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Line 276: from wf_notifications

272: status stat,
273: mail_status m_stat,
274: callback cb,
275: context ctx
276: from wf_notifications
277: where notification_id = p_nid;
279: l_ntf_rec c_ntf%rowtype;
280: l_cells tdType;

Line 368: FROM wf_user_roles wur, wf_notifications wn

364: l_temp varchar2(32000);
366: CURSOR user_curs IS
367: SELECT wur.user_name
368: FROM wf_user_roles wur, wf_notifications wn
369: WHERE wur.role_name = wn.recipient_role
370: AND wn.notification_id = p_nid;
372: l_cells tdType;

Line 468: FROM wf_notifications

464: l_cells(9) := '5%:Installed';
466: SELECT recipient_role
467: INTO l_role
468: FROM wf_notifications
469: WHERE notification_id = p_nid;
471: Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfoMail(l_role, l_dname, l_email, l_npref, l_lang, l_terr,
472: l_orig_sys, l_orig_id, l_install);

Line 684: FROM wf_notifications

680: l_cells(9) := '5%:Installed';
682: SELECT more_info_role
683: INTO l_role
684: FROM wf_notifications
685: WHERE notification_id = p_nid;
687: if (l_role is not null) then

Line 744: wf_notifications wn

740: wra.type,
741: nvl(nvl(wra.text_value, to_char(wra.number_value)), to_char(wra.date_value)) value
742: FROM wf_routing_rules wr,
743: wf_routing_rule_attributes wra,
744: wf_notifications wn
745: WHERE wr.rule_id = wra.rule_id (+)
746: AND (wr.role = wn.recipient_role or wr.action_argument = wn.recipient_role)
747: AND wn.notification_id = p_nid;

Line 815: wf_notifications wn

811: wma.text_default) value,
812: wma.format format
813: from wf_message_attributes wma,
814: wf_message_attributes_tl wmat,
815: wf_notifications wn
816: where wma.message_name = wmat.message_name
817: and wma.message_type = wmat.message_type
818: and wma.name = wmat.name
819: and wmat.language = userenv('LANG')

Line 1302: from wf_notifications

1298: l_cells.DELETE;
1300: select status, mail_status, message_type, message_name, recipient_role
1301: into l_status, l_mstatus, l_msg_type, l_msg_name, l_recip_role
1302: from wf_notifications
1303: where notification_id = p_nid;
1305: if (l_mstatus not in ('MAIL')) then
1306: wf_mail.test_flag := TRUE;

Line 1795: from wf_notifications

1792: begin
1793: select recipient_role, message_type
1794: into l_role, l_msg_type
1795: from wf_notifications
1796: where notification_id = p_nid;
1797: exception
1798: when others then
1799: wf_core.context('WF_DIAGNOSTICS', 'Fetch Role', to_char(p_nid));

Line 2677: from wf_notifications wfn, wf_notification_attributes wfa, wf_notification_attributes wfna

2673: i pls_integer := 1;
2675: cursor c_ntf is
2676: select wfn.notification_id nid, to_char(begin_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH:MI:SS') dt, subject ntf_sub
2677: from wf_notifications wfn, wf_notification_attributes wfa, wf_notification_attributes wfna
2678: where wfn.notification_id=wfa.notification_id and wfn.notification_id=wfna.notification_id
2679: and wfn.message_type = 'WFERROR'
2680: and wfn.message_name = 'DEFAULT_EVENT_ERROR'
2681: and wfa.name = 'EVENT_NAME'

Line 2776: from wf_notifications

2773: begin
2774: select null
2775: into l_dummy
2776: from wf_notifications
2777: where notification_id = p_nid;
2778: exception
2779: when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2780: l_cells(1) := 'WH:Notification Id '||p_nid||' has been purged and is not available in the Database.';