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Line 1382: l_formula_name okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE;

1378: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
1380: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1381: l_overall_status VARCHAR2(1) := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1382: l_formula_name okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE;
1383: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
1384: l_proration_fraction NUMBER := 0;
1385: l_tbl_ind NUMBER;
1386: l_cle_amt NUMBER;

Line 1383: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;

1380: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1381: l_overall_status VARCHAR2(1) := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
1382: l_formula_name okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE;
1383: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
1384: l_proration_fraction NUMBER := 0;
1385: l_tbl_ind NUMBER;
1386: l_cle_amt NUMBER;

Line 2632: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;

2628: x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
2630: l_return_status VARCHAR2(1) := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
2631: l_overall_status VARCHAR2(1) := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
2632: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
2633: l_operand_value NUMBER;
2634: L_MODULE_NAME VARCHAR2(500) := G_MODULE_NAME||'get_non_rule_operand_value';
2635: is_debug_exception_on boolean := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.Check_Log_On (l_module_name, G_LEVEL_EXCEPTION);
2636: is_debug_procedure_on boolean := OKL_DEBUG_PUB.Check_Log_On (l_module_name, G_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);

Line 4246: l_formula_id okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE := NULL;

4242: l_overall_status VARCHAR2(1) := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4243: l_operand_total NUMBER;
4244: l_formula_total NUMBER := 0;
4245: l_curr_char VARCHAR2(1);
4246: l_formula_id okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE := NULL;
4247: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4248: l_temp_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4249: l_operand_name okl_operands_v.name%TYPE;
4250: l_dummy_value NUMBER;

Line 4247: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;

4243: l_operand_total NUMBER;
4244: l_formula_total NUMBER := 0;
4245: l_curr_char VARCHAR2(1);
4246: l_formula_id okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE := NULL;
4247: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4248: l_temp_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4249: l_operand_name okl_operands_v.name%TYPE;
4250: l_dummy_value NUMBER;

Line 4248: l_temp_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;

4244: l_formula_total NUMBER := 0;
4245: l_curr_char VARCHAR2(1);
4246: l_formula_id okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE := NULL;
4247: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4248: l_temp_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4249: l_operand_name okl_operands_v.name%TYPE;
4250: l_dummy_value NUMBER;
4252: -- Extract evaluation string for a formula

Line 4254: (cp_formula_name IN okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE) IS

4250: l_dummy_value NUMBER;
4252: -- Extract evaluation string for a formula
4253: CURSOR l_formula_csr
4254: (cp_formula_name IN okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE) IS
4255: SELECT f.id, f.formula_string
4256: FROM okl_formulae_v f
4257: WHERE f.name = cp_formula_name
4258: AND f.start_date <= SYSDATE

Line 4256: FROM okl_formulae_v f

4252: -- Extract evaluation string for a formula
4253: CURSOR l_formula_csr
4254: (cp_formula_name IN okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE) IS
4255: SELECT f.id, f.formula_string
4256: FROM okl_formulae_v f
4257: WHERE f.name = cp_formula_name
4258: AND f.start_date <= SYSDATE
4259: AND NVL (f.end_date, sysdate) >= SYSDATE;

Line 4263: cp_formula_id IN okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE,

4259: AND NVL (f.end_date, sysdate) >= SYSDATE;
4261: -- Extract operand name
4262: CURSOR l_operand_csr (
4263: cp_formula_id IN okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE,
4264: cp_operand_label IN okl_fmla_oprnds_v.label%TYPE) IS
4265: SELECT o.name
4266: FROM okl_formulae_v f,
4267: okl_fmla_oprnds_v l,

Line 4266: FROM okl_formulae_v f,

4262: CURSOR l_operand_csr (
4263: cp_formula_id IN okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE,
4264: cp_operand_label IN okl_fmla_oprnds_v.label%TYPE) IS
4265: SELECT o.name
4266: FROM okl_formulae_v f,
4267: okl_fmla_oprnds_v l,
4268: okl_operands_v o
4269: WHERE f.id = cp_formula_id
4270: AND l.fma_id = f.id

Line 4509: l_formula_id okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE := NULL;

4505: l_overall_status VARCHAR2(1) := OKL_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
4506: l_operand_total NUMBER;
4507: l_formula_total NUMBER := 0;
4508: l_curr_char VARCHAR2(1);
4509: l_formula_id okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE := NULL;
4510: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4511: l_temp_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4512: l_operand_name okl_operands_v.name%TYPE;
4513: l_dummy_value NUMBER;

Line 4510: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;

4506: l_operand_total NUMBER;
4507: l_formula_total NUMBER := 0;
4508: l_curr_char VARCHAR2(1);
4509: l_formula_id okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE := NULL;
4510: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4511: l_temp_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4512: l_operand_name okl_operands_v.name%TYPE;
4513: l_dummy_value NUMBER;

Line 4511: l_temp_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;

4507: l_formula_total NUMBER := 0;
4508: l_curr_char VARCHAR2(1);
4509: l_formula_id okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE := NULL;
4510: l_formula_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4511: l_temp_string okl_formulae_v.formula_string%TYPE := NULL;
4512: l_operand_name okl_operands_v.name%TYPE;
4513: l_dummy_value NUMBER;
4515: -- Extract evaluation string for a formula

Line 4517: (cp_formula_name IN okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE) IS

4513: l_dummy_value NUMBER;
4515: -- Extract evaluation string for a formula
4516: CURSOR l_formula_csr
4517: (cp_formula_name IN okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE) IS
4518: SELECT f.id, f.formula_string
4519: FROM okl_formulae_v f
4520: WHERE f.name = cp_formula_name
4521: AND f.start_date <= SYSDATE

Line 4519: FROM okl_formulae_v f

4515: -- Extract evaluation string for a formula
4516: CURSOR l_formula_csr
4517: (cp_formula_name IN okl_formulae_v.name%TYPE) IS
4518: SELECT f.id, f.formula_string
4519: FROM okl_formulae_v f
4520: WHERE f.name = cp_formula_name
4521: AND f.start_date <= SYSDATE
4522: AND NVL (f.end_date, sysdate) >= SYSDATE;

Line 4526: cp_formula_id IN okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE,

4522: AND NVL (f.end_date, sysdate) >= SYSDATE;
4524: -- Extract operand name
4525: CURSOR l_operand_csr (
4526: cp_formula_id IN okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE,
4527: cp_operand_label IN okl_fmla_oprnds_v.label%TYPE) IS
4528: SELECT o.name
4529: FROM okl_formulae_v f,
4530: okl_fmla_oprnds_v l,

Line 4529: FROM okl_formulae_v f,

4525: CURSOR l_operand_csr (
4526: cp_formula_id IN okl_formulae_v.id%TYPE,
4527: cp_operand_label IN okl_fmla_oprnds_v.label%TYPE) IS
4528: SELECT o.name
4529: FROM okl_formulae_v f,
4530: okl_fmla_oprnds_v l,
4531: okl_operands_v o
4532: WHERE f.id = cp_formula_id
4533: AND l.fma_id = f.id