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Line 1: package body FND_REQUEST_SET as

1: package body FND_REQUEST_SET as
2: /* $Header: AFRSSUBB.pls 120.13.12000000.2 2007/10/05 13:13:01 ggupta ship $ */
5: -- Used to get stage function values

Line 83: from fnd_request_sets_vl frs, fnd_application fa

80: /*Bug 5680669 -START-*/
81: select fa.application_short_name,frs.request_set_name
82: into t_app_name, req_set_name
83: from fnd_request_sets_vl frs, fnd_application fa
84: where frs.application_id=appl_id
85: and frs.request_set_id=set_id
86: and frs.application_id=fa.application_id;

Line 112: from fnd_request_sets sets,

108: /* Get info for first stage. */
109: begin
110: select request_set_stage_id, request_set_stage_id, user_stage_name
111: into stage_id, next_stage, request_desc
112: from fnd_request_sets sets,
113: fnd_request_set_stages_vl stages
114: where sets.application_id = appl_id
115: and sets.request_set_id = set_id
116: and stages.set_application_id = sets.application_id

Line 113: fnd_request_set_stages_vl stages

109: begin
110: select request_set_stage_id, request_set_stage_id, user_stage_name
111: into stage_id, next_stage, request_desc
112: from fnd_request_sets sets,
113: fnd_request_set_stages_vl stages
114: where sets.application_id = appl_id
115: and sets.request_set_id = set_id
116: and stages.set_application_id = sets.application_id
117: and stages.request_set_id = sets.request_set_id

Line 152: select LAST_UPDATE_DATE into rset_last_updated_date from FND_REQUEST_SETS sets

148: critical_outcome := substr(req_data, pos2 + 1);
149: if (runinfo_id = 'C') then
150: begin
151: select REQUEST_DATE into req_request_date from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS where REQUEST_ID = conc_req_id;
152: select LAST_UPDATE_DATE into rset_last_updated_date from FND_REQUEST_SETS sets
153: where REQUEST_SET_ID = set_id AND application_id = appl_id;
154: SELECT max(last_update_date) INTO tmpDate FROM fnd_request_set_stages
155: WHERE request_set_id = set_id
156: AND SET_APPLICATION_ID = appl_id;

Line 154: SELECT max(last_update_date) INTO tmpDate FROM fnd_request_set_stages

150: begin
151: select REQUEST_DATE into req_request_date from FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS where REQUEST_ID = conc_req_id;
152: select LAST_UPDATE_DATE into rset_last_updated_date from FND_REQUEST_SETS sets
153: where REQUEST_SET_ID = set_id AND application_id = appl_id;
154: SELECT max(last_update_date) INTO tmpDate FROM fnd_request_set_stages
155: WHERE request_set_id = set_id
156: AND SET_APPLICATION_ID = appl_id;
157: IF( tmpDate > rset_last_updated_date) THEN
158: rset_last_updated_date := tmpDate;

Line 160: SELECT max(last_update_date) INTO tmpDate FROM fnd_request_set_programs

156: AND SET_APPLICATION_ID = appl_id;
157: IF( tmpDate > rset_last_updated_date) THEN
158: rset_last_updated_date := tmpDate;
159: END IF;
160: SELECT max(last_update_date) INTO tmpDate FROM fnd_request_set_programs
161: WHERE request_set_id = set_id AND set_application_id = appl_id;
162: IF( tmpDate > rset_last_updated_date) THEN
163: rset_last_updated_date := tmpDate;
164: END IF;


185: and error_stage_id = to_number(fcr2.argument3)
186: AND r.request_set_program_id IS NOT NULL
187: AND r.request_set_program_id NOT IN
188: (
190: AND REQUEST_SET_ID = set_id AND REQUEST_SET_STAGE_ID = error_stage_id
191: );
192: if( tmp_number <> 0)THEN
193: errbuf := gen_error('FNDRSSUB', SQLCODE, 'Request Set Definition Changed');

Line 213: from fnd_request_set_stages_vl stages

209: stage_id := error_stage_id;
210: error_stage_id := null;
211: select request_set_stage_id, user_stage_name
212: into next_stage, request_desc
213: from fnd_request_set_stages_vl stages
214: where stages.set_application_id = appl_id
215: and stages.request_set_id = set_id
216: and stages.request_set_stage_id = stage_id;
217: exception

Line 235: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'FND_REQUEST_SET.FNDRSSUB');

231: where request_id = req_id;
232: exception
233: when NO_DATA_FOUND then
234: fnd_message.set_name('FND','CONC-Missing Request');
235: fnd_message.set_token('ROUTINE', 'FND_REQUEST_SET.FNDRSSUB');
236: fnd_message.set_token('REQUEST', to_char(req_id));
237: errbuf := fnd_message.get;
238: retcode := 2;
239: return;

Line 245: from fnd_request_set_stages_vl

241: /* Get Next Stage and Critical info*/
242: begin
243: select decode(current_outcome, 'S', success_link, 'W', warning_link, error_link), critical, user_stage_name
244: into next_stage, is_critical, user_stage_name
245: from fnd_request_set_stages_vl
246: where request_set_id = set_id
247: and set_application_id = appl_id
248: and request_set_stage_id = stage_id;
249: exception

Line 321: from fnd_request_set_stages_vl

317: /* Get next stage */
318: begin
319: Select user_stage_name
320: into request_desc
321: from fnd_request_set_stages_vl
322: where request_set_id = set_id
323: and set_application_id = appl_id
324: and request_set_stage_id = next_stage;
325: exception

Line 341: fnd_request.internal(type=>'S');

337: end;
338: end if;
339: end if;
340: /* Submit Request for the stage. */
341: fnd_request.internal(type=>'S');
342: req_id := fnd_request.submit_request('FND', 'FNDRSSTG',
343: request_desc, NULL, TRUE,
344: to_char(appl_id), to_char(set_Id),
345: to_char(next_stage),

Line 342: req_id := fnd_request.submit_request('FND', 'FNDRSSTG',

338: end if;
339: end if;
340: /* Submit Request for the stage. */
341: fnd_request.internal(type=>'S');
342: req_id := fnd_request.submit_request('FND', 'FNDRSSTG',
343: request_desc, NULL, TRUE,
344: to_char(appl_id), to_char(set_Id),
345: to_char(next_stage),
346: to_char(fnd_global.conc_request_id),to_char(restart_flag));

Line 425: from fnd_request_set_programs sp, fnd_run_requests r,

421: argument81, argument82, argument83, argument84, argument85,
422: argument86, argument87, argument88, argument89, argument90,
423: argument91, argument92, argument93, argument94, argument95,
424: argument96, argument97, argument98, argument99, argument100, r.org_id
425: from fnd_request_set_programs sp, fnd_run_requests r,
426: fnd_concurrent_programs cp, fnd_application a
427: where sp.set_application_id = appl_id
428: and sp.request_set_id = set_id
429: and sp.request_set_stage_id = stage_id

Line 477: from fnd_request_set_programs sp, fnd_run_requests r,

473: r.argument81, r.argument82, r.argument83, r.argument84, r.argument85,
474: r.argument86, r.argument87, r.argument88, r.argument89, r.argument90,
475: r.argument91, r.argument92, r.argument93, r.argument94, r.argument95,
476: r.argument96, r.argument97, r.argument98, r.argument99, r.argument100, r.org_id
477: from fnd_request_set_programs sp, fnd_run_requests r,
478: fnd_concurrent_programs cp, fnd_application a, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr1, fnd_concurrent_requests fcr2
479: where sp.set_application_id = appl_id
480: and sp.request_set_id = set_id
481: and sp.request_set_stage_id = stage_id

Line 566: from fnd_request_set_stages s, fnd_executables e

562: s.function_id, s.function_application_id
563: into hardwired_outcome, funct,
564: g_set_appl_id, g_set_id, g_stage_id,
565: g_function_id, g_function_appl_id
566: from fnd_request_set_stages s, fnd_executables e
567: where s.set_application_id = appl_id
568: and s.request_set_id = set_id
569: and s.request_set_stage_id = stage_id
570: and e.executable_id(+) = s.function_id

Line 609: if (not fnd_request.set_print_options(

606: open stage_req_printers(parent_id, req.request_set_program_id);
607: fetch stage_req_printers into printer, copies;
608: if (stage_req_printers%found) then
609: if (not fnd_request.set_print_options(
610: printer => printer,
611: style => req.print_style,
612: copies => copies,
613: save_output => (req.save_output_flag = 'Y'),

Line 625: if (not fnd_request.add_printer(

621: end if;
623: fetch stage_req_printers into printer, copies;
624: while (stage_req_printers%found) loop
625: if (not fnd_request.add_printer(
626: printer => printer,
627: copies => copies)) then
628: errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);
629: retcode := 2;

Line 637: if (not fnd_request.set_print_options(

633: end if;
634: fetch stage_req_printers into printer, copies;
635: end loop;
636: else
637: if (not fnd_request.set_print_options(
638: printer => null,
639: style => req.print_style,
640: copies => 0,
641: save_output => (req.save_output_flag = 'Y'),

Line 655: if (not fnd_request.add_notification(

651: close stage_req_printers;
653: for notify_rec in stage_req_notifications
654: (parent_id, req.request_set_program_id) loop
655: if (not fnd_request.add_notification(
656: user=>notify_rec.notify)) then
657: /* 3900886: User not found in wf_roles, continue with warning */
658: if (errbuf is NULL) then
659: errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get||

Line 679: if (not fnd_request.add_layout(

675: t_language,
676: t_territory,
677: t_format;
678: while (stage_req_layouts%found) loop
679: if (not fnd_request.add_layout(
680: t_app_name,
681: t_code,
682: t_language,
683: t_territory,

Line 701: if (not fnd_request.set_options(language=>req.nls_language,

697: close stage_req_layouts;
700: /* NLS Project - Added Numeric Character to set_options */
701: if (not fnd_request.set_options(language=>req.nls_language,
702: territory=>req.nls_territory,
703: datagroup=>'',
704: numeric_characters=>req.numeric_characters)) then
705: errbuf := substr(fnd_message.get, 1, 240);

Line 711: fnd_request.internal(critical => req.critical, type=>'P');

707: rollback;
708: return;
709: end if;
711: fnd_request.internal(critical => req.critical, type=>'P');
713: /* MOAC */
714: fnd_request.set_org_id(req.org_id);

Line 714: fnd_request.set_org_id(req.org_id);

711: fnd_request.internal(critical => req.critical, type=>'P');
713: /* MOAC */
714: fnd_request.set_org_id(req.org_id);
716: req_id := fnd_request.submit_request(
717: req.application_short_name, req.concurrent_program_name,
718: Null, NULL, TRUE,

Line 716: req_id := fnd_request.submit_request(

713: /* MOAC */
714: fnd_request.set_org_id(req.org_id);
716: req_id := fnd_request.submit_request(
717: req.application_short_name, req.concurrent_program_name,
718: Null, NULL, TRUE,
719: req.argument1, req.argument2, req.argument3,
720: req.argument4, req.argument5, req.argument6,

Line 886: for request in fnd_request_set.stage_request_info loop

883: <>
884: for i in 1 .. stage_looptimes loop
885: stillrunning := FALSE;
886: for request in fnd_request_set.stage_request_info loop
887: if (request.exit_status = 'E') then
888: return 'E';
889: elsif (request.exit_status = 'R') then
890: stillrunning := TRUE;

Line 941: end FND_REQUEST_SET;

937: return null;
938: end;