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Line 78: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.

76: SAVEPOINT amw_risk_type_pvt;
77: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
78: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
79: IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call (l_api_version_number,
80: p_api_version_number,
81: l_api_name,
82: g_pkg_name

Line 159: -- Standard check for p_commit

155: -- End commenting the session validation code ....
156: IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
157: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
158: END IF;
159: -- Standard check for p_commit
160: IF fnd_api.to_boolean (p_commit) THEN
162: END IF;
163: --Debug Message

Line 165: -- Standard call to get message count and if count is 1, get message info.

162: END IF;
163: --Debug Message
164: amw_utility_pvt.debug_message ('Private API: ' || l_api_name || 'end');
165: -- Standard call to get message count and if count is 1, get message info.
166: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
168: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
169: ROLLBACK TO amw_risk_type_pvt;

Line 171: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message

168: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
169: ROLLBACK TO amw_risk_type_pvt;
170: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
171: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message
172: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
173: p_count => x_msg_count,
174: p_data => x_msg_data
175: );

Line 179: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message

175: );
176: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
177: ROLLBACK TO amw_risk_type_pvt;
178: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
179: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message
180: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
181: p_count => x_msg_count,
182: p_data => x_msg_data
183: );

Line 190: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message

186: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
187: IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level (fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
188: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
189: END IF;
190: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message
191: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
192: p_count => x_msg_count,
193: p_data => x_msg_data
194: );

Line 219: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.

215: l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'Revise_Risk_Type';
216: l_api_version_number CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
217: BEGIN
218: SAVEPOINT amw_risk_type_revise;
219: -- Standard call to check for call compatibility.
220: IF NOT fnd_api.compatible_api_call (l_api_version_number,
221: p_api_version_number,
222: l_api_name,
223: g_pkg_name

Line 271: -- Standard check for p_commit

268: IF x_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
269: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
270: END IF;
271: -- Standard check for p_commit
272: IF fnd_api.to_boolean (p_commit) THEN
274: END IF;
275: --Debug Message

Line 277: -- Standard call to get message count and if count is 1, get message info.

274: END IF;
275: --Debug Message
276: amw_utility_pvt.debug_message ('API: ' || l_api_name || 'end');
277: -- Standard call to get message count and if count is 1, get message info.
278: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_count => x_msg_count, p_data => x_msg_data);
280: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
281: ROLLBACK TO amw_risk_type_revise;

Line 283: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message

280: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
281: ROLLBACK TO amw_risk_type_revise;
282: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
283: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message
284: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
285: p_count => x_msg_count,
286: p_data => x_msg_data
287: );

Line 291: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message

287: );
288: WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error THEN
289: ROLLBACK TO amw_risk_type_revise;
290: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
291: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message
292: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
293: p_count => x_msg_count,
294: p_data => x_msg_data
295: );

Line 302: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message

298: x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
299: IF fnd_msg_pub.check_msg_level (fnd_msg_pub.g_msg_lvl_unexp_error) THEN
300: fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg (g_pkg_name, l_api_name);
301: END IF;
302: -- Standard call to get message count and if count=1, get the message
303: fnd_msg_pub.count_and_get (p_encoded => fnd_api.g_false,
304: p_count => x_msg_count,
305: p_data => x_msg_data
306: );