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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 32

    select flex_value_set_id
    into   l_value_set_id
    from   fnd_flex_value_sets
    where  flex_value_set_name = p_value_set_name;
Line: 38

        select flex_value_set_id
        into   l_seg_value_set_id
        from   fnd_id_flex_segments
        where  application_id = 401
        and    id_flex_code = 'MTLL'
        and    id_flex_num = 101
        and    application_column_name = p_column_name;
Line: 160

  select organization_id
  from   pjm_org_parameters
  where  organization_id = P_organization_id;
Line: 165

  select organization_id
  from   pjm_org_parameters
  where  organization_id > 0;
Line: 255

    select count(*)
    into   l_orgcount
    from   pjm_org_parameters
    where  project_reference_enabled = 'Y'
    and    organization_id <> FND_PROFILE.VALUE('MFG_ORGANIZATION_ID');
Line: 269

    savepoint pre_insert;
Line: 279

           'select pjm_project_locator.Proj_Seg_Default from sys.dual',
Line: 283

        rollback to savepoint pre_insert;
Line: 295

           'select pjm_project_locator.Task_Seg_Default from sys.dual',
Line: 299

        rollback to savepoint pre_insert;
Line: 315

  select ou.oracle_username
  from   fnd_product_installations pi
  ,      fnd_oracle_userid ou
  where  ou.oracle_id = pi.oracle_id
  and    application_id = 0;
Line: 322

  select decode( min( seiban_number_flag ) , 1 , 'Y' , 'N' ) seiban_used
  ,      decode( max( seiban_number_flag ) , 2 , 'Y' , 'N' ) project_used
  from   pjm_project_parameters;
Line: 341

    select table_name
    from   user_synonyms
    where  synonym_name = c_name;