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APPS.IGS_FI_GEN_004 dependencies on FND_PROFILE

Line 721: l_v_include_audit := fnd_profile.value('IGS_FI_CHARGE_AUDIT_FEES');

718: -- Obtain the value of the profile 'IGS: Charge tuition for Audited Student Attempt'
719: -- If this is not defined, then log error message
720: -- Added as part of Enh# 3117341, Audit Special Fees.
721: l_v_include_audit := fnd_profile.value('IGS_FI_CHARGE_AUDIT_FEES');
722: IF l_v_include_audit IS NULL THEN
723: fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_FI_SP_FEE_NO_PROFILE');
724: fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, fnd_message.get);
725: retcode :=2;

Line 1127: l_v_include_audit := fnd_profile.value('IGS_FI_CHARGE_AUDIT_FEES');

1124: -- Obtain the value of the profile 'IGS: Charge tuition for Audited Student Attempt'
1125: -- If this is not defined, then log error message
1126: -- Added as part of Enh# 3117341, Audit Special Fees.
1127: l_v_include_audit := fnd_profile.value('IGS_FI_CHARGE_AUDIT_FEES');
1128: IF l_v_include_audit IS NULL THEN
1129: fnd_message.set_name('IGS', 'IGS_FI_SP_FEE_NO_PROFILE');
1130: igs_ge_msg_stack.ADD;
1131: app_exception.raise_exception(null, null, fnd_message.get);