  END Delete_Role_Definition;
Line: 385

    SELECT DISTINCT rp.privilege_code
    FROM  wsh_grants          g,
          wsh_role_privileges rp
    WHERE g.user_id = x_user_id
    AND   sysdate BETWEEN g.start_date AND NVL(g.end_date, sysdate)
    AND   NVL(g.organization_id, NVL(x_org_id, -1))
           = NVL(x_org_id, NVL(g.organization_id, -1))
    AND   rp.role_id = g.role_id
    ORDER BY privilege_code;
Line: 457

    SELECT 'Y'
    FROM  wsh_grants          g,
          wsh_role_privileges rp
    WHERE g.user_id = x_user_id
    AND   sysdate BETWEEN g.start_date AND NVL(g.end_date, sysdate)
    AND   rp.role_id = g.role_id
    AND   NVL(g.organization_id, NVL(x_org_id, -1))
           = NVL(x_org_id, NVL(g.organization_id, -1))
    AND   rp.privilege_code = x_priv
    ORDER BY privilege_code;
Line: 593

 *   Table Handler to insert records into wsh_customized_activity_msgs table
 *   This API is designed to be called from ROLE_DEFINITIONS form only.
 Procedure insert_customized_msgs (
            p_custom_message_rec IN OUT NOCOPY custom_message_rec
           ,x_error_message      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
           ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) is

  l_user_id     number := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 606

  l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'INSERT_CUSTOMIZED_MSGS';
Line: 631

  insert into wsh_customized_activity_msgs
   returning customized_activity_mesg_id into l_id;
Line: 672

 End insert_customized_msgs ;
Line: 676

 *   Table Handler to update records into wsh_customized_activity_msgs table
 *   This API is designed to be called from ROLE_DEFINITIONS form only.
 * ***************************************************************************************/
 Procedure update_customized_msgs (
           p_custom_message_rec IN OUT NOCOPY custom_message_rec
          ,x_error_message      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
          ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) is

  l_user_id     number := fnd_global.user_id;
Line: 688

  l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'UPDATE_CUSTOMIZED_MSGS';
Line: 711

  update wsh_customized_activity_msgs msg
     set return_status     = nvl(p_custom_message_rec.return_status,'W')
        ,creation_date     = l_sysdate
        ,created_by        = l_user_id
        ,last_update_date  = l_sysdate
        ,last_updated_by   = l_user_id
        ,last_update_login = l_login_id
   where msg.customized_activity_mesg_id = p_custom_message_rec.customized_activity_mesg_id
     and msg.role_id         = p_custom_message_rec.role_id
     and msg.activity_code   = p_custom_message_rec.activity_code
     and msg.validation_code = p_custom_message_rec.validation_code;
Line: 739

 End update_customized_msgs ;
Line: 743

 *   Table Handler to delete records into wsh_customized_activity_msgs table
 *   This API is designed to be called from ROLE_DEFINITIONS form only.
 Procedure delete_customized_msgs (
           p_custom_message_rec IN OUT NOCOPY custom_message_rec
          ,x_error_message      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
          ,x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 ) is

  l_debug_on    boolean ;
Line: 752

  l_module_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'wsh.plsql.' || G_PKG_NAME || '.' || 'DELETE_CUSTOMIZED_MSGS';
Line: 772

  delete from wsh_customized_activity_msgs
   where customized_activity_mesg_id = p_custom_message_rec.customized_activity_mesg_id;
Line: 789

 End delete_customized_msgs ;
Line: 799

   select msgs.activity_code , msgs.validation_code , msgs.return_status
     from wsh_customized_activity_msgs msgs
         ,wsh_grants   grants
         ,wsh_lookups  activity
         ,wsh_lookups  message
    where grants.user_id       = p_user_id
      and sysdate between nvl(grants.start_date,sysdate) and nvl(grants.end_date,sysdate )
      and msgs.activity_code   = p_activity_code
      and msgs.validation_code = p_validation_code
      and grants.role_id       = msgs.role_id
      and msgs.activity_code   = activity.lookup_code
      and sysdate between nvl(activity.start_date_active,sysdate) and nvl(activity.end_date_active,sysdate)
      and activity.lookup_type = p_lookup_type
      and msgs.validation_code = message.lookup_code
      and sysdate between nvl(message.start_date_active,sysdate) and nvl(message.end_date_active,sysdate)
      and message.lookup_type  = activity.lookup_code
      and msgs.return_status   = 'E';