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Line 542: -- we call ap_utilities_pkg.get_current_gl_date

538: BULK COLLECT INTO l_gl_date_list;
539: CLOSE dist_gl_date_Cur;
541: -- For bug 5936290
542: -- we call ap_utilities_pkg.get_current_gl_date
543: -- and in ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date for getting the gl date and
544: -- period below.For both these procedures one parameter is org_id
545: -- and it's default value is mo_global.get_current_org_id.we do
546: -- were not passing the org_id in these procedures calls so

Line 543: -- and in ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date for getting the gl date and

539: CLOSE dist_gl_date_Cur;
541: -- For bug 5936290
542: -- we call ap_utilities_pkg.get_current_gl_date
543: -- and in ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date for getting the gl date and
544: -- period below.For both these procedures one parameter is org_id
545: -- and it's default value is mo_global.get_current_org_id.we do
546: -- were not passing the org_id in these procedures calls so
547: -- the org_id was getting picked up from mo_global.get_current_org_id

Line 558: l_open_period := ap_utilities_pkg.get_current_gl_date(l_gl_date_list(i),l_org_id); --added for bug 5936290

554: WHERE invoice_id = p_line_rec.invoice_id;
556: FOR i in NVL(l_gl_date_list.FIRST,0)..NVL(l_gl_date_list.LAST,-1)
557: LOOP
558: l_open_period := ap_utilities_pkg.get_current_gl_date(l_gl_date_list(i),l_org_id); --added for bug 5936290
560: IF ( l_open_period IS NULL ) THEN
561: ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date(
562: l_gl_date_list(i),

Line 561: ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date(

557: LOOP
558: l_open_period := ap_utilities_pkg.get_current_gl_date(l_gl_date_list(i),l_org_id); --added for bug 5936290
560: IF ( l_open_period IS NULL ) THEN
561: ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date(
562: l_gl_date_list(i),
563: l_open_period,
564: l_open_gl_date,
565: l_org_id); --added for bug 5936290

Line 2101: Return (ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(l_retained_amount, l_currency_code));

2098: End If;
2100: -- bug6882900
2101: Return (ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(l_retained_amount, l_currency_code));
2103: End Get_Retained_Amount;
2105: /* ==========================================================================================

Line 2149: ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(

2145: IF ((l_inv_amt_remaining <> 0) AND (p_manual_withhold_amount is not null))
2146: THEN
2147: update ap_payment_schedules
2148: set amount_remaining = (amount_remaining +
2149: ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(
2150: (amount_remaining * (p_manual_withhold_amount/l_inv_amt_remaining)
2151: * l_payment_cross_rate), l_payment_currency_code))
2152: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id;

Line 2158: ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(

2154: ELSIF ((l_inv_amt_remaining = 0) and (p_manual_withhold_amount is not null))
2155: THEN
2156: update ap_payment_schedules
2157: set amount_remaining = (amount_remaining +
2158: ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(
2159: (gross_amount * (p_manual_withhold_amount/l_gross_amount)
2160: * l_payment_cross_rate), l_payment_currency_code)),
2161: payment_status_flag = DECODE(payment_status_flag,'Y','P',payment_status_flag)
2162: where invoice_id = p_invoice_id;