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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

             * Retrive <> record.

           These details affect the Financial Aid Processing of the Student.

  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Bug No: 2154941
  Desc  : Disb Build Jul 2002 (FACCR001 DLD)

  Who             When            What                          --
  cdcruz          17-NOV-2004     Removed procedure GET_PE_RESIDENCY_STAT
                                  as its no longer used
  npalanis        23-OCT-2002     BUG : 2608360
                                  Reference to igs_pe_code_classes changed to igs_lookups
  mesriniv        22-JAN_2002     Added the NVL clauses for check against the
                                  Application Number,Course Code and Version Number
                                  in the cursor for geting addmission appl details

  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

PROCEDURE get_pe_mil_service_type(p_person_id        IN  hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
                                  p_mil_service_type OUT NOCOPY igs_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE,
                                  p_mil_service_desc OUT NOCOPY igs_lookups_view.meaning%TYPE,
                                  p_multiple         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

  Created By : adhawan
  Date Created On : 2001/06/07
  Purpose :To get the Military Assitance type  that would be considered by the financial Aid
  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History
  Who             When            What

  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

  CURSOR c_get_mil_service IS
    SELECT  cc.lookup_code        service_type,
            cc.meaning service_desc
      FROM  igs_pe_mil_services ms,
            igs_lookup_values cc
      WHERE  cc.lookup_code = ms.military_type_cd
      AND cc.lookup_type = 'PE_MIL_SEV_TYPE'
      AND    ms.person_id       = p_person_id
      ORDER BY ms.milit_service_id;
Line: 101

  SELECT holdtyp.encumbrance_type encumbrance_type,
         b.description  dsp_description
    FROM  igs_pe_pers_encumb   holdtyp,igs_fi_encmb_type b, igs_pe_persenc_effct       holdefft
   WHERE holdtyp.person_id        = p_person_id
     AND b.encumbrance_type = holdtyp.encumbrance_type
     AND holdtyp.start_dt        <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
     AND (    holdtyp.expiry_dt  >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
      OR holdtyp.expiry_dt IS NULL)
     AND holdtyp.person_id        = holdefft.person_id
     AND holdtyp.encumbrance_type = holdefft.encumbrance_type
     AND holdefft.s_encmb_effect_type IN
Line: 153

  SELECT a.visa_type,
         b.meaning visa_description
  FROM   igs_pe_visa a , fnd_lookup_values b
  WHERE  a.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    b.view_application_id = 3
  AND    b.lookup_type = 'PER_US_VISA_TYPES'
  AND    a.visa_type = b.lookup_code;
Line: 199

  SELECT * FROM igs_pe_eit_restatus_v
  WHERE person_id = p_person_id
  AND (
  (TRUNC(SYSDATE) BETWEEN TRUNC(start_date) AND TRUNC(end_date))
  OR (start_date IS NULL) OR (end_date IS NULL)
Line: 246

    SELECT  ci.cal_type cal_type,
            ci.sequence_number sequence_number,
      ci.alternate_code  alternate_code
            FROM  igs_ca_inst  ci
            WHERE ci.cal_type      = l_acad_cal_type
            AND   ci.sequence_number  = l_acad_sequence;
Line: 300

    SELECT  ci.cal_type   cal_type,
            ci.sequence_number sequence_number,
            ci.alternate_code  alternate_code
            FROM  igs_ca_inst ci,
            igs_ca_type ct,
            igs_ca_stat st
            WHERE ct.s_cal_cat         =  'AWARD'
      AND   ct.cal_type          =   ci.cal_type
      AND   ci.cal_status        =   st.cal_status
      AND   st.s_cal_status        =   'ACTIVE'
      AND   TRUNC(ci.start_dt)   <   TRUNC(SYSDATE)
      AND   (
            ci.end_dt IS NULL
      OR TRUNC(ci.end_dt) > TRUNC(SYSDATE)
            ORDER BY ci.start_dt,ci.sequence_number DESC;
Line: 345

  Purpose : To get the Selected Admission Application Record for a Person.
            Note - there can be more than 1 admission application record in OSS for
            an Academic Calender Instance.

  Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
  Change History:
   --Bug No:2296776
  Who             When            What
  sjalasut       16 Nov 03        FA126. Corrected the cursor c_get_adm_appl as the req is to
                                  return "Y" for multiple application instances and not multiple
                                  applications. changed the underlying table in the cursor
                                  from igs_ap_appl
  skoppula       10-APR-2002      Corrected the where clause of the the Cursor get_Adm_appl_details
                                  so that adm_appl_status and other statuses in adm_appl table
          are correctly mapped to the corresponding user defined statuses
  --Bug No:2154941 Desc : Disbursement Build Jul 2002
  Who             When            What
    mesriniv       22-JAN-2002      Added the NVL clauses for check against the Application Number,Course Code and Version Number
                                  as per the FACCR001 DLD

  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

  lv_cal_type         igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE         DEFAULT NULL;
Line: 385

    SELECT   aav.row_id   appl_inst_row_id,
             acai.row_id  appl_prog_inst_row_id,
             DECODE(rpstat.s_adm_offer_resp_status,'ACCEPTED',1, 'PENDING',2,'DEFERRAL',3,
                DECODE(oustat.s_adm_outcome_status,'OFFER',   5,'COND-OFFER',6,'PENDING',7,
                                                   'NO-QUOTA',8,'REJECTED',  8,'VOIDED', 8, 'WITHDRAWN',8,
                   DECODE(apstat.s_adm_appl_status,'COMPLETED',9,'RECEIVED',10,'WITHDRAWN',11,23)))   appl_selection_order,
    FROM IGS_AD_APPL     aav,
         IGS_AD_PS_APPL_INST  acai,
         IGS_PS_VER           crv,
         IGS_AD_APPL_STAT     apstat,
         IGS_AD_OU_STAT       oustat,
         IGS_AD_OFR_RESP_STAT rpstat
    WHERE aav.person_id = acai.person_id (+)
    AND   aav.admission_appl_number = acai.admission_appl_number(+)
    AND   aav.person_id               = p_person_id
    /*AND   aav.acad_cal_type           = c_cal_type
    AND   aav.acad_ci_sequence_number = c_sequence_number*/ -- Commented as per bug 2296776
    AND  aav.admission_appl_number =NVL(p_adm_appl_number,aav.admission_appl_number)
    AND  acai.course_cd            =NVL(p_course_cd,acai.course_cd)
    AND  acai.crv_version_number   =NVL(p_crv_version_number,acai.crv_version_number)
    AND   acai.course_cd              = crv.course_cd(+)
    AND   acai.crv_version_number     = crv.version_number(+)
    AND   (crv.federal_financial_aid       = 'Y'
           crv.state_financial_aid         = 'Y'
           crv.institutional_financial_aid = 'Y' )
    AND   acai.adm_offer_resp_status    = rpstat.adm_offer_resp_status(+)
    AND   acai.adm_outcome_status       = oustat.adm_outcome_status(+)
    AND   aav.adm_appl_status           = apstat.adm_appl_status
    ORDER BY 7, 4;
Line: 426

  CURSOR c_get_adm_appl IS SELECT COUNT(*) cnt FROM igs_ad_ps_appl_inst WHERE
         person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 494

  Purpose :This is provided to get the rowid for igs_ad_appl table in the Selected Applicaition Record
  which inturn is based on the Academic calendar corresponding to the Award Calendar being passed(last two parameters)
  Change History
  Who             When            What

  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

        -- The OUT NOCOPY parameter variable to capture the values returned from the get_adm_appl_details procedure.
        lv_ad_appl_row_id      ROWID;
Line: 543

  Purpose :This is provided to get the rowid for igs_ad_ps_appl_inst table in the Selected Applicaition Record
  which inturn is based on the Academic calendar corresponding to the Award Calendar being passed(last two parameters)
  Change History
  Who             When            What

  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)

        -- The OUT NOCOPY parameter variable to capture the values returned from the get_adm_appl_details procedure.
        lv_ad_appl_row_id      ROWID;